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Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 1989, Vol. 15. pp. 287-338 0360-1285/~q $0.

00 + 50
Pnnted in Great Britain. All rights reserved. ( 1989 Pergamon Press pLc




*Combustion Research Facility, Sandia Natit ,~al Laboratories, Livermore. CA 94551, U.S.A.
tDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford UniversiO,. Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A.

Received 16 June 1989

Abstract--Our current understanding of the mechanisms and rate parameters for the gas-phase reactions
of nitrogen compounds that are applicable to combustion-generated air pollution is discussed and illus-
trated by comparison of results from detailed kinetics calculations with experimental data. In particular,
the mechanisms and rate parameters for thermal and prompt NO formation, for fuel nitrogen conversion,
for the Thermal De-NO~ and RAPRENO, processes, and for NO2 and N20 formation and removal
processes are considered. Sensitivity and rate-of-production analyses are applied in the calculations to
determine which elementary reactions are .of greatest importance in the nitrogen conversion process.
Available information on the rate parameters for these important elementary reactions has been surveyed.
and recommendations for the rate coefficients for these reactions are provided. The principal areas of
uncertainty in nitrogen reaction mechanisms and rate parameters are outlined.


1. Introduction 287
2. Computational Methods and Reaction Mechanisms 288
3. Thermal NO Mechanism 289
4. Prompt NO Mechanism 290
5. NO Production from Fuel Nitrogen 298
5.1. The oxidation of hydrogen cyanide 298
5.2. The NO --. HCN --* N: mechanism 301
5.3. The oxidation of NH 3 305
5.4. Fuel-nitrogen conversion in well-stirred reactors 309
6. Thermal De-NO, and RAPRENOx Mechanisms 312
6.1. Thermal De-NOt mechanism 312
6.2. RAPRENO,. mechanism 319
7. Nitrogen Dioxide Mechanism 323
8. Nitrous Oxide Mechanism 324
9. Concluding Remarks 327
Acknowledgements 327
References 327
Appendix A 331
Appendix B 337

I. INTRODUCTION species play in combustion of energetic materials. At

the present time, many of the complex reaction paths
The chemical reactions of nitrogen compounds that for formation and destruction of nitrogen species in
occur in combustion processes have been the subject combustion have been established and rate
of intensive study for more than fifty years. Much of parameters for many of the elementary reactions have
this research has been motivated by the impact of the been determined.
nitrogen compounds emitted from combustion In the present paper, our current understanding of
sources on the environment and by the role that these the mechanisms and rate parameters for the gas-phase
reactions of nitrogen compounds that are relevant to
combustion-generated air pollution is illustrated by
++Work sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, comparison of results from detailed kinetics calcu-
Office of Basic Energy Sciences. Division of Chemical lations with experimental data. Sensitivity and rate-
Sciences. of-production analyses are applied in these calcu-
§Work sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, lations to determine which elementary reactions are of
Office of Basic Energy Sciences. Division of Chemical
Sciences, by the Physical Sciences Department of the Gas greatest importance in the nitrogen conversion
Research Institute. and by the U.S. Environmental Protec- process. Available information on the rate parameters
tion Agency. for these important elementary reactions has been

surveyed, and recommendations for the rate coef- central role in the discussions that follow. The
ficients for these reactions are provided. Finally, the methods used in performing the sensitivity analyses
principal areas of uncertainty in nitrogen reaction have been described in detail in previous articles. 9=t: In
mechanisms and rate parameters are outlined. the flame and homogeneous reaction calculations, the
In the following sections, the gas-phase reaction sensitivity coefficients are displayed as
mechanisms and rate parameters for thermal and exk
prompt NO formation, for fuel nitrogen conversion, : /ax, (x),
for the Thermal De-NO, and RAPRENO~ processes,
and for NO, and N,.O formation and removal where [3~k(x) is the sensitivity coefficient for change in
processes are discussed separately; however, as will be the mole fraction of the k'" species, Xk, due to a small
seen, there are instances where particular reactions change in the temperature-independent factor of the
are important in several of the reaction mechanisms. /tit reaction rate coefficient, A , The superscript on
For example, there are many common features in the X2krnax~ indicates the maximum value of Xk that
reaction mechanisms for prompt NO formation and occurred in the calculation: x is position above the
fuel nitrogen conversion. burner surface (for a homogeneous reaction x is
In preparing this paper, we were fortunate to be replaced by time, t). For a PSR calculation, there is no
able to draw upon a large body of published work, spatial or time dependence, and X k = X2ma~.
including several extensive compilations of elemen- Otherwise, fl~k is specified in the same way as in the
tary rate coefficients, t'2Ar°'169']7° As appropriate, we flame and homogeneous reaction calculations. Con-
direct the reader to these sources. tribution factors obtained from rate-of-production
(or reaction path) analysis are displayed as

Rik (X) = rik forwara(X) -- rik . . . . . . (X)

MECHANISMS where r~k is the rate of the forward or reverse reaction'
i involving the k" species.
Three different types of kinetics calculations are The reaction mechanism used in our calculations is
reported in this paper: (i) the structure of a one- given in Appendices A and B. Appendix A contains
dimensional, premixed, laminar flame, (ii) the output reactions that describe the oxidation of the C~ and C2
of a perfectly stirred reactor (PSR), and (iii) the time hydrocarbons under most conditions (not too fuel-
history of a homogeneous reaction (mathematically rich), as well as all reactions that we know to be
equivalent to a diffusion-free plug-flow reactor). All important in prompt NO formation and fuel-
calculations utilize Chemkin 3 and the Chemkin ther- nitrogen conversion. Appendix B is essentially an
modynamic data base. 4 The flame calculations use the ammonia oxidation mechanism (N/H/O reactions
Sandia transport package and data baseJ The three only). Most of the reactions in Appendix B are also
different types of calculations are performed, respec- included in Appendix A with the same rate coef-
tively, with the Sandia flame code, 6 PSR, 7 and ficients. However, a few of the reactions in Appendix
Senkin. 8 Table 1 lists the standard heats of formation B are not in Appendix A; viz. reactions of the type
of some of the more important species considered in NH~ + N H j ~ - p r o d u c t s ( i , j = 0, 1, 2) and sub-
the calculations. sequent reactions of the products. These reactions do
Sensitivity and rate-of-production analyses play a not play an important role in situations where the
fixed nitrogen (nitrogen in a form other than N2) is
present in small quantities, as is often the case. Conse-
TABLE 1. Standard heats of formation of selected species in quently, they are included in Appendix B only for the
the reaction mechanism (reference temperature = 298 K) purpose of modeling situations in which ammonia is
a principal constituent. In constructing Appendices A
Species AH~r(kcal/mol)
and B, we have attempted to be complete, rather than
*CH2 101.46 exhaustive. All reactions that we believe to be
3CH: 92.45 important under most combustion conditions are
C2H 134.0 included. However, unusual conditions may involve
C2H3 68.4
C2H~ 28.0 reactions not included here.
CH30 3.9 The reaction mechanism of Append;ces A and B is
HCCO 42.4 largely drawn from and discussed in a series of papers
NH 85.2 by Miller and coworkers) °-~5 However, a number of
NH 2 45.5 significant improvements to the reaction mechanisms
NCO 38.1
NNH 58.5 discussed in these earlier papers have been made. We
HOCN -2.28 shall defer discussion of individual reactions until
HNCO - 24.9 they arise in the text. However, two improvements are
HCNO 38.4 noted here. First, we have introduced a number of
H~CN 59.08
N2H2 50.9 reactions of ~CH2, distinguishing ~CH2 and 3CH2 as
separate species. Indeed, reactions of ~CH2 are not
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 289

negligible, the most important one being temperature recommendation of Baulch e t al. for the
forward reaction. The expression for kA233is the same
ICH: + H: , • CH~ + H. (All0) as that recommended in Ref. 1. The expression for
kA234is given for the reaction, N + OH --* NO + H,
In the following sections the triplet state is written as discussed by Miller e t al. ~°
CH2 and the singlet state is written 'CH2. In addition, Reactions (A232)-(A234) involve the O and OH
we have introduced more accurate formulations of the radicals, which also play an important role in the fuel
pressure dependence of the reactions oxidation mechanism. Hence, in general, it is
necessary to couple the thermal NO reactions to the
CH3 + H ( + M ) . ' CH,(+M) (A2)
reaction sequence describing oxidation of the fuel.
and Since the overall rate of NO formation by the thermal
mechanism generally is slow compared to the fuel
oxidation reactions, it often is assumed, following the
CH3 + C H 3 ( + M ) ' C2Hr(+M). (AI)
suggestion of Zeldovich, ~9 that the thermal NO
For reaction (AI) we have adopted the expression formation reactions can be decoupled from the fuel
given by Wagner and Wardlaw, '6 and for reaction oxidation process. In this situation, NO formation
(A2) our rate coefficient is essentially the same as that rates are calculated assuming equilibrium values of
of Stewart, Smith, and Golden. 17 For the other temperature and concentrations of 02, N2, O, and
important pressure-dependent dissociation/recom- OH (the N-atom concentration is calculated from a
bination reactions, steady-state approximation applied to reactions
H + C2H4(+M ) . " C,,Hs(+M) (A73) The errors that may be introduced by this approxi-
mation are illustrated in Fig. 1. Here, the maximum
and (initial) NO formation rates calculated from the
Zeldovich model are compared with the maximum
H + C2H:(+M) . ' C2H3(+M), (A79) NO formation rates calculated from a detailed
kinetics model for oxidation of methane-air for a
we continue to describe the pressure dependence in fuel-rich mixture (see Appendix A for a complete
terms of the Lindemann form. ~4'~7Such a description tabulation of the reactions and rate parameters used
appears to be adequate for the present purposes. in the detailed calculation). In this comparison, an
isothermal reaction was assumed (to allow indepen-
3. T H E R M A L NO MECHANISM dent variation of temperature) and the prompt NO
initiation reactions, discussed in Section 4, were
Nitric oxide (NO) is an important nitrogen oxide deleted from the mechanism so that the observed
emitted from combustion sources. In the combustion differences in NO formation rates are due entirely to
of clean fuels (fuels not containing nitrogen
compounds), oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen (N:) 6 ,,, ...... I .... I .... I .... 110
by the "thermal' mechanism is a major source of NOx

emissions. The three principal reactions that comprise u

~o s ,0.8
the thermal NO formation mechanism are

O + N, . ' NO + N, (-A232) ~ 4- ~0.6 g

N + O: . " NO + O, (A233) ..~£3 F- 04 0


and Z F 4
~' F 4
o~ 2 b ~_0.2
N + OH . • NO + H. (A234)
1F . . . . ~ , ,i,,, ,]o,
There have been indirect and direct measurements of 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600
the rate coefficients of these three reactions, and these Temperature - K
data have been critically evaluated by Baulch e t al. ~
and Hanson and Salimian.: The expressions for the FIo. l, The effect of superequilibrium radical concentrations
rate coefficients for reactions (A232)-(A234) used in on NO formation rates in the isothermal reaction of 13%
methane in air (~b = 1.37). The upper curve is the ratio of
the present calculations are given in Appendix A, and the maximum NO f'~rmation rate calculated using the
are the same as those given and discussed by Miller e t reaction mechanism of Appendix A (with prompt NO in-
a l / ° The expression for k.~.,3, is given for the reaction, itiation reactions deleted) to the initial NO formation rate
N + NO ~ O + N.,, and was derived from the calculated using the Zeldovich model. The lower curve is the
ratio of the NO concentration at the time of the maximum
high-temperature data of Ref. 18 for the reverse NO formation rate calculated using the detailed reaction
reaction (using the equilibrium constant) and the low- mechanism to the equilibrium NO concentration,

J~ECS 15:4-B

nonequilibrium radical concentrations during the convenient to consider the reaction in reverse. By
oxidation process. There is a noticeable acceleration comparing reaction (A153) with BAC-MP4 (bond
of the maximum NO formation rate above that cal- additivity corrected M611er Plesset fourth-order per-
culated using the Zeldovich model during the initial turbation theory) calculations for the isoelectronic
stages of reaction due to nonequilibrium effects, with reaction O + HCN, 3°a~ we conclude that the
the departures from the Zeldovich model results de- addition complex for adding NH to the nitrogen end
creasing with increasing temperature. While none- of HCN lies about 20 kcal/mol above NH + HCN.
quilibrium effects on the NO formation rate are To form CH2 + N, tkiis complex must undergo a 1,3
evident over a wide ~temperature range, the ac- hydrogen shift from the nitrogen to the carbon atom.
celerated rates are sufficiently low so that very little as shown in the diagram. Such hydrogen transfers in
NO is formed by the accelerated reaction. This result open-shell systems, where the hydrogen atom is
is illustrated by the lower curve in Fig. 1, where the accepted at a free valence site, normally have intrinsic
NO concentration at the time of maximum rate of ~nergy barriers (in the exothermic direction) of ap-
formation calculated from the detailed kinetics model proximately 40kcal/mol. This information and tae
is compared with the equilibrium NO concentration. endothermicity of the reaction suggest an activation
energy for reaction (A153) of approximately 85 kcal/
tool, a very high value. In addition, the transition state
4. P R O M P T N O M E C H A N I S M
for the reaction corresponds to that for the 1,3
hydrogen transfer. Such transition states normally are
Nitric oxide formation rates in combustion of
very tight and lead to low A-factors, probably about
hydrocarbon fuels can exceed those attributable to
101Zcm3/mol-sec at high temperature. The rate coef-
direct oxidation of molecular nitrogen by the thermal
ficient expression used in the present calculations,
mechanism discussed above, especially for fuel-rich
kAi53 = 1013exp (-- 7 4 0 0 0 / R T ) cm3/mol-sec, is taken
conditions. This rapidly formed NO was t e r m e d
from Glarborg et al. H and represents a reasonable
'prompt N O ' by Fenimore 2° since the rapid NO
upper limit for the rate coefficient; a value of
formation was confined to regions near the flame
kAm = 1012exp(-85000/RT)cm3/mol-sec appears
zone. Typical levels of prompt NO range from a few
more likely. These values of kA153 appear to be consis-
parts per million by volume to more than 100 ppw.v.
tent with Benson's 32 estimate, using current thermo-
Available data indicate that some prompt NO
chemistry, of an activation energy exceeding 70 kcal/
formation occurs due to superequilibrium concen-
tool and a low A-factor.
trations of O and OH, which accelerate the rates of
The present estimate of kA~3 differs markedly from
reactions (A232)-(A234). However, numerous studies
the similar analysis of Sanders et al. 33 The source of
have shown that prompt NO in hydrocarbon flames is
the discrepancy is the incorrect assumption in the
formed primarily by a reaction sequence that is
latter paper that the four-centered transition state,
initiated by the rapid reaction of hydrocarbon
discussed above, is analogous to the transition state
radicals with molecular nitrogen, leading to
for an oxygen atom adding to the carbon atom in
formation of amines or cyano compounds that subse-
HCN. This assumption leads to an estimate of the
quently react to form N O . 20"29
activation energy that is too low. With the rate coef-
What hydrocarbon radical is responsible for the
ficient given in Ref. 33, reaction (A153) could be an
prompt NO in hydrocarbon flames? A number of
important contributor to prompt NO. However, even
species have been suggested, e.g. CH, CH2, C,., C2 H,
with a rate coefficient much faster than used here,
and C, 2°-29 although the experiments of Blauwens et
al. :6 suggest that CH and CH: are the major contri-
butors. The mechanism used here explicitly considers
the following reactions:

CH + N2 . ' HCN + N (A151) 200


CH2 + N2 . ' H C N + NH (A153) H2CN-N

~ 15oi
CHz + N2 .':'" HzCN + N (-A154)

C + N 2 . '" CN + N. (-A152) 3CH2N 2

Figure 2 is a reaction coordinate diagram on which REACTION COORDINATE

estimates of the two CH2 + N2 rate coefficients can
be based. Consider first the H C N + N H channel, FIG. 2. Reaction coordinate diagram for the reaction
reaction (A153). In the following discussion, it is CH, + N, ---,products.
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 291

reaction (A153) is an insignificant contributor to The most direct determination of kA~sL is the shock
prompt NO in the present calculations. tube study of Dean et al. TM in the temperature range
The other reaction channel involving methylene 2700-3700K. As can be seen in Fig. 4, there are
and molecular nitrogen, significant differences among the various determi-
nations of kp,~5~, especially in the temperature range of
CH: + N: . - H2CN + N ( - A 1 5 4 ) interest in combustion. However, most of the deter-
minations should be assigned relatively large uncer-
is endothermic by 79kcal/mol and is isoelectronic tainties.
with the thermal-NO reaction, O + N2 ~- NO + N Theoretical estimates of kAj_~l are complicated by
( - A232). On this basis we have estimated kAj54to be the failure of tiae reaction to conserve electron spin.
essentially the same as kA,.3:. This reaction also is an Figure 3 shows that the intersystem crossing occurs at
insignificant contributor to prompt NO in our cal- the high point along the reaction path and thus plays
culations. the deciding role in determining kAjs~. In order to
A reaction that does lead to prompt NO is (A151), obtain rate parameters for the reaction, we fixed the
activation energy at a value of 13.6kcal/mol, as
CH + N2 . ' " ~ HCN + N, (AI51) inferred from the flame data of Matsui and
Nomaguchi, 2~ and adjusted the A-factor to fit the
originally suggested by Fenimore. '° A reaction coor- well-stirred reactor data of Bartok et al. 36 discussed
dinate diagram for reaction (AI51) is shown in Fig. 3. below. The reaction coordinate diagram of Fig. 3 has
The first step in the process is the formation ofmetast- been constructed accordingly.
able HCN2*. According to the ab initio electronic The A-factor deduced for reaction (AI51),
structure calculations of Bair, 34 this addition process 3 × 10 j~cm3/mol-sec, is very small, approximately a
has no energy barrier and results in a bond of factor of 100 smaller than one might anticipate for a
18.3kcal/mol. Berman and Lin :5 have measured the similar reaction that conserved electron spin. This
rate coefficient for the pressure-dependent reaction, result implies that the intersystem crossing actually
occurs only 1% of the time that the critical configur-
CH + N : ( + M ) . ' H C N z ( + M ) ,
ation is obtained. It should be noted, however, that
the present determination of kAjsj is not very sensitive
in the temperature range 297-675 K. As expected for
to the activation energy and A-factor independently,
such reactions, the rate coefficient for this reaction at
but only to the value of kA~5~in a narrow temperature
any given pressure decreases rapidly with increasing
range centered at about 2000K. The kA~5~ which we
temperature, and under most combustion conditions
have inferred is shown in Fig. 4 and in Table 2. Our
the pressure-independent channel,
kAzsj, which is a factor of 1.5 larger than Glarborg et
CH + N, . • HCN + N, (A151) a l . f is smaller than most of the other determinations
at 2000K. However, our kAl~ value at 2000K is
is dominant. consistent with the high-temperature data of Dean et
There have been several indirect inferences of kAlsl al. ~TJ if an activation energy of 26 kcal/mol is assumed
from flame, shock tube and stirred reactor data and for the reaction. The present value of kAtsl accurately
one direct shock tube measurement. Available rate predicts the NO produced in the stirred-reactor ex-
data for reaction (A151) are summarized in Fig. 4. periments of Duterque eta/., j79 as well as the HCN

CH + N 2 ~ HCN + N

, \/


F m 3. Reaction coordinate diagram for the reaction CH + N: --) HCN + N,

4000 K 3000 K 2500 K 2000 K metric measurement of NO. In the calculation, the
4 2×10 ~2 e "10270/T temperature was specified to be the value reported in
CH,N; = • ×
Ref. 26 for distances above the burner surface greater
~T~ Dean et at [171]
than l c m (where temperature data were reported)
and was extrapolated to the burner surface in such a
way as to replicate the measured O-atom profile as
closely as possible. The calculated species profiles
0 ~. Blauwens et aL {26]
were found to be relatively insensitive to the ex-
n~ ~D10
0 Glark:~rg et al. [11] -~ trapolated temperature profile. Two calculated NO
• This Stt~dy
t3 Morley [50 I o profiles are shown in Fig. 5. one obtained using the
__= Matsui ano Yuukl [29 I
..... Roth ancI Ibreighith [168] present expression for k~)5~ and one using the ex-
, i i i , i i ¢ , , i i I [ i i pression for kAlst reported in Ref. 26. Figure 6 shows
O.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
a comparison of calculated and measured profiles of
1 000/T (l/K)
CH2, CH and C-atom.
The calculated profiles of CH:, CH and C-atom
FIG. 4. Compilation of rate coefficients for
CH + N 2 ~ H C N + N. ~71 agree with the experimental profiles to better than the
factor-of-two uncertainty quoted in Ref. 26.
produced in the ethylene-fueled stirred reactor experi- However, as can be seen from Fig. 5, the experimental
ments of Sun et al. s7 In this latter experiment, 30 ppmv NO profile is not predicted using either the present
of HCN was measured at ~b = 1.9, T = 1750K, value of kA~5~or the higher value deduced in Ref. 26.
conditions for which the model predicts 31 ppmv. Several aspects of the disagreement between measured
Using the higher value of kAls~deduced in Refs 26 and and calculated NO profiles are noteworthy and
29 results in a calculated H C N mole fraction of ap- require further discussion. At distances greater than
proximately 150 ppm. 1 cm above the burner (where NO formation occurs
One possible explanation of the difference between solely by the thermal mechanism), the measured NO
the present value of the rate coefficient for reaction profile is not consistent with presently-accepted values
(A151), CH + N2 ~- H C N + N, and that inferred of the rate coefficients of reactions (A232)-(A234),
from low-pressure flame experiments by Blauwens et which comprise the thermal NO mechanism, or with
al. 26 and by Matsui and Yuuki 29 is that our reaction the measured O-atom and temperature profiles.
mechanism does not predict the CH concentration Blauwens et al. suggest that the NO formation rate
accurately, thereby leading to an error in our measured in the post-flame zone is reduced due to
inference of kA~sl from the stirred reactor experiments heat losses to the surroundings. However, such heat
of Bartok et al. 36 It is of interest, therefore, to compare losses are not evidenced in the measured temperature
CH concentrations calculated using our reaction profile except for distances greater than 2cm above
mechanism with available experimental data. Only a the burner surface. Hence, heat losses cannot account
few measurements of CH in combustion processes for the discrepancy between measured and calc.ulated
have been reported. Some measurements of CH are NO profiles between 1 and 2cm. Although the cal-
reported in Ref. 26, where molecular beam mass spec- culated CH profile agrees with the measured profile,
trometry was used to measure not only C H but also the NO profile in the early region of the flame
CH: and C-atom profiles in the flame. Figures 5 and ( < 1 cm), calculated using the present expression for
6 show comparisons of temperature and species con- kA]st, lies below the reported NO profile. When using
centration profiles calculated using the present the expression for kA,~ reported in Ref. 26. the
kinetics model with the 'flame I' data from Ref. 26. agreement between the calculated and measured NO
Figure 5 shows a comparison of calculated and profiles for distances less than I cm above the burner
measured profiles of temperature, O-atom and NO. surface is improved: but, as noted above, the
Also shown in Fig. 5 is the calculated profile of H2 CO, measured NO profile for distances greater than I cm
a species that might interfere with a mass spectro- does not agree with the calculation. One possible

TABLE2. Rate coefficient expression for the reaction CH + N 2 --., HCN + N

Rate coefficient (crn3/mol-sec)
k(T) k (2000 K) Ref.
8.0 x 1011exp(-- IIO00/RT) 5 × 10I° Blauwens et al. 26
4.0 x 10tlexp( - 13600/RT) 1.3 x 10~° Matsui and Nomaguchi28
1.2 x 101:exp( - 13600/RT) 3.9 × 10'° Matsui and Yuuki 29
1.44 x 10t°* 1.44 × 10'° Morley~°
1.0 x 10J2exp(- 19200/RT) 8.0 x 10~ Roth and IbreighithL68
4.2 x lOJ2exp(-204OO/RT) 2.5 × 10I° Dean e t al. t71
3.0 x 10JJexp(-- 13600/RT) 9.8 × 109 Present model
* Temperature range 2000 K < T < 2560 K.
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 293

g O
model exper,ment
•" ". CH xlO 4 O--CH xl0 =
(x ~ Temperature
. '. ..~229o~. n-c.2 ,.oS
~ <,,.o"w°'£',g,, Z
O o.
Cl -
I CH2Ox!O=
.,:': O




0 NOxl0 I"

[ ] (experPment)


0.2 04 0.6 08
C' X (cm)
2 3
X Icm)
F]G. 6. Companson of model predictions using the mechan-
FIG. 5. Comparison of model predictions using the mechan- ism of Appendix A with the 'flame I' data of Blauwens et al.26
ism of Appendix A with the "flame I' data of Blauwens et al? 6 for CH2, CH, and C.
for O and NO. The assumed temperature profile and experi- '
mental data are also shown. The two different NO predic-
tions correspond to two different values of k^m ((A151)---- Figure 7 shows a comparison of the present model
CH + N:~ HCN + N), that of the present kinetic model predictions with the well-stirred reactor experiments
and that deduced by Blauwens et al. of Bartok e t al. 36 Following Glarborg, 4° we have made
the comparison for the 3 msec residence time data.
explanation for the discrepancies between calculated This is the only residence time for which temperatures
and measured NO profiles for distances less than I cm were measured at equivalence ratios richer than ~toic-
is the presence of formaldehyde, which could con- hiometric. Use of the experimental temperatures in
tribute to the m / e = 30 peak in the mass spectro- the calculation eliminates an important uncertainty in
meter. The calculations. Fig. 5, indicate the presence the calculation.
of formaldehyde at distances up to 0.7 cm above the Several important results are readily apparent from
burner surface, although Blauwens e t al. imply that Fig. 7. First, thermal NO, computed by deleting from
interference due to formaldehyde was negligible the complete mechanism the prompt-NO initiation
downstream of the visible reaction zone ( > 0.5cm). reactions discussed above, is insufficient to account
In summary, the present kinetics model is able to for the experimentally observed NO above an equiva-
match all of the reported species profiles, including lence ratio of approximately 4~ = 0.9. At an equiv-
CH. for 'flame I" of Ref. 26 except for NO. It was not alence ratio of q5 = 1.2, hydrogen cyanide begins to
possible to match the entire NO profile in this flame make a significant contribution to the total fixed
using either the present value of kA~s~ or the value nitrogen (TFN = NO + HCN + NH,) in the
reported in Ref. 26. Hence, we assign a relatively high reactor. The HCN concentration peaks at (or near)
uncertainty to the kAlS] determination of Ref. 26. q$ = 1.4 and drops off quickly beyond that. The cal-
Clearly. further progress in modeling prompt NO in culations predict the experimentally observed NO up
flames requires a direct and unambiguous determi- to ~b = 1.4, but at higher equivalence ratios the model
nation of kA]<~ at flame temperatures. predicts smaller NO concentrations than are observed
The last prompt-NO reaction considered explicitly experimentally•
in the mechanism is
t 3 0 m l l l c ~nlodell
C + N, . " CN + N. (-A152) 0 3 0 m s e c (experiment)
150 - • T h e rr~8 I NO (model)
. . . . . HCN (mociel) . .

Experiments indicate that the reverse of this reaction, 125

CN + N ---, N, + C
is very fast both at room temperature 37 and under
shock tube conditions:~83QDean e t a l ) 73 have reported 5o-

shock tube measurements of k-AlS., at elevated tem- 25 D

peratures. With these rate data. reaction (A152) is a 0 ii/

minor, but nonnegligible, contributor to prompt NO o

04 0.6 08 1 1.2 14 16
under most conditions. Because of the large endother- FUEL/AIR EQUIVALENCE RATIO
micitx of the reaction C + N: --* CN + N. its im-
portance with respect to reaction (A151) increases FIG. 7. Comparison of model predictions of NO concentra-
with increasing temperature. tions with the well-stirred reactor data of Bartok et a l ~

Interpretation of the computational results is (3) the rates of interconversion among fixed nitrogen
facilitated by the use of sensitivity analysis and rate- fragments.
of-production (or reaction path) analyses. Sensitivity As can be seen from the sensitivity analysis,
coefficients for NO, HCN, and TFN, corresponding reaction (A151) is an important rate-limiting step for
to Fig. 7 are shown in Figs 8-10. The most important NO, HCN, and TFN production under all conditions
reaction paths in prompt-NO formation and fuel investigated; the reaction has sensitivity coefficients
nitrogen conversion, which have many common for these species approaching unity in rich mixtures,
features, are shown diagramatically in Fig. 11. and even under lean conditions (~b < 0.8) it plays a
Prompt-NO formation involves three separate major role in NO formation. The thermal-NO
kinetic issues: mechanism is the dominant source of NO only in the
(1) the CH concentration and how it is established; equivalence-ratio range ~b = 0.8-1.0. For ¢ < 0.8,
(2) the rate of molecular nitrogen fixation: i.e. value the temperature in the reactor is sufficiently low that
of kk~sl; the sequence,

A9 CH3+O-CH20+H O + N2 + M . ' N:O + M ( - A 2 0 5 )

A12 CH3+OHICH2+H20
c0 A15 CH2OH+M--CH20+H+M
o- A24 CH2+HICH+H2 H + N20 . " NO + NH (-A202)
A25 CH2+OH--CH+H20
A32 CH+H20--CH20+H
A156 C+NO-CN+O
A157 CH+NOIHCN+O O + N~O . " N O + NO, (A207)
A168 CH3+N--H2CN+H
A205 N20+M--N2+O+M
A232 N+NO--N2+O
A234 N+OH--NO+H becomes an important source of N O . ]1"41'42
> The mechanism of CH formation depends
somewhat on the fuel. In all cases CH comes from
Z o methylene by reaction with OH and H,
Z o H + CH2 . • CH + H 2 (A24)


O H + CH2 . " CH + H 2 0 . (A25)

The CH 2 can be formed either from methyl or from
o acetylene. As discussed by Glarborg et al., in the
05 075 1 125 15 175
methane experiments of Bartok et al., for ~b < 1.5,
EQUIVALENCERATIO the CH3 source is dominant.
FIG. 8. Sensitivity plot of selected reactions for NO for the
conditions of Fig. 7. CH 3 + OH . • CH, + H 2 0 (AI2)

A9 CH3+O=CH20 +H A9 CH3+O=CH20+H

A161 A12 CH3+OH--CH2+H20 A12 CH3+OH--CH2+H20
A15 CH2OH+MICH20+H + M A15 CH2OH+M=CH20+H+M
A24 CH2+HICH+H2 oo A24 CH2+HICH+H2
A25 CH2+OH--CH+H20 A25 CH2÷OH--CH+H20
A26 CH2+OHICH20÷H A26 CH2+OH~CH20+H
A27 CH+O2--HCO+O A32 CH+H20=CH20+H
o A32 CH+H20=CH20+H A132 O+OH=O2+H
A132 O+OH--O2+H A202 NH+NO=N20+H
A151 CH+N2IHCN+N A204 N204 H--N2"+'OH
O A156 C+NO=CN+O A205 N20+M--N2+O+M
>- A176 HCN+OINCO+H >- A232 N+NO=N2+O
I-- I,--

p-O I--

Z Z °
~-~ t--



O o,.
05 075 1 125 15 175 0.5 075 1 125 15 175

FIG. 9. Sensitivity plot of selected reactions for HCN for the FIG.10. Sensitivity plot of selected reactions for TFN for the
conditions of Fig. 7. conditions of Fig. 7.
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 295

NH 3
HOCN +H ~" H N C O . ~v'


CH + N2


FIG. 11. Reaction path diagram illustrating the major steps in prompt NO formation and conversion of
fuel nitrogen (FN) to NO. The bold lines represent the most important reaction paths.

CHs + H " CH2 + H2. (A13) N + OH , • NO + H. (A234)

In the present calculations there is the additional CH: Beyond ~b = 1.2, several factors combine to cause the
source involving the singlet species, NO concentration to decrease relative to HCN:
(a) the conversion o f H C N to NO by the above
CH 3 + H . ~ ICHz + H, (-All0) mechanism is no longer rapid:
(b) the 'recycle' of NO to HCN by the mechanism
~CH2 + M • CH2 + M, (AI06) discussed below begins to inhibit NO production;
(c) the reaction (A232), N + N O , " N : + O,
which is more important in the calculations than the shifts directions from reverse to forward.
direct abstraction (A13). Only for ~b I> 1.5 does the A decrease in the O-atom concentration contributes
indirect route to CH., through the C: hydrocarbons to all three of these occurrences. But, in particular,
come into play. under rich conditions, reactions that convert CH3 to
The most important CH-consuming steps in the CH: are better able to compete with reaction (A9),
calculations are the reactions CH3 + O ~ C H 2 0 + H, and allow the recycle
CH + H _ ..~ C + H:, (A31)
C + NO . ' CN + O (A156)
CH + HzO . • CH:O + H, (A32)
CH + NO . • HCN + O (A157)
CH 2 + NO _ ' HCNO + H (A158)
CH + CO., . " HCO + CO. (A30)
to become more effective.
Reaction (A32) was not included in the previous cal-
At ~ = 1.4 the peaks in the CH and T F N con-
culations of Glarborg e t al. H The present rate coeffi-
centrations occur simultaneously. Beyond tp = 1.4
cient expression for k~3-. is based on the experiments
one enters a regime in which the fixed nitrogen con-
of Zabarnick e t al. 43 in the temperature range
centration is limited by the availability of the chain
297K < T < 670K. However, a T" function was
carriers (H and OH) required for producing CH from
used to extrapolate their results to high temperature,
methane, as evidenced by the increased sensitivity of
rather than the Arrhenius expression given in Ref. 43.
the T F N to chain branching processes, i.e.
Up to an equivalence ratio of approximately
¢ = 1,2 the HCN and N produced by reaction
(A151) are converted rapidly to NO, principally by H + O: . ' OH + O (-A132)
the mechanism discussed by Miller e t a l . , ~°
OH + CH3 ~ • CH2OH + H ( - A l 0 )
HCN + O = NCO + H (A176)
CH:OH + M , • CH:O + H. (A15)
NCO + H -~. NH + CO (A192)
This regime is also characterized by the appearance of
NH + H ~ " N + Hz (A211) reaction (A 168),

CH 3 + N . " H2CN + H, (A168) In Fig. 13, sensitivity coefficients for NO are shown
for 1800K and 2500K. At low temperatures
as a competitor for nitrogen atoms, competing (T < 2000 K), the rate of NO formation is dominated
favorably with reaction (A234), by the hydrocarbon-nitrogen prompt-NO channel.
As the temperature increases, the relative importance
N + OH . " NO + H. (A234) of the hydrocarbon-nitrogen prompt-NO channel
decreases, so that for temperatures above 2500 K, NO
The dissociation of H2CN following reaction (A168) formation is controlled mainly by the thermal
results in the formation of hydrogen cyanide, rather mechanism. The contribution of the hydrocarbon-
than nitric oxide, from the N atom. nitrogen channel to NO formation may be quantified
Since the measured NO levels for ~ > 1.6 exceed by comparing the calculated NO concentration at the
the predicted TFN concentrations, it seems unlikely
that the discrepancy between the measured and (a)
predicted NO concentrations under very rich ~o
A1 2CH3(+M)--C2H6{+M)
A3 CH4+O2-CH3+HO2
conditions is due to failure of the parts of the A4 CH4+H--CH3+H2
A8 CH3+O2--CH30+O
mechanism that result in interconversion of HCN and A9 CH3+O--CH20+N
A14 CH30+M~CH20+H+~
NO. More likely, the discrepancy is due either to AS4 CH20+O--HCO+OH
experimental error, to an additional source of CH or A60 HCO+O2--HO2+CO
A66 C2H6+H--Cg'H5+H2
an additional nitrogen fixing reaction for ~b > 1.4, or A74 C2H5+ H--2CH3
A132 O+OH--O2+H
to an inadequate description of chain-branching/ A133 O+H2'~H+H
A151 CH+N2mHCN+N
chain-terminating processes in this regime.
To illustrate the relative contributions of the
thermal and hydrocarbon-nitrogen mechanisms to
NO formation, we have performed a series of calcu- L~

lations for an isothermal flow reactor and for a

premixed laminar flame. The isothermal calculations oE 4 Aa

are for a rich (13% methane in air) mixture

(q~ = 1.37) at various temperatures. The flame cal-
culations are for adiabatic conditions at various equi-
valence ratios.
The results of the flow reactor calculations are
shown in Figs 12 and 13. In Fig. 12, the NO formation
0.20 0'22 0.24 0126 0128 0.30
rates calculated with the complete reaction
Time (msec)
mechanism are compared with the previously
discussed calculations in which the prompt-NO in-
itiation reactions were deleted from the mechanism. (b)

A4 CH4+H-,CH3+H2
20 ,,,.i,,,~[ .... ~ .... t .... 1.50 A8 CH3+O2--CH30+O
A9 CH3+O-CH20+H
¢~ A25 CH2+OH,-CH+H20
O A26 CH2+OH--CH20+H /
1.25 A27 Ctq+O2--HCO+O ~ /
A31 CH+H-C+H2 ~x /
~i" A38 C+02-CO+O / \ /
15 - A39 C+OHmCO+H / \ i
A43 CH2+O-CO+2H I \ /
1.00 A44 CH2+O--CO+H2 I \ /
o t~ A46 CH2+O2--CH20+O I \ /
O - A57 HCO+H--CO+H2 I \
A74 C2HS-i-H--2CH3 / ~x/
~I0 0.75 z A132 O+OH-O2+H I ~ / ~
A133 O+H2-OH+H ~ / /
o ~ A151
CJ- CH+N2-HCN+N ~ t ~ -
z : AlS2 CN+N~C+N2 II I - J ~
Z 0.50 O - ; A232 N+NO--N2+O ~

0 ' ' '

1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600
Temperalure - K
FIG. 12. The contribution of prompt NO reactions to NO
formation in the isothermal reaction of 13% methane in air
(~b = 1.37). The lower curve is the ratio of the maximum NO
formation rate calculated using the complete reaction mech- 0000 0.00.5 0.(310 0.015 0.020
anism of Appendix A to the rate calculated with the prompt Time (msec)
NO initiation reactions deleted. The upper curve is the ratio
of the NO concentration at the time of the maximum NO FIG. 13. Sensitivity plot of selected reactions for NO for the
formation rate calculated using the complete mechanism to isothermal reaction of 13% methane in air (4) = 1.37): (a)
the equilibrium NO concentration. T = 1800K; (b) T = 2500K.
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 297

time of maximum NO formation rate with equi- fraction is about a factor of 3.4 higher than the
librium NO concentrations (Fig. 12). At tow tem- adiabatic equilibrium value.
peratures, this channel produces NO levels in excess The mechanism of CH formation in the flame cal-
of equilibrium levels, while, at temperatures above culations is very similar to that in the well-stirred
2500K, this channel contributes only slightly to reactor calculations. The principal difference is that.
overall NO formation. for any equivalence ratio, a somewhat greater portion
The temperature, O-atom, NO, and H C N flame of the CH comes from CH2 that has been formed via
profiles calculated for the same methane/air mixture the C2 hydrocarbon route in the flame than in the
as in the flow-reactor calculations, are shown in Fig. well-stirred reactor. Figure 15 shows the NO sensi-
14. Under these conditions, all the NO formed is from tivity coefficients for the flame of Fig. 14. Large
the hydrocarbon-nitrogen mechanism. Even though positive sensitivities occur for reaction (AI51),
the O-atom concentration exceeds the final equi- CH + N2 ~ HCN + N, and for reactions that
librium value by a factor of 700, the temperatures in produce CH from CH2. Large negative sensitivities
the flame where the superequilibrium O-atoms are arise for reactions that channel methyl through non-
achieved are so low that the thermal mechanism is CH-producing sequences and from the reaction of
ineffective in producing prompt NO. This appears to CH with water,
be a general observation for flames--superequili-
brium O-atom concentrations are not a very CH + H20 . ' CH20 + H, (A32)
important source of prompt NO inflames because of
the low temperatures at which they occur. which is an important sink for CH in the flame.
In Fig. 14 the peak HCN mole fraction in the flame To illustrate the transition from the prompt (hydro-
is more than half of the value of the final NO mole carbon-nitrogen) NO mechanism to the thermal
fraction farther downstream (approximately 15 ppm mechanism in premixed flames as conditions become
HCN compared to 27 ppm NO). This occurs because leaner, NO profiles are plotted in Fig. 16 for a series
HCN is produced both directly by reaction (AI51), of methane/air flames. The conditions shown range
CH + N, --* HCN + N, and indirectly by reaction from 13% methane ( 4 ) = 1.37) to 10% methane
of nitrogen atoms with methyl radicals, (4) = 1.06). Over this range of equivalence ratios, the
NO formation mechanism changes from completely
N + CH3 . ' H:CN + H (A168) hydrocarbon-nitrogen to predominantly thermal.
The origin of the term 'prompt NO' is most obvious
HzCN + M . • HCN + H + M . ( A I 5 5 ) in the 11% methane case, where there clearly are two
time (or length) scales for NO formation. Approxi-
Only when the methyl concentration drops off suf- mately 10 ppm are formed very quickly in the reaction
ficiently is the nitrogen atom oxidized directly to NO. zone: the remainder is formed much more slowly
Consequently, most of the NO formed comes from an downstream. An examination of the NO sensitivity
HCN intermediate. Under relatively rich conditions, plot for this flame in Fig. 17 shows that the prompt
the HCN --* NO conversion is not very rapid and the NO formation arises from the CH + N2 --* HCN +
resulting NO is not very 'prompt,' even though the N reaction, whereas the slower increase in NO later in
hydrocarbon-nitrogen mechanism is the dominant
source of NO. It is also worth noting that the rela- A 9 CH3+O=CH20 +H
A 24 CH2+H=CH+H2
tively constant downstream value of the NO mole 25 CH2+OH=CH+H20
26 CH2+OH=CH20 +H
o A 31 CH+H~C+H2
A151 A 32 CH+H20=CH20 +H
/~- A 46 CH2+O2=CH20+O
A 132 O+OH=O2+H
/ A 151 CH+N2=HCN+N
- >- / L

// 0,1o3 NOxlO4 ~ -

, I / ~ )'~
'I ,I ' J =
Z ~ ~ A 1 3 2

,/ "Ag" ~o,

C, ©~ 02 03 04 05

OO 01 0.2 0.3 04 05
FIG. 14. Calculated temperature. O-atom, NO and HCN
profiles for an atmospheric-pressure flame of 13% methane
in air (~ = 1.37). FIG. 15. Sensitivity plot for NO for the flame of Fig. 14.

JPECS ]5:4-C

o _ L
~,15~ , A~I5 ~ 9 CH3+O=CH20+H
/7]-~, 24 CH2+H--CH+H2
// | A 25 CH2+OH=CH+H20
125%CH4 ....._i..j¢.--.
~ ~
/ I A 27 CH+O2=HCO+O
- - - - -

~ J A 31 CH+H=C+H2
/ / A 32 CH+H20=CH20+H
~ J A 46 CH2+O2=CH20+O
,_ _ 12%C ~ l A 56 HCO+M=H+CO+M
- ~ I A 132 O+OH=O2+H
-_ A232 -J~, 151 CH÷N2=HCN+N

Z 0

o o~
0.0 01 02 0.3 0.4 05 Z
FIG. 16. Nitric oxide mole fraction profiles as a function A32
of equivalence ratio for atmospheric pressure flames of
methane in air. A132

the flame is controlled by the O + N: -~ NO + N

0.0 O1 02 0.3 04
Figures 12 and 13 suggest that, for flow reactor or
shock tube conditions, the contribution of the
thermal-NO mechanism to NO formation in rich FIG. 17. Sensitivity plot for NO for an atmospheric pressure,
hydrocarbon-air mixtures is relatively small at low 11% methane in air flame (~b = 1.16).
temperatures, and most of the NO is formed by the Hydrogen cyanide appears to be the principal product
hydrocarbon-nitrogen prompt NO channel. At high when the fuel nitrogen is bound in an aromatic ring,
temperatures, the importance of the hydrocarbon- ammonia when the fuel nitrogen is in the form of
nitrogen prompt NO channel decreases, and for tem- amines. Hence, a reaction mechanism for NO produc-
peratures above 2500 K most of the NO is formed by tion from fuel nitrogen involves reactions important
the thermal mechanism, which is accelerated by in the oxidation of HCN and NH~. As in the case of
superequilibrium concentrations of O and OH. This prompt NO, the reaction mechanism is shown in Fig.
behavior is to be contrasted with that observed in the 11.
flame calculations, where superequilibrium con-
5.1. The Oxidation o f Hydrogen Cyanide
centrations of O and OH in the flame zone do not
significantly accelerate NO formation by the thermal An important aspect of both prompt-NO and NO
mechanism because of the relatively low temperatures formation from fuel nitrogen is the conversion of
that occur in the flame zone, and where most of the hydrogen cyanide to NO. In order to observe this
in-flame NO is produced by the hydrocarbon- process in relative isolation, Miller et al. 1° studied
nitrogen mechanism. three H2/O2/Ar flames (4~ = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5) at low
pressure to which were added 1 or 2% hydrogen
5. N O P R O D U C T I O N FROM FUEL NITROGEN cyanide. Under such conditions, in which the only
A principal source of nitrogen oxide emissions in source of elemental carbon is HCN, even the profiles
the combustion of fossil fuels is the nitrogen chemi- of CO and CO: contain information about the
cally bound in the fuel. This 'fuel nitrogen' is a par- nitrogen chemistry. A comparison of the predictions
ticularly important source of nitrogen oxide emissions of the present model, which is essentially the same as
for coal and coal-derived fuels, which typically that of Miller et al., with these experimental results for
contain 0.5-2.0% nitrogen by weight. Measurements all the stable nitrogen- and carbon-containing species
on laboratory-scale burners with a variety of model is shown in Figs 18-20. The agreement between model
and experiment is remarkably good.
fuel-nitrogen compounds, such as methacrylonitrile,
methylamine, pyridine, and quinoline, indicate that Analysis of the computed results indicates that the
the extent of conversion of fuel nitrogen to NO is reaction sequence indicated by the bold arrows in Fig.
nearly independent of the identity of the model 21 is the dominant mechanism for converting HCN to
compound, but is strongly dependent on the local NO and N: in all three flames. Sensitivity profiles for
combustion environment (temperature and stoi- HCN and NO are shown in Figs 22 and 23 for the rich
chiometry) and on the initial level of nitrogen flame. The HCN removal is controlled by the reaction
compound in the fuel-air mixture. = Available data of HCN with oxygen atoms,
also suggest that the gas-phase fuel-nitrogen reaction HCN + O " NCO + H (A176)
sequence is initiated by a rapid and nearly quanti-
tative conversion of the parent fuel nitrogen HCN + O .~ ~ NH + CO, (A177)
compounds to hydrogen cyanide and ammoniaJ 5-5~ even in the rich flame. Subsequent reactions of NCO
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 299

o H* _ C N ~ ÷O N2
, o.,+o//" I
HCN" *0 - - N H .a~H N .N


FIG, 21, Reaction path diagram illustrating the reaction

mechanism by which HCN is converted to NO and N 2 in the

~ o N~IO~ low-pressure flames of Miller et al.~° The bold lines indicate

the most important reaction paths.

0 05 : 15 2 25 0 A 131 OH+H2=H20+H
X{CM) A 132 O+OH=O2+H ]
A 133 O+H2--0H+H i
g- A 134H+O2(+M)--HO2{+M) ~__~...-~---...~z~3J~q3
A 176 HCN+O=NCO+H ~ L~q~
FIG. 18. Comparison of model predictions with the ex- A 177 HCN+O=NH+CO ~ l
perimental data of Miller et al.~° for a lean (th = 0.5) H2/O~/ A 182 CN+OH=NCO V
Ar flame (P = 25 torr) to which 1% HCN was added.
H ---

o ,
i o_

!=< 9

=, HCNxI0 •

o ! 1

0.5 1.5

0 0.5 1 15 2 FIG. 22. Sensitivity plot for HCN in the rich flame of Fig. 20.

FK;. 19. Comparison of model predictions with the ex-

perimental data of Miller et aL ~o for a stoichiometric H 2/02/
Ar flame (P = 25 torr) to which 2% HCN was added. A 131 OH+H2=H20+H r;.,
A 132 O+OH=O2+H /'-' ~
A 134 H+O2(+M)-HO2(+M) /
A 176 HCN+O--NCO+H
A 232N+NO=N2+O ~-~'/
A 2 3 ~
o cO"~

=c=,,o\ /- =o,, z
i o o o ~


C 05 !.5 2 25
0 0.5 . i 1'5
Flo. 20. Comparison of model predictions with the ex-
perimental data of Miller et aL L° for a rich (~ = 1.5) H 2/O:/
Ar flame (P = 25 tort) to which 2% HCN was added. FIG. 23. Sensitivity plot for NO in the rich flame of Fig. 20.

and NH with hydrogen atoms, producing N, are rela- based on BAC-MP4 calculations for the two
tively fast and have little influence on the observed processes are shown in Figs 24 and 25. Miller e t ' a l . 3~
species profiles. The distribution of NO and N: in the and Miller and Melius :3 have used the BAC-MP4
flame is governed by the N-atom reactions, results and statistical-theoretical methods, modeling
the intramolecular dynamics as stochastic processes.
N + OH . • NO + H (A234) to predict rate coefficients for the various elementary
steps of interest. For O + HCN the steps are
N + NO . " N: + O. (A232) reactions (A176) and (A177); for OH + HCN three
channels are possible,
In studying hydrogen cyanide decay in the
postflame gases of very rich atmospheric-pressure OH + HCN . • HOCN + H (A172)
flames, Haynes, 49 Morley 5°'5i and Fenimore 5:
concluded that H C N is removed primarily by reaction OH + HCN . • HNCO + H (A173)
with OH. Two channels were suggested by these in-
vestigators, one that is first order in OH, and

OH + H C N • H O C N + H, (A172) OH + HCN . " NH2 + CO. (A174)

and one that is second order, For O + H C N a comparison of the total rate
coefficient predicted by the theory with the ex-
OH + H C N . • CN + H20 (A171) perimental results of Davies and Thrush, 54 Perry and
Melius, 3° and Roth e t al. 55 is shown in Fig. 26. The
CN + OH . • NCO + H, (A182) agreement is excellent, particularly when a minor
modification is made to the barrier height for adding
under the partially equilibrated conditions prevalent
in the postflame gases of atmospheric-pressure flames.
Reaction of HCN + OH
Because of the equilibration of the H C N --* CN con-
version, the rate of the second-order process is
HCNOH #3 #5 #2
governed by reaction (A182). Haynes concluded that
the first of these channels was dominant below -~
,¢ 6o N ~ HOCN + H
2300 K, the latter above 2300 K. It is of interest to '~ 40 CN + H20
note that the O + H C N reactions, (A176) and I HC NCO + H2
(A177), are also second order in the OH concen- HNCO + H
tration under these conditions because of the relation-
ship between O and OH in partial equilibrium. wo (.)
Several theoretical and experimental investiga-
0 H
tions 3°'31'53"55-58have helped to reconcile the seemingly "CN ~H
disparate conclusions of Miller e t al. and those of -2o - ('")
Haynes, Morley, and Fenimore. The reactions of Reaction Coordinate Diagram
interest, the first-order O + H C N and the
FIG. 25. Reaction coordinate diagram from BAC-MP4 cal-
OH + H C N reactions, are complicated processes culations for the reaction OH + H C N ---} products.
involving multiple potential wells and multiple
product channels. Reaction coordinate diagrams T (K)
2000 1000 750 SO0

140 ,
Reaction of HCN + O O+HCN'-~ productl
# # 6 ~

"~_~ 1°""1
o i0-,3~ °:!iT;i
E loo

HCN + O kk(~l~tJi~""A #4/- / ~ NCO.H

10"~ \
$0 . = NH ÷ CO 10-,61
0.0 Eo ~Lo ,~o 2o.o 25.0
40 lIT "I0"'
Reaction Coardlnmte Diagram
FIG. 26. Comparison with experiment of the theoretical
FIG. 24. Reaction coordinate diagram from BAC-MP4 cal- prediction of Miller et al. 31 for the total rate coefficient,
culations for the reaction O + HCN ---,products. kAi76 + kAi77, of the reaction HCN + O --, products.
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 301

O to HCN. 31 F o r the specific channels, the theory normal combustion conditions. In contrast, however,
accurately predicts the experimental results of Louge reaction (AI71) is relatively fast at combustion tem-
and Hanson 56 for kAi76and those of Szekely et al. 57 for peratures. Figure 27 shows a comparison of the
kay77. The rate coefficient expressions in the theoretical prediction for k^~7~ of Miller and Melius
mechanism are consistent with both the theoretical with the experimental expression given by Szekely et
and experimental results. al. 5s (used in the present mechanism), which is based
For the OH + HCN reaction there is very little on their experimental data for the reverse reaction at
experimental data available. In fact, the only relevant high temperature (2460 K < T < 2840 K) and the
data are from the flame experiments discussed above. lower-temperature (500K < T < 700K) data for
Figure 27 compares the theoretical prediction for the the forward reaction of Fritz et al. 59 Although the
total rate coefficient, k T = kA]72 -F kA173 + kA174, agreement between theory and experiment is not as
with the experimental results, which are sensitive only good as one might hope, both indicate that the ab-
to this sum. The agreement between theory and ex- straction is the fastest of the OH + HCN channels.
periment is remarkably good. The rate expressions in This result limits the conditions under which the other
the present model are based on the theoretical results, OH + H C N steps, reactions (AI72)-(A174), can be
which show kA172 > kA173 > kA174 under most com- effective in removing H C N to those where the ab-
bustion conditions. straction reaction (A171) is nearly equilibrated.
For kA~s: (CN + OH ~ NCO + H (A182)), The present kinetics model incorporates the ex-
which controls the rate of the process that is second perimental observations of Miller et al. and those of
order in OH, we have adopted the Haynes49/Morley 5° Haynes, Morley, and Fenimore about H C N removal.
rate coefficient without modification. However. it is What conditions favor the different mechanisms? Ex-
possible that their determination of this rate coef- perience in modeling a variety of flame, stirred
ficient was hampered to some extent by interference reactor, and flow reactor conditions indicates that the
from the O + HCN reaction, which would also be O + H C N sequence shown in Fig. 21 almost always
second order in OH under their experimental plays the major role. The OH + HCN reactions
conditions. normally come into play only under conditions that
Both the O + HCN and the OH + HCN are both rich and nearly equilibrated. If HCN conver-
reactions have direct hydrogen abstraction channels sion takes place in a highly nonequilibrium reaction
that should be considered, zone, even under very rich conditions, the O + HCN
sequence still is likely to be dominant.
0 + HCN . " CN + OH (A178)

and 5.2. T h e N O --* H C N ~ N : M e c h a n i s m

OH + H C N . " CN + H20. (AI71) As noted by many investigators, 6°-63 in rich com-

bustion systems there is the possibility of reaction of
Reaction (A178) is quite endothermic and slow, 3L57it NO with hydrocarbon free radicals, leading to the
is never very important to HCN removal under formation of hydrogen cyanide and, eventually, of
molecular nitrogen. Moreover, Myerson 6°'6: and
Wendt and coworkers 6~ have suggested that processes
T (K) in which CH~ + NO reactions are significant can be
2000 1000 750 SO0
1oi Fen~mo
utilized as effective NOx control strategies. One such
practical control technique is reburning, ~'6-~ which is
...... : .............. based on the early work of Myerson and Wendt et al.
10""=1 The principal objective of this section is to identify
the mechanism by which the NO --* HCN ~ N2 con-
10"~ kA~,x'~.x'~'~ ~ OH+HCN-'I"CN"'H20 version is accomplished under combustion
conditions. To this end we consider first the low-

pressure premixed flame experiments of Thorne et
al.12 In these experiments, the flames are nominally the
rich, ¢ = 1.5, H:/O2/Ar flame of Miller et al., ~° to
which small quantities of acetylene, hydrogen
10-,'1 i cyanide, and nitric oxide were added in various com-
oo 50 lo.o ls.o 20.0 25.0
1/T "10" binations. Acetylene was used as the hydrocarbon
because of the ease with which it yields low molecular
FIG. 27. Comparison with experiment of the theoretical weight hydrocarbon free radicals through the
prediction of Miller and Melius $3 for the total rate coef- O + C : H : reaction, z:
ficient, kr = kAir: + k~l~3 + kAl,.4, of the reaction Figure 28 shows a comparison of the model predic-
OH + HCN --, products. Also shown are predictions and
tions with the experimental data of Thorne et al. for
experiments for reaction (A171), OH + HCN ---,
CN + H,O. the nitrogen-containing species in the flame to which

is plotted for the reactions of interest. In this

equation, the subscript i denotes the i th reaction
((A171), (A178), or ( - A179)) and K~denotes its equi-
.~ × librium constant. The proximity of f, to unity
measures the degree to which each reaction is equi-
,,= .r~ j librated. Since the hydrocarbon and nitrogen
NOxI03 X7 CN
chemistry are decoupled in this flame, and since the
CN is equilibrated with the HCN sufficiently high
z above the burner surface, the CN concentration at
these heights is governed simply by thermochemistry,
by the rate coefficient for the O + HCN reaction (i.e.
0.5 1 15
kAl76 "+- kA177), and by the rate coefficients of several
X(CM) reactions in the H:/O., chemistry. Since the values of
these parameters are known to good accuracy, the
FIG. 28. Comparison of model predictions with the experi- computed CN number density at 2cm above the
ments ofThome et alJ 2 for a rich (4~ = 1.5) H,/O2/Ar flame burner was used to calibrate all the CN LIF measure-
at 25 torr to which 2% Call 2 and 2% HCN were added. ments ofThorne e t al. With this calibration factor the
agreement between model and experiment for CN
number density in Fig. 28 is almost perfect.
2% acetylene and 2% hydrogen cyanide were added.
The more interesting experiments performed by
The agreement between model and experiment is very
Thorne e t al. are the ones in which acetylene and nitric
good. An analysis of the computation shows that the
oxide were added to the basic H.,/OE/Ar flame. A
HCN --* NO ~ N2 conversion mechanism in this
comparison of the model predictions with these flame
flame is the same as that for the case where there is no
data for the nitrogen-containing species are shown in
acetylene addition, i.e. there is no direct interaction
Figs 30 and 31. The CN L I F data in these experiments
between the hydrocarbon and nitrogen chemistry in
this flameJ 2 The most important feature of the flame
is the CN profile, whose measurement requires a
single calibration factor to yield number density from
the L I F (laser-induced fluorescence) signal. In fact, a
CN ~ - ~~ ~X
single calibration factor makes quantitative the CN Z

measurements in all the flames considered by Thorne

e t al. 12 This calibration factor can be obtained by
noting that CN becomes nearly equilibrated with
H C N by reactions of the type,

HCN + Y . " CN + HY,

oo ~-~\,,.,0, o
where Y = H, OH, or O, at distances above the 0 0.5 i ~5
burner greater than about 1.6cm. This can be seen X(CM)
from Fig. 29, where the function f,(x),
FIG. 30. Comparison of model predictions with the experi-
ments ofThorne et al. 12 for a rich (@ = 1.5) H.,/O,/Ar flame
XcNXHrK (5.1) at 25 torr to which 1.97% C.,H, and 1.35% NO were added.
f,(x) = __:
¢Hc--~/ ,,




° /

_ HCNx102
N~xI02 Z
• m (.,,)
/ ...C.N..+.H..2..--H.CN+ H......
o ~ ~ c~ ~
0~ oB 08 i ,2 ;.* ~'a ;. 0.5 1 1.5


FIG. 29. Degree of equilibration of the reactions F]o. 31. Comparison of model predictions with the experi-
HCN + Y ~ C N + HY, where Yis H, OH, or O. The ments ofThorne et aL i 2 for a rich (@ = 1.5) H2/O2/Ar flame
function f,(x) is defined in Eq. (5.1). at 25torr to which 2.9% C2H2 and 1.4% NO were added.
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 303

were converted to number densities using the calibra- HCN a substantial fraction of the time (more than
tion factor determined above. Again the agreement half). The sensitivity analysis shows that the CN is
.between model prediction and experiment is excellent. produced and destroyed in this region of the flame by
Both show the initial conversion of the NO to HCN the sequence
and CN and the subsequent formation of N2 on a
slower time scale. C + NO , " CN + O (A156)
Sensitivity profiles for NO, CN and HCN in the
flame of Fig. 30 are shown in Figs 32-34; sensitivity CN + H 2 . " HCN + H. (A179)
profiles for the other flame are similar. The most
surprising feature of these flames is the sharp peak in The main reaction paths involved in converting NO
the CN number density at about 4 m m above the to N: through HCN and CN are shown in Fig. 35.
burner. This peak is reproduced by the model only if The improvement in the agreement between the
the NO conversion results in CN as a precursor to model calculations and the experimental data, par-
ticularly in the CN profile of Fig. 31, over that
reported by Thorne e t al. is due to the increased
A g CH3+O=CH20+H
importance in the present model of the
A 24 CH2+H=CH+H2 C 2 H : ~ H C C O path, followed by the sequence,
A 27 CH+O2=HCO+O
A 38 C+02=CO+O
r~ A 76 C2H2+O=CH2+CO
o A 7"7 C2H2+O=HCCO+H
A 79 H+C2H2(+M)=C2H3(+M)
A 110 CH2(S)+H2--CH3+H t~
A 132 O+OH=O2+H
A 1330+H2=OH+H
A 156 C+NO--CN+O A 27 CH+O2=HCO+O
o A 157 CH+NO=HCN+O A 38 C+O2,=CO+0
I>- A 226N+NO=N2+O A 132 O+OH--O2+H
F-- A 228N+OH=NO+H A 133 O+H2=OH+H
__E A 156 C+NO-CN+O
A 157 CH+NO-'HCN+O
A 179 CN+H2"=HCN+H
iii A 181 CN+O2=NCO+O
z A~B

¢.+ AI~-
o A,~7

O z( , . ) ~ A157
"3" o - A~e

0 05 1 15 2
FIG. 32. Sensitivity plot for NO for the flame of Fig. 30.

A 24. CH2+H=CH+H2 0 05 1 !5 2
A 31 CH+H=C+H2 X(CM)
A 38 C+O2=C0+0
co A 76 C2H2+O=CH2+CO
o- A 79 H+C2H2(+M)=C2H3(+M)
f '~ A 1320+OH--O2+H
FIG. 34. Sensitivity plot of selected reactions for HCN for the
J ~ A 1330+H2=OH+H flame of Fig. 30.
/ ~ A 156C+NO=CN+O
o- ] ~ A 179 CN+H2=HCN+H
/ -~- A 181 CN+O2=NCO~O
C2H 2 m= H C C O

A~61 , L--

CO 3-C1"12~" N+" ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ HCNO ÷H

ew +No~ / pH
o- CH v HON~..-+O /
, " .co
C +NO v"- O N
r>.,+, +O 2
05 1 1.5 2 FIG. 35. Reaction path diagram illustrating the
X(CM) NO ---, HCN --, N 2 conversion mechanism in the NO-added
flames of Thorne et al. t: The bold lines indicate the most
FIG. 33. Sensitivity plot for CN for the flame of Fig. 30. important reaction paths.

H + HCCO . ~ tCH2 + CO (AI01) possibilities for the early CN formation in Fig. 30,

C + NO . • CN + O (A156)
tCH, + H: . • CH3 + H. (All0)
Reaction ( A l l 0 ) is very fast 66 and inhibits the
formation of CH and C (and thus CN) early in the CH + NO . ' CN + OH.
flame. In addition to the sequence involving carbon
atoms, HCN is produced directly by the reaction, although the model includes only reaction (A156).
The temperatures and pressure in the flame experi-
CH + NO . • HCN + O. (A157) ments ofThorne et al. are lower than are encountered
in typical reburning situations, and it is possible that
Hydrogen cyanide is partially converted to N: in the reaction channels other than those discussed above
flame by the reaction sequence discussed above, play a role in NO removal by reburning. Roby and
Bowman ~74have shown that in atmospheric-pressure.
O + HCN , ~ NCO + H (A176) fuel-rich H2/O:/Ar flames to which small amounts of
nitric oxide were added, significant removal of the NO
NCO + H .~, • NH + CO (A192) ( 2 40%) occurs by the reaction sequence,

NH + H . ' N + H2 (A211) H + NO + M " HNO + M ( - A 2 2 8 )

N + NO _ • N2 + O. (A232) HNO + H ' NH + OH (-A208)

In the calculations the CN peak of Fig. 30 occurs as NH + H . " N + H, (A211)

a result of the reaction between carbon atoms and
nitric oxide. However, there is another possibility-- N + NO , • N2 + O. (A232)
the reaction between CH and NO could produce
CN + OH directly. Reaction (A157), CH + NO ---,
HCN + O, cannot occur adiabatically on the Seery and Zabielski m have reported significant NO
ground-state singlet surface since it does not conserve removal in a low-pressure, fuel-rich H:/O.,/Ar flame
electron spin, but the CN + OH product channel to which nitric oxide was added, although Cattolica ~76
can. Figure 36 shows estimated potential energy reported no NO removal in a fuel-rich Hz/O,./Ar
parameters involved in the two reactions on the flame at an identical pressure but much lower tem-
singlet surface. Unfortunately, the high points along peratures. Roby and Bowman observed additional
the reaction coordinates of the two reactions are too NO removal when small amounts of acetylene were
close together to draw a definitive conclusion about addea to the atmospheric-pressure, fuel-rich H:/O:/
the CN + OH channel• The situation is complicated NO/Ar flame. This additional NO removal was attri-
even further by the possibility of reaction (A157), the buted to the CHi + NO reaction sequence discussed
HCN + O channel, also occurring on a triplet above. However, in this flame, the principal NO-
surface. For the present we must acknowledge both removal process still was the N O - - , HNO---, N.,
sequence. Sarv and Cernansky m have suggested that
the NO--* HNO--* N: sequence also may be
CH + NO ~ PRODUCTS important in NO removal in atmospheric-pressure,
fuel-rich hydrocarbon-air flames. To examine the role
2ooi of HNO reactions in NO removal in hydrocarbon
CH(2E) * NO(2~! flames, we have performed a calculation for a fuel-
150 rich (qb = 1.37) atmospheric-pressure methane-air
flame to which 1000ppmv of NO was added. The
$ + OH(2~) calculated temperature and the NO and HCN con-
centration profiles are shown in Fig. 37, and the NO
HCN + O(3p) sensitivity profile is shown in Fig. 38. A significant
50 amount of the input NC is removed in this flame and
• dCNO 1NONC a significant amount of HCN is formed. Sensitivity
analysis shows that the NO removal occurs primarily
by the NO ---, HCN ---, N 2 mechanism, with only a
small contribution from the NO ---, HNO ~ N2
FIG. 36. Hypothetical reaction coordinate diagram for the mechanism. Hence, the present model suggests that in
reaction CH + NO ~ products. The intersection between
the singlet and triplet surfaces is based on a similar intersec- hydrocarbon flames and in reburning with hydrocar-
tion for N: O (isoelectronic). The barrier for the 1,3 hydrogen bon fuels, the primary NO-removal process is
shift is estimated to be the same as that for CH3NO deter- NO ---, HCN ---, N 2. Further progress in modeling
mined by BAC-MP4 calculations. NO removal in flames requires more accurate kinetic
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 305

oxide and by which nitric oxide is converted to

molecular nitrogen in NH3/O 2 flames. In addition to
the reaction steps shown in the diagram, there also are
reactions forming N2 that do not involve N O : 15"69'71"72

8 oo NO NH: + NH ~ N2H: + H (B61)


~- o N,H: + M ~ NNH + H + M (B64)

c> NzH, + H ~ NNH + H: (B65)

00 C' I C' i' 0 3 04 O5
X. (cm)
NNH ~ N, + H (B43/A221)*
FIG. 37. Calculated temperature, NO and HCN profiles for
an atmospheric-pressure, 13% methane in air flame or
(~ = 1.37) to which 1000ppmv NO was added.
N N H + NO ~ N: + HNO.
o A156 C'~N0-CN+O
~34~6,157 CH+NO=HCN+O
- --A158 CH2+NO'HCNO+ N
o A228 HNO+M'H"NO'~ M This reaction sequence, involving N2H ~ species,
o A232 N+NO--N2+O
A234 N+OH=NO+H occurs even in moderately lean ammonia flames.
However, its importance appears to be limited to

/ flames for which elemental nitrogen is a major
component of the fuel. Consequently, in most
practical situations, where the fuel contains low levels
of nitrogen, NH, + NHj (i, j = 0, 1, 2) reactions are
U30 Jl The important features of the ammonia oxidation
o c mechanism, Fig. 39, can be summarized as follows.
Ammonia is converted to NH2 by hydrogen abstrac-
0 tion. For most conditions, the primary abstraction
reaction is

NH 3 + OH ~ NH: + H20.
o (B40/A218)
O0 01 0.2 0.3 04 05
X (cm) However, for lean conditions, reaction with oxygen
atoms and for rich conditions, reaction with hydrogen
FIG. 38. Sensitivity plot for NO for the flame of Fig. 37.

data on reactions between carbon-containing radicals NO

and NO, notably (A156)-(A158) and (A161), and on
reaction ( - A 2 2 8 ) , H + NO + M ~ - H N O + M,
at combustion temperatures.

5.3. The Oxidation of NH3 NH 3 .OH,÷H,+O • NH 2 .H..OH : NH -H-OH ~, N

In this section, we discuss the mechanism of

ammonia conversion to NO, as well as some addition- *NO\ NNH N20 / ~NO
al features of fuel-nitrogen chemistry in combustion.
In discussing ammonia oxidation, we restrict
ourselves to considering NH3/O,, flames. Miller et
al.J; as well as others 67-7°'s4 have discussed NH~
oxidation in flames previously. Since the mechanism FIG. 39. Reaction path diagram for the oxidation of
ammonia in flames.
proposed here, Appendix B, is essentially the same as
that of Ref. 15, the discussion will be brief. *In this section, when a reaction in the Appendix B
Figure 39 outlines schematically the principal mechanism is also included in the Appendix A mechanism,
reactions by which ammonia is oxidized to nitric both B and A numbers are given.

atoms also make significant contributions to NH2 NNH . • N: + H (B43/A221)

NNH + NO . • N: + HNO.
NH3 + O . • NH2 + OH
Imidogen (NH) can be oxidized to NO both directly,
NH 3 + H • NH2 + H2.
NH + O, . • NO + OH
Successively smaller amine free radicals are formed by
reaction with hydrogen atoms and to a lesser extent NH+0 . •NO+H, (B33)
by reaction with OH,
and through nitroxyl,
NH~ + H(OH) . ~ NHi_I + H2(H20),
NH + O: . • HNO + O
i = 1,2.
Each NH~ free radical can undergo subsequent
reaction by one of two mechanisms:
NH + OH . • HNO + H.
(a) oxidation leading to NO formation;
(b) reaction with NO leading to the formation of (B29/A208)
molecular nitrogen.
The chemical identity of the NHi free radical The reaction of NH with NO produces N2 O, which is
primarily responsible for determining the NO/N2 converted to N: principally by reaction with hydrogen
product distribution depends on the equivalence atoms,
ratio. For very lean flames, the critical amine free
radical is NH2, but as the equivalence ratio increases NH + NO . ~ NzO + H
the greater abundance of hydrogen atoms results in a
shift in the critical NH i species from NH 2 to NH to N. (B23/A202)
Under most conditions, all three NH~ species play
some role, although even in moderately rich flames N,O + H . • N2 + OH.
the N-atom is dominant.
Amidogen (NH:) is oxidized to NO through (B24/A204)
nitroxyl (HNO) by the reaction sequence,
Reaction (B23) is the source of virtually all the N20
that has been detected in ammonia flames. Is'67-69The
O + NH 2 . • HNO + H
production and destruction of NO by nitrogen atoms
(B34/A212) occurs via the extended Zeldovich mechanism,

HNO + M . • NO + H + M N + NO . ' N2 + O (B56/A232)

N + 02 . • NO + O (B57/A233)
HNO + OH . • NO + H20
N + OH • NO + H. (B58/A234)
Since the appearance of Ref. 15, several improve-
HNO + NH2 " NO + NH3. ments in the kinetics model have been brought about
by more reliable determinations of important rate
(B53/A230) parameters, and some rate-parameter estimates and
The formation of N., from NO by reaction with NH2 conjectures have been placed on firmer ground. Most
occurs either directly, notably, the rate coefficients of the reactions of
ammonia with O H , 73-75 H, 76-78 and 0 73'79.80 have now
NH, + NO . " N 2 + H20, (B39) been determined reliably over broad temperature
ranges. Hack, Kurzke, and Wagner81have determined
or through the NNH intermediate, the rate coefficient of reaction (B22)

NH2 + NO . • N N H + OH NH + 02 . • NO + OH

(B38/A216) (B22/A201)
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 307

up to T = 543 K and have confirmed the products a factor of two between calculated and reported
inferred theoretically from BAC-MP4 calculations,g2 hydrogen atom concentrations: however, uncertain-
This same group 8~ has also measured the rate coeffi- ties in the measurement of hydrogen atoms by
cient of reaction (B61), molecular beam mass spectrometry are of this order.
The model calculations and the experiment agree
NH, + NH . ' N:H., + H, (B61)
at room temperature. Their k-value is consistent with o

the estimate made theoretically by Miller e t al. ]5"69 and
values subsequently inferred at high temperature
from shock tube 7-~and flame 71 experiments.
z~ o
To demonstrate the predictive capability of the
-- o oC~bo
ammonia oxidation mechanism of Appendix B, we
have made comparisons of model predictions with the ~_ o
o o .o.e " " ".;
results of the low-pressure flame experiment reported No . ...,o> ° A.i...x, ° o~
recently by Bian, Vandooren, and Van Tiggelen.7° Ooj ,~ /" \ ~ t
0 ~ •
Comparisons of model predictions with other
ammonia flame data were reported previously in Ref.
15. ....... oo°°ooo
The comparisons between the model predictions o 02 04 0.6 08
and the experimental results are shown in Figs 40--44. X(CM)
Overall, the agreement between model and experi-
FIG. 42. Comparison of profiles of NH, H, and O calculated
ment is good. There is a discrepancy of approximately using the mechanism of Appendix B with the data of Bian
et al. 7°

f-f >.,o

o e/,
q ~ i ' " "i," ~ o,
bo ° -
/ % ~ N H 7 ~ 10

~c ,. \ t,, ¢
- \0 ~-,a ~ m ~ t3 a
\ ~ D r" L-"e--

:~os -

0.2 0.4 0,6 0.8

02 04 06 08
Fld. 40. Comparison of profiles of major species calculated X(CM)
using the mechanism of Appendix B with the data of Bian et
al. :° for a low-pressure (35torr) NH3--O2-Ar (0.48/0.51/ FIG. 43. Comparison of profiles of NH 2 and OH calculated
0.01) flame. using the mechanism of Appendix B with the data of Bian
et al. 7°

0 x 10
< 5 k,-
: ........ :......:...:...'Z...7. ..... .2,,=
S / • .... C' O

S f

, . !"


o o~


X(CM) 0 0.2 04 06 D8
FIG. 41. Comparison of profiles of NO and N,O calculated
using the mechanism of Appendix B with the data of Bian FIG 44 Comparison of the HNO profiles calculated using
et al. 7° the mechanism of Appendix B with the data of Bian et a l 7°

somewhat better for O and OH. Such differences are NH: + O . • HNO + H,
probably within the experimental uncertainty for
molecular beam/mass spectrometric measurements of (B34/A212)
these free radicals. The agreement of model and ex-
and the N-atom reactions themselves.
periment for the major stable species (NH3, O:, N,,
and H20) and for the oxides of nitrogen (NO and
N + O2 . " NO + O
N20) is almost perfect. The amine free radical con-
centrations (NH2 and NH) also are predicted very (B56/A233)
well by the model; a discrepancy of only 30% occurs
for the maximum NH concentration, and the N H : N + OH . " NO + H.
profile is predicted almost perfectly everywhere. The
most serious discrepancies occur for the H N O and the (B58/A234)
nitrogen atom. Figure 44 shows that the model
Early in the flame, the NO concentration also is influ-
predicts about an order of magnitude more H N O
enced by the rate of HNO dissociation and by the
than is observed experimentally, and our prediction of
chain branching step,
3 x 10 -4 for the maximum nitrogen atom mole
fraction is significantly higher than the experimentally
H + O., . • OH + O.
determined upper limit of I x 10 -5. However, there
appears to be no reasonable way in which the ( - B 3 / - A132)
mechanism can be modified to improve the overall
agreement. The intermediate species concentrations The NO is removed primarily by reaction with
(free radicals, N20, and NO) are so strongly coupled nitrogen atoms,
that a change in the mechanism that has a large effect
on one species profile normally has a large effect on N + NO . " N: + O,
several of the others.
Our main interest in this flame is the NO and N 2 0 (B57/A232)
profiles. Sensitivity plots for these species are with only secondary contributions from the
presented in Figs 45 and 46. The NO in this flame is N H : + NO and NH + NO reactions.
formed both through the nitroxyl route and by N- The N~O is formed by reaction (B23/A202)
atom reactions. The main rate-controlling reactions
are the formation of nitroxyl via reactions (B29) and
NH + NO . ' N20 + H

NH + OH . • HNO + H (B23/A202)

(B29/A208) and removed by reaction (B24/A204)

B 30+OH--O2+H B 30+OH--O2+H
] B 23 NH+NO--N20+H B 23 NH+NO--N20+H
J B 29 NH+OH--HNO+H B 24 N20+H=N2+OH
/ B 32 NH+H,-,N+H2 B 29 NH+OH--HNO eH
_ _ J_,a 35 NH2+O--HNO+H B 32 NH+H=N+H2
~- ~ Fr~B39 NH2+NO--N2+H20 B 35 NH2+O--HNO+H
J B ,tO NH3+OH'-NH2+H20 O~
(~_ LI: B 36 NH2+OH=NH+H20
~ 50 HNO(+M)--H+NO(+M) B 37 NH2+H--NH+H2
/ ~ 7 '~---, ~ 56 N+NO--N2+O B 39 NH2+NO=N2+H20
//( ~6" ] - B 57 N+O2--NO+O B 49 NNH*O--N20+H
~ . ~ ~ ~ B 58 N+OH--NO+H B 50 HNO(+M)--H+NO(+M)
>-- 0 - B 51 HNO+OH--NO+H20
B 56 N+NO--N2+O
B 61 NH2+NH--N2H2+H
B 69 N2H2+NO=N20+NH2
~-. 04 , ',,,
i e0,

ua z

? 9
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 I 0 0125 o15o o175

FIG. 45. Sensitivity plot for NO for the flame conditions of FIG.46. Sensitivity plot for N20 for the flame conditions of"
Bian et al. 7° Bian et al. 7°
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 309

N.,O + H , ' N 2 + OH. the stable hydrocarbon products (as well as CO and
CO2) and the stable nitrogenous species as a function
(B24/A204) of equivalence ratio (from ~ = 1 to ¢~ = 1.9) for a
In addition to these two reactions, Fig. 46 shows that fixed temperature and residence time (T = 1750K
the N.~O concentration is sensitive to reactions that and r = 7msec). They have compared their results
establish the N H and NO concentrations (and to a with PSR (perfectly stirred reactor) model predictions
based on the mechanism of Glarborg, Miller, and
lesser extent to reactions that determine the H-atom
concentration). Since the N H : (from which N H is Kee) ~The agreement is very good for both the hydro-
carbons 86 and the nitrogenous species. We include
formed), NH, and NO profiles are predicted accu-
here only a discussion of the nitrogen results in com-
rately, we are confident that we have correctly iden-
parison with the PSR predictions based on the
tified the N : O formation and destruction mechanism
mechanism of Appendix A, which is a slight extension
in this and in other ammonia flames.
and improvement over the Glarborg-Miller-Kee
The rate coefficients used in the present model for
mechanism used by the M.I.T. workers.
reactions (B23/A202) and (B24/A204) are discussed in
The M.I.T. experiments are particularly valuable in
more detail in Section 8. However, it should be noted
that they provide information not only about the NO
that reducing kB23 any further compromises the
produced, but also about the other principal stable
agreement between the predicted and experimental
fixed-nitrogen compounds, HCN and NH3. The com-
N , O profiles, as one might expect from the sensitivity
parisons between the model predictions and the ex-
analysis. On the other hand, increasing ka23 a t high
perimental results for these species are shown in Figs
temperature is easily compensated for by increasing
47--49. A comparison for the total fixed nitrogen
(TFN = NO + HCN + NH3) is shown in Fig. 50.
N : O + OH . ' N, + H e : , The agreement between the model and experiment is
excellent for NO and HCN, less good (but still quite
(B28/A203) acceptable) for NH3. The comparison for the T F N

without seriously affecting anything else. The possi- ksb

0 HCN {experiment)
bility of increased values of kB.,3and kB28should not be HCN (model}
overlooked, s-~ O

5.4. F u e l - N i t r o g e n Conversion in W e l l - S t i r r e d
Reactors (..)

Longwell and coworkers s6"87at M.I.T. have recently o
performed a set of experiments in a jet-stirred reactor 0 0 C

that provides a useful test of the present reaction

mechanism in predicting fuel-nitrogen conversion
under reasonably practical conditions. Burning 12 14 16 18

ethylene in air with a small quantity of added Fuel/Air Equivalence Ratio

ammonia (1.5% of fuel by mass), they measured both

FIG. 48. Comparison of the model predictions of HCN
concentrations with the well-stirred reactor data of Sun et
al. 87
C" NO (experlmenl)
NO Imoaer)

C NH3 (exper~mentb
NH2+NH3 {model)

× O L
Z 7.

~ c ~J
,,== O

© O

c C O O © 0 0 0 0
!2 14 16 18
FuedA~r Equwalence Ratio
14 16 !8
Fuel/Air Equivalence Ratio
FIG. 47. C o m p a r i s o n of the model predictions of N O con-
centrations with the well-stirred reactor data of Sun et a l ? ~
Fuel nitrogen = NH~ (~-2600ppmv); T = 1750K, resi- FIG. 49. C o m p a r i s o n of the model predictions o f N H 3 con-
dence time = 7msec. centrations with the well-stirred reactor data of Sun et al. ~"

suggests that the optimum equivalence ratio for

TFNIHCN +NO+NH3 (model) minimum T F N emissions is a relatively weak function
o of fuel type, source of fuel nitrogen, and residence
X time.
Another interesting point arises from the three cal-
culations cited above. Figure 52 shows the speciation
,,= of the T F N for the three different cases. One can infer
from the plots that the differences in the T F N and its
speciation among the three cases arise from the fuel-
nitrogen source passing unreacted through the
reactor. That is, for the case where NO is the initial
fuel-nitrogen source, more NO is emitted from the
14 !6 18
reactor than in the other two cases, which have es-
Fuel/Air E q u i v a l e n c e Ratio
sentially the same amount of emitted NO. Similar
FIG. 50. Comparison of the model predictions of TFN statements apply for the hydrogen cyanide and
(TFN = NO + HCN + NH0 with the well-stirred ammonia cases. These results suggest that some of the
reactor data of Sun et al. 87 discrepancy between the model predictions and the
M.I.T. experiments shown above (particularly for the
reflects directly the NO and HCN results since NH3 is ammonia) may be due to incomplete mixing, resulting
never a significant component of TFN. The dis- in unreacted or 'partially' reacted pockets of gas
crepancies shown are relatively small and have three passing through the reactor--initial conversion of the
possible sources: measurement error, inadequacies in fuel-nitrogen source is clearly a rate-limiting factor.
the reaction mechanism, or incompatibility of the However, this explanation appears inconsistent with
experimental conditions with a PSR model (i.e. in- the finding of the M.I.T. group that unreacted pockets
complete microscale mixing). In any event, we can of ethylene, the fuel, did not pass through the reactor.
find no acceptable method of modifying the As we suggested in the section on prompt NO, the
mechanism to improve the agreement. mechanisms of prompt-NO formation and fuel-
Both the calculations and the experiments in Fig. 50 nitrogen conversion are remarkably similar. In Figs
show a minimum in the total fixed nitrogen at an 53-55, sensitivity coefficients as a function of equiv-
equivalence ratio between 1.2 and 1.4. The experimen- alence ratio are shown. Up to an equivalence ratio of
tal minimum is somewhat broader than the model approximately 1.3, the fixed nitrogen is predominant-
predicts (due to the differences in the HCN), but the ly in the form of nitric oxide, and the mechanism that
model nevertheless accurately predicts both the determines its concentration is simple. In this regime,
location of the minimum and the amount of T F N all the hydrogen is stripped rapidly from ammonia,
remaining. The existence of this minimum in the total leaving only nitrogen atoms. The NO (and TFN)
fixed nitrogen is key to an important NOx-control concentration is determined almost exclusively by the
strategy, two-stage combustion. The idea behind two- N-atom reactions,
stage combustion is to operate a rich first stage as
close as possible to the minimum-TFN equivalence N + OH . ' NO + H (A234)
ratio. The second stage is then operated lean to
complete the burning of the hydrocarbons, carbon and
monoxide, and hydrogen (produced in the rich first
stage) and with careful temperature control to inhibit N + NO . " N: + O. (A232)
thermal NO formation. Normally, most of the
residual T F N from the first stage is converted to NO 25-

in the second stage.

Figure 51 shows plots of calculated T F N versus 20-
equivalence ratio for three different conditions: x o . , . . . . . . . . - . ........
Z ,,,, . . . . . . . .
(a) the same conditions as for the M.I.T. experiments
except that a fixed quantity of NH3 (2600ppm) .....,/o,0o,o
was added as the fuel nitrogen source;
~ 10-
(b) the same conditions as in (a) except that ammonia 0
is replaced by hydrogen cyanide; Z
(c) the same conditions as in (a) except that ammonia
is replaced by nitric oxide.
There is remarkably little difference in the results, and
12 14 16 18
the optimum (minimum T F N ) equivalence ratio is the Fuel/Air Equivalence Ratio
same as that found in the calculations of Glarborg e t
FIG. 51. Plots of TFN vs equivalence ratio for the conditions
al. j~ for NO added to a methane/air PSR at a 2msec of the stirred-reactor experiments of Sun et al. for three
residence time. The similarity of all these results different fuel nitrogen sources: NH3, H C N , and NO.
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 311


16 A24 CH2~H=CH+ H2
A31 CH+HnC+H2
A32 CH+H20--CH20+H
1412 AlOl H+HCCO=ICH2+CO
x A132 O+OH--O2+H
© A156 C+NO=CN+O
A166 CO2+N=NO+CO
A168 CH3+N=H2CN+H
=< 6-
=, A234 N+OH=NO+H
Z a24

1.2 14 16 1'8
Fuel/Air Equivalence Ratio


HCN ADDED , . , ' " " " 1 125 1.50 1.75 2
z '"'*" NH3 ADDED
_o F]G. 53. Sensitivity plot for NO for the conditions of the
L,) stirred-reactor experiments of Sun e t al. ~
< 10-

© A9 CH3+O=CH20÷H
5- °1_ A24 CH2+ H~CH+H2
A31 CH+H--C+H2
A32 CH+H20=CH20+H
0 A101 H+HCCOslCH2÷CO
12 14 16 18 O 6
A! J_ A156 C+NOsCN+O
Fuel/Air E q u i v a l e n c e R a t i o A157 CH+NO-NCN+O
A168 CH3+N--H2CN+H
(c) A232 N+NO=N2+O

x i
Z 0.8-

< 0.6-



C 1 1 25 1.50 "1.75
',.2 14 16 18
Fuel/Air E q u i v a l e n c e Ratio

FIG. 54. Sensitivity plot of selected reactions for HCNT for the
FIG. 52. Calculated (a) NO. (b) HCN, and (c) NH3 con- conditions of the stirred-reactor experiments of Sun e t al. ~7
centrations as a function of equivalence ratio for the three
different fuel-nitrogen sources. All calculations were per-
formed for the conditions of the stirred-reactor experiments CH + NO . • HCN + O (A157)
of Sun e t al. s~
begins to compete with the N + NO reaction, leading
to hydrogen cyanide formation. For this regime (and
The agreement between model and experiment in this for all 4) t> 1.3), the mechanism is much more com-
regime is excellent, reflecting a precise knowledge of plicated than for leaner conditions, as evidenced by
these rate coefficients. several reactions having comparable sensitivities. The
Starting roughly at ~ = 1.3, reaction of NO with most important direct (i.e. involving nitrogen
hydrocarbon free radicals (C and CH), compounds directly) steps determining the TFN and
its speciation for 1.3 < ¢ < 1.5 are conversion of
C + NO . • CN + O (A156) NO to HCN via reactions (A156) and (A157),

HCNO + H . • HCN + OH (A163)

A9 CH3+OmCH20+ H
A24 CH2+H--CH+H2
A26 CH2+OH--CH20+H with the HCCO being produced from reaction (A77),
A31 CH÷H--C+H2
O A32 CH+H20--CH20+H
A39 C+OH='CO+H C2H 2 + O ~ " HCCO + H. (A77)
A77 C2H2+O--HCCO+H
A80 C2H3+H--C2H2+H2
A132 O+OH--O2+H
The possible significance of reaction (A161) in the
-. AIll A151
NO --* HCN recycle mechanism is a new proposal
A181 HCCO+NO~HCNO+CO --there are no experimental determinations of its rate
A188 CH3+N--H2CN+H
A17(5 HCN+O--NCO+H coefficient. We have estimated kal6t from the rate
A232 N+NO--N2+O coefficient for the isoelectronic reaction
A234 N+OHmNO+H

NCO + NO ~ N20 + CO. (A197)

In Figs 53 through 55, several reactions not

involving nitrogen directly show significant sen-
sitivities. The function of these reactions is to
determine the availability of the active chain carriers
(H, O, and OH) and the small hydrocarbon free
radicals (mainly CH and C). Of course, the latter play
1 1125 1.50 1.75 a dominant role in the NO--* HCN recycle
FIG. 55. Sensitivity plot for TFN for the conditions of the
stirred-reactor experiments of Sun et al. 87 6. THERMAL De-NO z AND RAPRENO x MECHANISMS

removal of HCN via reaction (A176),

Two strategies that have been used for controlling
NOx emissions from fuel nitrogen are combustion
O + HCN . • NCO + H, (A176)
modification and aftertreatment of combustor
and the formation and destruction of NO by N-atom exhaust products. Staged combustion 8s-92 and
reactions (A234) and (A232). reburning 64'6s are examples of combustion modifi-
For eqhivalence ratios greater than about 1.5, there cation techniques. Selective catalytic reduction
( S C R ) , 93 T h e r m a l D e - N O x 94'95 a n d R A P R E N O x 96'97
is another change in mechanisms. In this regime, OH
levels are so low that nitrogen atoms begin to react are examples of aftertreatment processes. Catalytic
with CH3 rather than OH. The principal HCN processes are outside the scope of the present discus-
formation route is sion of gas-phase chemistry. However, Thermal De-
NOx and RAPRENOx are essentially homogeneous,
CH3 + N . • H2CN + H (A168) gas-phase, chemical processes whose underlying
kinetics are related to the kinetics of fuel-nitrogen
H2CN + M . • HCN + H + M. conversion. In this section, we concentrate on
Thermal De-NOx since it has been utilized, studied,
(A155) and tested more extensively than has RAPRENOx.

However, the conversion of H C N to N2 is still

dominated by the HCN + o NCO +Hi NH +H 6.1. Thermal De-NO~ Mechanism
N +No N2 sequence discussed in previous sections.
The rate-limiting steps in this sequence for determin- In the thermal De-NOx process ammonia is injected
ing the T F N and HCN concentrations are reactions into the exhaust gases of stationary combustors, in-
(A168)--CH3 + N ~ H2CN + H, (A176)--HCN itiating a sequence of reactions that convert nitric
+ O ~ NCO + H, and (A232)--N + NO oxide to molecular nitrogen. The process has been
N2 + O. In this regime, there is still some NO --, HCN studied extensively, t3'gs-t°8both because of its practical
recycle occurring, but the dominant mechanism has importance and because it possesses some fascinating
changed. Because of the dearth of chain carders chemical features. Among these features are the
(primarily hydrogen atoms), the reaction sequence that following:
produces CH and C from acetylene no longer takes (1) The process works only in a narrow temperature
place readily. Instead of reacting with H, 3CH2 a n d window centered at approximately 1250 K
tCH2 preferentially react with H2 to produce CH3. (roughly between I100K and 1400K) in the
Consequently, the main channel for producing HCN absence of other additives.
from NO becomes (2) The process must be.implemented under excess-
oxygen conditions. Ammonia addition is effective
HCCO + NO . " H C N O + CO (AI61) in reducing nitric oxide only if molecular oxygen
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 313


+M,÷OH,+NH 2
NH *O2'÷OH="= H N O -'~ N O

.~-NH~ ~+NO
NNfi +NO
NH 3 ÷OH,.O ~ N2


FIG. 56. Reaction path diagram for the Thermal De-NO~ process.

is present in sufficient quantities. ar t compared with experimental data presented by

(3) If hydrogen or hydrogen peroxide (or perhaps Lyon. Jo•
other additives) is added with ammonia, the The important kinetic features underlying
effective temperature window is shifted to lower T h e r m a l D e - N O ~ have been discussed previously.
temperatures without significantly changing its 13,99,100,103-105,107 H o w e v e r , several key kinetic
width. parameters have been determined reliably o n l y in the
(4) Increasing the NH3 concentration to where it is
comparable to the O= concentration inhibits the 250 -
process under certain conditions.
(5) The presence of water has a slight inhibiting effect
on the NO reduction in that the optimum tem-
perature is increased slightly. '~..
The reaction mechanism of Appendix B is able to 150

predict all these features, quantitatively in most t

instances. The most important reaction paths in the Z 100 +

Thermal De-NO~ process are shown in Fig. 56. Figure

57 shows the temperature window and the effect on
• dete set 1
the window of adding H2 with the ammonia; the 0.0% O~ [model) • ".e..
calculations are compared with experimental data of .....a.~N.H.~.~.~.o.~~.
. • • f l J ~D~

Lyon and Hardy. ~ Figure 58 shows the effect of ~5o ~o ~o~o ,5o ~25o ,3~o ~5o
adding NH~ in quantities that exceed the O2 and the T e m p e r a t u r e (K)

effect of the absence of oxygen. Figures 59 and 60

show the effect on the NO and the NH~, respectively, FIG. 58. The effect of the absence of oxygen and the effect of
excessive NH3 addition on NO removal in Thermal De-NO~.
of adding water. The calculations in Figs 59 and 60 The initial conditions correspond nominally to data set 1 (see
Fig. 57). In the calculations the conditions of data set 1 are
adjusted by changing the helium concentration. Reaction
• -- H2/NH3--0 0 (ext~errment)data set 1 time t = 0.1 sec.
• - H2/NN3--O 5 (experiment) data set 4
200 -
', ,'
~ 150 [ I".
150 -
100 i • ", •
i ',, • /
•- .:': 100 -
't m,.'" ~ l • • ",, • ,"
I "ll .ll.-'"
0 ~ • dsta set 2. NO
900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 50-
• Ollta set 3. NO
T e m p e r a t u r e (K) 0.0% H~O (model)
.... ..*,! .h.V;;o..Lm.°..~. !L
FIG. 57. Comparison of model prediction of the temperature 550 950 1050 1150 1260 1350 1450
window and the influence of H, on the temperature window T e m p e r a t u r e (K)
with experiments for Thermal l)e-NO~. Initial conditions for
the experiments and calculations are as follows: data set h FIG. 59. The effect of water on NO removal in Thermal
NO = 225 ppm, NH~ = 450ppm. O= = 1.23%, remainder De-NO,. Reaction time t = 0.1 sec. Initial conditions: data
He. P = l.latm.: data set 4: same as data set 1 except set 2: NO = 225ppm, NH 3 = 385ppm, O: = 4%,
225 ppm H_,displaces an equal amount of He. Reaction time H , O = 10%, remainder He, P = 1.2arm.: data set 3: same
t = 0.I sec. as data set 2 except that He displaces the H,O.

,~ECS IS:4-D

400 presented here, this regeneration is accomplished by

the following reaction sequence.

300" NH,. + NO . • NNH + OH

£ N N H + NO . • N.. + HNO
Z 150 -

100 -
• date =el 2. NH3
• date set 3. NH$
50 - 0.0% H~O (model)
.... . .w.~...;~o.. Lm.o.d.:!L
HNO + M . • H + NO + M.
350 950 1060 ,,5o ,25o ,35o 1450
The H atom produced in reaction (B50) reacts with
FIG. 60. The effect of water on the NH 3 concentration at a molecular oxygen to produce OH and O via
• reaction time of t = 0.1 sec. Same conditions as Fig. 59.
H + 02 . • OH + O.
past few years, and some of these are reliable only in
narrow temperature ranges. Among the important ( - B 3 / - A 132)
parameters are the rate coefficients for reaction of Since reaction (B42) converts NH 3 to NH2 without
ammonia with OH, O, and H, the rate coefficient and losing a chain carrier, the reaction sequence (B40),
product distribution for the NH2 + O reaction, s3 (B38), (B44), (B50), (B3), (1342) results in a net gain of
three chain carriers per cycle. In the presence of water
NH: + O . • HNO + H
the oxygen atom reacts with H20 ,
O + H20 . • OH + OH,

NH 2 + O . • NH + OH ( - B 9 / - A138)

(B35/A213) and there is still a net gain of three chain carriers (OH)
per cycle. As long as chain termination processes do
and the rate coefficient and products of the NH + O: not interrupt this pattern a majority of the time, i.e. as
reaction,S l long as the branching sequence occurs at least a
quarter of the time, the overall reaction is self-sustain-
NH + 02 . • NO + OH. ing. The important chain termination reactions in the
present mechanism are
NH2 + NO • N2 + H20,
By far the most important aspect of the Thermal
De-NOx mechanism is the identity of the products of (B39/A217)
the NH2 + NO reaction. However, a discussion of
this point is deferred until later in this section. NH: + HNO • NH 3 + NO,
Thermal De-NO~ works because the NH: + NO
reaction has a significant (perhaps dominant) chain- (B53/A231)
branching component, allowing the overall reaction
to be self-sustainingJ3"1°7The ammonia is converted
to NH2 principally by reaction with OH, OH + HNO . • H:O + NO.
NH3 + OH . • NH2 + H20,
Reaction (B39), although it converts NO to N 2
but also in the absence of water vapor by reaction directly, is detrimental to the NO reduction scheme
with oxygen atoms, because it is chain terminating.
At the low-temperature end of the effective tem-
NH3 + O . • NH2 + OH.
perature range, the NO reduction is limited princi-
(B42/A220) pally by the rates of the chain termination reactions
that compete with the branching sequence described
In order to be self-sustaining the NH2 + NO reaction above. As temperature increases, the growth in chain-
must directly or indirectly regenerate OH and O to carrier concentrations becomes so rapid that event-
continue the NH3 ~ NH., conversion. In the model ually, in the absence of water, reaction (B34),
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 315

NH2 + O . " HNO + H, concentration first decreases and then increases

rapidly near the end of the reaction zone. This
(B34/A212) increase in the NO concentration occurs when the OH
and O concentrations have risen to the point where
begins to compete favorably with reactions (B38) and
(B39) for NH:. Reaction (B34), followed by (BS0), reactions (B34) and (B36) can compete for NH: with
the NH2 + NO reaction.
(B51), or (B53), leads to NO formation. Under
conditions of interest, the primary HNO reaction is The sensitivity plots in Figs 63 and 64 illustrate the
(B50), and this sequence is chain-branching. At suffi- essential features of the reaction process. For 1150 K
ciently high temperatures (about 1400 K for the case (below the optimum temperature for NO reduction),
without H2 addition m Fig. 57), the oxidation chain branching processes enhance the reduction,
sequence is sufficiently dominant that a net increase in whereas termination processes inhibit it. More
the NO concentration results. In the presence of water precisely, any reaction that increases the availability
this oxidation sequence is replaced by of NHz enhances the reduction. Reaction (B38),
NH z + NO--* NNH + OH, is favorable to NO
O + H20 . • OH + OH reduction, and reaction (B39), NH 2 + NO --* N 2 +
H20. is equally unfavorable. The situation changes
( - B9/'- A138) somewhat at 1350K (above the optimum tem-
perature). In this case, chain branching is favorable at
OH + NHz . " NH + H20 early times, but unfavorable at later times because of

(B36/A214) L~


NH + O2 . ' NO + OH
× H3
or =<
NH + 02 " HNO + O ©

followed by HNO dissociation. 0 00 0 02 0 04 006 0,'08 0~10 O 12 0'14 016
To illustrate some of these points quantitatively, TIME (sec)
the calculated NO and NH3 time histories for the
1150 K and 1350 K cases (no H2) of Fig. 57 are plotted FIG. 62. NH 3 and NO time histories. Initial conditions cor-
in Figs 61 and 62 and the corresponding NO sensi- respond to data set 1 (see Fig. 57), T = 1350K.
tivity profiles are shown in Figs 63 and 64. For the
low-temperature case, increasing the reaction time
beyond t = 0.1 sec increases the NO reduction.
However, for the high-temperature case the reaction
is complete in about 0.03 sec. The high-temperature
case also exhibits the interesting behavior that the NO


NH3/' "~
× LU
Z ©
B5 H+O2+M--HO2+M \ 7B~_~
B38 N H 2 + N O ' N ~l'"t~"~;Iq ~ -7-
B39 NH2+NO--N2+H20 ~ |
i')40 NH3+OH--NH2+H20 B3e /
v?_ B43
NNH+NO==N2+HNO ~3e
B51 HNO+OH--NO+H20
0.00 0.02 004 0 06 0.08 010 0.12 014 0.16
TIME (sec) 0.0000.025 0.050 o.o7~ o.ioo 0125 0.150
TIME (sec)
F}G. 61. NH~ and NO time histories. Initial conditions cor-
respond to data set 1 (see Fig. 57), T = I150K. FIG. 63. Sensitivity plot for NO for the conditions of Fig. 61.

obtained from the raw sensiuvity data. For this

purpose, define/~(A r) and/3(~) as

AT ~Xr~o

i and
fl(Ar) = X~'" ?A r

> ~tNO .

F o r the two cases considered above ( l I 5 0 K and

1350 K), JY(c0 and [3(AT) are plotted in Figs 65 and 66.
o$ For the low-temperature case. NO removal is
extremely sensitive to the branching fraction and rela-
I I B34 N H 2 + O - - H N O + H
I B36 N H 2 + O H - - N H + H 2 0 tively insensitive to the total rate coefficient; increases
I I B38 NH2+NO=NNH+OH in both parameters enhance the NO removal. For the
I B39 NH2+NO-N2+H20
/ B42 NH3+O--NH2+OH high-temperature case, an increase in ~ enhances the
I I B43 NNH=N2+H
] BS0 HNO+M--H+NO+M NO removal process at early times and inhibits it
r~ 851 HNO+OH--NO+H20
853 HNO+NH2--NH3+NO when the O and OH concentrations have increased to
sufficiently large values, as discussed above. Increas-
ooo o'.o, olo2 o:o3 o:o, o os ing A r is favorable to NO removal at all times.
TIME (sec)
With an understanding of the reaction mechanism,
FIG. 64. Sensitivity plot for NO for the conditions of Fig. 62. particularly its chain-branching character, the
features of the Thermal De-NOt process can be
the 'switch' in mechanism discussed above. The chain understood. The requirement for oxygen is obvious.
branching process that allows Thermal De-NOx to Reaction (B3) plays an essential role in producing the
work in general actually contributes to its failure at chain carriers O and OH; without reaction (B3),
high temperature by enhancing the rate at which NHz hydrogen atoms react only with NHs at too slow a
is converted to NO. zs'l°7 Although these results are rate to result in NO removal on time scales of interest.
based on a first-order sensitivity analysis, the fact The shifting of the temperature window to lower
remains that reducing the chain branching below a temperatures when hydrogen is added occurs because
critical value quenches the process completely. of the increased rate of chain branching brought
It is instructive to look at the sensitivity of the NO about by the reactions (B2) and (B4),
concentration to the NH2 + NO reaction in a slightly
different way. Instead of considering k, s8 and ks39 to OH + H2 . " H:O + H (B2/A131)
be independent parameters, kr and ~ can be con-
sidered to be independent, where k r = kBs8 + kB39 is O + H2 . ~ OH + H. (B4/A133)
the total rate coefficient and • is the branching
fraction, ~ = kBss/(kBs8 + ks39). Using the chain As noted above, chain branching is favorable at lower
rule, sensitivity coefficients of NO for ~ and A t , the temperatures and unfavorable at higher temperatures.
temperature-independent factor in kr, can be The addition of hydrogen peroxide has a similar, but

.... • ...


Z ' zO
~u -

',. Z ' :i

~(AT) "'"--... ........ ~(A T)
..P.(~L.. .. P3~L..
0.00 0102 oio4 Cos olo. o,o o,2 or," 036 000 oo2 00a o06 010s 0~0 0~2 0.14 0.16
TIME (sec) TIME (sec)

FIG. 65. Sensitivity of N O to the total rate coefficient and FIG. 66. Sensitivity o f N O to the total rate coefficient and
branching fraction of the reaction N H 2 + N O --, products branching fraction of the reaction N H : + N O --- products
for the conditions o f Fig. 57 (no H2), T = l 1 5 0 K . #(Ar) for the conditions o f Fig. 57 (no H,_), T = 1350K. fl(Ar)
a n d / / ( a ) are defined in the text. and fl(~) are defined in the text.
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 317

not identical, effect--hydrogen peroxide dissociates fraction to produce OH: the results vary from less
into two hydroxyl radicals, thus increasing the chain than 15% ~°9 to greater than 65%. TM
Neither of the
carrier concentration. Our calculations with H202/ two groups that attempted to detect hydrogen atoms
NH3 addition show the effective temperature window were successful. This latter result implies that the
to be both broader and shifted to lower temperature radical products, if they occur at room temperature,
when compared with calculations in which NH3 is are N N H + OH and not N: + H + OH. The
added alone. A discussion of the effect of hydrogen situation has been further complicated by the sugges-
peroxide on the Thermal De-NO~ process, based on a tion "5 that the OH detected in the discharge-flow
reaction mechanism very similar to ours, is given by experiments TM was produced by the reaction
Cooper. ~72 sequence,
The self-inhibiting effect of ammonia is shown in
Fig. 58. For temperatures up to about 1275K, 3% F + NH 3 . " NH2 + HF
NH 3 addition produces less NO removal than when
385 ppm NH3 is added (compare Fig. 57). This effect F + NH2 . • NH + H F
occurs as a result of reaction (B41), H + NH 3
NH2 + H:, beginning to compete with reaction NH + NO . • N2 + OH,
( - B 3 ) , H + 02 --, OH + O, for hydrogen atoms.
Consequently, the rate of chain carrier growth is as a result of not having the NH 3 sufficiently in excess
reduced. At temperatures above 1275 K, NO removal to prevent the occurrence of the F + NH: reaction.
is enhanced by the large quantity of added ammonia However, this suggestion does not seem to have merit.
as a consequence of NH3 inhibiting chain carrier Although it is plausible that NH is produced by F-
growth, which enhances NO removal at higher tem- atom reactions in the discharge flow reactor experi-
perature. ments, it is unlikely that the NH + NO reaction
The 6ffect of adding water is a relatively minor one, produces appreciable OH. BAC-MP4 electronic
as shown in Figs 59 and 60. Nevertheless, this effect is structure calculations "6 (supported by the flame
predicted accurately by the mechanism. The principal modeling work discussed here) strongly suggest that
role of water is to compete for oxygen atoms through the only significant products from the NH + NO
reaction ( - B 9 ) , O + H: O --* OH + OH. At lower reaction are N:O + H.
temperatures this reaction competes with reaction Considerable insight into the NH: + NO reaction
(B42), NH3 4- O --, NH: + OH, and inhibits NO has been gained from ab initio electronic structure
removal. At higher temperatures it competes with calculations. "6-n9 Figure 67 shows a reaction coor-
reaction (B34), NH: + O --* HNO + H, and dinate diagram, constructed from BAC-MP4 calcu-
inhibits NO formation. The result is a shift of the lations, for this reaction. Products are formed as a
optimum temperature for the process to a higher consequence of a series of rearrangements of the inter-
value. mediate N H : . . . NO complex. These rearrange-
The key to the Thermal De-NOx process is the ments are surprisingly facile. 116A17 The products
NH., + NO reaction. As discussed above, for obtained are determined principally by the fate of the
Thermal De-NOx to work this reaction must produce complex,
free radicals at least a quarter of the time at tem-
peratures roughly above 900 K. The identity of these H
XN=N~ ' (II)
radicals is not completely clear at the present time. OH
Subsequent to the appearance of Refs 13 and 107,
several groups ~°9-~' have tried to determine directly
the branching fraction of the reaction to free radicals.
The strategy in all the experiments to date has been to Reaction of NH 2 + NO
try to detect the appearance of OH, either directly or HNNO + H
indirectly, as a product at room temperature. No ex-
periments have been conducted at temperatures N~NO J ~...__ N2H + OH
directly applicable to Thermal De-NOx. Two of the _¢ N2+H+OH
groups have also looked for hydrogen atoms in an ~, 40-
attempt to distinguish between the reactions
H2NNO H\NN\oH HtNN~oH~..~H2* NNO
NH: + NO . • NNH + OH
(B38/A2 ] 6) -40
N2 + H20
and -80
Reaction Coordinate Diagram
NH: + NO • N: 4- H + OH.
FIG. 67. Reaction coordinate diagram from BAC-MP4 cal-
In these studies there is no consensus on the branching culations for the reaction NH: -4- NO --, products.
318 J.A. MILLER a nd C.T. BOWMAN

formed by 1,3 hydrogen transfer from the initial Early in the reaction H N O dissociates,
addition complex,
HNO + M . ' H + NO + M,
"N--N----O (I) (B50/A228)
but as the free radical concentrations increase, the
If Complex (II) undergoes c i s - t r a n s isomerization, N: HNO more frequently reacts with OH or NH2,
and H : O are the products, as shown ifi the figure.
However, Complex (II) also may dissociate into N N H HNO + OH . • NO + H : O
and OH. The BAC-MP4 calculations indicate that the
N2 + H 2 0 channel is energetically favored but that (B51/A229)
NH2 + NO ~ N N H + OH also is possible as an
exothermic reactiori. HNO + NH: . " NH3 + NO,
An important consideration in establishing the
relative importance of the various channels of the
NH~ + NO reaction is the lifetime of the N N H resulting in chain termination. Consequently, with
radical. This molecule dissociates exothermically to N N H + OH as the radical products of the
N2 + H with a barrier to dissociation of unknown NHz + NO reaction, the reaction limits itself and a
height (BAC-MP4 calculations indicate only 6kcal/ larger branching fraction is required than if the
mol). Using the low energy barrier, Curtiss e t al. its products are N: + H + OH (i.e. if N N H has a
have estimated the lifetime of N N H with respect to vanishingly small lifetime).
tunneling to N: + H and have obtained a value of To support the conjecture that modeling Thermal
approximately 10 -H sec, a very small lifetime. This De-NO~ requires a long lifetime for NNH, a series of
result implies that the radical-producing channel of calculations was performed with the lifetime of N N H
the NH2 + NO reaction could be written as reduced to rNNH = 10-" sec, in which the branching
fraction, ~, of the NH: + NO reaction to free radicals
NH2 + NO . • N2 + H + OH was varied to find an optimum value. The results of
these calculations are compared with the experimental
equally as well as data of Fig. 57 (no Hz) in Fig. 68. F o r a 25%
branching fraction (~ = 0.25), no significant NO
N H , + NO . • N N H + OH.
removal is predicted to occur in 0.1sec. For
This result directly contradicts the experimental ob- = 0.508 (the value used in the preferred model),
servations discussed above that show OH, but not H, NO is removed at temperatures well below 900K,
to be a direct product of the NH2 + NO reaction. illustrating the importance of the self-limiting
There are several factors in the calculation that could character of the mechanism in which N N H has a long
cause it to be biased toward a short lifetime. These lifetime. As ~ is reduced below 0.508, the optimum
include the small barrier to dissociation, the one- temperature for NO reduction increases and the
dimensionality of the dynamical calculation effective temperature window gets nar.rower. Overall,
(including tunneling), the assumption that the the best agreement is obtained with ~ ~ 0.30. Even
potential energy along the dissociation coordinate can for this case the agreement with experiment is not as
be described as a parabola, and simplifying assump- good as for the preferred model, but the combination
tions about the internal dynamics of the N N H
molecule. To what extent improving these aspects of
the calculation will. increase the lifetime is not clear.
Another factor that favors a long lifetime for N N H 200- ~ \ , / ~
is the modeling of experiments associated with i
Thermal De-NOx. The radical-producing reaction
NH2 + NO ~ N N H + OH has a self-inhibiting
effect on the NO reduction process, whereas
1 o o - .... •=.-o.25
i~ !\ . / / .....'/
NH2 + NO ~ N, + H + OH does not. This self- ~--. ~ // // •
inhibition arises in the model because N N H does not .........~'~3° .... ~' Z /// "
~o- ~..... / \ "/ •
always dissociate; if its lifetime is sufficiently long, it .....
may undergo subsequent reactions that lead to chain
termination. In the present model these subsequent o
850 950 10;O 1150 1250 13;0 1450
reactions are initiated by Temperature (K)

N N H + NO . • N 2 + HNO. FIG. 68. The dependence o f N O removal on :~ for the small

TNNH model. TNNH = 10-ttsec in all calculations, reaction
time t = 0.1 sec. The experimental points correspond to
(B44/A222) data set l (see Fig. 57).
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 319

of possible uncertainty in the experimental data and promoting H + O: recombination suppresses chain-
uncertainty in other rate parameters in the mechanism carrier growth and inhibits NO removal in the
may make this level of agreement acceptable. In Figs 1100-1200 K temperature range. This effect does not
69 and 70 the a = 0.30 model predictions are occur significantly for the long NNH-lifetime model
compared with the experimental data of Fig. 59 (4% because a greater portion of the chain-carrier growth
02, with and without added water). F o r the case comes directly from the NH 2 + NO reaction. For the
without water the agreement again is not as good as short NNH-lifetime model to be consistent with the
for the preferred model, but it may be adequate. The Thermal De-NO, experiments, it is necessary for the
real discrepancy arises for the case with 10% added effectiveness of water in promoting reaction (B5) to be
H20, or perhaps, -note correctly, in the differences essentially the same as that of a noble gas, a require-
predicted with and without H20. The experimental ment that is contradicted by a relatively large body of
results in Fig. 70 at T = 1200 K show that approxim- experimental data. ~
ately two-thirds of the NO is removed in 0.1 sec, The previous discussion notwithstanding, model
whereas the model predicts that virtually none is predictions for Thermal De-NO~ are insensitive to
removed. The experiments clearly show that the effect many details of the mechanism. For example, the
of adding water between l l 0 0 K and 1200K is self-limiting aspect of the long NNH-lifetime model
minimal, an effect predicted by the preferred (long could result directly from reactions of N N H with OH
N N H lifetime) mechanism. In contrast, the short and NH2, rather than through the HNO reaction
NNH-lifetime model leads to the conclusion that described above. There may be other possibilities as
water significantly inhibits the NO removal process well. In addition, one may exchange increases in ct for
between l l 0 0 K and 1200K (compare Figs 69 and decreases in N N H lifetime over a range of conditions
70), contrary to the experimental results. without substantially modifying the model predic-
The origin of the difference between the predictions tions. A question that arises in the long NNH-lifetime
of the short and long NNH-lifetime models is interest- model is why NO, is not formed through the
ing. In forcing the lifetime of N N H to be vanishingly sequence~3"20
small, it was necessary to reduce the value of ~ from
0.508 to 0.30 in order to optimize the agreement with N N H + O, . ' N2 + HO2
the Thermal De-NOx data (no H20). In doing so, a
greater burden for producing chain-carrier growth is HO: + NO . ' NO: + OH.
placed on the reaction
H + O: . " OH + - O ,
The failure of experiments to detect NO: in Thermal
( B 3 / - A132)
De-NO~ places a severe restriction on the rate of the
first of these steps.~3'~:° Even though our knowledge of
which at the low end of the temperature window is in many details in the mechanism is lacking, the process
competition with the chain termination step, can be described accurately by models such as the one
discussed above.
H + O., + M . ' HO: + M.
6.2. RAPRENO~ Mechanism
In the short NNH-lifetime model, when water is Another promising NOx abatement scheme based
added, the increased effectiveness of H 2 0 in on aftertreatment of combustor exhaust products is
250 250"

2o01 2oo-

150 "-E 150"
R !
Z 100

50 50~

• cletelet 3, NO • dstl 8Or 2, NO

~--0.30.~BN=~IO "11 |oc, no H?O a--O,30.T=.~lO "11l e C
0 O
850 950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 850 950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450
Temperature (K) Temperature (K)

FIG. 69. Comparison of the small ZNNHmodel (a = 0.30) FIG. 70. Comparison of the small rNNH model (~ = 0.30)
with the NO experimental data of Fig. 59 for the case with with the NO experimental data of Fig. 59 for the case with
no added water. I0% added water.
320 J.A. M]LLFA~and C.T. BOWMAN

RAPRENOx. 96'97 In RAPRENOx, cyanuric acid, a decreases with increasing temperature. Coincident
commerically available chemical, is injected into an with the onset of NO reduction is an increase in the
exhaust stream containing NO. When heated, N : O concentration in the gas stream. At 1150 K, the
cyanuric acid sublimes and decomposes to form temperature giving maximum NO reduction, the N, O
isocyanic acid, concentration reaches a maximum value, correspond-
ing approximately to one mole of N , O formed for
(HOCN)3 ----* 3HNCO. each mole of NO removed.
At sufficiently high temperatures, the isocyanic acid The data in Fig. 71a present an interesting
will decompose either in the gas-phase or on surfaces challenge to the combustion modeler. There is not
and initiate a sequence of reactions leading to NO nearly so much known about the reaction kinetics
removal. Perry and Siebers97 reported NO removal in underlying the RAPRENOx process as there is about
simulated and real exhaust gas streams at tem- those underlying Thermal De-NOx. Perry and
peratures as low as 600 K in a stainless steel flow Siebers97 proposed the following mechanism to
reactor. Later experimental work by Siebers and describe the R A P R E N O , process:
Caton, m by Lyon and Cole, t61 and by Heap e t al. 162
indicated that at temperatures below 1000 K surface HNCO . " NH + CO l initiation
decomposition of H N C O initiates the RAPRENO.,
process and that NO reduction does not occur at low NH + NO . • N:O + H )
temperatures in the absence of such surfaces. In recent
experiments in a quartz flow reactor, 163-~65Siebers and H + HNCO . • NH: + CO
Caton found that there is a temperature window for
the RAPRENOx process and that the effectiveness of N: + H20
NH2 + NO . *
the process depends on the composition of the gas N N H + OH
stream. In addition, under some conditions, relatively
high concentrations of N 2 0 are formed as a by- NNH . • N: + H
product of the process. Figure 71a, taken from Ref.
165, shows the concentrations of NO, HNCO, CO,
CO + OH . • C02 + H.
CO:, and NzO in a simulated exhaust gas stream
measured at the exit of the quartz flow reactor as a Hence, it appears that the gas-phase RAPRENOx
function of reactor temperature. F o r the conditions of mechanism comprises reactions important in the
this experiment, significant NO removal begins to Thermal De-NOx process, reactions involving
occur at a temperature of 1000K, coincident with HNCO, and reactions important in the oxidation of
significant reductions in the concentrations of CO and moist CO. In order to model the data in Fig. 71a, we
H N C O and an increase in the CO2 concentration. As have combined the Thermal De-NOx mechanism of
the temperature increases to 1200 K, nearly all of the Appendix B with the moist CO oxidation reactions
NO present initially in the gas stream is removed. F o r from Appendix A (reactions (A61)-(A64);
temperatures above 1200K, the NO reduction (A131)-(A150)), the H N C O reactions shown in Table
'(a) 3, and reactions (A192)-(A198) involving NCO.
1500 . ' ' ' ' 1 .... I .... I'' 'el ' ' ,l. ' I '~_~_.1
HNCO = ~ e (b)



L l E

o. 1000

250 ~ , 500

800 900 1000 11O0 1200 1300 1400
Reactor Temperature - K

800 900 1000 1I00 1200 1300 1400
FtG. 71(a). Measured species concentrations at the exit of a
quartz flow reactor as a function of reactor temperature for Reactor TemiDerature - K
fixed initial mole fractions of NO (330ppmv), CO
(1260ppmv), O, (12.3%), H_,O (4.5%) and cyanuric acid FIG. 71(b). Calculated species concentrations at the exit of an
(470 ppmv, corresponding to 1410 ppmv HNCO at complete isothermal flow reactor as a function of reactor temperature
conversion), with the balance N:. The residence time in the for the initial conditions of Fig. 71(a). Reaction
reactor is approximately 0.8 sec. The data are from Ref. 165. time = 0.8 sec.
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 321

TABLE3. Reactions involving HNCO in the RAPRENOx mechanism

Reaction A /~ E Ref.

HNCO + M - - * N H + CO + M 1.14 x 10t6 0.0 86800 166

H + HNCO ~ NH 2 + CO 2.0 x I013 0.0 3000 (Appendix A)
NH + HNCO ~ NH2 + NCO 3.0 x 1013 0.0 23700 166
NH2 + HNCO ---, NH 3 + NCO 5.0 x 10u 0.0 6200 166
OH + HNCO --* NCO + H20 2.65 x 1012 0.0 5540 167
O + HNCO --* NH + CO: 3.25 x 10u 0.0 10300 167

Rate coefficients are in the form kf = ATOp(-E/RT).Units are moles, cubic centimeters, seconds, kelvins and calories/

Recent studies have provided reasonably accurate N C O + NO . " N 2 0 + CO. (A197)

overall rate parameters for the most important
H N C O reactio.ns, although the relative importance of This somewhat surprising result provides an expla-
the product channels for some of the reactions are nation for the high levels of N 2 0 observed in the
uncertain. A discussion of the available kinetic data experiment, and the contribution factor plot for N.,O
for important H N C O reactions will be deferred until (Fig. 73) supports this conclusion. The sensitivity plot
later in this section. for NO (Fig. 74) shows that, in addition to the moist
The results of our model calculations are compared CO oxidation reactions,
with the experimental data of Siebers and Caton in
Fig. 71. The model predicts all of the trends of the CO + OH _ " CO: + H (A62)
experiment, with the model reaction initiating at a
temperature approximately 100K lower than H + O: . ' OH + O (-A132)
observed. Both the level of N O reduction and amount
of N 2 0 formed are predicted accurately by the model. H + O: + M . ' HO: + M (A134)
At temperatures above 1250K, the model predicts
somewhat less NO reduction than is observed. Figure which are the principal H / O radical generation and
72 shows contribution factors for N O at 1000K, termination steps in the RAPRENOx mechanism, the
where the model predicts significant N O removal and NO removal is most sensitive to the rates of two
N 2 0 formation. Figure 72 shows that while the H N C O reactions,
reaction sequence,
N N H + OH (B38/A216)
H + HNCO " NH 2 + CO (A199)
NH., + NO . •
N: + H : O (B39/A217)
OH + H N C O . " N CO + H : O
N N H + NO . " H N O + N: (B44/A222)
which produce the precursor species involved in the
contributes to NO removal, the primary NO removal primary NO removal reactions. There have been
step is several recent studies of the kinetics of these two

2 NH2+NO=N2+H20

_5 -2 x 1 0 "8

-4 x 1 0 .8

_6=xlO-S ~ ~ = ~ i ¢ = , , I . . . . I . . . . I ,
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

Time [sec]

FIG. 72. Contribution factor plot for NO from the present RAPRENOx reaction mechanism for the initial
mole fraction of NO. CO, O,, H:O, and HNCO of Fig. 71 at 1050K.
f lj I NH+NO=N20+H
" • 4 x 10"8
3 x 1 0 "8
"5 2 x 1 0 8

~ 1 x10 8

0 [] []
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

Time [sec]

FIG. 73. Contribution factor plot for N20 from the present RAPRENO~ reaction mechanism for the
conditions of Fig. 72.

5 H+O2+M=HO2+M

c; -2


, L j , I ~ H I . . . . I--; , , , I ,

0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

Time [sec]

FIG. 74. Sensitivity plot for NO from the present RAPRENO~ reaction mechanism for the conditions of
Fig. 72.

reactions, ~A67 and the rate parameters for the overall • NCO + H20(AH = - 4 kcal/mol)
OH + H N C O .
reactions are reasonably well known. However, at the NH2 + CO2 (AH = - 33 kcal/mol).
present time, no information is available on the
relative importance of the variou.s product channels of We assumed that the abstraction channel is the major
these reactions. The most likely product channels for product channel at elevated temperatures, although
the H + HNCO reaction are, some contribution from the NH2-producing channel
cannot be ruled out at this time. The sensitivity plot,
Fig. 74, indicates that the reaction of O-atoms with
H + HNCO. ~NH2 + CO (AH = - 8 . 2 kcal/mol) HNCO plays only a minor role in the RAPRENOx
H2 + NCO (AH = 10.9kcal/moi).
In addition to the NO-removal channels involving
In our calculations, we assumed that the NH 2 channel NCO and NH2, there also is an NO-formation
is the primary product channel, in accordance with sequence involving NH2,
Ref. 166. Tully e t al. 167 have investigated the kinetics
HNO + H (B34/A212)
of the OH + HNCO reaction and suggest the NH2 + O . "
following product channels, NH + OH (B35/A213)
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 323

N H , + OH , " NH + H20 NO + HO: • NO, + OH (A188)

(B36/A214) NO 2 + H . " NO + OH (A189)

followed by
HNO + O (B21/A200) NO: + O _ " NO + O2. (A190)
NH + O~
NO + OH (B22/A201) In the low-temperature regions of flames, significant
HO 2 concentrations are found that can react with NO
H N O + OH . • NO + H20. formed in the high-temperature regions and trans-
ported by diffusion to the low-temperature region.
(B51/A229) The NO., removal reactions are rapid, and in the
presence of high radical concentrations, NO_, will be
The NO produced by this reaction sequence may be
converted rapidly back to NO.
reduced by reactions (A197), (B38/A216), and (B39/
These features are illustrated in Fig. 76, which
A217) or, at higher temperatures, it may be emitted in
shows concentration profiles of NO, NO2, H02, and
the exhaust stream. This N O production from H N C O
H and the temperature profile calculated using the
is, in part, responsible for the observation that the
reaction mechanism of Appendix A for an atmos-
initial H N C O / N O ratio must be larger than unity for
pheric pressure, fuel-rich (4~ = 1.05) methane-air
complete removal of the NO initially in the exhaust
flame. The NO., sensitivity profiles (Fig. 77) show the
most important reaction channels for NO2 in this
The results from the contribution factor and sen-
flame. The principal NO2 formation reaction is
sitivity plots are summarized in Fig. 75, which shows
the primary nitrogen species pathways in the .2

RAPRENO~ reaction. Further refinement of the

RAPRENO.~ reaction mechanism will require deter-
mination of the branching ratios of the product
channels of the reactions of H N C O with H and OH.


Experimental studies have shown that a significant o- ~

fraction of the nitrogen oxide emissions from some
combustion sources, such as gas turbines and gas o -
00 01 02 03 04 05
appliances, can be NO: ~-':-~24and in situ measurements X(CM)
of N O , concentrations in premixed 125-L:7 and non-
FIC,.?6.Calculatedprofiles of NO. NO:, HO 2, H-atom and
premixed flames ~28-~3~indicate that there are relatively temperature for an atmospheric-pressure, 10% methane in
large N O : / N O ratios near the flame zone. While some air flame (~ = 1.05).
of the NO~ has been attributed to probe
reactions, J3~-~3~ detailed kinetics calculations ~35-~3; A134
suggest that NO, formation and destruction in flames
can occur by the following reactions sequence, O

/ ,
t ~ Na

NH; l
%%% A 188HO2+NO-NO2+OH
A 189 N O 2 + H = N O + O H
NH,HNO ~ NO A 190 N O 2 + O - - N O + O 2

0.00 002 004 006 0108 010

FIG. 75. Reaction path diagram illustrating the major steps X(CM)
for nitrogen species in the present RAPRENO~ mechanism.
The bold lines indicate the most important reaction paths. FIG. 77. Sensitivit) plot for NO. for the flame of Fig. 76.

(A 188). Since the rate of this reaction depends on the oil-fired furnaces, while the measured N : O levels in
HO, concentration, NO: formation also is sensitive to the stack gases of gas-fired combustors are low.~4~ 146
reactions forming and removing HO2. Of particular Recently, it has been suggested that a sampling
importance is artifact is responsible for the high N20 levels reported
in coal and oil flames and that the N:O levels in these
H + O2 + M . • HO2 + M, (A134) flames are similar to those measured in gas flames. :s
As noted earlier, a significant amount of N20 is
which is the principal HO2 formation reaction in the
formed as a by-product of the RAPRENO~ process
low-temperature region of the flame. The H-atoms
and N : O is an important nitrogen oxide under fuel-
needed for this reaction are transported from the
lean conditions. Hence, the mechanism for N:O
high-temperature regions by molecular diffusion.
formation and removal is of interest.
Because of the role that H-atoms play in HO2
Studies in laminar premixed flames ~47indicate that
lbrmation, NO2 formation also is sensitive to reaction
N : O is a very short-lived species in hot combustion
(A132). The principal NO2 removal step in this flame
gases and that the principal N20 formation reactions
is reaction (A189). Of much less importance for NO2
involve NO and various nitrogen-containing radicals.
removal in this flame is reaction (AI90).
From the above discussion, it is clear that the
NH + NO . " N20 + H (A202)
accuracy of predictions of NO2 concentrations in
flames is dependent both on the accuracy of the
kinetics parameters of reactions (A188) and (A189) NCO + NO . " N20 + CO. (A197)
and on the accuracy of the species diffusional
The N20 formed in these reactions rapidly reacts to
transport calculations, especially for NO and H-
form N2, principally by
atoms. The kinetics parameters for the principal NO2
formation reaction, (A188), are well known in the N:O + H • N, + OH. (A204)
temperature range of 230-1760 K, with an estimated
uncertainty of + 30% from the expression tabulated These conclusions are illustrated in Figs 46 and
in Appendix A. 2 There are no high-temperature data 78-80, which show results of N20 sensitivity and
for either of the two important NO2 removal rate-of-production analyses for three different flames
channels. However, both of these reactions have a and a well-stirred reactor. Figure 46 shows the
very small temperature dependence. Hence, ex- principal N20 formation and removal channels in a
trapolation of the low-temperature data to flame low-pressure, lean (~b = 0.71) NH3 - O5 flame] ° As
conditions can be done with confidence. Estimated discussed in Section 5.3, the principal N20 formation
uncertainties in the rate coefficients for both reactions reaction is (A202), and the primary N20 removal
are + 30% in the temperature range 298-650 K. 2 channel is (A204). Figure 78 shows the principal N20
Perhaps the largest kinetic uncertainty is introduced formation and removal channels in an atmospheric-
through uncertainties in the third body efficiencies for pressure, rich (~b = 1.37) methane-air flame with
reaction (A134), particularly for collision partners 1300ppm of added NO. In this flame, the
such as CH4 and H20. As noted above, diffusional NH + NO --, NzO + H channel is somewhat more
transport plays a major role in the NO2 formation and important than NCO + NO --* N.~O + CO for
removal process in flames. Uncertainties in multicom-
ponent diffusion coefficients for species such as NO,
NO2, HO:, and H-atom will t:esult in uncertainties in r~ A 197NCO+NO-N20+CO I
® ~ A 20~NH+NOIN20+H I
calculated NOz profiles in flames that may exceed
those introduced by kinetic uncertainties. While ad-
ditional high-temperature rate data on reactions
(A188, A189) are desirable, the reaction mechanism
and rate parameters for NO2 formation and removal
are adequate for combustion calculations. ~ 'A
At flame temperatures NO2 can exist only as a -~,
transient species. If NO2 is to persist in the combus-
tion products, then there must be quenching of the
NO2 formed in the flame. This quenching might occur
in turbulent flames by rapid mixing of hot and cold z
fluid elements, which serves to quench the NO2-
removing reactions by reduction in radical concen-
trations, t36,138-t4o

~' 6.2 o., 6,, 0.,,


FIG. 78. C o n t r i b u t i o n factor plot for N 2 0 in an atmospheric-

Relatively high concentrations of N20 have been pressure, 13% methane in air flame to which 1300ppm NO
measured in flue gas samples extracted from coal and was added (4~ = 1.37).
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 325

A197 NCO+NO~N20+CO

)7 g- ~0~ ¸

m ~ .

a: LU


A 202NH+NO~N20+H ~ L A204j
A 204N20+H=N2+OH

O5 1 ~5 2 25 05o0175 1 125 1~0 175

FIG. 79. Contribution factor plot for N , O in a low-pressure FIG. 80. Contribution factor plot for N 2 0 in a well-stirred
(25 torr) rich ('-h = 1.5) H 2 - O : - A r flame to which 2% H C N reactor for the experimental conditions of Bartok et al. ~6
was added.

N~O formation. As for the ammonia flame, the only reaction NH + NO ~ products. However, there is
significant N, O removal channel is Considerable disagreement among the high-
N~O + H --, N: + OH. From this figure it can be
seen that the N , O formed by reactions (A202) and ' ' ' ' I . . . . I . . . . I . . . .
H a r r i s o n et at [152]
(A197) is rapidly and quantitatively removed by Gordon e t al. [148] "]1-- --
Miller et al, [15] %. _ .-J. . . .
reaction (A204). Figure 79 shows results for a low- " ~ , . . - - , ~ - ~- ~- - ~ ~ - - Hansen el al. [149]
13 ' ~ ' ~~ ~ ~ ~'~This Daper Cox e t a l [ 151 ] -
pressure (25torr) rich (05 = 1.5) H2-O2-Ar flame . ~ "~ Morley 1j~[51
with 2% added HCN. ]° Here, the principal N : O "6 ~' - ~ ~ " ~ Peterson [154]
formation channel is NCO + NO --* N 2 0 + CO,
although NH + NO --* N.,O + H makes a signifi- { . \
cant contribution to N.,O formation. As before, the
principal N:O removal channel is N 2 0 + H - - , 11
Roose el aL [155] ~ ~ ~ "
N, + OH. Figure 80 shows the principal N:O
oF ~-- %,o,,
formation and removal channels in a well-stirred
t L i ~ k ~ t i i 1 k i i ~ J i J i
reactor for methane and air. 36 For lean and moder- 10
2 3
ately rich fuel-air mixtures (05 < 1.2), the principal
N:O formation reaction is
FIG. 81. Compilation of rate coefficients for NH t NO --,
O + N,+ M ..... " N : O + M. products, and an energy diagram for various intermediates
and products from Ref. 116.
( - A205)
' ' ' ' I . . . . I . . . . r . . . . J
For richer mixtures, reactions (A197) and (A202) -t
become the principal N:O-formation steps. For lean
mixtures, the most important N20-removal reaction 13.5
Cookson et al. [150 I
is (A204), forming N:, witti a small contribution from _m
Peru/[156] ~

reactions ( - A 2 0 2 ) and (A207), forming NO. For Zahniser et al. [187}

~ 13.0
stoichiometric and rich mixtures the principal N , O - This Paper

removal reaction is (A204). Because of the high }

radical concentrations and long residence times, any
N,O'formed is almost completely removed and very
little N , O is predicted in the reactor (less than
I ppmv). 1 2 0t . ~ ~ J , I , ~ , , i , r I k J J = 1
Available rate data for N : O - f o r m a t i o n reactions 0 ! 2 3 4

[A202) and (A197) are summarized in Figs 81 and 82, 1000;T(K}

respectively. There is excellent agreement a m o n g the FIG. 82. Compilation of rate coefficients for
lou-temperature studies for the rate of the overall NCO + NO ---, products.

temperature studies, all of which involved an indirect However, Perry notes that other exothermic channels,
determination of the reaction rate. In none of the such as
studies published to date has a direct measurement
been made of the products of this reaction. The results NCO + NO . " N, + CO,.
of a BAC-MP4 calculation, H6 shown as an inset in
Fig. 81, indicate that the NH + NO reaction (AH = - 153 kcal/mol)
proceeds through a stable HNNO intermediate to and
three possible sets of products. The energy barriers
associated with the subsequent reactions of H N N O NCO + NO . " N: + CO + 0
indicate that the primary product channel at tem-
peratures of interest in combustion is (AH = -26kcal/mol)

NH + NO . " H N N O ---* N20 + H, cannot be excluded. Zahniser et al.~57 have established

a lower limit for the branching fraction of the reaction
(A202) at 300 K,
even though the channel yielding N 2 + OH is 60 kcal[
kA197/k ..... H >1 0.4,
mol more exothermic. These calculations also show
that there is no barrier to forming the HNNO inter-
suggesting that the N?O channel is the dominant
mediate, indicating that reaction (A202) could have a
channel at low temperatures, in agreement with Perry.
small negative temperature dependence. The rate
In the present study, we have used a rate coefficient
coefficient expression used in the present calculations,
expression for reaction (A197) that is an extrapol-
kin02 = 2.46 x l015 T-°Scm3/mol-sec. ation of the low-temperature rate expression,
suggested by Perry, for the overall reaction
is based on an extrapolation of the low-temperature NCO + NO ~ products, assuming a branching
data ~4s-m so as to pass near the upper limit for kA202 fraction of unity; i.e.
at 1790 K set by Morley. 51 The present value of kA202
at flame temperatures lies somewhat higher than kAt97 = 1.0 x 10t3exp (390cal/RT)cm3/mol-sec.
several indirect determinations) ~3-m However, any
There have been numerous studies of the important
significant reduction in kA202 will compromise the N20 removal channel,
agreement between calculated and measured N20
profiles in the low-pressure NH 3 - O: flame (Fig. 41).
An increase in k^2o: at high temperatures is possible N:O + H ---, products,
without altering the results of Fig. 41 if the rate coeffi-
cient of the N: O removal step, in the temperature range 390-3000 K. However, only
two studies ~Ss'j59 hav8 measured the reaction rate
N : O + OH . " N 2 + HO:, directly and, to date, there have been no direct deter-
minations of the reaction products. Rate data from
(A203/B28) the two direct studies are presented in Fig. 83,
were somewhat larger than used in the present cal- together with the recommendation from the Leeds
culations. compilation. ~ There is generally good agreement
Data on the rate coefficient of the overall reaction among these results in the range of overlapping tem-
NCO + NO ~ products are available only at tem-
peratures below 1000 K. In Fig. 82, it is seen that there
14 . . . . I . . . . i . . . . . . . . I . . . . F . . . .
is excellent agreement among the three recent studies
of this reaction. The reaction appears to exhibit a
small negative temperature dependence suggesting 12
that the reaction proceeds with no energy barrier
Lee ~ HNW
, N'
) ,<~__
through a stable intermediate,
(Thispaper) ~
NCO + NO ---* OCNNO ~ products. ~ lo
A l b e r s e t al. [1581 . , " . ~

There are only limited data on the products of this

reaction, and BAC-MP4 calculations have not yet M a r s h a l l e t al. [ 1 5 9 ]
been extended to systems involving five heavy atoms.
Perry ~56 argues on thermochemical and structural 6
. . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . .

grounds that the most likely channel is the exothermic 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

reaction, IO00FF(K)
NCO + NO . ' N20 + CO FIG. 83. Compilation of rate coefficients for N:O + H --)
products, and an energy diagram for various intermediates
(AH = - 65kcal/mol). and products from Ref. 159,
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 327

peratures. The reaction exhibits distinct curvature on extent to which reactions such as NH + NO
an Arrhenius diagram below 750 K, which has been products and N C O + NO --. products produce N : O
attributed to tunneling) 59 Results from BAC-MP4 is not yet firmly established. Lastly, the role played by
calculations for the reaction '59 are shown as an inset tCH2 in producing low-molecular-weight hydrocar-
on Fig. 83. These calculations indicate that the bon free radicals needs further clarification. Very little
dominant channel at combustion temperatures is information is available on reactions of ~CH2 at any
temperature, particularly at temperatures of interest
N20 + H ~ ... ---* N: + OH. in combustion.
At 2000 K, the rate of the NO-producing channel It is unlikely that the mechanism presented here is
the final word on the subject. However, future modifi-
N:O + H . . . . . NH + NO cations are more likely to be quantitative rather than
qualitative, and diagrams such as Fig. 11 are likely to
is estimated to be less than 7% of the overall reaction
remain relatively unaltered. We hope that the present
rate. In the present model calculations, we have used article (and the reaction mechansim) will be a useful
the rate expression in the Leeds compilation, which is point of departure for future discussions of nitrogen
in close agreement with the direct measurements at chemistry in combustion.
temperatures above 800 K. In the temperature range
800-2000K, the estimated uncertainty of the rate
Acknowledgements--We would like to thank Fran Rupley
coefficient expression is + 50%. for preparing the figures for this paper. In addition, we
acknowledge John Kramlich, Dick Lyon, Dennis Siebers,
and Mark Zahniser for providing copies of some of their
9. CONCLUDING REMARKS papers prior to publication. JAM is grateful to Bob Kee
(Sandia), Peter Glarborg (Technical University of
Denmark), and Carl Melius (Sandia) for their past and
In this paper we have tried to synthesize an continuing influence on his thinking about modeling of
extensive amount of information into a consistent and nitrogen chemistry in combustion. We are also grateful to
coherent description of the mechanism by which Peter Glarborg for doing the initial calculations that resulted
nitrogen compounds react under conditions typically in Figs 5 and 6. CTB would like to thank Dan Seery, Brian
Haynes, and Ron Hanson for many stimulating discussions
found in combustion systems. While the reaction of the kinetics of nitrogen species in flames.
mechanism has been tested against experimental data
over a relatively broad range of temperatures,
pressures, stoichiometries, and fuel types, caution REFERENCES
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Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 331

A P P E N D I X A.
Reaction Mechanism Rate Coefficients In F o r m k! = A T ~ e x p ( - E / R T ) .
Units are moles, cubic centimeters, seconds, Kelvins and calories/mole.


I. 2CH~(+M) = C, H e ( + M )
High pressure limit: 9.03e+16 - 1.2 654.
Low pressure limit: 3.18e+41 -7.0 2762.
Troe parameters:* a = 6.04c-01, T ' = 6927.0, T ' " = 132.
Enhanced third-body efl~ciencies:
H 2 = 2.0, C O = 2.0, C O s = 3.0, H 2 0 = 5.0
2. CH3 + H ( + M ) ~- C H , ( + M )
High pressure limit: 6 . 0 0 e + 16 - 1.0 O.
Low pressure limit: 8.00e+26 -3.0 O.
SRI parameters: 2 4.50e-01 797.0 979. 1.
Enhanced third-body efllciencies:
H 2 = 2.0, CO= 2.0, CO~= 3.0, H~O= 5.0
3. CH4 + 02 ~ O H 3 + H 0 2 7.90e+13 0.000 56000.
4. CH4 + H 4~- CH3 + H2 2.20e+04 3.000 8750.
5. CH, + O H ~- C H 3 + H 2 0 1.60e+06 2.100 2460.
5a. CH4 + 0 ~ OH3 + O H 1.02e+09 1.500 8604.
6. CH4 + H O 2 ~- CH: + H202 1.80e+ 11 0.000 18700.
7. C H 3 + H 0 2 ~- C H 3 0 + O H 2.00e -- 13 0.000 0.
8. C H 3 + 02 ~ C H 2 0 + O 2.05e--19 -1.570 29229.
9. CH3 + O ~ CH~O + H 8.00c-- 13 0.000 0.
I0. C H 2 O H + H ~ CH~ + O H 1.OOe-- 14 0.000 0.
11. CH:O+H ~ CH2+OH 1.OOe-- 14 0.000 0.
12. CH3 + O H "2- C H ~ + H 2 0 7.50e- -06 2.000 5000.
13. CH~ + H ~ C H 2 + H2 9 . 0 0 e - - 13 0.000 15100.
14. CH~O + M ~ CH~O + H + M 1.00e- - 14 0.000 25000.
15. C H ~ O H + M ~- C H 2 0 + H + M 1 . 0 0 e - - 14 0.000 25000.
16. C H ~ O + H --2- O H i O + H 2 2.00e- -13 0.000 O.
17. C H 2 O H + H ~- C H ~ O + H~ 2.00e--13 0.000 O.
18. C H 3 0 + O H ~- C H 2 0 + H ~ O l.OOe -- 13 0.000 O.
19. C H 2 0 H + O H ~- C H ~ O + H ~ O 1.00e--13 0.000 O.
20. CH~O + O ~ CH~O + OH 1.00e+ 13 0.000 O.
21. CH~OH + O ~ CH~O + OH 1.00e+13 0.000 O.
22. C H 3 0 + 02 ~- C H 2 0 + H02 6.30e+10 0.000 2600.
23. C H 2 0 H + 02 ~- C H 2 0 + H 0 2 1.48e+13 0.000 1500.
24. CH2 + H ~- C H + H2 1.00e+ 18 -1.560 O.
25. CH2 + O H . m - C H + H ~ O 1.13e+07 2.000 3000.
26. CH2 + O H ~ CH~O + H 2.50e+ 13 0.000 O.
27. C H + 02 ~ H C O + O 3 . 3 0 e + 13 0.000 O.
28. CH+O~ CO+H 5.70e+13 0.000 0.
29. C H + O H ~- H C O + H 3.00e+13 0.000 O.
30. C H + CO~ ~- H C O + C O 3 . 4 0 e + 12 0.000 690.
31. CH+H~- C+H2 1.50e+14 0.000 O.
32. C H + H 2 0 +m_ C H 2 0 + H 1.17e+15 -0.750 0.
33. C H + C H ~ O ~- C H ~ C O + H 9.46e+13 0.000 -515.
34. CH+C~H~ ~- C ~ H = + H 1.00e+14 0.000 o.
35. CH+CH2 ~ C2H2+H 4.00e+ 13 0.000 0.
36. C H + CH~ ~ C~H~ + H 3 . 0 0 e + 13 0.000 O.
37. C H + CH4 ~- C2Hq + H 6 . 0 0 e + 13 0.000 O.
38. C + 0 2 ~- C O + O 2.00e+ 13 0.000 O.
39. C + O H ~- CO + H 5.OOe + 13 0.000 0.
40. C + C H ~ ~-- C~H2 + H 5.00e+13 0.000 0.

, Fall off reaction in the Troe form: Fce.,(T) = (1 - a) e x p ( - T / T " ) + a e x p ( - T " / T ) .

: Fall off" reaction in the SRI form.

A P P E N D I X A. (continued)
Reaction Mechanism Rate Coefficients In Form k," = AT~ e x p ( - E / R T ) .
Units are moles, cubic centimeters, seconds, Kelvins and calories/mole.


41. C + CH2 H C=H + H 5.00e+ 13 0.000 0.

42. 01"12+ CO= H C H ~ O + C O 1.10e+ 11 0.000 1000.
43, C H = + O H C O + 2H 5.00e+ 13 0.000 0.
44. CH~ +0 H CO+H2 3.00e+ 13 0.000 O.
45. C H = + Os ~ COs + 2 H 1.60e + 12 0.000 1000.
46. C H = + Os ~- C H s O + O 5.00e+ 13 0.000 9000.
47. 01"12+ Os ~- COs + H2 6.90e + I 1 0.000 500.
48. C H = + Os ~ C O + H = O 1.90e+10 0.000 -1000.
49. Oils+O= H CO + OH + H 8.60e+ 10 0.000 -500.
50. CHs+Os ~ HCO+OH 4.30e+ I0 0.000 --500.
51. CHsO + OH H HCO + H=O 3.43e+09 1.180 --447.
52. C H s O + H ~- H C O + Hs 2.19e+08 1.770 3000.
53. CHsO+M ~- H C O + H + M 3.31e+16 0.000 81000.
54. CHsO+O ~- H C O + O H 1.80e+ 13 0.000 3080.
55. HCO+OH H HsO+CO 1.00e+14 0.000 O.
56. HCO+M~ H+CO+M 2.50e+14 0.000 16802.
Enhanced third-body efficiencies:
C O = 1.9, H a = 1.9, O H 4 = 2.8, C02= 3.0, H = O = 5.0
57. H C O + H ~- C O + H 7 1.19e+13 0.250 0.
58. HCO+OH CO+OH 3.00e+13 0.000 0.
59. H C O + O ~ COs + H 3.00e+13 0.000 0.
60. H C O + Os ~- H O s 4- C O 3.30e+13 -0.400 0.
61. CO+O+M H COs+M 6.17e+14 0.000 3000.
62. C O + O H H COs + H 1.51e+07 1.300 --758.
63. C O + O s ~ COs + 0 1.60e+13 0.000 41000.
64. HOs+CO~ C02+OH 5.80e+13 0.000 22934.
65. CsHs + CH~ ~- C=Hs + CH4 5.50e-01 4.000 8300.
66. CsHs + H ~- C=Hs + H2 5.40e+02 3.500 5210.
67. Calls+OH C, H s + O H 3.00e+07 2.000 5115.
68. CsHs + O H ~- CsHs + H s O 8.70e+09 1.050 1810.
69. C:H4 + H ~ C, Hs + Hs I. 10e+ 14 0.000 8500.
70. C,H, + 0 H C H 3 + llCO 1.60e+09 1.200 746.
71. CsH, + O H ~- C2H3 + H s O 2.02e+ 13 0.000 5955.
72. C H = + C H , ~- C=H, + H 3.00e+ 13 0.000 0.
73. H + C2H,(+M) ~ CsHs(+M) a
High pressure limit: 2.21e+13 0.0 2066.
Low pressure limit: 6.37e+27 -2.8 -54.
Enhanced third-body efl]ciencies:
H = = 2.0, CO-- 2.0, C 0 2 = 3.0, HsO= 5.0
74. CsHs + H H 20//3 1.00e+ 14 0.000 0.
76. CsHs + 02 ~- CsH. + H 0 2 8.43e+I1 0.000 3875.
76. C,H, + O H C H 2 + C O 1.02e+07 2.000 1900.
77. CsHs +O H HCGO+H 1.02e+07 2.000 1900.
78. H= + C s H ~- CsH~ + H 4.09c+05 2.390 864.
79. H + C~Ss(+M) ~ CsH~(+M) ~
High pressure limit: 5.54e+12 0.0 2410.
Low pressure limit: 2.67e+27 -3.5 2410.
Enhanced third-body et~ciencies:
H a = 2.0,C O = 2.0, C 0 2 = 3.0, H = O = 5.0
80. C, Hs + H ~ C2H~ + H~ 4.00e+ 13 0.000 0.

3 Fall off reaction in the Lindemann form.

Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 333

A P P E N D I X A. ( c o n t i n u e d )
Reaction M e c h a n i s m R a t e Coefficients In F o r m k! = A T 0 e x p ( - E / R T ) .
U n i t s are moles, cubic c e n t i m e t e r s , s e c o n d s , K e l v i n s a n d calories/mole.


81. C~H3+O.~- CH2CO+H 3.00e+ 13 0.000 0.

82. C2H~ + 0 2 H C H u O + H C O 4 . 0 0 e + 12 0.000 - 250.
83. C2H3 + O H H C2H2 + H u O 5.00e+ 12 0.000 0.
84. C 2 H 3 + C H 2 ~- C 2 H ~ + C H 3 3.00e+ 13 0.000 0.
85. C2H~ + C ~ H H 2C~H~ 3 . 0 0 e + 13 0.000 0.
86. CIH3 + C H ~ C H ~ + C ~ H ~ 5 . 0 0 e + 13 0.000 0.
87. OH +C~H2 ~ C~H + H~O 3.37e+07 2.000 14000.
88. O H + C=H2 ~- H C C O H + H 5.04e+05 2.300 13500.
89. O H + C~H~ ~- C H ~ C O + H 2.18e-04 4.500 -1000.
90. O H + C2H2 ~ CH~ + C O 4.83e-04 4.000 -2000.
91. H C C O H + H ~- C H 2 C O + H 1.OOe+ 13 0.000 0.
92. C~H~ + O ~ C 2 H + O H 3.16e+15 --0.600 15000.
93. C H r C O + O ~ CO= -F CH2 1.75e+12 0.000 1350.
94. C H r C O + H ~- CH~ + C O 1.13e+13 0.000 3428.
95. C H r C O + H H H C C O + Hr 5.00e+ 13 0.000 8000.
96. CHrCO + O H HCCO + OH I .OOe+ 13 0.000 8000.
97. CHrCO + OH ~ HCCO + H20 7 . 5 0 e + 12 0.000 2000.
98. C H r C O ( + M ) ~ CHr + C O ( + M ) ~
High pressure limit: 3.00e+14 0.0 70980.
Low pressure limit: 3.60e+15 0.0 59270.
99. C r H + O= H 2 C O + H 5.00e + 13 0.000 1500.
100. C2H + CrH= H C4H~ + H 3.00e + 13 0.000 0.
101. H+HCCO~ *CH~+CO 1.00e + 14 0.000 0.
102. O + H C C O ,~- H + 2CO 1.00e + 14 0.000 0.
103. HCCO+Or H 2CO+OH 1.60e+12 0.000 854.
104. C H + H C C O ~ CrHr + C O 5.00e + 13 0.000 0.
105. 2 t I C C O H C2H3 + 2 C 0 1.00e+13 0.000 O.
106. 1CHr + M ~ CHr + M I .OOe + 13 0.000 O.
E n h a n c e d t h i r d - b o d y efficiencies:
H = 0.0
107. ,CH2 + CH4 H 2 C H 3 4.00e+13 0.000 O.
108. *CHr + C2Hs ~- C H 3 + CrH5 1.20e+14 0.000 O.
109. *CH~+Or H CO+OH+H 3.00e + 13 0.000 O.
110. tCH2 + Hr H CH3 + H 7.OOe + 13 0.000 O.
111. *CH2+H~-- CH2+H 2.00e + 14 0.000 O.
112. CrH + O . ~ - C H + C O 5.00e+ 13 0.000 O.
113. CrH + O H ~ H C C O + H 2.00e + 13 0.000 O.
114. 2CHr ~ C~Hr + Hr 4.00e + 13 0.000 O.
115. CHr + H C C O H C~H~ + C O 3.OOe + 13 0.000 O.
116. CH= + CrHr ~- C~H~ + H 1.20e+ I 3 0.000 6600.
117. C, Hr + O H H C~H~ + H C O 6.66e+12 0.000 --410.
118. C~Hr + O r ~ H C O + H C C O 1.00e + 13 0.000 0.
119. C2H~ + O r ~ C H r C O + H C O 3.00e+lO 0.000 2868.
120. C~H~ + 0 ~ CH~O + CrH 2.00e+ 13 0.000 0.

A P P E N D I X A. (continued)
Reaction Mechanism Rate Coefficients In Form k t = A T a e x p ( - E / R T ) .
Units are moles, cubic centimeters, seconds, Kelvins and calories/mole.


121. C3/'I3 + O H ~- C3H7 + H~O 2.00e+13 0.000 O.

122. 20~H2 ~ C4H3 + H 2.00e+12 0.000 45900,
123. C4H3 + M ~- C4H2 + H "4" l ~ 1.00e+16 0.000 59700.
124. ICH2 + C2I'I2 H C3tt3 + H 3.00e+13 0.000 0.
125. C4H2 + 0 ~ CsH2 + CO 1.20e+12 0.000 0.
126. C~I't2 + 02 H H C C O + O H 2.00e+08 1.500 30100.
127. C2H~ + M ~- C3H + H + M 4.20e+16 0.000 107000.
128. C2H, + M ~ C2H2 + H2 + M 1.50e+15 0.000 55800.
129. C~H4 + M ~ C2I'Ia + H + M 1.40e+16 0.000 82380.
130. H2 + 02 ~ 2 0 H 1.70e4-13 0.000 47760.
131. O H + H2 ~ H 2 0 + H 1.17e+09 1.300 3626.
132. 0 + O H ~- 02 4- H 4.00e4-14 -0.600 0.
133. 0 + I'I2 ~ O H + I't 5.06e4-04 2.670 6290.
134. H+02 +M ~ H02 +M 3.61e+17 -0.720 0.
Enhanced third-body efl~ciencies:
H 2 0 = 18.6, C 0 2 = 4.2, H 3 = 2.9, C O = 2.1, iV2-- 1.3
135. O H + H 0 2 ~. H 2 0 + 02 7.50e+12 0.000 0.
136. H Jr HO~ ~- 2OH 1.40e+14 0.000 1073.
137. 0 4- H02 ,~- O~ 4- OH 1.40e+13 0.000 1073.
138. 20H ~- 0 + H~O 6.00eJr08 1.300 O.
139. 2H + M ~ H~ 4- M 1.00e4-18 -I.000 0.
Enhanced third-body efficiencies:
H 2 = 0.0, H20--- 0.0, C 0 2 = 0.0
140. 2 H 4-//2 H 2H2 9.20e+16 -0.600 0.
141. 2H+H20~- H2+H20 6.00e+ 19 -1.250 0,
142. 2 H 4-C02 ~ H2 + C02 5.49e+20 -2.000 0.
143. H 4- O H 4- M -'2-I'I20+ fW 1.60e+22 -2.000 0.
Enhanced third-body ef~ciencies:
H 2 0 = 5.0
144. H+O+M ~- O H + M 6.20e+16 -0.600 0.
Enhanced third-body emciencies:
H 2 0 = 5.0
145. 2 0 + M ~- 02 J r M 1.89e+13 0.000 -1788.
148. H 4- H 0 2 ~- H2 + 02 1.25e+13 0.000 0.
147. 2H02~ H202 +02 2.00e+12 0.000 O.
148. H202 + M ,-~ 2 0 H + M 1.30e+17 0.000 45500.
149. H202 + H ~ H 0 2 + Ha 1.60e+12 0.000 3800.
150. H202 + O H ~ H 2 0 + H 0 2 1.00e+ 13 0.000 1800.
151. CH+N2 H HCN+N 3.00e+11 0.000 13600.
152. C N + N ~ C + N2 1.04e+15 -0.500 0.
153. CH2 + N2 = H C N + N H 1.00e4-13 0.000 74000.
154. H 2 C N + N ,~. N2 + CH2 2.00e+13 0.000 0.
155. H2CN + M ~ HCN + H + M 3.00e+14 0.000 22000.
156. C + N O ~- C N + 0 6.60e+13 0.000 0.
157. CH + NO ~ HCN + 0 l.lOe+14 0.000 O.
158. CH~ + N O ~ H C N O + H 1.39e+12 0.000 -1100.
159. CH., + N O ~ H C N + H 2 0 1.00e+ll 0.000 15000.
160. CHa + N O ~ H 2 C N + O H 1.00e+ll 0.000 15000.
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 335

A P P E N D I X A. ( c o n t i n u e d )
Reaction M e c h a n i s m R a t e Coefficients In F o r m k! = A T ~ e x p ( - E / R T ) .
U n i t s are moles, cubic c e n t i m e t e r s , seconds, K e l v i n s a n d c a l o r i e s / m o l e .


161. HCCO + NO "~ HCNO + CO 2.00e+13 0.000 0.

162. ICH2+ NO ~- HCN 4- OH 2.00e4-13 0.000 0.
163. HCNO + H ~ HCN + OH 1.00e4-14 0.000 12000.
164. CH~ + N ~- HCN + H 5.00e+13 0.000 0.
165. CH + N ~ CN + H 1.30e+13 0.000 0.
166. C02 4- N "~ NO + CO 1.90e4-II 0.000 3400.
167. H C C O+ N "~ HCN 4- CO 5.00e+13 0.000 0.
168. CH3 + N ~- HrCN + H 3.00e4-13 0.000 0.
169. CrH3 + N ~- H C N + CH= 2.00e4-13 0.000 0.
170. C~H~ + N ~ H C N + C~Hr 1.OOe+13 0.000 O.
171. H C N + O H ~ C N -4- H 2 0 1.45e4-13 0.000 10929.
172. OH 4- HCN +~- HOCN + H 5.85e+04 2.400 12500.
173. OH + HCN ~- HNCO 4- H 1.98e-03 4.000 I000.
174. OH + HCN ~- NH, + CO 7.83e-04 4.000 4000.
175. HOCN 4- H ~ HNCO + H 1.00e+13 0.000 0.
176. HCN 4- 0 ~ NCO 4- H 1.38¢4-04 2.640 4980.
177. HCN 4- 0 ~- NH + CO 3.45e4-03 2.640 4980.
178. H C N 4- 0 ~ C N 4- O H 2.70e+09 1.580 26600.
179. C N -+ H= ~ H C N 4- H 2.95e4-05 2.450 2237.
180. C N 4- 0 ~ C O + N 1.80e4-13 0.000 0.
181. C N 4- 02 ~ N C O + 0 5.60e+12 0.000 O.
182. C N + O H "~ N C O 4- H 6.00e+13 0.000 O.
183. C N 4- H C N ,~- CrN2 + H 2.00e4-13 0.000 0.
184. CN + NOr ~ NCO 4- NO 3.00e4-13 0.000 0.
185. CN 4- N=O +~- N C O + IV2 ~.00¢+13 0.000 O.
186. C r N r+ 0 "~ NCO q- CN 4.57e+12 0.000 8880.
187. C2N2+ OH ~- HOCN + CN 1.86e+II 0.000 2900.
188. H O t +NO ~- N O r +OH 2.11e4-12 0.000 --479.
189. NOr + H ~- NO + OH 3.50e÷14 0.000 1500.
190. NO= + 0 ,~- NO 4- 02 1.00e4-13 0.000 600.
191. NO: + M ~- NO + 0 + M 1.10e+16 0.000 66000.
192. NCO + H ~ NH 4- CO 5.00e4-13 0.000 0.
193. IVCO4- 0 -2- NO + CO 2.00e+13 0.000 0.
194. NCO 4- N ~ Nr q- CO 2.00e+13 0.000 0.
195. N C O + O H ~- N O + C O + H l.OOe+13 0.000 O.
196. NCO + M ~ N 4- CO + ~f 3 . 1 0 e + 1 6 -0.500 48000.
197. N C O + NO ~-- NrO + C O 1.00e+13 0.000 --390.
198. N C O + Hr ~ H N C O + H 8.58e+12 0.000 9000.
199. H N C O + H ~ N H r + CO 2.00e+13 0.000 3000.
200. N H + Or "~ H N O + 0 1.OOe+13 0.000 12000.

A P P E N D I X A. (continued)
Reaction Mechanism Rate Coefficients In F o r m k/ = A T a e x p ( - E / R T ) .
Units are moles, cubic centimeters, seconds, Kelvins and calories/mole.


201. NH+02 ~ NO+OH 7.60e- -10 0.000 1530.

202. N H + N O ~ N~O + H 2.40e- -15 -0.800 O.
203. N 2 0 + O H ~-- N~ + HO~ 2.00e- -12 0.000 I0000.
204. N ~ O + H ~-- N2 + O H 7.60e- -13 0.000 16200.
205. N=O+M ~ N2+O+M 1.60e- -14 0.000 51600.
206. N20+ O ~- N = + O ~ 1.OOe- -14 0.000 28200.
207. N~O + 0 ~- 2 N O 1.OOe--14 0.000 28200.
208. NH+OH~ HHO+H 2.00e- -13 0.000 O.
209. N H + O H ~ N + H~O 5.00e + 11 0.500 2000.
210. NH+N~- N2+H 3.00e + 13 0.000 O.
211. IVH + H ~-- N + H2 1.00e+14 0.000 O.
212. NH2+O¢~- HNO+H 6.63e+14 -0.500 0.
213. HH2+O H NH+OH 6.75e+12 0.000 0.
214. NH2 + O H ~- H H + I I 2 0 4.00e+06 2.000 1000.
215. NH~ + H ~-- H H + H~ 6.92e+13 0.000 3650.
216. NH~+NO H NNH+OH 6.40e+15 -1.250 0.
217. N H 2 + N O H N~ + H = O 6.20e- -15 - 1.250 O.
216. NH3+OH,~- NH2+H20 2.04e- -06 2.040 566.
219. N H 3 + H ~- N H 2 + H= 6.36e- -05 2.390 10171.
220. NH3+O~- NH~+OH 2.10e- -13 0.000 9000.
221. N N H ~ N2 + H 1 . 0 0 e - -04 0.000 O.
222. N N H + N O H N~ + H N O 5.00e- -13 0.000 O.
223. N N H + H ~ N= + 112 1.00e- -14 0.000 0.
224. H N H + O H ~- N2 + H = O 5.00e- -13 0.000 0.
225. N N H + N H2 ~- N~ + N H3 5.00e- -13 0.000 0.
226. N N H + N H H N= + N H = 5.00e- -13 0.000 0.
227. NNH + O ~ N=O + H 1.00e- -14 0.000 0.
228. HNO+M ~- H + N O + A 4 1.50e- -16 0.000 48680.
E n h a n c e d third-body efficiencies:
H~O= 10.0, O r = 2.0, N = = 2.0, / / 2 = 2.0
229. H N O + O H ~- N O + H = O 3.60e+13 0.000 O.
230. H N O + H H H2 + N O 5.00e+12 0.000 O.
231. H N O + NH~ ~ NH3 + N O 2.00e+ 13 0.000 1000.
232. N + N O H N2 + O 3.27e+12 0.300 O.
233. N+02 H NO+O 6.40e+09 1.000 6280.
234. N + O H -'*-
--¢. N O + H 3.80e+ 13 0.000 O.
Nitrogen chemistry in combustion 337

A P P E N D I X B.
Reaction Mechanism Rate Coefficients In Form ki = A T ~ e x p ( - E / R T ) .
• Units are moles+ cubic centimeters, seconds, Kelvins and calories/mole.


1. H~ + O~ H 2 0 H 1.70e+13 0.000 47780.

2. O H + H 2 H H~O + H 1.17e+09 1.300 3626.
3. 0 + O H ~- 02 + H 4.00e+14 -0.500 0.
4. 0 + Ms H O H + H 5.06e+04 2.670 6290.
5. H + O~ + M H H 0 2 + M 3.61e+17 -0.720 0.
Enhanced third-body efflciencies:
H 2 0 = 18.6, H ~ = 2.9, N2= 1.3
6. O H + H O ~ H H 2 0 + O~ 7.50e+12 0.000 0.
7. H + H02 ~ 20H 1.40e+14 0.000 1073.
8. 0 + H 0 2 H 02 + O H ].40e+]3 0.000 1073.
9. 2 0 H ~ 0 + H~O 6.00e+08 1.300 0.
10. 2H+M ~ H~+M 1.00e+18 -1.000 0.
]I. 2H +H~ ~ 2H2 9.20e+16 -0.600 0.
12. 2H + H 2 0 H H2 + H 2 0 6.00e+19 -1.250 O.
13. H + OH + M ~ H20 + M 1.60e+22 -2.000 0.
Enhanced third-body efficiencies:
H 2 0 = 5.0
14. H+O+M ~ OH+M 6.20e+16 -0.600 0.
Enhanced third-body efficiencies:
H 2 0 = 5.0
15. 20+M ~ 02+M 1.89e+13 0.000 -1788.
16. H + H 0 2 ~- H ~ + O ~ 1.25e+13 0.000 O.
17. 2 H 0 2 ~ H~02 + 0 2 . 2.00e+12 0.000 0.
16. H~02 + M ~ 2 0 H + M 1.30e+17 0.000 45500.
19. H~02 + H ~ H O 2 + H 2 1.60e+12 0.000 3800.
20. H~02 + O H ~ H 2 0 + H 0 2 1.00e+13 0.000 1800.
21. N H 4- O~ ~ H N O + 0 1.00e+13 0.000 12000.
22. NH +02 ~ NO+OH 7.60e+10 0.000 1530.
23. NH+NO ~ N~O+H 2.40e+15 -0.800 0.
24. N 2 0 + H ~ N2 + O H 7.60e+13 0.000 15200.
25. N=O-+M H N ~ + O + M 1.62e+14 0.000 51600.
26. /V20 + O ~ N~ + O~ 1.00e-~ 14 0.000 28200.
27. N20+O ~ 2NO 1.00e+14 0.000 28200.
28. N 2 0 .+ O H ~ N~ + HO~ 2.00e+12 0.000 10000.
29. NH + OH H HNO + H 2.00e+13 0.000 0.
30. N H + O H ~ N + H~O 5.00e+11 0.500 2000.
31. N H + N H N7 + H 3.00e+13 0.000 O.
32. N H + H ~ N + H2 l.OOe+14 0.000 O.
33. NH + 0 ~ NO + H 2.00e+13 0.000 O.
34. N H ~ -+ 0 ~ H N O + H 6.63e+14 -0.500 0.
35. NH2 + 0 H N H + OH 6.75e+12 0.000 0.
36. NH2 + O H ~ N H + H~O 4.00e+06 2.000 1000.
37. NH~ + H = N H + H~ 6.92e+13 0.000 3650.
38. NH= + NO H NNH + OH 6.40e+15 -1.250 0.
39. NH2 + N O ~ N~ + H ) O 6.20e+15 -1.250 0.
40. NHa + O H ~- N H ~ + H~O 2.04e+06 2.040 566.

A P P E N D I X B. ( c o n t i n u e d )
Reaction M e c h a n i s m Rate Coefficients In F o r m k I = A T a e x p ( - E / R T ) .
U n i t s are moles, cubic c e n t i m e t e r s , seconds, Kelvins and calories/mole.


41. NH3+H H NH=+H2 6.36e+05 2.390 10171.

42. NHz + 0 H NH= + OH 2.10e+13 0.000 9000.
43. N N H H N2 + H 1.00e+04 0.000 O.
44. N N H + N O = N= + H N O 5.00e+13 0.000 O.
45. N N H + H H N= + H= 1.00e+14 0.000 O.
46. N N H + O H ~ N= + H~O 5.00e+13 0.000 O.
47. NNH + N H 2 = N= + N H ~ 5.00e+13 0.000 0.
48. N N H + N H H N2 + N H = 5.00e+13 0.000 0.
49. NNH + 0 ~- N 2 0 + H 1.00e+14 0.000 0.
50. HNO + M H H + NO + M 1.50e+16 0.000 46680.
E n h a n c e d t h i r d - b o d y efficiencies:
H I O = 10.0, O = = 2.0, N 2 = 2.0, H ~ = 2.0
51. HNO+OH H NO+H20 3.60e+13 0.000 O.
52. H N O + H ~ H= + N O 5.00e+12 0.000 O.
53. H N O + N H 2 H NH= + N O 2.00e+13 0.000 1000.
54. 2H N O H N 2 0 + H=O 3.95e+12 0.000 5000.
55. H N O + N O H N=O + O H 2.00e-~12 0.000 26000.
56. N + N O ~-- N2 + 0 3.27e+12 0.300 O.
57. N + O= H N O + 0 6.40e+09 1.000 6280.
58. N+OH H NO+H 3.80e+]3 0.000 0.
59. HO= + N O H NO= + O H 2.1:1e+12 0.000 -479.
60. NO2 + H = N O + O H 3.50e+14 0.000 1500.
61. N H 2 + N H ~ N=H2 + H 5.00e+13 0.000 0.
62. 2 N H H N2 ÷ 2H 2.54e+13 0.000 0.
63. NH= + N ~ N= + 2H 7.20e+13 0.000 0.
64. N2H= + M H N N H + H + M 5.00e+16 0.000 50000.
E n h a n c e d thizd-body efficiencies:
H 2 0 = 15.0, O = = 2.0, N = = 2.0, H = = 2.0
65. N=H= + H H N N H + H= 5.00e+13 0.000 1000.
66. N=H2 + 0 H NH= + N O 1.00e+13 0.000 0.
67. N=H=+ 0 ~-- N N H + O H 2.00e+13 0.000 1000.
68. N=H= + O H H N N H + H=O 1.00e+13 0.000 1000.
69. N=Hz + N O H N 2 0 + N H ~ 3.00e+12 0.000 O.
70. N3H2 + N H H N N H + N H ~ 1.OOe+13 0.000 1000.
71. N=H= + NH= ,..-'._ NH= + N N H l.OOe+]3 O.000 1000.
72. 2NH= H JV=H=+ H= 5.00e+11 0.000 O.
73. NH= + O= ~ H N O + O H 4.50e+]2 0.000 25000.

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