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I would like to thank GOD for giving us strength and health to complete this project. I also
grateful to My advisor Mr. Moti T. for their motivation and constructive guidance, since the

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beginning of problem formulation to the completion of the documentation. I would like to

forward MY special thanks to RESCO Car Rental service Staff Workers. They provide the
information to support, encouragement and gives necessary information for ME on during
preparation of this project.

Finally, I want to extend My thanks to my parents for their encouragement, Motivation and
support throughout my study.

The project entitled as develop car rental management system for Ries Engineering
Share Company in Jimma city. Currently Jimma Ries Engineering Share Company
organization uses mostly in manual way of giving services to customers. Because of this,

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there are a number of different challenges that are available in this organization such as
lack of networked activities, insertion and delete anomalies, data redundancy, large
storage usage, human and computational error, loss of relevant data and so on. The Newly
developing system enhances the existing system from manual into computerized Web
based system in its most features. To conduct our project in effective and efficient
manner, we have being take both qualitative and quantitative data through different data
collection methodology such as interview, observation and documentation analysis. But
the data that we are mainly focus on this project are qualitative data. To accomplish this
task our group member use five stages development life cycle including planning,
analysis, design, implementation and Testing, which utilized programming language of
hypertext preprocessor, structural query language database(MYSQL) and XAMP server.
To develop the real system, designs will be covers the system architecture, deployment
diagram of the system,, and database design by using object oriented approach for the
analysis and design of the system. As the result of newly developed system we could get
effective and efficient registration of customers, employees and vehicles information and
reservation system to the Jimma Ries Engineering Share Company organization. This
Newly developed system is hoped to help the Cars rental system by handling it’s a rental

Table of Contents


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List of Tables.....................................................................................................................vii
List of Figures...................................................................................................................viii
Acronyms and Abbreviations..............................................................................................ix
CHAPTER ONE..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the organization.................................................................................1
1.1.1 Vision of the organization....................................................................................2
1.1.2 Mission of the Organization................................................................................2
1.2 Existing system study (Article review)......................................................................2
1.3 Statement of the problem............................................................................................3
1.4 Beneficiary and Significance of the study..................................................................3
1.5 Feasibility Study.........................................................................................................4
1.5.1. Technical feasibility............................................................................................4
1.5.2 Economic feasibility............................................................................................4
1.5.3 Legal Feasibility..................................................................................................5
1.5.4 Operational Feasibility.........................................................................................5
1.5.5. Schedule feasibility.............................................................................................5
1.6 Objectives of the study...............................................................................................6
1.6.1 General objective.................................................................................................6
1.6.2 Specific Objective................................................................................................6
1.7. Scope and limitations of the project..........................................................................7
1.7.1 Scope....................................................................................................................7
1.7.2 Limitation of the project......................................................................................7
1.8 Methodology...............................................................................................................7
1.8.1 Data Gathering Technique...................................................................................7
1.8.2. Design Methodology...........................................................................................8
1.8.3. Implementation Methodology.............................................................................8
1.8.4. Testing Methodology..........................................................................................9
CHAPTER TWO...............................................................................................................11

iv | P a g e

REQIERMENT ANALAYSIS DESCRIPITION..............................................................11

2.1 Overview of the existing System..............................................................................11
2.1.1 Activities of the existing system........................................................................11
2.1.2 Problem of the existing system..........................................................................12
2.1.3 Weakness and Strength......................................................................................13
2.2 Over view of Proposed System................................................................................13
2.2.1 Functional Requirement.....................................................................................14
2.2.2 Non-Functional Requirements...........................................................................16
2.2.3 System Requirement (Software, language and Hardware requirements...........16
2.2.4 User requirement (Assumptions).......................................................................17
2.2.5 Business Rules (BR)..........................................................................................18
CHAPTER THREE............................................................................................................19
SYSTEM MODELING......................................................................................................19
3.1 Use Case Model........................................................................................................19
3.1.1 Actor Specification............................................................................................19
3.1.2 Use case diagrams..............................................................................................19
3.1.3 Descriptions of use case diagram.......................................................................21
3.2 Sequence Diagram....................................................................................................32
3.3 Class Diagram..........................................................................................................37
CHAPTER FOUR..............................................................................................................44
SYSTEM DESIGN............................................................................................................44
4.1 Design Goal..............................................................................................................44
4.2. System Decomposition............................................................................................45
4.3 System Architecture.................................................................................................46
4.4 Deployment Diagram...............................................................................................47
4.5. Persistence Data Management.................................................................................48
4.6. Access Control and security....................................................................................51
4.7 User Interface design................................................................................................52
CHAPTER FIVE: IMPLEMENTATION [phase two]......................................................57
5.1 Tools.........................................................................................................................57
5.1.1 Software and Hardware Tools used...................................................................57
5.2 ALGORITHMS USED FOR DESIGN AND CODING..........................................57
5.2.1 Algorithms used for authentication or login......................................................57

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5.2.2 Algorithms used for sign up (customer for account creation)...........................58

5.3 Environments............................................................................................................59
5.4 Sample code and sample output...............................................................................59
5.4.1 Sample code for Home page..............................................................................59
5.4.3 Sample code for reserve vehicle........................................................................67
5.4.3 Sample code for Register rent and reservation..................................................71
5.5 User Manual.............................................................................................................77
CHAPTER SIX: TESTING...............................................................................................80
6.1. Unit Testing.............................................................................................................80
6.2. Integration Testing...................................................................................................81
6.3 Acceptance testing....................................................................................................81
6.4 System Testing.........................................................................................................82
7.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................83
5.2 Recommendation......................................................................................................83
CHAPTER EGHIT: REFERENCES.................................................................................84
CHAPTER NINE: APPENDIX.........................................................................................85
Interview and Questioners..............................................................................................85
From internet: Site link...................................................................................................85

List of Tables

vi | P a g e

Table 1.1 project cost analysis.............................................................................................5

Table 1.2 project schedule....................................................................................................6
Table2. 1. Software requirement........................................................................................16
Table 2.2.language requirement.........................................................................................17
Table 2. 3 Hardware requirements.....................................................................................17
Table 3.1: use case Login...................................................................................................21
Table 3.2: use case Reserve vehicle...................................................................................22
Table 3.3: use case Add Vehicle........................................................................................23
Table3. 4: Use case –Feedback..........................................................................................24
Table3. 5: Use case – Approve vehicle reservation...........................................................24
Table3. 6: Use case – Cancel a reservation........................................................................25
Table3. 7: Use case – Create account.................................................................................26
Table3. 8: Use case – add staff...........................................................................................27
Table3. 9: Use case – Update vehicle................................................................................28
Table3. 10: Use case – Search vehicle...............................................................................28
Table3. 11: Use case – Sin Up...........................................................................................29
Table3. 13: Use case –Return Rent....................................................................................30
Table3. 14: Use case –View Available Vehicle.................................................................31
Table 4.1 Admin table........................................................................................................49
Table 4.2 Customer table...................................................................................................49
Table 4.3 Car table.............................................................................................................50
Table 4.4 security and access control summarization........................................................51
Table 5 .1The hardware and network requirements for testing activities are:...................59
Table 5.2The software requirements for testing activities are:..........................................59
Table 6. 1Authentication of user login.............................................................................80

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List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Design methodology...........................................................................................8
Figure 3.1 use case diagram...............................................................................................20
Figure 3.2 Sequence Diagram for Login page...................................................................32
Figure 3.3 Sequence diagram for vehicle reservation to customer....................................33
Figure 3.4 Sequence diagram for vehicle add to staff........................................................33
Figure 3.5 Sequence Diagram for cancel reservation to customer.....................................34
Figure 3.6 Sequence Diagram for send Feedback..............................................................35
Figure 3.7 Sequence Diagram for Add Staff......................................................................36
Figure 3.8 class diagram....................................................................................................37
Figure 3. 9 Activity Diagram for Login to own Page........................................................38
Figure 3. 10Activity Diagram for Staff Add New Vehicle................................................39
Figure 3. 11 Activity Diagram for Customer Reserve Vehicle..........................................40
Figure 3. 12 Activity Diagram for Customer Create Account...........................................41
Figure 3. 13 Activity Diagram for Search Vehicle............................................................41
Figure 3. 14 Activity Diagram for Customer cancel Reservation......................................42
Figure 3. 15 Activity Diagram for rent after reservation and processing Payment...........43
Figure 4.1 System decomposition of WBSCMS................................................................45
Figure 4.2 System Architecture of WBSCMS...................................................................46
Figure 4.3 deployment diagram of WBSCMS...................................................................47
Figure 4.4 persistence diagram for WBCRMS..................................................................48
Figure 4.5 home page user interface..................................................................................52
Figure 4.6 Login page user interface prototyping..............................................................53
Figure 4.7 customer give feedback form............................................................................54
Figure 4.8 customer select Vehicle for Rent......................................................................55
Figure 4.9 customer for Reservation and Register for Rent user interface........................56
Figure5.1 Home page sample output.................................................................................67
Figure5. 2 output for view vehicles for rent.......................................................................70
Figure5. 3 output for rent...................................................................................................76
Figure5.4 Home page user manual.....................................................................................78
Figure5.5 Login page user manual.....................................................................................78
Figure5.6 select Vehicle user manual................................................................................79
Figure5.7 Register for reservation and rent user manual...................................................79
Figure 6.1 Samples of unit testing for staff login to a system............................................81

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

CRMS: Car Rental Management System
WBCRMS: Web Based Car Rental Management System
RESCO: Ries Engineering Share Company
ROI: Return on Investment
PHP: Hypertext Pre Processor
GPS: Global Position System
SQL: Structure Query Language
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
DB: Database
RAD: Rapid Application Development. [Software development]
SWOT: Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats.
HDD: Hard Disk Drive.
BR: Business Rule
RAM: Random Access Memory.
CD: Compact Disk
UC: Use Case

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Firewall: is a network security system that monitor and controls all your incoming and
outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rule.
Feedback: is defined as a return of information about a result or the returned portion of a
Create account: creating user account with default user name and password.
Manage account: managing account supports changing user name, password and roles.
Make schedule: the schedule for the Staff workers can be updated and deleted viewed,
Observation: is the action or process of closely observing or monitoring something or
Interview: is a meeting of people face to face especially for consultation.
Documentation: is a material that provide official information or evidence or that serves
as a record.
Reservation: is the action of reserving something and conclude arrangement with a goods

Rent: pay someone for the use of something typically property like vehicle.




Use case


Message Forward

Message Return

Class diagram

Class Object


Component diagram

End state






Decision Activity

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The impact of technology in modern life is unmeasurable, we use technology in
different ways and sometimes the way we implement various technologies ends up
changing our lives or the society we leave in. Technology is applied to the roles each
individual fulfills during life. We use technology on a daily basis to accomplish specific
tasks or interests. It means the source of the radical changes that are happening in all
phases of life. So our System is plays its own role to implement and provide technological
system to the society by developed automated web based car rental system for Ries
Engineering Share Company. As we know; now a days everything is done with the help
of computer so as to achieve the Organization mission and vision our system plays its
own roll.
The automated Online Car Rental Management system is used to improve the
organizations drawback and to support automated system and also to simplify employees
work load, to speed up or to do the organizations service in short time and to achieve the
customers went. So the aim of our proposed system is mainly to avoid the drawback of
the current existing system and adding some new features that do not exist before and
also changes the activity of the organization to computerized or automated system and
reduce the extravagancy of resource. The customer can use this system from anywhere
and anytime.

Generally, this project is designed so as to be used by Car Rental Company

specializing in renting cars to customers. It is an online system through which
customers can view available cars, register, view profile and book car.

1.1 Background of the organization

Ries Engineering is the authorized dealer for Caterpillar in Ethiopia, providing unparallel
service in mining, construction, power systems, Renting heavy machinery and house
automobiles. This company is founded in the regional city of Oromia which is Jimma city
far from 112KM from Addis Ababa city.
Ries Engineering Share Company is founded as an independent company in 1965, RIES
Engineering, S.Co. (RESCO) is the caterpillar dealer representative for Ethiopia. Since
then, we are continuously trying to keep our customers satisfied with our professional
approach and excellent after sale supports. This policy helps us to be the pioneer in the

heavy machine industry. RESCO has been established that enabled it provide full
support to its customers.

Generally, Ries Engineering, in its effort to support its esteemed customers and to fill the
demand gap of rental machinery, started a rental wing in 2003 with key models required
by the market.

1.1.1 Vision of the organization

Sustain Ries Engineering Share Company’s (RESCO) positions as one of Ethiopia’s
most valuable, trust worthy company through world class performance, creating growing
value for the Ethiopia economy and the companies stack holders.

1.1.2 Mission of the Organization

To enhance the wealth generating capability of the company in a broad
environment delivering superior and sustainable stack holder. We are leaders in our area
of responsibility, with a deep commitment to deliver results. We are determined to be the
best at doing what matter most.

1.2 Existing system study (Article review)

The current system of the Car Rental management system for Ries Engineering Share
Company (RESCO) in Bahir Dar city performs different tasks. The most popular tasks
that can be performed in the current system of the CRMS are: Renting Vehicles, returning
Vehicles or viewing, generating report, registering new arrival Vehicle and members,
giving are the works of staff. This task utilizes considerable number of employees and
also it is manual. In this case, the customer has to go to the RESCO organization and
check the available Vehicle. Then, the Staff checks the Customer ID (Driving License,
Bank account, valid kebele ID) and allows the member to check out the vehicle and the
staff then updates the member cabinet and also the vehicle cabinet. This takes at least
thirty minutes to one hour to get the service.

So, we have decided to investigate the use of an web based Car Rental Management
System which would be used by any type of users and workers of the organization to
check the availability of the vehicle, rent the vehicle and the staff to update the cabinet.


1.3 Statement of the problem

Today Ries Engineering is proud to work with its customers and provide rental
solutions consisting dozers, loaders, graders, excavators, compactors, house automobiles,
and compact machines mainly for the building and heavy construction sectors.

Even though the Ries Engineering Share Company in Bahir Dar branch provides
all necessary service to the community that is related to car rental, car sell and service,
there are some basic problems observed in current system. As we try to mention the
obstacles that the town is encountered with different problems the following matters are
the problems gotten from the observation. These problems are found in the town
frequently and here are those things which are going to be solved by the system.

File control mechanism is very tedious and complicated

Lack of enough information about vehicles detail.
The vehicles and customers detail arranged in manually due to this
documents are easily expired.
Difficult for searching vehicles detail in the manual document because
there is no appropriate search tools that can guide user and staff workers.
Wasting of precious time looking for the misplaced items detail.
problems are encounter which includes:
 Required high costs of paper when we prepared manual document
to register the file,
 Time consumed when customers want to take rent form,
 Lack of data security
 Difficult to manage and control daily activities

1.4 Beneficiary and Significance of the study

The Newly developed web-based car rental system can lead the Ries Engineering Share
Company into computerized system. Its significance is:-

WBCRMS sharply improve the searching speed of staffs and client’s details for the
user because user can insert key word to search them. Besides that, Admin can get benefit
because it manages the booking of cars by show available cars for client and always
records every single booking to easy the company report so that admin can just print the
report. Admin also does not have to calculate the profit for cars owner because the system

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will produce report. CRMS also give the system removes the problems of stress,
travelling to different offices and queuing up of customers and Staff’s during processing
of the activity. And it is very convenient to use it right from the staffs, office or anywhere
they are due to this it is used to reduce costs such as labor and stationary.

Target Beneficiary of the system are:-

Staff workers: those are the most beneficiary employees of the organizations to
reduce the work load like, Avoid data entry errors by use of input masks, Improve
the searching speeds of staffs, Access their organizational data easily, Reduce
their work load and saves a time and Makes them to be motivated for their job.
For Rental customers: the newly developed system is very essential to the end
users or customer like, Get effective service, saving time, money, and power,
allow them make booking at anywhere and anytime before they want it and
Reduce the error made by the employees.
For organization: this system is very essential to the organization to be more
effective and efficient with other organizations by giving service like, helps to
harmonize strong attitude on the property of the office, It helps to create smooth
relationship between Bahir Dar city communities, Reducing human power,
reducing the broad manual work, make its service delivery process fast and Make
its data accurate and secure
For researchers: in addition to the above, the system is useful for the researchers
to get experience and get bachelor degree from department of Computer science.

1.5 Feasibility Study

1.5.1. Technical feasibility
Our system is technically feasible; we use PHP language with the back End MYSQL
Server database, UML diagram for drawing, and Microsoft word for writing document
hopefully we will develop successfully by using our academic knowledge in this case
these project is feasible according to the above reasons.
1.5.2 Economic feasibility
Cost benefit analysis: The system which we are going to develop would have economic
benefit. Those economic benefits may be tangible or intangible.
Tangible benefit: This means the concrete benefit that can be expressed in terms of
dollars or birr. Since this project is going to computerized system, there is reduction cost


for material that used for manual operation, save time and make comfortable working
environment for the users.
Intangible benefits
The intangible benefits we have pointed out the system development are the following:-

Customer satisfaction.
Easy to work with the system.
Improvement of employee morale.
Table 1.1 project cost analysis
Item Quantity Unit price Total price

Paper 110 0.30 33.00

Pencil 2 5 10.00

Pen 8 5 40.00

CD 1 8 8.00

Rubber 2 5 10.00

Printing 110 2 220

Computer 1 11,500 11500.00

Total 11,821.00

1.5.3 Legal Feasibility

Our developed system does not contradict with the government law, policies and rules;
we are only focused on improving the working abilities of the car rental and management
system to full capacity.

1.5.4 Operational Feasibility

The workers of System are somewhat computer literate. This means once we have trained
how to use the Website (the system) they can easily use it without any doubt. Since our
system is all about entering data and modifying data by following the procedure given it
is not as such difficult for computer literate person. In addition, we will provide for them
the manual documentation about the software.

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1.5.5. Schedule feasibility

Time evaluation is the most important consideration in the development of any project.
The time schedule required for the development of this project is very important since
more development time affect effort, cost and cause delaying development of other
The schedule feasibility table is shown below table 1.2 (“ ”) indicate we
will finish this portion.
Table 1.2 project schedule
Key steps October December January February May
30,2017- 11,2017- 06,2018- 25,2018- 26,2018-
December January January June June
10,2016 05,2018 30,2018 01,2018 10,2018


Object design

System design


and maintenance

1.6 Objectives of the study

1.6.1 General objective
The general objective of the project is to develop web based car rental management
system for Ries Engineering Share Company in Bahir Dar city.

1.6.2 Specific Objective

Here are some specific objectives that would together help us achieve the General
objective the project as follows:


manage accounts for the user

make a system automatic
Develop reliable, transparent rental Management system.
Develop effective and efficient rental Management system.
Maximize effective utilization of resources.
Design interactive and user friendly interfaces.
Create a database to reserve vehicles.

1.7. Scope and limitations of the project

1.7.1 Scope
The project is focused on developing of web based car rental for Bahir Dar RIES
Engineering organization functionally this web based system covers car rental.
Manage account
Manage car information
Online reservation
Generate Report
Online payment(be virtual)
Online punishment(be virtual)
Feedback from user
Manage Rent

1.7.2 Limitation of the project

For accomplishing our research project, there are a number of limitations which affect
how our work is interpreted among these the following are main.
No a GPS technology to control the rented car activity because to implement GPS
technology we need satellite technology and GPS experts.
Maintenance team is not included during the vehicle is get injured in renting time.

1.8 Methodology
This section describes the steps and procedures that researchers should be followed in
order to accomplish the project.

1.8.1 Data Gathering Technique

There are many fact-gathering techniques that can be used in gathering of information
such as interview, observation, documentation review.

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For the purpose of gathering requirement from users we are going to have frequent
interviews with users who are expected to be users of the system that we are going to
 By Observing the existing problem
 By discussing and analyzing the problems with project team.
Document analysis
 The other method is document analysis; we reviewed documents such as
books, e-books and some previously done project reports which are used as a
reference to design the system we are going to develop.
Internet is our main source of information for the requirement of our project
1.8.2. Design Methodology

In the designing model we use Rapid application development (RAD) in the system to
structure, control and plan the process of information system. This can quickly give the
customer something to see and use and to provide feedback regarding the delivery and
their requirements.


User Design Construction


Figure 1.1 Design methodology

1.8.3. Implementation Methodology
Implementation tools: In order to implement our system we used the following


Front end: CSS, HTML and JavaScript

Back end: PHP, MY SQL server

Web server: WAMP and XAMP server

Browser: Mozilla fire fox, UC Browser ,Internet Explorer, Chrome

Hardware: To implement our document we used the following hardware devices.

Personal computer

Connection cable


Intel(R) Core(R)i3 CPU N2830 @ 2.16GHz

RAM (Random Access Memory)(2GB)

Software: Software is a program that enables a computer to perform a specific task, as

opposed to the physical components of the system (hardware). To implement our
document we used the following software.
Apache Web server: is software that will use to run Server side application.

PHP: hypertext preprocessor language. It will use to implement server side

sub system of the system.

Dreamweaver and Notepad++: Used to write the specific code.

Microsoft office word 2007 and above(For writing documentation)

Microsoft PowerPoint 2007(For presentation )

Window 7 Operating system and above

Edraw max and UML Diagram : For drawing UML diagrams

1.8.4. Testing Methodology

Unit Testing
The primary goal of unit testing is to take the smallest piece of testable software in the
application, isolate it from the remainder of the code, and determines whether it behaves
as expected or not.

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Integration Testing
When a number of components are complete; it will test to ensure that they integrate well
with each other, the operating system, and other components.
System Testing
For verifying as the whole system is functioning in integrated manner and helping in
striving planned goal. System testing is comparing Function of the system developed in
relation with expected function of the system.

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Requirements are the phase in the project where we begin by identifying what the user
wants who is going to use the project/product. Without a clear cut idea of what the user
wants, we cannot possibly give it to him. A requirement is a condition, characteristics, or
a capability that a specific outcome of the project must have. Stakeholder expectations
and needs often materialize into requirements as well. The requirements should be
documented, actionable, measurable, testable, related to identified business needs or
opportunities, and defined to a level of detail sufficient for system design.

2.1 Overview of the existing System

2.1.1 Activities of the existing system
Studying the existing system bring about important contribution to the newly developed
system. The existing system of Bahir Dar RESCO office service is found to be in most
feature it is manual. A Bahir Dar Ries Engineering Share Company provides all of its
service in the form of print format. There is no way for customer to use the digitalized
reservation and rental service in Bahir Dar RESCO office. Especially when new (foreign
citizen) customer come from another place, it is difficult to get the car rent just in time in
well-organized way. Bahir Dar RESCO office gives car rental, package and city for both
foreign and local customers. This organization carries out its daily work by providing;
their service to the customers using manual system. The organization uses a manual
system for reserving, renting, register, and to keep record of all the rental activities and
customer information and also the promotion of themselves is done by billboards.
The detailed existing system functions are listed as follows: -
Vehicle Reservation: During vehicle reservation the customers reserve a vehicle
by making a phone call to the organization; otherwise he/she is expected to go to
the organization to make reservation.

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Renting Vehicle: During renting a vehicle the customer personal information,

payments status and hire agreements are filled in the car rent agreement form in
order to hold legal contract between the customer and organization for renting the
Work Time: The organization normal work time schedule is from 12:00am –
2:00pm; therefore the organization gives services for fourteen hours a day.
Scheduling for Staff Workers: The working time of each individual Staff
workers are posted through paper.
About Total Report: The organization makes a general report about the rented
vehicles once at the end of the month and generates a report

2.1.2 Problem of the existing system

Time consuming: Because of the manual system, recording and checking a

recorded data for one person takes a lot of time.
Consume Human labor: to serve customers and organize the records of
customers, vehicles and employees data or information need much human power
Lack of networked activity: the system does not well organized.
Difficulty in locating of customer files: due to the large number of customer’s
files, location of customer files during checking in, updating of daily expenditures,
receipt generation and checking out is extremely difficult.
It needs large storage space: the physical files occupy too much space.
Human and computational errors: many errors enabled by the system due to
tedious computations required during data processing cost the car rental and
management heavily.
Difficulty in data analysis: The office usually found it difficult to analyze the
customer’ data during generation of expenditure bills due to missing of some
Users do not have the facility to search a car on the basis of brand name or model.
Insertion anomalies:-unable to insert records of customers or employees on one
place. It’s happen because of redundancy of data.
Delete anomalies:-unable to delete records of customers or employees on one
place. It’s happen because of redundancy of data.

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Efficiency related problem: staff worker waste their time due to redundantly
input data’s when adding new customer, send comment, search, and update
vehicles information and performing other activity. The use of several forms and
copies in the record keeping will insure additional material cost.

2.1.3 Weakness and Strength

In the current system of Ries Engineering Share Company there is even some strengths
with a lot of drawbacks, the organization as an international in company is try to do best
service delivery even in manual case but the manual system hides their effort honestly
applied to success. Since the best punctuality of the staff worker is measured through the
success of the organization to where they make it more competitive compared to other
sectors in the other branch even with main office of the organization in Ethiopia or in the
The company Works 14 hours per day therefore customers can gate free
Staff workers will arrive on time to the company (punctuality).
They try to deliver the right item to the right user even in manual case.
Managing lots of data on paper even data loss occurs some time.
The ability to remember who borrows car and who returns car based on
information recorded on paper.

Make the employee become tired in short time.
Needs more manual labor to fully operate the company.
The current manual system exposes staff workers to lose important
documents on the company.
Difficult to manage user’s attendance and to make staff workers schedule
because it requires more time.
Making vehicle reservation is very difficult because it needs physical

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2.2 Over view of Proposed System

The Newly Developed system that we would to design is Web based car rental
management system for Bahir Dar RESCO of Red Star International. This system has a
wide range of benefits for the user by providing the Bahir Dar RESCO of Red Star
International car rental and organization services in well-organized way. Especially for
customers by saving the time required. To analysis and design the newly developing
system we have been used object oriented approach diagrams such as use case diagram,
sequence diagram, Activity diagram and class diagram.
It is the most software application for managing online car rental business
The newly propose system is in most computerized system.
A new system provides features like time efficiency to show car details, user profiles
and whatever the customer will give the feedback to the system.
Reason for the development of car rental management system
The advancement in information technology and internet penetration has greatly
enhanced various business processes and communication between companies (services
provider) and their customers of which car rental industry is not left out. This E-car rental
system is developed to provide the following service:-
Enhance Business Processes: To be able to use internet technology to project the
rental company to the global world instead of limiting their services to their
local domain alone, thus increase their return on investment (ROI).
Online Vehicle Reservation: A tools through which customers can reserve
available cars online prior to their expected pick-up date or time.
Customer’s registration: A registration portal to hold customer’s details,
monitor their transaction and used same to offer better and improve services to
Group booking: - allow the customers to book vehicle for a group.
2.2.1 Functional Requirement
Functional requirements are observable tasks or processes that must be performed by the
system. In our system it includes:

Account login is provided: admin, staff workers and user/customers can login to the
system by his/her own user name and password but the system have functionality to
redirect each actor to their own page as their level of privilege.

14 | P a g e

Create account: customer can create (sign up) their own account to access the system
and the admin create the staff workers account.

Update: the system enables the actor (admin, staff worker, and user) to update necessary
information in the database according to their own level of privileges. For example login
account can be updated by admin, user, staff worker but vehicle detail can be updated
only by the staff worker and the staff.

Add new vehicle and new Staff worker: new Vehicle can be added by the staffs and
new Staff worker can be registered by administrator.

Search, Delete, and modify Necessary information’s: Vehicles can be searched or

viewed by any actor but deleting and modifying Vehicles are responsibilities of Staffs and
customer rented data can be deleted by either of the staff or by the administrator.

Generate reports: report can be generated by admin and staffs about vehicles, staffs list,
users that reserve the vehicles (Vehicle reservation), cancel reservation and punishment
during return the vehicle.

Deactivate/Activate Staff account: the admin can activate or deactivate staff account
according to the present level of status.

Manage rented and returned vehicles: in our developed system staff has full right to
manage vehicles starting from what to be rent or what will not be and managing vehicles
to be returned.

Online payment (Virtual): during renting the vehicle after the request is approved by the
staff workers the customer pay the payment he/she wants to rent and amount of the
payment should be added to the organization account and subtracted from the his/she
account and this payment is also be virtual in our system as your comment during
proposal presentation and documentation presentation.

Penalize users: users who are not returning the vehicle on time, can be
penalized/punished during his returns the vehicle to the organization and record total
amount of individual user’s penalty/punishment in database and online transfer of money
from user account to organization account is possible but it is virtual payment in our
system as your comment during proposal presentation and documentation presentation.

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Manage reserved vehicles: most reserved vehicles in the organization should be placed
in circulation then the user can reserve the book on line from anywhere by specifying
start and end time of reservation but the user should be present on time that is specified
during reservation.

Rent Vehicles: customers may rent vehicles from organization that are Available or free
from rented one.

2.2.2 Non-Functional Requirements

It describes aspects of the system that are concerned with how the system provides the
functional requirements. They are:
Security: the system are should provide a high level of security and integrity of
the data held by the system, only authorized personnel of the company can gain
access to the company’s secured page on the system.
Performance and Response time: the system should have high performance
rate when executing user’s input and should be able to provide feedback or
response within a short time.
Availability: this system should always be available for access at 24 hours, 7 days a

Portability:-The system is machine independent and software system independent so it

can be moved to different target platforms.

Reliability: – The system is effective and consistent in that integrity of information is

maintained and supplied to the system.
Accessibility: the time taken to access the data in the vehicles through the internet.
Error handling Conditions: To reduce input fault, the system will enable the user to
confirm that details are correct before creation, deletion or modification occurs. ·
Respond to error inputs by asking the user to reenter data in the correct format.
Integrity: Integrity requirements define the security attributes of the system, restricting
access to features or data to certain users and protecting the privacy of data entered into
the software.
Ease of use: considered the level of knowledge possessed by the user of this system, a
simple but quality user interface should be develop to make it easy to understand and
required less training.

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2.2.3 System Requirement (Software, language and Hardware requirements

We have been used different Software’s, languages and hardware’s to complete the
overall system. Those software’s are listed below:-

Table2. 1. Software requirement

No Types of Software Purpose

1 XAMPP Server To serves as local server

2 Macromedia Dream weaver 6 To write code and to work design

and 8

3 Microsoft Word To write the document

4 Notepad To write code

5 Microsoft power point Used for final presentation of the


Those languages requirements are listed below:-

Table 2.2.language requirement
No. Types of Purpose

1 PHP For making dynamic and interactive Web pages quickly.

2 MySQL for database management system

3 HTML To describe web pages

4 Java script To do validation of a web page

Those hardware requirements are listed below:-

Table 2. 3 Hardware requirements

No. Types of Hardware Purpose

1 desktop Computer To perform all activities concerning the project, such as

(writing code, saving document, etc.).

2 Flash Disk (8GB) To save (Store) Files

3 Compact Disk (CD) For backup purpose

4 Electronic Camera To capture different Image

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2.2.4 User requirement (Assumptions)

They are the basic requirements that the user needs to operate with our system; the
following are some of the user requirement that our system needs to communicate with

 User should have basic computer skill to use the system.

 User should know English language very well to operate tasks.
 User should have electronic device pc or tablet to use the system.
 User should have their own privilege (account).

2.2.5 Business Rules (BR)

1. The customer rent the vehicle only if the staffs approve their reservation.
2. Information stored for each booking includes customer, car, date of hire and date
on which the vehicle is to be returned.
3. A customer cannot rent the vehicle more than one year instead it will buy the
4. If a vehicle is available, the customer's details are recorded for rent (if not stored
already) and a new booking is made.
5. Potential or existing customers can book a vehicle up to 7 days in advance
depending on availability.
6. Customers must pay for the vehicle at the time of hire.
7. If the booking has been made in advance, a confirmation letter will be sent to the

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3.1 Use Case Model

The use case model provides detailed information about the behaviors of the system or
application that we are developing. A use case represents a discrete unit of interaction
between a user and the system. A use case is a single unit of meaningful work. Each use
case has a description which describes the functionality that will be built in the proposed
system. Use case my include another use case functionality or extend another use case
with its own behavior use cases are typically relate to actors.
3.1.1 Actor Specification
Actor is users of the system or external entities in which they are interact with the system.
An actor represents a coherent set of roles that are entities external to the system can play
in using the system, rather than representing a particular individual. The following are all
of the actors in our system.

A. Administrator: is the general manager of organization in which who is most

responsible in our system, in all circumstance the work of other individual actors
can be accessed without any privilege limitation by administrator except users
database (user name and password).The following are some of the responsibilities
of administrator for the efficient management of the system, in our system the
admin can manage account, view feedback, make schedule for staff workers as
B. Staff worker: a person he/she is responsible for serving the user in the
organization mostly has very direct contact with users as well as administrators.
Mostly they are responsible for managing renting car transaction (rent, return rent
vehicle’s and reserved vehicles).
C. User: is the person who is most beneficial on the resource of organization.
anybody who is interested to rent vehicle on the organization can use the system
but being register a member form is required from user and logged as user to
access the page.
3.1.2 Use case diagrams
Use case diagram is used to capture the dynamic nature of a system it means (the
behavior of the system when it is running /operating.). It consists of use cases, actors and

their relationships. Use case diagram is used at a high level design to capture the
requirements of a system.

 Staff
 Admin
 User/customer

Figure 3.1 use case diagram

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3.1.3 Descriptions of use case diagram

Table 3.1: use case Login
Use case number UC-01
Use case Name Login
Actor Staff, Customer and Admin
Description This use case describes how the staff, customer and admin
login in to the system
Precondition The staff, customer and admin must be registered on the
Basic course of User action System response
Action 1.Select the account 2. The system displays the
privilege login form
3.fill username and 4. The system verifies that all
password, click on login the filled Have been filled
button out and valid.
5. the system display the
6. Use case End
Alternate 4.1 if all fields are not filled out and not matched to the
course of username and password the system notifies the actor a
action message verify username or password and then go back
Or return to step 3 of basic course of action to enter

Post-condition again.
The authenticated person gets the appropriate page

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Table 3.2: use case Reserve vehicle

Use case UC-02
Use case name Reserve vehicle
Actor Customer
Description This use case permits customers to reserve and make order for
renting vehicle, based on the availability of the vehicle
Precondition Customer wants to reserve a vehicle and reservation details
about customer have to be initiate the system and enter your
password and username.
Basic course of User action System response
Action 1. The customer wants to 3. The system prompts the
reserve a vehicle. customer to fill a reservation
2. The customer clicks form.
reservation page. 6. the system checks all required
4. the customer enters the information had been filled
necessary Information and the date entered dates are
5. The customer clicks valid
reserve button to reserve. 7. The system presents
8. The customer accepts the information to accept or
reservation and click decline the rental agreement.
accept. 9. The systems show the
customer that the reservation
has been completed, and
presents the customer a
reservation confirmation
Alternate course 6.1 If the customer enters invalid number.
date and time, the system goes
of action back to step 4 to enter the valid date and time.
If the customer fills invalid information, the system goes back
to step 4 to enter the invalid again.
If the customer declines the agreement, the system displays a
message that reservation canceled.

Post-condition Customers reserve successfully

22 | P a g e

Table 3.3: use case Add Vehicle

Use case UC-03
Use case name
number Add Vehicle
Actor Staff
Description These use case permits staff to register new vehicles to the system
with detail descriptions about the vehicle such as model, brand and
Precondition price
Newper day. purchased.
Basic course of User action System response
Action 1. The staff wants to add a new 3. The system response or
vehicle. displays a form to be filled out
2. The requests add new vehicle for vehicle registration.
form page 6. The system verifies that the
4. The staff enters the Vehicle fields have been filled out
information in the form. correctly.
5. The staff clicks or presses on 7. The system displays a
the save or insert button. successfully stored message to
the Staff.
8. Use case End.

Alternate course 6.1 If all fields are not filled out the system goes back or returns to
of action step 4 of basic course of action. To fill the invalid or the empty

Post-condition New vehicle information stored successfully

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Table3. 4: Use case –Feedback

Usecase number UC-04
Use case Name Feedback
Actor Customer ,Staff
Description This use case permits Customer and Staff will give feedback.
Precondition None.
Basic course of User action System response
Action 1. The customer click on 2. The system displays form
feedback link. 4. Then the system checks the field
3. The customer give are fulfill
feedback with their successfully send
details(Name, 6. Use case End.

Alternate course 4.1Email

if not ,Subject,
fulfill theMessage)
details actor go back or returns step 3 of basic
of action course of action
Post-condition Send feedback

Table3. 5: Use case – Approve vehicle reservation

Use case UC-05
Use case name Approve vehicle reservation
Actor Staff
Description This use case permits staff to approve vehicle reservation
Precondition Login
Basic course of User action System response
Action 1. The staff should login 2. The system checks staff
3. The staff click on approve username and password
Button 4. approve successfully
5. use case End
Alternate course If the username and password no matched staff go to basic course
of action action of 1.
Post-condition Approve vehicle reservation

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Table3. 6: Use case – Cancel a reservation

Use case UC-06
Use case name Cancel a reservation
Actor Customer
Description This use case permits a customer to cancel a reservation
Precondition Customer already has reserved and wants to cancel the reservation
Basic course of User action System response
Action 1. The customer wants to cancel 3. the system displays a form
reservation 5. The system verifies the field
2.The customer click cancel has been filled out correctly
reservation link and checks validity of
4. The customer enters confirmation number, then
reservation popup a message to verify
confirmation number and the canceling.
click cancel reservation button 7. The system cancels the
reservation and display a
message the reservation is
8. use case End
Alternate course 5.1 If the customer enters invalid number system goes back or
of action returns to step 4 of the basic course of action. To fill invalid
or the empty field again.

Post-condition Customer successfully cancel a vehicle

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Table3. 7: Use case – Create account

Use case number UC-07
Use case name Create account
Actor Admin
Description These use case allows Admin to create account.
Precondition Login
Basic course of User action System response
Action 1. Admin enters username and 2. The system checks username
password. and password.
3. Admin login and open 4 .the system display form
create 6. The system checks each field
account page for staff form is fulfill.
5. Admin fill the form 8.successfully create the account
correctly 9.use case exit
Alternate course 2.1 If Admin not enter username and password goes to basic
of action course of action 1.
Post-condition Successfully create staff account

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Table3. 8: Use case – add staff.

Use case UC-08
Use case name Add staff
Actor Admin
Description Add newly employed/ Staff to the system for granting privileges.

Precondition The Admin must have a full privilege to access the information
Basic course of User action System response
Action 1. The Admin wants to add staff. 3. The system prompts the admin
2. The Admin clicks add staff to fill a add staff form.
link. 6.The system checks all required
4. the admin enters the required information had been filled
staff information and the date entered dates
5. The admin clicks add button are valid
to add. 7. The system presents
8. The admin accepts the add information to accept.
staff and Click accepts. 9. The systems show the admin
that the staffs add has been
Alternate course 6.1 If the admin fills invalid information, the system goes back to
of action step 4 to enter the
Invalid again.
7.1 If the admin declines the agreement, the system displays a

Post-condition Admin add staff successfully

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Table3. 9: Use case – Update vehicle

Use case number UC-9
Use case name Update vehicle
Actor Staff
Description The Staff Update vehicle Information
Precondition Login
Basic course of User action System response
Action 1. Click on ‘update’ button 5. The system prompts the staff
2. Insert the car No. to be to Update vehicle
updated detail. Information.
3. Change the new value that the 6. Use case End.
form must have.
Alternative course 2.1 If Incorrect information entry display data not found error
of action message
Post condition Staff will be Update Vehicle Information
Exit condition Staff logout from the system

Table3. 10: Use case – Search vehicle

Use case number UC-10
Use case name Search vehicle
Actor Customer , Admin, Staff
Description The Actor Search a vehicle
Precondition Login
Basic course of User action System response
Action 1. Type the car Type on the 3. The system Display vehicle
search field. type and all about the
2. Click on ‘Go’ button vehicle Information.

4. Use case End.

28 | P a g e

Alternative 2.1 If Incorrect information entry display not found error

Course action message
Post condition The Staff, Customer will be Search a vehicle

Table3. 11: Use case – Sin Up.

Use case number UC-11
Use case name Sin Up
Actor Customer

Description The Customer Sin Up to Reserve or to rent a vehicle

Precondition The customer initiate the system to sign up

Basic course of User action System response

Action 1.Click Sin Up Button 2.The system displays the Sin Up
3. the customer fill personal form
information and Click create 4. The system verifies that all the
My account button filled have been filled out and
5. the system display User ID
6. Use case End
Alternative 3.1 If Incorrect information entry Go to step 3 and try again
course of action
Post condition Customer will be Register.

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Table3. 13: Use case –Return Rent

Use case Number UC-13

Use case Name Return Rent

Actor Customer

Description The customer should return the vehicle on the date specified
during rent.

Pre-condition For returning a Vehicle user should know date of returning and
rent the vehicle.

Basic course of User Action System Response

1. The staff should on click the 2. The system will provide user
link that say Return vehicle interface with list of rented
link and the user interface vehicles, the librarian press on
will be displayed. return Vehicle button
4. The staff also should check
3. The system display message
the due date of the returned
whether vehicle can be
returned correctly or not.

Alternative 3.1 If the system feedback message is say vehicle is correctly

course of action returned the staff can check that vehicle information in data
4.1 If the due date of the vehicle being returned is late some date
staff should collect (punish users) money.

30 | P a g e

Post condition Place the returned vehicle on appropriate place in


Table3. 14: Use case –View Available Vehicle.

Use case Number UC-14

Use case Name View vehicle

Actor Admin, staff, customer

Description The Actor or any member of the organization who is interested can
view vehicle.

Pre-condition For viewing vehicle (all list once) or other in the organization one
should be a member first.

Basic course of User action System Response

1. To view details of any vehicle 3. The system displays the list
the above actors should first of vehicles or other
login to the system. information if exist.
2. Press the link for what they
want to view according to
their privilege.

Alternative 3.1 If the information is previously not inserted to the database the
course of action staff is only recommended adding the item.

Post condition View any items what they want.

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3.2 Sequence Diagram

The sequence diagram displays the overall flow of control in an object-oriented program.
It captures the behavior of a single use-case. This is also used to capture time ordering of
message flow. It should be done for the main success scenario of the use case, and
frequent or complex alternative scenarios. A system sequence diagram should specify
and show the following:

External actors
Messages (methods) invoked by these actors
Return values (if any) associated with previous messages
Indication of any loops or iteration area

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Figure 3.2 Sequence Diagram for Login page

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Figure 3.3 Sequence diagram for vehicle reservation to customer

Figure 3.4 Sequence diagram for vehicle add to staff

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Figure 3.5 Sequence Diagram for cancel reservation to customer

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Figure 3.6 Sequence Diagram for send Feedback

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Figure 3.7 Sequence Diagram for Add Staff

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3.3 Class Diagram

Class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure
diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their
Attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects.

Figure 3.8 class diagram

3.4 Activity Diagram

Activity diagram is another important diagram to describe dynamic behavior. Activity

diagram consists of activities, links, relationships etc. It models all types of flows like
parallel, single, concurrent etc. Activity diagram describes the flow control from one
activity to another without any messages. These diagrams are used to model high level
view of business requirements.
So the purposes can be described as:
Draw the activity flow of a system.
Describe the sequence from one activity to another.
Describe the parallel, branched and concurrent flow of the system.

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Figure 3. 9 Activity Diagram for Login to own Page

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Figure 3. 10Activity Diagram for Staff Add New Vehicle

40 | P a g e

Figure 3. 11 Activity Diagram for Customer Reserve Vehicle

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Figure 3. 12 Activity Diagram for Customer Create Account

Figure 3. 13 Activity Diagram for Search Vehicle

42 | P a g e

Figure 3. 14 Activity Diagram for Customer cancel Reservation

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Figure 3. 15 Activity Diagram for rent after reservation and processing Payment

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In previous chapter all the interaction of client that the end user with the developer is
discussed. However to see the information about the internal structure of the system and
its hardware configuration the system design will be discussed.

In this phase the project groups try to illustrate:

Design goal of the system.

System decomposition.
The architecture of the system.
Deployment diagram.
Persistent data management.
Access control and security.
And finally sample user interfaces design.

4.1 Design Goal

Design goal primarily emerged from nonfunctional requirement of the system and the
objectives of the design goal are to model a system with high quality.
The nature of the design is created by the designer and it is more important for the
programmer to implement a high quality and error free system. The design goal of the
system, the goal may include with angle of performance, dependability, and end user
Generally for the performance criteria the system response time should be fast and
reliable and also should not take up too much disk space. The system must be robust and
failure free (fault tolerant) for supporting the dependability issue. And finally efficiency
and satisfaction must be specified with interactive and easily system usability. To the
strict it should consider:
Low operating cost: in performing tasks by using the new proposed
integrated system cost expenditure will be minimized .For example we
need not to have paper, pen and other like the manual because forms are
found in the proposed system we can simply use those.
Easy to use: Because the web application is developed by easy user
interactive pages the user of the web application is feels easy to use.

Easy maintenance: when sometimes failure comes to the new proposed

system it will be maintained easily.
Security: Management of RESCO car rental management system should
be secured because on one can’t access the system without the use of
his/her privilege code.
Good response time: to make the developing system manage actor’s
request in short period of time.
Portability: In this case the developing system is plat form independent;
user can use the system on every computer.
Minimize error: By using the newly proposed system the error which
happens during in manual case will be reduced and makes the process of
handling data and records more simple.

4.2. System Decomposition

System decompositions or breaking down a system into its components (subsystems) help
to reduce the complexity of the system. The importance of decomposing the system in to
subsystems in any software development side is we can easily understand what the
system we are developing and what its main uses are and identifies the sub-system from
the functional requirements outlined in chapter two.

Figure 4.1 System decomposition of WBSCMS

46 | P a g e

4.3 System Architecture

In this project the team uses a four tier architecture which has four layers. These three
layers are the Application or Presentation layer, the business layer and the data access
client or ‘access’ layer – which facilitates access by both external and internal clients
through technologies such as web browsers and is also a class to get or set data to the
database queries back and forth. This layer only interacts with the database. The database
queries or stored procedures will be written here to access the data from the database or to
perform any operation to the database.
Presentation layer – the layer that accesses information from the other systems as
required, and can contain its own ‘business rules’ for simple processes and it is the form
which provides the user interface to either programmer or end user.

Business layer – contains the business information layer and also a class which the team
uses to write the function which works as a mediator to transfer data from application
layer or presentation layer to data layer.

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Figure 4.2 System Architecture of WBSCMS

4.4 Deployment Diagram

Deployment diagrams show the configuration of run-time processing elements and the
software components, processes, and objects that live on them. Software component
instances represent run-time manifestations of code units. Deployment diagrams are
useful when your software solution is deployed across multiple machines with each
having a unique configuration.

Figure 4.3 deployment diagram of WBSCMS

48 | P a g e

4.5. Persistence Data Management

Persistent Diagram is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. This
logical data model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and
physical storage parameters needed to generate a design in a data definition language,
which can then be used to create a database. A fully attributed data model contains
detailed attributes for each entity. It can be thought of as the logical design of the base
data structures used to store the data.

Figure 4.4 persistence diagram for WBCRMS

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Table 4.1 Admin table

No Field Name Data Type constraint Description
1 PersonId Int Primary Key It is store Admin id
2 Name Varchar(15) Not null It is store Admin Name

3 Phone Number Int Not null It is store Admin Phone Number

4 Password Varchar(15) Not null It is store Admin Password

5 E-mail address Varchar(15) Not null It is store Admin E-mail

6 Username Varchar(15) Not null It stores the Admin username

Table 4.2 Customer table

No Field Name Data Type constraint Description
1 ID Int Primary Key It is store id
2 Full-Name Varchar(30) Not null It is store Full Name

3 User_Name Varchar(15) Not null It stores the customer user name

5 Password Varchar(15) Not null It is store Password

6 E-mail Varchar(15) Not null It is store Email

7 Phone Int Not null It is store Phone Number

8 Address Varchar(15) Not null It is store Address

9 Country Varchar(15) Not null It is store Country

11 Profile Image Varchar(15) Not null It is store Profile image

50 | P a g e

Table 4.3 Car table

No Field Name Data Type constraint Description
1 Plate Number Int Primary It is store Plate Number
2 Vehicle Type, .Varchar(15) Key
Not null It is store Vehicle Type

3 Vehicle Model Varchar(15) Not null It is store Vehicle Model

4 Price Per Day Int(15) Not null It is store Vehicle Price

5 Vehicle Image Varchar(15) Not null It is store Vehicle Image

6 Number Of Seats Int(15) Not null It is store Vehicle Seats

7 Vehicle Company Varchar(15) Not null It is store Vehicle Company

8 Vehicle Categories Varchar(15) Not null It is store Vehicle categories

9 Vehicle Maker Varchar(15) Not null It is store Vehicle Maker

10 Fuel Type Varchar(15) Not null It is store Vehicle Fuel Type

11 Color Varchar(15) Not null It is store Vehicle Color

12 Description Varchar(15) Not null It is store Vehicle Description

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4.6. Access Control and security

Access control is way of enabling & limiting access to a system or to physical or virtual
resources according to access level. A control is a process by which users are denied
access to the system or granted access and certain privileges to systems, resources or
information. When the user can login, the user will be authenticated and then authorized
access to the system.
Table 4.4 security and access control summarization
Use Case Administrator Staff Worker User/Customer

Account login   

Activate Account 

Deactivate Account 

Register for Rent 

Reserve Vehicle 

Approve Reservation 

Cancel Reservation 

Pay Punishment or penalty 

Make Schedule for staff 

Generate Report  

Search Vehicle   

Update Rent 

Manage Vehicle 

Create Account 

Rent Vehicle 

Fee Payment 

Give Feed Back  

View Feed Back 

Sign up 

52 | P a g e

4.7 User Interface design

Figure 4.5 home page user interface

Page | 53

Login page:

Figure 4.6 Login page user interface prototyping

Customer give feedback form

54 | P a g e

Figure 4.7 customer give feedback form

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Figure 4.8 customer select Vehicle for Rent

56 | P a g e

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Figure 4.9 customer for Reservation and Register for Rent user interface
5.1 Tools
The development of project is not a simple task that we implement it easily so we need
some tools (hardware and software tools) necessarily help us to develop our project. We
use the following basic hardware and software tools.
5.1.1 Software and Hardware Tools used Software tools are
Tools that are not physically available but they are used to implement the system
we are using.
 Sql server 2008: To create the database.
 Html: To create web applications forms.
 Edraw- max, visual paradigm, Microsoft visual studio 2007: To design (for
drawing diagrams).
 MS word 2013: for documentation development.
 MS Power point 2013: for documentation development.
 Paint: for editing images.
 Window 8 Operating system to implement the documentation and the code.
 Sniping tool. For sniping (cutting required images) images.
 XAMPP server: for creating database and tables.
 Email: to take back up for our data.
Hardware Tools:
 Printer: for printing document.
 Paper, pencil, pen, etc. for writing the required information.
 Pen drive (USB FLASH): to transfer file from pc to pc or handling purpose.
 Ram: for storage of currently working document.
 Hard disk: to store our data permanently.
 Personal Computer for doing the entire application, documentation.
5.2.1 Algorithms used for authentication or login
Function login (Username, password) Passing two parameters for
Function login (Username, password) login function

If length of username and password==0 Check that Zero length

is not allowed.

58 | P a g e

Display error message “Please fill out this field”

Stay in the same page and the actor fills the form after he knows the field is required.
The system retrieve username and password which the actor submit. Authenticate the right
If username! =username or password! =password or status! =active for staff
Display error message “Invalid username or password or account is deactivated, Try
again or contact your admin”
Stay in the same page and the actor understand his mistake.
1. If he is sure that his password and user name is correct contact admin perfectly his
account is deactivated.
2. If the actor forget his password click the link forget password and recover his account
By typing his user name, new password and confirm new password.
3. If the actor is not member register as a new or request for admin (for staff) and sign up
and fill all required information (for customer).
4. If his account detail is correct access the required page.
//End of the function login
5.2.2 Algorithms used for sign up (customer for account creation)
1. Form summation with empty form value is not allowed.
 If the actor clicks the form without inserting required values Display
Error message "Please fill out this field".
2. Inserting character on the form that require number is not allowed.
 If the actor suddenly types character on the form that require number Display
error message "Number only allowed".
3. Inserting number on the form that require number is not allowed.
 If the actor suddenly types number on the form that require character Display
error message "character only allowed".
4. Selecting value from option is mandatory.
 If the actor is not select required option values from the list the system display
error message "please select an item from the list".
5. Check password value with confirm password.
 If the actor is type different password for new password and confirm password
display error message "password do not match ".

If all the above conditions are correct account is created and we can login according to our

Page | 59

//End of Registration.
5.3 Environments
The goal is to create a testing environment as close to the development environment as
possible and to provide an automated black box test suite that can be run when changes
are made to the software. The test environment is the same windows environment used
for software development. Below are the hardware and software requirements for the test
Table 5 .1The hardware and network requirements for testing activities are:
Hardware Purpose

1. Any PC and Mobile where we can To be able to run the web based car rental
connect to internet and run browser. and selling management system

2. A web server to be able to setup To be able to run the online prototype web
web services and web based car based car rental and selling management
rental and selling web pages. system

Table 5.2The software requirements for testing activities are:

Software Purpose

1. Windows XP,7, 8, 10, etc. The system shall operate in Windows operating

2. Web Server To be able to run the web server

3. Windows 2007 and above for More secure than the other windows OSs.
the web server Operating

5.4 Sample code and sample output

5.4.1 Sample code for Home page
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta name="description" content=" ">

60 | P a g e

<meta name="keywords" content=" ">

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
<meta name="author" content="Kl?ra Frolichov?, Sunlight webdesign">
<meta name="Copyright" content="Kl?ra Frolichov?, Sunlight webdesign 2007">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="">
<meta name="description" content="La casa free real state fully responsive
html5/css3 home page website template"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0,
minimum-scale=1.0" />
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(function() {
imgPath: 'passets/img/default.svg',
text: 'please wait ...',
style: {
position: 'fixed',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .8)',
left: 0,
top: 0,
zIndex: 10000

setTimeout($.loadingBlockHide, 1000);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

Page | 61

<head lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta property="og:description" name="description" content="Floating Social
Share Buttons">
<meta property="og:image" >

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">

$(function() {
imgPath: 'passets/img/default.svg',
text: 'please wait ...',
style: {
position: 'fixed',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .8)',
left: 0,
top: 0,
zIndex: 10000

setTimeout($.loadingBlockHide, 1000);
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<style type="text/css">
.hovergallery img{
-webkit-transform:scale(0.8); /*Webkit: Scale down image to 0.8x original size*/
-moz-transform:scale(0.8); /*Mozilla scale version*/
-o-transform:scale(0.8); /*Opera scale version*/

62 | P a g e

-webkit-transition-duration: 0.5s; /*Webkit: Animation duration*/

-moz-transition-duration: 0.5s; /*Mozilla duration version*/
-o-transition-duration: 0.5s; /*Opera duration version*/
opacity: 0.7; /*initial opacity of images*/
margin: 0 10px 5px 0; /*margin between images*/

.hovergallery img:hover{
-webkit-transform:scale(1.1); /*Webkit: Scale up image to 1.2x original size*/
-moz-transform:scale(1.1); /*Mozilla scale version*/
-o-transform:scale(1.1); /*Opera scale version*/
box-shadow:0px 0px 30px gray; /*CSS3 shadow: 30px blurred shadow all around
-webkit-box-shadow:0px 0px 30px gray; /*Safari shadow version*/
-moz-box-shadow:0px 0px 30px gray; /*Mozilla shadow version*/
opacity: 1;
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(function() {
imgPath: 'passets/img/default.svg',
text: 'please wait ...',
style: {
position: 'fixed',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .8)',
left: 0,
top: 0,
zIndex: 10000

Page | 63

setTimeout($.loadingBlockHide, 1000);
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="cz"><head>
<title>Online Car Rental management System</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css" title="default">
<style type="text/css">
body { background:url(image/b.PNG)!important;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/*we want to have one single image not a repeated one*/
background-size:cover;} /* Adding !important forces the browser to overwrite the
default style applied by Bootstrap */
html {
background: url(image/bg.PNG) no-repeat center center fixed;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;



<body style ="background:black;align:left">

64 | P a g e

<div id="WholePage">
<div id="Inner">
<div id="Container" style="border:groove;border-color:#00CCFF">
<div id="Head">
<div id="Head_left">
<div id="Leaf_top"><img src="image/rresco.jpg" align="center"height="155"
width="1330" /></div>
<div id="Leaf_bottom"> <a class="registration" href="index.php?
con=52">STAFF/EMPLOYEE</a> <a class="log-in" href="index.php?
<div id="Head_right">
<div id="Logo">
<!-- Custom Fonts -->
<link href="font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(function() {
imgPath: 'passets/img/default.svg',
text: 'please wait ...',
style: {
position: 'fixed',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .8)',
left: 0,
top: 0,
zIndex: 10000
setTimeout($.loadingBlockHide, 1000);

Page | 65

<div id="Menu_content"> <!--<a class="menu_item" href="?
page=home"><span>--><!-- Start of Page Search -->
<h5>&nbsp;</h5> <script type='text/javascript'>
function ValidateAlpha(evt)
var keyCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode
if ((keyCode < 65 || keyCode > 90) && (keyCode < 97 || keyCode > 123) &&
keyCode != 32 && keyCode != 8 && keyCode != 9)
alert("only letters are allowed! ")
return false;
<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="t1" placeholder="vehicle for rent"
onfocus="if(this.value=='search by model')
{this.value='';}"onBlur="if(this.value==''){this.value='search by model';}"/>
<button name="sear" onkeypress="return
ValidateAlpha(event)"type="submit" class="button" id="sub" value="Go"
<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="t1" placeholder="vehicle for Buying"
onfocus="if(this.value=='search by model')
{this.value='';}"onBlur="if(this.value==''){this.value='search model';}"/>
<button name="search" type="submit" class="button" id="sub"
value="Go" />GO</button>


66 | P a g e

echo "<script>location.href='index.php?see=$see'</script>";

echo "sarch Not Found";

<div class="menu_header_left"> <span
<div class="menu_header_right"> </div>
<div id="Menu_content">
<a class="menu_item" href="index.php?con=9990"><span>generat Receipt
<a class="menu_item" href="index.php?con=990"><span>Renturn Car
<a class="menu_item" href="index.php?con=900"><span>Cancel

<a class="menu_item" href="index.php?catg=139 &

subcatg=Calander"><span>Internation Calander</span></a><br>
<a class="menu_item"
<div class="menu_header_left"> <span class="menu_text">Add to Cart</span>

Page | 67

<div class="menu_header_right"> </div>

<div id="Menu_content"> <a class="menu_item" href="index.php?catg=1001 &

Figure5.1 Home page sample output

68 | P a g e

5.4.3 Sample code for reserve vehicle

<div style="solid #00CCFF;"
<form method="POST" >
<div class="form-group">
<div id="autocomplete" class="dynamiclabel"><b style="color:black">
<div style="color:#00CCFF"><i class="fa fa-user"
aria-hidden="true"></i>Personal Information</div>
Car Name
<input value="<?php echo $_SESSION['car'];?>"style="color:#00CCFF"
readonly="readonly" class="form-control" name="car" id="name"
placeholder="Plate_Number" type="text" required>
('#text').bind('keyup blur',function(){
var node = $(this);
node.val(node.val().replace(/[^a-z ]/g,'') ); }
<label for="name"><b style="color:black">Car Name</label><link href=""
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

str = $(this).val()
str = str.replace(/\s/g,'')
<div class="form-group">
<div id="autocomplete" class="dynamiclabel"><b style="color:black">
Plate Number

Page | 69

<input value="<?php echo $_SESSION['plate'];?>"style="color:#00CCFF"

readonly="readonly" class="form-control" name="plate" id="name"
placeholder="Plate_Number" type="text" required>
('#text').bind('keyup blur',function(){
var node = $(this);
node.val(node.val().replace(/[^a-z ]/g,'') ); }
<label for="name"><b style="color:black">Price</label><link href=""
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

str = $(this).val()
str = str.replace(/\s/g,'')


70 | P a g e

Figure5. 2 output for view vehicles for rent

Page | 71

5.4.3 Sample code for Register rent and reservation





$price=str_replace(',', '', $_REQUEST['price']);












$date=date('Y/m/d H:i:s');

global $plate;

global $status;

global $fullname;

global $photo;

$pt=str_replace('/', '-', $_REQUEST['pt']);

$rt=str_replace('/', '-', $_REQUEST['rt']);

//creating a date object

$date3 = date_create($pt);

72 | P a g e

//creating a date object

$date4 = date_create($rt);

$diff34 = date_diff($date4, $date3);

//accesing days

$days = $diff34->d;


//accesing months

$months = $diff34->m;

//accesing years

$years = $diff34->y;

//accesing hours


//accesing minutes


//accesing seconds


// fetch the vehicle tabble


@$conection =mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "")or


mysql_select_db("wbcrms",$conection)or die ("un able to select data


$sele ="select * from vehicle where plate='".$serch."'";

$viee=mysql_query($sele,$conection)or die("unable to select from database".





Page | 73

// fetch the customer Table

@$conection =mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "")or


mysql_select_db("wbcrms",$conection)or die ("un able to select data



$select1 ="select * from customer where Name='".$ser."'";

$view1=mysql_query($select1,$conection)or die("un able to select from database".





if($years<=1&&$pa=="nd" and $fullname==$fn)

echo '<center>';

echo '<br /><div style="background-color:green;color:#fff;padding:10px;width:1100px;font-


<b>Customer Your Duration of Rent is:

<br />is: ' . $days . ' day(s), ' . $months . ' month(s), ' . $years . ' year(s)</b>

</div><br />';

echo "<br>";

echo"Total day of Rent:";




echo"Total payment Per/Day ETB:";

echo $price*$totaldate;

74 | P a g e

$price= $price*$totaldate;

echo '</center>';

//update the vehicle status becuase of reserved by this person

$updat="update vehicle set status='NotAvailable' where plate='".$plate."'";


@$conection =mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "")or


mysql_select_db("wbcrms",$conection)or die ("un able to select data


if(@mysql_query("insert into rent


echo "<font style='color:green'>Your Reservation Confirmition Number is:".$rn." Dont


echo "<script type = \"text/javascript\">

alert(\"Thanks Coustomer!! You Reservation the Car sccussful!! Plase wait until
Appruved !for A few Minuts and see your Status for more Information.!!\")


echo"Sorry Customer ! The Car was in Reservation Mode !!";

else if($years<=1&&$pa=="wd" and $fullname==$fn)

echo '<center>';

Page | 75

echo '<br /><div style="background-color:green;color:#fff;padding:10px;width:1100px;font-


<b>Customer Your Duration of Rent is:

<br />is: ' . $days . ' day(s), ' . $months . ' month(s), ' . $years . ' year(s)</b>

</div><br />';

echo "<br>";

echo"Total day of Rent:";




echo"Total payment Per/Day ETB:";

echo $price*$totaldate+200*$totaldate;

$price= $price*$totaldate+200*$totaldate;

echo '</center>';

//update the vehicle status becuase of reserved by this person

$updat="update vehicle set status='NotAvailable' where plate='".$plate."'";


@$conection =mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "")or


mysql_select_db("wbcrms",$conection)or die ("un able to select data


if(@mysql_query("insert into rent


echo "<font style='color:green'>Your Reservation Confirmition Number is:".$rn." Dont

forget !!";

76 | P a g e

echo "<script type = \"text/javascript\">

alert(\"Thnaks Coustomer!! You Reservation the Car sccussful!! Plase wait until
Appruved !for A few Minuts and see your Status for more Information. and 200 EBR

echo"Customer Please not Allowed More Than One Year";

else if($fullname!=$fn)

echo "<script type = \"text/javascript\">

alert(\"this account is not ur plase enter in your account!\");



echo mysql_error($conection);


Page | 77

Figure5. 3 output for rent

5.5 User Manual

This manual helps all the users of this system by guiding the steps what they want to do according
to their authorities.
To access our WBCRMS first user should install the browser and then type on the search
engine. The internet protocol address of the system of http://localhost/WBCRMS
DTU/kassaye/index.php.Then if the user is already registered they can put their Username
and password in the login page. User manual preparation since the system is web based
everything is important for the user will be explained and implemented while preparation
of short training document when the system is deployed. And also notify the user whether
the teams prepare to give training.
How to you use our developed WBCRMS /application?
 First open the web page of the system by typing http://localhost/WBCRMS
DTU/kassaye/index.php Next show all information of the system from the
displayed homepage

78 | P a g e

Figure5.4 Home page user manual

 Customer Enter username and password for rent and for buying the vehicle

Page | 79

Figure5.5 Login page user manual

 Select any vehicle from the list one and click your choice.

Figure5.6 select Vehicle user manual

80 | P a g e

 Fill the required filled to reserve first before renting the vehicle.

Figure5.7 Register for reservation and rent user manual

Page | 81


6.1. Unit Testing
In this testing part all, every module of the System is separately tested. I.e. the team tests
every module by applying some selection mechanism. Through this mechanism every
modules gets tested. If an error occurs correction will be taken without affecting another

Table 6. 1Authentication of user login

Unit test=authentication of login user

Assumption =login to the user’s appropriate page

Test data=,username, password(empty,valid,invalid)

Steps to be executed Test data Expected result

Empty username and Username=” ”, password=” “ Please fill out all the this
password field

invalid username, or Username=yonasu and Please enter valid

password Password=yonasu username and password

If Valid username and Username=yonasu Successfully logged in to

password password=Yonasu123 the system

82 | P a g e

Figure 6.1 Samples of unit testing for staff login to a system

6.2. Integration Testing
In this testing part, we employed this testing mechanism in our system to expose defects
in the interface and interaction between components (modules) that have been
successfully unit tested when integrated together to perform specific tasks and activities,
So we can make sure that the system’s component are correctly integrated each other.
This mechanism will seek to verify the interface between numbers of components.

6.3 Acceptance testing

This testing methodology is the final phase of functional software testing and
involves making sure that all the project requirements have been meet and that the
end-users have tested the system to make sure it operates as expected and meets all
their defined requirements. In this testing there are another sub testing which would
be performed:

Page | 83

 Alpha testing: When our system has been completed, we have examined it by
actual users and an independent test team. Hence, Representative of the user would
come to us and test the system by himself whether it meets their need or not.
 Beta testing: - The system would have been tested by the users at their own
working place whether it meets their needs or not.

6.4 System Testing

System testing is conducted on the complete system and is done by the developer. We have used
System testing to test the complete flows in the system (from login to logout) based on the
requirement specification (both functional and non-functional). In this testing approach our
team considers how the whole sub system of WBCRMS work together to achieve goals of
our project. Its goals are to detect faults like function validations, performance and
security of WBCRMS for RESCO.

84 | P a g e


7.1 Conclusion
This project focuses on car rental and selling management system for Reis Engineering
Share Company. In the previous rental management system of Ries Engineering Share
Company (RESCO) have no online reservation and rent vehicles for the customers. The
new system facilitated online registration system for vehicles and customers to easily
disseminate and transfer information for staff and manager in online system. The system
focused on developing web based car rental and selling management system in reliable,
authentic and usable way for Reis Engineering Share Company; we used different data
collection method to gather information related to rental and selling management system
is important for managing activity in an organized way. Generally the web based car
rental and selling system could improve the time efficiency of rental history data
transmission after using this web based system. Data storage which is already
computerized will ease the process for organization in the data storage, retrieval and
report, where all data stored in a database that creates data security and data processing
process so that rental data stored neat, clear and not lost or spilled.

5.2 Recommendation
In general, this project contributes an initial work on online car rental and selling system
for Ries Engineering Share Company. But, this work needs to mature in other similar
projects in the future, to be scaled up to the whole Country as well as a world. It is
recommended also that Ries Engineering Share Company will take this opportunity to
reduce work load to entertain such alternative renting, selling and reservation system by
Integrating with their official sites with other security method such as GPS indicator,
online digital signature and online facial recognition for renters.
Based on the finding of the study for the following recommendations are suggested for
further study the applicability of the rental and selling system.

 Apply GPS technology for controlling the car activity starting from it rented to return
it and other activities into the system and upgrade the system in order to perform
better activity.
Generally, we recommended that apply any activities to upgrade this system and to
perform different activities.

Page | 85


1. Y. S. Chauhan (2011, march 03). "Car rental system project report ".[On-line].
Available: htttp:// [January 21,
2. Lahle Wolfe “feasibility study course” in about money, 2015. Available: Accessed: December 10, 2017.
3. Lamb David (2013, September 10)." literature review" in Wikipedia, 2016.[On-line].
Available: http:// Accessed: December 1, 2017.
4. Mohd Khalid (2012, May)."Rental car online system".[ On-line]. Available: [November 28, 2017].
5. Connolly. T (2007, May).“A practical approach to design, implement and
management”. Third edition, England: AddisonWesleypress [November 28, 2017]
6. Mcleod, R. (2007). Management Information System, Tenth editon. India: Indian
work press.
7. GenMyModel in Wikipedia, 2018.” Online modeling platform for UML 2.5, BPMN 2,
Database” [On-line]. Available: Accessed: january18,
8. C. J. Marielubrico et al. (2009, January 25) "project in database management system".
[Online]. Available:
[October 21, 2017].
9. "Web based system” in Wikipedia, 2015. [On-line]. Available:
http:/ Accessed: December 23, 2017.
10. Polo (2003) “world wide web" in Wikipedia, 2016. [On-line]. Available: http:// Accessed: December 25, 2017.
11. Praktek, T. d. (2005). Analysis and system design, fourth edition. India: Indian works
12. Sari, R. D. (2011). Building Application System Car Rental Reservation and Payment
Online Web-Based. England: Britain publisher.
13. John parker (2013)”types of system testing” in enfocus, 2013.[online]. Available: of system testing/.accessed: October 04, 2017.
14. SuhanaBintiIsmail (2007)”car rental system for auto fantasia”.[online]. Available: .accessed: January 18, 2017.

86 | P a g e

15. "Requirement” in Wikipedia, 2017.[On-line]. Available: http://

Requirement. Accessed: October 23, 2017.


Interview and Questioners

The Interview questions that we asked the semen mountain trekking office
1. Organization full name and owner?
2. When the organization was established?
3. System that organization use (manual or computerize)?
4. What are the criteria fulfill one’s customer to get service (to rent or buy the
5. What are the services that provide to customer?
6. What are the challenges during your work?
7. How many employees are there?
8. What are the process that one customer to get service?
9. At least for how many customers to give service per day?
10. At least for how many days one customers rent the vehicle?
11. Is there broker to do with your organization?
12. What are the agreement between your organization and customer renting car and
return day, what is the punishment if not return car on the last day?
13. How many capital that your organization start? And now how many capitals

From internet: Site link

1. Sequencediagramretrievedfrom
sequenceDiagram.htm(sequnce diagram and example). On Thursday, 2017 at
2:45am local time.
2. UMLclassDiagramretrievedfrom
uml_class_diagram.htm(how to draw class diagram and have details example).
On Saturday, 2017, at 2:20pm local time.

Page | 87

88 | P a g e

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