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1. What did Phatik do to keep his regal dignity?
a. He carried out his threat and hit Makhan
b. He rolled the log and Makhan over together
c. He apologised to Makhan
d. He walked away from the scene

2. How did Makhan react when he met his fate with the log?
a. He was screaming with delight
b. He was furious and attacked Phatik
c. He was blind and screaming like Furies
d. He was unconscious

3. How did Phatik respond to the stranger?

a. He told him where the Chakravortis lived
b. He refused to answer
c. He gave him wrong directions
d. He told him to go and find out

4. What did Phatik’s mother accuse him of doing?

a. Hitting his brother
b. Stealing
c. Breaking into a neighbour’s house
d. Misbehaving with the stranger

5. What did Phatik say when his mother accused him?

a. He denied
b. He kept silent
c. He confessed doing it
d. He blamed someone else

6. Why was Phatik’s mother relieved to get rid of him? Because ….

a. He was lazy and disobedient
b. She was afraid he would harm Makhan
c. She did not love him
d. Both a and b.

7. What did Phatik long for the most in the village?

a. To fly kite
b. Wander along river banks
c. To swim in the brooks
d. To be in the presence of his mother
8. Choose the option that lists the sequence of events
1. Bishamber took Phatik to Calcutta
2. Phatik not treated well by his aunt
3. Bishamber comes to meet his sister in the village
4. Phatik planning with his friends to shift a heavy log
a. 2134
b. 1234
c. 4312
d. 4321
9. Select the option that shows the correct relation between (1) and (2)
1. He fell sick and thought he would be a burden to his uncle and aunt
2. He runs away from home.
a. 1 is the example of 2
b. 1 is the cause of 2
c. 1 is the contradiction of 2
d. 1 is independent of 2

10. What is the theme of the story?

a. Importance of family relationships
b. Challenges of adolescence
c. Adjusting in a new environment
d. All the above

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