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St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon Inc.

Higher Education Department

Sorsogon City

Name: Alyza Pearl A. Dreu

Course: BSED English- IV

Detailed Lesson Plan in English

(Grade 9)

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
 Define sensory imagery and identify the types of sensory images
 Appreciate the essence of sensory images through drawing
 Incorporate the different types of sensory images in creating a short story

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Expressing Appreciation for Sensory Images Used
Lesson: Sensory Imagery
Reference: Google and YouTube
Materials Needed: Laptop, colored paper, bond paper, and masking tape.
Values Integration: Reading Comprehension, Writing, Imagination, and

Teachers Activity Students Activity


“Good morning class! I am Teacher Pearl, and I will be Good morning, Ma’am.
your teacher in English 9 for today.”

_____, can you please lead the prayer? In the name of the father,
and of the son and of the
holy spirit, Amen.
“Arrange your seats properly before we start”


“So, are you ready for our new lesson for today?” Yes Ma’am!

“I’m glad to hear that! Now, I have here a set of Yes, we are Ma’am!
pictures. I know you are quite familiar with 4 pics 1
word, right?”

“But I modified it into 5 pics 2 words, take a look at Yes Ma’am, the pictures
this. For the mechanics, you guess these jumbled depict Sensory Imagery.
words here by referring to these pictures above and
they serve as your clue. Did you get that? Now what
does these pictures depict?”
“Very Good! Because this short activity has something
to do with our lesson for today. Our lesson will be all
about Sensory Imagery.

Lesson Proper

“Now what is Sensory imagery? Sensory imagery is a Through the use of the Five
literary device writers use or employ to engage a Senses
reader's mind on multiple levels. But how do readers
engage in multiple levels?”

“And what are these five senses? Can someone please Sense of touch, sight, smell,
recall? Raise your hand” sound, and taste.

“Very good, the 5 different types of sensory imagery (Student will give his/her
correspond with the five senses: Visual imagery (sight), own example of Visual
Olfactory imagery (smell), Gustatory imagery (taste), imagery)
Tactile imagery (touch), and Auditory imagery (sound).
First type of Imagery is Visual Imagery, it is a
description that stimulates the eyes. Specifically, your
mind’s eye when you can visualize shape and form.
Mr./Ms.___ can you give another example for Visual?”

“That’s right! Next type of imagery is Olfactory, a (Student will give his/her
description that stimulates the nose. By describing the own example of Olfactory
peculiarities of a scent. ___ can you give an example imagery)
for Olfactory imagery?”

“Very well! moving on to the next Gustatory imagery, (Student give his/her own
a description that stimulates the tongue. It captures a example of Gustatory
flavor’s richness or acidity. ___ please give me another imagery)
example of Gustatory.”

“Okay good, next is Tactile imagery, description that (Student give his/her own
stimulates your sense of touch. It appeals to the way example of Tactile imagery)
your skin might feel at that moment. ___ give an
example of Tactile.”

“Sensational! The last is Auditory imagery, a (Student give his/her own

description that stimulates the ears. ___ please give example of Auditory
another example that employs Auditory imagery.” imagery)

“Now those are the 5 Types of Imagery were you able Yes Ma’am
to follow class?

Group Activity:

Students will read an excerpt from the short story “All

the Light We Cannot See”. They will visualize it and
afterwards draw what they have visualized. They will
be given 3 minutes to do the activity.

I will divide you into 4 groups. Please read this excerpt

from the short story “All the Light We Cannot See” and
draw what you have visualized.
“Time is up! Now, paste your drawings on the board.

“What very nice drawings and imaginations you have

there, class!

Now, today class we learned about?___ yess and what

is sensory imagery?______ can you enumerate the 5
different sensory types and give their definition?
Sensory Imagery, it is a
literary device writers use or
employ to engage a reader's
mind on multiple levels.
Visual Imagery stimulates
the eyes for sight, Olfactory
imagery stimulates the nose
for smell, Gustatory imagery
stimulates the tongue for
taste, Tactile imagery
stimulates your sense of
touch, and Auditory imagery
stimulates the ears for
“How important are the Sensory Imagery in sound.”
establishing the atmosphere of the story?

It helps the reader

“It is important for us to remember that humans learn understand what is
about the world using the five senses. They are our happening in the story.
primary source of knowledge about the world.
Therefore, incorporating vivid sensory in writing is
more likely to engage and affect the readers. Did you Yes Ma’am!
get it?”

“Now for your final activity you will write a short story
incorporating the 5 types of sensory imagery.”

Final Activity:

Create a short story incorporating the sensory images.

They have 5 minutes to finish the activity.

“Excellent job on that activity! I’m sure you learned a

lot today, thank you for your participation. Now let us
stand for our closing prayer.”

Prepared by:

Alyza Pearl A. Dreu

BSED English- IV
All the Light We Cannot See

She has no memories of her mother but imagines her as white, a soundless
brilliance. Her father radiates a thousand colors, opal, strawberry red, deep russet, wild
green; a smell like oil and metal, the feel of a lock tumbler sliding home, the sound of his key
rings chiming as he walks. He is an olive green when he talks to a department head, an
escalating series of oranges when he speaks to Mademoiselle Fleury from the greenhouses,
a bright red when he tries to cook.

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