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Grade 11 Development of the Self and Society

Gender roles and their effects on health and well-being: self, family and society (Post COVID -19)
2x 40min lessons
Week 1 &2

Lesson Time Learner

Content Teaching Plan Resources Assessment
Number Allocation Activities

Introduction &
Gender roles and their effects on health and well- 10min Lesson 1, 2 - PowerPoint (slides 1-2)
being: self, family and society
 Unequal power relations, power inequality, Group Activity on
power balance and power struggle between Group Discussion Lesson 1,2 - PowerPoint (slide 3) Slide 3
genders: abuse of power towards an (Groups of 4-6)
individual (physical abuse), in family (incest)
cultural (different mourning periods for males Individual activity to
and females) social (domestic violence and Lesson 1,2 - PowerPoint (slides 4-5) develop understanding
sexual violence/rape) and work settings Gender Based Violence
(sexual harassment) Watch Case Study videos/2020-07-01/why-gender-based-
 The effects of COVID-19 on unequal power & Activity 1.1 violence-is-so-prevalent-in-south-africa-
1 video
relations between males and females
Lesson 1 – Worksheet Activity 1.1
 Mourning during COVID-19
 Femicide and child abuse during COVID-19
Individual activity Worksheet
Lesson 1,2 - PowerPoint (slide 6)
 Gender based violence during COVID-19: Teach & Activity 1.2 5min Lesson 1 – Worksheet Activity 1.2
Reasons, effects and response
 Domestic violence. Women abuse during
 Retrenchment trends arising from COVID-19 Lesson 1,2 - PowerPoint (slide 7)
on current lifestyle choices Quiz 5min Lesson 1 – Worksheet Activity 2

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Reflection & Intro Lesson 1,2 - PowerPoint (slide 8)
5min Lesson 1 – Worksheet Activity 3

Before the lesson:

Learners to complete any outstanding work not completed in class during the lesson.

Negative effects of unequal power relations on Feedback from Lesson 1,2 - PowerPoint (slide 9) Group Discussion
health and well-being. Lesson 1 5min
 Unequal power relations and COVID-19 Teaching and group Lesson 1,2 - PowerPoint (slides 10 & 11)
 How the weak and vulnerable people in our discussion Lesson 2 - Worksheet
community are treated
 Addressing unequal power relations and Individual activity to Worksheet
power inequality between genders Individual activity & Lesson 1,2 - PowerPoint (slide 12) develop understanding
Group Reflection Lesson 2 – Worksheet Activity 1.1
2  How the effects of unequal power relations in
the context of COVID-19 could be addressed Worksheet
Closing thoughts.. 2min Lesson 1,2 - PowerPoint (slide 13)
 Gender based violence during COVID-19:
Reasons, effects, and management Essay Practice 10min Lesson 1,2 - PowerPoint (slide 14)
(response) Lesson 2 - Worksheet Activity 2

Reflection 3min Lesson 1,2 - PowerPoint (slide 15)

Lesson 2 – Worksheet Activity 3

©2020 Teenactiv 2

GRADE 11 Development of the self in society

Gender roles and their effects on health and well-being: self, family and society


 The Lesson 1,2 – PowerPoint (15 slides) has detailed notes for each slide
that will guide you through the activity. Use the LESSON PREPERATION TO
guide your time frame. The following notes will be a summary of the TWO
LESSONS on the development of the self in society for term 4.

 These lessons have also been set up with worksheets (Lesson 1 Worksheet
and Lesson 2 Worksheet) that learners can complete while working through
the Lesson 1,2 – PowerPoint. Each Worksheet serves as an informal
assessment to determine if a learner understand the concepts covered in a

 As the end of year approaches alarmingly quickly, the learners need to

prepare for the end of year assessment. Included at the end of each lesson
are some sample questions in the form of a quiz that the learners can work
through that embody Exam Section A type questions in Lesson 1 and a
Exam Section C question in Lesson 2.

©2020 Teenactiv 3


Preparation (Prior to Lesson):

 Teachers can share the Lesson 1,2 – PowerPoint and Lesson 1 - Worksheet with
learners to work through on their own if learners are online during this pandemic.
 Print out Lesson 1 - Worksheet and Content Summary (Lesson 1) for the learners.
Hand out at the beginning of the lesson. Worksheets can also be sent as a google
drive link and learners complete the tasks into their workbooks.
 Learners should have their Notebook to make notes where relevant.
 Lesson 1 - Worksheet Memorandum provides answers for teachers regarding the
Lesson 1 - Worksheet.
 Watch the clip

Lesson time:


(Slides 1-2)

 Slide 1: Welcome back to term 4 Gr 11’s. This is an extremely short term and we still
have some work to cover. In the next few lessons, make sure you revise concepts
and understand content as you prepare for your end of year assessment.
Divide the class into groups of 4-6 and hand out Lesson 1 - Worksheet
Let’s get started!

 Slide 2: This term we will start by looking at gender roles.

 Gender roles are the different roles, behaviour and activities that society thinks
are appropriate for women and men. (in short societal roles that men and women
have in a particular society)
 Different cultural groups could also impose certain gender roles or
responsibilities e.g. women may not work and must stay at home to look after the
children, clean and feed the family.

As the educator, make sure:

 Learners must know that the classroom is a SAFE PLACE, and everyone must show
respect for all kinds of differences.
 You could encourage learners to keep a journal to write down all questions that they
are uncomfortable to ask in class.
 Concepts must be used to consolidate your teaching and you should always monitor
the learners’ understanding of the concepts.
 Manage diversity in a sensitive way to accommodate barriers to learning and
- Different learner age groups and experiences
- Language (to accommodate all language levels of learners is not possible, if the
language competency levels of learners is too diverse however you should aim to
facilitate in such a way that meaningful learning does take place.)

©2020 Teenactiv 4

(Slide 3)

 Slide 3: Take a moment to discuss in your groups which roles you see
represented in the imagery A and B. Allow the class a short opportunity to give
feedback. Ask the learners if they agree that these roles reflect a gender equal
society? If not, why not?

3. WATCH & ACTIVITY (10 min)

(Slides 4-5)

 Slide 4: We know that society gives men and women different roles. But
sometimes these roles lead to conflict because of their inequality. Power
inequality means that some people have more rights and opportunities than
 Slide 5: Watch 4:27min
 As a result of lockdown this year we have seen an increase in gender-based
violence around South Africa. This short clip looks at reasons why this violence is
so prevalent. Listen carefully as you will need to reflect on what you have heard
on your Lesson 1 – Worksheet under Activity 1.1.


(Slide 6)

 Slide 6: With an increase in power between people sometimes one person becomes
the abuser. The abuser can harm the other person by treating them badly or harming
them. Let us briefly look at FOUR types of abuses.

 Physical Abuse: this includes physical harm like choking, pushing, beating,
drowning, strangling etc. This could also include intentionally starving a person.
 Family- Incest: This is sexual intercourse between people who are closely
related and would not be allowed to marry by law.
 Cultural-Mourning period: Many cultures have different rituals surrounding
mourning. In some cultures, there are different roles for men and women. E.g.
woman wearing black clothing only during the entire mourning period whereas a
man doesn’t have to wear any particular mourning clothes.
 Social- Domestic violence: This happens when one person is close in
relationship or marriage and tries to dominate the other person. The abuser uses
fear, guilt to manipulate and control.

 On your Lesson 1 – Worksheet provide an example of each of these types of abuse

under Activity 1.2

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5. QUIZ (5 min)
(Slide 7)

 Slide 7: Let’s see how well you have understood the terms covered today. Complete
this activity and mark individually using the Lesson 1 - Worksheet Memorandum
Marking Guideline
 Remind learners that they will need to complete the homework activity

6. REFLECTION (3 min)
(Slide 8)

 Slide 8: Allow 3min for learners to reflect on what they have learnt about themselves
today using Lesson 1 – Worksheet.
 There are no memo answers to these questions. Make sure in this time the class is
quiet. You can even play an instrumental song to encourage a quiting down and
 Explain to learners that they need to complete the Homework activity (on Lesson
1- Worksheet) to practice applying the content from this section.

©2020 Teenactiv 6


Preparation (Prior to Lesson):

 Teachers can share the Lesson 1,2 – PowerPoint and Lesson 2 - Worksheet with
learners to work through on their own if learners are online during this pandemic.
 Print out Lesson 2 - Worksheet and Content Summary (Lesson 2) for the learners.
Hand out at the beginning of the lesson. Worksheets can also be sent as a google
drive link and learners complete the tasks into their workbooks.
 Lesson 2 Worksheet Memorandum provides answers for teachers regarding the
Lesson 2- Worksheet.
 Learners should have their Notebook to make notes where relevant.

Lesson time:


(Slide 9)

 Slide 9: Welcome back Grade 11’s. In the last lesson we looked at gender based
violence and the impact it has had in South Africa as well as considered possible
solutions to this pandemic issue.
 Let’s take a moment to get some feedback from your homework task. Ask FOUR
learners to give feedback. (Be sensitive and do not force anyone as this response
could be difficult for the child.)
 We will continue today to look at gender roles and how they negatively impact an


(Slides 10 - 11)

 Slide 10: Let’s recap shortly before we continue on the negative impact of abuse on
a person’s health. Write into your Lesson 2 – Worksheet …

The physical effects of abuse include:

 Bruises
 Broken bones and teeth
 Rope or strap marks
 STI’s, HIV, AIDs
 Bald spots where your hair has been pulled out
 Burn marks from cigarettes, irons or hot water
 Unwanted pregnancies
 Death

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The emotional effects of abuse:
 Fear of the other person
 Depression
 Fear for your personal safety
 Anger towards the abuser and yourself
 Feelings of guilt because you think you may be responsible for the abuse.
 Afraid to trust other people
 Slide 11: From your homework, we have seen from the feedback that COVID has
had a tremendous impact on retrenchments and general job insecurity. This impacts
the stability of life as we know it.
 The perceived roles that men and women should fulfil within their communities and
cultures also impacts individuals. We often see negative effects of abuse in
communities relating to gender roles. To some communities this expectance of men
or women to fulfil certain roles is completely acceptable. We mentioned some
examples in the last lesson.
In many cultures men and women have different roles during mourning periods
Here are some examples:
- The woman is often isolated and kept apart from everyone else.
- The woman must wear black clothing during the mourning period
- She is forced to drink bitter – tasting herbs
- She is made to feel unclean and the one who brings bad luck.
- In some cultures, she is required to marry the next male relative in the family
without any choice of her own.
- In some cultures, if her parents die and she is under 18 but marrying age, an
arranged marriage can be organised by the new guardian.
 Take a moment to discuss in your group your own experience of negative roles…..
Think of your own family and community


(Slide 12)

 Slide 12: For too long men and women have been told who they can and can’t be.
Take a moment to complete Activity 1.1 on Lesson 2 Worksheet where you re-write
the phrase in the boxes of both adverts. Use the phrase..
 Women can….
 Men can…
 In your groups share your phrases and then using your statements write a group
declaration for men and for women. E.g Men can be gentle and cry and it wont make
them any less manly. Women can be strong, career driven and still great mom’s.


(Slide 13)

 Slide 13: To wrap up the last TWO lessons, remember:

 Don’t be afraid to speak out about abuse. You need to be somebody that tells others
to report abuse. Abusers cannot be stopped if we don’t say something. IF you are
being abused:

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 Go to the police, report it! They can assist you with a restraining order. If you are
under 18 they will put a social worker on your case to assist you.


(Slide 14)

 Slide 14: Let’s see how well you have understood the terms covered today.
Complete this activity and mark individually using the Lesson 2 - Worksheet
Memorandum Marking Guideline. Today you will have 10min to practice an essay
question similar to the kind of question you would get in an end of year assessment.

6. REFLECTION (3 min)
(Slide 15)

 Slide 15: Allow 3min to take a moment to reflect on what they have learnt about
themselves today using Lesson 2 – Worksheet.
 There are no memo answers to these questions. Make sure in this time the class is
quiet. You can even play an instrumental song to encourage a quiting down and

 What have you learnt today about the negative effects of abuse on your

 Why do you think some people find it difficult to report abuse? What advice
would you give them?

©2020 Teenactiv 9

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