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Jay fidgeted a little as he sit outside the interview room. His mind was whirling
with a multitude of thoughts as he struggled to concentrate on anything particular.

It had been four weeks since he became the owner of this body. His previous life's
memories and the memories of this body took a while to assimilate with each other.
It took him around a two weeks to both reconcile with the fact that he was dead and
accept that he had been transmigrated into his current body.

It wasn't easy as they made out in the novels he had read previously. The mere fact
that you were deadd was a huge bummer to get over. After all, it isn't as if your
dead every day. That was truly once in a lifetime event.

To boot it, there was another insane phenomenon of transmigration to deal with.

Oh boy!!! Wasn't that crazy to deal with? Even thinking about those things made his
hair stand up.

Philosophical questions like whether God was real or not, who was responsible for
his body switch, what happened to the previous owner of this body, did he really
die?, why was he brought here?, and many more battered his mind like a broken tape-

That was when he realized that those lucky bums who were gifted some system of
sorts really had good fortune. They didn't need to agonize over their future, for
it was already pre-ordained and they have to just completed the missions provided
by the system. If such a thing had accompanied him, he wouldn't have wasted an
entire week to get his bearings back. That would have been truly magical.

Speaking of magical, those morons who were transmigrated into those fantastical
realms where cultivation was the norm were lucky too. Who wouldn't want to split
mountains with a swing of a sword? Who wouldn't like to rescue beauties and
faceslap idiots like there was no tomorrow? Flying on a sword, learning martial
arts, and even cultivating to be an immortal, who wouldn't want such a chance?

Being transmigrated into such a cool world would be ideal too. While living there
would be perilous, it would have been a damn interesting life for sure. Just the
thought of exploring hidden realms was enough to pump one's blood up.

But if those kinds of things were too hard to actualize, he would have been glad to
be relocated to another body in an early time on earth itself. But no, those kinds
of things only happened in novels. Real life was actually much shittier than those
fantastic tales he spent his time reading over in his previous life.

Just imagine, if he was born in an early timeline in the earth, he would have
started on the road to being a millionaire already. He would know all the future

Damn it! That would have made fucking sense!!

Why in the hell was he transmigrated into this body? Granted, this body was younger
than he actually was, that was the only redeeming quality of his transmigration.

If there was one thing that he really agreed with after transmigration, then it was
the thought that "deciding one's future is the hardest task a man would face in his
His recent experience cemented this thought further into his brain. He wasn't given
a cheat like those protagonists in the novels he read to determine his future
direction. He was left adrift in a sea of confusion to find his way back with no

But, he knew! He knew damn well how things functioned. He knew damn well how easily
one could be backstabbed by his friends and colleagues in society. He wasn't an
idealistic youth, who dreamed of making big in the world with his hard work and
intelligence, he was a bitter man in his late thirties who had experienced how bad
society actually is.

To ask him to make a decision on his future from the perspective of a young man who
just turned twenty was way too cruel.

And the worst part of this entire thing was that Jay had to make such a hard
decision when he was acquainting himself with his new body. While getting up
without his back aching was a luxury he had forgotten about, trying to understand
how this new world differed from his old one based on this body's memories made it
one hell of a task. Not to mention how often he went off in tangent thinking
philosophical questions about life, soul, transmigration, existence, and such

It took Jay two whole week to gain a semblance of normalcy. More often than not, he
was lost in his own thoughts. But somehow he made sense of the new world he was in
by the end of that week. Thankfully, the owner of this body was someone who grew up
in an orphanage and started living on his own when he turned nineteen. That gave
him some space to come to terms with his situation.

After all, if Jay had to keep running into old acquaintances who knew the original
owner of this body, it would have been hard to alleviate their suspicions about how
he was behaving that week. Luckily, by the end of that week, he had a basic grasp
on both the interpersonal relationship of the previous owner and the state of the
new world he was in.

The one thing that went in favor of Jay was that there no much of a difference
between earth and this world. Sure, there were some differences like how this world
was made up of three continents instead of seven on earth. Or how the names of the
countries here and the places we're different from his original world. But all in
all, both earth and this new world were at the same level of technology and other
such stuff that mattered. As for the history of this world, he didn't do much
research on it to save himself some headaches.

In a way, these familiar conditions helped him a lot in synchronizing with this new
world. It was both a bit of a relief and a letdown. His eagerness for a new life
was stymied early on when he realized that only his body and the world had changed,
but everything else remained the same. It was really a bummer.

Once Jay took stock of the situation and identified his circumstances, he took the
next four days to think of his future direction and come to a decision. The
previous owner of this body was a regular youth with no sense of direction in his
life. He drifted along with no aim or goal. There wasn't anything bad per se, but
the fact of the matter was that he was a blank slate. He had no exceptional skills
to speak of and was entirely an average Joe to the end.

The previous owner would have worked some odd jobs and eventually get a boring
office job and then end his life like every other average male in the world. He
knew he had no right to knock on the previous owner of his body either, as he was
exactly the same in his previous life. Hell, he didn't even have a girlfriend when
he died. His ex had left him three years ago after their relationship had become
stale after the initial whirlwind of romance. He never even got married. So, he was
the last person who could mock the previous owner of his body.

As a result, Jay was once again in a dilemma. Neither he nor the previous owner had
anything noteworthy to speak of. Then how on earth was he going to change anything.
The mere thought of living such a boring life once again made him sick. So, he knew
he had to find something. Anything. Anything that could give him an edge, or at
least make his life a better life. So, he seriously mulled over what he could do.
That was when he hated the fact that he wasn't given any damn cheat more than any
other time. If not a G.O.A.T system, just a future direction would have been fine.
God damn it!

After agonizing for a long time, he decided to switch focus. Jay knew that while
this world looked exactly the same, except for the geological differences, there
must be something different. There has to be some divergence! One that he could
exploit. An idea, a gamble, that this world has not yet realized!!!

So, Jay buckled down and did his research. He shifted through each and every aspect
of this new world.

The first sector Jay focused on was entertainment. He knew that the entertainment
industry was something where rags to riches stories were abundant. So, he focused
there. Sure enough that the songs and films here were different than what his old
world had.

While Jay's old memories supplied him with hit songs and films, he soon ran into a
roadblock. The problem lay in bringing what was in his mind onto a paper. That's
when he realized he didn't have the skills to actualize those ideas. So, he
reluctantly gave up on the entertainment sector. While he could develop those
skills, it wouldn't help him currently.

He next focused on the technology of this world. This world was stuck in somewhere
around the late 1970s of earth's technology. That meant that computers were just
coming out. This was a great opportunity. But the same problem prevailed. While Jay
was a tech-savvy individual, that didn't translate into creating technology. If he
had money, he could hire people to bring his ideas to fruition. But he wasn't that
loaded. It was once again the distant waters scenario.

One after the other, all his ideas hit a roadblock. This frustrated him as nothing
else had in his entire life. Neither he nor the original owner of this body was
talented individual in any aspect. So, all his ideas were mere dreams at this
stage. What he needed was something that could help him currently.

Jay went to bed for three days straight mulling over how to solve this predicament.
He even thought of developing these non-existent skills slowly as he worked part-
time for a while. But, he put that idea in the backburner. He knew that any of
these skills would need years to develop and he wasn't willing to waste so much
time on them.

On the fourth day, he shifted his approach a little. Instead of blindly searching
for things he could capitalize on, he calmed down and started to analyze what he
was good at and where his interests lay. That was when he hit a jackpot. Both he
and the previous owner of this body had one point of convergence apart from their
average joe life.


Unlike on earth, volleyball wasn't that well developed here. It was considered to
be a niche sport. Their highest attendance for a show was something same to the
attendance rate in the 1920s era. But, that was the only redeeming point of
volleyball in this world.

Here, volleyball was considered to be a niche sport. Hardly anyone paid it any
attention. Sure, there were some hardcore fans like the previous owner of this body
that enjoyed the sport and followed it passionately. But the craze and amount of
status volleyball players had on earth was entirely absent here.

As a volleyball fan himself, this piqued his interest. So, he searched more into
the state of volleyball in this world. He put on some of the DVDs the original
owner had in his possession and started watching it. Initially, he was baffled by
why volleyball was in a slump after watching the matches.

Almost all of the matches were decent enough. There was hardly any DQ finish to
grumble out. Victors and losers were clear cut, and every one of the players could
play decently. In short, many of the usual complaints about a volleyball product
could not be found here. This confused him a lot.

Is there no market for volleyball in this world?

He felt a little dejected after that. So, he put that too on the backburner and
started analyzing other stuff. For half a day, he went on trying to figure out what
he should do in the future. But, something niggled in his brain. He couldn't
concentrate entirely on what he was trying to do. It was when having dinner that
night he figured something out what felt wrong.

Volleyball in this world was too perfect. That was what felt wrong to him. There
wasn't anything he could criticize about it. The in-court ability, the matches, the
spikes, everything was perfectly fit like a machine. Suddenly, a thought flashed
across his mind and he followed that trail of thought. He searched the original
owner's memories hard and squeezed out everything related to volleyball. There is a
difference - one major difference that might as well be a game changer.

He can't help but laugh at his luck. While both he and the original owner liked
volleyball, their point of view differed on one major aspect. While the original
owner appreciated and watched volleyball for the volleyball abilities that was
showcased, he enjoyed all of the storylines more than the actual matches. In his
humble opinion, it was the storylines that gave the matches that spark of something

While it is true one couldn't exist without the other, volleyball fans were always
divided in their opinion of what was the most important part. Some went with
volleyball and some went with storylines. He was of the later category. And the
original owner was of the former category.

In fact, he didn't think that anyone in this world would agree with him. Because,
the storylines here were so bland that it made him irrationally angry just thinking
about them. But, he couldn't help but laugh. This was his ticket. He would
introduce to this world what proper storytelling and character building can
accomplish in the world of volleyball. He would be the pioneer who would usher in
the Attitude Era of volleyball to this world.

And he just knew deep down in his heart that he would become a great legend just
for that!!!

Sure, he can't make any drastic changes immediately or get rich overnight like he
had hoped, but he had a goal now.

And it's really a shame that volleyball was in such a state.

A stadium full of fans cheering and booing just like he had envisioned!!! And the
architect of such a scene would be him - Jay Tobio!!!



Zero tempo? Wthat's that?

As Jay entered the interview room, he saw four men sitting across a table in front
of him. They were all suited up and looked like the perfect example of a corporate
businessmen. If they thought that they came off as intimidating and professional,
then they would vomit blood if they knew what Jay thought of them as. In Jay's mind
only one word flashed at the sight of them - boring!!!

After seeing countless videos of Good Old Hinata and Kageyama conduct interviews in
their casual clothes in his previous life, watching these men sit across him in
their suits made him want to yawn. While there were quite a few volleyball industry
personnel who wore suits, whether it was Nishida or Nishikawa, they had the
charisma to pull it off.

Watching these guys in front of him, only one person came to his mind. Kageyama...

Jay had to stiffle his urge to laugh at them. He, unhurriedly took the interview
seat in front of them in a calm manner. From the side of his vision, he saw
something on the left purse his lips in dissatisfaction. He did not know what he
did wrong to start off in the wrong foot already, but he resolved to himself to be
careful with the interview. If one of the interviewers had a bad impression of him
already, it would be so hard to pass the interview.

The moment he realized that he could change the world of volleyball, Jay ditched
all his other plans and searched for a way to get into the volleyball industry.
Luckily for him, he didn't need to search very hard.

Arena Volleyball was on the lookout for personnel to join their management team.
Karasuno was one of the volleyball team in the country Jay was living in.
Consequently, Longham City that Jay lived in was also a meeting ground of
Volleyball players It had two volleyball team - Karasuno and Seijo.

Karasuno was a behemoth in the world of volleyball with over twenty five years of
operation. They had filled out arenas and out sold other promotions within the
country. While Karasuno had a long history of volleyball, Seijo was relatively new.
They have been operating for a mere six years and we're considered to be upstarts.

To every volleyball players, Karasuno was their ultimate goal. Karasuno fielded a
roster of superstars who were well-known across the country. Consequently they had
a bigger share of market than all the other volleyball promotions. Almost all of
their special events were sold out. From the onlooker's perspective Karsuno was
strong and unbeatable.

However, Jay didn't think so. While it was true that Karasuno held a prestigious
position, they were also like every other promotion out there. Every volleyball
promotion out there in this world followed the same formula when it came to booking
their card. They had a weekly program of 140 or 80 mins based on the size of their
roster. Every three or five month they doled out a special event to round up their

A weekly program usually had two or three matches. Most of them were booked in the
national match format. Very rarely was a inter national match booked. And if they
booked it, it was hyped up as the main event as they usually put two stars together
instead of a team. In short, they followed the format of a volleyball match or big
match, When they deviated, they hyped it as a special and almost always booked it
for the special event.

Even that could be tolerated if they built a proper storyline. The extent of
storyline building went as far as to a challenger challenging the champion. Nothing
intense or even an attack angle was created. This basically created a dearth of
storyline and in turn made it look like a choreographed match, That was the main
reason volleyball was in such a slump.

Karasuno, being the behemoth, had three weekly events and one special event every
four months. The roster was rotated between that to keep the freshness. Considering
the number of players present, they could easily book matches for one year without
repeating the same program. It kind of played into their advantage. So, they were
not facing much negative impact due to over-exposure.

Initially, Jay was little reluctant to join this behemoth as he thought that he
wouldn't be able to do much in Karasuno. But, what made him come here was the fact
that Karasuno was where the money was. And with weekly TV spot, he could kickstart
the Old Era very easily if he made a big enough splash. He didn't need to jump
through hoops to get his ideas to the public.

"Hi, my name is Jay Tobio. I am a big fan of volleyball and wish to be a part of
this prestigious promotion," Jay introduced himself systematically as he gave his
resume to the one sitting in the middle across him.

Before things could progress any further, the one who was sitting to Jay's left
spoke up without even glancing at the resume Jay had submitted.

"So, you know we are a prestigious promotion, right?" the man asked mockingly.

Jay did not know what this man's problem was, but he knew that this man had it out
for him. So, he calmed himself down and made sure not to react to his mocking,
before replying evenly.


"Then, I have to ask you whether this is how you show your respect to a prestigious
promotion," the man drawled making Jay to scrunch up his eyebrows.

"Pardon me, I don't think I follow you. How have I disrespected Karasuno?" Jay
replied a little testily.

He knew that it was not wise to antagonize this man now, but if he didn't address
the accusation this man had thrown out, he wouldn't get the job no matter how
brilliantly he performed in the interview.

"Look at you! Look at how you are dressed. What do you think this place is? Do you
think you can walk in here with dressing however you want?" the man ridiculedJay
leaving no room for him to interfere.

The atmosphere in the room shifted immediately. Jay could feel the awkwardness
rising up a notch. Unlike others, he was dressed far more casually. He didn't suit
up, but had arrived in a casual plain red shirt and black pants. Luckily, he had
tucked in his shirt or else he would have been in bigger trouble.

"Hmmm, forgive me sir, I don't think I have disrespected this promotion. Not
everyone owns a suit, you know. We have to make do with what we own," Jay chuckled
trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"I am not talking about suits. I am talking about the way you have folded up your
sleeves. You don't look like a professional at all. In fact, you look like a
hooligan posing as a professional," the man retorted angrily.

Jay winced internally as he realized what the problem was. Wearing full sleeves and
folding them up back to just below the elbow was one of the habits that had been
ingrained into him. He just felt comfortable that way. He didn't even think about
it. It wasn't a conscious decision. It was just a habit that he was accustomed to.

Jay didn't immediately reply to that accusation. He knew that not everyone felt
good about such habits. His ex had grumbled about this habit of his for a long
while when they were dating. So, he didn't want to get into an argument regarding
fashion at this particular moment. So, he reluctantly remained silent.

A glint of victory flitted across the man's eyes as he leaned back into his seat.
Just then, the one in the middle cleared his throat to shift everyone's attention
to him.

"Jay Tobio, I have went through your resume. It is clear that you have interest in
volleyball. It says you have participated in a Junior Volleyball Tournament at high
school level. But, after that, you have nothing noteworthy to speak of."

Jay internally winced hearing the unspoken question. What happened after that
tournament? While the interviewer didn't outright ask him that, he knew he should
explain. However, he knew full well that he didn't have a good explanation at all.

The only reason he was able to participate in that tournament was that the original
middle blocker of his high school team was injured just days before the match. As
the original owner of the body acted as second middle blocker for the original
competitor, he was allowed to participate due to less players. He didn't even pick
up a win, to be honest, and was eliminated early on in the tournament.

After that, the previous owner of this body even gave up on volleyball. The only
reason Jay included that in the resume was to boost up his own profile
compatibility with the job and get some brownie points. He never expected that the
first question right off the mark would be related to that. He briefly wondered
whether this is what they meant by stabbed by one's own knife.

Well, he couldn't possibly give a honest answer to that question. That only meant
one course of action - bullshit.

"Well I suffered an injury days prior to the match. As my high school didn't have
any replacement and the time was very short, I had to participate despite my
injury. My injury worsened due to that and then I was forced to stop training for a
few months," Jay said hoping to earn some browny points with the interviewers. He
saw the man in the right nod thoughtfully, while the one on the middle snorted.

"When I came back, the old injury still acted up from time to time. So, I
eventually decided to quit volleyball professionally. But, volleyball has always
been my passion. If I can't be a volleyball player, then I wanted to be involved in
volleyball in some other way. That's why I decided to apply here. Karasuno is a
long-standing prestigious promotion and I am sure I would learn a lot from here,"
Jay finished his speech with confidence.

He saw the man in the right nod in understanding. The one on the middle was staring
at him with a displeased expression, but Jay gave up on creating a good impression
on him after their spat regarding his dressing habits. So, he didn not mind his

"Where were you injured?" a voice came from the left causing Jay to internally

He had forgot about the one on the left. Unlike the other two interviewers, the one
on the middle wasn't fit. He looked like a typical middle-aged businessman with a
slight pot-belly and rectangular spectacles on his face. When Jay turned to look at
him, he found that the man's gaze was sharp. Jay knew people like him had a well-
developed shit detectors. He could only lament his luck on running into a man like
him here.

"Ah, I suffered a ligament tear in my bicep," Jay said trying to shift the topic

"Are you telling me that your coach allowed you to participate in a tournament with
a torn ligament?" the man in the right asked in a stern tone.

"Well, we didn't know it was ligament tear at that time. We thought that I had
sprained my knee, but when we checked after the tournament I had a small tear in my
ligament," Jay said trying to appear as sheepish as possible to sell the story.

The man in the right nodded in acceptance, the one in the middle grumbled about
unprofessional conduct. The one on the right however, was stone faced and still
eyed Jay sharply.

"Moving on, what are your expectations regarding your work here?" the man in the
left asked.

"Well, I am mostly interested in learning about volleyball abilities like a boom

jump, powerfull spike etc. I have always been interested in the technical stuff
like that. This would be a great opportunity to expand my horizon," Jay gave off a
brilliant ingratiating smile.

"So, you are not interested in being in the court?"

"Even if I want to, I can't. Considering my injury..."

"You can still work as a player position of middle blocker or a serve specialist,"

"No, while those would be great, I still prefer to be a manager or a coach"

"Hmmm, good. Most people think of a job in management to be a gateway into becoming
a volleyball manager. I like your attitude and approach. So, tell me, if you were
given the job of managing a single play?, what would your priorities be?"

"My priority would be training my players to do the zero tempo quick" Jay began.

Well, this was it. Jay knew that if he could convince these interviewers of his
view and vision, then his job would be set. If he could successfully pitch the idea
of building a storyline with impactful heel and face, and use them to promote a
match instead of just booking an attractive card, he would be given an ideal
position to give it a try.

But, just as he began, a manly voice interrupted him rudely.

"Wait a minute. What the hell are you blabbering about? zero tempo? What the hell
is that? We are not here for anatomy lesson boy," the one on the middle showed his
displeasure openly.
Jay's mind blanked immediately. How in the hell did not know what is a zero tempo?
That's something even a casual fan knows and these people were promoters for God's

Anatomy lesson your mom!!



Jay had to take a deep breath to calm himself down after that idiotic question from
the man on the right. But, damn wasn't he startled by the question. They didn't
even know zero tempo meant. And these were volleyball promoters of this world. No
wonder, volleyball was in a shitty state.

Just to make sure that the man on the right was not pulling his leg, he sneaked a
glance at the other two men. Confusion was etched across their faces too. Jay had
to stop himself from swearing out loud. These guys truly didn't have any idea about
what a zero tempo meant. It looked like he had to change the way he spoke. The only
way to get his point across was to explain things as he would do to a newbie.

"Well, by zero tempo, I meant its a quick attack but intead its a zero tempo the
middle needs to jump first before the setter touching the ball," Jay explained with
an awkward shrug of his shoulders.

"Jumping first before the setter touching the ball? We aren't a damn joke company.
This just shows that you have no idea what volleyball is. I am telling you, this
guy is just here to waste our time," the one on the rught said irritably towards
the other two.

Jay was once again flabbergasted by the reply he received.

'Wait a minute, was this guy telling me that they don't know what is a zero tempo?.
Then, that means this move is still not created.'

Jay felt his world spin at the mere thought of volleyball existing without any kind
of a monster ability. It was like a burger without meat; food without salt; no
matter how pretty it looked, it would taste just bland and be unpalatable. He now
knew the root cause for volleyball being in such a slump. This was fucking
unacceptable. His determination to change volleyball only became stronger after
hearing this.

But, before that, he should get past this interview. With how things were
currently, he knew that he had to do something drastic to even have a chance. So,
he decided to press forth with his speech ignoring the interruptions of the man on
the right. If his gamble paid off, he would at least enter the world of volleyball.
Antagonizing the man on the right was a small price to pay compared to that reward.

"That's what I meant," Jay said raising his voice to cut off the whining of the man
on the right. "I mean, the zero tempo is a new ability a discover its a monster
move its so fast that you cant even see it.

Silence greeted his statement. Jay observed his audience to gauge their reaction to
what he said. What he was proposing was something new and unheard of in this world.
This wouldn't be received with enthusiastic applause regardless of how much sense
it made. So, he had to ease these people into the idea slowly.

The one in the left had a blank face, making it difficult to ascertain how he
viewed this new approach. The one on the right was visibly fuming. Whether it was
from being embarrassed when Jay cut him off or he didn't like the idea that was
proposed, Jay didn't know. However, there was a gleam of interest in the eye of the
man on the right. Until now, the man hadn't reacted much other than ask his sharp
question when Jay was shitting.

But now, there was some interest in his eyes.

It emboldened Jay. He knew that what he was doing was a gamble. But, if he could
convince someone and let them see the merit of his idea, then he knew that he would
be in an unassailable position henceforth.

"Think about it," Jay started once more excitedly. "Don't you feel bored just using
the same move as a middle blocker just a one tempo? It is hard to keep public
attention and if we change the way we do these things, we are sure to grab their
attention. New things always attract people's attention. Just changing the way we
normally book and creating clear-cut and its a game changer"


A loud shout interrupted Jay's excited rambling.

Jay closed his mouth in surprise. It wasn't the one on the right who had shouted.
It was the one in the left who had always maintained a professional air around him
that shouted at Jay. The man was visibly angry and on the verge of cursing Jay
outright. Jay opened and closed his mouth a few times without making any sound. He
was too stunned by the outburst to coherently form any thoughts.

"I have listened to enough of your drivel," the man in the left spoke with gritted
teeth. "Do you think you are so great that you could talk anything? You haven't
even stepped into this world, but you are already making a new move that is
impossible. I don't know where you get such ridiculous ideas or the courage to even
speak them out loud. You have no respect for volleyball at all."

"Damn right, we have wasted enough time with this idiot. Let's send him off
already. I feel angry just looking at his face," the one on the right added oil to
the fire smoothly.

"Here's your resume. Vacate this place now," the one in the right threw Rob's
resume back angrily. "I don't want to see your face around this place. Get out!"

Jay stared at the two men dumbly. There was both anger and mortification warring
within him. He was mortified by how wrong this interview had turned out. But, that
was only a small part. What he felt the most was anger. Anger at how they were
dismissing such a great idea. Anger at their ignorance and entitled behavior.

But, he could only swallow his thoughts without speaking them out loud. It was very
clear that these men had no interest in changing how things were in volleyball

"I say, we shouldn't let idiots like him inside the building at all. These people
have no respect for business…" the voice of the man on the right echoed in Jay's
ears as he stepped out of the room. He didn't pause outside but walked out of the
building slowly.

At last, when he was at the gates, Jay slowly turned and looked at the huge
building that had the words Karasuno hanging boldly in front and let out a big deep

"You say my idea is ridiculous, that I don't have the respect for the business,
that I am an idiot to even suggest such changes. Well, fine then. One day, I will
use my ideas to cause you countless headaches. That day you will know that I was
right all along and I wasn't a mad man to suggest these things. You will have no
choice but to change your views that day. One day, you will change your tune and
follow me or will become obsolete in this world. I promise you this…"

"I WILL CHANGE VOLLEYBALL. And there isn't a damn thing you would be able to do
about that!!!"


Bokuto, Kuro to his friends and colleagues, was a busy man. Being the sole owner
and proprietor of Seijo Volleyball Center, there wasn't a lot of spare time for him
on any given day. Overseeing training of players, creating booking plans to provide
the best stage for them to showcase their ability, drafting marketing and
advertising plans, and making sure that everything was fine with Seijo made him one
busy man.

He used to work with Karasuno until six years ago. While he learned a lot of things
there, the atmosphere there didn't suit him well. Karasuno was a well-oiled
machine. Even if someone was absent, there wouldn't be a huge impact as there was
always someone else there to fill those shoes. While he had some clout backstage in
Karasuno, he was ultimately a spoke in the wheel there.

But, Seijo was different. Here, he was the most important man. When he left
Karasuno and started his own volleyball promotion, he knew that he would have a
heavy workload. But, he rejoiced in it. He felt that he was living his life to the
fullest after he began Seijo. Being busy as a bee suited him well. He enjoyed
unearthing talented players and helping them transition into pro-volleyball players
a lot. He hadn't felt that joy in Karasuno.

After all, Karasuno was a huge behemoth and they didn't lack talented pro-players.
There were tons of pro-players out there who wanted to join Karasuno. So, almost
everyone who came there had some experience under their belt. They already knew how
the business worked and what their roles were. That made it kind of boring for him.

Seijo, on the other hand, was a newly established promotion and it wasn't a huge
attraction to established veterans in the industry. It was a downside for him, but
it also provided him with an advantage. Players who signed with Seijo were the ones
who wanted to make a mark in the industry. They were hungry and eager to learn. He
enjoyed the process of teaching them the ropes more than anything else. If it was
left to him, he would gladly hand over the reins of the company to someone else and
focus on grooming talents.

Alas, it was not to be. He had a broader scope of work than he would have
preferred. Training players were all well and good, but if he couldn't provide a
court to them, then it would be a colossal waste of their talents. When he began
this company, his initial aim was to train up talented newbies and watching them
blossom under his tutelage. But, when those gems he polished lost their shine when
he wasn't able to provide them a court, he had to reluctantly expand the scope of
the company.

This was where his experience with Karasuno came to play. He used the tricks he
learned there to slowly and surely build the company to its current stage in just
six years. While they weren't a competition to Karasuno, not that any other
promotion out there was able to claim that title, Seijo has branded its own mark in
the land of volleyball

As most of his roster consisted of younger stars, the matches they put on were a
little bit of a faster pace than what Karasuno put out. He also cleverly made his
shows occur right between the two weekly shows put out by Karasuno. That made sure
that he didn't clash with Karasuno and also helped him to piggyback on the void
left by them between the two shows.

Longham City was known for its volleyball scene. Hence, there was always a demand
for volleyball shows in the city. Both locals and tourists wanted to watch a
volleyball show in Longham City. And when there were no shows scheduled by
Karasuno, Seijo would swoop in to satisfy their cravings. His clever administration
and his rosters talented performance had at last borne fruit last weekend.

Last weekend, Seijo signed a two-years contract with Sheesh TV to telecast their
weekly shows. They were given a timeslot of 90 mins every week. And if they pulled
in enough ratings, Sheesh TV would extend their contract for five more years.
Getting a TV deal was a huge step for any volleyball promotion. As volleyball
didn't have widespread appeal, even small contracts like these would help a
promotion grow in an accelerated manner within a short time.

However, this also brought in a huge number of additional tasks for Bokuto to take
care of. But, Bokuto didn't mind the added workload that much. This was a huge step
for his company and if he played it well, they would become second only to
Karasuno. Just the thought alone excited him to no end.

Just then, his phone rang. Bokuto put aside the report he was looking at to the
side and answered the call.

"Hey Kuro, how're things on your end?"

His friend Tsuki's voice came out of the phone causing Bokuto to smile.

"Thanks to you, things are looking great," Bokuto laughed jovially in return.

"So, I take it that you signed the deal,"

"Damn right I signed it. Pity, it was only for three years though,"

"Don't be too greedy Kuro,"

"Yeah, you are right. Its been only three years since Seijo began. We already have
a TV deal. Thanks once again for putting me in touch with the TV producers,"

"I didn't do much. They had a need and I only sent you to their doorstep. It was
your effort that got you the deal."

Bokuto merely smiled at that and didn't reply. He knew full well how hard it is to
get this deal. Steven's recommendation was half the reason he got the deal.

"Anyways, I have a favor to ask,"

"Just say what it is. I will do anything as long as it is within my power. After
all, I owe you big time for the TV deal,"

"Well, I knew you must be short-staffed right now. So, I want to recommend someone
to you."

"Ah, Tsuki, if it is a player, I am sorry to say that our roster is more than full.
If a vacancy pops up, I will definitely give you a call. I can't sign any more
players currently."
"Then it is a good thing I am not recommending a player, isn't it?"


"The lad I am recommending to you isn't a player. His interests lie with booking
and management line,"

"Booking and management, huh? I don't remember any young ones being interested in
that. Only old guys like us who were well past their primes take up such things,"

"Well, that's where he said he wanted to go,"

"Oh, how's his work?"

"Ah, that's the thing. The lad is still wet behind the ears. He is a complete
newbie. I wouldn't have come across him if not for him attending an interview in
Karasuno last week,"


"Don't worry, I am not carting off a burden. He made some interesting points during
the interview. It piqued me a lot. I know damn well how things are here in
Karasuno. So, I don't see him working here. I just wanted to see if he can make
something out of him by lending a small helping hand."

"That sounds like a promising lad. What did he say to make you this curious? I
mean, you are recommending him to me just for those words of his,"

"Well, he proposed to change the way we book players. He had some interesting ideas
and I want to see if they have any merits."

"Then, why don't you give him chance there in Karasuno? Or are you sabotaging me?"

"Like hell I am sabotaging you! I would have given him a shot. Unfortunately, luck
wasn't with him."

"Oh, do tell,"

"He went on a rant about how he wanted to change the way we book things in front of
Ushijima of all people. You know how damned stubborn that man is when it comes to
upholding traditional values of volleyball."

"I am not much different from Ushijima, Tsuki,"

"At least, you would have heard the lad out. Ushijima all but threw the guy out of
the building."

Bokuto chuckled imagining an irate Ushijima dragging a young man by his collar out
of the building.

"That does sound like Ushijima alright,"

"Anyways, my sixth sense started tickling when the lad told what he wanted to do. I
thought it would be interesting to see the results of his ideas."

"Fine, I will give the lad a chance. I am not promising anything. I don't want any
confusion just as I have started this TV deal."

"That's good. The lad looks like he has a passion for the business. All I ask is
that you give him a chance,"

"Ok, send him my way. I will see what I can do. What's his name?"

"His name is Jay Tobio. I will ask him to meet you on Tuesday. What time will be

"If it is Monday, then tell him to come in the afternoon at 3,"

"Sure, thanks for the consideration. Who knows, his ideas might even bear fruit and
you would end up owing me more."

"Ya, right," Bokuto snorted into the receiver. "Anyways, I have loads to do here.
Ask that lad to be on time. I am hanging up."

3 years later..... Jay successfuly changes how they book players and managed to
teach the ability called zero tempo their team now is 5th back to back champion the
zero tempo ability was unstoppable and unbeatable

(No more ideas)THE END:P

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