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“Learning & maturity; brain function in learning; learning &
phases/aspects of development”

Prof. Dr. Drs. Abdul Murad, M.Pd.

Arranged by:
Gebytha Evelin Marbun (4233111040)
Tabitha Gabriela Sianipar (4233111052)



All praise and gratitude we offer to God Almighty for His blessings and Mercy, we were able
to complete completing this paper to fulfill the assignment of the Educational Psychology
course group with the title: "Learning & Maturity; Brain function in learning; learning &
developmental phases/aspects".

On the other hand, we gained valuable experience and knowledge in the preparation of writing
this paper. We are very grateful to all parties who have helped in completing this task, especially
to the lecturer of this course, Prof . Dr. Drs. Abdul Murad, M.Pd. who has guided us in
completing this task.

We realize that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore we expect input, criticism and
suggestions that are constructive for the perfection of this paper, so that it can be useful for us
and for anyone who reads it.

Medan, March 2024

Group 2


FOREWORD .............................................................................................................................ii

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the problem ......................................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem Statement ...................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................... 3

2.1 The Relevance of Individual Maturity with the Learning Process.............................. 3

2.2 Brain Function in Influencing Learning Effectiveness ............................................... 4

2.3 Developmental factors in influencing a person's learning process ............................. 6

CHAPTER III CLOSURE ......................................................................................................... 8

3.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................... 8

3.2 Suggestion ................................................................................................................... 8

BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................... 10

SUPPLEMENTS...................................................................................................................... 11

1.1 Background of the problem
Learning and maturity are related to the physical and cognitive development of an
individual. Maturity is the result of accumulated experience, while experience is the result of
various activities and learning carried out by individuals. Continuity refers to the ongoing
process of development, while discontinuity refers to changes that occur rapidly and

The brain's functions in learning include various processes such as memory, reasoning,
thinking, and language. The brain also affects the physical and cognitive development of an
individual, including aspects of brain and cognitive physical development.

The physical development of the brain includes the growth and changes in brain structures,
such as the various groups of neurons and synapses associated with brain function. Cognitive
development includes the growth and change of mental abilities, such as learning, memory,
reasoning, thinking, and language.

The phase/aspect of brain development is divided into several stages, starting from this
stage, the myelination stage, and the integration stage. This stage refers to the growth and
change of brain structure, the myelination stage refers to the growth of myelin that helps in
brain function, and the integration stage refers to the growth and change of mental abilities.
Brain development is linked to a variety of factors, such as genetics, environment, and
interactions between neurons. This factor affects brain growth and development, which then
affects brain function in learning and maturity.

1.2 Problem Statement

1. how is an individual's maturity level related to their learning process?
2. What is the main role of brain function in influencing learning effectiveness?
3. How do developmental factors, such as developmental phases and certain aspects of
development, affect a person's learning process?

1.3 Purpose
1. To know the relationship between the level of maturity of the individual and their
learning process
2. To find out the main role of brain function in influencing learning effectiveness

3. To know that developmental factors, such as developmental phases and certain aspects
of development, affect a person's learning process?

2.1 The Relevance of Individual Maturity with the Learning Process
(According to Rina,2022) Learning is something that is often heard, observed, and analyzed
processes and results. Learning is a process that involves various things that are owned by each
individual and can provide benefits for individuals who do it. Learning can also be interpreted
as an activity or activity that obtains a change in the form of knowledge, attitudes and learning
skills, this can also be interpreted as a person's learning process to go through several stages
that include the whole and efforts both psychological, social and also skill articles. Learning is
not only about lessons but skills, skills, interests, perceptions and habits that are often done.

Individual maturity refers to a person's ability to think, act, and interact responsibly and
effectively in a variety of life situations. This includes aspects such as the ability to manage
emotions well, make informed decisions, communicate effectively, understand other people's
perspectives, have independence, and have good self-awareness. Individual maturity is often
developed through life experiences, education, and social interaction

According to Desmita (2009) individual maturity is a potential that individuals carry from birth,
arise and unite with their nature and also regulate the pattern of development of individual

Chaplin in Shilphy A.Octavia's quote defines maturity (maturation) as follows:

1. Development, the process of reaching maturity / maturity,

2. The process of development, which is ascribed to heredity, or is a species-specific
behavior (species, clumps)

Maturity is not just about heredity or innateness, but is also the result of a complex
interaction between genetic, environmental, and individual life experiences. Maturity can be
considered as a potential that exists in an individual from birth, but it is also influenced by
various external factors that shape it over time. This includes experiential learning, social
interaction, education, and self-understanding that develops with age. Thus, maturity is the
result of the complex interaction between internal and external factors that shape an individual
over time. It includes experiential learning, social interaction, education, and self-
understanding that develops with age.

In the context of the learning process, individual maturity has a significant impact on
the learning process. First of all, maturity often strengthens a person's self-awareness. Mature
individuals tend to have a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, allowing
them to develop more effective learning strategies to suit their learning style. In addition,
maturity is also related to the ability to manage emotions. Mature individuals can better cope
with stress and anxiety, so they can stay focused and fully engaged in the learning process
without being distracted by any emotional disturbances that may arise.

Then, independence is another important aspect. Maturity helps individuals to become

more independent in learning, they are able to take initiative in finding necessary resources and
information, as well as take responsibility for their learning progress. Furthermore, maturity
also affects a person's critical thinking ability. Mature individuals tend to be better able to
critically evaluate information, generate relevant questions, and develop arguments supported
by evidence. Lastly, maturity can also affect a person's intrinsic motivation for learning. Mature
individuals often have a strong motivation to learn for self-fulfillment and achievement of
personal goals, which allows them to stay motivated and diligent in the face of learning
challenges. Thus, individual maturity not only affects the way individuals learn, but also plays
an important role in their motivation, self-understanding, and cognitive abilities in processing
and understanding new information.

In conclusion, individual maturity has a strong relationship with the learning process.
With strengthened self-awareness, good emotional management skills, high independence,
honed critical thinking skills, and strong intrinsic motivation, mature individuals tend to have
more effective and fulfilling learning experiences. These factors are interrelated and mutually
reinforcing, creating an environment conducive to continuous and quality learning. Therefore,
paying attention to and developing individual maturity is important in supporting the optimal
learning process for each individual.

2.2 Brain Function in Influencing Learning Effectiveness

The brain is a small organ stored in the skull which is the center of the system and functions as
the center of control and coordination of all biological, physical, and social activities of the
entire body (M.Syahruddin Amin, 2018). Humans are born with a perfect brain structure
weighing about 1300-1400 grams (2% body weight). The brain is the source of all thoughts,
feelings, desires, and is also the guardian of our memory (Hewitt, Lyons, et al, 2006: 430). The
brain captures all stimuli to be understood (perceived) through the work of nerve cells, neural

circuits, and nemotransmitters (Wathon, 2016). So that the brain is a small organ in the head
which is the center of the system and control center and the source of all thoughts, desires,
feelings captured by the brain to be understood (perceived) through the nerves of the brain.

The human brain consists of several main parts that work together to control various functions
of the body and mind. The cerebrum, the largest part of the brain, is responsible for thinking,
perception, and decision-making. The cerebellum regulates the coordination of movements and
balance of the body. The brain stem controls vital functions such as breathing and heart rate.
The diencephalon, including the thalamus and hypothalamus, play a role in sensory regulation,
sleep cycles, and other basic body functions. Through the cooperation between these various
parts, the brain allows us to go about our daily lives smoothly and cope with various tasks and

(M.Syahruddin Amin, 2018) The cerebrum makes up the bulk (±80%) of the brain's weight.
The cerebrum is the center of mental activities such as memory, intelligence, and awareness
and judgment. Its existence allows individuals to think, speak, remember, and control thoughts.
This brain also has a big role in a person's learning process. In addition, the level of intelligence
of individuals is also formed in the cerebrum. The chunk of cerebrum is divided into two
hemispheres (hemispheres) namely left and right by longitudinal fissure grooves. Each
hemisphere has a different function. The left brain, known as the rational brain, works in a
linear, sequential pattern, dealing with things related to logic-ratios, words and language, and
mathematics. Instead the right brain or irrational brain works with irregular patterns, related to
creativity, art, design, music, color etc. In addition, these hemispheres of the brain function for
control and coordination of body parts crossed. These two hemispheres of the brain are
connected by a neural network structure called the corpus callosum. The cerebrum is divided
into several parts (lobes) with their respective distinctive functions, namely:

a) Frontal lobe; thinking, planning, and conceptualizing activities,

b) Temporal lobe; responsible for the perception of sounds and sounds,
c) Perietal lobe; responsible for thinking activities, especially memory regulation of
the occipital lobe; regulates vision function

The brain is the main control center for all functions of the human body, and its effectiveness
plays a crucial role in many aspects of daily life. From memory to creativity, the brain
influences the way we think, feel, and act. One of the main functions of the brain is information
processing. With millions of interconnected neurons, the brain is able to receive, store, and

interpret information from the environment around us. The effectiveness of the brain in
carrying out this process affects our ability to learn, solve problems, and make the right

In addition, the brain also plays a role in regulating emotions. Certain parts of the brain, such
as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex, are involved in the regulation and processing of
emotions. When the brain is not effective at regulating emotions, a person may have difficulty
managing stress, dealing with challenges, or maintaining mental balance. In this context, the
brain's ability to handle emotions effectively is essential for a person's mental and emotional

Brain function also affects our ability to communicate and interact with others. The brain
controls the ability to speak, understand body language, and read facial expressions, all of
which are important aspects of interpersonal communication. When the brain is functioning
properly, a person can communicate clearly, understand received messages, and respond
appropriately. Creativity is also a result of effective brain function. A brain that can think
flexibly, make new associations, and see problems from multiple points of view has the
potential to generate innovative ideas. The brain's ability to connect concepts and come up with
creative solutions can open doors to advances in fields ranging from art to science.

Thus, the main role of brain function in influencing learning effectiveness is as a center for
information processing, memory formation, and attention regulation. The brain allows us to
understand, store, and process subject matter, as well as maintain focus and motivation during
the learning process. With optimal brain function, one can gain better understanding, overcome
distractions, and maintain emotional balance that is important for achieving maximum learning

2.3 Developmental factors in influencing a person's learning process

Development is a natural process in which the individual undergoes various stages and
changes in aspects of his life throughout a given span of time. Thus, in psychology,
development means qualitative changes in the physical and spiritual realms of humans that are
mutually continuous towards a better direction or in a perfect direction. What is meant by
physical changes in human development refers to the optimization of the functions of human
physical organs, not to physical growth itself. So from this it can be seen that growth and
development are something different but mutually continuous or related. The characteristics of
development include changes in the functions of physical organs, psychological or personality

functions, adjusting to the surrounding environment, language development, thought
development and socioemotional development. Development has 2 influencing factors, namely
internal fator consisting of age and talents or abilities that a person has. Then there are external
factors consisting of about the maturation process (especially cognitive maturation), one's
learning process in life (experience), as well as the surrounding environment.

The process of learning a person in life and environment is one of the most important factors
in development, because with learning or activities in life a person must find a problem that
requires solving, so that there new experiences will arise, then experience can be used as a
"teacher‟ for maturing someone in a better or perfect direction. In the experience itself there is
knowledge, ability to overcome problems or skills and attitudes. Development in a person takes
place since the child begins to be born into the world, because he learns to optimize the
functions of his organs, even with the help of people around him or parents until the child dies
the world. In other words, a person's development lasts throughout life.

Developmental factors, such as developmental phases and certain aspects of development,

have a great impact on a person's learning process. First of all, the developmental phase of
individuals plays an important role in determining their abilities and readiness to learn. For
example, in early life, infants may focus more on sensory recognition and basic motor
development, while in childhood, the focus shifts to language recognition, basic math concepts,
and social skills.

In addition, certain aspects of development also affect the way individuals learn. Cognitive
development, for example, affects a person's ability to process information, solve problems,
and make decisions. Developed language skills allow individuals to understand instructions,
read, write, and communicate more effectively. Social development is also important, as it
allows individuals to interact with others, learn from others, and develop collaborative skills.

The emotional aspect also influences the learning process. Individuals who have good
emotional regulation skills tend to be better able to cope with stress and anxiety that may arise
during learning. Conversely, difficulties in managing emotions can interfere with focus and
concentration, and affect motivation to learn.

By understanding these developmental factors, educators can design learning experiences

that are appropriate for individual developmental stages and needs, as well as provide the right
support to help them reach their full learning potential.

3.1 Conclusion
Learning and Maturity are closely related. Individual maturity, whether physically,
cognitively, emotionally, or socially, plays an important role in determining success in learning.
Developed cognitive maturity allows individuals to process information more efficiently, while
emotional maturity helps them manage stress and stay focused during learning. Therefore,
educators need to take into account the level of maturity of students in designing appropriate
learning approaches.

Brain Function in Learning is a key aspect that affects the effectiveness of learning. The
brain processes information, stores memories, and organizes various cognitive and emotional
aspects relevant to learning. The brain's ability to process information efficiently, maintain
focus, and regulate emotions plays an important role in a person's ability to understand and
apply the knowledge gained.

Learning and Phase/Aspects of Development are interrelated factors. Every phase of an

individual's development, from infancy to adulthood, and every aspect of development such as
physical, cognitive, emotional, and social, affects the way an individual learns and develops.
For example, an individual's readiness to understand and absorb information is influenced by
the developmental stages they experience. Developed cognitive abilities allow individuals to
process information more effectively, while social abilities facilitate collaboration and
interaction in learning contexts.

In order to maximize an individual's learning potential, it is important to understand and

accommodate the complex interactions between Learning and Maturity, Brain Function in
Learning, and Learning and Developmental Phases/Aspects. With a holistic approach tailored
to individual needs, educators can create a learning environment that supports optimal
development and growth for each student.

3.2 Suggestion
In planning an effective educational approach, it is important to pay attention to three
key aspects: the relationship between Learning & Maturity, Brain Function in Learning, and
the relationship between Learning & Developmental Phases/Aspects. First, we recommend
understanding students' maturity levels in all aspects, including physical, cognitive, emotional,
and social, in order to design learning experiences that suit their needs and abilities. Second,

understanding the role of brain function in learning is crucial. Support students in managing
stress, maintaining focus, and optimizing their cognitive abilities through learning practices
that emphasize healthy brain stimulation and supportive interactions. Finally, in designing
learning strategies, it is important to consider the phases of development and specific aspects
of individual development. Adapting the learning approach to students' developmental stages
will help ensure that their learning experience is relevant, useful, and appropriate to their needs
in the learning process. By integrating this understanding in the learning environment, we can
create learning experiences that support students' holistic growth and development.


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Desmita. (2009). Psikologi Perkembangan Peserta Didik. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
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Gule, Y. (2022). Motivasi Belajar Siswa (Studi Kasuk Tinjauan Melalui Kompetensi dan
Keteladanan Guru). KABUPATEN INDRAMAYU: CV. Adanu Abimata.
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Lukas Dairo Bili, M. D. (2019, Juli). Efektifitas Senam Otak Dalam Meningkatkan
Konsentrasi Belajar Siswa. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan, 2.
Muliani, R. D. (2022). Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Belajar Peserta Didik.
Jurnal Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat.
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Roeth A. O Najoan, Winsy C. I Lala, Yusak Ratunguri. (2023). PERAN GURU SEBAGAI
Soemanto, W. (2003). Psikologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
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Keagamaan, Keilmuan dan Teknologi, 14.

Critical Book Report

A. Book 1
In the book “Motivasi Belajar dalam Perkembangan Remaja” written by Shilphy A.
Octavia and published by Deepublish (Grup Penerbitan CV Budi Utama) in 2020 with
ISBN 978-623-02-0502-6 explaining that “adolescence” is a period when a person
undergoes a process of adjustment to the environment and oneself and is very
vulnerable to environmental and social conditions. In this era, with the advancement of
technology that functions positively and which makes teenagers go to negative things,
which often causes a teenager to experience a decrease in learning motivation. Whereas
in learning activities motivation plays a very important role. The importance of
motivation in the learning process needs to be understood by educators so that they can
take various forms of action or assistance to students with the right method. Because
the accuracy of the method to be applied will affect curiosity motivation which will also
affect learning motivation. Where in this case learning is said to be successful and
quality if students are actively involved both physically, mentally and socially in the
process of achieving the learning outcomes to be achieved so that adolescents can
achieve developmental tasks properly and positively and do not hinder the
developmental process in the next stage.
B. Book 2
The book "Student Learning Motivation" by Yosefo Gule S. delves that has been
published by CV. Andanu Adimata in 2022 with ISBN 978-623-497-139-2 is deeply
into the factors that influence student learning motivation. The author discusses a
variety of relevant motivational theories and highlights strategies and practices that
educators can use to increase student motivation. In this book, readers will find an
analysis of the role of the learning environment, student mindset, and social interaction
in shaping learning motivation. Yosefo Gule S. also presents case studies and practical
advice to help readers understand and apply learning motivation concepts in an
educational context. Overall, this book is a valuable guide for educators, parents, and
anyone interested in understanding and maximizing student’s learning motivation.

The two books do not have much difference from the general explanation of learning
motivation. in book 1 explains the importance of motivation in the learning process so that
readers will be able to better understand how to generate learning motivation so that students

can be active physically, mentally, and socially. while book 2 explains several factors that affect
the learning process of students so the readers will find an analysis of the role of the learning
environment, student mindset, and social interaction in shaping learning motivation. Book 1
has complicated grammar and is a little less efficient to understand, while Book 2 uses simpler
language and is easy to understand but the use of punctuation is still not appropriate However,
book 1 and book 2 present essential details in a distinct ways.

Book 1 Book 2

Critical Journal Review

A. Journal 1
In journal titled “Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Belajar Peserta Didik” from
the journal of research and community service written by Rina Dwi Mulliani explaining
that learning is not just lessons but skills, interests, perceptions and habits that are often
carried out. Interest in the learning process is one aspect of psychology that influences
each individual's learning. Because a person's interest will give rise to a feeling of love
and attachment to a thing or activity without any coercion.
B. Journal 2
In journal titled “Teachers and Learning Motivation of Elementery Students” from the
Journal of Basic Education Literacy written by Ambros Leonangung Edu, Margareta
Saiman, and Ismail Nasar explaining The role of teachers in increasing student’s
learning motivation is to clarify the goals to be achieved, create a pleasant atmosphere
in learning, use a variety of methods in learning, give praise for each student's success,
give awards, conduct evaluations, and provide rewards and punishments.
C. Journal 3
In journal titled “Teori Belajar Humanistik dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar
Siswa” from the Journal of Pedagogik written by Abd. Qodir explain that the theory of
humanistic learning is a theory whose focus of discourse focuses on the behavior of a
human being. This theory assumes the student succeeds if the student understands her
environment and herself. In this learning theory learners are expected to be free,
courageous, unbound by others' opinions and manage their own personally responsibly
without prejudice to the rights of others or violate applicable rules, norms, disciplines
or ethics as well as teachers only as facilitators. With the free of students in developing
their potential is expected to improve learning achievement.
D. Journal 4
In journal titled “Kedudukan Motivasi Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran” from the
Lantanida Journal written by Amna Emda explain that the success of teaching and
learning process are influenced by student learning motivation. The existence of student
learning motivation will give spirit and learning becomes more focused for students.
Motivation has traits include: resilient in the face of adversity, diligently not easily
bored and others. The existence of the learning motivation greatly affected the success
of the learning process. Students can reach a good study achievements on him when

there is motivation to learn. Therefore the motivation has a very important position in
E. Journal 5
In journal titled “Peran Guru Sebagai Motivator dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar
Siswa” from the Journal of Education Indonesia written by Roeth A. O Najoan, Winsy
C. I Lala, and Yusak Ratunguri explain that Teachers play an important role in fostering
and developing students' interest in learning. Teachers are people who have cognitive
and psychomotor potential for the continuity of the development process and also for
the development of learning abilities. The role of the teacher as motivation is very
important in encouraging learning interactions, because it emphasizes professionalism
and independence. In elementary schools, the role of the teacher has a big share in
teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Students' talent interests will not
develop optimally without the help of teachers.

In the first journal we can conclude that interest in the learning process is one of the aspect of
psychology that influences each individual's learning. In the second joural we can conclude
that the role of teachers in increasing student’s learning motivation is to clarify the goals to be
achieved. In the third journal we can conclude that that the theory of humanistic learning is a
theory whose focus of discourse focuses on the behavior of a human being. In the fourth journal
we can conclude that the existence of student learning motivation will give spirit and learning
becomes more focused for students. In the fifth journal we can conclude that the role of the
teacher as motivation is very important in encouraging learning interactions, because it
emphasizes professionalism and independence.

Journal 1 Journal 2

Journal 3 Journal 4

Journal 5


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