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Number 1

Nakshatra Ashwini
Translation Horseman
Symbol Horse's head
Hindu Deity The Ashwins (Divine Medicine)
Mantra Om Aswinikumarabhyam Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Quickly reach and heal
Quality of Nakshatra Light
Ashwini twins were born of the sun god and his wife as horses.
Useful Vedic Mythology They once swapped a sage's head for a horses head so the sage
could divulge medical secrets.
Star Beta and Gamma Arietis
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 24 Aries 07
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 0 Aries to 12 Aries 51
Picatrix Name Al-Sharatain, "The Two Signals"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Geriz
A man with his hair wrapped and encircled, standing erect on his
Picatrix Image
feet and holding tightly to a lance in his right hand.
Making medicine, beginning journeys, sowing discord between
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
spouses or friends.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 Destruction and depopulation

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 2
Nakshatra Bharani
Translation The bearers
Symbol Yoni
Hindu Deity Yama (Death)
Mantra Om Yamaya Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Cleanse, remove impurities
Quality of Nakshatra Severe
Bharani means 'to bear' in the sense of 'bearing children'...
Useful Vedic Mythology
prospering through great effort or difficulty
Star 35, 39, 41 Arietis
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 7 Taurus 27
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 12 Aries 51 to 25 Aries 42
Picatrix Name Al-Butain, "The Little Belly"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Enedil
Picatrix Image A crowned king.
Digging wells and streams, destroying buildings before they are
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
complete, sowing enmity.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 Removal of anger.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 3
Nakshatra Krittika
Translation The razor
Symbol Axe, scalpel, flame
Hindu Deity Agni (Fire)
Mantra Om Agnaye Namaha
To burn away. Same English word 'critical'. Is to cut away.
Power of Nakshatra
Brilliant, incisive.
Quality of Nakshatra Soft and Sharp
Krittikas are six wives 'sent away' by sages to raise a child born of
Useful Vedic Mythology stealing Agni's semen and a mountain. He defeats a demon army
on his seventh day alive.
Star Pleiades
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 20 Taurus 47
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 25 Aries 42 to 8 Taurus 34
Picatrix Name Al-Thurraya, "The Many Little Ones"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Annuncia
Picatrix Image A seated woman with her right hand over her head.
Safe sailing, alchemy, good hunting in forests, causing love
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
between a husband and wife.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 Acquiring all good things.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 4
Nakshatra Rohini
Translation Female deer, rosy blushing lady
Symbol Bull pulling a cart with abundant produce. Also a Banyan.
Hindu Deity Brahma (Creator)
Mantra Om Brahmane Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Growth, Creation
Quality of Nakshatra Fixed
Creation of Brahma and Brahma's subsequent creation of the
Useful Vedic Mythology
Star Aldebaran
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 4 Gemini 07
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 8 Taurus 34 to 21 Taurus 25
Picatrix Name Al-Dabaran, "The Follower"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Assarez
Picatrix Image A man riding a warhorse with a snake in his right hand.
Destruction of cities and infrastructure, causing hatred between
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
spouses, thwarting treasure seekers, binding reptiles.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For causing or obtaining hatred or separation.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 5
Nakshatra Mrgashira
Translation Antelope's head
Symbol Deer head with antlers
Hindu Deity Chandra (Moon), or Soma (lunar, watery)
Mantra Om Chandramase Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Fulfillment, especially after seeking or questing
Quality of Nakshatra Soft
Useful Vedic Mythology Deer searching the forest floor for soma.
Star lambda, phi Orionis
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 17 Gemini 27
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) from 21 Taurus 25 to 4 Gemini 17
Picatrix Name Al-Hakah, "The White Spot"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Cabil
Picatrix Image A head without a body.
All things safe travel, the instruction of youths, improve buildings,
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 destroy friendships. Can be used for causing favour between
husband and wife when the moon is in a humane sign.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 Receiving good from kings and those in high office.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 6
Nakshatra Ardra
Translation The moist
Symbol Teardrop, perspiration, raindrop
Hindu Deity Rudra (Destroyer)
Mantra Om Rudraya Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Effort, destruction, letting go of inauspicious things
Quality of Nakshatra Sharp
Rudra once cut off one of Brahma's heads which became the
Useful Vedic Mythology nakshatra, Mrgashira. Searching for it, he came to reside in the
next nakshatra, Ardra 'the place that attracted Rudra'.
Star Betelgeuse
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 0 Cancer 47
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 4 Gemini 17 to 17 Gemini 8
Picatrix Name Al-Hanah, "A Mark"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Nedeyrahe
Picatrix Image Two people embracing.
For the destruction of cities and villages, and to place armies
around them, and for the enemies of kings to exact vengeance,
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 and to destroy crops and trees, and to cause friendship between
two [people], to improve hunting in the country, and to destroy
medicines so that when they are taken they do not work.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 To put love between two people.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 7
Nakshatra Punarvasu
Translation Return of light
Symbol quiver of arrows, an arrow returning to a quiver
Hindu Deity Aditi (Mother of the Gods)
Mantra Om Aditaye Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Gain substance, cycles and returns
Quality of Nakshatra Mutable
Fabric of space, the raw material from which Brahma fashions the
Useful Vedic Mythology
universe, mother of her own father
Star Castor and Pollux
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 14 Cancer 07
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 17 Gemini 8 to 0 Cancer.
Picatrix Name Al-Dhira, "The Forearm"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Siely
A man clothed in robes and with his hands extended to heaven in
Picatrix Image
the manner of a man who is praying.
Increase merchandise, profits, crops. Safe travel. Causing
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 friendship. Expelling flies. Destroying officials. Appearing before
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 Acquisition of good things.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 8
Nakshatra Pushya
Translation The nourisher
Symbol Milk-giving cow udder, lotus
Hindu Deity Brihaspati (Teacher-Priest), god of prayer
Mantra Om Brihaspatayr Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Create spiritual energy, facilitates communication with the divine
Quality of Nakshatra Light
Useful Vedic Mythology Priest and guru of the gods. Punished Indra for failed observance.
Star gamma, delta, theta Cancri
Planets empowered by
Saturn, (Jupiter)
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 27 Cancer 27
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) from 0 Cancer to 12 Cancer 51
Picatrix Name Al-Nathrah, "The Gap"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Annediex
Picatrix Image An eagle with the head of a man.
Love, friendship, safe travel, bonds between allies, making strong
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 the incarceration of captives, destruction of captives, expelling
mice and bugs.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 Victory.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 9
Nakshatra Aslesa
Translation The serpent
Symbol Coiled serpent, embrace, entwining
Hindu Deity Sarpa (Poisonous Serpent), nagas
Mantra Om Sarpebhyo Namaha
To poison, to instill jealousy and deception. Becoming charming.
Power of Nakshatra
Also to hold or embrace.
Quality of Nakshatra Sharp
Useful Vedic Mythology Images of the Naga realms. Story of Vasuki. Story of Kaileya.
Star delta, epsilon, eta, rho, sigma Hydrae
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 10 Leo 47
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 12 Cancer 51 to 25 Cancer 42
Picatrix Name Al-Tarf, "The Eyes"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Raubel
Picatrix Image A man with his hands covering his eyes.
Make and destroy crops, cause unfortunate journeys, do evil to all
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
men, cause division and hatred, defence from being attacked.
Make an image of a eunuch covering his eyes, for causing sickness
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9
and blood to flow.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 10
Nakshatra Magha
Translation The beneficent. 'Power' or 'gift'.
Symbol Throne room, palanquin
Hindu Deity Pitr (First Father), ancestral spirits
Mantra Om Pitribhyo Namaha
Power of Nakshatra To leave the body, ancestral connection
Quality of Nakshatra Severe
The image of the throne is the image of inherited power, the gifts
we receive from our ancestors. Some of Brahma's first mental
Useful Vedic Mythology
experiments in creation created the Pitr, who went on to be the
ancestors of many things in the universe.
Star alpha, lambda, epsilon, zeta, eta, mu Leonis - Regulus
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 24 Leo 07
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 25 Cancer 42 to 8 Leo 34
Picatrix Name Al-Jabbah, "The Brow"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Aredafir
Picatrix Image The head of a lion
Love between man and wife, the destruction of enemies, making
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 firm the incarceration of captives, strengthening and completing
buildings, for the love of allies and their mutual help.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 Curing infirmities, making childbirth easier.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 11
Nakshatra Purva Phalguni
Translation Earlier fig tree, reddish lady
Symbol Back legs of a bed
Hindu Deity Bhaga (Wealth), also romance.
Mantra Om Bhagaya Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Procreation. Acquisition of grace, power, majesty, beauty.
Quality of Nakshatra Severe
Useful Vedic Mythology Bhaga's wife and children. The story of Arjuna.
Star delta, theta Leonis
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 7 Virgo 27
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 8 Leo 34 to 21 Leo 25
Picatrix Name Al-Zubrah, "The Mane"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Necol
A man riding a lion, holding a lance in his right hand and holding
Picatrix Image
the lion by the ear with his left.
Rescue captives, besiege cities, ordering and profiting from trade,
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 safe travels, making buildings firm and unharmed, increase the
wealth of allies.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For pride and receiving good things.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 12
Nakshatra Uttara Phalguni
Translation Later fig tree
Symbol Front legs of a bed
Hindu Deity Aryaman (Family and Marriage, vows.)
Mantra Om Aryamane Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Prosperity through union, matchmaking, friendship
Quality of Nakshatra Fixed
Useful Vedic Mythology A friend who asks a girl to marry his friend.
Star beta and 93 Leonis - Denebola
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 20 Virgo 47
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) from 21 Leo 25 to 4 Virgo 17
Picatrix Name Al-Sarfah, "The Changer"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Abdizu
Picatrix Image A dragon fighting with a man.
Increase the harvest of plants and crops, destruction of riches and
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
ships, improvement of allies, officials, captives, servants.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For the separation of two by taking away their love.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 13
Nakshatra Hasta
Translation The hand
Symbol hand or fist
Hindu Deity Savitr (Clarity), heightened awareness, dexterity.
Mantra Om Savitre Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Grasp desire
Quality of Nakshatra Light
Useful Vedic Mythology Savitr as rising sun in the Rig Veda. Gayatri Mantra
Star alpha, epsilon Corvi
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 4 Libra 07
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 4 Virgo 17 to 17 Virgo 8
Picatrix Name Al-Awwa, "The Wings"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Azerut
Picatrix Image A man desiring to be in coitus with a woman.
Increase of trade and profit, increase of harvests, good journeys,
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 completion of buildings, freedom of captives, binding of nobles to
have good from them.
Unbinding of men who are impotent, causing of love between men
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9
and women.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 14
Nakshatra Citra
Translation The brilliant
Symbol Shining, multifaceted jewel
Hindu Deity Visvakarma (Architect)
Mantra Om Vishwakarmane Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Accumulate merit, generate masterpieces
Quality of Nakshatra Soft
Tvasta becomes both Visvakarma -who creates for the gods- and
Useful Vedic Mythology Maya -who creates for the demons. Creator of airships, flying
cities, palaces, etc.
Star Virgo - Spica
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 17 Libra 27
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 17 Virgo 9 to 0 Libra
Picatrix Name Al-Simak, "The Unarmed"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Erdegel
Picatrix Image A dog holding his own tail in his mouth.
Cause love between man and wife, heal the sick with medicine,
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 destroy harvests and plants, destroy lust, destruction of travel on
roads, benefit of kings, friendship of allies, safe sailing.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For the separation of men and women.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 15
Nakshatra Svati
Translation The sword
Symbol Sprout, sword, coral
Hindu Deity Vayu (Winds)
Mantra Om Vayuve Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Scatter like the wind, self-actualisation
Quality of Nakshatra Mutable
Useful Vedic Mythology Both the god of wind and also the breath of life in the Rig Veda.
Star Bootes - Arcturus
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 0 Scorpio 47
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 0 Libra to 12 Libra 51
Picatrix Name Al-Ghafr, "The Covering"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Achalich
Picatrix Image A seated man, holding various scrolls together in his hand.
Digging of wells, seeking underground treasure, impeding
travelers, separating a husband and wife, place discord between
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
friends and allies, scatter enemies from your area, destruction of
the houses of your enemies.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 The acquisition of friendship and all good things.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 16
Nakshatra Vishaka
Translation The two branches
Symbol Decorated gateway
Hindu Deity Indragni (King-Priest), spiritual form of ritual fire.
Mantra Om Indragnibhyam Namaha
Attain various fruits, singular focus, obsession. Get to the 'finish
Power of Nakshatra
Quality of Nakshatra Soft and Hard
Useful Vedic Mythology Vishaka is the attitude all good archers, such as Arjuna, have.
Star alpha, beta, gamma, iota Librae
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 14 Scorpio 07
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 12 Libra 51 to 25 Libra 42
Picatrix Name Al-Zubana, "The Claws"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Azeruch
Picatrix Image A man seated on a throne, holding scales.
Destruction of merchandise, harvests, plants. Discord between
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 friends, man and wife, destruction of women, cause hatred of
friends, impede journeys by road, liberate captives.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 Profiting from buying and selling merchandise.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 17
Nakshatra Anuradha
Translation Near success
Symbol Decorated gateway, specifically with a flower
Hindu Deity Mitra (Day-Friend), god of friendship and bringing together.
Mantra Om Mitraya Namaha
To worship, single-minded dedication arising from love and
Power of Nakshatra
Quality of Nakshatra Soft
Useful Vedic Mythology Mitra as love as understood in the Rig Veda.
Star beta, delta, pi Scorpionis
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 27 Scorpio 27
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 25 Libra 42 to 8 Scorpio 34
Picatrix Name Al-Iklil, "The Crown"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Adrieb
Picatrix Image A monkey in an iron seal, holding his hands above his head.
Improve deceptive powers, besiege cities, make buildings firm,
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
safe travel by water, causing lasting friendship.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 Preventing thieves from entering your house.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 18
Nakshatra Jyestha
Translation The eldest, foremost
Symbol Talisman, an earring
Hindu Deity Indra (King, specifically of paradise)
Mantra Om Indraya Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Courage and conquering, becoming kingly. Risk of arrogance.
Quality of Nakshatra Sharp
Krishna shielding his village from Indra's rage by using a mountain
Useful Vedic Mythology
as an umbrella.
Star alpha, sigma, tau Scorpionis - Antares
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 10 Sagittarius 47
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 8 Scorpio 34 to 21 Scorpio 25
Picatrix Name Al-Qalib, "The Heart"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Egribel
Picatrix Image An adder holding its tail above its head.
For men to conspire against kings, vengeance against enemies,
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
separating friends, building strong buildings, freeing captives.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 To take away fevers and pains of the stomach.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 19
Nakshatra Mula
Translation The root
Symbol Bundle of roots, lion's tail
Hindu Deity Nirrti (Mother of Demons), goddess of destruction.
Mantra Om Nirttaye Namaha
To break apart, herbalism. Sending destruction and confusion.
Power of Nakshatra
Also seeking our true origin or 'root'.
Quality of Nakshatra Sharp
Dwells in a city called 'Ink-Black', is the guardian of the southeast
Useful Vedic Mythology
direction, the home of pain and suffering.
Star epsilon, zeta, eta, theta, iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu Scorpionis
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 24 Sagittarius 07
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 21 Scorpio 25 to 4 Sagittarius 17
Picatrix Name Al-Shaula, "The Sting"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Annucel
Picatrix Image A woman holding her hands before her face.
Besiege or place armies around cities, to take cities, for the
destruction of whosoever wealth you wish, to expel men from a
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 particular place, for men to travel better by roads, increasing
harvests, put captives to flight, break and destroy ships, separate
and destroy the riches of allies, to kill captives.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For hastening menstruation.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 20
Nakshatra Purva Ashadha
Translation The earlier victory
Symbol Elephant tusk, winnowing basket, fan
Hindu Deity Apas (goddess of Water)
Mantra Om Adrabhyo Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Invigoration, nourishment, purification
Quality of Nakshatra Severe
Imparts victory like water... slowly, coolly. Rig Vedic hymns to
Useful Vedic Mythology
Star delta, epsilon Sagittarii
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 7 Capricorn 27
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 4 Sagittarius 17 to 17 Sagittarius 8
Picatrix Name Al-Na'am, "The Beam"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Queyhuc
Picatrix Image A centaur holding a bow.
Tame wild or disobedient beasts, travel quickly, for good people to
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 be joined together, to incarcerate captives, bring evil and
condemnation to the riches of allies.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For hunting in the fields

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 21
Nakshatra Uttara Ashadha
Translation The later victory
Symbol Plans of a bed, elephant tusk, an elephant storming a gate
Hindu Deity Visvadevas (10 Virtues)
Mantra Om Vishwedevebhyo Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Unchallengeable victory, pulling together of all resources and allies
Quality of Nakshatra Fixed
Useful Vedic Mythology Visvadevas means 'all divinities'. Rig Vedic hymns to all the gods.
Star zeta, sigma Sagittarii
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 20 Capricorn 47
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 17 Sagittarius 8 to 0 Capricorn
Picatrix Name Al-Baldah, "The City"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Bectue
Picatrix Image A two-faced man, one face forwards, one back.
Strengthen buildings, increase harvests, make profit and keep the
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 money, go safely through villages, separate wives from their
proper husbands.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For destruction (of places specifically)

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 22
Hindu Deity
Power of Nakshatra
Quality of Nakshatra Light
Useful Vedic Mythology
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic)
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 0 Capricorn to 12 Capricorn 51
Picatrix Name Sa'd Al-Dhabih, "The Fortune of the Sacrificer"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Geliel
Picatrix Image A man with wings on his feet, bearing a helmet on his head.
Cure illness, sow discord, for servants and captives to flee,
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
goodwill between allies.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For the binding of tongues so they don't say anything evil.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 23
Nakshatra Shravana
Translation The famous
Symbol 3 footprints, trident, ear
Hindu Deity Vishnu (Sustainer)
Mantra Om Vishnave Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Providing connection, the act of acquiring knowledge
Quality of Nakshatra Mutable
Useful Vedic Mythology Paying attention to and reciting all the incarnations of Vishnu
Star alpha, beta, gamma Aquilae - Altair
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 4 Aquarius 07
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 12 Capricorn 51 to 25 Capricorn 42
Picatrix Name S'ad Bula "The Fortune of the Glutton"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Zequebin
Picatrix Image A cat with the head of a dog.
Heal illness, join friends, divide husbands and wives, for the
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
incarcerated to flee.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For destruction and devastation.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 24
Nakshatra Danishta
Translation Most famous, most wealthy, steady sound
Symbol Tabor drum
Hindu Deity Vasus (8 Primordial Elements)
Mantra Om Vaubhyo namah. Om namo Bhagavate Vasudevay
Power of Nakshatra Abundance and fame
Quality of Nakshatra Mutable
Useful Vedic Mythology Sound or vibration as the catalyst that brings forth all Creation
Star alpha to delta Delphinis
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 17 Aquarius 27
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 25 Capricorn 42 to 8 Aquarius 34
Picatrix Name S'ad al Su'ud "The Luckiest of the Lucky"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Abrine
Picatrix Image A woman breastfeeding.
Increase merchandise and make profit out of it, goodwill between
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 husband and wife, for soldiers to be victorious, destroy the money
of allies, not be able to meet with an official.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For the increase of herds.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 25
Nakshatra Shatabisha
Translation Has a hundred medicines
Symbol Empty circle, a charm
Hindu Deity Varuna (Asura King), god of the night sky as underworld
Mantra Om Varunaya Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Healing, revolution and liberation.
Quality of Nakshatra Mutable
Varuna also has dominion over the cosmic oceans in the Bhagavad
Useful Vedic Mythology Gita. The stars are his eyes for watching mankind. ("hundreds.")
Form of the 'midnight sun', hence empty circle.
Star gamma Aquari
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 0 Pisces 47
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 8 Aquarius 34 to 21 Aquarius 25
Picatrix Name Sa'd al-Akhbiyah, "The Lucky Star of Hidden Things"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Aziel
Picatrix Image A man planting.
Besiege cities, take revenge on enemies and do as much evil to
them as you please, quick conveyance of messengers, separating
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4 husbands and wives, destroying harvests, preventing sex, bind
whichever part of the body so that it is not able to function,
strengthen the prison of captives, secure buildings.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For guarding trees and crops against evil happenings.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 26
Nakshatra Purva Bhadra
Translation The earlier auspicious one, blessed steps.
Symbol Front of funeral cot or hearse, two-faced man
Hindu Deity Ajaikapada (Storm or Fire Dragon)
Mantra Om Ajaikapade Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Spiritual fire, accumulate wealth
Quality of Nakshatra Light
Ajaikapada is lord of the earth's gold in the Mahabharata. 'One
Useful Vedic Mythology who goes wherever he likes'. Rig Veda describes him as a being of
storms and floods.
Star alpha, beta Pegasi - Markab
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 14 Pisces 07
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 21 Aquarius 25 to 4 Pisces 17
Picatrix Name Al Fargh al-Awwal "The Upper Spout"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Tagriel
Picatrix Image A woman washing and combing her hair.
Bind people in mutual love, safe travels, strengthen buildings, hold
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
captives firm and cause evil to them.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For the creation of love.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 27
Nakshatra Uttara Bhadra
Translation The later auspicious one, blessed steps.
Symbol back legs of funeral cot
Hindu Deity Ahirbudhnya (Deep or Water Dragon)
Mantra Om Ahirbudhanyaya Namaha
Power of Nakshatra Bringing rain, wealth as something more than money.
Quality of Nakshatra Fixed
Blessed or auspicious steps are death (previous nakshatra) and
Useful Vedic Mythology
favourable rebirth
Star gamma Pegasis and alpha Andromedae - Alpheratz
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 27 Pisces 27
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 4 Pisces 17 to 17 Pisces 8
Picatrix Name Al Fargh al-Thani "The Lower Spout"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Abliemel
Picatrix Image A winged man, holding in his hands an empty, perforated vessel.
Increase merchandise, acquire profit, unite allies, increase
harvests, heal illness, to destroy whichever riches you wish, to
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
impede the building of buildings, put peril in travel by sea, prolong
the incarceration of captives, do whatever evil you wish.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For the injury of springs.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
Number 28
Nakshatra Revati
Translation The rich splendorous
Symbol Drum for keeping time
Hindu Deity Pusan (Shepherd)
Mantra Om Pushane Namaha
Nourishment, making the stingy become generous. Protects
Power of Nakshatra
animals and humans.
Quality of Nakshatra Soft
Rig Veda describes him as wealthy because of his care and
Useful Vedic Mythology
stewardship of domestic animals such as cows.
Star zeta Piscium
Planets empowered by
Zodiacal Degree Ingress (Vedic) 10 Aries 47
Zodiacal Degrees (Arabic) 17 Pisces 8 to 0 Aries
Picatrix Name Batn al-Hut "The Belly of the Fish"
Picatrix Ruling Angel Anuxi
Picatrix Image A fish
Increase merchandise, besiege cities, increase harvests, to get rid
of things and destroy an area, to destroy treasure, to travel safely,
Picatrix Use Book 1, Chapter 4
to cause peace between a man and wife, make the incarceration
of captives firm, inflict evil on sailors at sea.
Picatrix Use Book 4, Chapter 9 For congregating fish in one place.

Quality Magical Use

Light Accomplishing things swiftly, generally good for all things
Severe Curses, killing, punishment
Soft Love, happiness, pleasure
Fixed To set things in motion that will have long-lasting or permanent effects
Sharp Attack magic, operations that require precision, cutting things out or away
Mutable Things that change or evolve: successful explorations, creative projects, gardens, etc.
Soft/Hard/Sharp Broad spectrum opportunities combining the various categories
NB: This document is a reskinning of Rune Soup Premium Member content created for personal
use by Rune Soup Premium Members. Do not share with non-Premium Members.

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