4036 - 9 - Materi Pertemuan Ketiga - Hasto Budi Santoso - Compressed

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Appendix 6

Speaking Assessment

Asesmen ini bertujuan agar peserta didik dapat:

Menceritakan aktivitas secara naratif berdasarkan gambar. Ujaran yang

diucapkan memuat jawaban dari kata tanya Wh dan H (apa, dimana, kemana,
siapa, mengapa, bagaimana –ADIKSIMBA) Retell the activity narratively based
on the pictures. The expression covers answers of the Wh questions (who,
when, where, why, how)
Teknik yang digunakan adalah Picture-cued storytelling task (Brown, 2004).
Guru menyediakan gambar berseri, peserta didik memilih ungkapan yang
sesuai, kemudian bercerita sesuai gambar secara runtut.

Choose relevant narration that fit with the series picture! Then tell the story!







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A Dugo swims alone. Dugo meets many animals and see many kinds of
sea plants.
B Once, Dugo and her mom swim together. Her mom asked Dugo to
explore the sea.
C He finally knows that a turtle is not his enemy. He feels safe.
D He met a giant turtle. He was afraid of the turtle.
E He swims fast. He hides in the sea grass.
F Suddenly, a shark chases him.
G The shark swims away. Dugo is happy.
H The shark still chases him. He swims up and down.
I Dugo has another danger. Fishing net is dangerous for him.
J He swims away from the net quickly. his friends follow him.
K Dugo is finally safe. He plays with his friends happily.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Evaluation of oral presentation (Brown, 2004)

Direction: Assign a number to each box according to your assessment of the

various aspects of the speaker’s presentation.

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4 Excellent/ 3 Good/ 2 Fair/1 Poor

Aspect Descriptor Score Category

Fluency tell story with accurate intonation,

stressing, and pause

use optimum eye contact, facial

expression, and body language

Accuracy use accurate pronunciation along the


Score Recap

No Name Fluency Accuracy Average Category

1 Sumanto 4 4 4 4 Excellent

2 Susi Similikiti 3 4 3 3.33 Good

3 etc

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Running Record

Running record adalah salah satu cara untuk mengukur kelancaran dalam
membaca. Peserta didik membaca teks/ cerita sementara guru mengikuti apa
yang dibaca dan memberi tanda pada setiap kata. Fokusnya pada kebenaran
ucapan setiap kata (accuracy) dengan kecepatan membaca yang normal
(ukurannya wpm/ word per minute). Jika peserta didik melakukan koreksi
ucapan diri, itung sebagai self correction. Accuracy rate adalah jumlah error
dibagi jumlah seluruh kata dikali 100%. (Mutomimah, 2021)

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Fase D
Story: Can he do it?
Name : ____________________
Class : _______
Date : _______________
Words: Error rate Self Accuracy Fluency Rate
Correction Rate

Error: …………

E = Error E SC
S C = Self Correction
A Once, Dugo and her mom swim together. Her mom asked
Dugo to explore the sea.
B Dugo swim alone. Dugo meets many animals and see many
kinds of sea plants.
C He met a giant turtle. He was afraid of the turtle.
D He finally knows that a turtle is not his enemy. He feels safe.
E Suddenly, a shark chases him.
F He swims fast. He hides in the sea grass.
G The shark still chases him. He swims up and down
H The shark swims away. Dugo is happy.
I Dugo has another danger. Fishing net is dangerous for him.
J He swims away from the net quickly. His friends follow him.
K Dugo is finally safe. He plays with his friends happily.

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