Global Conflicts

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Acher, Noah, Gina and Aitor

Global Conflicts

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Consequences of
Some of the consequences of conflicts are that
people die, there are wars, people have to move from
one place to another, the countries have an
economical and negative developement impact.

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People suffer
One example of conflict in which people has die is in mines, more than
15,000 miners are killed every year - and this is just the official number of
The total death toll since the war began has risen to 5,087 killed in the
conflict of Palestine.
four to five million die each year of people every year, especially children, die
of thirst.

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People migrate
Spanish authorities say 1,325 migrants reached the country's Canary Islands off the
western coast of Africa by boat this weekend.
12.6% percent of the French population is immigrants, people move to France to
have more life opportunities.

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Economical and negative
development impact.
The war in Ukraine has sparked the world’s fastest, largest displacement
and economical crisis in decades.

South Africa has been declared in a state of disaster due to electricity

shortages, it is the country with the most economic debt at the moment

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Lack of Resources
783 million people do not have access to clean and safe drinking water
globally according to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals

The DRC continues to be at the center of the biggest hunger crisis in the
world, one that's poised to affect 25.8 million people this year.

In Africa food crisis more than 160 million people are going hungry

tonto el que lo lea

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Explotations of people and minerals cause lack of heath, education and


In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, some minerals are exploited, such as
diamonds, gold, copper, cobalt, cassiterite (tin ore) and coltan, as well as timber,
coffee and oil, people are also exploited.

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