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2016 E.



Instructor: Mr. WUBISHTE PROGRAM –Regular
Target group: 1ST&2nd Year Maximum mark: 50%
Date of examination: Time allowed: 50 min

Any attempt for cheating will result in complete dismissal of your marks
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Name:______________________________ _ID: ____________Dep: ____________ Add:

Part-I: Choose the best answer from the given alternative [each 2pts.]

1. Fallacy premises contain assumptions which are not supported by evidence

A. Against the person B. Appeal to force C. Fallacy of relevant D. Appeal to pity

2. GONDER university is one the best universities in Ethiopia because the entry door is so
impressive and the area has ample wall around the compound. This fallacy is _______.

A. Equivocation B. Fallacy dichotomy C. Suppressed evidence D. Fallacy of ambiguity

3. Have you stopped learning? This fallacy is_______

A. Begging the question B. False dichotomy C. Suppressed evidence D. Complex question

4. A solder can protect from any force. But wind force is a force. Therefore an army can
protect from wind force. This fallacy is____

A .False cause B. Amphiboly C. Fallacy of grammatical analogy D. Equivocation

5. An arguer distorts or miss represents the argument of his opponent as a weaker version
so as to attack it easily. This fallacy is _______.

A. Accident B. Straw man C. Missing point D. Red hearing

6. OXE and Hoarse have many similarities. Both enjoy being around people, they beg for
food in morning s, and they sleep on their own sheds. OXE love sun light. Therefore
hoarse probably loves sun light too. This fallacy is ______ A. weak analogy B. false
causes C. Hasty generalization D. snobbery

7. BLACKE Dog crossed my path and later someone stole my money .It must be that
black dog are bad luck .This fallacy is_______.
A. Appeal to unqualified authority B. Accident C. False cause D. red herring

8. MR. Bekele advocates for a policy of increasing financial spending for agriculture but
we have to reject his argument for the reason that he is a federal agriculture office coordinator
and would benefit financially from such a policy. This fallacy is________
A. Fallacy of ad hominem tuquoque (you to) B. Fallacy of ad hominem circumstantial
C. Appeal to people D. False cause

9. Famous Ethiopian singer Aster wear a new brand human hair thus, if you want to be like her,
you will be buying that human hair. This fallacy is ______
A. Appeal to snobbery B. Appeal to vanity C. Appeal to bandwagon D. Straw man

10. Variety of false cause fallacy is______

A. Fallacy relevant B. Fallacy of ambiguity C. Fallacy of presumption D. Slippery slope

Part-II: TRUE OR FALSE (1pt)

1. Superiority bias is standards of critical thinker person .
2. Logical correctness is barriers of critical thinking.

3. Accuracy is a matter of being exact, accurate and careful.

4. Critical thinking is thinking unfairly and thinking dependently reflecting idea

5. Fallacies of weak induction is depend on ambiguous word and phrases

6. Fallacy is a deficiency or logical problem that occurs in argument

7. Completeness is a standard of critical thinking.

8. The truth seeking principle is not committed to search truth.

9. Uncritical thinker regards problem and controversial issues, troubles or threats to their ego.

10. Ego-centrism is the tendency to see reality as one group- center thinking
Part-III: Matching (each 2pt)
1. Weak Analogy A. Recognizing their limitation
2. Fallacy of ambiguity B. Standard to critical thinking
3. Accuracy C. Tendency to over rate one self
4. Appeal to Bandwagon D. Fallacy
5. Critical thinker E. Accept every people believes reality
6. Unwarranted assumption F. Barriers to critical thinking
7. Superiority bias G. Insignificance Similarity
8. Opposite of logic H. Genuine Information
9. Precision I. Depends words and phrase
10. Wishful thinking J. Granted without evidence

PART- III: Give Short Answer (5pts.)

1. Least and define five of fallacy of Relevance?

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