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Secrets of the 7 Gods &

Goddesses of Money
Ancient rituals to attract money from the

Real Money Guru · Follow

Published in Change Your Mind Change …
11 min read · urAug
Life16, 2022

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Image: Canva

T hese days, making financial

progress is far from easy.

Battling soaring inflation and weak

financial markets, many of us need more
than a wallet full of coupons and a weekly
budget on the fridge — we need miracles.

If your money struggles feel beyond your

control and your luck appears to be
running low, could a morning prayer or
ancient ritual offer an answer?

Caution: Just be careful what else you may


1. Lakshmi
-Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Fortune-

Image by Rojal on Pngall

𝒂𝒌𝒔𝒉𝒎𝒊 is considered the most

L popular goddess of Hindu
mythology — for obvious reasons!

Her divine powers are used to help

increase income, heal financial crisis, and
to bring spiritual and material wealth for
living a prosperous life.

However, she only offers help when

summoned with genuine intentions and

Commonly portrayed as a beautiful and

enchanting woman with four hands, who
serenely rests upon a red lotus flower, she
is believed to have been re-birthed from
an ocean of milk at the time of its
churning — a traditionally exhaustive

Hindus believe that anybody who worships

Lakshmi sincerely, and not in greed, will
be blessed with good fortune and success.
It is said that Lakshmi resides in places of
hard work, virtue and bravery, and leaves
once these qualities fade.

The story of Lakshmi highlights the good

fortune and success that are bestowed
upon those who work hard, are persistent
and remain sincere. The story clearly
highlights that during times of success one
must never become complacent or
arrogant. Success has a way of getting
away from people, and can even lead to
greater misfortune and failure on the
other side.

How to be blessed by Lakshmi: Place a

glass vase in a prominent position in your
house or room and tape on a small image
of Lakshmi. Pour in a few shiny coins each
morning and follow with an early morning
prayer or meditation session to offer
thanks for the abundance in your life.
Watch your money grow as you add to the
vase each day and visualize a life of
positive cash flow, prosperity, and success.

Friday is believed to be
the most auspicious day
for Lakshmi’s worship, so
be sure to give thanks on
this morning.
With the physical presence of the vase
helping to strengthen your beliefs, you can
continue to pursue your goals with greater
focus and discipline, be reminded to work
harder each day and have the confidence
and determination to take risks and reap
the rewards.

Finally, we must always remember that

money is a by-product of the value we give.
So if you want to become a financial
success as an employer, a business owner
or as a creative artist, don’t focus on the

Focus on what value you are giving to the


Money and good fortune must always

come second.

So believe in your future, respect the value

of your precious time and always
remember, you must choose to ignore the
“good” if you want to attract the “great”.

2. Plutus
-Greek God of Wealth-

Source: Wikimedia

P lutus was first concerned solely

with agricultural bounty and its
direct links to personal prosperity in
Ancient Greece — later coming to
represent wealth in general.

He embodies the power of money, greed

and the craving for material goods and
symbols of status.

Although Plutus was

quoted in Greek fables as
being “a friend to the
wicked”, he is a God with
noble intentions.
The young God was blinded by Zeus so he
would not favor good and righteous men,
instead distributing his gifts blindly
without regard for individual merit.

We can consider this God to be the prime

cause of both good and evil in a world
centered on money.

It is for him that we make personal

sacrifices and strive for more, pursuing
financial rewards and even fame along the
way. All human inventions, businesses and
creative arts — from writing, music to
movies — can be attributed to Plutus.

Whilst helping to stimulate our creative

drive, he is also the cause of the many
injustices in this world and the harmful
actions of those who choose to pursue
greater riches through greedy and
destructive ways.

How to be blessed by Plutus— Plutus is

depicted as being both lame and winged —
reminding us that wealth is slow to arrive
and quick to leave.

Patience is a timeless virtue for obtaining

good fortune and wealth. Humility is a
timeless virtue for keeping it!

Unfortunately, we do live in an impatient

and short-sighted society. Does this affect
the way you think and act with your

For building wealth,

sometimes the best way
to speed up is to slow
Plutus is also a metaphor for the modern,
free market. He embodies the capitalist
system itself, where one does not
necessarily have to be honest or noble in
order to gain a financial advantage. Many
men have gained wealth by lying, cheating
and stealing.

However, although Plutus is morally blind,

being materially blessed by Plutus will not
necessarily give you a “blessed” life.

The key is to consider the bigger picture in

your pursuit of money.

When it comes to the

connection between
positive money and a
positive life, not every
dollar is created equal.
As they say, “money often costs too much”,
especially when gained dishonestly or
through ways that burden ourselves and

Positive money + negative karma is never

a fortunate equation.

3. Abundantia
-Goddess of Abundance, Luck & Prosperity-

Source: Wikimedia

A bundantia is a beautiful and loving

Goddess, who is usually depicted
holding a Cornucopia overflowing with a
bountiful harvest of the freshest fruits,
vegetables and grains.

Abundantia was regarded as the

personification of money, prosperity and
wealth in the ancient Roman religion. As
part of the propaganda that supported the
Roman Emperor’s reign, Abundantia was
depicted as the embodiment of Roman

She is believed to enter people’s homes

while they sleep to bring abundance and
prosperity. She is also commonly
worshiped for the protection of personal
savings and investments.

How to be blessed by Abundantia — To be

blessed by Abundantia, one has to believe
in the idea of abundance.

Money — a fiat number

that is constantly
expanding and moving
— is abundant.

Believe that.
Those who are most fortunate in life often
possess a similar perspective on money
and life: they are more willing to take risks
with their time and money in pursuit of
one of the endless ways of making a
fortune. They choose to believe in, and
expect to achieve, positive results.

The stream of money is always flowing…

if only we can find a way to tap into it.

It’s almost impossible to experience

financial success or happiness with a mind
that is focused on the fear and scarcity of

Whether you think that

money is abundant or
scarce, you are right.
Don’t carry around the self-fulfilling
mindset of scarcity: having barely enough
money, barely enough time, barely enough

Good fortune starts with preparing

yourself with a positive money mindset.

Believe in the world’s abundance and try to

keep a patient and open mind to the
possibilities. Across the years of time that
lie ahead of you, there will always be
opportunities to generate a flowing source
of income.

“Luck is a matter of
preparation meeting
opportunity” — Seneca
So trust in Abundantia. Let her sort out the
problems, while you simply focus on
making richer decisions with your time
and money each day.

4. Fortuna
-Goddess of Luck, Fortune & Fate-


Source: Wikimedia

Who is really steering your “ship”, as you

navigate your way through life?

Is it you, or could it be Fortuna?

F ortuna is the Roman goddess of luck

and fortune. It is said that her italic
origin means “she who revolves the year”.

She is often seen holding a wheel of

fortune, which is apparently used to steer
your destiny!

Fortuna is commonly depicted with her

eyes closed or blindfolded with a veil. This
represents the risk and uncertainty of our
future, as the wheel of fortune blindly
stares us through the mist of time.

As they say, “luck is

Characterized as being neither entirely
positive nor negative, she has no clear
motive of bringing good luck or bad luck to
a person.

This personality trait represents the

indifference of nature and the
opportunities and outcomes of life as not
seeming entirely fair or clearly defined.

How to be blessed by Fortuna — In a fast-

moving world, it’s important to slow down
and realize that life is a boat ride — not a
rocket race! Be patient to change, expect
the natural ups and downs and never try to
pressure outcomes. Like a boat out at sea,
try to move more in harmony with the
outside forces of life. This will not only
make the voyage more enjoyable, but also
encourage Fortuna’s wheel of fortune to
steer you in a positive direction.

Never forget that every decision and

action you make is turning your wheel of
fortune one way or another.

Whether improving a bad habit or cutting

a few unnecessary expenses out of your

Never underestimate the

impact that a small
change can have on the
course of your journey.
$2 a day is almost nothing, but a $730 stack
of cash each year isn’t!

And that’s before we even consider the

potential of this money over the course of

The more time you have ahead of you, the

more significant your future position can
be altered through your daily habits and

So try to approach each day with an

awareness of the bigger picture of your
life. Avoid falling into the trap of making
impulsive, short-sighted decisions.
Although their sudden impact may appear
only subtle, collectively they may be
sending your future way off course!

Remember, navigate this world with clear

intentions and choose for your life to be
guided by your true thoughts, actions and
personal goals — instead of allowing the
outside world to spin your wheel in all

And finally, don’t forget to take life in and

be grateful for all that is around you today.

Here, right now — this is the voyage.

5. Juno Moneta
-Roman Goddess of Finance-

Photo by Antônia Felipe on Unsplash

J uno Moneta is considered the

abundant mother of money.

Her name is a source of many words in the

English language today, including “mint”
and “money”, as the temple of Juno
Moneta was the place where the mint of
Ancient Rome was first located.

Moneta is modeled after Mnemosyne, the

goddess of memory, which is fitting
considering the memory-like role that
money plays in our society. Money is a
means of storing value over time, as our
savings continue to reflect the future
potential and rewards of our past efforts.

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