Jkuat Funded Research Projects

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S/No. Title of the Project Principal Investigator/Department Amount Approved (Kshs.) Total Status
1. Yellow Oleander Prof. J.Keriko/Chemistry 6,000,000 2,435,4 On-going
(8,032,000 –Amount requested) 98
2. Determination of Lipids contents, Prof. J.Keriko/Chemistry 4,020,115 4,020,1 Completed
fatty acids composition, the levels 15
of EPA and DHA in some common
fish species found in Kenyan
3. Development and evaluation of Prof. J.Keriko/Chemistry 706,029 706,02 ”
anti aging cosmetic product 9
derived from plants and ruminant
oil extracts.
4. Medicinal Plants Prof. G.Njoroge 2,080,000 1,050,7 Stalled
5. Modeling the influence of land use Mr. F. K. Kigira (MSc student, BEED) 2005 90,000.00 90,000
changes on soil erosion and dam
siltation in Thika River catchment
6 The use of Satellite Remote Mr. M. K. Muuo (MSc student, BEED) 133,220.00 133,22 Completed
Sensing (SRS) and Geographic 0
Information Systems (GIS) to map
the trend of spread of invasive tree
species, Prosopis ssp.
7 Study and improvement of Mr. Titus T. Kadere (PhD student) 2005 631,000.00 547,05 Completed
alcoholic beverage (Mnazi). 9
8 Application of GIS-based models Mr. S. K. Ng’ang’a (MSc student, BEED) 150,000.00 150,00 Completed
for water resources management in 0
Kaiti watershed
9 Development of solar charcoal Dr. J. T. Makanga (BEED) 1,014,468.00 14,468 Completed
cooler for storage of far produce in
marginal areas of Kenya
10 Social economic impact of Mr. K. Mwikamba (RPE) 600,000.00 600,00 Completed
unemployed agricultural extension 0

workers: A case study of Thika
district in Kenya
11 Determination of the lipid Prof. J. Keriko (IEET) 4,020,115.00 4,020,1 Completed
contents, Fatty acids composition, 15
the levels of EPA and DHA in
some common fish species found
in Kenyan waters
12 Screening and analysis of herbal Mr. Peter G. Kareru,CHEM (PhD student)
2006 400,000.00 400,00 Completed
plants traditionally used in 0
Helminth parasite control in
ruminants: a case study of Embu
and Mbeere districts in Eastern
13 Epidemiological survey and Dr. Francis K. Njonge, RPE (PhD student)
2006 600,000.00 600,00 Completed
control strategies of 0
gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) of
cattle in Kirinyaga district.
14 Utilization of natural products Mr. Edwin B. Oluoch (PhD student) 2006 600,000.00 Stalled
from tropical plants biodiversity in
the control of HIV-1 infection
15 Gravity and magnetic Mr. Githiri G. John (PhD student) 2006 150,000.00 150,00 Completed
investigations of greater magadi 0
16 Design of solar cells for charging Prof. D. Mulati (Physics) 2,833,440.00 Completed
cell phones and other low power
electronic devices
17 Evaluation of 1-methyl cyclo- Prof. F. Mathooko (FST) 4,500,000.00 4,500,0 Completed
propene as a tool for extending the 00
post harvest storage life and
quality of mangoes and tissue
culture bananas
18 On the spectra of triangular and Dr. J.R. Akanga (Mathematics & Statistics) 600,000.00 600,00 Completed
almost triangular matrices as 0
operators on bvo, by and c spaces.
19 Development and evaluation of Prof. J. Keriko (IEET) 706,029.50 706,02 Completed.
anti-aging cosmetic product 9.50
derived from plants and ruminant

oil extracts
20 Optimization of cultural practices Dr. A. Watako (Hort.) 800,585.00 - Completed
of field grown small holder
summer flowers in Kenya: studies
of mobydick
Screening of Medicinal plants for Dr. E. Magiri (Biochemistry) 488,290.00 488,29 Completed
the activity against human 0
ineffective trypanosomes
21 Field evaluation of seeds of Dr. M. Makobe (Botany) 835,800.00 835,80 Completed
somaclonal variants in search of 0
salinity tolerant sorghum
(Sorghum biolar (L) Moench) for
growth in arid and semi-arid
regions (ASAL)
22 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on Prof. L. Gitonga (Zoology) 1,254,600.00 1,254,6 Completed
thrips population dynamics and 00
their management using
Entomopathogenic Nematodes and
Anthociric preditors on French
beans in Kenya.
23 Evaluation, documentation of Dr. C. Onyango (FST) 942,040.00 941,98 Completed
indigenous plants used in 0
processing and preservation of the
livestock products amongst the
pastoral communities in Kenya
24 Isolation of antibiotic and enzyme Prof. H. Boga (Botany) 3,206,000.00 120,00 Ongoing
producing bacteria from termite 0
25 Prospecting for a biofertilizer in Dr. V. N. Matiru (Botany) 4,230,000.00 1,368,7 Ongoing
banana endophytic bacteria 04
26 Calibration of lime requirement Dr. E. Njue Mugai (Hort.) 2,919,120.00 1,037,6 Ongoing
tests for acid soils of Kenya 96
through maize yield and
development of a quick liming test
kit-intermediate and appropriate
technological innovations for
enhanced food security

27 Aquaculture Dynamics in selected Prof. E. C. Mwachiro (Zoology) 1,291,975.00 1,291,9 Completed
Reservoirs of Kenyan Highlands 75
and its effects from Feeder
28 Propagation, Molecular Prof. V. W. Ngumi (Botany) 1,507,000.00 600,00 Needs review of
Characterization and 0 progress
Ethnobotanical Survey of
Strychnos henningsii
29 Commercial and industrial Dr. F. K. Wanzala 3,800,000.00 2,427,2 On going
development of papaya (Carica (Hort.) 46
papaya L.): varietal improvement,
production and processing
technologies for wealth creation in
rural areas
30 Diversity and pesticide- Dr. Gabriel Magoma 1,881,000.00 1,731,0 Completed
Biodegradation potential of (Biochemistry) 00
microorganisms in horticultural
farms in Rift Valley and Central
31 Formulation of innovative Prof. C. K. Njoroge 2,583,500.00 1,369,2 On going
processing technology for herbal (Food science) 80
medicine and fabrication of allied
32 Controlling Rift Valley Fever Dr. Juliette Rose Ongus (ITROMID) 4,500,000.00 - On going
Virus Using RNA Silencing
33 Enhancing travelers’ safety and Eng. Maina Kiambigi. 1,463,000.00 521,00 On going
comfort: planning of rest stops on (Construction Management) 0
Kenyan highways
34 Marketing of Eggs in Kenya: An Prof. F. Njeruh, SHRD 4,500,000.00 - On going
Investigation into Price
Interrelationships between the City
of Nairobi and other Major Urban
PANCAKE (Portal for Free and Dr. Stephen Kimani 2,317,500.00 64,980 Stalled.
Appropriate Computer Science (ICSIT)
Research Resources for Kenyans).
35 Evaluation of capillary wicks for Dr. John M. Wesonga 1,788,888.00 926,79 On going.

use in irrigation for intensive (Horticulture) 5
horticultural crop production in
36 Antischistosomal activity of Dr. Helen L. Kutima 1,084,750.00 900,00 On going
medicinal plants from Kakamega (Zoology) 0
in laboratory mice infected with
Schistosoma mansoni.
37 Characterization of three Prof. Mabel Imbuga, BOTANY 3,027,980.00 On going
plasmodium falciparum proteins,
P. falciparum glycogen synthetase
– 3 (PfGSK – 3), P. falciparum
casein kinase 1 (PfCK- 1) and P.
falciparum 14-3-3 (Pf 14-3-3) and
the response of Pf GSK -3, PfCK1,
PfMRK and PfPK6 to various
38 Towards improvement of Prof. H.Bwisa 1,580,250 1,520,2 On going
entrepreneurship education at SHRD 50
Kenyan universities
39 Improving basmati rice quality and Dr.E.Magiri 1,198,875 600,00 On going
production through Physico- (Biochemistry) 0
chemical and molecular
40 In search of Biomakers for Dr. Naomi Maina 2,601,600 1,395,0 On going
Diagnosis and Staging of Human Biochemistry 00
African Trypanosomiasis
41 Assessment of Water use Prof. Mary A. Onyango, HORT 4,500,000 717,00 On going
Efficiency of Slender leaf 0
(Crotalaria ochroleuca) for food,
nutrition and health security in
42 Toxicological characterization of Dr.J. K.Gikunju 2,000,000* - On going
snake venom from snake parks in ITROMID
Kenya with a view to development
of an effective antivenin
43 Health Information Technology in Mr. Charles Mwabu -ITC 143,875 Ongoing
Kenya. A simulated model for

computer aided home based health
44 Field evaluation of seeds of Dr. M. Makobe- Botany 800,000 240,00 On going
somaclonal variants in search of 0
salinity tolerant sorghum
(Sorghum biolar (L) Moench) for
growth in arid and semi-arid
regions (ASAL)
45 Soil fertility assessment in tea Dr. K.Kinyua - 200,000 200,00 Completed
growing area of Ngere tea factory, Biochemistry/KTDA 0
Thika district
46 Environmentally cleaner Dr. Patrick Mwangi 3,182,306 600,00 On going
utilization of cashew nut shell - Chemistry 0
liquid (CNSL) as an industrial raw
47 Socio-economic effect of Prof. Z.W.Nganga - 3,200,000 300,00 On going
HIV/AIDS on households and its ITROMID 0
impact on nutrition of people
living with HIV/AIDS and
orphaned and vulnerable children
in Thika district, Kenya
48 Developing a method for setting Dr. Kivaa Mbiti - Construction Mngt. 2,524,277.00 - New
long term targets of annual
construction output in Kenya
49 Development of nano structured Dr. E. Gatebe/ Chemistry 4,500,000 - ”
smart delivery systems for
fertilizer and pesticides
50 Studies on growth and flower Dr. Arnold Watako 1,625,550 - ”
quality of Mobydick Horticulture
(Gomphocarpus fruticosa)
51 Soil fertility assessment in tea Dr. Johnson K. Kinyua- 3,590,000 - ”
growing areas of Kenya: Working Biochemistry/KTDA collaborative project.
towards tea fertilizers
52 Rice blast (Magnaporthe grisea) Dr. E. Ateka- Horticulture 4,500,000 - ”
Herbert infectivity dynamics in the
Kenyan rice germplasm
53 Modification of the fatty acid Dr. Arnold N. Onyango FST 4,000,000 New

profiles of farmed tilapia and
catfish for improved health and
livelihood in Kenya
54 Screening Bacillus species from Dr. Gideon M. Kikuvi ITROMID 1,600,000 ”
Rastrineobola argentea (omena)
for production of bacteriocins
active against bovine mastitis
55 Epidemiology and clinical Dr. Simon M. Karanja 3,500,000 ”
characterization of toxoplasmosis Biochemistry
in animals and humans: The case
for Thika District
56 Development of micro satellite Julius Kinuthia Mwangi 4,000,000 ”
DNA markers for application of IBR
wildlife forensics in Kenya
57 Improvement in mango production Dr. Daniel N. Sila 4,000,000 ”
and value addition: Towards FST
increased marketing, food
sustainability and security

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