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“Rou No- 135/Gb0/ 04444 “REGISTRATION No- 213-1241 - 0124-47 Seaston — zozo- 21 Onrversrty— Catourta Ungversrry ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | rT eckmotedge with the onby grekkede , tho fecikthes and comkmued evppont I received from my guide Professon , UJWAL Deep SAHA . Depankment of Geagnephy » Vidynseqon college (fost Groduete) , Coleutle University. My berm pepen. “© Eanthqueke of fmdie ’ cold hove ever necched is Comelusion wither the gedence end supporh of eis. He is greet moble men to me becouse T shored his kmouledge. experiences. descniphom of meu discoveries ubich is emlighten ome in tntk- mg We peper. He steened me im the nighh dince Hom themevern he thoght fF meeded it. For on shemnleh! inlenochon im conse of my neseench Lork , gnenhde is due be mmemy, J mush express my themhs te the Umiversihy of Colette fer verve vieng Such ee ee Sone ee ce A special thems ols goes be my Femnty, fniends Uho heve helped me for completion of Ins project vonk, deserve my theanly thnks. Fimally, expect fen qvoled meen, T take Pu responsibly fer emy errors in this Praeck conk, =I) "CONTENT = E_Iytroouctrose . Eaetuquake a. Dartuauake 1.4. BACKGROUND >>> 1-2. LITERATURE “KEVIEW >>> 1:3. Arms & OBxECTIVE >>> 1-4. METHODOLOGY >>> A Teetonte Hazago 2:4, ConcepT >>> 2.2. TERMINOLOGY > > > 2:3. CAUSES DS>> 24. INSTRUMENTS >>> In Inora 3.4. MagoR EARTHQUAKE EveNTS In JnosA >>> - Case Study (Brus EarTH- QuAKE , Root) >>> 3:3. Eartu@uake Hazard Xona- Tron >>> 3-4. DAMAGES >>> 3.5. MITIGATION >>> = Rgene- ULirer OF Fraures | 1: A schemake secken Yrrovgh the conth's shells 21 Hhrmabyem Teefh , 2; Erdle. gongeke beSk, yt Imdes pronetny 5S! Educahon & Atererey | 6: EPiartere & Hypcenhe Fi Polk boundery , 91 Lithosphere & epicemten . Hypecanlre 9: Bam.- off zome, 10: Vibnehom, I: megmi-de 12! Selsmometer, 131 Seisemogneph Nt ult 16% Lithosphere , 16; plete & Pleke boundery F: Bld & edt, 19 Plete amengims, 19: Comsmrahve Plobe mongin , 20% Desncekve plate Margin, 211 Comengence plete mmengim, 221 Comsemnhve Plete mengims, 22! Rukh, 24: 3 mege throct, 251 Difbenamt types of Foul, 261 Fold omeuntein 24: bomdelides , 29: Metron shoven 29: miming , | 30; NucJocr Pexplosioms , 21) Consmucken of needs im Why region, 22; Resenwon Comstmne hom, 22! Mmimeral replvre, 24: Seiemometen, 35: Selsamno- areeh. 26; Seismia Weves, 237: S uve, 39 b Wee, 29) Eonlh emogmibde. Yo Imbansity, Ws Indic sepe. Noked Prom gorrcs werd emd moved Morth vend, 42} F Greek eonlhquehar tm relia, ¥3; Eanthquake Sores of Imdie , vs! Aloma Imdiem plete arengin eenthqveke 45) Trognindimes Chemge im differemt devesteh’ eerthqvekes, YG: Indien wonlhqveke Cmedierol end heeank Hames) , 49) Epicemben of % Ponthquea, 4P, Locekon of Thy centhqvere, 49. Reesons of Bhuj Ponlhqueke , 50, Diegnamia “Ke pre semberon oF Bho; 52; Bulb, 53: mcd Poe Penthqveke , 51: Lemdslides , sy: Send Boils, SS! Assenes. 56. Taumem', 57: Ami.) rol Beheviown, 5¢: Shome Mesomery Howse, So: Fenth dach'on eke veristemb buldiaac, 60: Eorthqueke isis « pri i 4 a w p Op herr || Ab Bacwagounp: Corthquehes lke o hewy tel) on “hemem fe and properly os uilnessed ofler Ihe recent eer: Wquekes, Lhe the heshmin eanthgueke of .2005. ond the Johan eanthqvoke of <6 Dee, 2004, the kuteh wonhguehe of 2ov!, This projeck is a consequence of anemy Jech- hes thet felloued these conthquekes These Jechnes Lene cudience from diverse keckarounds — cho were! imkoneshed Im ond wembed ro undenstend mone obe Ue eonthqvekes and the discslens ceused by them Such os plemnnens, pobley mokens , odanimistnators. hex chens , heseonchens » Jeolagy ond gerorsies emd many others. Eonth's Imbenmol Slnuchone + A eee As undersremd: ckort eenthqueke, Once enovgh 1 Von obout eenth's imkenno) elnvelune, As beclhmolegs Pregnessed oma reeonding , eormpuh’ amd omolysis heehmiques improved nemonebsy, mone Arells ond mimon discomimubes vere idembPed ulh. im och shell. The Crust> The ovtermost shell, he crush, is o Min She of venicbde UWekmess. The Mantle> The memile '% o solid shelh thet Les | [ = belvesn the crust ond the cone. It extends down to & depih. of oot Ra00 km. Name of leyen | Depth (wm) | Demsily | Phessune Crush be a2 33 33 2 ee too Pe 60 Lowen mente Js 220 10,0 1350 ae 5iso oo 3340 Immen cone 6344 S36 Sto Teble- 4. TRe eenth's imbenme) smuchne THe Core > The Eonth's Gone is o sphene Vet eT inward from Whe cone meme boundeny ad a dephh of about 2000 km be lhe cone of the earl (Ggere- 8) Pras Sheu: Derr “DiscowniNurry Tereanees aN Cues pee res DHL AL WL AL Sr iretie 7 TL ~ 100 ‘Joo ~ 2800 2200 — — Sevtenberq_ ~ Byes 637_ oie Bgure- 1. A schemebe secon Yonovgh he tant show - ing the three mom shells. Three mom seismic belts ohich Indic, 05 disenased im the following sechons. oceun tan [ Tue Hrmatayan “Betr> The Hamaleyom belt, ohich ts Comeident wlth Ye Wamedeyem region, occupies the enhre Mortherm boundeny of the fmdicm plete, about 2500 ben Joerg, Lhe mounbn remges im the ensh end west of the Wanolyen one one dif. Fenent from each other. The eostenn |i. Moloye one Wghen . nerrnowen, obovt 159] ken cide (Rgune- 2). He Iwpo- Ganagtsc “PLatn >The Indo - Gengehe pien 3 0 depression thet sepenches the Hine Jeyen heckomic =eme Prom Ihe peminewen region. Ik is exered by Wek olevium. aikich ane be os Wick os 6 km im plo- cas. Rgure- D Pensweuraz Iwora-+ The pamimsulen region of Indie consists GP comtmamnied ennst QealegicnYy very old necks, of Anch- oem amd ‘Prokenezoie oge. one exposed over snore them thrall the tmadiem Peminaulon The rash is covered by Incl, Jere flows.(see Rgene- 4) 4.2. LITERATURE “Kevrew? —_— Forthqueke is 0 “Senmes of whnehons om the Canth’s sunkece anvsed by the generchim of aleohe (2° mie) weves duo bo sudden ruphne itn the canlh dung the relerse of occumvaled simreim enengy” (sheh) Th ts amy Qresk chomovn te hene been imviled bo be this bepics Het (+ Inoran Eartu@vake. In my reseerch pepen T will discuss ond rnekomally senve this bopie the eenthqveke im ome penkeden counlny . my on. Sworr. This project deals wilh elemembeny concepts of & Whqveke .TRs topic thes bean givem o simple Imeetmerh Severo) books, online sites, veb-senies, neupepers te)- ped me to get imfonmmebon , Ukich disewssed im the fo- Mouimg sechoms. Aumen ,{Gamorpnotoay?: Emeyek Armed (Bonn, 1 ovg, 123 Gs om Imdiem Geognephen . kmoumn for is comb: bobo fo the “Geagmephy of Imdi’, sspeciolly the “Shamed theory” Om the wrolubton of Wemaloyem dnemege omd for Aes com Inibubon be the cooste! geomorphology of tmdie Unberstannin~a Enetnavake Drsasters By Amita Ssrovwa Lio Amite Simvhed 4 Professor of the Depertmemt of Eonthqavehe Emgimeening, Imdiem Imshtvte of Techmabagy, Aoonkee. Her elds of specializekon one Emgineen Seismolagy, Seismoleetonies , Emgineening ete. She hes work ed om mone trem 8 corihqueke - heloted consul bemay praects . A Text Bask of Geacay FY Pik. Muquersec: “Phosun Kumon Mukherjee is the exeeukve dnecton of Sese Sterile Lamiked , o sebsidicny of Vedent. Resounces ple} Eaetn's Cnaniwa Sogeace “By Serey ; Geotectonze & Gromarenoiocy “By “KAmuRrSuNa Marty : Ram«ersuna Mar] and Setey describes about eonlhqueke chezends , Y's book is he ped me demyskfy eonthqueakes omd the disashens they cowse , uhich amoy Jead bo en unge te know mone ob- out show te minimize the discstnons effects of fulne con- thavehes. Be es engineer mommy he resesnch obout eonthqueke os hig. I heve Jeonmed much end em privileged bo be Following im 425 tovksheps Bk. Chadna’S THesrs: The thesis of “ Tho Seismicity Of Northern tres” Submited te the Umivensity of Lon - dom Cimpenial college of Science omd Techeolegy ) by Bk. Chodhe . B.A. (Hons) 5B. ae. He presented m bhis report is al the ovalleble dole relakng be eonliquekd im Nontherm fmdic, Most of Imdia's Hydnoelechie Pro- Sects ore Jocoted im the sub- Wimolayes. Due te the Aegh seismicity of he one, these thesis cem suffen senions demege im the event of o arejon eonthquake, TY olso be anelefil some Meus Pepens, jour - mals which helped ame Job to Jet infenmebve date, ob- out eonthqueke ~The Statesman’, The Tereaenen’, serme | Lo = —Fa Geb- series, movies (Sun Anoreas) also helped me to ndenstemd the devostekmg eenthquehe. tn the one Yer herd. some onlime resources Like Grooare, Goo Gre Scnrow, Soonaanan. INeirBENT. Ac. tn, ele- — 4.3. Arme & Ogsective: or ce oP We kmow thet eorthqekes ere °” Yhe most desnuchve phancaneme . Ths neseench work I wont be ny the PU imbonaneton and elamembery 67] cepls of wanthquekes. Sk 's my simeene hope Wrest Wes Project will help the people demyskhy conlbgrehes emd the disostens Whey couse , ubich -mey Jecd be om tnge fe kmow anone obo shows be minimize the dis- eslmons effect of furlsne eenthquehes. A greet deol of valuoble imfonanehon «ney be conkimed im the mmemescripls of Imdia , Wis imferanchom is euggeztes os eo subject fon fnthen resecnch. Bimce discshens Ceused by seveno) covib| qrekes one kmoum omd elk documembed , lessome Secret from these showd be prepegeted omd popwenized . Tere 1s em urgent need for edueehom oma cucnemess om Umdenskemding sen Yhqveke discstens im the emkre pope dobom. Th will Jeocd be a vofumbeny com plienee ond impleamemle-hom of wenll] qveke codes, uléich im banm wil node] es k& Rworemess ce cosvelkies im fulene eonthquekes. 7H Gammea= Said Ped @ TS promoke methodologies © lechmolog'es fon mehrro diseshen miltgolon , vuimencbilily x wish educe- fom ft disesher nesishemb pleomninng fon humem seliJaqmen| 2 Te umderleke projeck anemegememt & Comsublemey services imejudu rmomitoning venden the verious Cem - frat J Skete Schemes. = 4.4. METHODOLOGY : ——_—_ ee Since Covid-19 Peniod is img or I did mek get the opporbnity bo observe the Feld for ™ projeck wonk thel helped me weally. Wilh some f hed mel the opporkenily fe comy out Melduonk oT Yr" ous wontnquake, in Ihis cose, omlime sites helped te See im difPicWt posk eonlhnqueke comdihoms, imhesp! lhl} begged — berhatm, imelememh Leether and Whe Yet of lennon! sts along the Lime oP Combol (10) - heen $rom these expenterces Gas odvembovs. exicihing ond ad Himes , very dishenbing amd Paighheming . As o nesulh, I hove plemmed be emsune the moHen Ihrovgh shady ond cork ad home. Im this cose, venious onkele, jorrmol , Umivensily's thes's hos thelped ame. Also, £ seenched ‘Verious toples Prom he sounce of Sacondeny dela the is Grogle oma Yene ore severcl opps os vel Lhe Greogse Schaber Sodhgerge- inflbemt. ce. im. eke, Clmame , web-senies also helped ame, provided me relevent imfonanehom. I-EARTHQUAKE. A TECTONIC | HAZARD 4.4. Concept : Am Forlkquoke (also Kmoun os queke, Inemor or ben) fs the caving of the canth’s sun: free reaulking from o sudden release of emengy im the Ferth's Lthosphene | | lremeient amok of The ground. heh on- gimetes cilhim o bimiked subsurboce lage grepssmet mpcnte| hegion omd spreeds im ol dinachoms. Ab the Eenth’s svn foce, eonthqvakes menifesh themselves by esewvieng on avs - Pheelmg on disnepking the gnoond. When the epicenine of o Senge eonthgreke is Jocched offshore. Am wecthqrele's poimt of. imitod pephre is called tks +ypocenten on foeus Rave- ter tee genes O Eplcanme, Wen me bk Lithosphene Some pents of the eonth's surface bnem- ble fer motnoh on onkBe‘al nesoms. Ths Inearon 's mild or weviny. Ths kind of sudden md Comeussion om the ounce of the cuwe Crected by the ponechuksk is = Called om eonthqrohe. An eenihquoke ,os wellos its Bpicemme and focus. expleim the cecunemce of cenikqueke| ceconding to eleshie rebound theory. There one some Fee - fers ahich telp us- 9 DBesenibe chere difPenemt types of conlhgehes ore Gemercsted, Describe 2 maim cccles fen mensuning the size of eonthqueke. % The helehomsie belseen of the “Baniolt| zome te comengent plee ™mengins « 2.2. Termrnorogy : The henmimosegy of econthqrekes aver here aims te defime he berms wed im tis projeck . Mosh of the Fenmimofagy is im eccondence “'th “Boll , Press & Sieven, Rumcorm, EARTHQUAKE > shohing on oping arevemamnt of the corlh crust, fellored by seismic cxves omd vibrehons. EPrceNnTER > The poimh om the sunfece of the canlh ven - Realy echove the focw . This olso rovghly gies the Jocohon of cm eanthqueke . HypocentER > Ik is the region imeide he eenth whene om conthyvoke ongimoles. “BeNLOFF ZoNE> This o chenechenshes of destnuchve plate cmengins . This ome thes gh selamicity omd deep fous eenthqvebes. Ib ts amerked by em oceanic plete sinking | Comic oekvily. Nigreatson> A peniod’e mokom thet repe- Obs MseclE often o definite imbervel of koe. Figuretg: Vibnebiow Maanrtune> Ib is a mumenical seole for qumh hy! Benthqveke . It imdiectes the emoumb of emengy velecsed ab the sounce and ove detenmimed trerm sersmmognephs. Sb is the Jogenithan (bese Jo) of the Jengesr tneae emplihnde mecsuned on a0 seismesnem cniHem by MMS) Wroheaneet pieced ale diSlumce of ico Som the epicanme. Cone Common lypes of megnitvde are “Richter on Socal Mi + body weve, me > seunfece weve> Mg end amemenb megnitde Phas - Sersmre “Bait > A mnamow, well - defimed, seismic semi- Comkm vous Geagrereod ores along ukich eonthquekes ere combimed. Sexamomercr + The semson pent of the Selsrmogneph, wally o suspended pandium, semson , velocily ems - ducer. ( Rayne - Agure 18: Selammegneph/meen —_ Farre 18 eisrregneph (a imto ameme ab & themech. Frucr> Th is 0 frochne olong chich obsenveble diaploc ment of blocks im the enuh ocevns penotle}) to the pie] Reel ee A fee ee eee kenes im hock along which Fe sides ore Aspleced nelehve bo each othen parallel bo the Freche »The bol offset amey rem- fe from o Lew cambameters te kilometers - LrtHosphees + The ouken , rigid shell of the eeonth eked obove the osthemosphene, I} con- tocms the crust and the upper amemile. Teckmie plehes one composed of Litho Sphene. The ovker most Jeyen of the certh disknguich Fromm the subjecem! otheme [rest — phere by is greater nigidiny ond shemgth; commonly imeludes the envet and perk of the upper anemic Finin te Pini “‘Bounoary > A thim nigid body with o lenge honizombal dimembon . Sh is composed of Yhe Lthasphene. A relekvely nigid segmer! of the eonth's Lithosphere , with « lenge hori zombal dimension. Ths is the sunfece bneee of pean Bsediees pee erty \he zone of amokon bekucen bio pleles, Ocemie ridges and wrenches one Comsidened to be diegrashe of plete boumderies, Vorcance Eartuguake> Fonthqvehes associeled with vol_ es al 4:3. Cavaes OF EARTHQUAKE : Atle undenstemding the terminalia oP om enthqveke , tb is relevent fe ken Uheb causes em venth- Aveke. An eenthqroke com be cevsed due bo severed nec - soms. Some of these one Jendsbides, volcanic er-phons, ord coblepse of subsurboce eevikes, [sosheey . Fanthquekel eon obso be covsed due be mem-anedeo heasems ke miming ord mucleen explosions , ele, Heuever, sveh centh- qrokes one usally small ond feu in members. “Teerontc Causes + Teckemie meens Jenge- sede defer} amehon of the wenths enwh resulting Broan tonces deep Imside the eerth «These ences imelude| , falding ond Fouling of rocks end thetn metamorphosis, An eonthqveke is vhen +e] ci Bou Prem them kwo blocks of the eanth’s ) ao a gold sill ddemly skip pest ome omsthen. The sunfece Ghere Whey skp is eed the few on tou plane. Pate Tectonic : Techtomic Bonlhqvekes one those Yheb NN best From sudden velecse of emergy stored with'm the ceorlh dve bo mejor defonmeboms im the eenth’s en- ust. More them 92% of ol wenthquehes one techomic m on'gin. Plete bechbonic aves gestagicad emodes of the sunbece of the senth, ie. the Lithosphre, ulkich |s divided imko Severd ngid seqmon's eolled ploles. The chsh ts Uke whe crecked shell of o tend . boiled egg ard con sists of several Jonge ond small pieces called ree Pinte Sarains > A plate amengin is the cmengimned pent oho perkeden plete. Mmengins oF feo plobes meet of o commanom boundeny. The 2 bypes OF plete mmengins one comsinuchve, Joaknue te We & comsemvehve (Fyune- ) bomdenies Ve 40, Plate Ee engin in ia S30 ComgTRUCTIVE PLATE JOARGIN: ARs \imd of meng ma vefenred to os o crective plete omen gins [Pete Or o source zome , os Mew chest (5 en- e@ted tene As the lo plates move ony from eoch other . Mid- ceecmic bidges Cheneehenize these amengins , Ths ges Wise to shoWbos Pocus eontharekes, uhe-| ne depth ts 2 ond & km end emegnivdl 6 on amone, This is becowse the Lithosphere ob these bomn- Ihim omd ceols 20, Sufficient Shnaim comb oe Figure -is: Comsive hve Plete mmengn denies ts very mules be come Jonge - sized vonthgrokes. Destevetsve Tiare Maran: NV hese cmengins. Crush desigyed on comsumed by the mem- Ye. Imdenanedicte omd deep Foe eon. Higquekes cheneclenize these mengins. The 10 Jengeosk senthquekhes im the Jowt Cembury oceunned along Subduekon zone. Faere.zei Deaiwokve The Guarctne eonthqueke of Dec, 2004 also ongimaked im the] Subduehkom zone defined by the Amdemnem - Sumelme-Jover - Gunde Inemch system. “Teo pleles eomengence cam occur Im Ynee wey - i) Ho oceanic pleles, W om oceemia 62 & comkmemtel plete two comkmemrbol plates. — Keo combinental plates approach a simk meilhen Plete is subducted, because coch is Ugh emd shes almost Yhe seme dansity end |p lenge desmehve senthqroekes ano commer| im euch eo ailveWem. Y greek conthqueles tome ceeunmed im the Wimeleyen Mounlem, within o ape of 53 Yyeons im the Jovk wo Yeers alone. Conservative Prate Marain: Wis is also kmoem os a RRS SAR bremsfonan pleke boundery amd ik is cha - heckenized by o Jonge syshem of thems - Foran fouls. Ik is a slike up fawheo- mmech' the emds of om offsel im a amd- Oceemic nidge. Eorthqrehes ab these botn- Gguren: Gmewis denies hove o cholo depth of focus, ond there is mo Nolamie oekvity. Faurct >= Most beehbomic eonthqve-keos on! gimobe ether om Preen ishing fowll2 on Checke NeW feulle of Wee Kone of the wenthqueke , ie., conthquekes ond BD fells one deeply imbenreleled . Am cori queke mey affect meanby foulls ond rey Bgereae: Both abject rocks om both sides of the feulh te deform sc con prac “Boundary feulh =a Rgerezs: PPiflerest bre Fgore-ty 13 omega Horvat alm Himalaya | fi WwW Foun MOUNTAIN > Fold amounkens one enected Chere Ron amore of econth’s hectomice pleles one peshed fegethen. Ab these colliding » corm. Pressing boundenies, rocks omd debnis one| pron oe werped end Folded imte nochy ovbenops. Us. amombuns, emd enkne arommben remges. Jsostasy > While the isoskesish com osish the sersamo- Jogist im the shedy of eonthquahes. hein effect. al the Same hme the selemolegish con be of greot ossishkmee to the isoshesisr. stow —Tecwronse Causes > There one several mon. hechtomic comes hich creates eanthqvehe. General ERM BUAKE! This canihquohes as lenge os megniede 5-1 theb ocevn im gleeioted oneos shene the gleciodl moves fesher Them ome ken per your: = Lensls of Seismic weves ane nelecsed every dy. ech ome equialemt bo a mognide ¥ conthqueke, Lanosi10e : Eenthquekes ore co myyon come OPeroniie cee ee ray! Berth ameteniad, on debris flows move doume slope due to grey MettoR Stevee: Mekeon showers oecun then wmulhple objects omben conth's abenos phere onomd the same hime. Im fock,ame- feons de mok couse conthqveakes te nphne | Bae i along o feuwlk, oceending to Willem Yeek, | Rguness: Melon a reseerch geophysis) al the Umlted shetos. Soerce- aitipedn wonth - There ore seven) humen oackvikes cousi grokes Growing pepulobiom amd globe unkeniaehem is mereasing the Hhnest of conthquekes. Mem. arede coves ke Mining, Mclean explosions, Dymemike explosions, Mimenol nuphone, Resenwoin comsinuchsm, Comstnuchom of hoods im Aily onees, Othen neesoms. | Ravre-29: mimiong Ravre—zit Comshwehon| ees lan Ly region) tae a A Rgure-2: Tes envoin Figure tr minened pephere Comsimveh'om “Bonses Witipedin =.4. InstTeumenTs : After eveny eonthquehe , ome question Phot ts wes 11" The emsven te Ws cmos oflem wed benm imahnuaenk aluoys osked ts “how big wen by the es, mogninde, The queskom ie best g ls Seismogneph, Seis - ossocicted aith eanthquoks thet mmecsuinememt of Benihqvehe emognen CR gure - Seismagreph > Ib hecond wenthyvrekes- is & necond wnitlen by * sels- Gelsmaqnrem> A Geisamo, weed rem ls cn imélrumem- used te dekeck and | ee Pu suere ‘ Rgvre -: Seisnmo - meter ig nee Gornee - Wikined.. Figure ~35: Selsanogreth Sersmic Waves > The aedium Ynough ubch seismic weves revel is ossumed te be Infinite im size, homeqencows, iso lropics. andeued with eleshe pro- Perkes , ond where displeceaents, and shroims one imbinibeshamal. Agureaci Setermic eves POMMAVES | Prismony coves (Rigune- ) are kmoun os Jogitndinal , compressional, innckabomal, omd also os push on PF uceves. As P- weves one the Festest of oll seisemice teves. Th refreced by exnth's ovter core . ys shedow= extends Som 104° - 140°, "| So Waves? Seamdory weves one also kmoum os sheen, Jolokona . stemding , tremsverse , sheke on So weves. Sh is umeble be pees conth's Liquid cone @ ueve shedew Zome covers emhre GGL beyond 404°, [Brest Se weve Rgure- 1S uve seckom ot the eonth L- Waves: Im conests be body weves, sunfece Weves at neve along the free sunfece of the = = eonth. Tk clessiPied inko “Reyleigh ond | Wessel ee cee pees iL = EARTH Maanttuoe> Mogmihde is expressed mumericaly his a defimile Anebie number fon omy aver senthyr ke omd is eshimoled from imstnementely heeorded Seismmoaneans, Ib ts mdicohve of the emergy relecsed ot the sounce duningg om eenthqveke . fk is a emique value fer o specific sonlhqueke event ond does mot chenge with change of obser. Vehom on chemge of pleee, Megmibde Com be 3,2,4,0,—1,-2, —2, emd soon Fgvre- ab the Jowen end of the seole amd cam be 7. ?- dighern omd . Megmiinde een be almmosi- 9 fon Joao) om burfece wwe mogmivde Tre Semelne rerthquake of Rooy wes ome such nere evemk end ~~ assigned at he megni bade 23. Several methods of eskmahng canthqrebe minnde ore curnembly im preekee . However, Richer Oni gino defined the concep im 106. Richter Megmbude (mest oflem quoled amegninde seote), Sankece Weve Megninde (ms) , Body seve Megmi'hde (amy) , Sersamia Premenk Imegnitede (1M) Titrenstty Measurements When this shoking 's serve, gromd ts demmoged ond oll slnucknes |Eede[ ape Pinenis]| found om ik sheke and some one de FRECHE] e]= areged: The emsten te this is provided by the anthqrohe imbemsity, Ths ls o spool | depemdemr deseniplive rekmg of ehemnges Obsened Fe gromd sunfeee, Severe) sees Like “Koss'- Bred, “| hem, Mencalk , Medvedev - Spothover - kenmik sede ele. Led meesurem ent of imtemsiy. The Indien subcomknemt shes evffened some of he Qrectest eonlhquekes im the world, The eon lhnque hes] of Whe ete mimeleemth and conly huenhelh combries Inigqened o mumben of cerly odvemees im Peed engineering veloted be Benthqrokes thek one diserssed| here, Im feeb, mone then Sov, onee im the coumlny 4 ecomsidered prome ‘'o dloomog rg senthquelces. HietoarcaL AgpECTS > About Los miWomyogo. Creteceons » othen the eostenn edge of Imdin gresets im anid mid- ceaemic Godigere- Inken ridge pce “n ey 1 gure- i Indic sepercted froan gordeuemdlemd moed n.cord Sepencred trom Gonduemedend omd Imdie become am fsfend, Imada Skenked o slow ond domg Joumey month bend, rowed Louresic. A Comvengem bomdery fm the subduekom of the’ ceeemie erusk of Ihe month comsed Imdiem plate. Im Imdia present -texand eshimotes ore besed om Iimited Astoniedd dote os the imfbenaehem on eorthqueke prion le Leo AD is mob comprehensively cobe-- Legved. The mosh mpontemk ome ia Usk ¢hishoniems eve analy focussed thein akkembion om polsheal amd social Assher of Imndie. ig 7 3.4. Mayor Eartuquake Evente In Inposa : Indic tes hed o mumber of the world's Qreetest eenthquekes im the Josh cembny. Mosh Jerge amd deshvelve eonthquekes im Imdic occur abos ond close fe mnengins of the Imdiem plate. “Fegions of high selsmicity con be idenkRed os the Himoleyen one — Tes Himoleyen ac. the Bolvehislten ane, end Ho Anskom Yorn ene, Mosk epicerters ore combined im these regions. Imtenplele ronlhquokes ere wsally srroller omd occur Sess Fhequembly , Uke im the Imdo Oromgeke ples Kim penn sulon Imdin. Tasie-2: MBE Brick overvies of Some Significenk Eenthg uate (Onedieve! ond recent) Year |PATE | Locatron aN “REMARKS 1250| SNA Neon De- | ¥.5 180,000 heponled deod. Be bol Debol houn diseppeaned of 1819 3 2004 ewanlhqeke. 903- | GH jure] Nepol hhel| 6.2 Affected o-veny Jonge 0 — 1om , Joms of thousends of Lives Josh 123 | wa Srimoger | 6.3 - Ao houses dosh 6 | keblh BS Numenovs | 1505 |b in emo. of toums, bi Ming rmemy poopie. - Mossive bemdshdes & hock - 1665 | Sep. Shimegen HE ate eI S420 Soy 15 Dei meng lies vere Jos 1803 seph 4 GenhweS, Ule-| hemahos Sevene damege ' the dist. of Tebr'- Genhues , 200 - 200 Persoms hilled. 1819 Seme 56} Renn of hutch kiMed mone then Iip0 pensoms. ASL [Dee 31 Con Nicoker region Giemenated bavmecmis With & arexiamum ered height of 0.2m. 1307 Sene 12} Assam, Srdin About 1500 persons died. 1905 GY Ap- ni Kemgre ~ 19,000 Persons died. | 1950 15 Ag Assem- Tibet Abort 1500 persons im Sandie. 1994 Oc}. 20 Glen host 462 pensoms killed. 6 km Prom UHenkeod em- rare to Geergarm coldapsed. ROOL 26 Sem Bhy (Kutch 12,805 lwes fos. Building collepsed + imeluding oboub 130 building im Almeckted| Z 1 im Servet. 004 Dec 26 Svemetne Covsed mest devos, yelimg keene! im eobony. nesulhing im ~ 250,000 beled dently 10,000 people da) & 5600 People missing R044 Sep 28 Si Kian 69 48° deoths im Indi. (Z yee rede Clams onncdey reenter er ares Rgvre- as Moginibudas Chemge im Rigune- sy Imdiem Fonthavehe im different devostehng ont. mediwel md neconk queke kms Sounce- Wikipedic Source Wikipedia ( GREAT EartHQuakes In Inora > ¥ greck conthquekes trove devosted the Imdien subeonh- mem im Vhe lest bo camhunies , hege| Ihren Gy mumenovs othen events The, se ere ploled im Rgune- , and bs] led im Tabfe- with thein salem fee} bres. These greet conlhqvekes orgi- meted olen neon boundenies of the | Agme-ts: Eeganhe of Veau, Indien plede . The grec eenthqvokes of heleh 1m the yen 1919, Asseam (1891), ond ogorn im 1950. kemgre (1905), Sepa. Bihon hago (1934), Bey of Bemges (1991), and egorn Rooy, Struoy: CASE ae Porblie Bey ob me Les of kuteh Disiniet. “Buusr EARTHQUAKE > The 200k Gujenet Eenthaveke » also kmown o< the Bhy) cenlkqueke, occ vrred om 26 Tanvery, Imdic's 52nd Ke 0846 om rer. The epicem abou © lem south - solheest of the hamlet of Chebeni im “Bhoehen edule! Figure-s61 Loceon of Buu EaaTravane REASONS — The eenthqvreke wes eoused ab the comerger’ plete bo- adery imsenta the Imdiem end Eene- stem plele . Howeven os hij i im om immeplete zome, the conthqveke expecled , this is ome of te build moyed - becouse people didn) but te Senthqreke hesistmb stemdends.: Ges mob heosoms 50 ameny Errects- D High demond ten feod were de-| Loco) Octe | 26 Jen, 200! Loeot hime | 8.46 em 1ST Derehonm | 22 Seconds Pogmikeder ws Mw Depth 16 Kilommetnes Epicentne | 22°v19' Nye. 22" = Arecs offe-| pmdion pakistan cled cepuothes 12 $05 - 20,023 dead, ~166, 960 imjened . Weren, cmd amediacd cone for eun- vivors, 1D) The obvious soetod one tet 000 Were imjuned. lempecle enocmd 20,000 people were killed omd mean 300, Teble-3 i 7Bhyy conlhqueke ode glance Agure - Jy Reasome of Bhy eemhquie Agune 18 1 Bh) eonthqeeke Aegnemie repiger Bounce - Wikipedix Boones | wikipade | Bz. Eartua@uake Hazago Zonatron : -ecent désreny tulmessed immense devestehon cowed by severol eenthquerhes, ameshly om aren. Gire of plote. Severcd seismic Koma emeps cere im vse im difPerert kKmes. The GSI mede the fins one, immed | iabely oflen the —Bihon-Nepodl ecrthque- |: ke of 1934. The 381 | Jebed nememed CS Bureon of Imdien Slendends (esr) Peblished the Pinsk eonthqueke code im Smdie im 1962. Ths imeluded the Sel emic Romina ame of gmdin. Fy he en) in Be 49% Gheeh eines EARTHQUAKE Zones oF SNOTA> A World Bem and United Nehoms neponk showes esha, ohes Mob onound 200 million city dwettens im Inde oil be exposed be storms and er Ugqrehes by 2050, The Jelesk version of selamie zomi mop of Iman giver 002 . the Sonthqvelke zoming mep of Indul divided Imdic imte y Selsemie Zones . Wek is - (a zone | ZONE-5—> Th eovens Whe onecy eal zone w Gils highest isk » IS code- 0.26 ae 8 Exermple — tem of kubeh, hesbemin ZoneE-y> High damoge isk Zore, code 0.24, Exermple . hedekh, ee | ae oma keshemin, Tohed, Otten Prodesh(w) . Genes Sitpeds Zone a Modencte demege hick =ome, IS code- 0.16, Erample-| meenborr, kolkebn, Bhibemashwen. qure- 50: Eenthgreke cones OF Jind, Chemm=i, —Zone-2> £8 code- 0-10 ane 0 ones of mdi is classed os Zome- 1 || Zone 41> N | | 3.3-DAMAQES : Im o Jorge eonthqveke. due be pesege oP seismic Geves, Qnound con be demeged im several ccys, Torogearize Ave Suerace DrsrorTSoNng > lenge. sede oe orgs fre eenfece dishertioms one obser: Bile eee tee ae ae Phe Assam eenthqueke 189% between bene end TReuameni, uWeh were om —Brehanepulre:. LANDSLIDES = Longe eenthquehes induce mumenows lenge Jerdsides thet one spreed im o wide Wy benraim orce| Mehon eonlhquekes im the Wandeyem one, Pemlnsulen end Coostoh regions of Sadie theve Veiggened omessive Sendalca| Fauet > Caulking (ome of them - i} cen be im the fem of either subsunfece on sunfoce Pouliz, Ground Foilune caso Cieked Lith eonlhquehe Imdeced fowls (Agyre- _) , exemple 1823 Assam cenbthqueke. Lig@ur FacTEON= Th is @ phenomenon im ukeh srengrh ond akffmess of sol) is nedueed due te strong ground shoking . Examphe- Im the kekeh senthqueke of R001. - femsive Lquefechon cecunned a} several plecas imbureh Repen. aBhy, khesde- Fro URES > Exhemsive ground Hesvnes one observed im meny eerthqueakes, Example- 1934 (Bihow - wepal eonthquets) most Jenqo Rasens wore comkimed meer the epicenter , bet. ceem Gemge. Ganda, Kosi, Inokhon!, Medhuban, EAetHauaAKE Paontatne> Where there '> phenly of shou ee : round weter . strong groom sheling oflem produces werthqueke founlams, sporls omd Aeysens. Im the great _— Assam eanthqroke of 1897, eerthqveke founkms occurred im the aWoviol plains of the “Brehmeputne: Sano Boris > Send brovghh ep im em centhqrehe 1s som Kemes deposited around the spouk, Exemmple- heleh wendhqrek Mun Acugs Mud thous were observed of sovencl ploces in he meizose'samol onen of the kebeh seplhqvebe of 2004, Mvp Voicano + Mud voleamoes ane formed of desmuckve Plore amengins. Exemple- The Sumelre centhqucke (2004) GRouno Awo Surrace Waters > Shromg ground shehing im em wenthgveke can sonmekmme dishnb im sunfece «rd Ground woten. Example - Loew cenlhqvehe 30 sep, 1992. Tauatamr = A bsumenm! is most oflen comeed by o svb- menime senvhqveke, Exempje- Gumetne conthqueke, Rgure-a: Gand Ryeres Cares boils Source — 1. Wihipedic 3.4. MITIGATION: fen From Ke lmnmenronid “hes experienced earthquakes. Ik wos generally beLeved thet Like oi clher Mehnol pharemers, Jonge animals Lhe Gheshnog im Indien empthodeay on the coffish im ils Sepemese combenpavk cused Peeoictton Or EARTHQUAKE > AHeamprs ol predating when emd where eanthquekes will ocecvr theve mek with some Svecess im necenk yeons, ANrmaL “Benavrour: Thene is mech anne NRE omeedoted evidemce suggesting Her animes Shove the obilih be detecl sen] Sony shawl ubch chumems ean mek ever att our most sansinve kechmologicel im- Simament ubich omiligete senlhquekes: Example - pels. Amt, Birds, Homngy Pi eons eke. PuyazeaL PARAMETERS : Eenth predichom imwolves Whe AAR Aa —— Precise mecsunement of Nem lehien im severcl physical peremetens olthio selseameally ochve onecs- 5 Procmisieg one veloelly of P-ueve, upLifk and kdkng of ) ese. Pancmelers oma, emission of neden ges Prom we lis ( G'gure- clniasd resiskvily end seismicity of the region. Stone Masonry Houses > Besed om observehoms im severol eenthqehes. end the need fon o defen amd eonth qroke pesislemb stome touwse. the ISET and Bly ler “Design & comsbe| Fonthqreke Resis Chom of buddings . Lmeroving, eonthqreke posiskemt of Jou smength mosomry Ldding! Fguve a: Steme mosomyy Hones Sounee- Wikipedic Stew ENQ@INEERING Invenrron Of EaeTHQuake > Am eenthays emgimeen ovems te _comsinveh Shovelones Hak wx mob be | | demeged im mimon sheking omd vi avord senious dermoge on collepse im o angen eenth qvehe . Th is eom- sidered os a subject of seismic ood: 2 anvebpod Smameering, geokechnico emgimcening »Mechemicod ang 7 pele. The mom objectives of eonthqueke engin wening one ~ aPnesee Ye polembal amsequema: of shromg wanth- qyekes om unbm ones and eviJ simechnes, 2 Design, comsnvecl omd moimbin sinucknes to perform ob Bankhqvoke orpesere vp to the expecleWons ard im compliemce with building codes . * Onvehrod im een also amish Undenstend and Coleulake the stably. slnength, rigidly ond eanthqete| evepeckbilily of bulk cmvelnes fon bildings. APA k MLA» APA members theve been involved im pro- Vidieng pre & Pash disculer assitemce im thelk respeckve | Comamemiies. Trey heave om Imhenam: imtenesh im anakirg CommminiHes safer from mehnol £ arom -anede discetens. Fenlhquoke viels neduehon, mikgehom f& prepere- dmess also memely MLAS from, Agure 9: Centhqrete hesishemt Bgere-o: Banthqreie bud dings isk reduehom Programme Sovnce — Wikipedian C ERtrerence List @ A o tasta Sinvaar, Unogreranorna FartiQuabe Disasters? Prblished by Tete MeGrou IU Edueshon Privehe Limibed. ® Anmeo . E. (2001), “Reomorrtosoay ”, Kalyan’ Pub- Lishens. @® Mowvessee Pk. (1990) "A Text Book OF Goat @ Ramuarsuna Marty “Geo. Tectonic p GeornorPHo- bogy ? © See ms. (1988) “EartH CHansna Suerace” Oxford University Press. © The Theeroe “Or” The Unsversity OF London” by Bb. Chedha (B.A ,%.8e) ® ‘The Thears OF “ Faetuguake Sacety In Lno1A" by Svonre k. Tarn Newspapers “Tue Trmes Or Inota”, “The Sra- Tesman”, “ THe TELEGRAPH”. © Geomorenotoay by Cavinora SINGH © Wrureepra

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