Argument Adam Ea

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Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be trapped in a small space, unable to roam
freely or express yourself? Well, that's the reality for many animals kept in cages. Some people
argue that keeping animals in cages is necessary for their safety and for human enjoyment, but I
believe that it's cruel and unfair. Here are three reasons why animals shouldn't be kept in cages.

Animals have natural instincts and behaviours that are blocked when they are locked up in
cages. Imagine being a bird and not being able to fly or a tiger being unable to roam the jungle.
The captivity can lead to stress, depression and even physical health problems for the animals.
Without the freedom to explore their natural behaviours, animals suffer both mentally and

Secondly, keeping animals in cages can disrupt their social structures and relationships.
Many animals are highly social creatures that rely on interactions with others of their kind for
companionship and well-being. When they're kept in cages, they're often isolated from their
peers, leading to loneliness and frustration. This isolation can have consequences on their mental
health and the quality of their life.

Lastly, the conditions in which animals are kept in cages are often unsuitable for animals.
Many facilities focus on sales rather than the well-being of animals, leading to overcrowded and
insanitary living conditions. Animals may not have access to proper food, water, or medical care,
further compromising their health and happiness. Additionally, they may be victims to animal
cruelty and taken advantage of for entertainment purposes, such as in circuses or roadside zoos.

In conclusion, keeping animals in cages is not only cruel but it also causes damage to their
physical and mental well-being. Instead of using them for human entertainment or profit, we
should strive to protect their natural habitats. By respecting their rights and allowing them to live
freely, we can ensure a better future for both animals and humans alike.

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