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19.D4e6 = Blomenical Signal Processing ve | { | Analeg algoul pascecsing ~ Fitters, nectiplens | Dita ene eee) = CoImpALrAA MAA D caren Bl eas | Adventoges ef DEP over Aer: D DEP allows splectbtlity tb Aetingigis niag the Aigfted signal operation by changing the Poepnere 2 Reconfiguration > Replace of hon dwore | Redesign of haadeuare. 2 hffita) ig nad con be east by manupulated ,fittesed | ad analysed with paectston using alegeniten [prong bettes fy and ateleaey ‘ | D Digital aystem an less suecptible for nolee jae for more Aobust algnal thanemiesion and jarenare 5) DSP enables fmplementation Y complese algoaithars and dophiatfcated Ahyoad Proceesiog technique that I impractical fo analy afar Note In oader to Aemove legle Bequeny voage & 5eHz) We Use notch Zilter, 29° Power Une Interference. Se Apptica tion q DsP: o Medical Tinegig (url, xR pusenserrd2: © Tt helps fp iinage enhancement , nolse nee | feature eztaaction « ° Titering , aaligac Aemoval . e pectnd abneamalities « Real time prreessle « e Jelemeditine and Aemote meniteatig eee ‘conveaton assigns the unigue bioy number to tach quantization level kSampting theorem : Tt States that the band Uimitted Aignal xc) having a fioite energy ‘ashfoh hes low Apectaum Conypren ent highea than f, can be roconrtaneted jer its samples taken at a Aate of Pfr 0% mone parples pr pecone + Finite wenal length effect : Th pep pintte cwoad dengtd oct rspors & the imitations ip post hy Mprecrtiog the Gen) pumbus with a zinke no- ef bits . 23P abpoabtims ane malray used in, digital sys like cligital Computers. Jo Leital “golem the ne pb Couppietents axe Atosed ‘in finite length neglaters ey 1b bit, g2.bft.. But fo DsP alaoatthm the nes and _ Compt Cents, ane very tagge ene’ so we have te quantize the no. ard cooppictente af fitter Using LAuncation pa | | founding Hh mesnor 4) dimit yele excl 4 | Male | be ey be bit Listed data b bit bene a 2b | oleslacol hespense. I \ | Ban. ® Paooluct quantization CAIDA, DCoefpiient quantization emor- Anises due to the pAcwss querticteg pitter Coepidients. Tp the fitter conppickents om quantised Classification af err: » Toput quantization 2Aaor 3 Coeppidient quanbizallon e404 jabion - 2D Input quantization ener: Ps Continuous Buantised i g 2g(N) = Xy ln) — x60) 2 Product quontization eaoa: 2b bier | Truncation fraud o}) In a “yate? meineny b bf ft can Abe Bai] bite olata he tune) [aourd) bb bits. The Baton acquired duaing this toe i Called pacduect quantization roa. The the poquency Ausponce gq the pitter Aiges paem the t intaoduce cog kefent quaottzafel | Limit ek exeftlaton | A tow level eecflahion that can exist fn | | a stable filter as a Aesult af pen- fas sity | gasoctated vith grounding /iauncabieg ipternel pittet coletation. There age tive types Dy Zeno input lini it eycle oacitlabon y Overflow Foput Limit apele escillablops . » Lo Aen ety 62 when the Yp Zero on | edoston’ nen- READ procbsation value the .ner- Hreaatty & due fe adlthmatic opeaation caube pertodic cécillation & eceur in e/p. Such isShlatton ane called Zero input Uri oyele esdllation . | 2 Jo peed pole addition the evesflow « eccuts when tbe sum exceeds the finite coos legen q “the | peofeten cap used tb ivan the sum, the overtiow fn lead bb acéilatter in the ofp. such addition m ele eacillablar lpsciltatfon is called overplow input Umit @ DTET- Spectrum fs venta ous & lz pounes Taney "Der - spectra he discrete jo zen) nce? b | DT a oo es a a es ‘piscrete spectrum s ‘ ‘ any graph with rep as sare e o _ fwn x0) aE xCme a neo Oigference between DFT 4 DteT. ‘The ponies tanapoam dla sequence Zep) i defioed a, 2 fen cee = 2 xuyje eT n=-@ | ee, ts Arscacte 4ignal xO be & tentinucus jo ¥ w. | Aince xe fe periodic £ continuous can be | sampled with the een preg equal te an fide ges mitple of Fts peafod . Hence pourtes than, 4 discrete Algal Computed only at Adisciste polrts is called discacte pourter taanspoam DFT. DFT Ib an algeaPthen whieh Computes KCetwy only at diswute values gy we. FT fe denetecl by | \xca) . xCH) is obtained & 44 sampting ce”) at N Aq ually Apoced prints. | per is developed te convert diseaste time eho, | te discrete spectAum 4 the let: | ia by eons ete} | x(K) 2 Bieetinye oe ‘ | no | | | ian Wyaee 8 Wy Tuiddle pocter Nor Ki D> [KD = Z enw i” gp Ke Oly. Ned n=e Tort fs Ghen by, Mw a KONE Oe EXCH) Wy Wee, \Matatz scledtion ’-fos computing DET 2 DET Jopales “50% Str- in yhod 5 Der 4 Nol an XCK) = A 700) Wy X(K) = z cna” x CA) = 9 C0) Wa, eee + xeewe XC) = x COW, + x' cy wp" the perfodie "ey cle) Wy” ? | jen yXlo) = x00) + x C3) = pepe 2 é xCt) = %lo) + 703) We = rt XQ) = ‘ ‘ xQ@ay> ro) a 2x00) Wa” ae we 2 mene Bx ce)” iso lo) = XCODWE FEOYWey tees KCNA Wy XC) = LOWE + XWWhe--- Lewis we . pel acnet) XO) = xCoWy TX Wy -+ > KCN) Wy OND) Ener = C0) Wy HED Wy NS en) We rae tie ays: ‘ « Xlo) wy Wa Waies at oe © 1 ce, xe A) We Wy ie I 2 ‘ 4 | | xe |e : ie : [ha is ue Eien xcvey} La We | : ae Joclors vp Det Tuytaale matt Ty neh, n=oba , nrete® we Ww, WE wy 2 wh, Re 6 Nowe owe We fe 4 wy wp wh for TDFT, wey] PWS WS Whew t) oe a we wel i xu) ; ee Sete Xo) We Was + Wy A | y Neh , Heo tos , neoteg Sa Rene Powe We ye a we wee Wet gt fs 3 4 4 wee We wah | Muttipeeton ote DFTS 4 cfxeulat eonvelutfon : | toovelub’on fo Hime demain is muttiptisation fn | qeaveng aemoin . : Linear wovelution 7 * Gacular conveluttien > © Clacufas convetublon properties Atates thot (0) and %10n) ake fintte dusation sequences bot 4 Length © with DETS X,CK) and #1. ¢H) then , a, Cry © Kato) 5, OH) KCK) Jo jinzar Convelubton, Tn cfAtular convelubten XyCO FH, Kalra A, Ae FM Th Sacutas wonveluhen fy nS No we odd O,-Ps no. | Tero samples Yo the sequence xc) at the end and Ff M202 a add Mi, ne gf ew 4areples ip the sequen x,¢n) at the end. xen) = f Lard, bemMf 1} + XCP) xb CA) 1,3,2,-1f-2,-2,-) 2-2-1 : cB | AS » Compute near conveliution of 2 Aequence , | X10) af lengt D, Samples and xg¢n) with | Leng th ne samples - (gy Corapute length Le} the Aesutk ef Len 2) Compute Mor Length ef mend Lowe tn) Ue) N= Max, | + Compute eg ‘serve Fe be padded te FC Aesult pe2(n-2) 5 | 6) Pad P te.) Fates eo the send” ep rtervetatfon Aeoult, length of tenvelubibn Acsult a N, = E+P Te tempute Cautlar conveluten .ef 2 4a uenm add 0% ample t hy, gomple ef tonvelush'on qesult & then add {6 sample to Ny +1 Zampl 4 tenvulutfon Aceult aod Hupeot the process - | Prélm -1 jag = J 9, 21% mcm Lr0, 23 pst ie Hol | Yir=%tn) Q xn) tg) oe Yo = tA TE HH Eh | | | » | yors tItht8 = 1b yeas. bt heat? = 1h Daz tl tera =ib 1 xen)= sen) +eSC etd geben Sy Bo Find A pe. DET 4 xen) wy] gr {the 4 pt diveular eonvulubon ep xen) with isett Fra dire and pe DFT ¥. yew). Sein: 5 7 xe wy Wy wh WE TL xe0) xy [of we Wh WE WP xa) Le) wy we WR fl oD ig xe J [wh we wh wy JL? Jor DFT, Mise |ene We esl t ee as ‘ : xtny= $1022 41% inte ead) 2 | 1 fd eles! \ Mat xtw= |! ; Nie) 1 4 ’ et pa ved W Ytoy= xen? ® FOS olution tn TD HY muttiplcation in Fp yew) = XK» XCK) yo 2S yoo onde Ss pe g 5 Yee) Wa re gory ae i yl) ee + k “efi 4 | or : aj o%04) ee 4 = lf & y 4 an g Compute Uacutar tonvelutton belweor fottowing Beg wences vata DAT & TDFT. Oa feb D eZ i crepe coe F Ayn 2-8 “|, : | a ia7t am ty : j Ge sale: ech) 4 <> xCH) CK) xt) Xora“ lieal . 1 i) 2 yet) ia , Po lane F C3) ee 40 w= phe ~2t0) -2 ss, Y(o) ets tl =I. yw fof ts me ae Pole [tctoaie| a ye) Ae deste) an oat Ytw)= | o-2f 2 2+2§ Ben) = KO ® yg) zn) © x0K: ¥CH) Zz = ° a-3] = J ae [ 2 | uh ~9-2f 2+9i =S too aj -y ~8f ' 1 wie ro ; -2b,- 28,~ 2b, 28} - Die Fe = -1-8-9-8 =-2b 4s A+ ~Sr8-3-8 B= ” " How ts obtain dfnedr: ennvalution from cinculow convelutien m0) Aeen> u My MAL (m1) Zeros + eh) Add Om~1) zer PA p en Chreular Cony | [near fitesiog using DFT rp Sequence tn) |Add =i le m : Eo eee -peiat]_x xe) of beng oy ede] Sguer eee “finite Fittersequence dtc) Aa EV LDN point 4 length M ky eequence DFT Hos) Pes q oevery tong Requence : To paacteal apptfeation o% eeme acioss Unena grientg + Leng dota Sequences . DFT Tovelves ee on block of dato. The block. 4fxe % data should because aateak processpas have Unstted yew | point | 08 jaar | be min imemertt: There ae akinds, 4 Fieron methed , D Overlap gave method Q overlap add methool | 200) @—- 4 +> | Ee L L meta) yin? Fat) 40) Aca) = M append 1-1 weres | mCn) = M-| gereg- | Be) Overlap Sove method : Determine the ee g the new olata ML +M~/ tor@sae, that 1-| Zeree PP btn) and pala M-! Zeros to x Cn) Mp date uence xen) ond appin ding outpar Sequence - Yuen) © x09 © heny Yo(nd = X20) B hay dC) = x50) B hey 1) Overtop add method : her tna YM veres | FPT- Fast Pourier, Transform : ° canes prt in foster manner. © There are 2 types af FFT, YD Decimatton fa The 2) Dedmaton fo Frequeny). Th DFT we have te do N2camplex multiplication | and Non) ne. a additen wwhiesh i not pracheal « but fo ERT Tt requires yj log os compler mauttipLicatlon Ty N=8 then tos have b ao a dedmabiin V0 2%8 . lege? | Dedimatee th me FFT Alypsttben + Ty based on’ decomposition af N point) DFT 4 avidng p Seq uence uintfil tue point’ DPT le obbined), Lat winy 1 0 N point aequerce where Nn tka power } * pedmate this dequence Tk tie dequenes of. Lryth M% One Sequence water a. even fndex and other Consist 4 pdd index sf xtn). cimation * [st stege 4 x Ch) = Zn wet Sen Wy x Ze Even 4 "" (ent kK pe SUN) = Z xtan) ioc +B xczer0 Wy nso integer ina fs even eg 3 “saeyonxte SCR) gon ank Rees Sue = Wy, Jor RKEO, Xo) = GLO) + We Hee) For Het, aye Gc + Wa HO ay “ om ) ok > KR) ZEN My, + We Bx cant Way, Paeirutaevt ano 4 wrt iis qt XR) = G|CKy + Wy HRD OER ENT if al i i" | Where, QUK)= JZ xC2n) We, nee Neel i _ NUK) = "Sx contUWy, nee | | Mea, Xlo)= C2? + We HOD for | for Kea, X(2)= Qt) + We H@) | Gor Heh, Cay GCH+ Wel HE = Glo = WE Hee) | For 45, XC6)= Gow We pl) = GO = We WO) | For We 6, XC) > GUD + WE ACG) = GC2)- We HOD ster ket XOD= gta wl en) = (BI We Rea) ME Gens) EGik) HCH Na) = HOD enn? s4 wy! | ey aff, oben | sect e mu pes 7 © ~F8RK =e c =o Wy a8 te) yae X01) >» X(2) pe X(3) | x@e—P xe d-0 XA) (De pe xCB) | (5) | ao Ao ele) i xcpe |e Lys xen) Wit te 1st any 4, decomposition the ter 10-.e Complex muttiplteabion requited to evaluat N point bronstoam is qr ty i Bay ee AN N 2 NN Gon) age Elz | om stage decimahion C0) of leg Ny fs decimated inte Ny Mt 1, Qtyy= SB xC9n) on n=o A yy Genrvk = g_ etary Wa + z xchnt 2) Wy, n° 1) f an Nyc Gtk) = ZOHO Wy, + We, 2 wechn +2) Wop =o > n= v4 GCK) = PCk) + Wy, aww my Where, Ben) = 2 etary wn me " AW) = Y xcaot9) Wy nee nd for HCH) the odd samnptes 4 xCn) are | tena of | decimated to. % wt Hew = ae f20tt> Wee peo 1 =D! econ wa + 2 acinrss we | n=e iy cay? x 6 om Te COD Way + Wy ZB ACaotD Wy, n=O 62 h47 peay= BCR) + Wy, CCK) (> | BK) = re xCADET Wy peo 26) = 4 seansa) wy ' nee ites the éecnd dlecirnatfen tot fos of vempen fee fequined fo evaluate N pt transform f ach) ‘ea(yegen eee Rape Gu x For K=O, Glor= Pc) Wy Alo) = Pl Wh, BOY for Kel * aly for mr2/ 2) = PCD “ee KID FED wy, aCe) for wa, Glay= PC@t we a® = peu - wh 9 | «cr, ae CC OSASTS zw for K=O / HO) BO) + we elo) hay = Bay my CCD por Rely fer Brey fh (ape B02) + Wye OD = mc0)- iy 660) [© Le pec Res pyr e@ + Wh ecg BD" Mh oe ev F tap oe My) K We Bnew, PCK)= 2_xthnd Way, As n=s ePtay= & xtranwe" =o ‘ pa) = [(xlowe J +(x Ww," J, eekel I eeuss peop = [xCor+ xth) wa J for. Ke! pers [xter HzME] = Cxcop~ xCOWE 7 2 Es es ae DFT VD xy. Pop x cod %CAD xt)— ; n't Alo) = (x2) +2 Wo J Pik ear ge cas he) Quy = [X@- (ewe J oo ub (e357 a6 Ow > (40 eco) = Lxap tcewe) (249 0% eee, Bede [xen ~ xcp.We J eloy= [xtayt xo We J ced = [xcay - x09 we] is ‘ ore YY x (m= 3 Bey 2A, ee xo) efi wr X cas! ft ay Xone Fs Time FFT algonttneo | be “upy=2 A@=S tb)=° ors, a 09) \ Burterwoath — chebyshev amd — Oaal See transfoamaticn Finpulse Pnvariance method | Denplee resp | change fo IIR ‘Trnpulee response ct TER filter ¥% {npinite oa the ofp doesn't becorne Fa past a certain pt. Tr esntains geod back | otauctures, | scl ‘ | yew= gat xen-) — =Zba 860) | The o/P doperts on present ke} post f/p 2 previous o/p - FIR oa the trnpubse | exactly 0 alter geome Hime . Jopinite Toxpuls= Respome 4 CET pinite’ Tmpulse Repoote CFR) FIR usting windows, bameetng codes - onge —> The ofp when there is sudden typ. The impulse eratains all with dame.omp. FIR The Tropulee vesperse Y srem fs Staite ta length Assponee becomes Tt eboesn't Contain feabacke | gtauctuae but contains’ feed gorcoa Ataucl ure: y= Zaixcn-t) The ofp deperds J past Up. present & | a te Hraneform : arena —> XC) actn-l) > Z1x@) neca-wy > 2" xCz) Fer IIR, ~ ” yes Zapxen-iy- 2 byycn) oS ket 4 a - x@- 2 bez ¥@ ial | for FIR, x a | gen Sl ap2eD oye = 2. bw «00-8 | ou Are ‘ . | yo =Z az! —» Zers xty fro Note < a All analog filters ate have TER natu. 4 ita filters have TERK FIR Aesponse. Gtopillly : FER eagem fe stable but ITR 4y stem ton be Steble 04 unstable. FIR system ws stable because the ik no fexd back ATAU UAL . NSE ples on Left > Stoble ple on wight > unsfeble - Frequency Acsporrse © FIR filkers ofpers Lineas phase Acs pense which Aef ers fo a desinable thasacterss bee 4 piltes whew the phase ships frtacduced 4 the price ite diuectty pacponbional b Jarquanr). Unear phase Aus porte fnvelves fo application | whens preset 7 the tele alabreo shdp arrereg | Apperent 9 components a Fe L crucial. © Tre pltess do not provide Linaon phase Ausponse but they og Teens appictent” 40g Acepe ae sharlpg aaa whith ilies with sheap cut Of Charactearsha IIR FIR. Computations! trey 4iclew 0 computational pas qa ts rons eer Fre Es less elontains both poles 2 Contatns ony wean land zeros ond hence | 5, | ene are always stable. lan be Stable 0 1) Uunmtabl. Structure fiealizaboo 4 TIR: Y Pinect poam 2) Ditect qoam F 3) Cascade by Parallel ere errr nrerrermereertnrrne te ae ertnet eee eee |» wfrect form I! | {oo geng is ane) teza xCn-2), i 2) Direct torm Ts a $ Ye. I, we iy x@ (We) xl) Date) Ha pean wipe Baie ) tote=2— — 7 ™, - 14 Z ba® 6) i : eo < bares we wen) 2 2 *xu izo : M wen) = xen) Z ba WOOK) het x0) 7 “e o— inate) )—g— Hurry Leta 6 Tnsteod, Y doing twiee we can sim pliga ft fob dihett fear Ry ee gen wa Ces 27% i : 2 OPO ISE MD | pe alise the S/m with. | pirect form 1,8 & cascade acealization . Ea eat Sdn Ofreit form T Y@) _ oa cies) KZ) tong bo. 122™ | yoottt pig 0-72%°%) = x(z) Coals oasz*)) foverae Z transform , ‘Taking wt oan gen-t) Ory Crea) = 0.3x(n) — o.o1F XCN-2) g ayn) = 0-8 HCN) O.0TE % Cn-2)- Ly tn= ) PO.72y cn-2) ay 6) _>YTS -~S~-S-—S—-—~<~Sséi‘ | fret form YO) . pe (i- 0-982") | wee | ite pace jo cate pag bore? yeap = 0-8 WO) poe WN-2) wen) = oa Went) + ovtaw(n-2) | es —> yn) py Direct fore # | | pense _ og (ite sat) bre B49 | cascade yealizabion: ‘ HD = Nite ee —aeeg— YD wey, 9CheT TO WO xy G0 BaD. Che 4D we oacites et 7 | j- oe! Ben | Hale) = Ano BED. sy @ 14 oa! ; > Yon wm. ba Utese) | J Be, eel Xe) eo z | yin): 28 win) ~ ocreiieh wlnd= xend= 0.9 wlan) | Oo» YO) 2 |- 05%" wt) wih)

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