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physicat Quan+i+y SIunit

Length metre Cn)

mass -kilogram Ckg)
Time -Second Cs)
Electric Cumment Ampere (A)
Tem pre teere kelvin C«)
Luminous Intensity Candela Ced)
force ewton fe G
worh| Ehery -Joule Ge6-67* 10


Volume scalag uantites

mass, s peed,volume,oTk
velocity Time. poweT, Enery, poessuo
momentum /impalse ws
vectoT Qurtiies Dineetion
Force Displace ment, velociy.
-n2 accelaration,fosce,moment
Eneg4 Tooque
powe Density mass/yolame
moment of SneTtia
Ltent Het
S peed = distance meteo
Specific teat Yelocity Displacement meter
Susface Tension Tìme Sec

Torque (moment ot foree-m Accelasation = chan9e in

velociy meer
Neture work
Same as the' one Energ = WOTk Xtime. joale
W= fxd Joul e
Directioh of forc2 posiive
Opposite as the
Direction o forrce W=fxd Negative | kwh= LkN*ho
No chan ge inposi+ien W=fxo e [000 W* 3600 Sec
3.6* |0J

potential Ener94 = m ah (m= mass, acce|araton

q m]s
e to grarety

kinetic ene94 >mv* (ma mass, Ve speed )

Enerry possess b%
Elrcc potertial Volt metex
Elect chaTe Voltamete
Atmosphec pre ssue - Ba 70meT

Mecharnical wave Non mechanical wave
CElastic wawe)
* Requi emaera (Solio, (Electrromagnehc wave)
for teit ppagaton iquid,ogw)
ex Ligat, Heat
Longitudi na waves Tramvere waves
Bouns wae in an) (wawe or Bustace o watre
wawe g4ring er Ten ior

Wave lent
Temp Sound 1
Specd oi sound Sreeo ot toun may in soW>
min. i 4ases
At 25c (Room 4em)


0 Aluminium 6420 O Water (sea)153|
Nickel 6040 Distilled waty.... 1448
5q60 Ethanol -1207
me thano|
9 Brass 4700
&lass 3480 O HydoOgen -1284
Helium q65
The Speed Sond inoreases ) Aig 346
by O-6| m/s when the temp
inCreesed by 1c:

Range d Foequency
Range o fnequny
Audible Ultrasonic
20Hz to 20000 #z 20000 H2
(Easthauakes, volcanic fishes (oi phines)
eTptions,ocean wawe mosquito, Dog, Rat
elephant ano wh ale)

USes ot ulthrasoniC wawes : >

* To Detec+ flaws &Crack
* measuring gePth of Sea
* Sterlizing of a Liquid
* Ultra sono graphy
SONAR CSound Navigarion Ranging ) to gd entify Distance,
Direction,peed on a wateo Object
Fatho mete mRasuring the Depth af Sea.

wowe length x frequency

*Due to RefraCtion Sound is heao at longes distance
In nights than arn ay.
* To hear Echo the
and mefecs shouo be
ninimum Distance betwen the obsever

Heat: ’ form of Ener9y.

SI wnit - Joule |catoie = 4-1g6 Joule
GG-S unit- calorie | pound Caloe= 463.6 calorrie
F. PS eunit - B. Th V
( IPound wateT lF)-252 c alor e.

K-273 F32 R

Temp Range HEAT Transferg

meaSunement High temp to low emp.
Gas hesmomeers
-l|4e to 75c Alcoho| themomeo
-3 'c to 352c mercuoy
300c to t3000c PYrometes

Specific teat Lat ent Heat
Q MS(At) Q= ML
m=mass, S= Speiicheat unit Joule/ki logram
At chane in temp.

Onjt = Joule Cal

kg °c

|ce Wa water 9n SH ’ emp. chanse
LH State chanse

SpeciHeheat Latt het S tt Ltt

Am Tn Speaic Heat State Const , temp. Change

State chanse,
change termp Const.
In Lotent
final 4emp= Te.
TË T C Due to Heat transer from
Hih temp to ow Temp
change in temP-oceuned.
M,SzT- I) M, S, (T-T:) in Specific teat
* ncooking pot Specitic heat les% needed. Coadection
MOde of teat hransfer:
OConducion - Direct contact Raiuti
Convention - Dueto moion f matteo
) Radiation - Due to electro masnetic wave
* Relative tumidiy measune by Hygromeer.
Latent Heat :
(Q= m)
Latert beat of wate Fusion - Solid to liquid
in Cau/ in J/kg Vapounisation liquidto Vapo4
ot fuiorn 336 X10
of Vapouisaitn G40 2256 x i Sublimation Solid to vapoug

Latent teat (L) = Qis heat oetain o Dischared.

M m is mas

Hou much heat Enesoy is veguned to chanse 2ug ot lCe at oc

watos t 20c ?

)= 2kg
L= 334 000

Q,= 2ky X33400 =663O00s
ms (At) 2 X 4200 X (20- o) =
Terci Enessy needed = Q, tQ, - ]68000J
66300o+ lég000
= 836000 J.
Speed ol Ligh+ Zx0n (moy vacuum )
Light tnke myinu 19 Socond ( 407 sec) to TonCh fr
to Eorath
Lieht Rrflec rom moon takes I 2% sec to rooch FozL
Rays 0 Conv¢r 9ent Concavo

Dive79ent Convex
ihièent ileveRay
oncave(into te cave )
Conyex -

NigTO |Lens
Concove mimm Convex mimg Concave lns Convex lans
ses Ses
Head ight Rear view (Orivi ) ) micro scope
2 ENT DoCho 2 Street ight. Searching toreh
Telescope Sun lasses
Omagnity ing glas
9Shaving bmiror
SDlar coo ke
Image Foomati on:’
OF Concave mirTOs Size of
position o Image compedim Nature
position of object to objact Imae
O At infinity At focous (F) Hishly
Diminishad Inygshe.
Beono Cctumar) Between Fandc Diminished Inveotd
At C At C Same S2e
4) Betweer FkC BeyonoC Enlarged
(5) At tocous (F) At infnity Highly Enlasd
6 Betwary Fano pole C+) Behino he Eblarged
migo Enct


MigT0 Fozmulal:>
U objec+ Distance
V= Image Distance.

magnification Cm) sHeight Image Cv)

Height object (U) m<l= &mase Semall
Refsa ction:
Tot al integnal sefleCtion
Incident ray, efracted Ray and CAuse oirase CAQroi)
hosmaldrsawn at inident point
alwoys lie in the Same plane
* Siny "lcoA)

ve index : 3pesd od
tight in vactum
% Tlustraion
Speed of light in ma dium
* Oval hape Sun inthe moohing REvening.
Spherical lens
0 Convex
lens Concowe
Tmase fomaioh at
Cohvex lens
posi4ion object Image Iase Hatur
At peinu eos Fy
Diial she
At 2F At 2F, Some Sze
Beyen? 2Fy Enlarge d
infinity Atghly Eslaseè
At Same Side Enlasge
lehs ViGtal

F2 2f2 F2 2f2
2E, F 2F F

2F F

Same S2e
Fa F2
2F2 2F2.
2F1 2F, Fi
Lens fosmula: rnae Diatan
V mge Dhias
dbjet distana.

poNesC P) ¢ Lens Unit o

(4-4) poweo = Dioptre
Con vex lens powes +Ve
Protay Concave lens powed Ve
* Scattersing of ight in max in yio le+ colour
min in Red colou ot iht.
glue eolouo Sky is dueto Scaterin d ight.
Dafect ot tuman Eye :’
OMyopia ( + Can See neas object dealy -not able to See far obiect
* Divesging ConCave lens is uned.
Case O Elongation 4 Eye bal along he Axis.
shogtening 4 focal length o Eye lens
Hypesopia or HYpeo metOpia o
See Distance objec+ cleasly, But hotable to See Dear object.
* Conveoging Convex lens is csed.
Cane ’ OShostening o Eye ball alona the Axis
9nceas e in the focal length ¢ Eye lens.
(3) pres bxopia + DisttnCt as well as neasby bject can
hot Seeh.
* Bifocal lens is used
Cy lindoical lens is wsed.
Magnfyiìng poNs ot inple micoSco pe M It

1liht ye ar= q.46x10 m

I parSec 16

RefroC+Ne index nesely propeotional to wawe lert

* Blue Green Red are primay co tous.
Sign CoventiOD plection f Liht
always Lett to Rlght.
Distena Distane to warrd Piht
tteight +e +Ve

Dowh @ard
Height -ve
mage otays meas ure from
* Dbj ec+ pole to)
always p lace in dett ide
Light reflect ad.
Reflection:> Plane miog.

Refraci on Ex. Canesa, Eyes, waterr

Watnr SuntacL
CDeme) Teleçeope,
TWinking micvoScope
Bending ¢ iht occume
DiftraCti on >
CD ReHectirg ainbor)
Sun appeas Red
duina Sung
X Ray difraction.
Scattering ex Ble colours o hy

Trsnsmi ssnon:
Irans pant unfaee.
When hiat white ibt is
Splits into it's spectum o passed throowyh gas prrssm i+
white isht piitting Into it's colouss andthis pooces o
Consti tuert colous is temed
Rare iornal

whn inCTese anga 90°

Densers ncident At a

towards turthe nrae

Total Jrntesnay Retlecion Coii cal aun heident angk isht
ex. Di ond, Boune back ram
miase a
oPtiçay fiboe hat refection
Ange o hcident Grino
) angly
Flow of ElectTon called Electicity.
* charqing of bodiesotheg
takes place dueto tansfes ot elecsons
from one body to
* ElectiC cCha9e SI unit : Coulomb(C)
Electron = -(·6 x (O
lCoulomb = 625x 10electrons

|Condluctes Semi conducteo Insulatoo

valw o Reitiuty
io to 10
* Silvez * GlasS
* Cupper(god * Drywod
* Nickel Conducter) * Casbon (goaphite) * mica
* BraSS * Rubbeo
* Dry papes
* Eboni+e c Bad
* Tungston Supeo co nductes
* Ag Aluminium (14|| - onDes )
O Resistivity. * At 4-2 kelvin mestusy can
be supero conducter
Electoic potential * At -40 kelvin cupper be
a Supers conduCHeT.
.5I unit iS Vo)t. (Sca las Quantity).
potential DiffeTence :’ (V):
in bosinging one positive foom One point t0 anothe
worsk done
point is potential ditfeence between two point:
wnit Voltage Cvolt)
measuTe by Voltmetoe
Volt metre is always setup in padTle| to Resister.
Coulomb's Law:? FA m,m2 doo chanses arndr
is thu distan ce ba
Elecrsic capacity:>
SI wnit FaradCE).
Electoic ent:()= Qcharge
te time
(94'5a Scalars quaniy) SI.unit Ampe02
Always setncp in Seoi es
Resistance depends upon * Size ol conduc+eo
(R) ie RaL Nature

Obm's LaN unit of Resistarnce is

V- potential Ditfenence
0- CuTTnt hoouh it
Acconding to ohm's daw Vx I orV= RI(Whea Dis cons
caled Resistanca
RaL L-dength
A= Cyoss Sec Ane a)

RpA (wheo P= Resistivity)

( unit o P=
Con bination of Resistance
* Sesies
tve Ry Rz -ve capacitahcetoomule
Rtstay Rit Rgt R 2 C



R+ota. ?
L0 RptRp 5
hun 5 in Sario Bo Rt o
Heat IRTime
powes p) = WOOK VXI = I'R
+ime. R
SI wnit o powes Watt
S+IC +ield of
9n l600 - Cusoent (MagneHsm).
Drgilbeot Ex plain Easth an a natuTal
Magne+ a in
Magnetic field creat made
North pole to South Fa,04).
In 1820 - pole
beh Oested xplain Relation
Magnet & Electoi citY.
* (ElectTO magnetism).
Maxwell (Right Hand +humb
magnetic iela Rule.
anti cckwe mayneic fie ld
Cument Clock wiSe.
Left Cumes+
* Elemi ng (Rigt ttand
motion Rule)
masnetic feld
Ac cuTren+ DC Cuoret
Alter nate Curnent
(Frequeney change DireCt Cument
Dne Frequney in hdie
Repulsion: 50 Hz/220v


CurTentI) I: Q Qcharse
t time talen Amperes (A).
Voltage v V= W E=Enrsy Volts
Wa wo

P= Resisivity
Resistance CR) R= pA
A Ane a ohm (s)
R V V volte
P= VI I´R V Watt (w).
Condu civity 6 Siemens pers min
Atomic & Nacleao physics
In an atom electoron pooton ore Samehn umbe an ho
equal 4 opposite charrge.
mas in h charg
pooton l"672x10-2 tl6xIo?
Neutoon |675% J0
Cathod Rays
* Discovemed by Sir illiam cTOoke.
* These ane tavel in Straight line.
* These produce fluOs Cence
* The se can prroduce thoough thin foils of metal deflecha
by both electrie & magnetic held.
* veloci4y Range Vio th of veloci+y d Liyht
Canal Rays
* Dis co veseo by Gold stein.
* These ray onsists o posi+ively charge paoricle.
* Toavel in straight line.
* These ray ame deflected by both electne &mag netic held..
These ray can proouce joni zation ef Gapes.
* Discoveed by Roentgen
* Nawe length ange O-A -l00A.
Nucleas fissior
X Atom Bomb based on nucleag fission.
ar used fos fissionable mai.
Nucleas fusion
* Two 0g mome nuclej combine toserbes to fomahearier
bucie u is Called as nuclearg fuwion
* o K temp re quineo
* Hydoogen Bomb is based on guc leas fusion -

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