JBSAV11.4BR209 Site Layout Planning For Daylight and Sunlighta Guide To Good Practice, Third Edition 2022a Review

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Journal of Building Survey, Appraisal & Valuation Volume 11 Number 4

BR209: Site layout planning for daylight and

sunlight: A guide to good practice, third
edition 2022 — a review
Received (in revised form): 18th November, 2022

Lucy Taggart
Associate, Hollis, UK

Lucy Taggart is an Associate in the Neighbourly the BRE’s 2011 publication ‘Site layout plan-
Matters team at Hollis. Lucy specialises in rights ning for daylight and sunlight: A guide to good
of light and daylight, sunlight and overshad- practice, second edition (BR209), which is widely
owing services, with additional wider experience regarded as the leading authority on all matters
in party wall and other neighbourly matters ser- relating to daylight and sunlight at design and
vices. Her work predominantly involves assisting planning stage, suddenly became outdated. The
developers and design teams during the planning industry has since been left in a state of uncer-
stages of development projects and advising on tainty when tasked with evaluating the amenity
the impacts that developments will have on provision of daylight and sunlight within new Lucy Taggart
daylight and sunlight amenity, as well as private developments, torn between the tried-and-tested
rights of light. This includes communicating the BR209 methodology from the now withdrawn
effects on neighbouring daylight and sunlight BS 8206 and the newer but more complex British
amenity to planning officers and committee Standard methodology — until now. The eagerly
members and negotiating with affected parties anticipated revised addition of BR209 has now
to avoid potential rights of light disputes and to been published, but will it provide clarity on
mitigate risk. Recent sustainability-led changes common issues relating to current daylight and
in European Standards in relation to daylight and sunlight analysis and evaluation methods that
sunlight amenity and the subsequent alignment are prohibitive to achieving planning permission
of British Standards has necessitated a revised for higher-density development delivering much-
edition of the BRE publication ‘Site layout needed housing, or will it only prove to compound
planning for daylight and sunlight: A guide to these issues? This paper explores the new guid-
good practice’, which is considered the leading ance and reviews the recommended methodology
authority on daylight and sunlight matters by to understand what the changes will mean for
practitioners and planning officials alike. Taking developers and neighbours alike.
part in the pre-publication peer review and con-
sultation process, Lucy and the wider specialist Keywords: daylight, sunlight, overshad-
team at Hollis have the expertise to provide owing, planning, BS EN 17037, amenity, Hollis,
140 London Wall,
good-quality and timely advice to the industry. development London EC2Y 5DN,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7622 9555;
Abstract E-mail: lucy.taggart@
Following the UK implementation of European INTRODUCTION
Standard EN 17037:2018 ‘Daylight in The Building Research Establishment’s Journal of Building Survey,
Appraisal & Valuation
Buildings’ in May 2019, and the subsequent with- (BRE) highly regarded publication ‘Site Vol. 11, No. 4, 2023, pp. 355–363
© Henry Stewart Publications,
drawal of British Standard BS 8206–2:2008, layout planning for daylight and sunlight: 2046–9594

Page 355
BR209: Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight

A guide to good practice, second edition immigration and rising incomes’,5 it has
2011’ (BR209)1 is widely considered the long been considered necessary for national,
leading authority for guiding developers, region and local planning policy to adopt a
local authorities, light practitioners and more flexible approach towards daylight and
planning consultants alike through the sunlight guidance if government housing
complex topic of daylight and sunlight as an targets are to be met, or better still, for day-
amenity consideration for planning applica- light and sunlight guidance itself to adopt
tions. Widely referred to in local planning a more definitive stance towards relaxing
policy, the BR209 gives advice for site layout unrealistic target values in urban areas.
and design to ensure both the provision of
daylight and sunlight within new develop-
ment and the protection of the same in THE DAYLIGHT AND SUNLIGHT
neighbouring existing buildings, open spaces DILEMMA
and future development sites, drawing refer- The amenity consideration of daylight and
ence from British Standard BS 8206–2:2008 sunlight at planning has long been consid-
‘Lighting for buildings. Code of practice ered at odds with other material planning
for daylighting’ (BS 8206),2 which has now considerations; private outdoor amenity
been withdrawn and replaced by BS EN space requirements under the London Plan,
17037:2018 ‘Daylight in Buildings’ (BS EN Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance
17037)3 in May 2019. (SPG)6 often give rise to deep recessed or
In recent years, the provision and protec- projecting balconies that severely limit avail-
tion of daylight and sunlight in new and ability of daylight and sunlight to the rooms
existing buildings has become an increas- they serve, trading one amenity for another.
ingly prominent issue, with the rise in Building regulations that require manage-
popularity of ‘well-being’ building certifi- ment and mitigation of overheating under
cation standards such as WELL and Fitwel Approved Document O7 often result in
driving further scientific research on the restricted glazing-to-floor-area ratios and/
effects of natural light in buildings, leading or the specification of glazing with a lower
to a shift in focus away from ‘visual comfort’ diffuse transmittance value, thus limiting
and towards the undoubtedly more vital daylight and sunlight potential to the rooms
considerations of physical and mental health. within. These conflicting requirements can
This shift in focus places further pressures often leave the planning process feeling like a
on local authorities to refuse applications for gamble, particularly for larger developments
new developments on daylight and sunlight in built-up areas, where full compliance with
grounds, where recommended target values daylight and sunlight numerical targets is
(which were never intended to be utilised rarely achievable.
as planning policy) are not fully met. With This looked set to change with London
a planning system that is already considered First commissioning the report ‘Guiding
‘a blocker to housing delivery’,4 and with Light: Unlocking London’s Residential
availability and cost of developable land Density’8 in 2017 to determine whether
(particularly in urban areas) already a major a more suitable set of daylight and sun-
hindrance to development, developers are light targets specifically for built-up/city
faced with risk and uncertainty as to the centre locations could be established and
extent of any planning permission they may adopted. Drawing on extensive research of
or may not be able to secure. the typical daylight and sunlight conditions
With demand for housing ever increasing in urban locations, the report highlighted
due to ‘a growing population, rising that daylight and sunlight is generally not

Page 356

a primary consideration for city dwellers approval required and the potential effect
when deciding where to live, with other on neighbouring amenity to be considered,
amenities such as transport, green spaces, if raised during the required ‘Neighbour
proximity to shops, etc. being considered Consultation Scheme’ process).
before access to daylight and sunlight. The Expectations were therefore high for a
report expressed the need for any new revised edition of BR209 to continue this
guidance in relation to daylight and sunlight trajectory, but will the updates prove to be
to move away from applying numerical more of a hindrance than help?
targets that can hinder more than help
local authorities and limit their ability to
grant permission for much-needed new UPDATED BR209: LEAVING
developments in higher-density areas. ‘The DEVELOPERS IN THE DARK?
intention is not to repeat the opportunity The highly anticipated revised edition of
to be linear or formulaic about daylight/ BR209 is upon us; while there is little
sunlight.’9 The report called for any such change in the way the effect of new develop-
new guidance to be supported by national ment on neighbouring daylight and sunlight
and regional planning policy, specifically is assessed, entirely new calculation methods
guiding local authorities to take a flexible have been adopted for assessing the daylight
approach in regard to numerical targets and sunlight provisions within proposed
when assessing amenity impact of new accommodation, with the methods consid-
developments in higher-density areas. ered even more stringent and complex than
The trend towards relaxing daylight and those preceding.
sunlight requirements looked set to continue, This is not entirely unexpected, with
with the July 2018 revision of the National the revised BR209 adopting methodology
Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)10 calling from British Standard BS EN 17037; the
for a flexible approach in applying policies UK’s answer to European Standard EN
and guidance in relation to daylight and 17037 ‘Daylight in Buildings’, published
sunlight to enable appropriate densities to in 2018.12 Nonetheless, the complete with-
be achieved on development sites, should drawal of former methods to make way for
strict application of the guidance otherwise BS EN 17037 is likely to draw criticism
inhibit making efficient use of the site. This, from the industry (British Standards are
along with the Housing SPG published in neither compulsory nor legislation but are
March 2016, which highlighted the need regarded as ‘examples of good practice’ said
to apply daylight and sunlight guidelines to ‘support and promote innovation’ and
‘sensitively’ to higher-density development, ‘create a common framework that encour-
assisted local planning authorities towards ages the sharing of knowledge’). Indeed,
providing the justification needed to support an article by Peter Dafoe and Andrew D.
schemes that do not fully accord with the Thompson13 published in Daylighting maga-
BR209 guidance. zine in late 2020 critiquing BS EN 17037
More recently, the coming into force of methods14 suggested that the justification
the Statutory Instrument n.907 for New exists to ‘allow BRE to publish an updated
Permitted Development Rights11 in May 3rd Edition of BR209 simply via the removal
2019 again hinted at change in favour of of any reference to the British Standard. This
developers, by making permanent the right would for planning and environmental pur-
for residential owners to extend upwards poses be the simplest BRE solution.’ The
by up to 8m without the need to obtain BRE does not appear to have taken these
planning permissions (albeit with prior comments on board.

Page 357
BR209: Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight

The first warning of the changes to come lit by one window wall which should not
could be traced to a seminar held in London be exceeded if the room is to maintain a
in early 2019, with the then new European predominately daylit appearance; and the
Standard EN 17037 presented by CEN annual probable sunlight hours (APSH) test,
members and Paul Littlefair of the BRE. which determines the maximum amount of
While highly informative, the question direct sunlight hours available to a window
and answer (Q&A) session revealed some across the year, expressed as a percentage
concerns felt among attendees — namely of the total sunlight hours available to that
that the complex calculations may not only window without obstructions.
take considerably longer to complete, but In accordance with RICS guidance note
the targets may be even harder to meet ‘Daylighting and Sunlighting’,15 most practi-
than those already deemed unachievable in tioners typically used complex 3D computer
higher-density areas. It was hardly surprising modelling techniques and specialist anal-
then, that, when put to the vote as to how ysis software to undertake these tests, but
the new standards should be addressed by for those without access to costly com-
updated BRE guidance, the majority of puter software, there remained the option
attendees opted for a ‘hybrid’ adoption of to perform the calculations on paper using
the new methodology, with the option to skylight indicators/sunlight availability indi-
revert to previous methods if needed. cators (and a lot of patience). This allowed
Now, three years later, it appears the unof- for greater transparency in the verification
ficial ‘grace period’ is over, with tried and process (for planning officers and interested
tested BS 8206 methods replaced entirely by members of the public, for example) and
new BS EN 17037 methodology. It remains also gave greater control during the design
to be seen how well the industry will adapt process, as relatively simple formulas such
to the new methods, and in particular, how as for the ADF and room depth tests could
local authorities will react to the unfamiliar be reverse-engineered to provide designers
methods when faced with determining the with the parameters needed to achieve the
outcome of much-needed new development desired target values from the outset, thereby
in application sites where the new targets are removing the need for multiple ‘trial and
inherently unachievable. error’ cycles of redesign and reassess, saving
time and money for developers.
Not one of these tests (in the context of
NEW DEVELOPMENTS: A CHANGE new development, at least) has survived the
FOR THE BETTER? BRE’s update. BS EN 17037 methodology
The 2011 edition of the BR209 followed is adopted in full, with the ADF, DD and
BS 8206 methodology for assessing the room depth tests replaced by the spatial
provision of daylight and sunlight within daylight autonomy (sDA) test (whereby a
proposed buildings, including the average particular lux level is to be achieved across at
daylight factor (ADF) test, which meas- least 50 per cent of the room area for least
ured the average indoor illuminance on the half of all daylight hours across the year, and
working plane within a room, expressed as a minimum value is to be achieved across
a percentage of the outdoor illuminance on the remainder of the space), or the median
a horizontal plane; the daylight distribution daylight factor (MDF) test (where a day-
(DD) test or ‘no sky-line’, which measures light factor [DF] equivalent to the given lux
the area of the working plane with access values is to be achieved across at least 50 per
to visible sky; the room depth test, which cent of the room area). BS EN 17037 gives
determines the maximum depth of a room target lux values for ‘minimum’, ‘medium’

Page 358

and ‘high’ levels of compliance, taking into rooms assessed collectively, and compliance
account geographically specific climate data figures could simply be provided on a ‘per
(sun and sky conditions that are derived from dwelling basis’ on the reasonable assumption
standard meteorological datasets). The UK that there would be just one main living
Annex of the BS EN 17037 provides equiva- room per dwelling).
lent DF targets for specific room types (albeit In addition to daylight and sunlight, addi-
DF does not take climate data into account). tional considerations such as ‘view out’, loss
The assessments continue to use the CIE of radiation to solar panels and solar con-
Standard Overcast Sky, as per BS 8206; vergence have also been introduced in the
however, externally and internally reflected revised BR209. ‘View out’ is a test to ensure
light must now also be taken into account that building occupants (particularly those
under BS EN 17037 guidelines, significantly required to be indoors for long periods, and
adding to the assessment preparation time. at fixed locations, such as office workers) can
Interestingly, with new daylight methods feel more connected to the outside world.
now introducing an annual ‘time’ factor, the The ‘view out’ test comprises three compo-
reverse applies for sunlight amenity, with the nents: width of view, distance to view and
previous annual metric now replaced by target layers of view. Again, a range of targets is
sunlight hours to be achieved by a habitable provided for the three components, allowing
room on a single day (the BRE adopts 21st for a classification of ‘minimum’, ‘medium’
March, the spring equinox, for consistency). and ‘high’ level of compliance. While 3D
As with daylight, a range of target values computer modelling and complex computer
is given to represent ‘minimum’, ‘medium’ analysis using specialist software would be
and ‘high’ compliance. Notably, under 2011 preferable for these tests, the option remains
guidelines, the previous targets applied pre- for manual (albeit labour-intensive) on-site
dominantly to the main living spaces within measurements and calculations to be used.
a dwelling, whereas BS EN 17037 allows for It is widely considered that the ‘view out’
the target values to be achieved by at least test is not likely to be required for residen-
one habitable room in each dwelling, regard- tial buildings (with the potential exception
less of use (albeit it is considered preferable of sheltered accommodation, where resi-
for the compliant room to be the main living dents may be less mobile), but could this
space). Somewhat of a double-edged sword, now mean that commercial buildings can
this change may allow greater flexibility no longer reasonably be excluded from
in allowing new developments to comply amenity considerations for new develop-
with guidance now that a non-compliant ment applications?
main living room will no longer render a
dwelling ‘inadequate’ (so long as at least one
other habitable room meets the guidance); NEIGHBOURING AMENITY: A
however, a greater level of technical input LIGHTER TOUCH?
will likely be required — particularly in As may come as somewhat of a relief to
large multi-unit developments — to assess some (but perhaps to the disappointment
not just every habitable room in a dwelling of those hoping for a more progressive
(seeing as it may not be obvious which of the approach to the limitations of previous
habitable rooms, if any, will achieve compli- BR209 guidance), assessment methodology
ance prior to analysis), but to configure the in the revised BR209 guidance remains
computer analysis on a ‘per dwelling’ basis to largely unchanged for the effect of new
enable results to be interpreted accordingly development on daylight and sunlight levels
(previous practice would see all main living to existing surrounding buildings, as well

Page 359
BR209: Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight

as adjoining development land. The pre- under the old guidance, is vulnerable to sig-
liminary ‘3x distance to height’ ratio and nificant adverse effects that have an impact
’25-degree line’ screening tests still apply, on the overall amenity of the room, but may
and where potential adverse impacts are sus- go unreported due to the ‘main window’
pected, the vertical sky component (VSC), remaining unaffected (particularly where the
DD and APSH tests remain in use. ‘main window’ is not site-facing, and in such
The revised edition does, however, appear cases is often not even assessed). Revised
to have presented the opportunity for the guidance partly addresses this issue by speci-
BRE to offer clarity on some of the more fying that windows further than 5m apart in
common ‘misinterpretations’ of the guid- a through-lit room cannot be considered to
ance, and, presumably, put an end to selective mitigate loss to one another.
application of the methodology. (The BRE New guidance is also given for calcu-
are regularly appointed by local authorities to lating the ‘proportional’ VSC according to
peer-review applicants’ daylight and sunlight glazing area for windows of different sizes
reports, and such ‘tricks of the trade’ applied serving the same room, ensuring the effect
on occasion by practitioners to support some on each window is judged according to the
of the more ‘ambitious’ schemes clearly have relative contribution of daylight to the room.
not gone unnoticed.) New guidance also addresses horizontal or
For example, VSC guidance now elabo- sloping rooflights (which were previously
rates on the appropriate approach for rooms often assessed using VSC), stating the need
with multiple windows, specifically where for alternative sky components to be calcu-
a ‘main window’ would experience a sig- lated using specialist software.
nificant loss of daylight. This addition is For sunlight amenity, guidance now
likely to be well received in practice, given clearly specifies that kitchens and bedrooms
that previous guidance focused heavily on need not be assessed (except for specific
the ‘main window’, leading to the assump- circumstances where the bedrooms also
tion that a room would remain compliant comprise living space, ie in studio apart-
so long as the ‘main window’ does not fall ments or bedrooms in a retirement home),
below numerical targets, regardless as to loss which will be a welcome clarification for
suffered by other windows serving the same many. That said, this may be considered a
room which could be obstructed without contradiction of new guidance in relation
consequence, and vice-versa, penalising to new developments, which now considers
rooms with a main window affected that all habitable rooms in a dwelling rather than
would otherwise remail well-daylight via just the main living space (albeit on the
unaffected secondary windows. Further, as basis that only one of the habitable rooms
the BRE provided no definition of a ‘main in a dwelling, regardless of the room type,
window’, this was often assumed to be the need comply, and the main living space
window with the largest glazed area, albeit is ‘preferred’ in any event). As with VSC,
this may not always be the main source of further guidance is given on applying the
daylight into the room (particularly in the calculations within rooms served by multiple
case of glazed balcony access doors, which windows.
despite often having the largest glazed area Guidance now also specifies how the
often contribute very little in terms of day- assessment data should be presented: ratios
light to the room due to the restriction of of VSC, DD and APSH results are to be
balconies in front/overhead). In such cases, given to at least two decimal places (or as
the main source of daylight into the room a percentage), presumably to prevent any
may be a smaller, unobstructed window that, favourable ‘rounding up’ (or down) of figures

Page 360

when comparing against the benchmark of say 12m2, this would presumably require
0.8 times the former value. over 500,000 calculations to be processed.
The additional energy consumption cost
of the new methods should therefore not
CHANGE AT WHAT COST? be overlooked, albeit it could be argued
In each case, the new assessments for new that this is far outweighed by the envi-
development (and it could also be said, the ronmental benefits of future development
revisions for existing building assessments) becoming considerably less dependent on
require significantly more time and equip- electric lighting, if the new standards are to
ment investment than their predecessors; be successfully achieved.
users will need access to (and proficiency Far greater cost implications, however,
in) costly 3D computer modelling soft- may arise through the inability of develop-
ware and specialist analysis plug-in software ments to obtain planning permission at the
to be able to undertake the assessments. appropriate density for the site, if the new
It appears to no longer be possible for targets cannot be achieved yet are strictly
planning officers or local residents affected enforced. While it remains to be seen how
by developments to undertake their own local authorities will approach the guidance
quick-check calculations or verify analysis (particularly in urban areas, where previous,
submitted in support of a planning applica- less stringent targets were already difficult
tion without employing the services of a to achieve), it would appear that the revised
specialist themselves. targets are less attainable than those they
The 3D computer model environment replace.
will need to be built to a higher level of A comparison study undertaken by the
detail (much of which will require manual technical team at Hollis using both BS 8206
input), and the outputs following assessment and BS EN 17037 daylight and sunlight
will contain significantly more data (again, methodologies for a residential development
much of which will require manual inter- in an urban area confirms as such, with a
pretation). That is all before considering the proposed development of 39 habitable rooms
computer processing power and hardware achieving an ADF compliance rate of 95 per
needed to handle the data-intensive com- cent when assessed in accordance with BS
puter models and calculations. 8206 methodology. This same development,
A seminar held earlier in the year by a when assessed in accordance with BS EN
leading software provider confirmed that, 17037 methodology for the DF test, resulted
using a central processing unit (CPU), an in a significantly reduced compliance rate of
sDA analysis for a new development con- 56 per cent.
taining c.600 habitable rooms would take While it could be argued that the
approximately 6.5 hours to complete (for lower reflectance values applied in BS EN
comparison, the ADF and DD assessment 17037 methodology are to blame for such
methods for the same number of rooms reduced daylight performance, a further DF
under the former guidance would take a test undertaken for the same development
matter of minutes to complete). This is not applying reflectance values to match that
surprising, given the sDA method requires of the ADF test resulted in a DF compli-
assessment of the lux levels at hourly intervals ance rate of 82 per cent, demonstrating in
for all daylight hours in a year, to be under- this case that the new targets are harder to
taken at every ‘grid point’ on a working achieve (albeit this is likely to vary on a
plane spaced approximately 0.3m apart. For case-by-case basis, with alternative design
a single room of modest proportions of or more forgiving site conditions potentially

Page 361
BR209: Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight

showing less disparity between compliance for the radiation received before and after
rates under the old and new guidance). the development (assuming that the cells
are not wired in series, so that the module
can withstand a degree of overshadowing
SOLAR ENERGY: A TIMELY without impairing the function of the entire
GESTURE? array), which vary depending on the incline
Perhaps the most opportune addition in the angle of the panel from the horizontal.
revised BR209 is the guidance on calcu- Reductions beyond these minimum ratios
lating loss of radiation to solar panels. The are deemed ‘significant’, warranting spe-
effect of new development on solar panels cialist analysis and advice beyond the scope
was thrust into the spotlight with the High of the BR209.
Court ruling in William Ellis McLennan vs Conversely, the addition of guid-
Medway Council and Ken Kennedy (2019), ance on solar convergence in the revised
where the claimant sought to overturn plan- BR209 highlights the perils of too much
ning permission granted to his neighbour solar irradiance in the built environment.
on the basis that his neighbour’s proposed Solar convergence issues became a ‘hot
extension would overshadow, and therefore topic’ (quite literally) in 2014, when the
interfere with the electricity production of concave glazed façade of 20 Fenchurch
the photovoltaic panels installed on his prop- Street, London (better known as the ‘Walkie
erty. Prior to the court action, the claimant’s Talkie’) gave rise to ‘hot spots’ of concen-
objections raised at planning were dismissed trated reflected sunlight, causing damage
by the council on the basis that such issues to parked vehicles and stationary objects in
are not a material planning consideration its path. The new guidance recommends
due to being private interests. Nevertheless, a maximum level of solar irradiance of
the judge considered that the contribution 10 kW/m2 that should not be exceeded
(however small) that private solar panels at any point and provides lower maximum
make towards tackling climate change is levels for occupied spaces and street level.
in fact in the public interest (as supported Assessment methodologies are not provided
by regional and national planning policy, (with users urged to seek assessment and
he argued) and therefore the impact of advice from a specialist, if required), and
new developments on the ability of solar only descriptive guidance is given to assist
panels to produce heat/electricity is indeed with avoiding solar convergence through
a material planning consideration. The plan- design, and how to recognise where solar
ning permission for the defendant’s proposed convergence may occur.
extension was subsequently overturned. Furthermore, revised BR209 does not
In light of this case, it can be reason- appear to have adopted daylight glare prob-
ably assumed that planning authorities will ability (DGP) methodology and guidance
increasingly seek to understand the impact provided in BS EN 17037 (a test to ensure
of new development on nearby solar panels, that spaces are not overexposed to direct
and revised BRE guidance now provides or reflected sunlight during the expected
an initial check to establish whether loss time of occupation), which again requires
of radiation is likely to be significant, and specialist software to perform the complex
therefore whether expert advice will need calculations (albeit non-compliance with the
to be sought. The guidance recommends targets in BS EN 17037 appears easily recti-
the APSH test to be undertaken at the fied, with manually or automated shading
centre of each panel in the first instance, devices able to effectively mitigate the
and provides recommended minimum ratios problem).

Page 362

It can be reasonably concluded that the (1) Littlefair, P. (2011), ‘BR209 Site Layout
revised BR209 will present challenges ahead Design: A guide to good practice’, 2nd
in terms of both assessing daylight and sun- edn, BRE.
light in accordance with new methodology (2) British Standard Institution (2008
and achieving the new targets within pro- [withdrawn 2019]), ‘BS 8206-2:2008
posed developments. Lighting for buildings. Code of practice
for daylighting’.
While the BRE should be applauded
(3) British Standard Institution (2019), ‘BS
for advocating for better-quality homes and
EN 17037:2018 Daylight in Buildings’.
encouraging energy efficiency by utilising (4) House of Commons Library (February
natural light in buildings without caving in 2022), ‘Research Briefing: “Tackling the
to the pressures of an industry seeking relaxed under-supply of housing”’.
targets to assist with tackling a chronic (5) House of Lords, Select Committee on
housing shortage, many may consider the Economic Affairs, ‘1st Report of Session
revised guidance a missed opportunity to 2016–17, HL Paper 20 Building more
unshackle local authorities from restrictive homes’.
targets that inhibit their ability to approve (6) Greater London Authority (March
new developments providing much-needed 2016), ‘Housing Supplementary Planning
housing, particularly in city centre locations Guidance’.
(7) HM Government (June 2022), ‘The
where, next to amenities such as public
Building Regulations 2010, Approved
parks, transport and proximity to leisure,
Document O, Overheating Mitigation’,
work and retail facilities, the provision of 2021 Edition.
daylight and sunlight typically registers fairly (8) London First and GIA (May 2017),
low on the list of priorities for city dwellers. ‘Guiding Light: Unlocking London’s
Ultimately, while targets designed to Residential Density’.
improve living conditions and steer the (9) Ibid, p. 5.
built environment towards a more sus- (10) Ministry of Housing, Communities and
tainable future should be welcomed, there Local Government (2018), ‘National
remains the need to address the challenges Planning Policy Framework, 2018’,
faced not only by developers in tacking (superseded).
the uncertainty of the planning process (11) The Town and Country Planning
(Permitted Development, Advertisements
when embarking on development projects
and Compensation Amendments)
in higher-density areas, but also by local
(England) Regulations 2019.
authorities in supporting such schemes (12) European Committee for Standardization
(with the threat of judicial review behind (CEN) (2018), ‘EN 17037 Daylight in
every discretionary decision to accept ‘sub- Buildings’.
standard’ daylight and sunlight on balance (13) Defoe, P. S. and Thompson, A. D.
with wider benefits provided by new devel- (September/October 2020), ‘BS EN
opment). With the revised targets, this fine 17037:2018 Daylight in Buildings – A
balancing act only looks set to continue, Critical Review’, Daylighting Magazine,
and those who may be disappointed at the Issue 24.
lack of ‘olive branch’ offered by the revised (14) Ibid, pp. 16–17.
BR209 can at least take relative comfort in (15) RICS Professional Guidance UK (October
2012), ‘Daylight and Sunlighting’, 1st
the fact that, by and large, it appears to be
Edition Guidance Note.
‘business as usual’.

Page 363

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