Adam Farouk English Sba

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Candidate’s Name: Adam Farouk

Topic: Physical Abuse
Name of Centre: St. Stanislaus College
Centre Code: 090047
Year of the Exam: 2025
Subject Teacher: Mrs. Marcia Lackna
Table of Contents:

The researcher would like to express thanks to his group members for giving me the help and
guidance. The researcher would also like to thank his parents for giving the support,
encouragement and adequate materials needed to complete the School Based Assessment.
Plan of Investigation

The researcher chose the topic of Physical Abuse as there are many incidents worldwide, where
victims are overlooked and often deemed “overreacting” ,and no actions are taken, they afraid to
speak out and persons do not know what effect their actions have. As a student, the researcher
expects to improve their teamwork and researching skills. The researcher intends to do so by
researching, analyzing and arranging data collected. The researcher intends to collect
information for this School Based Assessment by reading through online articles, local
newspapers, online podcasts and interviews of individuals that have suffered from Physical
The researcher wishes to conduct these activities working with a small group of five (5)
individuals who are conducting similar activities. The members of the group are:

Name of Students: Sub-Topics:

Adam Farouk Physical Abuse

Zafiah Allie Sexual Abuse

Aaron Beharry Emotional Abuse

Allan Lam Verbal Abuse

Viraj Singh Drug Abuse

Article: “Physical Abuse” by Good Therapy Published on
Physical abuse may bring immediate harm to someone, but its effects
can also be long-lasting. A person who has experienced physical abuse,
especially in childhood, may be more likely to experience emotional and
psychological difficulties later in life. Those who have
survived domestic violence, an abusive relationship, or other abuse in
adulthood may also experience distress related to the effects of abuse
long after it has stopped. The support of a therapist or other mental
health professional can often help an individual recover from these
Physical abuse can take many forms, and anyone might be a victim of
abuse. Children are often more likely to experience abuse at the hands of
a parent, caretaker, or sibling, while an adult might be physically abused
by a spouse, partner, or significant other. Elder abuse —mistreatment or
neglect of an older adult—may also include physical abuse and is often
perpetrated by a caretaker, who might be a paid professional or a family
member. Those in positions of power might also physically abuse
individuals in their care.
While physical abuse may be considered by some only to be abuse when
physical harm is the result, many types of behaviors are, in fact, abusive.
In general, an individual who brings unwanted physical harm to an
intimate partner, child, or elder may be considered to be abusing that
person. These actions may also be defined as assault.
The following actions are typically considered to be abusive:
 Punching, kicking, slapping, pinching
 Grabbing or physically restraining in a harmful way. A parent
who yanks a child out of the path of a bicycle is not intending to
harm the child and thus would not be considered to be abusing that
 Burning
 Shaking, especially of a baby or small child
 Beating, whipping. Some cultures do not consider beating,
whipping, or spanking a child after misbehavior to be abusive.
However, this behavior is typically considered to be abusive in the
United States and in many other countries.
 Poisoning or otherwise causing illness
 Any form of deliberate injury that causes harm
Media Piece:

Adam Farouk Physical Abuse Media Piece.mp4


Adam Farouk Physical Abuse Poem.mp3


After researching and exploring different websites, podcasts and

surveys, the researcher has gathered three media pieces, an article, audio
and video. These three artifacts has individually impacted the researcher
in many positive ways.
The article entitled “Physical Abuse” by Good therapy is an article
which defines what physical abuse is. This differentiates different types
of physical abuse and effects they have on victims further down in life.
The article encourages to seek a therapist or a mental health
professional. For child victims, parents, caretakers or siblings are usually
abusers whilst adults are usually by spouse partner or significant others.
The article impacted the researcher by helping him to realize his
surroundings and not all physical abuse entails hitting kicking etc. but
simple neglect is considered abuse.
The audio entitled, ‘Abuse’ is a poem which depicts a victim’s
feelings and frustration towards the physical and emotional pain they are
enduring.” You say you love me, yet you beat me” This shows the
researcher that most abusers are manipulating and gas-lighting their
victims. The poet, Danielle Bush compares physical abuse to fighting
matches, and her abuser claims her. Abuse of such nature can effects
one’s mind later down in life as they can confuse abuse for love, trust
issues and overall self-development is stunted. The audio helps the
researcher to understand that loved trusted ones are ones that causes
emotional strain, bruises and physical pain to the victims. It is usually
common in marriages, home and relationships. The poem helped the
researcher understand the importance of finding our voice.
In the video, “Physical Abuse”, created by the researcher, it uses
informal and relatable language that is common in the Caribbean to
portray a sense of familiarity. The video depicts an intoxicated husband
and his wife waiting for him at home. As the husband arrives home, him
and his wife started an argument which leads to him causing bodily
harm to her. The causes and effects of physical abuse such as drugs
leads to numerous issues such as bodily harm, depression and even
suicide. After watching the skit, the researcher recognizes how common
physical abuse is and can occur to anyone, anywhere and even in the
home which is supposed to be a “safe haven”. The artifact has impacted
the researcher causing him to be aware of abusive relationships which
are “common” and “normalized” in society.
Participating in this Student Based Assessment has impacted the
researcher to acknowledge the importance of finding our voice and
speaking up for what we believe in. It is a call to action urging us to end
the silence of physical abuse and make a choice to fight for what is right.
It also makes us aware of surroundings and educate us on different types
of abuse etc.

This school based assessment was done by a group of researchers who

shared the topic of “Abuse”. Each researcher selected sub-topics based on
different types of abuse and gathered three media pieces followed by
reflections for each piece, totaling to 15 media pieces. Out of these 15 we
selected the best three.
The print piece was selected based on the sub-topic ‘Emotional
Abuse”. This article by Au.Reachout stated how emotional abuse can
affect individuals and the ways that it can be caused by other types of
abuse or personal habits and not because they are “lonely, sad or
neglected” and helped us realize as a group how our past actions of
“lashing out” could have affected persons on a day to day basis. Even
down to the simpler things like gas-lighting persons can have an effect
on them we can’t even imagine and we can’t begin to comprehend. As a
group we personally used this particular media piece to better ourselves
and change our habits.
The video was selected was based on the sub-topic “Physical Abuse”.
The video depicted what physical abuse is, how it is caused, and how it
looks like in the form of a skit done by a group member, Adam Farouk.
Physical Abuse causes bodily harm and leads to emotional abuse and
may cause depression, health issues and affects day to day living. This
artifact made our group acknowledge how common physical abuse is
and its major causes and effects.
The audio was selected based on the sub-topic, ‘’Sexual Abuse”. The
audio mainly voices the after effects and qualities the victims possess. It
was said that trusted loved ones are commonly found to be abusers this
causes emotional damage and health issues (depending on the age and
severity of the abuse). The audio further stated that some victims are
stronger and showed great resilience against their abusers whilst other
victims live were completely destroyed and unable to recover and go
about their daily life.
These three artifacts have greatly impacted my group as it opens our
mind and made us aware and mindful of what we say and act towards
others. It showed us that every word and action have great effects on
others and people close to us are usually abused. Abuse happens in all
forms and can happen to anyone, so we must spread awareness and let
victims of abuse know that what happened to them is not okay and they
should seek help and talk to someone they trust or find comfort in.
Media Piece: Original. Produced and Edited by the researcher.

Audio: Written and Voiced by the Researcher

Article: Written by GoodTherapy.


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