Ayurvedic Medicine Foundation Diploma Course: 16.introduction and What Does The Term Dosha Mean?

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Ayurvedic Medicine Foundation Diploma Course

Section 4. Dosha - What is it? (Course Notes)

16.Introduction and What Does the Term Dosha Mean?

Ayurveda is a science that teaches people what is good and harmful for their health in terms of
nutrition, routine, and environment. Disease results from failing to follow these guidelines. The
diagnosis is made by determining the underlying cause(s), and the treatment aids in resolving the
imbalance and curing the ailment." - 1.1.41 Charaka Samhita

According to Ayurveda, every individual has a unique body constitution. The different constitutions of
people may cause them to react differently to food and lifestyle choices.

What does the term dosha mean?

Doshas are thought to shape the physical body according to a natural constitution established at birth,
which is influenced by the parents' constitutions, the timing of conception, and other circumstances.
This natural constitution represents the healthy norm for an individual's balanced state. The dosha ratio
in a person's natural constitution is linked to their mind-body type, which includes a variety of
physiological and psychological qualities such as physical appearance, physique, and personality.

The Sanskrit word "dosha" derives from the root "dush" (to malign). In other words, the word dosha
refers to a defect or corruption. So dosha is something that damages the body. Interesting, right?
Something that damages the body is also significant for metabolism.

17. What is the difference between the three doshas and where do you find them?
According to Vedic philosophy, there are five basic elements.

· Akash - Space

· Vayu - Kinetic energy

· Agni - Heat

· Jal - Inter-particle forces

· Prithvi - Matter
The dosha is formed by the combination of these essential elements. All five elements are found in each
dosha. In contrast, the dominant element in a dosha determines the character and function of that

To illustrate -

Vata dosha is dominated by elements of space and air

Pitta dosha is dominated by the energy of fire

The Kapha dosha is dominated by earth and water

According to Vedic philosophy, a particle represents all of the universe's attributes. Each particle is a
microcosms of the universe. Pitta, Kapha, and Vata regulate the body's metabolism in the same manner
that the sun, moon, and air regulate the environment.

18. Why can't Dosha be seen & the Biorhythm of Dosha.

Dosha is unseen, but its influence is visible. It's the same with electrons. We have never seen electrons,
yet we think they exist because they create outcomes.

Doshas, likewise, cannot be physically defined. We may not be able to see pitta, Vata, or Kapha dosha
when dissecting a body. Doshas, on the other hand, are patterns or systems that govern how the body

According to Ayurveda, the Vata dosha is responsible for all bodily activity. As a result, peristaltic motion
in the intestines should be considered a vata consequence.

Similarly, a single heat/chemical-based change in one region of the body has an impact on all other
sections and chemical alterations. And one bio-physical energy, which we might name pitta, is in charge
of all of these changes. The Kapha dosha is in the same boat.

The bottom line is that, like electricity, we may not be able to see the dosha. But, like lightning, their
impacts are evident.

The Biorhythm of Dosha:

Tridoshas are in a continual state of flux. They keep changing (increase or decrease) with age, day and
night, digestion stages, the type of seasonings and food you consume, and many more factors. This
doshic flow or rise, on the other hand, decreases in a typical physiological range that is natural.

For example, the first part of the day is under the influence of the Kapha dosha the second part is under
the pitta dosha and the third part is governed by the metabolic force of the Vata dosha.
Another example is age. The age in all living beings also has three phases. Kapha characteristics and
activities are more prevalent in childhood.

19. What makes us different? – The Concept of Body or Prakriti in Ayurveda

Each individual has a distinct mind and body type according to Ayurveda. It may be complicated to
explain and understand it in dosha terms initially. Hence, let us use some car analogies to help us
understand these differences in physiology.

A human body has essentially the same systems and physiology as any other. Their systems and
physiology may, however, function differently and produce different results.

Diet, lifestyle, and susceptibility to certain disorders are also influenced by physiological differences.

Ayurveda respects the individuality of each person's body and intellect.

The physiological and psychological development of the fetus is governed by the dosha prevalent at the
moment of fertilization, according to Charak Samhita. The dominant dosha determines the physical
structure and the baby's innate biorhythm. It even determines the baby's thinking pattern and

Ayurveda determines body types in what ways?

What causes this metabolic difference? The body, according to Ayurveda, has three basic metabolic
patterns: Vata, pitta, and Kapha, as previously stated. Each of these patterns is present in everyone.

Each organism, on the other hand, has its metabolic dosha hierarchy. The body's constitution is defined
by this hierarchy.

Body kinds are divided into three categories: Vata, pitta, and Kapha. Each of the three body kinds has its
own physical and physiological characteristics.

20. Doshas' Psychosomatic Influence:

Dosha has an impact on not just the body but also the mind. The dosha system does not completely
determine the mind type. This comes from the three Gunas (natural forces) of sattva (balance), rajas
(activity), and tamas (discipline) (ignorance).

For instance —

1. You may be an action-oriented or outspoken person if you have a Vata dominating personality or
physical constitution.
2. You may have a pitta personality if you are a realistic, thoughtful person with strong intelligence.

3. On the other hand, if you are a stable and calm person with a good memory, you may be a Kapha
dominant personality.

The dominant dosha also defines a variety of other elements such as cognitive abilities, retention, faith,
belief system, and so on.

What role does dosha play in disease pathology?

Bad habits, poor diet, overwork, and other factors can generate relative deficiencies or excesses in
proportion to the underlying condition, resulting in a present state (vikriti) that can lead to disease.

21. Ayurvedic concept of Dosha balance:

Dosha Balance is a concept that has been around for a long time.

According to Ayurveda, the three doshas — Vata, pitta, and Kapha – are responsible for homeostasis, or
body metabolism equilibrium. These three doshas function similarly to the three legs of a stool. The
stool will lose its stability if one leg is broken or bent.

The physical stability of an object is comparable to the dosha balance. Every object has a gravitational
centre. If it stays within the range of its centre of gravity, it will remain stable.

In a baby, these doshas are completely balanced. As we get older, though, we develop harmful eating
and lifestyle habits. Stress, anxiety, and bad emotions all contribute to the dosha's delicate equilibrium
being upset.

To keep the dosha equilibrium in the face of all the destabilizing influences, positive actions are


Each person has three doshas: Vata, pitta, and Kapha, which constitute a natural balance. They may,
however, occasionally surpass or fall short. This dosha imbalance causes illnesses to enter through a
metabolic loophole.
The dosha system is one of Ayurveda's most fundamental and fascinating principles. The biophysical
energies or metabolic patterns that drive an individual's metabolism are known as doshas. Ayurvedic
body types, nutrition and lifestyle guidelines, disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment are all based
on them.

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