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ADDRESS: +254 735 172 185

P.O BOX 60200-00100, NAIROBI

Table of contents

1.0. Business description

1.1. Background of the business

1.2. Mission

1.3. Vision.

1.4. Values.

1.5. Product and services

2.0. Marketing strategies

2.1. Market entry

2.2. Pricing strategy.

2.3. Promotion or advertising

2.4. Competition

2.5. Risks.

3.0. Management plan

3.1. Organization structure

3.2. Personnel or staff.

4.0. Production or operational strategy

4.1. Infrastructure

4.2. Technology

5.0. Finance plan

5.1. Source of finance

5.2. Financial statement

KYM Auditing Firm is a premier professional services company that specializes in comprehensive
auditing, accounting, and financial consulting solutions for businesses across a variety of sectors. KYM
Auditing Firm, employs a team of experienced professionals committed to integrity and transparency.
We offer any auditing service, including external and internal audits, compliance audits, financial
statement audits, and risk management audits, all designed to enhance financial reliability and
operational efficiency. At KYM Auditing Firm, we use advanced auditing technology to provide strategic
insights, manage risks, and ensure regulatory compliance, establishing a reputation as a trusted advisor
for businesses in the financial landscape.

Mission Statement:

To empower organizations through superior auditing and financial consulting, ensuring integrity,
accuracy, and strategic insight for sustainable growth.

Vision Statement:

To be the global leader in auditing and financial consulting, setting standards for excellence, innovation,
and trust in the industry.


A core set of values forms the foundation of KYM Audit Firm and directs all of its business dealings,
client relations, and strategic choices. The company's identity and success are primarily based on these

Accountability: Taking responsibility for our actions and the outcomes of our work, ensuring reliability
and trustworthiness.

Excellence: Committing to the highest quality of service through continuous learning and improvement.

Integrity: Maintaining the greatest moral standards, openness, and truthfulness in all our dealings.

Client Focus: Giving our clients' requirements and success top priority while offering personalized
assistance and solutions.

Services offered by KYM Audit Firm

KYM Audit Firm provides diverse services to meet client needs, enhancing financial transparency,
compliance, and strategic decision-making capabilities across various sectors.

The services we offer to our customers include audit services, tax services, advisory services, accounting
services, and training and development.

2.0 Marketing and sales

At KYM Audit Firm we employ a strategic marketing and sales strategy to establish credibility, build
strong relationships, and demonstrate the value of its services to potential clients. The following are
ways that we achieve this:

Marketing Strategies:

Networking Events: Participating in industry conferences, seminars, and networking events to connect
with potential clients, industry influencers, and referral partners.

Email Marketing: Sending targeted emails to prospects and clients with updates on industry trends,
regulatory changes, and special offers.

Engagement on Social Media: Using sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and industry-specific chat rooms to
interact with possible customers, exchange insightful information, and take part in important

Online Presence: Maintaining a professional website with clear information about services offered,
industry expertise, client testimonials, and contact details.

Content Marketing: Creating and sharing informative content such as blogs, articles, etc to demonstrate
expertise, educate clients, and address common industry challenges.

Sales Strategies:

Client Referrals: Encouraging satisfied clients to refer new business through incentives, testimonials, and
referral programs.

Follow-up: Keeping in touch with prospects on a frequent basis helps build connections and handle
concerns via meetings, emails, and phone calls.

Consultative Selling: Taking a proactive approach to understand the unique needs and challenges of
potential clients and offering tailored solutions to address their specific requirements.

Client Education and Awareness:

KYM Audit Firm's educate potential clients about the importance of auditing, compliance, and financial
consulting services through seminars, webinars, and workshops. By this, the company is able to get
more customers who needs those services.

Market entry

The market entry strategy of KYM Audit Firm is focused on the goal of creating a significant presence
and credibility in the target market. It does this through the following ways:

Compliance and Regulatory Considerations:

To establish confidence and trust with clients and regulatory authorities, we uphold adherence to local
legislation, licensing requirements, and professional standards, and stay informed about regulatory
Strategic Partnerships and Alliances:

For increased exposure and customer outreach, we’ve form strategic alliances with influencers and
trade associations. Partner with other providers of complementary services to deliver integrated

Client Acquisition and Retention:

We give priority to customer satisfaction, feedback, and retention in order to build lasting relationships
and referrals.

Brand Building and Awareness:

In order to improve its standing and reach, KYM Audit Firm is concentrating on building a strong brand
identity and messaging by utilizing marketing and advertising techniques.

Segmentation and Targeting:

KYM Audit Firm prioritize target segments based on their alignment with their expertise, resources, and
growth objectives, considering factors such as industry, company size, and specific needs.

Pricing strategy.

Value-Based Pricing:

KYM Audit Firm focuses on the value it delivers to clients rather than solely on costs or competitor
pricing. The prices charged reflects the quality of services offered.

Value-Added Services:

Value-added services and bundled services are included in KYM Audit Firm's pricing, which improves
customer satisfaction and retention by presenting a full value proposition that goes beyond price alone.

Profitability and Cost Management:

Pricing at KYM Audit Firm is designed to maximize efficiency and resource usage while maintaining
service quality. It guarantees profitability, competitiveness, and value to clients.

Competitive pricing.

We will analyze the current market retail value of our competitors to arrive at a reasonable price
without compromising our revenue.

Promotion or advertising

Digital Marketing:
To connect with potential customers in the auditing and financial consulting sectors, the company will
produce excellent content, send out email marketing on a regular basis, use social media sites like
LinkedIn and Twitter, and invest money in targeted internet advertising.

Offline Marketing:

KYM Audit Firm will design and print materials such as business cards and give them to both potential
and current customers to leave a long lasting impression. The firm will also create good relationship with
influencers etc. in order to reach many customers.

Client Referral Programs:

The company will reward or discount customers who refer others, and it will also ask happy customers
to provide testimonials for its website and marketing materials.

Targeted Advertising:

To effectively reach particular audience segments, KYM Audit Firm will make use of specialist websites,
industry journals, and business directories as focused advertising channels.


The competition that KYM Audit Firm face is from other well established audit firms. The following are
some competitors that challenge KYM Audit Firm:

Financial Services Firms:

Financial services firms, including investment banks, asset management, and advisory firms, may offer
auditing and consulting services, competing with KYM Audit Firm for clients seeking financial expertise
and strategic advice.

Large Global Audit Firms:

Big Four firms like PwC, Deloitte, EY, and KPMG dominate the global market, offering diverse services to
multinational corporations and large enterprises. This becomes a competition to KYM Audit firm when
seeking for customers.

Mid-sized and Regional Audit Firms:

Mid-sized and regional businesses that target certain customers by providing local knowledge and
specialized experience compete with KYM Audit Firm in some areas.


As any other business, KYM Audit Firm will and or can face certain risks depending on the services that it
offers. The following are some of the risks it can face:

Reputation Risk:
Negative publicity, including audit controversies, client complaints, and ethical lapses, can damage a
firm's reputation and erode client trust, thus requiring strong integrity and reliability.

Regulatory Compliance Risk:

The firm's ability to conduct effective audits and maintain compliance may be affected by changes in
auditing standards, accounting regulations, and legal requirements.

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Risk:

Being a major handler of private client information, KYM Audit Firm exposes its clients to possible data
breach risks.

Economic and Market Risk:

The demand for auditing and consulting services from clients may be impacted by changes in the
economy or finances, which could result in lower income and profitability for the firm.

Management plan

The management strategy of KYM Audit Firm is based on a collaborative leadership style, utilizing the
experience of its senior management team and founding partners. Strategic decision-making is
prioritized, with an emphasis on openness, responsibility, and alignment with the company's goals and

Organization structure

Chief Executive

Accounting Marketing Chief Finance Human Resource

Tax Manager Audit Manager
Manager Manager Officer manager

Senior tax Human Resource

Senior Accountant Senior Auditor Senior marketer
accountant Assistant Manager

Junior Tax
Junior Accountant Junior Auditor Intern

Intern Intern Intern

Personnel and staff.

Job title Name Duties and Qualifications Pay

Chief Executive Chege Kimani 1. Overseeing PhD in Bachelor of
officer company Commerce
operations. (Finance)
2. Communicating
between top
management and
Accounting Patrick John 1.Preparation of Degree in
Manager financial accounting
statements for
the firm.
2.Preparation of
statements for
clients during
Audit Manager Anne Mbeki Auditing books of Degree in
accounting for Accounting
clients in
compliance with
Marketing Bernice Wambui 1.Maintains and Degree in
Manager enhances the marketing.
firms brand.
2.Markets the
firms services to
the public.
Human Resource Linus Simiyu 1.Plans events of Degree in Human
manager the company e.g. Resource
seminars, etc. Management
2.Takes part in
the recruitment
and hiring process
of new workforce.
Chief Finance George Muli 1.Preparation of Degree in Finance
Officer financial
2.Budgeting and

Production or operational strategy

KYM Audit Firm's operational strategy focuses on efficiency, quality, and client satisfaction. Through
leveraging technology, standardized processes, and continuous training, we aim to streamline
operations, enhance service delivery, and maintain the highest standards of excellence in auditing,
accounting, and financial consulting services.


KYM Audit Firm has enough infrastructures that will help us offer services to our customers more
efficiently and effectively. The following are some of the infrastructures that will lead to our success:

Human Resources Infrastructure:

Assuring accountability and productive teamwork in the financial sector, we have a competent
workforce, ongoing training programs, and unique organizational structures.

Client Relationship Infrastructure:

Customer relationship management systems in KYM Audit Firm will boost productivity and increase
relationships with clients. Online platforms make it easier to communicate and trade documents

Financial Infrastructure:

We have an accounting software that ensures compliance with regulatory standards for transparency
and integrity in financial operations and helps with forecasting, reporting, and budgeting.

Physical Infrastructure:

We have enough rooms and workstations which leads to effective and efficient service offering. We also
have good computer systems that are able to store a lot of data and in a secure way.


At KYM Audit Firm we’ve a wide range of technology that we’ll use it to enhance efficiency, accuracy,
and client service delivery across various aspects of its operations.

Cybersecurity Solutions:

We’ve implemented a robust cybersecurity solution like firewalls etc. to protect the clients’ data and
ensure compliance with data security regulations.

Auditing Software:

We have advanced auditing software platforms automate processes, data analysis, and risk assessment
to improve audit speed, accuracy, and regulatory compliance.

Accounting Software:

Cloud-based accounting software streamlines financial reporting, bookkeeping, and reconciliation

processes, facilitating collaboration between clients and auditors.

Virtual Collaboration Tools:

We’re using these virtual tools to conduct online meetings, online training and remote working reducing
travel costs.

Financial Plan

The financial plan of KYM Audit Firm, a service-based business, focuses on managing revenue streams,
keeping expenses under control, and guaranteeing profitability while providing clients with high-quality

Profitability Analysis:

We have analysed the amount of profit that will be generated in every period we will be doing our
accounting. We have to go for the most profitable activities.

Cash Flow Management:

In our projections we have ways in which we will manage our cash flow so that we incur less and gain
more to avoid making losses in some activities.

Cost Structure:

To guarantee top-notch services and competitiveness in the market, we have identified and budgeted
for fixed and variable expenditures such as staff, office rent, utilities, technology, marketing, and
professional development.

Revenue Projection:

KYM Audit Firm has estimated revenue from auditing, accounting, and financial consulting services using
market analysis, client demand, pricing strategy, retention rates, and growth projections.

KYM Audit Firm

Income Statement Projection

For the Year Ending [Date]


Auditing Services $XXX,XXX

Accounting Services $XXX,XXX

Financial Consulting Services $XXX,XXX

Other Services $XX,XXX

Total Revenue $X,XXX,XXX


Personnel Expenses $XXX,XXX

Office Rent $XX,XXX

Utilities $X,XXX

Technology Expenses $XX,XXX

Marketing and Advertising $XX,XXX

Professional Development $X,XXX

Other Expenses $X,XXX

Total Expenses ($X,XXX,XXX)

Net Income $XXX,XXX

KYM Audit Firm

Balance Sheet Projection

As of [Date]


Current Assets:

Cash and Cash Equivalents $XXX,XXX

Accounts Receivable $XXX,XXX

Prepaid Expenses $XX,XXX

Other Current Assets $X,XXX

Total Current Assets $X,XXX,XXX

Non-Current Assets:

Property, Plant, and Equipment $XXX,XXX

Less: Accumulated Depreciation ($XX,XXX)

Total Non-Current Assets $X,XXX,XXX

Total Assets $X,XXX,XXX

Liabilities and Equity:

Current Liabilities:

Accounts Payable $XXX,XXX

Accrued Expenses $XX,XXX

Short-Term Loans Payable $X,XXX

Other Current Liabilities $X,XXX

Total Current Liabilities ($X,XXX,XXX)

Non-Current Liabilities:

Long-Term Loans Payable $XXX,XXX

Other Non-Current Liabilities $XX,XXX

Total Non-Current Liabilities ($X,XXX,XXX)

Total Liabilities ($X,XXX,XXX)


Common Stock $XXX,XXX

Retained Earnings $XX,XXX

Total Equity $X,XXX,XXX

Total Liabilities and Equity $X,XXX,XXX

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