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The Laryngoscope

© 2023 The Authors. The Laryngoscope

published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on
behalf of The American Laryngological,
Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

Non-Type 2 and Mixed Inflammation in Chronic Rhinosinusitis and

Lower Airway Disease

Austin Heffernan, BMSc ; Amir Shafiee, BSc; Teffran Chan, MD; Sydney Sparanese, BSc;
Andrew Thamboo, MD, MHSc, FRCSC

Objective: The aim was to discuss the role of non-type 2 inflammation in patients diagnosed with chronic rhinosinusitis
(CRS) and comorbid lower airway disease.
Data Sources: Medline, Embase, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, TRIP Database, ProQuest, Clinicaltrials.
gov, Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, government and health organizations, and graduate-level
Review Methods: This scoping review followed PRISMA-ScR guidelines. Search strategy was peer-reviewed by medical
librarians. Studies were included if they utilized airway sampling, non-type 2 cytokines, and patients with CRS and lower air-
way disease.
Results: Twenty-seven from 7060 articles were included. In patients with CRS and comorbid asthma, aspirin-exacerbated
respiratory disease (AERD), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)/bronchiectasis, 60% (n = 12), 33% (n = 2),
and 100% (n = 1), respectively, demonstrated mixed or non-type 2 endotypes. Comorbid CRS and asthma produced type
1 (n = 1.5), type 2 (n = 8), type 3 (n = 1), mixed type 1/2 (n = 1), and mixed type 1/2/3 (n = 8.5) endotype shifts. AERD
demonstrated type 2 (n = 4), mixed type 2/3 (n = 1), and mixed type 1/2/3 (n = 1) endotype shifts. CRS with COPD or bron-
chiectasis demonstrated a mixed 1/2 (n = 1) endotype shift.
Conclusion: Type 2 disease has been extensively reviewed due to advent biologics targeting type 2 inflammation, but out-
comes may be suboptimal due to the presence of non-type 2 inflammation. A proportion of patients with CRS and comorbid
lower airway disease demonstrated mixed and non-type 2 endotype shifts. This emphasizes that patients with unified airway
disease may have forms of inflammation beyond classical type 2 disease which could inform biologic development.
Key Words: chronic rhinosinusitis, endotypes, mixed inflammation, non-type 2 inflammation, unified airway disease.
Laryngoscope, 134:1005–1013, 2024

INTRODUCTION 2 inflammation. The former is defined by serum

The unified airway concept (UAC) is a theory that eosinophilia (≥300 cells/uL) and elevated IgE levels (≥250
proposes shared pathophysiological mechanisms among ug/L), while the latter can be further subdivided into type
pathologies in the respiratory tract that span from the 1 and type 3 inflammatory endotypes.1–3 The majority of
paranasal sinuses to the distal bronchioles. These patho- literature defines type 1 biomarkers as IFN-γ and TNF-α,
physiological mechanisms define endotypes which have while type 3 biomarkers mainly include IL-17A and
become more prominent in the management of upper and IL-22.3–11 Similarly, asthma can be subdivided into two end-
lower airways over recent years. Currently, chronic otypes: T2 high and non-T2 asthma. The T2-high endotype
rhinosinusitis (CRS) inflammatory endotypes are predom- has been well delineated based on biomarkers including air-
inantly classified into type 2 inflammatory and non-type way eosinophilia, blood periostin, FeNO, and allergen-specific
IgE levels.12 On a pathophysiological basis, there has been
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative
significant discussion on a shared type-2 inflammatory mech-
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distri- anism in CRS and lower airway diseases.13–15 One review by
bution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is Li et al. stated that “IL-5 high” CRS is the upper airway
properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
From the Division of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, counterpart to “Th2-high” asthma in the lower airway.15 This
Department of Surgery (A.H., A.S., T.C., S.S., A.T.), University of British assertion is supported by biomarkers of Th2 inflammation in
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. nasal polyps being significantly correlated with Th2 bio-
Additional supporting information may be found in the online
version of this article.
markers of asthma and bronchial inflammation.16
Editor’s Note: This Manuscript was accepted for publication on Understanding the UAC and its inflammatory mech-
August 03, 2023. anisms could have a significant impact on the manage-
AAO-HNSF 2022 Annual Meeting-OTO Experience, Philadelphia,
PA, September 10–14. ment of patients with these comorbid conditions.17
The authors have no funding, financial relationships, or conflicts of However, our understanding of the UAC is incomplete, as
interest to disclose.
Send correspondence to Andrew Thamboo, Division of
there is a lack of literature discussing non-type 2 inflam-
Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Surgery, mation in the setting of the UAC. The current literature
University of British Columbia, 2775 Laurel Street, 4th floor, Vancouver, lacks consensus on a shared non-type 2 inflammatory
British Columbia V5Z 1M9, Canada. Email:
mechanism within the upper airway and lower airway.
DOI: 10.1002/lary.30992 Understanding this relationship could better inform

Laryngoscope 134: March 2024 Heffernan et al.: Unified Airway and Non-Type 2 Endotypes
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biologic development which could ultimately make care reviewed by AH and SS, and a final list was presented to AT for
more personalized for patients with chronic rhinosinusitis approval.
and lower airway disease. Therefore, the aim of this
review was to explore the presence of non-type 2 inflam-
mation in patients diagnosed with CRS and comorbid Main Outcomes and Data extraction
lower airway disease. Data were extracted by three authors (AH, SS, and AS) using
a predefined template. The data were collected, combined, and
stored on a password protected spreadsheet. All discrepancies in
data extraction were resolved by the AT. Data included study objec-
METHODS tive, design, number of participants, demographic information, sam-
pling location, lower airway pathology, CRS phenotype, cytokines
Research Question
studied, and change in cytokine expression with presence or absence
Do patients diagnosed with CRS and a comorbid lower air-
of lower airway or CRS pathology. This allowed authors to comment
way disease have higher levels of non-type 2 inflammatory bio-
on the impact of non-type 2 inflammation on UAC in patients diag-
markers compared with patients diagnosed with CRS or lower
nosed with CRS and a lower airway pathology.
airway disease alone.

Preliminary Search RESULTS

A preliminary search on non-type 2 inflammation in the Characteristics of Included Studies
UAC was conducted in Embase and Medline databases which
The search strategy yielded 7060 articles, and 27 arti-
yielded a small number of articles and no review articles on the
cles met inclusion criteria (Fig. S2). More than 80% of
topic. For this reason, a scoping review was conducted, and find-
ings were reported using the PRISMA-ScR reporting guidelines included articles were published between 2015 and 2022.
(Preferred Reporting Items for Scoping Reviews and Meta- The mean age of these participants ranged from 9 to 72, with
analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews). The protocol was regis- 96.6% (n = 30) of articles focusing on the adult population.
tered on the Open Science Framework (OSF) (registration DOI: Five studies did not provide age information.18–22 These
10.17605/OSF.IO/JG3C8). studies obtained biological samples from the airway, 77.7%
(n = 21) from the upper airway, 11.1% (n = 3) from the
lower airway, and 11.1% (n = 3) from both the upper and
Data Sources and Search Strategy lower airways. Among upper airway samples, material
The search strategy consisted of CRS, lower airway dis- included sinonasal mucosa (n = 15), nasal polyps (n = 3),
ease, biomarkers, and their related terms combined with rele- nasal secretions (n = 2), and rhinonasal lavage (n = 1). All
vant Boolean operators (Fig. S1). Lower airway diseases lower airway samples were sputum (n = 3), and combined
included asthma, AERD, COPD, and bronchiectasis. This was upper and lower airway samples were sinonasal mucosa and
peer-reviewed by two medical librarians. Search strategy was bronchial biopsy (n = 1), nasal secretion and sputum (n = 1),
made public on OSF. Databases searched included Medline, and rhinonasal lavage and bronchoalveolar lavage (n = 1).
Embase, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, These journal articles studied CRS comorbid with asthma
TRIP Database, ProQuest,, Cochrane Cen-
(74.1%, n = 20), AERD (22.2%, n = 6), COPD, and or bron-
tral Registry of Controlled Trials, Web of Science Core Collec-
tion, websites of government and health organizations
chiectasis (3.7%, n = 1).
(i.e., Health Canada) and libraries of graduate-level theses.
The search was conducted in January 2022 and repeated in
July 2022. Levels of Evidence
The included studies were given a level of
evidence based on the rating scale published by Oxford
Study Selection Centre for Evidence Based Medicine.23 The level of evi-
All studies were stored on the Covidence systematic review dence ranged from 3 (n = 4) to 4 (n = 23) throughout
management software, which removed duplicates. No restrictions included studies.
were placed on publication date. Inclusion criteria included
(1) human participants, (2) experimental group participants diag-
nosed with CRS and a lower airway disease, (3) control group diag-
nosed with an upper or lower lung disease alone, (4) airway Non-Type 2 Inflammation and the Unified Airway
biological sampling in upper airway and or lower airway, and Patients with comorbid CRS and lower airway disease
(5) studied type 1, 2, and 3 cytokines. Endotypes were defined as showed increased mixed or non-type 2 inflammation on bio-
the following: type 2 cytokines and cells included IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, logic sampling in 56% of studies assessing type 1, 2, and
IgE, and eosinophils.3 Type 1 biomarkers consist of IL-6, IL-8, IL- 3 markers. In patients with CRS and comorbid asthma,
1B, myeloperoxidase (MPO), TNF, IFN-gamma, and macro-
AERD, and COPD/bronchiectasis, 60% (n = 12), 33%
phages.3 Type 3 cytokines included IL-17A, IL-17F, and IL-22.3
(n = 2), and 100% (n = 1), respectively, demonstrated mixed
Additionally, neutrophils may play a role in both type 1 and type
3 inflammations.14 Articles were excluded if they were in vitro or or non-type 2 inflammation (Fig. 1). Isolated non-type
if they did not meet inclusion criteria. These articles were 2 inflammation was more prevalent in patients with CRS
reviewed independently by two authors (AH and SS), and all dis- and asthma. Populations studied in Asian, western, or
crepancies were resolved by the senior author (AT). After title and Russian countries with CRS and asthma demonstrated dis-
abstract screening, the full texts of shortlisted articles were tinct mixed and non-type 2 inflammatory endotypes (Fig. 2).

Laryngoscope 134: March 2024 Heffernan et al.: Unified Airway and Non-Type 2 Endotypes
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Fig. 1. Predominant cytokine endotypes in upper and lower airway diseases from studies that investigated type 1, 2, and 3 biomarkers.
(A) CRS + asthma: type 1 n = 1.5, type 2 n = 8, type 3 n = 1, mixed types 1 and 2 (Type 1/2) n = 0, mixed types 2 and 3 (Type T2/3) n = 0,
mixed types 1, 2, and 3 (type 1/2/3) n = 9.5. (B) AERD: type 1 n = 0, type 2 n = 4, type 3 n = 0, mixed types 1 and 2 (type 1/2) n = 0, mixed
types 2 and 3 (Type 2/3) n = 1, mixed types 1, 2, and 3 (type 1/2/3) n = 1. (C) CRS + COPD/bronchiectasis. Mixed types 1 and 2 (type 1/2)
n = 1. The “0.5” values refer to one study where there were two clusters of patients, each with a different endotype. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

Endotypes in Comorbid Chronic Rhinosinusitis in upper and lower airway samples (Table I) (Fig. 1). The
and Lower Airway Pathologies “0.5” describes inflammatory endotypes of two clusters of
Patients diagnosed with both CRS and asthma dem- patients studied by Hoggard et al.30 Zhang et al.30 and
onstrated type 2 (40.0%, n = 8),10,20,24–29 type 1 (7.5%, Hoggard et al.31 depicted a type 1 endotype; however, dif-
n = 1.5),30,31 type 3 (5.0%, n = 1),32 mixed types 1 and ferent cytokines were elevated in the sinonasal mucosa of
2 (T1/2) (5.0%, n = 1),33 and mixed type 1, 2, and patients with CRSwNP and asthma. Zhang et al.31 dem-
3 (T1/2/3) (42.5%, n = 8.5)11,14,18,19,30,34–37 endotype shifts onstrated a significant elevation in TGFβ while Hoggard

Fig. 2. Predominant endotype in patients with asthma and CRS based on geographical location from studies that investigated type 1, 2, and
3 biomarkers. (A) West: type 1 n = 0.5, type 2 n = 5, mixed types 1, 2, and 3 (type 1/2/3) n = 3.5. (B) Asia: type 1 n = 1, type 2 n = 3, type
3 n = 1, mixed types 1, 2, and 3 (type 1/2/3) n = 4. (C) Russia: Mixed types 1 and 2 (type 1/2) n = 2. The “0.5” values refer to one study where
there were two clusters of patients, each with a different endotype. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.]

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Studies Examining for Cytokine Endotypes in CRS and Asthma.
Biomarkers different from Predominant
Author, year n UA Phenotype (s) Sampling controls Summary of findings endotype LOE

Saitoh, 2010 51 CRSwNP UA: SM IL-17A, eosinophils, IL-17A correlated with eosinophils Mixed (1–3) 4
neutrophils but not neutrophils. All three
biomarkers were significantly
elevated in CRS and asthma.
Hoggard, 2018 110 CRSwNP UA: SM • SC5: IL-8, CD68+ Type 1 and mixed endotypes seen Type 1 4
macrophages in subject clusters diagnosed
CRSsNP Mixed (1–3)
with CRS and asthma
• SC6: IL-5, IL-6,
neutrophils, CD68+
Huang, 2016 30 CRSsNP UA: SM IL-17A IL-17 was elevated in smokers Type 3 4
with CRS and asthma.
Yamamoto, 2007 16 CRSwNP UA: SM Eosinophils, IL-4, IL-5, IL- Eosinophils, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 Type 2 4
13 were elevated in CRS and
asthma compared with CRS
without asthma.
Ryu, 2019 179 CRSwNP UA: SM ECP, MPO, IFN-γ, IL-17A Refractory CRSwNP with asthma Mixed (1–3) 4
is more likely to have elevated
ECP. MPO, IFN-γ, and IL-17A
were also elevated.
Chen, 2017 53 CRSwNP UA: SM • Increased: IL-25, IL-5, Patients with asthma + NP: type 1 Type 2 4
CRSsNP and eotaxin 3 and 2 cytokines decreased and
increased, respectively. IL-25
• Decreased: IFN-γ
was elevated
Riccio, 2002 35 CRS UA: RL IL-4, IL-1B, IL-6, IL-8, Type 1 and 2 cytokines trended Mixed (1, 2) 4
neutrophils, and higher in patients with CRS and
monocytes/ asthma partly independent from
macrophages atopy
Tomassen, 2016 262 CRSwNP UA: SM • SC9: IL-17, TNF-a, Type 1, 2 and 3 inflammations Mixed (1–3) 4
IL-22, IL-5, ECP, IgE, developed more frequently in
MPO, IL-8 patients with comorbid asthma
• SC10: IL-5, ECP, IgE,
Wei, 2018 69 CRSwNP UA: SM IL-5, IgE, ECP Type 2 inflammation was Type 2 3
increased in patients with
recurrent CRSwNP and asthma
Dyneva, 2019* 4 CRSwNP UA: SM IL-17F, IL-13, IFN-γ Type 1, 2, and 3 inflammations Mixed (1–3) 4
were increased in patients with
CRSwNP and allergic or non-
allergic bronchial asthma
Wu, 2017 106 CRSwNP UA: SM Eosinophils, IgE Type 2 inflammation in sinuses Type 2 3
was correlated with asthma
severity and was consistent
between UA and LA
Stevens, 2019 25 CRSwNP UA: SM CLC, ECP Type 2 inflammation occurred in Type 2 4
group with highest CRSwNP
and asthma comorbidity
Dyneva, 2020* 96 CRSwNP UA: SM IL-6, TNF-alpha, TGF- Mixed type 1, 2, and 3 Mixed (1–3) 4
beta, IL-10, IL-5, IL-13, inflammations were induced in
IL-17f, IL-37 non-allergic asthma and CRS
Van Zele, 2014 36 CRSwNP UA: SM IL-5, ECP Type 2 inflammation was higher in Type 2 4
those with recurrent CRS and
Zhang, 2008 105 CRSwNP UA: SM TGFβ Among Belgian patients with CRS Type 1 4
and asthma, type 1
inflammation was increased
Paggiaro, 2019* 91 CRSwNP UA + LA: NS, Eosinophils Severe asthmatics showed higher Type 2 4
CRSsNP Sputum eosinophils in group with higher
proportion of CRS
Hakansson, 2015 33 CRSwNP UA + LA: SM BB IL-13 Type 2 inflammation was Type 2 3
significantly elevated in
bronchial biopsies in the CRS
+ asthma group. NP and
bronchial type 1/2 inflammation
were associated.


Laryngoscope 134: March 2024 Heffernan et al.: Unified Airway and Non-Type 2 Endotypes
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Biomarkers different from Predominant
Author, year n UA Phenotype (s) Sampling controls Summary of findings endotype LOE

Nishio, 2019 57 CRSwNP LA: Sputum Neutrophils, eosinophils Type 1/3 (neutrophils) and type 2 Mixed (1,2, and 3) 4
(eosinophils) cytokines increase
with severity of CRS in setting
of comorbid asthma
Forster-Ruhrmann, 2022 91 CRSwNP (75%) UA: SM, NP SC5: IL-5, ECP, TARC, Type 1/2/3 mixed inflammatory Mixed (1–3) 3
PARC, eotaxin, MIP1α, endotype developed in patient
MPO, IL-22 cluster with highest proportion
of asthma and CRSwNP
Huang, 2022 143 CRSwNP LA: Sputum SC3: IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, Mixed 1, 2, and 3 inflammatory Mixed (1–3) 4
CRSsNP IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-17, cytokines were elevated in
and IL-33 patients with uncontrolled
asthma and comorbid CRS

BL = bronchoalveolar lavage; BB = bronchial biopsy CRS = chronic rhinosinusitis; LA = lower airway; LOE = level of evidence; NSAID = non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drug; NS = nasal secretions; NP = nasal polyps; pNP = primary nasal polyps; RL = rhinonasal lavage; rNP = refractory nasal polyps;
SC = subject cluster; SM = sinonasal mucosa; UA = upper airway.
*Grey literature.

showed a significant elevation in IL-8 and CD68+ macro- 2 (eosinophils) biomarkers in patients diagnosed with
phage levels. A type 3 endotype shift was also demon- COPD and CRS compared with COPD alone. A similar
strated in one study, with IL-17A being significantly elevation was demonstrated in those with CRS, COPD,
elevated in the sinonasal mucosa of Taiwanese patients and bronchiectasis; however, the elevation in IL-8 did not
with both asthma and CRSsNP.32 Mixed endotype shifts reach significance.43
were also prevalent in this patient population. This
includes the T1/2 (n = 1) endotype demonstrated by Ric-
cio et al.33 with elevations in IL4, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-1B
from rhinonasal lavage. The T1/2/3 endotype was particu-
larly prevalent (n = 8.5), with the following biomarkers Endotypes in Comorbid Chronic Rhinosinusitis
being elevated by 3 or more T1/2/3 studies; type 2 markers and Asthma
(IL-5, IL-13, and eosinophils), type 1 markers (IL-6, MPO, The limited evidence in CRS and comorbid
TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma) and the type 1/3 marker, asthma demonstrated a predominance of non-type 2 or
neutrophils.11,14,18,19,30–37 The T1/2/3 endotype shift was mixed inflammation. Zhang et al.30,31 and Hoggard
more prevalent in patients residing in Asia or Russia, due et al.31 depicted a type 1 endotype; however, different
to 44.4% (4/9) and 100% (2/2) of studies in each respective cytokines were elevated in the sinonasal mucosa. This dif-
location demonstrating a T1/2/3 endotype shift (Fig. 2). ference could be caused by the different array of cytokines
Only 27.7% (2.5/9) of studies conducted in western coun- being studied (Table I). However, geography could play a
tries demonstrated a T1/2/3 shift (Fig. 2). Atopy was role as Zhang et al.31 and Hoggard et al.30 were conducted
reported by Huang et al.37 in patients with a T1/2/3 mixed in China and New Zealand, respectively.44 Geographical
endotype; however, a T1/2/3 endotype shift occurred in a differences in cytokine expression within the same CRS
study by Riccio et al.33 independent of atopy. endotype has not been comprehensively studied.
Patients diagnosed with AERD demonstrated type A type 3 endotype shift was also demonstrated in
2 (n = 4), T1/2/3 (n = 1), and mixed type 2, 3 (T2/3) the sinonasal mucosa of Taiwanese patients with asthma
(n = 1) endotype shifts (Table II). Among patients with and CRSsNP.32 This endotype could be related to the lack
type 2 endotype shifts, elevated biomarkers included of nasal polyps which is supported by Stevens et al., who
ECP, eosinophils, and periostin shown in uncinate tissue, demonstrated a higher proportion of type 3 inflammation
nasal polyps, rhinonasal lavage, and sputum samples.38–40 in CRSsNP than CRSwNP.10,32 There was limited evi-
Upper and lower airway eosinophilia were correlated in dence for CRSsNP (n = 1) and asthma in this review, so
this patient population. Two studies on AERD described it is difficult to confidently discern the impact of nasal
mixed inflammatory endotype shifts, T1/2/3 and T2/3.41,42 polyposis on non-type 2 inflammation. It is possible that
Scott et al.41 demonstrated a shift to the T1/2/3 endotype nasal polyposis plays a predictive role when placed in a
through significant elevations in type 1 (IFN-γ) and type model consisting of multiple variables.30,45 Interestingly,
2 (IL-5 and IL-13) cytokines. San Nicolo et al.42 demon- being in Taiwan may have influenced this study’s type 3
strated a T2/3 endotype, which shared with Scott et al.41 endotype shift, as Staudacher44 demonstrated a higher
elevations in type 2 cytokines and the type 3 cytokine: proportion of type 3 inflammation in patients from Bei-
IL-17. jing when compared with Europe, Australia, and the
Patients diagnosed with CRS and COPD or bronchi- United States.44
ectasis demonstrated a T1/2 (n = 1) endotype shift In patients that had a mixed endotype shift, there is
(Table III). Yang et al.43 demonstrated this T1/2 endotype likely a unique unified airway inflammatory mechanism
through elevations in type 1 (IL-6 and IL-8) and type due to Håkansson et al.29 demonstrating an association

Laryngoscope 134: March 2024 Heffernan et al.: Unified Airway and Non-Type 2 Endotypes
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Studies Examining for Cytokine Endotypes in AERD.
Biomarkers different from Predominant
Author, year n CRS Phenotype Sampling controls Summary of findings endotype LOE

Stevens, 2015 56 CRSwNP, CRSsNP, AERD UA:UT, RL • Increased: ECP, MCP-1, Type 2 cytokines and cytokines Type 2 4
GM-CSF potentially involved in eosinophil
survival (GM-CSF) and activation
• Decreased: IL-10, SDF-1α,
(MCP-1) were elevated in AERD
Brescia, 2020 135 CRSwNP, AFRS, AERD UA: SM None (did not reach No significant differences, but cluster Type 2 4
significance) with elevated AERD was mainly
eosinophilic by histology
Scott, 2021 139 CRSwNP, AERD UA: NS IL-5, IL-6, IL-13, IFN-γ Type 1 and 2 cytokines elevations Mixed (1–3) 4
differentiate AERD from CRSwNP,
but the former also has features of
type 3 inflammation 1, 2, 3
Contro, 2020 144 CRSwNP, AERD UA: NP Eosinophils Type 2 cytokines (eosinophils) tend to Type 2 4
be elevated in AERD, but not in
non-eosinophilic CRS or asthma
San Nicolo, 2020 104 CRSwNP, AERD UA: NS IL-17, eotaxin Type 3 (IL-17) and type 2 (eotaxin) Mixed (2, 3) 4
cytokines were elevated, and type 1
inflammation was downregulated in
patients with AERD compared with
healthy controls and NP alone
Jakiela, 2021 54 AERD UA + LA: Eosinophils, periostin Type 2 cytokines were more elevated Type 2 4
RL + BL in AERD than in NSAID-tolerant
asthma (NTA). UA eosinophilia was
correlated with LA levels.

AERD = aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease; AFRS = allergic fungal rhinosinusitis; BL = bronchoalveolar lavage; C = cluster; CHES = chronic hyper-
plastic eosinophilic sinusitis; CRS = chronic rhinosinusitis; LA = lower airway; n = total sample size; NP = nasal polyps; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drug; NS = nasal secretions; RL = rhinonasal lavage; SM = sinonasal mucosa; UA = upper airway; UT = uncinate tissue.

between nasal polyp and bronchial type 1 and 2 inflamma- factors impacting non-type 2 and mixed endotypes in
tory cytokines. Additionally, all three endotypes can occur patients with CRS and asthma is a novel area of study
simultaneously in the UAC with T1/2/3 endotype shifts that requires more attention.
being depicted in sinonasal mucosa and sputum samples.
The prevalence of the T1/2/3 mixed endotype shift
could be impacted by nasal polyposis, geographical loca- Endotypes in Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory
tion, and atopy. Nasal polyposis could influence the Disease
T1/2/3 endotype due to this being the predominant As expected, type 2 was the predominant endotype
endotype in 65% of studies focusing on CRSwNP and shift in AERD.38–40 Upper airway and lower airway eosin-
asthma and 0% of CRSsNP and asthma studies. Addi- ophilia were also correlated, which provides support for a
tional research is needed as there was only one study unified inflammatory process in AERD.40 A comprehen-
focusing on patients with CRSsNP and asthma.32 Inter- sive discussion of type 2 inflammation in AERD was not
estingly, the T1/2/3 endotype shift was more prevalent in the focus of this study.
patients residing in Asia or Russia than in western coun- Despite AERD being a classically type 2 disease, two
tries (Fig. 2). The cause for this geographical difference in studies described mixed inflammatory endotype shifts.41,42
endotype proportions could be related to the unique Scott et al.41 demonstrated a shift to the T1/2/3 endotype,
weather, pollen, and pollution.46,47 Lastly, atopy is com- while San Nicolo et al.42 demonstrated a T2/3 endotype
monly associated with type 2 inflammation, but there is shift. Scott et al.41 was the only AERD study to demonstrate
mixed evidence regarding its prevalence in patients with elevations in the type 1 cytokine, IFN-γ, which could be
a T1/2/3 mixed endotype.18,19,33,37 Furthermore, the related to eosinophils expressing IFN-gamma in patients

Studies Examining for Cytokine Endotypes in Comorbid CRS and COPD or Bronchiectasis.
Author, year n Phenotype Sampling Biomarkers different from controls Summary of findings Predominant endotype LOE

Yang, 2017 136 CRS LA: sputum IL-6, IL-8, MMP-9, eosinophils Type 1 and 2 cytokines are significantly Mixed (1, 2) 4
elevated in patients with CRS and COPD
and CRS, COPD, and bronchiectasis
compared to patients without CRS

AERD = CRS: chronic rhinosinusitis; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; LA = lower airway; n = total sample size.

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with AERD.22,48 The similarity in geographic location and lack of rhinorrhea, while non-type 2 inflammation is defined
sampling techniques can explain the inflammatory congruen- by pus in the nasal cavity.10,31,53,54 Additional studies are
cies, but the differences lack an explanation.44 Understanding needed to identify more clinical features that differentiate
that inflammatory patterns are not homogenous amongst type 1, 3, and mixed inflammatory endotypes.
AERD patients could help explain discrepancies in time to The optimization of CRS endotyping could allow for bet-
polyp recurrence and biologic initiation, but its impact on ter selection of biologics. Currently approved biologics in
the response to biologic agents remains controversial.49 Canada for CRS target type 2 inflammation (e.g., dupilumab,
This statement is based on one clinical communication mepolizumab, and omalizumab). There could be some
which emphasizes the need for additional studies. benefit of using these drugs in patients with mixed
inflammation that includes type 2 inflammation;
however, studies on this are lacking. Biologics for
Endotypes in Comorbid Chronic Rhinosinusitis non-type 2 inflammation could also benefit patients
and COPD or Bronchiectasis diagnosed with CRS and comorbid lower airway dis-
Patients diagnosed with CRS and COPD or Bronchi- ease. These therapies include type 1 specific biologics
ectasis demonstrated a T1/2 endotype shift. The causes for (Canakinumab (anti-IL-1B), Sirukumab (anti-Il-6), and
these cytokine elevations could be related to age, smoking Fontolizumab (anti-IFN-gamma)) and the type 3 specific
status, and nasal polyposis. The population studied by biologic ixekizumab (anti-IL17A). 55–58 There is a lack
Yang et al.43 was over 70 years of age and had a high pro- of literature describing their use in CRS but, there
portion of cigarette smokers which could have influenced could be a theoretical benefit to patients with non-type
the inflammatory endotype. This is supported by Ryu7 who 2 or mixed endotypes. Currently, only tezepelumab, an
demonstrated that smokers with eosinophilic nasal poly- anti-thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) monoclonal
posis had age-associated increases in type 1, 2, and antibody approved for use in severe asthma, has the poten-
3 inflammatory mediators.7 Nasal polyposis remains a tial to treat both non-type 2 and type-2 inflammation in
potential confounding factor; however, no conclusion can CRS.59 This is under the assumption that TSLP’s role in
be made due to this study’s lack of nasal endoscopy. Fur- CRS is similar to that of asthma where it is a common
thermore, additional studies are needed to better under- upstream regulator of type 2 and non-type 2 inflammation.60
stand mixed inflammation in this patient population. Tezepelumab is currently not approved for use in CRS but a
phase 3 efficacy and safety study (WAYPOINT) in patients
with severe CRSwNP is in progress.61 Studies on non-type
Implications for Practice 2 biologics in CRS are needed to achieve precision medicine
This review demonstrates that there is a paucity of data in CRS management.
on the impact of comorbid CRS and lower airway disease on The results should be assessed knowing that this
non-type 2 inflammation. Based on limited evidence, patients study had limitations. A risk of bias analysis was not
with CRS and comorbid lower airway pathologies demon- completed, but the level of evidence was provided. Gluco-
strated shifts to non-type 2, type 2, and mixed endotypes in corticoid use prior to sampling was not controlled for in a
both the upper and lower airways. Type 1 was predominant majority of studies, which could impact inflammatory
in a small number of articles studying upper airway samples endotypes. Most studies did not include healthy controls
from patients with CRS and asthma living in the West or which prevented this study from determining the overall
Asia (Fig. 2), whilst type 3 endotype shifts were seen in inflammatory endotype. Therefore, endotypes listed in
patients with CRS and asthma from Italy or Taiwan (Fig. 2). this study are endotype shifts relative to isolated upper
Additionally, a large proportion (47.7%) of studies demon- airway or lower airway disease rather than absolute end-
strated mixed inflammatory shifts. These mixed endotypes otypes. Lastly, most lower airway samples were sputum
were demonstrated in AERD, comorbid CRS and asthma, which is not a pure lower airway sample due to contami-
and comorbid CRS and COPD. Endotyping patients with nation by upper airway secretions.
CRS and COPD is a new practice that is based on proteo- To improve the literature on non-type 2 and mixed
mics, sputum microbiome, and cytokines, with minimal inflammation in CRS, the following recommendations
research on its impact on CRS endotypes.50–52 should be considered. Prospective studies with larger sam-
This demonstrates the need to conceptualize CRS ple sizes are needed. The location of airway sampling and
inflammation as a continuum of type 1, 2, and 3 endotype use of steroids should be controlled due to their impact on
profiles. These include type 1, type 2, type 3, T1/2, T1/3, inflammation. The remaining concomitant treatments
T2/3, and T1/2/3 inflammatory endotypes with different should be recorded to mitigate confounding. This medica-
inflammatory endotypes being expressed at different levels. tion choice and inflammation will be influenced by CRS
Utilizing this framework of a proportional endotype predom- severity, which should be measured in future studies.
inance may help rhinologists explain why specific patients Patient geographical location, environmental factors (aller-
do not respond optimally to targeted biologics. This classifi- gens, pollution, weather, etc.), and ethnicity should also be
cation remains academic until we can validate these con- included in the discussion of patient endotypes. Addition-
cepts clinically. Standardized inflammatory endotyping for ally, bronchioalveolar lavages should be used over sputum
every patient at academic institutions could help improve to obtain a pure lower airway sample. Lastly, when study-
the quality of future studies. Regarding clinical signs and ing CRSsNP, ethmoid mucosa should be sampled as it was
symptoms, our understanding is limited to type 2 inflamma- the only location to yield cytokine differences when com-
tion being associated with allergic mucin, hyposmia, and a pared with healthy controls.62

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