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–3rd version

Published on- 29th May 2024

(1st version was on July 2023)

This book is composed by:

Ahetasham Shifat
Cse dept.

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first. It's quite important to respect the platform's guidelines.
Special thanks to all the IELTS instructors
around the world who are educating us with
their open resources


- Basic Understanding of essay writing

- Basic Instructions & cheat sheets

2. Structuring Your Essay

- Introduction: Crafting a strong thesis statement

- Main Body: Organizing supporting arguments

- Conclusion: Summarizing your viewpoint effectively

3. Writing Techniques and some secrets/Ielts


- Using transitional words and relevant expressions

- Employing specific sentence structures

- Enhancing coherence and cohesion

4. Developing Arguments for Agree/Disagree Essays

-Writing process and Idea generation

-Common template + Model bracu answer sheet

5. Common Mistakes to Avoid

- Identifying and rectifying common errors

- Tips for time management during the exam

6. Sample Essays+Most Important Ideas

7. Conclusion

- Final thought

শুরুতে বলি essay জিনিসটা আসলে কি।

সহজ ভাষায়-

‘An essay is a piece of writing that is written to

convince someone of something or to simply inform
the reader about a particular topic.’

The essay must include several important components

to make it flow in a logical way.

অর্থাৎ,কোনো একটা টপিক নিয়ে প্যারা প্যারা করে,একটা লজিক্যাল

ফ্লো মেইনটেইন করে নির্দি ষ্ট টপিক নিয়ে লেখাই Essay.

(কেউ পড়লে যাতে কনভিন্স হয় এমন একটা লেখা)

Basic Instructions for Essay writing:

Marks 40
Time 40-45 মিনিট রাখবেন

Title অবশ্যই দেওয়া লাগবে,আপনার অপিনিয়ানই

আপনার হেডিং/টাইটেল।
Descriptive ৩ প্যারা
Agree ৪ প্যারা
Page এক পেইজের মতোন থাকবে শুধু।
Word and আপনাকে গুনা লাগবেনা,১৫০ এর মতোই
word size এনাফ।লেখা বেশি বড় যাতে না হয়,সাবধান।
Sentence সব খেয়াল করবেন যাতে ভু ল না হয়-Sub verb
Structure agreement, tense,right forms of
and verb,preposition,punctu`ks and
grammar transitional words.
Transitional Connectors/transitional word মাস্ট
word ব্যবহার করবেন।যেমন:
Firstly, secondly,thirdly ,finally
,for example, for instance
addition, In conclusion, To
conclude,To sum up etc etc.

২য় প্যারা Firstly দিয়ে শুরু করতে,

এর পরের প্যারা Secondly দিয়ে শুরু করবেন।

Example দিতে=
১ম প্যারায় for example
২য় প্যারায় for instance

প্যারার শেষে,ঐ নির্দি ষ্ট প্যারার সামারি টানতে=

In brief/To sum up.

Conclusion এ=In conclusion/To

conclude/To sum up.
Essay অনেক ধরণেরই হতে পারে।যেমন:
● Descriptive/Simple Essay
● Agree/Disagree Essay (Opinion Based Essay)
● Compare and Contrast Essay
● Problem and Solution Essay
● Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

্যাক ইউনিভার্সিটির রিসেন্ট সবগুলো ইনটেইকের প্রশ্ন এনালাইসিস
করে বুঝা যাচ্ছে যে, ব্র‍
্যাক ইউনিভার্সিটি এডমিশান টেস্টে কেবল
agree-disagree type Essay এই আসছে।Even Sample Ques.
এও opinion based Essay দেওয়া আছে।

তাই,আশা করা যায় এই স্লটেও Opinion based essay ই

আসবে।তাই,এখন শুধু Opinion based essay এর উপরেই প্রস্তুতি
নিলেই যথেষ্ট বলে দেওয়া যায়।

তারপরও,কিছু Simple/Descriptive/বর্ণনামূলক Essay ও পড়ে

যাওয়ার জন্যে অনুরোধ থাকবে,অধিকতর সতর্ক তার জন্য।

ক.আচ্ছা,Opinion based/agree-disagree essay ব্যাপারটা

আসলে কি?এখানে,কি টপিকের সাথে agree-disagree দুইটা নিয়েই

"agree/disagree" or opinion essay is a type of academic

writing where you are presented with a statement or an
opinion, and you are required to express whether you
agree or disagree with it.

In this essay, you need to provide reasons,

explanations, and examples to support your stance. It's
crucial to maintain a clear and coherent structure,
present a balanced argument, and use appropriate
language to convey your viewpoint effectively.

–agree-disagree essay তে আপনাকে একটা স্টেইটমেন্ট

দিবে;এরপর বলবে আপনি এই ব্যাপারটার সাথে একমত কিনা বা এই
ব্যাপার নিয়ে আপনার মতামত কি।


i.Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction.Do you

agree or disagree?

ii."The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end

of the human race," Stephane Hawkings told BBC News in
What's your opinion on that?
Or To what extent do you agree with this opinion?

এক্ষেত্রে আপনি কেবল যেকোনো একটি ক্লেইম নিয়েই লিখবেন agree-disagree এক

সাথে দুইটা করা যায়না।
2.Opinion/agree-disagree type Essay Structure :

● Paraphrase the given statement or

question /introductory sentence.
● Give your opinion in one sentence,
Introduction whether you agree or disagree, along
with a proper thesis statement.

● Topic sentence-01, giving the first

reason to support your opinion.
Body ● Give a supporting idea to explain
Paragraph-01 your first reason.
● Example related to your topic
● Conclude all the sentence in the
body paragraph
● Topic sentence-02, giving the
second reason to support your
Body ● Give a supporting idea to explain
Paragraph-02 your second reason.
● Example related to your topic
● Conclude all the sentence in the
body paragraph
● Summarize the key points or two
reasons from your body paragraph.
● You can finish it in one line.
্যাকচার,কিন্তু Body paragraph ৪
এইটা একটা মডেল স্ট্র‍
লাইনে শেষ করার জায়গা করে উঠতে পারবেননা
অনেকে,সেক্ষেত্রে Body Paragraph দুইটার চার নাম্বার পয়েন্ট
বাদ দিতে পারেন।

Paragraph 1- Introduction

Sentence 1- Paraphrase the given statement

Sentence 2- Give your opinion in one sentence, you agree or disagree

Paragraph 2- Supporting Paragraph 1

Sentence 1- Topic Sentence- reason no: 1

Sentence 2- Explain Topic Sentence

Sentence 3- Example

Paragraph 3- Supporting Paragraph 2

Sentence 1- Topic Sentence- reason no: 2

Sentence 2- Explain Topic Sentence

Sentence 3- Example

Paragraph 4- Conclusion

Sentence 1- Summary and reiteration of your opinion.

That’s it! Four paragraphs and 9 lines.

Descriptive/বর্ণনামূলক Essay Structure:

● Introductory sentence
● Give some information /supporting
ideas related to the topic
Introduction ● Finish intro with a Central idea or
statement of the essay

● Topic sentence, giving the first

● Supporting idea related to the topic
● Example related to your topic
● Explain the example.
Body paragraph ● Topic sentence, giving the second
reason or idea.
● Example related to your topic
● Explain the example.
● Topic sentence, giving the third
reason or idea.
● Example related to your topic
● Explain the example.
● Summarize the key points from your
body paragraph
3.Writing tips & IELTS essay vocabs

Expressing personal opinions:

● In my opinion,I completely disagree with this

opinion and strongly believe that..
● In my opinion,I completely agree with this
opinion and strongly believe that..
● Personally, I think that …
● It seems to me that ...
● I must admit that …
● I believe/suppose that ...
● I cannot deny that …
● As I see it, …
● As far as I'm concerned, …
● I would argue that ...
● I'd like to point out that …
● In my experience, ...

Very strong opinions:

● I am sure that …
● I am convinced that ...
● I am certain that …
● I strongly believe that..
● I completely disagree with this opinion and strongly
believe that...
Expressing general point of view:

● It is often claimed that …

● It is said that …
● It is thought that ...
● It is often considered that ..
● It is often argued that..
● A common opinion is that ...
● A popular belief is that ...
Example: It is often considered/argued that rigorous diets are very

Outlining facts

● The fact is that …

● It is obvious that …
● It is clear that …
● There is no doubt that …
● This proves that …

Example: It is obvious that deforestation has no positive effects.

Giving examples

● For example, ...

● For instance, ...
● A good illustration of this is ...
● Evidence for this is provided by ...
● We can see this when ...


● To summarize, ...
● In conclusion,…
● To conclude,..
● To sum up,..
● Overall, ...
● On balance, ...
● Taking everything into consideration,...
4. Agree-disagree Essay writing process: Step by

● Read the question : আগে প্রশ্নটা ভালো ভাবে পড়ুন

সময় নিয়ে।এরপর বুঝা হয়ে গেলে agree/disagree
কোনটা নিয়ে লিখলে আপনি সুন্দর ভাবে শেষ করতে
পারবেন সেইটা ডিসাইড করবেন।।

আপনার মতামত সঠিক কিংবা ভু লের উপর নাম্বার পাবেন

না।নাম্বার দেওয়া হবে আপনি আপনার মতামতকে সুন্দর
ভাবে উপস্থাপন কর‍
তে পারছেন কিনা তার উপর।আপনাকে
আপনার মতামত নিয়ে honest থাকতে হবে।ভু লেও,দুই
দিক নিয়ে বা দুই মত নিয়ে লিখতে যাবেন না, agree
disagree/opinion essay তে।একটা উপর স্ট্রিক্ট
থাকবেন আর আপনার ঐ মতের উপর strong stance
নিশ্চিত করবেন পুরো Essay জুড়ে।

● Think about a suitable title:

আপনার কাছে যদি একটা টপিক দিয়ে আপনার অপিনিয়ান

জানতে চায়,
" আপনার অপিনিয়ানই আপনার Essay-র হেডিং বা
যদি প্রশ্ন আসে,
"The development of full artificial intelligence
could spell the end of the human race,"
Stephane Hawkings told BBC News in 2014.
What's your opinion on that?
Or To what extent do you agree with this
এখন,আপনি যদি agree করে Essay লিখেন,
তাহলে হেডিং দিতে পারেন-
'Fulfillment of artificial intelligence will do
more harm than good.' or
"Stephen Hawking's Warning: AI and the Future
of Humanity"

আর,যদি Disagree করে Essay লিখেন তাহলে হেডিং

দিতে পারেন-
'Fulfillment of artificial intelligence will do
more good than harm.'or
AI: Empowering Humanity for Progress and
”The Impact of AI on Advancement and
Productivity: A Positive Outlook"

আশা করি বুঝতে পেরেছেন ব্যাপারটা।


Sentence 1- Paraphrase the given statement

Sentence 2- Give your opinion in one sentence, you agree or disagree

● Paraphrase the statement: ১ম লাইন

প্রশ্নে দেখবেন একটা স্টেইটমেন্ট দেওয়া আছে,যা নিয়ে

আপনার মতামত জানতে চাচ্ছে।এই স্টেইটমেন্ট টাকেই
Paraphrase অর্থাৎ শব্দান্তরিত করবেন ।মূল অর্থ এক
রেখে স্টেইটমেন্টের কিছু শব্দ চেইঞ্জ করে লেখাই হচ্ছে
paraphrase করা।

এটা করবেন Essay এর 1st line/Introduction লেখা

শুরু করার জন্য।

এক্ষেত্রে, একটা কমন লাইন দিয়ে শুরু করবেন যেমন,

It's often argued that,../It's often considered

that,.. etc.

[It's often claimed that,..এখানে প্রশ্নের স্টেইটমেন্টকে

অর্থ এক রেখে paraphrase করে লিখবেন।]


উপরের AI রিলেটেড প্রশ্নটার জন্যে Essay-র ১ম

লাইন/intro এভাবে শুরু করতে পারেন,
It's often argued that,fulfillment of artificial intelligence
will replace humans,one day.
● Give your opinion(Thesis Statement):
২য় লাইন

এখানে, আপনি আপনার ১ম লাইনের স্টেইমেন্টের উপর

আপনার কি মতামত/ক্লেইম তা উপস্থাপন করবেন।

Thesis Statement: Claim+ 2 reasons

The thesis state is the sentence that tells the main
idea of the whole essay. It creates and presents the
central focus for the essay on which the entire essay
is developed. It is usually written in one complete
sentence and appears at the end of the introductory

Make sure that your 'Thesis Statement'

➡️Clearly states the topic

➡️Specifies your claim
➡️Includes the two reasons to support your claim
➡️Written in one complete sentence

In my opinion, I complete disagree with this

statement and strongly believe that,.....এখানে
আপনি disagree/agree করে ঐ স্টেইটমেন্টকে নিয়ে
আপনার মতামত কি তা লিখবেন।আর,একই সাথে আপনার
দুইটা বডি প্যারাগ্রাফের দুইটা রিজনও প্রিসাইজলি মেনশন

এতেই আপনার Introduction প্যারা শেষ হবে।(২ লাইনে)

It is often argued that it is more advantageous to
choose a job with a high wage, even if it doesn't
appeal to you at all. I completely disagree with this
opinion and think that job satisfaction is much more
important than salary as job satisfaction gives
people a sense of fulfillment & keeps them

It's often argued that,fulfillment of artificial

intelligence will replace humans,one
day.Scientists like Stephane hawkings also
claimed that.In my opinion, I completely
disagree with this statement and strongly believe
that fulfillment of artificial intelligence will do
more good than harm for the betterment of
humanity for its enhanced efficiency & productivity
and advancements in Medical Science and Healthcare.
Supporting Paragraph 1:

Sentence 1- Topic Sentence- reason no: 1

Sentence 2- Explain Topic Sentence

Sentence 3- Example

● Body paragraph-01:(1st reason to

support your opinion) - ৩ লাইনে শেষ

এখানে,আপনি আপনার মতামতের পক্ষে ১ম কারণ/টপিক

সেন্টেন্স লিখবেন।আর,এই ১ম কারণ লিখার জন্যে First &
foremost/First of all/firstly​/To begin
with,..দিয়ে শুরু করবেন।

এরপর,আপনার ১ম কারণের পক্ষে ১টা Supporting

sentence লিখবেন;১ম টপিক সেন্টেন্স ব্যাখ্যা করার

এরপর,এই ১ম কারণের পক্ষে উদাহরণ দিবেন, আর

উদাহরণ দেওয়ার জন্যে শুরুতে,

For example/for instance.. ব্যবহার করবেন।

এক্ষেত্রে, এক্সামপ্লল হিসেবে নিজের পার্সোনাল এক্সপেরিন্স

থেকে শুরু করে যেকারো এক্সপেরিন্স,স্টোরি,
স্ট্যাটিসটিক্যাল এভিডেন্স দিতে পারেন।
● Body paragraph-02:(2nd reason to
support your opinion)-৩ লাইনে শেষ করবেন।

এটাও ১ম body paragraph এর মতো করে লিখবেন।

এক্ষেত্রে, শুরুতে Secondly/moreover, আর উদাহরণ

দিতে ১ম প্যারায় for example দিলে

এখানে for instance দিবেন।


Sentence 1- Summary and reiteration of your opinion.

● Conclusion: Summarize the key points-

১ লাইনে শেষ করবেন। -এখানে,এক্সট্রা কিছু নতু ন করে
লেখা যাবেনা।২টা বডি প্যারাগ্রাফের ২ টা reason কেই
সামারাইজ করে এক লাইনে লিখবেন।

Restate the thesis : Rewrite the thesis statement to

make the main point of the writing stronger.

For example: (Sample essay -1)

To conclude,I strongly believe that job

satisfaction is more beneficial than a high salary
because it makes people happy and motivated.
● Common Template: To write
agree-disagree/opinion essay


It's often argued/ claimed/considered

that.................................... In my opinion,I
completely agree/disagree with this statement and
strongly believe that.........

Firstly/First of all/First & foremost/To begin



For example,....



For instance,....
In conclusion/To conclude/To sum up,........

এভাবেই ৯-১০ লাইনে সুন্দর ভাবে ১ পৃষ্ঠায় চার প্যারায়,আপনার

Essay writing শেষ করতে পারবেন।

পরীক্ষায় এমন এপিট -ওপিট দুইটা পেইজ থাকলেও জায়গা এক পেইজের মতোই
থাকবে।বাকিটা OMR এর জন্যে ব্লক থাকবে।

Bracu Model Answer sheet:

5.Common mistakes to avoid and time management : এটা শুরুর
বেসিক ইন্ট্রাক্সশান টেবিলে বলে দেওয়া হয়েছে।

৪০-৪৫ মিনিট সময় নিয়ে লেখার চেষ্টা করবেন।

Hints & Tips:

● Do not write in 1 person (avoid “I”)


● Do not start a body / concluding paragraph with a quotation

● Move from your weakest point to your strongest
● Do not use contractions (Use “It is” instead of “it’s”)
● Do not use colloquial language(e.g. gonna be)
● Use tense according to the context
● Develop creative title related to thesis

Coherence & Unity:

Unity and coherence are essential elements in essay writing.

- Unity: This refers to the idea that all the content in the essay
should directly support the main idea or thesis. Every paragraph
and sentence should contribute to a single, clear focus, avoiding
irrelevant information.
- Coherence: Coherence is the smooth and logical flow of ideas
within an essay. Transitions between sentences and paragraphs
should be clear, creating a seamless connection between different
parts of the text. This ensures that the reader can easily follow the
writer's thought process.
In essence, unity ensures that the essay remains focused on its
main point, while coherence ensures that the ideas are presented
in a logical and organized manner. Both contribute to the overall
effectiveness of the essay.


আপনারা আশা করি জানেন ব্র‍

্যাকে এডমিশানে জায়গা কম থাকে,

১.৩ A4 পেইজের মতো, ১২/১৩ লাইন হয়তো যায়গা পাওয়া যাবে।

আপনাদের ক্লাসে একচু য়াল এসের ফর্মেটিং & এলেমেন্টস গুলা ভালোভাবে বুঝানোর জন্যে, আর
এসে লিখারও যে একটা সুন্দর প্যাটার্ন আছে, ফর্ম্যাট আছে, এসবকিছু উপলব্ধি করানোর জন্যে

ইন্ট্রো প্যারা, কনক্লু প্যারা, বডি প্যারা অনেক বড় দেখানো লাগতে পারে, এছাড়া বেশ কিছু
এলিমেন্ট নিয়েও কথা বলা লাগতে পারে।

কিন্তু যেহেতু স্পেইস লিমিটেশান আছে এক্সামে, এর জন্যে আপনারা কিছু বিষয় ফ্ল্যাক্সিবল করে
নিজেদের সুবিধা মতো একটা টেইম্পলেট দাড় করায়ে নিতে পারে ফর্ম্যাট ঠিক রেখে।।

যেমন বডি ২টা দেওয়া প্রপারলি, গ্রেভার/হুক না হলেও, ইন্ট্রুডাকশান লাইন দিয়েই শুরু করে
দেওয়া।আর দিলেও ১ লাইনেই সুন্দর করে ছোটো করে দেওয়া যায়। (আপনার যেভাবে
কম্পোর্টে বল লাগে, এই বই এও যা যা ফর্ম্যাট দেওয়া আছে সব গুলাই well practiced
worldwide, তাই কনফিউজড হবেননা কোনো কিছু নিয়ে আশা করি)

আর, বডি প্যারাগ্রাফের কনক্লুশান লাইনের ব্যাপারেও, অনেকের জায়গা নাও হতে পারে, সেক্ষেত্রে
চাইলে এই লাইন স্কিপ করা যাবে; একেবারে কনক্লুশান প্যারাগ্রাফেই মানে শেষ প্যারাতেই,

দুইটা বডি প্যারাগ্রাফের টপিক সেন্টেন্সকে এক লাইনে restate করে কনক্লুড করে দেওয়া যেতে

তাই, আশা করি এসব নিয়ে আপনারা কনফিউশান রাখবেননা।।

আর, আগে থেকে একটা রেগুলার টেইম্পলেটে প্র‍

্যাক্টিস করবেন স্পেশালি অপিনিয়ান বেইসড
এসের ক্ষেত্রে।।।।


Here's a guideline for writing a reflective or personal narrative essay:


1. Paraphrase the given statement.

2. Share a brief reflection on your initial thoughts or experiences related

to the statement.

**Supporting Paragraph 1**

1. Topic Sentence: Introduce the first aspect of your reflection or

personal experience.

2. Explain the topic sentence by delving into your thoughts, feelings, or


3. Provide specific examples or anecdotes to illustrate your point.

**Supporting Paragraph 2**

1. Topic Sentence: Introduce the second aspect of your reflection or

personal experience.

2. Explain the topic sentence by discussing how this aspect impacted you
or what you learned from it.

3. Provide specific examples or anecdotes to support your reflection.


1. Summarize the main points of your reflection.

6.Sample Essays & Important ideas for agree disagree essay


● Some Important Essays for the admission test of bracU

1. Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction.Do you

agree or disagree?

2."The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end

of the human race," Stephane Hawkings told BBC News in
2014.What's your opinion on that? Or To what extent do you agree
with this opinion?(1st slot)

3.Important to Spend Time with Your Family. Give your opinion.

Do you agree or disagree?

4. Social Media Damaging Our Personal Relationships? Give your

opinion. Do you agree or disagree?

5. Role of technology in our lives: has it brought more harm or

good? Give your opinion. Do you agree or disagree?

6. Effect of video games on young people's behavior. Do you agree

or disagree? Give your opinion

7. Importance of mental health awareness and education in

schools. Do you agree or disagree?

8. government should ban smoking in all public places, even

though this would restrict some other people's freedoms. Do you
agree or disagree?

9..The effectiveness of online learning is greater than traditional

classroom learning. Do you agree or disagree? (hw)

Or, Simple Essay

1. The Importance of Tree Plantation in Bangladesh.

3. The effectiveness of online learning compared to traditional

classroom learning.

4. Benefits and drawbacks of living in a digital age

Agree-disagree/opinion/argumentative Essay question: (Format)•

What is your opinion? • Do you agree or disagree? • To what extent
do you agree or disagree?

Sample answers:

1. Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction.Do

you agree or disagree?

Title: "Prioritizing Job Satisfaction Over High Salary: A Key to

Fulfillment and Success"
It is often argued that it is more advantageous to choose a job
with a high wage, even if it doesn't appeal to you at all. I
completely disagree with this opinion and think that job
satisfaction is much more important than salary as job
satisfaction gives people a sense of fulfillment & keeps motivated.

Firstly, I believe that job satisfaction gives people a sense of

fulfillment that no money can guarantee. Even if someone is
earning a high salary, but feels tensed and compromises with his
conscience, this person won’t enjoy his life. While pursuing one’s
interests will always bring pleasure and a feeling of satisfaction.
For example, a lot of famous researchers made their career
choices not because of appealing wages, but because they were
passionate about science. That’s why it’s more important to
choose the kind of work that makes you happy than to look only
at a high salary.

Secondly, doing what you like keeps you motivated and therefore
leads to career growth. In other words, there is a strong relation
between job satisfaction and productivity. People who love their
jobs can easily excel in their fields of work and achieve better
results than those who put salary on the first place. For instance,
Henry Miller decided to leave his everyday job despite a good
wage and ventured to become a writer. And after enduring years
of ups and downs he became one of the most famous and
well-paid authors of the twentieth century. Thus, the advantages
of jobs that keep you satisfied outweigh the drawback of a low
salary in the long-term perspective.

To conclude,I strongly believe that job satisfaction is more

beneficial than a high salary because it makes people happy and
2."The development of full artificial intelligence could spell
the end of the human race," Stephane Hawkings told BBC
News in 2014.What's your opinion on that? Or To what
extent do you agree with this opinion?(1st slot)

Title:”The Impact of AI on Advancement and Productivity: A

Positive Outlook"

In 2014, Stephen Hawking raised concerns that advanced

artificial intelligence (AI) could bring about the end of humanity.
However, I respectfully disagree with this idea, and here's why.

Firstly,AI can be helpful instead of harmful. It has the power to

assist us in various areas, like medical research and fighting
climate change. By processing big amounts of data, AI can help
us make better decisions and face global challenges.

Secondly,We can control AI responsibly. Creating rules and ethical

guidelines will ensure it won't be misused. We need to be in
charge of how AI is developed and used to protect ourselves.

Furthermore, AI can't replace human emotions. While it can

imitate feelings, it lacks true emotions and understanding. We
need to keep our compassion and empathy alive.

In conclusion, although we should be careful with AI, it can bring

many benefits to humanity. If we manage it wisely and stay true
to our human values, we can coexist with AI in a positive way,
making our future brighter.
3.Important to Spend Time with Your Family. Give your
opinion. Do you agree or disagree?

Spending time with your family should be a priority. Some may

say work or personal goals are more crucial, but I strongly believe
that connecting with family is essential for our well-being, both
individually and as a group.

Firstly, spending time with family helps to create a sense of

belonging and support. For instance, my family and I make it a
point to have a weekly game night where we play board games or
video games together. This allows us to bond over shared
interests and enjoy quality time together, which in turn helps us to
feel more connected and supported as a family unit. To conclude,
making time for family activities can help to create a sense of
togetherness and belonging that is difficult to find elsewhere.

Secondly, spending time with family can improve communication

and conflict resolution skills. For example, Whenever my family
and I have disagreements or conflicts, we make it a point to sit
down and talk things out calmly and respectfully. By taking the
time to understand each other's perspectives and work towards a
resolution, we have been able to strengthen our communication
and conflict resolution skills, which has helped us to navigate
challenges more effectively. Therefore, prioritizing family time can
have positive effects on both personal and interpersonal growth.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that taking the time to prioritize

family activities is crucial for personal and collective well-being.
To this end, I suggest that families make a point to schedule
regular family activities, such as game nights, outdoor excursions,
or meal times, and also set aside time to discuss and work through
any conflicts or issues that arise. By doing so, families can reap the
many benefits that come with spending time together, and also
build stronger and more resilient relationships with one another.
4. Social Media Damaging Our Personal Relationships?
Give your opinion. Do you agree or disagree?

In today's digital age, social media is everywhere. But some worry

that it might harm our personal relationships. While some say social
media keeps us connected to friends and family even when we're far
away, I think it can have negative effects on our relationships and

Firstly,Using social media too much can make us feel lonely and
disconnected. When we see others' posts and compare our lives to
theirs, we might feel envious or like we're missing out. This can
make us feel inadequate and isolated, even when we're with people
in person. In reality, social media can give us a false sense of
connection while harming our real-life relationships.

Secondly, social media can cause conflicts and misunderstandings in

our personal relationships. For example, social media can make it
easy for people to misinterpret messages or intentions, leading to
misunderstandings and even conflicts. Additionally, social media
can expose us to a constant stream of opinions and perspectives that
may be at odds with our own, leading to disagreements and
arguments with friends and family members. Therefore, social
media can have a detrimental effect on the quality of our personal

In conclusion, social media can lead to feelings of isolation and

disconnection, as well as causing conflicts and misunderstandings in
our personal relationships. As such, I believe that social media can
have negative effects on our personal relationships and well-being.
To mitigate the negative effects of social media, I suggest that we
take regular breaks from social media, limit our time spent on these

platforms, and focus on building meaningful real-life connections

with our friends and loved ones.
Alternative answer:

In my opinion, social media can indeed have a damaging impact on

our personal relationships. I agree with this statement for several

Firstly, excessive use of social media can lead to a lack of

face-to-face communication. Instead of engaging in meaningful
conversations, people may prefer to interact through screens, which
can reduce the depth of their connections.

Secondly, social media can create unrealistic expectations and

jealousy. People often compare their lives with carefully curated
online personas, leading to feelings of inadequacy and resentment
within relationships.

Thirdly, privacy concerns and cyberbullying on social media can

cause stress and conflicts between individuals, affecting their
emotional well-being and bond.

Lastly, spending too much time on social media can lead to

neglecting real-life interactions and quality time with loved ones,
weakening the intimacy in relationships.

In conclusion, social media's pervasive presence can harm our

personal relationships by hindering genuine communication,
fostering jealousy, causing conflicts, and diverting attention from
real-life connections. It is crucial to strike a balance and use social
media responsibly to maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships.
5. Role of technology in our lives: has it brought more
harm or good? Give your opinion. Do you agree or

Title:The Power of Innovation: How Technology Enhances Our


Technology has become a big part of our lives, changing how we

live, work, and communicate. Some say it's bad, but I think it's
mostly good. They worry about job loss, isolation, and screen
addiction. However, I firmly believe that technology has brought
more good than harm.

Firstly, technology has made communication much more accessible

and convenient. With the help of technology, we can connect with
people from different parts of the world in real-time. This has
brought people closer and has helped to bridge the gap between
different cultures and countries. For instance, during the COVID-19
pandemic, technology helped people to stay connected with their
loved one’s despite being physically apart.

Secondly, technology has helped us to improve our daily lives in

numerous ways. For example, with the help of technology, we can
now automate many tasks, which has made our lives much easier
and more efficient. Moreover, technology has also helped us to
access information and knowledge instantly, which has had a
significant impact on education and learning.

In conclusion, while some people argue that technology has brought

more harm than good, I believe that the benefits of technology
outweigh the negatives. Technology has revolutionized the way we
live and has had a positive impact on our lives. However, we must
also be aware of the potential negative effects of technology and take
steps to mitigate them. Therefore, my two suggestions are that we
should use technology in moderation and also ensure that we
prioritize human interaction and connection in our lives.
Alternative titles:1. Embracing Technology: A Journey of
Advancement and Prosperity 2. Technology's Positive Impact:
Transforming Lives for the Better

Alternative answer:

Title: The Positive Impact of Technology on Our

Lives/Building a Brighter Future: The Goodness of


Technology has become an integral part of our lives, revolutionizing

the way we live, work, and communicate. In my opinion, it has
predominantly brought more good than harm, offering countless
benefits that have enhanced various aspects of our daily existence.

Reason 01: Convenience and Connectivity

Technology has significantly improved convenience and efficiency in

our lives. With smartphones and the internet, we can access
information, services, and connect with loved ones instantaneously.
This connectivity has broken down geographical barriers, fostering
global communication and collaboration.

Reason-02: Advancements in Education and Health

Technology has revolutionized education by making learning

accessible to all. Online courses and educational resources have
expanded opportunities for self-improvement. Additionally, in the
field of healthcare, technology has led to breakthroughs in medical
research, diagnostics, and treatments, ultimately saving lives and
improving overall well-being.

Reason:03- Economic Growth and Innovation

Technological advancements have stimulated economic growth

through increased productivity and innovation. Automation and
artificial intelligence have streamlined industries, creating new job
opportunities and boosting economic prosperity.

In conclusion, while some negative aspects of technology exist, the
overall impact has been overwhelmingly positive. It has improved
connectivity, education, healthcare, and spurred economic growth
while also addressing environmental challenges. Embracing
technology responsibly will continue to shape a brighter future for
our society.

6. Effect of video games on young people's behavior. Do

you agree or disagree? Give your opinion.

Title: homework আপনাদের জন্যে।

Video games have been a favorite form of fun for young people, but
their influence on behavior has sparked debates. Some think video
games negatively affect behavior, while others see no impact or even
positive effects. In this essay, I will share my opinion on how video
games influence young people's behavior.

I agree that video games can have a negative impact on young

people's behavior. Video games can be addictive and lead to
increased aggression and violence. For example, studies have shown
that playing violent video games can increase aggressive thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors. This can lead to conflicts with peers and
family members, as well as problems in school and other areas of

However, I also believe that video games can have positive effects
on young people's behavior. Video games can improve
problem-solving skills, hand-eye coordination, and teamwork. For
instance, playing educational games can enhance cognitive abilities
and help with learning. Moreover, some video games promote
empathy, social skills, and creativity, which can be beneficial for
young people's personal development.

In conclusion, the impact of video games on young people's

behavior is complex and multifaceted. While video games can have
negative effects on behavior, they can also have positive effects. As
such, it is important for parents and caregivers to monitor the type
and amount of video games their children play, and to encourage a
healthy balance of screen time and other activities. Moreover, game
developers can create more educational and pro-social games to
promote positive behavior and learning among young people.
8. Importance of mental health awareness and education
in schools. Do you agree or disagree?

Title: home work আপনাদের জন্যে।

Mental health awareness and education in schools have been talked

about for a while. Some say schools shouldn't teach about mental
health, while others think it's crucial. In this essay, I'll share my
opinion on why mental health education is vital in schools..

The first reason why mental health education is important in schools

is that it can help students recognize the early signs of mental
illness. Many students often overlook the symptoms of mental
illness, and by the time they recognize them, it's too late. If mental
health education is made a part of the curriculum, students can
learn to recognize the symptoms of mental illness in themselves and
their peers. This will enable them to seek help at the earliest and
avoid long-term negative consequences.

The second reason why mental health education is important in

schools is that it can help reduce the stigma associated with mental
illness. Mental illness is still viewed with suspicion and fear in many
societies. By educating students about mental health, schools can
play a vital role in reducing the stigma associated with mental
illness. This will encourage students to be more empathetic towards
those suffering from mental illness and create a more inclusive

In conclusion, mental health awareness and education in schools are

crucial to creating a healthier society. By recognizing the early signs
of mental illness and reducing the stigma associated with it, we can
ensure that individuals suffering from mental illness receive the
support and care they need. To achieve this goal, it is important that
mental health education is made a part of the school curriculum.
9.The government should ban smoking in all public places,
even though this would restrict some other people's
freedoms. Do you agree or disagree?

Title: Advantages of Implementing a Smoking Ban in Public Places

In recent years, the debate over whether the government should ban
smoking in all public places has intensified. I firmly believe that
such a ban is a commendable initiative for numerous reasons.

Firstly, implementing a smoking ban in public places would

significantly improve public health. Studies have shown that
exposure to secondhand smoke poses serious health risks, leading to
respiratory problems and various diseases among non-smokers. By
creating smoke-free environments, the government can protect the
well-being of its citizens and promote a healthier society.

Secondly, a smoking ban in public places would encourage smokers

to reduce their cigarette consumption or quit altogether. Limiting
their access to designated smoking areas may prompt them to
reconsider their habits, thus fostering a smoke-free culture and
reducing the overall number of smokers.

Furthermore, banning smoking in public places would create a more

pleasant environment for everyone. Non-smokers would be able to
enjoy public spaces without the discomfort of inhaling toxic fumes,
leading to increased patronage of such venues.

In conclusion, I strongly support the idea of the government

banning smoking in all public places. This measure would safeguard
public health, motivate smokers to quit, and enhance the overall
quality of public spaces for the benefit of all citizens. By taking this
step, we can create a healthier and more harmonious society for
future generations.
10.The effectiveness of online learning is greater than traditional
classroom learning. Do you agree or disagree?

homework আপনাদের জন্যে।

Descriptive/বর্ণনামূলক Essay: (less important)

1. Importance of Tree Plantation in Bangladesh.

Planting trees is very important in countries like Bangladesh to keep

the environment balanced. Bangladesh often experiences floods,
cyclones, and landslides, but planting trees can help reduce their
impact. In this essay, we will talk about why tree planting matters in
Bangladesh and how it benefits the environment, economy, and
people's lives.

Firstly, tree plantation is essential for maintaining a healthy

environment in Bangladesh. Trees play a vital role in reducing air
pollution by absorbing harmful gasses such as carbon dioxide, sulfur
dioxide, and nitrogen oxide. They also help in controlling the
temperature and humidity of the environment. For example, a single
tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, which
can significantly reduce the carbon footprint. Therefore, planting
more trees can lead to a cleaner and healthier environment.
Secondly, tree plantation can benefit the economy of Bangladesh.
The country is heavily dependent on agriculture, and trees play a
crucial role in agriculture by providing shade, conserving soil
moisture, and improving soil fertility. Moreover, trees also provide
raw materials for different industries, such as paper, furniture, and
construction. Therefore, increasing the number of trees can create
more job opportunities and increase the income of the people.
Thirdly, tree plantation is crucial for the survival and well-being of
the people in Bangladesh. Trees provide food, medicine, and shelter
to humans and wildlife. For example, fruits, nuts, and vegetables are
essential sources of nutrition, and many medicinal plants are
derived from trees. Moreover, trees can also provide shade, which
can reduce the risk of heatstroke and other heat-related illnesses.
Therefore, planting more trees can improve the overall quality of life
in Bangladesh.

In conclusion, tree plantation is a crucial practice for maintaining

ecological balance, improving the economy, and enhancing the
quality of life in Bangladesh. To encourage tree plantation, the
government can provide subsidies and incentives to farmers and
industries for planting trees. Furthermore, awareness campaigns
and educational programs can also be initiated to promote the
benefits of tree plantation. By planting more trees, we can ensure a
sustainable future for ourselves and the generations to come.

2.Artificial Intelligence and the Future Job Market

AI is a fast-growing technology that's changing everything in our

lives, even jobs. It can make new job chances, but it might also affect
the job market since some tasks that people used to do can now be
done by AI. In this essay, I'll talk about how AI will impact future
jobs and what we can do to adjust to these changes..

Fastly, AI will significantly impact the manufacturing industry, with

robots and machines taking over tasks previously done by humans.
This will decrease the need for manual labor and increase demand
for workers skilled in operating and maintaining these machines.
Secondly, the service industry will also experience a major impact as
chat bots and virtual assistants replace human tasks like customer
service and data entry, leading to decreased job demand in those
areas and increased demand for workers who can develop and
manage AI systems. Lastly, AI will create new job opportunities in
data science, machine learning, and robotics, requiring specialized
skills and leading to a higher demand for experts in these fields.

In conclusion, AI is likely to have a significant impact on the future

job market, and it is important that we take steps to adapt to these
changes. We need to invest in education and training programs that
will equip workers with the skills and knowledge needed to work
alongside AI systems. Moreover, we need to develop policies and
regulations that ensure that the benefits of AI are distributed fairly
and that workers are not left behind in the transition
3.The Impact of Climate Change on Our Planet

Climate change is a pressing challenge in the 21st century, impacting

both our environment and economy. The Earth's warming
temperatures lead to melting polar ice and rising sea levels, posing
serious threats to coastal cities. Additionally, extreme weather
events, including droughts, hurricanes, and floods, are becoming
more frequent, causing substantial damage to infrastructure and
human lives.

Furthermore, climate change is having detrimental effects on

biodiversity. Habitats are disappearing, forcing animals to adapt or
face extinction. This disruption in nature's balance reduces vital
resources like food and medicine and contributes to the spread of
diseases and pests.

Moreover, climate change affects air and water quality. Increasing

temperatures result in elevated air pollution levels, leading to health
issues such as asthma and lung cancer. Additionally, the rising sea
levels exacerbate the scarcity of clean drinking water.

Addressing climate change is crucial for a sustainable future for

current and future generations. Reducing our carbon footprint,
transitioning to renewable energy sources, and actively protecting
nature are vital steps towards mitigating its impact on our planet
and securing a better future for all..
4. The Effectiveness of Online Learning Compared to Traditional
Classroom Learning

Online learning has become more popular recently, and many

schools now offer courses and degrees online. Some people argue
that online learning is not as good as traditional classroom learning.
In this essay, I will talk about how effective online learning is
compared to classroom learning.

Firstly, online learning lets students learn at their own pace and
schedule, which helps those with work or family duties. They can
access course materials and lectures from anywhere with the
internet. On the other hand, classroom learning allows students to
interact with teachers and classmates in real-time, which some
people prefer. Teachers can give immediate feedback, helping
students know what they need to improve.

Secondly , online learning requires self-motivation and discipline to

manage time and keep up with lessons. This can be hard for
students who like structured learning. Also, online learning can be
lonely because students don't get to see their peers in person.

In conclusion, both online and classroom learning have their good

and bad points. Which one is better depends on the student's
learning style. Schools should offer both options so that students
can choose what suits them best.
5. Benefits and Drawbacks of Living in a Digital Age

The digital age has brought big changes to our lives, how we
communicate, and how we work. There are good things about living
in this digital age, but there are also some problems.

Firstly, communication has become easier and we can talk to people

all over the world instantly. It's also simpler to find information and
learn new things. Secondly, working has changed, and now we can
work from far away and collaborate with others easily. There are
also new job options in areas like social media, digital marketing,
and software development. However, there are also some
drawbacks. Privacy and security have become concerns because
companies and individuals can collect and share personal
information more easily. There are also new types of addictions like
social media and gaming addiction.

In conclusion, the digital age has brought significant changes, and

we must think about both the good and the bad aspects. We need to
be careful about the problems while enjoying the benefits it offers.
##Previous intakes questions:

Bracu Summer 24-[Slot 02]

Question 01: Some people find online shopping a blessing, appreciating its
convenience and a wide array of available products, while others believe it opens
more opportunities for scams. What is your opinion on this matter? Support your
viewpoint with reasons and examples.

Question 02: What does Mahatma Gandhi's quote, "Our greatest ability as humans is
not to change the world, but to change ourselves," mean to you? Explain how this
concept connects with personal growth and its influence on society. Give examples
to support your viewpoint.

Summer 23-[Slot 01]

Question 01: Reflecting on the upbringing of children, who has a bigger influence on
them: society or family? Discuss your viewpoint, supporting your argument with
reasoning and examples.

Question 02: Which one between Robots and Humans is more efficient for the
industrial factories? Explain your opinion, giving reasons and examples to support
your answer.

Summer 23-[Slot 02]

Question 01: Should kids focus solely on academic subjects, or should they also learn
life skills? Explain your thoughts, giving reasons and examples to support your view.

Fall 23-[Slot 01]

Question 01: “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the
human race,” Stephane Hawkings told BBC News in 2014. What's your opinion on
that? Or To what extent do you agree with this opinion?

Question 02: It's challenging for children to learn good manners without seeing
examples. Share your perspective on this statement, backing up your argument with
reasons and real-life examples
###Here are some important essay topics that may not necessarily be
common in exams, but can give you a good idea of the kinds of themes and
contexts that might come up:

Type 01: Opinion based (Agree or Disagree) Essay

1. A big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this statement? Provide logical reasoning and examples.

2. The government should ban smoking in all public places, even though this would
restrict some other people's freedoms. To what extent do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Discuss your perspective, and provide logical reasoning and

3. In today's fast-paced society, technology plays a significant role in education. Do

you believe that traditional classroom learning is still relevant in the digital age?
Provide logical reasoning and examples to support your viewpoint.

4. Does social media harm our personal relationships? Share your opinion, with
logical arguments and examples.

5. Should schools prioritise teaching coding and computer programming skills?

Discuss the importance of computer literacy in the digital age and the potential
career opportunities for students with coding skills, providing reasoning and
examples to support your viewpoint.

6. The rise of social media has revolutionised communication but has also raised
concerns about privacy and mental health. Do you believe that social media
platforms should be held accountable for their impact on users? Share your opinion,
providing logical reasoning and examples.

7. Online shopping has transformed the retail industry, offering convenience and
accessibility. However, it has also led to the decline of physical stores. Do you think
this shift is beneficial overall? Discuss your perspective, providing logical arguments
and examples.

8. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing, with the potential to automate

many tasks traditionally performed by humans. Do you believe that the increasing
use of AI will create more job opportunities or lead to widespread job displacement?
Discuss your perspective, providing logical arguments and examples.

9. Online communication has become the norm in today’s interconnected world. Do

you believe that face-to-face interactions are still important for building meaningful
relationships? Provide logical reasoning and examples to support your viewpoint.

10. Mental health awareness has increased in recent years, but negative attitudes
and misconceptions about mental illness still persist in many societies. Do you think
more needs to be done to address mental health issues and combat these negative
attitudes? Discuss your perspective, providing reasoning and examples.

Type 02: Reflective/personal narrative + descriptive + opinionated descriptive


1. Reflect on a book, movie, or piece of art that has had a profound impact on you.
Describe the work, what resonated with you, and how it influenced your perspective
or inspired you in some way.

2. Discuss a memorable travel experience and how it influenced your worldview.

3. Consider visiting a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Bangladesh. Describe the

architectural wonders, the intricate carvings, and the preservation efforts that
maintain its historical significance.

4. Think about a time when you experienced failure or disappointment. Reflect on

how you coped with the setback, what you learned from the experience, and how it
influenced your future actions.

5. Schools should prioritise academic achievement along with student’s mental

health and well-being. Discuss your perspective, providing reasoning and real-life
examples to support your stance. Explore the importance of incorporating mental
health education in schools and its impact on student well-being.

6. The values we gain from our parents and family have more influence over our
future success than any skills or knowledge learned in school. Discuss, providing
reasoning and examples.

7. What role do parents play in shaping children's attitudes towards money and
financial responsibility? Discuss, providing reasoning and examples.

8. What impact does the quality of parent-child communication have on children's

mental health and emotional well-being? Discuss the importance of open and
supportive communication in parent-child relationships, providing examples to
illustrate discussion.

9. Explore the importance of equipping children with practical life skills alongside
traditional academic education.

10. Share a personal goal or aspiration that is important to you. Reflect on why this
goal is meaningful, the steps you've taken to work towards it, and any obstacles
you've encountered along the way.
Okay! Dear amazing readers

It's time to say goodbye 😊

- I humbly hope these insights aid you on your university
admission test journey. Embrace your uniqueness, craft
compelling essays, and let your passion shine. Remember, the
power lies not in perfection, but in authenticity and heartfelt
expression. Trust in yourself, for your words have the potential
to open doors and unlock remarkable opportunities.

As this is my first work, please excuse any unintentional

mistakes.May Allah reward you with goodness.


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