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International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Jan 23-25, 2023, Coimbatore,India


2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI) | 979-8-3503-4821-7/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICCCI56745.2023.10128261

Kaladevi R, S Saidineesha, P Keerthi Priya,

Associate Professor, UG Student, UG Student,
Department of CSE, Department of CSE, Department of CSE,
Saveetha Engineering College, Saveetha Engineering College, Saveetha Engineering College,
Chennai, Tamilnadu, India Chennai, Tamilnadu, India Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

K.M Nithiya Sri, S Sai Gayatri,

UG Student, UG Student,
Department of CSE, Department of CSE,
Saveetha Engineering college, Saveetha engineering College,
Chennai, Tamilnadu, India Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

Abstract— Healthcare has become an important part of living a

healthy life in today’s society, but consulting with a doctor for the goal is to limit the usage of healthcare resources
every health problem is very difficult for common people. The by providing answers to user inquiries.
Medical chat bot is created to diagnose diseases and provide basic If there is a query in the database system, the
information before consulting a physician. By doing so, answer is presented. From a statement and its
healthcare costs will be reduced and medical knowledge will response, significant keywords may be found. A
improve. A chat bot interacts with users through natural response will be given, or comparable replies will
language. The chat bot then saves the information in a database, appear, if a match is discovered, or if a relevant term
chooses sentence keywords, decides whether to answer an is detected.
inquiry-, and provides information. With this approach, people
can spend less time in hospitals while performing repetitive tasks Users may individually ask any healthcare issues they
like providing solutions, sending emails, marketing, and may have in the database without spending too much
analyzing results. Similarly, calculations are done using n- grams, time seeing a doctor since certain complicated
TF-IDFs, andcosine. So, this gives the best result for detecting the inquiries and answers have been examined and
disease through a medical chat bot. addressed by professionals. The relationship database
management system stores the phrase that we are
providing as input. Input sentences from user
Keywords— Chat bot, Machine Learning, Natural questions are coordinated with knowledge bases by
LanguageProcessing, Health Care, TFID, N-gram, Virtual the chat bot. A knowledge database of the chat bot is
Assistance. compared to each query. The crucial words are taken
I. INTRODUCTION out of the input text, then N-gram, TF-IDF, and cosine
similarity are used to determine how similar the
Technology plays an important role in Healthcare. It is sentences are. Java standalone apps were used to
applied in multiple fields for vast purposes in day-to-day create the interfaces. The implementation of a chat bot
life. Normally chat bot is a system program that is used to uses pattern comparison, where the phrase's sequence
solve a query that is given by the user. Chat bots are of two is identified and a pre-stored response pattern is
types, text and speech. In medical applications, it helps the customized to the unique variables of the sentence.
user eco- friendly to interact naturally to improve patient Users are unable to sign up and provide
health performance. sophisticatedanswers [1]. In the future, there will be
several sectors where chat bots will be used. The
Since information is pre-stored, these systems may, methods needed to build and put a chat bot into use
in principle, educate themselves and re-learn things with the are covered in this article. The results are examined,
aid of people or online resources. Since it is impossible for comparisons are made, and conclusions are reached.
users to see physicians and experts during an emergency, [2].

979-8-3503-4821-7/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

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International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Jan 23-25, 2023, Coimbatore,India


Advancement in computer technology paves way

for new techniques and development in the medical In order to sound convincingly like a virtual doctor,
field. By using AI, people can develop different types Rashmi and Neeta [10] created a medical chat bot that
of Chat bots, in this paper, the created chat bot serves leverages the Google API to translate voice-text to text-
in healthcare by helping users with medical needs. It voice. This technique, which alters the interface, is carried
has a variety of facilities such as diagnosing the out here via NLP. As a result, a virtual patient- doctor
disease, and interactive online chat with the bot for platform is developed to set up free services for receiving
medical consultation. The Author has suggested medical information and diagnoses. They provided the
conversational services for psychiatric treatment foundation for the planned system. A methodfor deploying
based on high-level natural language understanding a web-based chat bot as a user's personal assistant that
(NLU) techniques and emotion identification based assistsusers in setting up appointments with their customers
on Choi's multimodal approach[3]. In addition to wasprovided by Kanan Motani[11]. Emailexchanges are
assisting medical institutes or hospitals in asking usedto communicate information; however, AIML files,
medical dosage-related queries by voice, the system NLG, and NLG are used to assess it. According to
build was useful to them. API was used to get the Dahiya[12], this bot was suggested. It's based on a chat bot
output from the bot developed by RashmiDharwadkar that just usestext. In order to deliver a specified
and Neeta Deshpande[4]. The proposed idea is to acknowledgment depending on user input, it identifies
create a medical chat bot using Artificial Intelligence input, matches patterns, and utilizes access information.
for consulting a doctor. To improve the accessibility The user asking a chat bot, "What is your name?" is an
to medical knowledge the medical chat bot was illustration of this. Youmay call me Chat bot,or I'm Chat
created by Divya, Indumathi, andIshwarya[5]. bot, and the chat bot will most likely respond. A user-
friendly answer based on a specified pattern is provided
In order to anticipate diseases accurately in the when the input is created in the database.
chat bot, Tamizharasi[6] has shown how to use a
machine learning system. The Support Vector III. RESEARCH BASICS
Machine learning approach, which is generally used A. NLP Algorithm
to produce exact predictions and increase the
efficiency of the model, is one of the numerous On machine learning algorithms, NLP algorithms are
algorithms that are used for prediction. The author has often based. Machine learning may be used to
utilized this method. The chat bot software developed automatically learn these rules by evaluating a collection
by C. Bulla[7] enables users to initiate conversations of instances, such as data sets acquired from a specific
with machines. In the project, a chat bot that can resource, for example, data on patient information. This
diagnose minor cases of diabetes through user eliminates the need for manually coding vast amounts of
interaction would serve as a kind of virtual doctor. rules. The NLP process consists of the following steps:
lexical or morphological analysis, syntactic analysis or
The Divya Madhu model[8] makes use of AI to parsing, semantic analysis, discourse integration, and
make it easier for people to decide on the best course of pragmatic analysis.
therapy for a patient's illness. Various therapies are
available. Nobody will probably be able to identify Concepts and instances are used in natural language
the proper therapy that is most appropriate for their queries to get information. The sample health-related query
ailment in the market for aspecific disease. The goal is given below that is using Stanford parser which is
of this effort is to use artificial intelligence (AI), divided into parts of speech. The given query is “When
which can reliably forecast illness basedon should I take Paracetamol tablets?” It shows entity
symptoms. The right sickness is predicted by AI, who recognition and the basic dependencies of the query.
also provides therapies. To diagnose patients and
recommend treatments, Amiya [9] created the Doc-
Bot. The patient's symptoms are stated in a There are some queries that are difficult to understand by
littleapplication thatwas created here. Using the user normal users. In these circumstances, the extracted
name andpassword, the user should establish an ideas, instances, and relations, together with the parser's
account, and they will get a special ID. Additionally, enhanced output, might be used to simplify user queries.
in order to cure the illness of the algorithm used here, The knowledge base receives more specific requests for
questions will be asked and the necessary blanks will retrieval. Filtered and ranked results from matching refined
need to be filled in. The major criterion for this is queries are used in the knowledge base to improve indexing
age. They can identify the ailment, which can then be for users.
clarified by others reviewing it. After that, they may
be questioned extensively about the effectiveness and
accessibility of themedication.

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International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Jan 23-25, 2023, Coimbatore,India

C. Graph
The proposed model in this paper helps the users to For analysis purposes, we have taken 100 queries. For the 100
queries, the obtained results are shown in the below graph
interact with the bots and get diagnosis result from the
trained bots along with medical advice. The motive
of the chat bot is to suggest the best assistance for the
people with trained Information to develop the
required system machine learning was used. To
buildan interactive bot the NLP was used, and the
overall architecture of the model was given.
A. Architecture Diagram

Figure 3 Running time of Natural Language

Processing Algorithm

For most of the queries, our system answered properly.

Forsome of the questions, the answer is partial. And for a
fewquestions, the answer is not obtained properly. In the
future, to solve this issue we will develop the chat bot in a
way where it gives a result for all the queries accurately.

Thus, the proposed system makes use of machine learning and

NLP to implement the interactive chat bot which assists the
users with rightful information and result. Through the NLP
algorithm, the details are fetched from the bot to answer.The
Figure 1 Proposed Architecture Workflow Diagram system produces an accuracy rate of 77% for the approximate
answer, thus the system is used to predict the rightful results
B. Experimental Results from the diagnosis. 0.6% for a partial answer and working on
attaining the whole accuracypercentage


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International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Jan 23-25, 2023, Coimbatore,India

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