Reading Respond 5 Module 2

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Apa saja tantangan dan dampak dari era modernisasi yang berujung pada perombakan

paradigma pembangunan di tahun 1970-an? Mengapa dan bagaimana kebijakan

pembangunan sebelumnya (dari tahun 1960-an) dilanjutkan/dihentikan di negara studi
pilihan Anda pada tahun 1970-an?

When the North and South were divided politically in 1954, they also adopted different economic
ideologies, one communist and one capitalist. In the North, the communist regime's First Five-
Year Plan (1961–65) gave priority to heavy industry, but priority subsequently shifted to
agriculture and light industry. All private enterprise and private ownership was prohibited

Meanwhile, South Vietnam's free market economy conducted extensive trade with other anti-
communist or non-communist countries, such as the US, Canada, France, West Germany,
Japan and Thailand. The Southern economy between 1954 and 1975 became increasingly
dependent on foreign aid, particularly in the late 60s until the Fall of Saigon. The United States,
the foremost donor, helped finance the development of the military and the construction of roads,
bridges, airfields and ports; supported the currency; and met the large deficit in the balance of

Planning is a key characteristic of centralized, communist economies, and one plan established
for the entire country normally contains detailed economic development guidelines for all its
regions. According to Vietnamese economist Vo Nhan Tri, Vietnam's post-reunification economy
was in a "period of transition to socialism." The process was described as consisting of three
phases. The first phase, from 1976 through 1980, incorporated the Second Five-Year Plan
(1976–80)--the First Five Year Plan (1960–65) applied to North Vietnam only. The second phase,
called "socialist industrialization", was divided into two stages: from 1981 through 1990 and from
1991 through 2005. The third phase, covering the years 2006 through 2010, was to be time
allotted to "perfect" the transition

3 hal yang menjadi tantangan dalam pembangunan ekonomi modernisasi di era 1960 an:
1. Program aid investent yang tidak tepat sasaran. Investasi yang diberlakukan sejak
1960an dan sempat cukup sukses ternyata tidak mampu memberdayakan ekonomi
negara-negara penerima secara berkelanjutan. Investasi dirasa tidak cukup apabila
tidak dihubungkan dengan mempersiapkan teknologi dan mesin untuk industri.
2. Surplus Labour, tak bisa dipungkiri pasca perang dunia kedua, dengan situasi yang
lebih stabil terjadi peningkatan jumlah pekerja, rutama dari penambahan jumlah buruh
dari wilayah-wilayah yang rural.
3. Permasalahan Birokrat. Situasi administrasi pemerintahan yang belum cukup settle,

Situasi ini terjadi di Vietnam. Situasi yang cukup unik mengingat adanya perpecahan politik
pada tahun 1954, menjadi Negara Vietnam Utara dan Negara Vietnam Selatan. Mereka juga
mengadopsi ideologi ekonomi yang berbeda, wilayah komunis dan kapitalis. Menurut Crane
(2011), rezim komunis negara Vietnam Utara memberlakukan rencana lima tahunan pertama,
dengan focus industri berat, tetapi kemudian menggeser prioritas ke pertanian dan industri
ringan. Sebaliknya, di bagian Selatan, pengaruh negara negara kapitalis cukup kuat, sejak
1954 hingga akhir tahun 60 an pada saat Kejatuhan Saigon. Data dari Avalon (2008)
menjelaskan bahwa dari segi perencanaan pembangunan, setelah penyatuan Kembali,
pemerintah Vietnam menerapkan dua kebijakan pembangunan yang cukup ambisius, yakni
Rencana Lima Tahun Kedua yang berfokus pada pertumbuhan industry dan pertanian/(1976–
80) dan Rencana Lima Tahun Pertama (1960–65) yang berfokus pada pemerataan ekonomi
antara wilayah utara dan selatan.

There were three challenges in the development of the modern economy in the 1960s:
1. The investment assistance program is not well targeted. Investments that have been
implemented since the 1960s and have been quite successful have not been able to
sustainably empower the economies of recipient countries. Investment is considered
insufficient if it is not linked to the preparation of technology and machinery for
2. Labor surplus, it is undeniable after the second world war, with a more stable situation
there was an increase in the number of workers, especially from an increase in the
number of workers noticed and counted from rural areas.
3. Bureaucratic Problems. The situation of unresolved government administration,
causing many programs that are not in accordance with needs and are short-term in
nature, rather than more useful programs such as technology preparation as in point 1

This situation occurs in Vietnam. The situation is unique considering the political division in
1954, into the State of North Vietnam and the State of South Vietnam. They also adopted
different economic ideologies, communist and capitalist territories. According to Crane
(2011), the communist regime of North Vietnam implemented a five-year plan first, focusing
on heavy industry, but then shifted priorities to agriculture and light industry. On the other
hand, in the South, the influence of the capitalist countries was quite strong, from 1954 until
the late 60s at the time of the Fall of Saigon. Data from Avalon (2008), explains that in terms
of development planning, after reunification, the Vietnamese government implemented two
fairly ambitious development policies, namely the Second Five-Year Plan which focused on
industrial and agricultural growth in 1976–80 , and the third Five-Year Plan in 1981–85
which focused on economic equality between the north and the south.


Avalon. 2008. "Indochina - Midway in the Geneva Conference: Address by the Secretary of
State". Yale Law School. Retrieved from:

Crane. 2011. “Vietnam's Economic History: The Feudalism System”/ Retrieved from:

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