GR11 Trim3 Study Guide (23-24) (WW)

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High School Social Studies Department


Grade 11 Sociology - Trimester 3 Exam Study Guide

 Study the sections listed below. Review notes taken in class and handouts.
 Study key terms and names included in each section.
 You should be able to answer questions related to the topics/concepts listed below.
 Your exam will include multiple choice questions and open-ended questions. Your answers to the
open-ended questions should be written in a well-developed paragraph.

The following are the chapters/sections included in the exam:

10.2: Age and Disability

Key Terms: ageism, graying of America, baby-boom generation
Guided Questions:
1. What are the population trends of the aging world?
2. What issues do Americans with disabilities face?
-Ageism: or when there is a division in society between the elder people and the rest of the society, where
the elders where viewed in a different way, pre the industrial revolution and after it, before they were
valued by society and viewed as a good thing as they can be the role models of the young generation, but
after the revolution, things changed and they were viewed as useless people in society with no role.
-Graying of America: or when people of America become 65 years and older
-Baby-Boom generation: or the largest population in the US turns 65 and older which creates a problem
as the elders now don’t have the young generation to take care of them
-What were the population trends of the aging world: the population trends of the aging world include
having fewer birth rates and elder people not having anyone to take care of them, so they were used in a
negative way in commercials for healthcare and death because they are viewed by society as useless. In
places like Japan, it the oldest population in the world, median ages are increasing around the world and
the causes are advances in health care which result in longer lives and the baby boom generation.
-What issues do Americans with disabilities face: people with disabilities can have mental or physical
problems and the severest is blindness or deaf, these people suffer from unemployment or if they get jobs
they get a salary that is less than normal, so groups like the ADA or American Disabilities Act made
-making discrimination against these people illegal
-making public places and transportations to b suited for these people
-and it aims to increase employment rates


High School Social Studies Department

11.1: Family Systems and Functions

Key Terms: family, nuclear family, kinship, monogamy, polygamy
Guided Questions:
1. What are the three major family systems?
2. Do all societies use the same marriage and kinship patterns?
3. What are the basic functions of the family?
-Family: is the most universal social institution, it is a group of people who are related by blood,
marriage, and they share the same economic resources.
-Kinship: a larger nuclear family, has many relatives , can be divided to primary, secondary and tertiary,
primary are close ones and are in the nuclear family like parents brother and sister, secondary is on a
larger scale like grandparents, aunt, cousin, uncle, tertiary the farthest group and include great
grandparents and great grand uncles and cousins.
-Monogamy: the marriage of one man to one woman and is most common around the world
-Polygamy: or multiple marriages, polygyny or one man and many women and most common where land
is so the father can have many workers, polyandry, or one woman and any men common in poor places
-What are the three major family systems: nuclear family: main family system and is made of parents
and there children, you go to nuclear family in two level, first is when you are still a kid and in your
family with parents and brothers or sisters and this is called family orientation, when you grow up and
make your own family and have a wife and kids then this is called family procreation.
-What are the basic functions of the family: the basic functions of a family include:
-Regulation of Sexual Activity, All societies regulate sexual activity to some extent. Incest taboo is found
in every society, but restrictions differ across cultures.
- Reproduction, Family is the approved social unit for producing members to replace those who die or
move away. Rules are set in place about who can raise children and how children should be raised.
-Socialization, The family is the first agent of socialization, so societies rely on the family to teach the
norms of the society. Parents, siblings, and other relatives serve as the earliest role models.
-Economic and Emotional Security, Family is the basic economic unit. Family is expected to guide the
psychological development of its members and provide a loving environment.


High School Social Studies Department

13.4: Religion in American Society

Key Terms: religiosity, secular, fundamentalism
Guided Questions:
1. What are the main religions in the United States?
2. How many Americans participate in religion?
3. How is fundamentalist Christianity important in American society?
-Religiosity: is the depth of people’s religious feelings and how it is translated to behavior and it is hard to
measure. Frequently, attending religious services does not mean having strong religion because can attend
these services for socialization or to make business.
-Secular: refers to the non-religious aspects of society, religion is losing its influence in everyday life in
the US
-Fundamentalism: refers to a set of associated beliefs including strict adherence to the religion's rules and
practices and the belief that religion should be the primary force in one's life.
-What are the main religions in the United States: The main religions in the United States are
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
-How many Americans participate in religion: Most Americans claim a religious preference, only one-
third attend religious services regularly. Women, African Americans and elderly more likely to
participate. Catholics more that Protestants or Jews.
-How is fundamentalist Christianity important in American society: A variety of fundamentalist
Christians share beliefs as:
- The Christian Bible is completely and literally true.
- Jesus Christ is divine.
- Their faith will bring personal salvation, the "born-
a gain" experience.
- They are obligated to bring Jesus Christ into the lives
of all nonbelievers.
- 26 percent of Americans describe themselves as "born-again" or evangelical Christians.


High School Social Studies Department

16.1 Collective Behavior

Key Terms: crowd, mob, riot, panic, mass hysteria
Guided Questions:
1. How do sociologists define collective behavior?
2. What kinds of collective behavior do crowds exhibit?
-Crowd: A temporary gathering of people who are in close enough proximity to interact
Classified into 4 categories:
-Casual Crowd, Conventional Crowd, Expressive Crowd, acting Crowd.
--Casual: Forms spontaneously because some event captures people's attention. Least organized and most
temporary type of crowd, and people interact little Example --> People waiting in line to buy
movie tickets
-Conventional Crowd: More structured. Not much interaction, but people act according to a set of rules,
and they have gathered for a common purpose Example --> People gathered for a public lecture
-Expressive crowd: Has no apparent goal or purpose. Forms around emotionally charged events. Example
--> Audiences at rock concerts
-Acting crowd: A violent crowd, Formed because of hostile and destructive emotions. Formed by a
dramatic event and results in the violations of established norms. Example --> Looters after a natural
-Mob: the most violent form of acting crowd , emotionally charged collectivity whose members are
united by a specific destructive or violent goal , usually has leaders who urge the group toward a common
action , and also enforce conformity among the group’s members , it is the threat to social order and to
official authority.
-Riot: A riot is a collection of people who erupt into destructive behavior. Less unified than mobs.
Participants in riots lack access to power, so they vent their frustration through destructive actions.
-Panic: Is Spontaneous and uncoordinated group actions to escape some perceived threat Mutual
cooperation breaks down Often occur in situations outside the realm of everyday experience.
-Mass hysteria: · Unfounded anxiety shared by people who can be scattered over a wide geographic area.
Involves irrational beliefs Usually short lived
-How do sociologists define collective behavior: collective behavior refers to relatively spontaneous and
relatively unstructured behavior by large numbers of individuals acting with or being influenced by other
-What kinds of collective behavior do crowds exhibit: Groups interact over long periods with clear norms
and unity, while collectivities interact briefly without these characteristics. Collectivities include various
types of crowds: casual crowds form spontaneously due to an event, like people waiting for movie tickets,
and are the least organized. Conventional crowds, such as public lecture attendees, are more structured


High School Social Studies Department
with a common purpose and rules but limited interaction. Expressive crowds, like rock concert audiences,
form around emotionally charged events without a specific goal. Acting crowds, driven by hostile
emotions, violate norms, exemplified by looters after a disaster. Mobs, the most violent acting crowd, are
united by destructive goals and often led by individuals enforcing conformity. Riots are less unified, with
participants venting frustration through destruction. Protest crowds are organized and lasting, continuing
efforts toward goals post-protest, such as political demonstrators. Panic crowds react spontaneously to
perceived threats, like in disasters, where cooperation breaks down. Mass hysteria involves short-lived,
widespread anxiety and irrational beliefs.


High School Social Studies Department

16.2 Social Movements

Key Terms: social change, social movement, reactionary movement, conservative movement, revisionary
movement, revolutionary movement
Guided Questions:
1. What types of social movements exist, and how do they differ?
2. What are the stages of the life cycle of social movements?
16.3 Social Change
Key Terms: ideology, technology, reformulation
Guided Questions:
1. What are the main sources of social change?
2. Why is there resistance to social change?


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