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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillahirobbil alamin, washolatuwassalamu ala asrofil Anbiya hiwamursalim, wa'ala Ali

washohbihi ajmain.

Ama ba'du

First of all,Let us always give thanks to Allah for the blessings of health at this time, so that we can
gather and carry out muhadhoroh in the hall this afternoon Don't forget, may prayers and greetings
continue to be poured out on the Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu alaihi wa salam, because he has
brought us from the dark age to the bright era,namely Addinul Islam

Before starting,Allow me to read the schedule of this Muhadhoroh event


2.Reading of the holy Qur'an and translation

3.Singing the song Mars Muhammadiyah and IPM

4.Speech 1

5.Speech 2

6.Speech 3

7.Entertainment 1

8.Speech 4

9.Speech 5

10.Entertainment 2


The first event is opening let's open by reading Basmalah.

The second event is reading of the holy Qur'an by Nafisah and translation by Nailah.
The third event is Singing the song Mars Muhammadiyah and mars IPM, Audiences are requested to

The 4th event is speech 1 by Zacky with the title of "Adab dalam menuntut Ilmu"

For Zacky,Please come to the Podium

The 5th event is speech 2 by Alif with the title of "Adab terhadap teman"

For Alif,Please come to the Podium

The 6th event is speech 3 by Eli with the title of "Adab terhadap Guru"

For Eli,Please come to the Podium

The 7th event is entertainment, led by Satryo

The 8th event is speech 4 by Maryam with the title of "Adab terhadap orang yang lebih tua"

For Maryam,Please come to the Podium

The 9th event is speech 5 by Vano with the title of "Adab terhadap orang tua"

For Vano,Please come to the Podium

The 10th event is entertainment, led by Alviansyah & Aby.

Dear Audiences,we have come to the end of today's muhadhoroh event, let's close it by reading the
hamdalah and the kafaratul majlis prayer we apologize if there are any wrong words, nun walqalami
wama yasthurun wassalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh

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