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Biblical Languages I Name:

Progress Analysis – 05/27/2024 Date:

Question numbers indicate the page number in Weingreen where the content is discussed.

p1 Write the Hebrew alphabet in Hebrew order, right to left, giving both siyn and shiyn. For consonants with a final
form different from the medial form, give the final form on the line below. For consonants with both a hard and
"soft" pronunciation, place a dot in the medial form.

p4. The five basic vowels of many languages are derived from the five basic vowels of Hebrew, each of which has a
long and short pronunciation. Give the Hebrew name of each vowel, then place that Hebrew vowel on the
letter provided, and then, using long and short English vowels, describe the sound of that vowel.
Short Vowels Long Vowels

Hebrew Name Pointing Sound Hebrew Name Pointing Sound

b b
b b
b b
b b
b b
p5. A Hebrew syllable always begins with a _____________ and never with a __________________.

p7. Using "C" for a consonant and "V" for a vowel, give the basic form for open and closed syllables, and tell what
kind of vowel, short or long, is usually found in each.
open syllable:

closed syllable:

p7. A syllable which is closed and unaccented must have a vowel.

p7-8. A short vertical mark under a letter and to the left of its vowel is called . Its effect is to make

the reader after it. The syllable in which it occurs is always .

Biblical Languages I Name:
Progress Analysis – 05/27/2024 Date:
Question numbers indicate the page number in Weingreen where the content is discussed.

p8. Most Hebrew words are accented on their syllable, but when two seghol vowels occur

side-by-side, the accent is on the syllable with the seghol.

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