Chap-4 (Projectile Motion) Theory

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PRO., L("l I Ltr llO1l()\ Plt\.


DETINITION (4) For all points of the traiectory, the
.!. The motion of an object is called hvo dinrensional, acceleration due to gravity 'g' is constant in
if two ofthe ttree co-ordinates required to speci! magnitude and direction.
the position of the obiect in space, change x:,'., 5. ,PRINCIPTE OF. PHYSICAT INDEPENDENCT
In such a motion, the object moves in a plane.
For example, a billiard ball moving over the
(l) The rmtion of a pojectile is a t1'i'odinrmior)al nnior
billiard table, an insect crawling over the floor So, it can be diru:sod in two parE. Hcrizmtal
ofa roonl earth revolving around the sun etc. nntioo and rutical motion These two rmtius take
place independent of each other. This is called the
Two special cases of motion in trro dimension are
1. ProJectile motion 2. Circular motion girciple ofptrysical idependence of rnotions.
(2) The velocity ofthe particle can be resoh,ed into
INTROOUCTION OF PROJECTILE MOTION t\l'o mutually perpendicular components.
* A hunter airns his gun and fires a bullet Horizontal component and vertical conpotent.
directly to$,ards a mon}ey sitting on a distant (3) The horizontal component rernins unchanged
tree. If the monkey remains in his position, tkoughout the flight. The l'orce of gravity
he will be safe but at the instant the bullet continuously affects the vertical compone ,
leaves the barrel of gun, if the monkey drops (4) The horizontal motion is a unilbrm motion and
from the hee, the bullet will hit the monkey the vertical motion is a uniformly accelerated
because the bullet u'ill not follow the linear or retarded motion.
( I ) Oblique proj ectile motion

1,, (2) Horizontal projectile motion

n (3) Projectile motion on an inclined plane

The path of motion ofa bullet v,ill be parabolic
and this motion ofbullet is defined as projectile
If the forcr acting on a particle is oblique with
initial velocity then the motion of particle is
called projectile motion.
.i. A body which is in flight through the atmosphere I',
under the effect of gravity alone and is not x
being propelled by any fuel is called projectile.
(i)A bomb released from an aeroplane in level
(ii) A bullet hred from a gun ,. oBuQt I ProltcJrlE
(iii) An arrow released aom boq' * In projectile motiorl horizontal component of
(iv) A Javelin tl:rown by an athlete velocrty (u cosd), acceleration (g) and nrechanical
energl rernains comtant while, spee4 velocity,
(I ) There is no resistance due to air.
vertical conponent of velocity (a sin @,
(2) The effect due to curvatue of eath is momentur! kinetic energy and potential energl all
changes. Velocity, and KE are rnaximum at the
point of Foiection $,hile minimum Out not zero) at
(3) The effect due to rotation of earth is
highest point.

PII \'\ I ( \-\I PR0.t E ( 1 .[ ]\101 I()\
(1) Equation of trajectory : A projectile is tbrown Puxing the values of r and .1, from equation (ii)
with velocity tl at an angle A with the and equaton (iv) in equation (i) w€ obtain the
horizontal. The velocity ri can be resolved into position vector at any time , as
two rectangular components.
| = 1a sos 0)ri + (t,,-ar, -t",')i
, r*. a)' .({, r.ioat-
}s,' )'

I ,.[*)' -"y and c = tan-ro,/r)

O X * ,-e -'r r,'
l cos 6 component along X-axis and r.r sin 0 -'"- -:l --------------L I oI 0 = tatr, /l zr.ioa - -nr I

component along f-axis.

= rrn
t,,.*at ( 2acoso /

For horizontal motion

[ J-'
The angle of elevation / of the highest point of
.r:rrcosd xl ..(D the projectile and the angle of projection d are
For vertical rnotion related to each other as

r = (, $n d )I -:clr ...(ir) un I =|tm a

From equation (i) and (ii) )'
., =,sinol
'-l-l*l ,'-,,I
J 2 \u-cos-d)
I gr:
"l r- -_:s--
= x tal)
This equation shows that the trajectory of ,(--R-,r
projectile is parabolic because it is similar to
equation ofparabola (3) Instantaneous velocit.v y : In projectile motion,
v: ox-bx' vertical component of velocity changes but
of oblique projectile also can be qritten horizontal cotrlponent of velocity remains always
as constant.
Example . When a man jumps over the hurdle
L R] leaving behind its skateboard then vertical
co ponent of his velocity is changing but not the
(where R: boriTontal range - 1-io3q .)
horizontal component rvhich matches with the
(2) Displacement of projectile ril : Let the particle skateboard velocity.
acquires a position P having the coordinates (x, _v) As a result, the skateboard stays undemeath him.
just after time t from the instant ofprojection. The allowing him to land on it.
corresponding position vecto of the particle at
i f. ft.
r rT:fi t f
time, is as shown in the figure.
P (r, "r)
; Let r, be the instantaneous velocity ofprojectile at

time ,, direction of this velocity is along the

x tangent to the trajectory at point P.

a =r'.i+v,i =, = 1.,-,1
xi +)i
; = \ ...(,
The horizontal distance covered during time r is rr:eos2d+(rsil6-gr):
given as
ul +g7tz -2ugtsni
r =v. r= r =lcos, r ...(i,
The vertical velocity ofthe padcle at time , is Direction of hstantaoeous velocity
given as u,. rsil0 rr _
tall a =- -
ri =(1'oI -sr, ...(iii) v, = ucosd
Now the venical displacement ) is given as
Or a=tan-l I tan6-4secd
,=us]fll0t-l/2g? ...(iv)

PROJU( t ILH llol tO\ PrI l st( s-xl
(4) Change in velocity: Inilial velo.ify (iii) If is the time taken by projectile to rise upto

(at pojection point'1 ir, = ucosl"i + usinl) pointp and 12 is the time taken in falling from
pointp to ground level then
Final velocity (at highest point) ir =ucosli+0)
r, * r, 21I!19 = time offlight or
(i) Change in velocity (Between projection point =
and highest point) ti
=i r -i, , = --,
"itOl tlsind=t(ft-+t!)
When body reaches the ground after
completing its motion then final velocity v P
= ucosl'i -usu'l)
(ii) Change in velocity @etween complete
Li = u / - u, = -2u sra'i
projectile motion) o x
(5) Change in momenhrm: Sinply by the and height of the point p is given by
multiplication of nBSs in tlre above expression of n =usm0 tt -;Eli
velociry (Article-4).
(i) Change in momentum (Bet$een projection (r, +r.) L
h= g-:-.:-------:- t | --gti
point and highest poin,
ei !jl;-
(ii) Change in momenhrm
bv sotvine ,, =
(For the corplete ploj ectile motion) (iv) IfB and C are at the same level on trajectoq,and
=; t *;, = -2mu sino j the time difference Y
(6) Angular mom€ntum :
Angular momentum of bet$,een these two
projeclile at highest point of trajectory Bboul the points is 11, similarly l1
point ofprojection is given by and D are also at
.,1 h /B l.
the same level and D
L=u\r H",a"=rr="th'd the time difference o
2g -Y
between these f$'o
' I =n cGA-
l_ sint 0 m rrrcor0sin:0
1o 10 posiliors is 6 then 8i
P (8) Horizontnl range: It is the horizontal distance
travelled by a body during the time of flight.
e .Y So by using second equation of motion in
o l.direction
(7) Time of fllght : The total tirne taken by the l'
projectile to go up and come down to the same
level from which it v,as projected is called time of
For vertical upward motion 0 a sin 0- g, :
- ,: (r sin Ag) () ()rzonla
Now as time taken to go up is equal to the time
rt=acos0xI = u cos d x (2u sin 0 / g)
taken to come down so
2"'bo u2 sro,20 - u) sin20
Time offlight T =2t = - /(=-
(i) Tirne of flight can also be expressed a5: 7= iJ! (i) Range ofprojectile can also be expressed as :
(where r4, is tlrc vertical con{pnent of initial R=acosor i.: acos efljlll
velocity). a
(ii) Fcr crrdemmtary angle ofpqirxtim 0and 90o -0 _ 2,tr cos d .r sip0 _ 2ur,rr.
I 2trsind'g c8
T. - 2rlsin(90
(A) Rario ofrime 0111in6 =
- -0). g 2uu
:."rra . .R= ----= (where u, and
r, are the horizontal
and vertical component ofinitial velocity)
(B) Multiplication of time of flight
= 7. _2usn0 lucosO _ -- 2R (ii) Ifangle ofprojecrior is changed from A ro d,
cgc = (90 - 91 then range remains unchanged_

PIIISI( s-\ l PIto JT(''IILL }I0'I'Io.\
(9) Maximum helght: It is the maximum height
from the point of projectio& a projectile can
So, by using v7 =u) + 2as

o = (a sina)j - 2111 =r-tr:siolo


, u2 srn20' rr: sio[2(90'-0)] xl stflfr9 Y
So a projectile has sanp range at angles of
projection 0 aad (90 0), though time of flight,
maximum height and traiectories are different. ,Y
These angles and 0 90"
are called 0
corplementary angles of projectioo and for
corrylementary angles of projection, ratio of
R, u'sin2o/g (i) Maximum height oan also be expressed as
- R,- x -r sir [2 (90 ' - 0)] , s =t = ir=t
n = 'ii lWtrere a , is the vertical component of
(iii) For ang.le of projection a : (45 - a) aad 2g

& : @S + a), range will be same and equal to initial velocity).


cos 2a/g.
and @ are also the complementary angles.
iii) r*. - f-
jg iwhen s#6: mux - I i.e.. 0 - 90\
(iv) Maximum range : For ralge to be maxinrum i.e., for rnaximum height body should be
projected vertically upl,ard. So it falls back to the
ttR a [,'sin:al -
point ofprojection affer reaching the nraximum
de - deL c l
-=0 height.
= cos 20:0 i.e.20=90"+ 0:45' (iii) For complerrentary angles of projection 0 and
and R,,".: (ri2lg)
;.e., a projectile lr'ill have maximum range when 90"-e
it is projected at an angle of 45o to the horizontal Ratio of maximum height
and the maximum range will be (arlg). u:sin:0r28
When the range is maximu4 the height
-Hr_ =r"o,,
11 H, ,/: siD:(90' -r)/:g co" 0
rcached by the projectile
)' ..- !!! = 6n: g

(lO)Projectile passing through two different points

on same height at time /1 and ,z : If the
R,,,",: 4 H _r particle passes f$,o poi ts situated at equal
,, srn'd rr- ,in_ qr u' R.*
r/- heiglty at r = r, and r = r,. lhen
i.e., if a person can throw a projectile to a (i) Height (y): y = (,.ina)r, -!gri .. (1)
maximum distance rR,,,o,, The maximum height
during the flight to which it will rise is I r* I. and r' - (r smd)r- -;sr; ...(ii)
(v) Relation between horizontal range and maximum i'
'g2gr =
heighl: { rin:q and /, =': sior o
R u') sin20 / g
=4colP = R=4Hcot0
Il rr: sinroi29
0 )
(vi) If in case of projectile motion range R is n times ,Y
the maximum height f/
t2 sn20 ,' t0
i.e. R- nH =;,
sto Comparing equation (i) with equation (ii)
c2c ,,r*6=t(t' 2*r't)
) ta$0=14tnl or A=ran-r[4/r]
-=n- Substituting this value in equation (i)
The angle of proj eclion is givenby 0=tafi.tll tnl
Note: IfR = -i'Ithen d=tan-r(4) ot 0 =76' .
1 ) !=Y;sr.t.

'( ,et;
Iffi: 4I{ t}ren d - tad-'0) or o = 45' .
PR0.' t_(. l Il.l. tIOl't()\ Pllt sI( s-\ I
rr2 sial I
(ii) Time (rr aod rr): ., =r/sinAr--8rr (ii) Potential ener1! = neH = mg -__-
2usin4 2t I
= l,,r, t .irr
ta 45 4=a2sin2d
r r.-:Jl 2 2.g

(iii) Total enerry = Kinetic eoergy + Potential energy
|,'il,t#] ] I : :^
=-r t cos tt+-mu stu t
t 22
l+ ,-[fo ]' 1^
rr -
"t Irr
fni, i, l,
- Energy at tbe point ofprojection.

accordance with the law of

- u qin4 coffervation of energy.
and r. -c=-
[',fi^d'] .!.
When a body is projected horizontally fiom a
(tl) Motion of a projectile as observed from cerrain height '-v' vertically above the ground with
rnother projectile : Suppose two balls .,{ and B initial velocity u. If tiction is considered to be
are projected simultaneously from the origin, with absent, then there is no other horizontal force
initial velocities lr1 and rr2 at angle q aud q, which can affect the horizontal motion. The
respectively uith the horizontal. horizontal velocify therefore remains constant and
)' so the object cor.ers equal distance in horizontal
direction in equal intervals of time.
Ut The horizontal velocity therefore remains
conslanl and so the object covers equal distance
in horizontal direction in equal intervals of time.
(1) Trajectory of horlzontal projectile :
.r The horizontal displacement x is governed by the
eqrutron -\,
The instantaneous positions of the two balls are x: ul *
given by
t =Ln :

The vertical
Ball.{:11 -(rr1 cos61)1. r', =irr, rrnd,)r-}sr; I
P(r. t)
displacement -v is
governed by
Ball 8;x1 - (rr; cosft)r. ; . - 1,r. sin e. rr - | sr: r (iD
The poeition ofthe ball I \r'ith resp€ct to ball .B is )= 2-Et
given by (since initial vefiical velocity is zero)
x = ri -x: =trr cosdr -u. cos 0,)r By substituting the value of , in equation (ii)
:r ) r -l j = (r,r su Pr - x: sir d:): I gxl
, (u u. sin9. )
'n0, -
\o\r' - =l ----r-----------
x lrr, cosd, -u, cosd, l= consla J (2) Dlsplaceme of Projectile (D : AAer time ,,
Thus motion of a projectile relative to another horizontal displacement r = ut and vertical
projectile is a straight iine.
(12)Energy of projectlle : When a projectile moves displacement .r. = lgrt .

upward its kinetic energy decreases, potential

arergy increas*; but the total energy always So, rhe position vector ; = ,ti *
remain cotrstant.
lst, )
If a body is projected with initial kinetic energy T--: -
Therefore , =,,,.1, .lgll- ,od o =,"o-,(-Ell
K(=l/Z mu'1), with angle of projection 0 witb the Y r:"1 \2u)
horizontal then at the highest point oftrajectory

u cos€ "='^"lE l") [-'=,F,1
(3) InstantEneous velocity : Throughoul the motiorl
K _r the ho.izontal component ofthe velocity is r,. = u.
(') Kinetic energy = !nt@ cos0l =]nrtco.ta The vertical component of velocity increases with
time and is given by
('= li cos I d l\.:0 +g, =9, (From r,: x tg /)

PllISI( S-XI l (:T ll. ]. ]1() l IO\
P t{()J
50,y=t,t+v,J:ut+gll (iii) The trajectory of proj ectiles I and I v/iI be
straight line urr.t. particle C
,'+fui): ="J'-(+J
I ..
Again i = u^i +.!zs i h
C j r-.,8r.-
+,, *.,
l.e. r'= r +.,lgr'

(7) If various pafiicles throlrn with same initial

,r velocity brn in different direction then
P (x'.t') _4.

,: u,i ut
r .1 ,B C D'l E
Y tt :u

Direction ofinstantaneous r'elocif-y: / =\

(i) They strite the ground with same speed at
different times inespective oftheir initial
) r." 'f J,o)., direction of velocities.
)= l,J (ii) Tirne would be least ior particle E which was
thrown vertically downward.
a= o,-'lg,] (iii) Time would be nraximum for particle.4 thich
u,as trown vertically upward.
Where / is the angle of instantaneous velocity
Aom the horizontal
(4) Time of flight : If a body is projected The co-ordinetes of a moving particle at nt!' time t
horizontally from a height I with velocity a and are giYen by x: ct2 tnd y = bt2. The speed of the
particle is given
time taken by the body to reach the ground is I, b.v---

lhen b)
(A) 2t (c + (B) 2t
"t -b'
tt = o
- .,ef: (for vertical motion) (c) t1f,'*b' (D) 2t c:+b:
; v. : dxldt : 2cl, vy = dy/dt: 2bt
' -li g
+\'\. : ,l Jc_ + b'
(5) Horlzontal range: Let I is the horizontal
Hence correct answer is (D)
distance travelled by the body

,| (For horizontal motion) 6t",npl.t-)
The height y rnd the distance x slong the
EN horizontal at plene of the projectile on n certflin
1g planet (liith no surrounding etmosphere) are given

(6) Ifprojectiles,4 and I are projected horizontally

b! ]: (8t - 5t2) metre nnd r = 6t meh'e where t is
in seconds. The velocity lrith $hich the projectile is
with different initial velNity from same projected is-
and fhird pa(icle C is &opped from same point (A) E m/s (B) 6 m/s
then ((l) l0 m/s (D) Datn is insutficient
(0 All threc particles will take equal time to reach Srolution.(C)
the ground.
v,. = dyidt = 8 l0 t 8, when t: 0 (at the time of
(ii) Their net velocity would be diflerent but all three
particle possess same vertical component of v. : dx,'dt: 6, v = vrI +vfI : t--a-----;
v8. + 6- : l0 r/s
Hence conect answer is (C)

PRO,I E( 1ILl_ lt()r't o\ PHYST( S-\ l
A body is thrown !t an angle 30" to the horizontal K&lpit and l\{ukesh are playing rrith fwo different
with th€ velocity of 30 rnls. After I sec, its Yelmity balls of masses m and 2m respectively, If Kalpit
will be (in m/s) (g = 10 m/s2) throws his ball vertically up etrd l\Iukesh at an
(A) loJ7 (B) TooJo angle 0, both of them stay in our view for the same
period. The height sttained by the two balls are in
(C) 1ooJ7 (D) Io the ratio-
Solutiou(A) (A)2:1(B)1:1 (C)1:coso (D)l: sec0
Horizontal component of velocity Solution. (B)
v* = u*: u cos 0:30 " cos 30': tS rE nYs Let ut and u, be the initial velocities respectively. If
Vertical corryonent of the velocity h, and h, are the heiglts attained by ther:, then
sin 30" - l0 r I:5m/s - ui "non^- uisiq:o
n.t)o:)o (1)

v2 = v"2 + vl : 7oo+ u: to1F mls The times ofascent ofballs are oqual,
Hence correct answer is (A) : :
we have t ur/g u, sin 0/g

6r"-pt.7l .'. ur:u sinO .. (2)

A perticle is moving in a plane with a velocit!
given by, n = qi + (oa cos ot) j, where i and j
n, u; srn- t)

flre unit vectols along x and y-axes respectively. If

the particle is at the origin at 0, thet its t: From r2t & r3).
'' !r : !
displacement from the origin at time t : 3r!/2o $ill
h. I

be- Hence conect ansier is @)

(.{) (r*o )' * (B)

+a- (E-"
\ 2.-/ ^,.l
A proiectile is thrown tt angle 0 and (900 - 0)
,- .1 I from the same point }vith same v€locitl 98 m/s, The
(c) {r-o I *' I (D) Iol" l'*",.l h€ights attrined by them, lf the difference of
\2to.1 ] \ 2(o ,/ _l
heights is 50 m wilt b€- (in m)
Solution.(A) (A\ 270,220 (B) 300, 2s0(C) 2s0, 200(D) 200,
be the components of lhe velociry of the 150
Let \and
\ Solution.(A)
particle along the x- and y-directions. Then
q: dx/dt = q and uy : dy/dt = (0a cos o)t ,n,=u: ,,n: o andn.--
,, ur
- o;
Integration : x : rh t and y = a sin art :e
Eliminating t : y :
(rox/q) a sin ;. h, - hr:1:72t ltin:0 + cos:0)
This is the equation ofthe trajectory
_ =490:h,_h,.50
Al t = 3nl20, we have, x: uo 3zl2ol and " 1,10
y:asin3nl2:-a .. hr = 270 m and h" :220 m
.'. The displacement of the partiole liom the origin is
Hence correct ansu,er is (A)
y- Ir*o
{x- +
\2a))' * ",1l p
Hence correct answer is (A) A particl€ is projected with a velocity u so that its
horizontal range is twice the greatest height
E-"-pl"{ I attdned. The horizontal range is-
A ball tbrown by one player reaches the other in 2 (A) u'lg @) 2u2 l3g
sec. The maximum height attained by the bdl ((l) 4u2l5g (D) u,i2g
above the point ofprojection will be about- Solution(C)
(A)2sm (B)sn (q75m (D)10m Greatest height attained
sil0 - 2u .h- ul sinl0
I ..(l)
T- ---*"
- 2u --""'"
sin 0
Horizontal range
-.- uI slll:^v g2 a _
1o )c ) - u: sin20 2u: sin0cos0
Hence correct answer is (B)-
PII \'\ I ('\ -\ I PITOJ[_( I ILt_ ]lt(}1 I{)"\
Given that R:2h ort = (3001700) = (3/7) sec

2u2 sinOcos0 2u2 sin2 0 In this time the ball B has fallen tkough a dislance
(3) y: - l/2 92 (Free fall ofbody B)
o 'lo =ran0-2
=- l/2 x 980 x (3 / 7)2 :_90 cm
Hence sin 0 - 2/ Ji, cos 0 = l/Jt, Hence the ball B falls a distance 90 cm
.'. From (2) R : 4u2l5g Hence correct answer is (B)
Hence correct answer is (C)

ple- 6-"-t l"-1i

A ball is thrown ftom ground level so es to just
N{r C.P. Nawani kicked off a football wlth ln
initial speed 19.6 rn/s at a projection angle 45'. A clear a rlnll4 metres high rt a distance of4 metres
receiver on the goal tine 67.4 m away in the nnd fells rt n distnnce of 14 metres from the wall.
direction of the kick starts running to meet the ball The magnitude velocit"v of thr ball will be-
at that instant. What must be his speed so that he
rould catch the baII before hitting the ground ?
(A) *s2 mrs (s) ilslxvs

(A) m/s
2.E2 (B) 2/r/2 m/s
(c) i85 nys @) Ji86 nr/s
(( ; 39.2 m/s (D) l0 E Solution.(A)
Solution.(D) Referring to (fig.) let P be a point on the kajectory
whose co-ordinates are (4, 4). As the ball strikes the
R = u-_srn 2H ( 19.6)j sin 90"
,10 t9.t nr gound at a distance 14 metre from the wall, the range
c is4+14=18metre.
\{an must run (67.4m -i9.2 m): 28.2 m in the tirne The equation oflrajectory is
taken by the ball to come to ground. Time taken by
the ball. y: x tan 0 -{l/2) g -+ -0
2u sin 0 2x l9.6sin45o u- cos

g \,
: -l: 2.82 sec

velociw- ofman = 28 2t : lo ry'"

2.82sec uP
Hence correct answer is (D). .h

B x
A hall'A' is projected from oligin ryith nn initiat
velocitv v, : 700 cm/sec in a direction 37o abor.e ()ry=xtane ,p(l
the horizontal as shown in frg .Another ball 'B' J00 '- 2"n"J o,t- ol
cm from origin on a line 37" abole the horizontal is
released from rest it the instant A starts. Ho$' far Ory=xtan0 I ___
r*ill B have fallen rvhen it is hit by A ?
g sin 0cos0
r :\tane l- x
here x = 4, y:4 and R: l8
.'. 4=4tano '-'-Ll,-1]
r8l o*r[1]
(A) 9cm (B) 90cm (C)0.9cm (D) 900cm or tan 0 = 9/7, sin e : 9/ J 30 and
Let the ball B hits the ball A after t sec cos 0:7/.fl30
The X-component ofvelocity of A is Again R = (2/g) u: sin 0 cos 0
vo cos 37o : 700 cos 37o .
= (2/s.B) , u2 (9i J:-130) . (7/J-I30)
The X-component oI position of B is
300 cos 37" - t8x 9.8 x Jl.lo
Ji30. 98 x rj
The collision will take place when the 2x9x7 1
X-coordinate ofA is the same as that ofB.
As the collision takes place at a time t, hence u : r,fl82 metre per second-
700 cos 37" , t : 300 cos 37" Hence correct aDswer is (A)

P RO.t t_ ( I_t._ )lO II()\ P \-SI( S-X I
Grr-Dl"-rzl We have taken reference r -axis in the direction of
A bsll ls proJeced from O *ith an initial velocitv
Hence the component ofinitial relocity parallel
700 cm/s in a direcflon 3l
above the horizontal. A
and perpendicular to the plane are equal to u cos d
ball B, 500 cm away from O on the line of the
and rsind respectively i.e. ,r =!co6, and
initial velocity of d is released from rest at the
instart A is projected. The height through *'hich B va =r'lsitrd
falls, before it is hit by A snd the direction and The component ofg along the plane is gsina and
magnitude of the velocity A et the time of impoct perpendicular to the plane is s cos a as sho*'n in
will respectively be- the figure i.e. q =-gsina and a =8cosa.
[glven g= 10 rn/s2, sin 37' : 0.6 and cos 37' : 8.01 Therefore the particle decelerates at a rate of
(A) 250 cm, 28'42'@) 255 cm, 27" 43' tstDa as iI moves from O to P
(C) 245 cm, 20'44'(D) 300 cm, 27" 43' (l) Time of flight: We know for oblique projectile
The siruation is shown in fig.
motion r=l"tbd* *""urrry r=!1-
I aL
(A) Let the ball collide after t sec
From fig. OC : OB cos 37': 500 cos -17' ,\
= 500 , 0.8 = 400 cm
... (l)
Horizontal velocity : 700 , cos 37' ,:_c SIN P -['
..OC=700,cos37",.t :gcos(1
:700 x 0.8 ,r t = 560 t ... (2) -s

From eqs. ( I) and (2) 560 t : 400 ,:0

Nowh= (li2) gt: = (1i2) . 1000 . (5iDr .'. Time of flight on an inclined plane a - 2rr sin 0
= 255.1 cm SCoso
(B) Let at the time of impact, v* and v, be the (2) Marimum height: We know for oblique

horizontal and vertical velocities respectively, si.' e

oroiecrile motion 11 =u:
then 2g
v":700 .. cos 37'= 700 ' 0.8 O, *a aU, A ij-
= 560 cm/s "r, ' = 2o,
and v, = 700 r sin.37'+ 19aa r (5i7) . . Maximum height on an inclined plane
= 700 ! 0.6+(5000.t7) = _ 420 + 7t4.3 ,. u: sinr g
= + 294.3 cm/sec (downu'ard) 29 cos a
B (3) Horizontal rnnge: For one dimemional motion
s= t+-al'
Horizontal range on an inclined plane

,t =rcos0r-igsina T)
-100crn C
Velocity ofthe ball at the time ofcollision n= r"o.ol, ti'O
)- _I ssrtrolI lu sio0 \: |
l, gcosa,/ 2" gcosa./ \
(.,:. * u,1)
sio0 cos(0 + a)
By solving t=2{'g
(560): + (294.-l):l : 632.6 cursec cos - a

v., ?a4 I (i) Maximum range occurs when g = -1

i:;# (ii) The rnaximum range along the iaclined plane
wien the projectile is tkown upwards is
oro:ran-, (#):rr"rl grven

Hence conect ansrver is

byn*= 1-
8(l + smd)
'ON Ail INCTINED (iii) The nraximum range along the inclined plane
rvhen the projectile is thrown downwards is
.:. Let a particle be proj ected up n ith a speed u from given by
an inclined plane l,hich makes an angle a nith
x*, =g(t
the horizonlal and relocity ofprojection makes an
angle 6 u.'ith the inclined plane.
- d) su

PIIItt( S-\l Pn().t E(:TI Lt u0t Io\
6-"*rl"-t3l Solutlon.(B)
A ball is thro$'n horizontally from a height of 20 The situation is shown in the adjoining hgure.
m. It hits the ground rrith a velocity three times its The time taken by the body is equal to the time taken
initial velocity. The iniriel yelotig of bnll is- by the lieely falling body aom the height 29.4 m
(A) 2 mls Initial velocity of body
@) 3 n/s (C) 5 m/s@) 7 n/s
Soluuotr.(D) 0b-
Initial veloeity is conslant let the ball touches the
ground at an angle 0 and velocity 3u 29 .4 t't't
Hence -lu cos 0 u or cos 0
: t/: or sin 0 : /3
The venical component ofvelocity at the ground
u sin 0 : 9.8 sin 30' : 4.9 rn/s
From the relatior, h: , .;r1 g 1 + 1l/2) g2,
ute get 29.4: 4.9 t + (112) x 9.8 t =) t:2 sec
Hence corect answer is (B)

A bomb is dropped oD an enemy post by aD
$ =
"r, it covers 20 m to acquire aeroplaae fl"ving a'lth a horlzontal velocity of
60 km-/hr and at a height of 490 m, How far the
For a teely falling body
aeroplane murt be from the enemy post at time of
velocity JE u dropping the bomb, so that it may directly hit the
.'. (.[u): 0=2 9.8 ,20 or u:7 tsrget ? (g = 9.8 m/s2). t
'hat is tbe traiectory of the
' m/s
bomb as seen by an observer on the esrth? What as
Hence correct answer is (D)
seen by a person sitting inside the aeroplane?
A projectile tbrorlI a height of l0 m with (A)
-, m rertical dorlnward, parabola
yelocity of Ji oVr, tt projectile till fall, from the
" (B)500 m parabola. vertical downward
foot ofprojection, at disttrnce-G = 10 m,/s2) ,
(A) 1m (B) 2 m (c) 3m (D) J2 m (C)
m vertical dorTnnard, r'ertical domward
Solution.(B) -3
The horizontal range of the projeclile on the ground i00
(D) -: m parabola, prrabola
ll1. r l)-lo
1/ e
+R=J2 .f
lt lo;" =Jr Ji"z^
The horizontal and lertical lelocities of the bomb are
Hence cona:t is (B) i:rdependent to each other. The time taken by the bomb
to hit the target can be calculated by its \-eltical motion.
Srvitr thl'ows a ball horizontally with r velocit]- of
Let this time be t. Putting h: 490 m ard g = 9.8 m,'s2 in

8 m/s from the top of the her building. The trall the formula h = l,'2 gt2,
strikes to her brother Sudhir plnfing at 12 m away lr'e have

fi'om the bailding. What is the height of the 4gO: (l!2\ ' 9.8 , t2,
builaling ? 2x490
(A) rlm (B) t0 m (C) 8 m (D) 7 m = l0sec
Solution.(A) The bomb rvill hit th€ target after 10 seo ol irs &opping.
R= ut
= t: fuu: l2l8
Nowh= (li2) gt- :(1r2)' 9.8 \ (12r8): = llm
The horizontal lelocity ofthe bomb is 60 hn&r t*'hich is
cmstant. HeDce the borizontal dista[oe travelled by the
Hence correcl ansu'er is (A) bomb in 10 sec (horizontal \,elocity x time)
C--"*jl"-l6-l : 60 klt1/tr x l0 sec
A body is projected dorvndtards at an nngle of 30'
: 60 krnftr ' 10/(60 : 60) hr: l/6 km
to the horizontal rith a velocity of 9.8 m/s from the Hence the distance of aeroplane &oo the enemy post is
top of a torver 29.4 m high. Horr long rill it take l/6 krn = 1000/6 m = 500/3 meter.
The trajectory ofthe bomb as seen by an obsener on the
before strikilg the gl'ound-
(C) 3s grormd is pambola. Since the horizontal !'elocity of the
(A) ts (B) 2s @) 4s

t,Ro,t E( I It.I \to1't{)\ PEYSI('S-\I
bomb is the same as that of the aeloplane. the l'alting Exrm l9
bomb vill aluays remain belo$ the aeroplane. Ilence A person ili staDding on a truck moring rrith a
the person sitting inside the aerophne u,ill obsene the constant yelocity of 14.7 m./s on o horizontll road.
bomb falling vertically downward. The man ahro$s a ball in such 8 way th8t it returns
Hence corIecr aoswsr is (B)
to the truck after the truck has moved 58.8 m. What
is the speed of the ball ss seen from the truck ?
f E."-rrL-l s'l (A) 9.8 m/s (B) 19.6 m/s (C) 29.4 m/s(D) 24.5 E-/s
A ball :s throw[ from the top of r towei with ,n Solution. (B)
itridal velocify of l0 E/s at an angle of 30' above the
'.' 58.8
horizontal. It hits the ground aa a distaDce of 17.3 m Time of flisht
- - 4 sec Time taker to reach
from the base of thc tower. The height of the to$'er maximum height u,ill be 2 sec So
(g = 1o mls2) niu be . . Spe.ed of ball as seen from the tuck = \' : u + ( g)t
(A) 10m (B) r2m (c) rr0m @) 100m -
Solution. (A) =0:u-9.8 24-19.6
The aagle of projection of the ball is 06 (=30') aod the (i-'".il-rol
r€locity of projection is u (=10 nr,/s). Resolling u in If retardation produced by eir resistances to
horizontal and 1.ertical compoBents, projectile is one-tenth of acceleratioD due to gralrty,
We hare horizoltal componsnt, the time to resch Barimum beight spproximately-
u* = u cos 06 : l0 cos 30" = 8.65 rnls (A) Increase b1'97o (B) Decrease by 97o
(C) tncreose by 11olo (D) Decrease by l17o
And vertiql comporlent (upward),
uy = u sin 30o = 5.0 m/s Sotution.(B) Retarrtation due to air: $
If the ball hit the gound after t sec of projection. then t0
the horizontal range is
\\tren air resistance is absent
= t: lII9=
. t= R : 17.3m
8.65 8.65m/s No*'if air resistance is considered then
If h be -the height of the to\1,er, T'r,
,I r-
Then h = u'-. t +-t 1/2t e tl- g +gi lo I lg
5' is the !'ertical cooponent ft- ro'l
(Dowo*'ard) of the relocity ofthe ball.
Y T'_T le ttg./
T tlg
T-r 100=-
. . 7o aqe
de$ease =

9 7o decrease -v
Here u, = u,' 5.0 m/s and t 2.0 s

..h=(-5.0)x 2.0 + t/2 x l0 " (2.0f

Helice co.rect atrswer is (A)


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