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Kind of Nouns

Common Nouns
Collective Nouns Proper Nouns

Abstract Nouns
Material Nouns

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Anything which could be counted, whether singular or plural is

a countable noun.
Singular Nouns take a singular countable verb while plural noun
takes a plural countable verb. Example –
How many candles are there on the table?
Uncountable nouns are not individual subjects so they can’t be
counted. They are singular and singular verbs should be used
with uncountable nouns. They can be paired with words
expressing plural nouns.
1. Mention whether the nouns in following sentences are
countable or uncountable.
a) The children fell asleep quickly after a busy day of fun.
b) Be careful! The water is deep.
c) The parade included the fire truck and police cars.
d) My mother uses real butter in a cake.
e) Most of the pottery is made of clay.
f) The children are playing in the garden.
g) I do not like milk.
h) Scientists say that the environment is affected by pollution.
i) There are lots of windows in our classroom.
j) I would like to have some juice please.
Answer Key
a) Children, day – Countable nouns
b) Water - Uncountable noun
c) Fire Truck, Police cars – Countable Nouns
d) Mother, Cake – Countable
Butter – Uncountable
e) Pottery – Countable
Clay – Uncountable
f) Children, garden – Countable
g) Milk – Uncountable
h) Scientists – Countable
Pollution – Uncountable
i) Windows, classrooms – Countable
j) Juice – Uncountable

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