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Unit 5: Three phase transformers

- built for a specific connection and voltage transformation and the unit will have a nameplate with the
internal connections shown. When a single unit or bank of three is used
- used quite extensively in power systems, to transform a balance set of three-phase voltages at a
particular voltage level into a balanced set of voltages at another level.
o Used between generators and transmission systems,
o between transmission and sub-transmission system
o and between sub-transmission and distribution systems are all three phase transformer.
- Commercial and industrial loads require a three-phase transformer to transform the 3-phase
distribution voltage to the ultimate utilization level.
- Three-phase transformers are formed in either of two ways.
o (1) to connect three single-phase transformers to form a three-phase bank.
o (2) to manufacture a three-phase transformer bank with all three-phases located on a
common multiplexed core.
o No difference between the two methods.
- The primary and secondary windings may be independently connected in either way (Y) or delta
(Δ) connection.

Three phase transformer ratings

1. (kVA rating) is a 3-phase kVA

2. (V rating) line to line voltages.
3. (%Z percent impedance or equivalent impedance) is phase

Three phase transformer connections

1. Wye to wye
o Has the advantage that the insulation is stressed only on the line to neutral voltage.
𝑉𝑝 𝑁1 𝐼𝑝 𝑁2
= , =
𝑉𝑠 𝑁2 𝐼𝑠 𝑁1
𝑉𝑝 = √3 ∗ 𝑉1
𝑉𝑠 = √3 ∗ 𝑉2
𝐼1 = 𝐼𝑝 𝐼2 = 𝐼𝑠


a. Two voltage levels available

b. Graded high voltage insulation
c. Balanced connection when supplying 1-phase and 3-phase loads


a. Presence of 3rd harmonic component in ungrounded y-y

b. Thermal overheating
2. Delta-delta
o Generally used in systems of moderate voltages but high current.
𝑉𝑝 𝑁1 𝐼𝑝 𝑁2
= , =
𝑉𝑠 𝑁2 𝐼𝑠 𝑁1
𝑉𝑝 = 𝑉1 𝑉𝑠 = 𝑉2
𝐼1 = √3 ∗ 𝐼𝑝
𝐼2 = √3 ∗ 𝐼𝑠
a. Ideal for three wire motor loads
b. Can easily stand sill single line shorts without interruption.
c. Traps 3rd harmonics (circulating currents)


a. Full insulation required on high voltage winding

b. (no neutral) unbalanced connection when supplying to 1-phase and 3-phase loads.

3. Delta-wye
o Generally employed to step-up the voltage (at the beginning of high-tension transmission
o Used for stepping up to a high voltage, as in generation station transformer.
o Also used in stepping down the voltage
o The ratio of the line-line voltage, high to low, is 1.73 a.
𝑉𝑝 𝑁1 𝐼𝑝 𝑁2
= , =
𝑉𝑠 𝑁2 𝐼𝑠 𝑁1
𝑉𝑝 = 𝑉1 𝑉2 = √3 ∗ 𝑉𝑠
𝐼1 = √3 ∗ 𝐼𝑝
𝐼2 = 𝐼𝑠


a. Balanced connection when supplying 1-phase and 3-phase loads

b. The neutral point is in Y side
c. Traps the 3rd harmonics


a. Full insulation required on delta winding

4. Wye-delta
o Primarily used in stepping down the voltage (at the neginning of transmission line).
o Commonly used in stepping down from high to a medium or low voltage level, as in
distribution transformers.
𝑉𝑝 𝑁1 𝐼𝑝 𝑁2
= , =
𝑉𝑠 𝑁2 𝐼𝑠 𝑁1
𝑉𝑝 = √3 ∗ 𝑉1 𝑉2 = 𝑉𝑠
𝐼1 = 𝐼𝑝
𝐼2 = √3 ∗ 𝐼𝑠
a. Neutral is available on primary side, can be earthed to avoid distortion
b. Two voltage levels (single and three-phase) are available
c. Traps 3rd harmonics


a. Since primary and secondary are not in phase, cannot operate in parallel with y-y or delta-
b. Full insulation required in delta.

5. V-V or open delta

o Three phase transformation of energy using only two single-phase transformers
▪ When the three-phase load is comparatively small (so the installation does not
result a delta-delta bank).
▪ When one of the transformers in a delta-delta bank fails
▪ When the future load is anticipated to increase, to warrant the closing of the open
𝑉𝑝 𝑁1 𝐼𝑝 𝑁2
= , =
𝑉𝑠 𝑁2 𝐼𝑠 𝑁1
𝑉𝑝 = 𝑉1 𝑉2 = 𝑉𝑠
𝐼1 = 𝐼𝑝
𝐼2 = 𝐼𝑠
𝑆𝑣 = √3(𝑉𝐴 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑟) (𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑎)
SΔ = 3 (VA rating of one transformer)(𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑎)
a. Voltage become unbalanced at the secondary terminal
b. Remaining two transformers operate on different power factor.
c. Power handling capacity of the transformer will be reduced (approximately 15.5%)

6. Three-phase scott or T-T

o Used to transform power from
a. three-phase to three-phase
b. three-phase to two phase, vice versa
o this connection used two special transformers, the main transformers whose primary and
secondary windings are provided with the center (50%) taps and the teaser transformer
whose windings are provided with 86.6% taps.

Unit 6: Parallel operations of transformers

- it is economical to install smaller rated transformers in parallel than installing a bigger rated
electricl power transformer

1. Maximize Efficiency:
Operating transformers near their full load rating by switching them on or off as needed
increases the efficiency of the electrical power system.
2. Maximize Availability:
Running transformers in parallel allows for maintenance on any one transformer without
disrupting the power supply, as the others will continue to handle the load.
3. Maximize Reliability:
If one transformer fails, the remaining parallel transformers share the load, preventing power
supply interruption as long as they are not overloaded.
4. Maximize Flexibility:
Future demand changes can be managed by adding or removing transformers in parallel,
avoiding unnecessary investment in a single large transformer and allowing for economic
Conditions for parallel operation of transformers
1. Same voltage ratio of transformer
Transformers with different voltage ratios connected in parallel will have different secondary
voltages, causing circulating currents and extra losses due to small internal impedance
2. Same percentage impedance
For transformers in parallel to share current proportional to their MVA ratings, their internal
impedances should be inversely proportional to these ratings. This means their percentage
impedance should be identical or very close.
3. Same polarity
Transformers in parallel must have the same polarity to avoid large circulating currents.
Polarity refers to the instantaneous direction of induced emf; transformers with opposite
polarity will cause currents without delivering load.
4. Same phase sequence
The phase sequence of parallel transformers must be identical to avoid short circuits between
phases during their cycles. This ensures synchronized operation of the transformers.
Load operation for transformers with unequal turns ratio
Load operations for transformers with equal turns ratio (given their ohmic equivalent

Load operations for transformer with equal turns ratio (given their unit impedances with
different power base)

Unit 7: Various types of transformers and their applications

Types of transformers

1. Current transformer

o Used for the transformation of current from a high into proportionate current to a lower

o Transforms high voltage current into a low voltage current due to which the heavy current
flows through the transmission lines which is monitored by ammeter.

o Used with the AC instrument, meters, or control apparatus where the current to be
measured is a magnitude that the meter cannot conveniently be made of sufficient current
carrying capacity.

Types of current transformer

1. Wound transformer

▪ The primary winding is composed inside the transformer.

▪ Primary winding had a single turn and connected in series with the conductor that
measured the current.

▪ Mainly used for measuring current 1 amp to 100 amps.

2. Bar-type current transformer

▪ Has only secondary windings.

▪ The conductor on which the transformer is mounted will act as primary windings.

3. Toroidal current transformer

▪ Does not contain primary windings.

▪ The line where the current flow in the network attached through the hole or

▪ The advantage is that it has symmetrical shape, wherein it has low leakage flux,
thus less electromagnetic interference.

2. Potential transformer

o An instrument used for the transformation of voltage from higher to lower value.

o This transformer step down the voltage to a safe limit value which is easily measured by
ordinary low voltage equipment: voltmeter, wattmeter and watt-hour meters.


1. Used for metering purpose

2. For protection of feeders

3. For protecting the impedance of generators

4. For synchronization of the generators and feeders

Types of potential transformer

1. Conventional wound type transformer

▪ Very expensive because of the requirement of insulations.

2. Capacitor potential transformer

▪ Combination of capacitor potential divider and a magnetic potential transformer.

3. Power transformer

o Installed at power stations for generation and transmission of power.

o Acts as step-up and step-down for increasing and decreasing as per requirement, and also
used as interconnection between two power stations.

o Usually used in power transmission from generation station to the distribution station.

o Power transformer at generation substation steps up the voltage from generator and its
output connected to the transmission line.

o Power transformer at transmission line, steps down the voltage abd output are fed ti rge
distribution circuit.

o Further identification is based on two parameters the input and output voltage rating and
power rating.

Construction and operation

- Transformers work on the principle of magnetic induction.

- Two circuits are magnetically connected but electrically separated.

- Two winding are magnetically connected by a magnetic core. When the primary winding is
connected primary circuit and powered, power is induced secondary winding.

- the ratio of primary and secondary winding turns gives the voltage transformation.

- A step-up machine have more turn in the secondary side than the primary and vice versa.

- Because of high voltage rating (kilovolts) there is high insulation of live parts.

- Transformers can be single or three-phase, but, due to the efficiency of three-phase in large
power, they are mostly in three phases

- Other components may be incorporated for efficiency like cooling mechanisms. Usually ground-
mounted and of outdoor installation.

- Transmitting large power means a large current in the transmission.

- This will require large conductors and heavy transmission losses.

- Given power equal product of voltage and current and losses in conductor equal product of
current squared and resistance, therefore the current is lowered by raising the voltage at
constant power.

- (generation) step-up transformer raises the voltage and lowers current transmission.

- (distribution) steps down the transmission voltage for distribution.

- Small current in transmission allow the use of small conductors to transmit large power.

o Advantages:

▪ Low current power transmission which reduces losses and heating of conducting

▪ Improve voltage regulation (reducing the voltage drop in transmission)

▪ Small conductors being able to carry large amounts of power.


- The device works optimally near full load. Its online 24/7

- Only at maintenance is the load transferred to other transformers.

- A load of a single machine can go up to several thousands of megawatts.

o Power transformer applications

a. The step-up voltage at the generation station for transmission at low current.

b. Step down high transmission voltage at the distribution station in supplying consumers.

Distribution transformer
- Used to bring down the voltage and current level of a transmission line to a predefined level
(called safety level) for the end user consumer in domestic and industrial purpose.


- a transformer having only one winding part which act as primary winding and the other as
secondary winding. The windings are connected magnetically and electrically.

- Primary voltage > secondary voltage (step down autotransformer)

- Primary voltage < secondary voltage (step up autotransformer)

- It is not used for interconnecting the high voltage and low voltage system. It is used where slight
variation is required.

Unit 8: Protective devices: characteristics, principles of operation and applications

Circuit protection device

- An electrical device for preventing an unnecessary amount of current otherwise a short circuit.

- To ensure highest security, there are many protection devices which offers a total range of
protection for circuits such as fuse, circuit breakers, RCCB, gas discharge tubes, thyristors and

Protective devices to protect electrical appliances or equipment against

a. Short circuit

b. Abnormal variations in the supply voltage

c. Overloading of equipment

d. To protect operator against accidental contact with the faulty equipment, falling which the
operator may get a severe shock.

Different types of protective devices

1. Fuse

o An overall current protective device with a circuit opening fusible element which opens
(break) when there is an over current in the circuit.

o One time protective device to be replaced after fault

2. Breakers

o Circuit breakers – for transformer protection are specially designed for fuse less protection
of control transformers on the primary side against overloads and short circuits.

▪ Allows manual connection and disconnection of the transformer from the mains

▪ Line protection and disconnect system is required on the primary side. (winding
fault can only be protected on the primary side)
▪ Transformers generate at the start-up very high current peak (inrush current) of 8-
20 times the nominal current, that’s why normal protection cannot be used

o SF6 circuit breaker – a circuit breaker in which SF6 under pressure gas is used to
extinguish the arc. (SF6 – sulphur hexafluoride) has excellent dielectric, arc quenching,

The SF6 circuit breaker (3 types)

a. Non-puffer piston circuit breaker

b. Single-puffer piston circuit breaker

c. Double-puffer piston circuit breaker

▪ SF6 circuit breakers have good properties in this regard compared to oil or air circuit
breakers. So, in high voltage up to 760 kV, SF6 circuit breakers is used.

▪ Construction of SF6 Circuit breakers

• The interrupter unit – consists of moving and fixed contacts comprising a set
of current-carrying parts and an arching probe, connected to the SF6 gas
reservoir, consists slide vents which permit the high-pressure gas into the
main tank.

• Gas system – (closed-circuit gas system) SF6 gas is costly, so its reclaimed
after each operation, consists low and high pressure chambers with a low-
pressure alarm along with the warning switches.

3. Lightning arrester

o A circuit that is protected from the strokes of lightning with the help of a protection device.

o Used to defend the power systems by forwarding the high voltage surges directly to the

o These power systems and over headlines can also be protected using ground wire or the
earthing from direct strikes of lightning

o Can be done on the towers, transmission poles and buildings

Working principle

o The voltage surge travels throughout the conductor then it reaches the location of the

o It will break down the insulation of the lightning arrestor for a moment, so voltage surge
can be discharged toward the ground

o Once the voltage of the system falls under the fixed value, then the insulation will be
restored among the ground & conductor. Further, the current flow toward the ground will
be stopped.
Types of lightning arrester

Horn gap arrester – has two metal rods in horn-shaped.

▪ The resistance restricts the flow of current toward a minute value. The choke coil is
used to provide less reactance at the usual power frequency and also provides high
reactance at transient frequency.

▪ Therefore, the choke coil doesn’t permit the transients to go into the apparatus to
be protected.

Multi-gap arrester - These types of arresters are designed with a sequence of metal
cylinders that are insulated and divided through air gaps with each other.

Valve-type arrester - are applicable to electrical systems that are high-powered. These
devices include two main parts like a sequence of spark gaps as well as a series of non-linear
resistor discs.

▪ can be done whenever an extreme voltage causes the spark gaps to stroke & the
non-linear resisters hold the voltage within the ground.

Parallel-type arrester - can be done with glass tubes that are filled with lead pellets. These
are finished from an inside of lead peroxide coated through the lead oxide.

Location of lightning arrester

o can be done near the device that is needed to be protected.

o Connected among the ground and phase within an AC system, pole and ground within the
DC system

o In a high voltage systems, the surge diverter can be used to defend the transformers,
lines, circuit breakers, generators, bus bars, circuit breakers.

o The arrester like HVDC system is mainly used for protecting the filter, unit reactor, buses

Unit 9: Standard Ratings of Protective Devices

Electrical fault

- In an electric power system, a fault or fault current is any abnormal electric current. For example,
a short circuit is a fault in which current by-pass the normal load

Type of fault

- Permanent fault

- Transient/temporary fault

Permanent Faults

• Broken insulators

• Broken branch of tree fell on the primary line

• Secondary/Primary Line cut

• Broken poles

• Busted Distribution Transformer

• Defective Cut-outs

• Shorted Lighting Arrester

• Recloser/Switchgear breakdown

• Human errors

Transient Faults

• Tree branch touching primary lines

• Surge/Lightings

• Two phase line toss each other

• Leaking insulator

• Animals (etc. birds, bats)

• Partial discharges

• Over-Loads

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