Rochville Appealling For Injustice

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Registrars Office DATE: 14/01/2017
Benin City



I wish to respond to the above allegation levelled against me by Dr. Nwaze Ogbonnaya,
Director of studies for Rochville Iternational University of Nigeria Uburu Ohaozara L.G.A.

Please note that there is no such University in Ohaozara I have visited the place.

Ma, this is to bring to our knowledge that10 candidates were recommended for minimum
candidates for an examination to take place in a centre not 5 candidates as claimed by Dr,
Nwaze O.

During the merging exercise, examination had not started, I called Dr. Nwaze and drew his
attention for candidates less than 10 and requested him to tell me where the 2 candidates I
saw on the net are to be merged, he bluntly refused to make a choice, he maintained that he
will write in his centre that he has more than 10 candidates. I told him that net is showing only
2 candidates and the Boards’ policy is that you pay #20,000 retention fee or be merged.
When finally merging exercise was concluded ,he did not make his choice and did not pay
centre retention fee, I told him that I merged the candidates to GTC Abakaliki 12001.The
candidates that came to the office were also informed that their 2016 Nov/Dec examination
will be taken in GTC Abakaliki and the candidates live and work in Abakaliki, No issue of
travelling from Ohaozara to Abakaliki at all.
GTC Abakaliki supervisor (Mr. Nnadi A. M. 07034302799) can testify to this that the
candidates are in Abakaliki.

Attached appendix 3 Zenith bank account shows the date of payment of #8000.00 23/11/16
and #5000.00 28/11/16 into my account by Rochville. Amounting #13000.00 only. No other
money was paid to me. He is always paying into my account he doesn’t pay me cash.

2016 N/D examinations started on 7/11/16 and he is paying on 23/11/16 This money is
deducted from the #50.000.00. He is still owing 37,000.00

When, Dr, Nwaze was mounting pressure on me that the examination be conducted in his
centre I called Director Examination Administration , he never gave Director Examination
Administration breathing space, he kept on calling his line.
Director Examination Adminstration is aware of Rochville mischievousness.
Also the Zonal coordinator South East and Mrs. Ajoku who came for monitoring were aware
of his mischievousness.

However, for the sake of the candidates, I collected the question paper from Mr. Nnadi the
supervisor of Government Technical college Abakaliki, to go by myself to Oshiri because Dr.
Nwaze claimed that the candidates were already waiting in centre 12007. I took the pains to
go for the conduct, while in the bus , he called the candidate which he refused to call,
claiming that he has low battery when I requested him to do so, because I knew the candidates
where in Abakaliki but he was lying that they where at Oshiri. Lying is his character.
Lo and behold the candidate met Dr. Nwaze and I in the bus, there and then, I came down and
asked the candidate to go to G.T.C. for the examination, so I returned the question pack back
to the supervisor who conducted the examination for the candidates. Mrs. Ajoku I. will bear
me witness of this incident .

When Dr. Nwaze claimed that some candidates where at Oshiri comprehensive school 12007,
I called the proprietor Mr. Emenike 08022267283/08148044404 to accertain if we have
irregular candidates there, he said there was none.

In other to help the duped candidate that reported in the office I called the Director computer
if we can help the candidate out by registering him manually and he said on line registration
has clesed that there is no manual registration.

I did the best I could to make sure that the Board’s Nov/Dec Examinations in Ebonyi State
went smoothly.
It is important to note that no registered candidate reported missing his or her examination.

I personally went to monitor in Oshiri, I did not see any irregular candidate. Rather he asked
mr. Emenike to help him smuggle in the scripts after some days. Emenike called me and I told
him not to try that. Dr, Nwaze also came to me to plead that he wanted to submit scripts to me
I said no that he should take them to Benin himself.

Please Ma, it is important for you to know that Dr. Nwaze did not register the candidates he
was claiming. He only duped them and assigned fictitious numbers to the candidates.
See my report on that (appendix 1) sent to DEA.

The supervisor of GTC Abakaliki called me on phone to draw my attention before the
candidates finally came to the office after the examination which I invited Dr, Nwaze for him
to explain himself.

I have a video record of him and one of the candidates he duped with fictitious examination
number 12032011 for Nov/Dec 2016.
It was then done on me that the previous years examinations I have been giving him
registration pins which he was not paying and I made the payments from my salary due to
management pressure. This is one of his 419 character. He collected money from candidates
and collected pins and will not pay.

As it stands he is owing May/June 2016 for 5 registration pins. #50,000.00 already

management has threatened and I have paid. See (appendix 5) 2016 May/June.
Besides, different candidates had reported him to this office that he is a 419 person but they
refuse to put it in writing.

He pleaded with me to give him 2016 Nov/Dec registration pins on I O U to register those
candidates he duped as usual that he will keep his laptop with me and I refused.

Please see attached evidence.

Appendix 1: Memo sent to Director E/A on 25th November 2016.

2016 NOV/DEC NBC/NTC/ANBC/ANTC Examination Report against
Proprietor of Rochville Intl. University Uburu 12032. Who Went About Duping

Appendix 2 : Undertaking of #50,000.00 for M/J 2016 /with hold of result for 2016 May/June.

Appendix 3 : Zenith Bank account statement of #8000.00 and #5000.00. Total of #13000.00

Appendix 4 : Previous outstanding underpayment May/June 2015…#82,500 and Nov/Dec

2015…#69,750.00 which I paid to the Board before he finally paid

Appendix5 : 2016 May/June NBC/NTC Examination Remittance payment of #50,000 for

Outstanding dept.Which I have paid and he has not paid.

Ma, because I refused giving him credit for registration pins, he was unable to register those
candidates he had duped. Since all the past he has been a debtor to the Board. I pray you look
into Dr. Nwaze’s false alarm.
He is not the candidates that registered for the examination. The candidates did not complain.
Besides, this is individual and external examinations.

He claimed giving me money while he is unable to pay the money he has been owing the
Board since 2016 May/June examination . He is only being mischievous and raising dust
while there is none.

Ma, please his fictitious allegation are not true and unfounded. I am grateful for the
opportunity given me to defend myself.

Thank you Ma

Nwaoke Ngozi Juliana

Ebonyi State Officer.

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