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Colegio Tecnológico Divino Niño

Name :__________________________________ Date:_____________

I. Read and answerthefollowingquestions

John lives in a smalltown. Everymorning, he wakes up early and goesfor a jog. He
enjoys running becauseithelpshimstayhealthy. Afterhisjog, John takes a shower and has
breakfast. He usuallyeatseggs and toastwith a cup of coffee. Then, he goes to work.
John works at a local bookstore. He loveshisjobbecause he can readmanybooks and
helpcustomersfindwhattheyneed. In theevening, John returns home, cooksdinner, and
watches TV. He goes to bedaround 10 PM.

1) Whatdoes John do everymorning?

2) Whydoes John enjoy running?

3) Whatdoes John usuallyeatforbreakfast?

4) Wheredoes John work?

5) What time does John go to bed?

 Find 5 verbs in simple present tense in thetext.

II. Conjugation of verbs

1) Conjugatethefollowingverbs in simple presenttense
(To play) (to study) (to visit)

2) Conjugatethefollowingverbs in simple past tense.

(To play) _______________(to study) _______________(to visit)

 Write 5 sentences in simple presenttense, withoutrepeatingthose in thetext.

1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________

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