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Teaching and Learning Activity: Suggested Solutions

Module: Business Management 130-1 (HBM130-1)

Week number (Date): 4 (14 March 2024)
Units covered: Brevia, T; Vrba, M.; Botha, L.; Ngambi, H.C & Woermann,
M. 2020, Contemporary Management Principles, 2nd Ed,
Lansdowne: Juta.
Unit 5 & 6 (Chapters 6 & 7)

To enrich your learning experience at Boston even further, and to ensure that you are
exposed to a variety of resources in this module, announcements will be posted every
week containing additional materials or activities for you to work through.

It is important to note that these activities are neither compulsory nor weighted, but
that it will be to your advantage to participate. The purpose of the activities is to help
you better understand the content of your weekly unit/s of study, and it will assist in
creating insight and deeper meaning.

This Activity 4 is based on Units 5 & 6 of the prescribed courseware for this module:

The suggested solution for this Activity is enclosed below.

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• Read Chapters 6 & 7 of your prescribed textbooks.
• Answer the questions below:

Question 1 [6 marks]

Let’s dive into the colourful world of South Africa’s cultures.


Highlight two (2) different cultures in South Africa and explain what makes each unique.

Solutions: Unit 5, Chapter 6, page 152

Note: Allocate a maximum of two (2) marks for identifying two different South African
cultures. Allocate a maximum of four (4) marks for a relavant explanation of cultural
uniqueness. Discretion is advised as students answers will vary.

1. One of the distinctive cultures in South Africa is the Zulu culture. ✓ Known for its vibrant
music, dance, and traditions, the Zulu people celebrate their heritage through rhythmic
performances that reflect their history and values. ✓ Their traditional attire, which often

includes colorful beadwork, is a striking feature of their identity. ✓

2. Another notable culture in South Africa is the Afrikaans culture. ✓ Rooted in a history
influenced by Dutch settlers, the Afrikaans people have a unique language that blends
Dutch, African, and European elements. ✓ Their literature, art, and cuisine showcase a
fusion of traditions, creating a culture deeply connected to South Africa's past while
contributing to its modern diversity. ✓

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The following Learning Outcome has been assessed in this question:
• Describe the concept of culture.

Question 2 [10 marks]

Read the fictitious scenario below and answer the question that follows:
A retail company, XYZ Corp., needs to change its traditional culture and become more
customer-centric and innovative to keep up with.

Fictitious scenario*


Discuss the cultural change guidelines provided by Cummings and Worley (2021) that
XYZ Corp., can use to transform its culture. (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)

Solutions: Unit 5, Chapter 6, page 164

Note to grader: Allocate two (2) marks for each cultural guideline provided as seen below.
A maximum of ten (10) marks should be awarded.

• Formulate a clear strategic vision to capture the essence of the new strategy and the
shared values and behaviours that underpin the strategy. This vision should guide the
purpose and direction of the intended culture change. ✓✓

• Top management should demonstrate a firm commitment to the espoused values and
the need for culture change, and they should reinforce their commitment in word and
deed. ✓✓

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• Module culture change at the highest level, with senior executives committed to
communicating the new culture through their actions. Their behaviours should symbolise
the desired values and behaviours congruent with the new culture. ✓✓

• Modify the organisation to support organisational change, as culture change normally

entails modifications in organisational structure, human resources systems, information
and control systems, and management styles. In addition to these changes being
necessary to support the new culture, they may serve to orientate the employee’s
behaviour to the new culture. ✓✓

• Selecting and socialising newcomers and terminating deviants change organisationsal

membership to fit the new culture. The careful selection of the ‘right’ people, effective
socialising programs, and terminating the services of people who do not fit the culture are
effective methods to establish a new culture. ✓✓

The following Learning Outcome is assessed in this question:

• Explain how organisations change their culture.

[Total Marks: 16]

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