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IMCI Final Exam 7.

To be classified as having mastoiditis a child must

have the following signs:
1. A 2-year-old child has had diarrhea for several days. a) Severe ear pain
He is not dehydrated, but the mother is alarmed b) Redness behind the ear
because she saw blood in his stool this morning. Your c) Pus draining from both ears
treatment includes: d) Pus draining from one of the ears
a) Start antibiotic for dysentery and ORS in the 8. What is the cut-off rate for fast breathing in a child who
clinic, re-assess in 4 hours, and give the is 11 months old?
mother ORS to continue at home, advise on a) 60 bpm or more
feeding and fluids, zinc supplement, and tell b) 50 bpm or more
her to return in 5 days. c) 40 bpm or more
b) Start antibiotics for dysentery, give d) 30 bpm or more
antibiotics to take home, give advice on 9. A 14-month-old child with a cough is brought to an
fluids, and tell her to return in 2 days. outpatient clinic. You will assess this child for the
c) Start antibiotics for cholera, give vitamin A, following, EXCEPT.
give antibiotics to take home, and get advice a) General danger signs
on feeding and fluids, and tell her to return in b) Trauma and developmental milestones
3 days. c) Malnutrition, anemia, and immunization
d) Start antibiotics for cholera, advise on status
feeding and fluids, and send them home. d) Common main symptoms such as cough or
2. When a mother is advised to return to a health worker difficult breathing, diarrhea, fever and ear
for her child, it is necessary to tell her when to return problems
for a follow-up visit and when to return immediately. 10. What are two signs that are used to classify severe
When to return follow-up visit depends on the child’s malnutrition?
classification; for example, in the case pf an acute ear a) Visible severe wasting and edema of both feet
infection, the child needs to return in 5 days. The b) Low weight, small arm circumference
mother needs to return to the clinic immediately if her c) Pneumonia and severe dehydration
child is born, EXCEPT. d) Malaria and growth faltering
a) Develops fever 11. A child with a fever plus any general danger sign
b) Is coughing often should be classified as:
c) Has blood in stool a) Very severe febrile disease or severe malaria
d) Is not able to drink or breastfeed b) Acute ear infection
3. If a child has had ear pain and pus draining from the c) Mastoiditis
ear for 10 days and no tender swelling behind the ear, d) Measles
you will classify this child as having: 12. A boy is 20 months old. He has had a fever for 5 days
a) Mastoiditis and a cough for 3 days; he is able to drink, does not
b) Acute ear infection have convulsions, and is not lethargic or unconscious.
c) Chronic ear infection His breathing rate is 51 per minute; there is no chest in
d) Not enough signs to classify this child drawing, stridor, or wheeze. The boy does not have
4. If a child has any of the five general danger signs, you diarrhea, but has a generalized rash and a runny nose.
should urgently refer him to hospital for treatment, There is no clouding of the corner or mouth ulcers. The
when the child is or has boy should be classified as having:
a) Not able to drink or breastfeed, vomiting a) Severe pneumonia or very severe disease
b) Convulsions during this illness b) Measles with eye or mouth complications
c) Lethargic or unconsciousness c) No pneumonia: cough or cold
d) Severe cough d) Pneumonia and measles
5. If a child is less than 5 years of age and did not receive 13. Baby Elga, 4 months old, is not able to breastfeed, and
immunization for DPT-HB as recommended, it is chest indrawing is present. This can be classified as:
necessary to: a) Pneumonia
a) Not immunize at all – because it is too late b) Severe Pneumonia
b) Increase the dose of the vaccine prescribed c) Mild Pneumonia
for that age d) No Pneumonia: cough or cold
c) Immunize the child any time, and give the 14. 14. A child with visible severe wasting or severe
remaining doses 4 weeks apart palmar pallor may be classified as:
6. A follow-up visit in 5 days should take place if a child is a) Moderate malnutrition/anemia
classified as having of the following conditions: b) Severe malnutrition/anemia
a) Pneumonia, pallor c) Not very tow weight no anemia
b) Measles, low birth weight d) Anemia/very low weight
c) Very low weight-for-age and or growth faltering 15. A child who has some palmar pallor can be classified
d) Persistent diarrhea feeding problem and as:
acute ear infection a) Moderate anemia/normal weight
b) Severe malnutrition/anemia abnormal movement, or abnormally Sleepy or difficult
c) Not very low eight to anemia to awaken. What treatment would be appropriate?
d) Anemia/very low weight a) Follow up in 2 days
16. In a sick young infant, which respiratory rate is b) Give an appropriate oral antibiotic.
considered "fast breathing?" c) Refer the infant urgently to a hospital.
a) 40 or more breaths per minute d) Advise the mother regarding how to give home
b) 60 or more breaths per minute care to the infant.
c) 50 or more breaths per minute 22. A 6-month-old boy does not have general danger
d) 70 or more breaths per minute signs. He is classified with: mastoiditis, no anemia,
17. If assessment of a sick young infant reveals and not very low weight. Does he need an urgent
convulsions, fast breathing, severe chest pain in referral?
drawing, nasal flaring, grunting, or a bulging a) Yes
fontanelle, which treatment would be considered b) No
inappropriate? 23. A 7-month-old girl does not have general danger signs.
a) Give the infant the first dose of intramuscular She is classified as having: no pneumonia (cough or
antibiotics. cold), no dehydration, persistent diarrhea, no anemia,
b) Treat the infant to prevent the lowering of his and not very low weight: Does she need an urgent
or her blood sugar level. referral?
c) Advise the mother regarding how to keep the a) Yes
infant warm on the way to the hospital b) No
d) Treat the local infection in the health center, 24. A 9-month-old boy is lethargic. He is classified as
and teach the mother to treat local infections having severe dehydration, no anemia, and not very
at home. low weight. Your clinic can give you IV fluids. Does he
18. The young infant who has diarrhea has two or more of need an urgent referral?
the following signs: abnormally sleepy or difficult to a) Yes
awaken; sunken eyes; pinched skin that goes back to b) No
its original state very slowly (longer than 2 seconds), 25. A 2-year-old girl does not have general danger signs.
How will you classify the diarrhea as dehydration? She is classified as severe dehydration, severe
a) No dehydration malnutrition, and severe anemia. Your clinic can give
b) Some dehydration you IV fluids. Does she need an urgent referral?
c) Severe dehydration a) Yes
d) Severe, persistent diarrhea b) No
19. If the infant with severe dehydration also has a 26. What color is "NO PNEUMONIA: COUGH OR COLD"
possible serious bacterial infection or dysentery, classified as?
which of the following treatments would be a) Green
considered inappropriate? b) Pink
a) Give the infant fluid for severe dehydration c) Yellow
(Plan C: Treat Severe Dehydration Quickly) d) Red
b) Refer the infant urgently to a hospital, with the 27. If the child has wheezing and either fast breathing or a
mother giving frequent sips of ORS on the chest pain, the nurse should:
way. a) Give a trial acting inhaled bronchodilator for
c) Advise the mother how to keep the infant up to 3 times
warm on the way to the hospital b) Refer URGENTLY to hospital
d) Advise the mother to continue breastfeeding c) Assess vital signs
the infant d) Give Vitamin A
20. If the infant who has diarrhea has two of the following 28. Which type of plan would the nurse instruct a child
signs: restlessness, irritability, sunken eyes, or who was classified as having severe dehydration?
pinched skin, it will go back to its original state very a) Plan A
slowly. What is the most appropriate treatment to b) Plan C
give? c) Plan B
a) Refer the infant to a hospital. d) Plan D
b) Give the infant fluid to treat the diarrhea at 29. Patient Tifa, 5 months old, has had diarrhea for 16
home (Plan A). days already. You also notice the dehydration. is
c) Give the infant fluid and food for some present. This could be classified as:
dehydration (Plan B). a) Severe Dehydration
d) Refer the infant urgently to a hospital, with the b) Some Dehydration
mother giving the infant frequent sips of ORS c) Persistent Diarrhea
on the way d) Severe Persistent Diarrhea
21. A young infant has pus draining from the ear or 30. Patient Dahna has no runny nose, no measles, and no
umbilical redness extending to the skin, fever, or low other causes of fever, but she has malaria. risk. This
body temperature, many or severe skin pustules, or could be classified as;
a) Malaria a) Severe Anemia
b) Fever: Malaria Unlikely b) No Anemia
c) Fever: No Malaria c) Anemia
d) Very Severe febrile disease/malaria d) Malnutrition
31. Treatment for very severe febrile disease/malaria with 40. The first line antibiotic for pneumonia, mastoiditis, or
malaria risk would be? very sever disease would be
a) Give Vitamin A a) Cotrimoxazole
b) Give first dose of co-artemether b) Penicillin
c) Give one dose of paracetamol c) Amoxicillin
d) Treat the child with an oral antimalarial d) Ciprofloxacin
32. Patient Mirimah has had measles for the last three 41. A student nurse was asked to describe stridor to a 7-
months. There is pus draining from his right eye. This month-old child. Which among the following to
can be classified as: describe stridor?
a) Measles a) A swelling of the larynx, trachea or epiglottis
b) Severe Complicated measles b) Abnormal inward movement of subcostal
c) Measles with eye or mouth complications tissue during inspiration
d) Severe complicated measles with eye or c) Adventitious lung sounds, produced by
mouth complications oscillation of opposing airway walls whose
33. If pus is draining from the eye, the nurse should lumen is narrowed.
a) Give Vitamin A d) A loud musical sound of constant pitch, heard
b) Apply tetracycline in patients with tracheal or laryngeal
c) Give the child aspirin obstruction.
d) Treat with gentian violet 42. Student Nurse Halime is asked to assess dehydration
34. If mouth ulcers are present, the nurse should through skin pinching. Which among the following is
a) Give the child aspirin the appropriate location of the child's body to assess
b) Apply Tetracycline dehydration?
c) Give Vitamin A a) Child's upper arm by using thumb and finger
d) Treat with gentian violet b) Child's forehead by using thumb and
35. Hesika, a 4-year-old weighing 16 kg, is diagnosed with fingertips
an with an acute ear infection. The RHU physician c) Child's inner upper thigh and side of the
prescribed amoxicillin syrup two times a day for five abdomen
days with a stock dose of 250 mg/5 mL. How many mL d) Child's abdomen halfway between the
of amoxicillin will be given per administration? umbilicus and the side of the abdomen
a) 15 ml 43. Before the assessment of dehydration is done, the
b) 10ml nurse should ask the mother to:
c) 20ml a) Place the child on the examining table, flat on
d) 5ml his back with his arms at his sides and his legs
36. To prevent further infection for a child of mothers who straight.
are HIV infected. Give co-trimoxazole once daily for b) Hold the child, place him in a prone position
five days a week from the age of; on his mother's lap with his arm at his side
a) 8weeks and his legs flexed
b) 6 weeks c) Place the child on the examination table, flat
c) 10months on his back with his arms upward and legs
d) 6months flexed.
37. Treatment for acute ear infection would be d) Hold the child, place her in a sitting position
a) Give aspirin on her mother's lap, and dangle her legs.
b) Give antibiotic for 5 days and dry the ear by 44. Malaria is caused by parasites in the blood that
wicking transmit through the bite of anopheles. mosquitos.
c) Give first dose of antibiotic and paracetamol This is known as the
for pain a) Amoebic dysentery
d) Instill quinolone otic drops and dry the ear by b) Plasmodium falciparum
wicking c) Plasmodium vivax
38. Patient Amed is 4 months old and has visible, severe d) Streptococcus pneumonia
wasting and edema on both feet. This can be 45. Malnourished children with measles. Which among of
classified as the following may cause severe complication?
a) Severe Malnutrition a) Vitamin A deficiency
b) Very Low Weight b) Kwashiorkor
c) Not very low weight c) Iron deficiency anemia
d) Low weight d) Marasmus
39. Patient Anya is observed to have some palmar pallor.
This can be classified as
46. Rashes on hands, feet, ankles, elbows, buttocks and has a generalized rash. There is no clouding of the cornea,
axilla indicate scabies, while rashes with small bumps no pus draining from the eyes, or mouth ulcers.
and vesicles with itching indicate;
He has no visible severe wasting or edema on both feet.
a) Chickenpox
He has no palmar pallor or mucous membrane pallor. You
b) Measles
complete your assessment and find no other signs.
c) Heat rash
d) Malaria 51. Which general danger signs, if any, does Mohammed
47. Safiye, 7 months old and weighing 4.5 kg, is diagnosed have?
with an acute ear infection. Based on the IMC| a) No general danger signs
treatment chart, the RHU physician prescribed b) History of convulsion
amoxicillin syrup two times a day for five days with a c) Vomiting everything
stock dose of 125 mg per 5ml. How many ml of d) Lethargic or unconscious
amoxicillin will be given per administration? 52. What is your classification for Mohammed's cough?
a) 2.5 ml a) Pneumonia
b) 1ml b) No pneumonia: Cough or cold
c) 2ml c) Severe pneumonia or very severe disease
d) 5ml d) All of the above
48. What is a child's classification if he is 10 months old, 53. What is your classification for Mohammed's fever?
has had a cough that lasted two days, has a breathing a) Fever- Possible bacterial infection
rate of 46 breaths per minute and chest indrawing? b) Severe complicated measles
a) Pneumonia c) Very severe febrile disease
b) No pneumonia: cough or cold d) Measles
c) Very severe febrile disease 54. What is your classification/s for Mohammed's
d) Severe pneumonia or very severe disease nutritional status and anemia?
49. A palliative care plan for symptomatic HIV infection a) Anemia
will help the family care for the child with as little b) Very low weight
suffering as possible. This palliative care includes the c) Severe malnutrition
following, except: d) Not very low weight
a) If the child has pain provide adequate pain 55. Which of the following should be included in the
relief treatment plan for Mohammed?
b) Counsel the mother so that her child remains a) Assess the child's feeding and counsel the
nourished and well hydrated mother on feeding
c) If the mother is pregnant refer her for b) Follow-up in 5 days if no improvement
counselling her about prevention of c) Oral antibiotic for 3 days
transmission of HIV and feeding choices for d) Paracetamol
her new baby 56. According to IMCI protocol all sick children aged
d) Support the mother and other family months up to years of age are examined for;
members by providing information and a) Signs of severe dehydration
counselling to help the family with questions b) General danger signs
and fears they may have c) Malnutrition
50. What are the four main symptoms for which every sick d) Jaundice
child should be checked?: 57. Patient Osman has measles for the last three months.
a) Anemia There is pus draining from his right eye. This can be
b) Malnutrition classified as
c) Cough, diarrhea, fever, ear problem a) Measles
d) Cough, diarrhea, malnutrition, ear problem b) Severe Complicated measles
c) Measles with eye or mouth complications
Scenario 1: For questions 51-55 only:
d) Severe complicated measles with eye or
Mohammed is a 36-month-old baby boy. His mother says mouth complications
that he has been coughing for three days and felt hot to the 58. If pus is draining from the eye, what should the nurse
touch during this period; he had an episode of convulsions do?
a month ago. This is an initial visit for this problem. He a) Give Vitamin A
weighs 9.4 kg His axillary temperature is 38.1°C. b) Apply tetracycline
Mohammed is not lethargic or unconscious; he had no c) Give the child aspirin
convulsions during your assessment. d) Treat with gentian violet
59. If mouth ulcers are present, the nurse should
When asked, his mother says that he is able to drink and
a) Give Vitamin A
has not vomited. You counted 61 breaths per minute; you
b) Apply Tetracycline
find no chest indrawing; you hear no stridor or wheezing.
c) Give the child aspirin
Mohammed has no diarrhea, no throat problem, and no
d) Treat with gentian violet
ear problem: he has a runny nose. He has a stiff neck but
60. Treatment for chronic ear infection would be
a) Give aspirin b) Mouth ulcers
b) Give antibiotic for 5 days and dry the ear by c) Pneumonia
wicking d) Severe eye infection
c) Give first dose of antibiotic and paracetamol 69. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is caused by a virus that is
for pain spread by Aedes mosquitoes with fever last for;
d) Instill quinolone otic drops and dry the ear by a) 2 to 7days
wicking b) 6 to 10 days
61. Treatment for acute ear infection would be c) 3 to 5 days
a) Give antibiotic for 5 days and dry the ear by d) more than two weeks
wicking 70. Kosem was asked about causes of bleeding in a child
b) Instill quinolone otic drops and dry the ear by who is diagnosed Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF).
wicking These causes are;
c) Give first dose of antibiotic and paracetamol a) Damage to the blood and blood vessels.
for pain b) Mouth ulcers that are deep and extensive
d) Give aspirin c) Clouding of the cornea and conjunctivitis
62. Which of these could be a proper treatment of d) Severe cough, runny nose or red eyes
anemia? 71. Rashes on hands, feet ankles, elbows, buttocks and
a) Give Aspirin axilla are seen to patient with;
b) Give vitamin A a) Scabies
c) Increase fluid intake b) Chicken pox
d) Give Iron two doses daily for 2months c) Measles
63. In routine worm treatment, every child should be given d) Dengue hemorrhagic fever
albendazole/mebendazole every: 72. The child with no dehydration needs home treatment.
a) 2 months from the age of one year Which of the following is not included in the rules for
b) 9 months from the age of one year home treatment in this case?
c) 6 months from the age of one year a) Give extra fluids
d) 9 weeks from the age of one year b) When to return
64. Which is the first line Oral Antimalarial? c) Continue Feeding
a) Chloroquine d) Give Vitamin A supplement
b) Sulfadoxine 73. When the nurse chooses PLAN B treatment for some
c) Pyramethamine dehydration with ORS, She will show to the mother,
d) Co-artemether how to give an ORS solution, EXCEPT;
65. The IMCI guidelines for malaria treatment are the a) Give frequent small sips from a cup.
following, except; b) Continue breastfeeding whenever the child
a) If child vomits within an hour repeat the dose wants.
b) Give the first dose of co-artemether in the c) Start rehydration by tube (or mouth) with ORS
clinic and observe for one hour. solution
c) First dose in breastfed children to be given any d) If the child vomits, wait 10 minutes. Then
time after 6 months of age continue, but more slowly.
d) Second dose should be taken at home 8 74. To a child who is severely dehydrated and has not
hours later, then twice daily for further two been referred to the hospital. Which of the following
days actions should the nurse take?
66. If the child has wheezing and either fast breathing or a) Observe the child at least 6 hours after
chest indrawing present, the nurse should: rehydration to be sure the mother can
a) Give a trial acting inhaled bronchodilator for maintain hydration giving the child ORS
up to 3 times solution by mouth.
b) Refer URGENTLY to hospital b) Give her enough ORS packets to complete
c) Assess vital signs rehydration.
d) Give Vitamin A c) Reassess the child and classify the child for
67. Ana is assessing a two-year-old child who has a body dehydration.
temperature of 38.90 and suspected Encephalitis. d) Select the appropriate plan to continue
Which of the following is not considered a dangerous treatment.
sign of encephalitis? 75. To treat diarrhea at home. Instruct the mother to give
a) Convulsions extra fluid with the following, except:
b) Watery stools a) Breastfeed frequently and for longer at each
c) Abnormally sleepy feed.
d) Difficult to awaken b) If the child vomits, wait 10 minutes. Then
68. Complications of measles occur in about 30% of all continue, but more slowly.
cases. Which of the following complications may lead c) If the child is exclusively breastfed, give ORS
to corneal ulceration and blindness? or clean water in addition to breast milk.
a) Stridor
d) If the child is not exclusively breastfed, give 82. The child with no dehydration needs home treatment.
one or more ORS solution, food-based or Which of the following is not included the rules for
clean water. home treatment in this case:
76. The mother of a 4-month-old child asked the nurse a) Continue feeding the child
how to give zinc supplements. The best answer from b) Give ORS every 4 hours
the nurse is: c) Know when to return to the health center
a) Dissolve tablet in a small amount of d) Give the child extra fluids
expressed breast milk, ORS or clean water in 83. A child who has had diarrhea for 14 days but has no
a cup. sign of dehydration is classified as:
b) Tablets can be chewed or dissolved in a small a) Severe persistent diarrhea
amount of water. b) Dysentery
c) Dissolve tablet in a 200ml of water or juice c) Severe dysentery
d) All of the above d) Persistent diarrhea
77. To treat severe dehydration quickly in a young infant 84. If the child has sunken eyes, drinking eagerly, thirsty
less than 12 months of age, the nurse chose Plan C and skin pinch goes back slowly, the classification
and started intravenous fluid immediately after 1 hour. would be:
The nurse should give: a) No dehydration
a) 30 ml/kg body weight b) Some dehydration
b) 70 ml/kg body weight c) Moderate dehydration
c) 50ml/kg body weight d) Severe dehydration
d) 100ml/kg body weight 85. Ameth has had diarrhea for 5 days. There is no blood
78. In preparing the approximate amount of oral in the stool, he is irritable. His eyes are sunken the
rehydration solution required in ml, the nurse will use nurse offers fluid to Ameth and he drinks eagerly.
which formula? When the nurse pinched the abdomen, it goes back
a) Calculate by multiplying the young infant's slowly. How will you classify Ameth's illness?
weight in kg by 50. a) No dehydration
b) Calculate by multiplying the young infant's b) Severe dehydration
weight in kg by 100. c) Some dehydration
c) Calculate by multiplying the young infant's d) Moderate dehydration
weight in kg by 25.
For Questions 86-90 ONLY: Among the common
d) Calculate by multiplying the young infants
conditions found in children, especially in poor
weight in kg by 75.
communities, are ear infections and problems
79. The student nurse in the RHU is about to administer an
antibiotic to a child with very severe disease. In giving 86. A child with an ear problem should be assessed for the
ampicillin intramuscular injection to a young infant, following, except.
the nurse should consider what formula in computing a) If discharge is present for how long?
the right dosage? b) Is there any fever?
a) 50 mg/kg body weight c) Ear discharge
b) 100mg/kg body weight d) Ear pain
c) 7.5mg/kg body weight 87. If the child does not have an ear problem, using IMCI,
d) 25mg/kg body weight what should you, as the nurse, do?
80. Hussein, a months old with 7,5kg body weight and a) Check for ear pain
classified as possible serious bacterial infection or b) Check for ear discharge
very severe disease. To treat Hussein's condition, c) Check for tender swellings, behind the ear
ampicillin injection will be given intramuscularly. d) Go to the next question, check for
Stock Ampicillin 500mg/vial to be diluted in 2ml of malnutrition
distilled H20. How many mi of ampicillin will be 88. An ear discharge that has been present for more than
injected to Hussein? 14 days can be classified as:
a) 1.5ml a) Mastoiditis
b) 0.8ml b) Acute ear infection
c) 1.1ml c) Chronic ear infection
d) 2ml d) Complicated ear infection
For questions 81-85 only. 89. An ear discharge that has been present for less than
If a child with diarrhea registers one sign in the pink 14 days can be classified as:
row and one in the yellow; row in the IMCI Chart. a) Chronic ear infection
81. We can classify the patient as: b) Mastoiditis
a) Moderate dehydration c) Acute ear infection
b) No dehydration d) Complicated ear infection
c) Some dehydration 90. If the child has severe classification because of an ear
d) Severe dehydration problem, what would be the best thing that you, as the
nurse, could do?
a) Instruct mother when to return immediately d) 30ml of 10% glucose water
b) Give an antibiotic for 5 days 95. Nurse Betty was assigned to prepare a diazepam for a
c) Dry the ear by wicking 25-month-old child with a convulsion who weighs
d) Refer urgently 12kg. What is the desired dosage of diazepam for the
91. The nurse in the RHU is about to prepare the glucose child?
to be administered via nasogastric tube to a child with a) 6mg
a blood sugar level of 2.9 mmol/L. In giving the 10% b) 5mg
glucose, the nurse should follow what IMC| formula in c) 7mg
computing the appropriate amount? d) 8mg
a) 5 ml of 10% glucose for every kilogram of body 96. A follow-up visit in 5 days should take place if a child is
weight classified as having of the following conditions:
b) 2.5 ml of 10% glucose for every kilogram of a) Pneumonia, pallor
body weight b) Measles, low birth weight
c) 8.5 ml of 10% glucose for every kilogram of c) Very low weight-for-age and or growth faltering
body weight d) Persistent diarrhea feeding problem and
d) 10 ml of 10% glucose for every kilogram of acute ear infection
body weight
For Questions 97 and 98 only
92. The student nurse is asked to prepare 10% glucose for
the intravenous line. Dextrose, 50% glucose, and a 5% 97. A 2-year-old female child with a body weight of 11 kg
dextrose-normal saline solution are available. By using has an episode of convulsion. What primary action
a 20-ml syringe, the student nurse should mix the should be taken by the nurse to prevent further injury
following: to the child?
a) Mix 4 ml of 50% glucose with 16 ml of 5% a) Turn the child to his or her side and clear the
dextrose normal saline solution in a 20 ml airway. Avoid putting things in the mouth.
syringe. b) Encourage breastfeeding mothers to continue
b) Mix 2 mls of 50% glucose with 18 mls of 5% breastfeeding.
dextrose normal saline solution in a 20 ml c) Start intravenous fluid immediately.
syringe d) Raise the side rails of the bed.
c) Mix 10 ml of 50% glucose with 10 ml of 5% 98. To stop convulsions, diazepam is given per rectum
dextrose normal saline solution in a 20 ml with a stock dose of 10 mg/2 ml. To compute the
syninge. dosage, use the pediatric formula. How many mL of
d) Mix 15 ml of 50% glucose with 5 ml of 5% diazepam would you administer to the child?
dextrose normal saline solution in a 20 ml a) 1.3ml
syringe. b) 1.5ml
c) 1.4ml
For questions 93-94 only.
d) 1.1ml
Reena is an &-month-old child weighing 7.2 kg with a 99. The mother of a 6-month-old child asked the nurse
convulsion and a body temperature of 35.4 C Student how to give zinc supplements. The best answer from
nurse Jasper was assigned and asked to check Reena's the nurse is
blood sugar, and he obtained 2.8 mmol/L. a) Dissolve tablet in a small amount of
expressed breast milk, ORS or clean water in
93. Student nurse Jasper is assigned to prepare a 10%
a cup.
glucose solution to administer via nasogastric tube to
b) Tablets can be chewed or dissolved in a small
treat Reena's low blood sugar. Student nurse Jasper
amount of water.
found out that 10% glucose water is not available.
c) Dissolve tablet in a 200ml of water or juice
Which of the following actions should student nurse
d) All of the above
Jasper take?
100. A child who was classified as not growing well and
a) Mix 5 ml of 50% glucose with 15 ml of sterile
had no feeding problems came for follow-up after 14
water in a 20 ml syringe.
days. The nurse assigned took the child's weight and
b) Mix 10 ml of 50% glucose with 10 ml of sterile
revealed the child has not gained weight or has lost
water in a 20 ml syringe.
weight. To continue the assessment, the nurse should
c) Mix 15 ml of 50% glucose with 5 ml of sterile
check all of the following, except:
water in a 20 ml syringe.
a) Assess feeding and if there is a feeding
d) Mix 4 ml of 50% glucose with 16 ml of sterile
problem counsel.
water in a 20 ml syringe.
b) Ask questions about the child's usual feeding
94. By using the IMCI formula, how much volume in mi of
c) Check for oral thrush or mouth ulcers
10% glucose water will student nurse Jasper
d) Check for possible symptomatic HIV.
administer to Reena?
a) 36ml of 10% glucose water
b) 40ml of 10% glucose water
c) 46ml of 10% glucose water

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