AMC 1950-2022 PYQs Combinatorics

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Problem “The numberof diagonals that canbe drawn ina polygon of 100 sides is: (A) 4850 (B) 4950 (€) 9900 (D) 98) 8800 Solution Each ciagonal has its two endpoints as vertices ofthe 100:gon Each par of vertices determines exactly one diagonal. Therefore the answer should be ~ shouldbe ("9 Solution 2 ‘We can choose 100 — 3 = 97 vertices foreach vertex to draw the diagonal, as we cannot connect a vertex to itself or any ofits two adjacent vertices. Tus, there are (100}(97)/2 = 4850 clagonals, because we ae overcounting bya factor of (we are counting each diagonal twice ‘one foreach endpoint). So, our answer 4950. However tis also counts the 100 sides of the polygon, so the actual answer is 4950 — 100 =[(A) 4850 Problem ‘Six straight ines are drawn na plane with no two parallel and no three concurent. The numberof regions into which they divide the plane is: (16 2% OX Mx Ew Solutions Solution 1 “The first line divides the plane into two regions. The second line intersects one ln, creating two regions. The third line intersects two lines, ‘creating thre regions. Similarly the fourth ine intersects thre lines and reates four regions the ith line intersects four lines and creates five regions, and the siuth ine intersects ve ines and creates sik region. ‘Totaling the regions created resultsin2-+2 +344 +5 +6 = 22 egions, which is answer choice [(C) Solution 2 ‘With careful drawing, one can drave all six ines and count the regions. There are 22 regions in total, which is answer choice [(C) solutions Fe eee erence sie ee perce n= 6 fromvhich the answer is[22] Theft pore Ene rveal Pinch er hpi ctie tet yaa sn at wo tft i and inthis problems, Problem ‘One thousand unit cubes are fastened together to form a large cube with edge length 10 units; this painted and then separated nto the ‘tginal cubes. The number ofthese unit cubes which have atleast one face pated is (A) 600 (B) 520 (©) 488 (D) 480 (B) 400 Solutions Solution 1 ‘The total number of eubesis 10° or 1000, Because each surface of the large cube is one cube deep, the numberof the unpainted cubes is '8* = 512, since we subtract two from the sie lengths ofthe cube itself, and cube it to find the volume ofthat cube. So there are 1000 — 512 cubes that have at east one face painted, Solution 2 ach face has 100 cubes, so multiply by ss to get 000, However, we overcounted each small cube onthe edge but not on comer ofthe big cube ‘once and each smal cube onthe corner of the big cube twice. Thus, there are 600 ~ (12 +8 +28) = [(C) 488] cubes that have atleast one face pated. Problem Aare is ole sx times. The probability of roling at least a five atleast five times is 8 12 2 3 35) a5 (Oza) zaq_(F) none of these Solution 201 ‘The probabil of roling at east five on any onerolis = = 5: there are exact 5 fves or sixes old thee ae 5) = Swavst pick who te anasto hepbaaynieca in (2)' (2) = 22 sec tse ye dente rewrote ae ess ent ans(2) 2 Therefore, the total probability so + ah = Problem ‘The coefficient of 2” inthe polynomial expansion of (42r- 2 (B)12 (C6 (D) = 12 (B) none of these Solution Lets write out the multiplication so that it becomes easier to see (1422 = 2°)(1-4 Qe = 2)(1 4 2e — 2 \(1-4 22 - 24) mon onteerme iraie-?aton rane!) =e pin ‘rom, and the coefficient ofeach one is (—1)°(2) = —2. Therefor, the coecient of "is (4)(—2) Problem ‘Abox contains 2 penies, nickels and 6 cimes. Six coins are drawn without replacement, with each coin having an equal probability of being ‘chosen. What isthe probability that the value of coins drawn sat least 50 cents? Ed o wt 132 Og Bag © gq Pgqq ©) none of these Solution 1 er ert Sct Osc ot rf Te Ove ere alone Sete he 12 coma ndweneesto cans, wehave (maton Forour suze oucomes, econ hve (1) penny ard dines 2 Pickels and 4 cies nickel and 5 cies or 6 dimes. Frecuencia ($) natch ea wars pei Ta 62 = ect mae ttn imprinter apn tin ftom teeta): (2) 24a ‘924 a pennies, so we only have one case. Therefore, we have Problem How many whole numbers between 100 and 400 contain the digit 2? (4) 100) 120 (C188 (DY MOH) 48 Solution 1 “Thisis a very common typeof counting problem that youl see quite often Doing this the simple way would take too long and might even make lots of mistakes. It you ever learned about complementary courting, this would be the best time to utilize. Instead of counting how many DO have 2, why dort we count how many that DONT? So ets find the number of numbers, Obviously, we'd start by subracting 100 rom 400, getting us 300, but were not done. Since just subtracting includes the number 400, we must subtract one (because 400 isnt allowed it says between), getting us 299. ‘Sohow many numbers are there that DONT have a2? Well we have 2 possibilities forthe hundreds digit (1,3, note that 2s not allowed), 9 possiblities forthe tens digit (1,3, 45, ..9,0) and 9 possibilities forthe ones digit. 2 x 9 x 9 = 162, However, one ofthe numbers we ‘counted is 100, which isnt allowed, so there are 162 —1 = 161 numbers without a2 ‘Since ther are 299 numbers in total and 161 that DONT have any 25,299 — 161 '38 umbers WILL have atleast one two. Solution using PIE ‘As inthe previous solution, gto the 400 to make things easier. This gives us the numbers rm 100 t0 39, Let A bethe event thatthe fist igs 2B be the event thatthe second gts 2, and be the event that he third digits 2. Then PE says thet our answer willbe] + |B] +|C|— [AUB] ~ |AUC|~ [BUC] +|AU BUC] Wehave that |Alijust 1 10 x 10 = 100, |] = x 1 x 10 = 30 and|C| = x 10 x 1 = 30, ‘Next, |A U Blis just having something in the form 22., so there are 10 ways. Similarly, |A U C| means that we have 2.2, so there are again 10 ‘ways Finally, [BU Clmeans thet our number iske 2 sothere sre 3 ways Finally, |A U B U C| counts the number of three digit numbers with all three digits 2, which there is only 1 of: 222, Potting this together, our answer wile 100 +30 + 30 ~ 10~ 10-3 +1 = [[0) 138 Problem ‘Assume every 7-igt whole number a possible telephone number except those that begin with 0 or 1. What fraction of telephone numbers begin with 9 and end with 0? 1 1 1 1 1 OF OF OF OF OF Note: eephone numbers re 7 whole numbers Solution 1 ‘Ae equivalent problem nding the probsbiiy hat randomly sect tetephone nimber begins wth 9 and ends with. sss rt ed att tity abr There are 10 — Out ofthe 10 possi forthe lst tony 1 works: (0). othe probability the number ens wth 0 Since these are independent events the probability both happens is a S08 Solution 2 ‘The fractions simply the numberof 7- Problem ‘Acircular able has 60 chairs around it. There are people seated at this table in sucha way that the next person seated must st next to ‘someone. What is the smallest possible value for 7 (A) 15, (B) 20. (©) 30 (D) 40. (E) 58 Solution [Bite teeth cha wth person, then he condoned ving NY 20. Decreasing any farther ane hart et one ‘epost te person canst heroes nen eat ft) nde et anyone Hence tenn vet, Problem {An auditorium with 20 rows of eeate has 10 seats inthe frst row. Each successive row has one more set than the previous row: If etudente taking an exam are permitted to sit in any row, but not next to another student in that row, then the maximum number of students that can be seated for an examis (4) 150, (B) 180 (©) 200 (D) 400) 460 Solution We frst ote that arowhas » seats then the maximum numberof students that canbe seated in that rowis |] whee [xs the smaliest integer greater than or equal 2. a ow hes 2k sets, leaty wean olf stutensinthat ow arow has 2k+ | seat, wecan t+ 1 students by puting ster at teen nd then aerating Between skipping a seat and puting a student in Foreach row with 10 +f cea, there ea comtesponding row with 20 ~ seats The eum of the maximum numberof student for these rows w4+k) , [29 2 ‘There are 20/2 = 10 pairs of rows, so the maximum number of students forthe exam is 20 x 10 = 200 —> Problem ‘The Pythagoras High School band has 100 female and 80 male members. The Pythagoras High School erchestra has 80 fernale and 100 male ‘members. There are 60 females who are members in both band and orchestra Altogether, there are 230 students who arin ether band or ‘orchestra or both. The numberof males in the band who are NOT in the orchestra is (410 (B20 (C)30_(D) 50 (e) 70 Solution ‘There are 100 + 80 ~ 60 = 120 females in either band or orchestra, so there are 230) — 120 = 110 males in ether band or orchestra, ‘Suppose = males are in both band and orchestra 80-4 100-2 ‘Thus, the numberof males in band but not orchestra is 80 — 70, 70, Problem How many whole numbers from 1 through 46 are divisible by ether 3.or 5 or bath? (18 (BA (C24 (D/H. Solution 46 E) 27 There are 46 15mumbersdvisety 3, | | = numbers divisible by 5,0 at frst we have 15+ 9 = 24 numbers that ae dvisbe by 505, except we counted the multiples of LCM(3,3) 16 15 twice, once fos and once fr 5 To ae [8] = snare dite othe are 243 = 21 nant iby or.» Problem How many base 10 fourdigt numbers, N’ = abe, stisty ll tree of the following conditions? (4,000 < N <6,000;(i) N is amuttile of 5, (493 Gif a> 6. Therefore, + For condition (i) the restriction is put on dt must be a multiple of 5. Therefore, d= 0,5. * For condition (i), the restriction is put on #and c. The possible ordered pais of band c are (3, 4), (3,5), (3,6) (4,5), (4,6), and (5,6), and there are 6 of them. Alternatively, we ae picking from the four digits 3,4 5,6, nd fr every combination of two, there is exactly one way 4.5, Sve tenhmymieei()) tte oars Mutipiying the possibilities foreach estiction, 2-2-6 = 24 => (C), Problem I¥a,b and. ae thee (not necessarily different) numbers chosen randomly and with replacement from the set (1, thatab +e evenis 4,5}, the probability 2 5d 64 3 A Op OF Op MF Solution 3\7_ 9 9 rrenaty tabnngtie(2)" = 2am pests taomier = 2 = The probability ofc being oddis 3/5 and being even is 2/5 4b +cisevnif ab and care bth owt probabity «= EE 16 2 _ a2 9 5 = jgpiet ab and. are bth even with probably 5° = = =. Thus the total probability is = => (B) Problem How many line segments have both their endpoints located at the vertices of a given cube? (A) 12 (B)15 (C) 24. (D) 28 (E) 56 Solution 1 ‘There are 8 choices forthe fist endpoint ofthe line segment, and 7 choices forthe second endpoint, giving a total of 8 - 7 = 56 segments, However both AZ and FTA were counted, while they realy are the same line segment. Every segment got double counted in a similar manner, Solution 2 Each segment is ether an edge, a facial diagonal, or a long/main/spacial diagonal. ‘A cube has 12 edges: Four on the top face, four on the bottom face, and four that connect the top face to the bottom face. ‘Acube has 6 square faces, each of which has 2 facial diagonals, for a total of 6 - 2 = 12. ‘Accube has 4 spacial diagonals: each diagonal goes from one of the bottom vertices to the “opposite” top vertex. ‘Thus, there are 12 + 12 + 4 = 28 segments, and the answer is [D. Problem Four distinct points, A,B, C, and D, are to be selected trom 1996 points evenly spaced around a cic. All quadruples are equally kel to be ‘chosen, Whats the probability that the chord AB intersects the chord CD? 1 1 3 > 5 ; Solution oi 2 ©; OF & 1a 1.272 bce cts stp edna ce Thee = notin pa oop ee eee tee ees pune XY en 2 yore ote a oo unabar wc cnete tou ok Wan X72 out dpa othe uel wc omen. aket oes ncaa cacao eee cease Tne eran) eet sie ssf he pln ou may pe po ota infest ce ‘ofthe diagonal of the figure wl form intersecting chords. Thus, the answer is Problem Ina ie, and 6,2 and 5,3 and 4 appear on opposite faces. When 2 dce are thrown, product of numbers appearing onthe top and bottom faces ofthe dice are formed as follows: ‘+ number on top face of 1st die imes number on top face of 2nd dle ‘+ number on top face of 1st die times number on bottom face of 2d die ‘+ umber on bottom face of Ys de times number ontop face of nd die “+ number on bottom face of Ts de times number on bottom face of 2nd die Whats the sum ofthese 4 products? Solution 1 Leta, ybe the two numbers atthe top ofthe two dice. Then 49 ayta(7-y)+(7—2)y+(T-2)(7-y) = (2+(7-2))(¥+(7-9)} Solution 2 Leta, 5 ¢,and d be the numbers on the tp of dies one and two and the numbers on the bottom of dies one and two respectively. ‘Therefore, you are trying to find the sum of ab + ad + cb + ed, This factoredis (a + )(b + d), Since the sum of opposite faces i ,the answers 7 7or 49, Problem How many paths from A to B consist of exactly six line segments (vertical, horizontal or inclined)? B A ‘Solution : ee ’ Sees eerste te een) eee ‘hich this is possible; quick counting shows us that each pair of diagonals yields 2 paths. So there are 6 more cases here. Intotal we get20 + 6 = 26 paths. Problem Color the surfaces of a cube of timension 5 x 5 * 5 re and then cut the cube into smaller cubes of dimension 1 1 x 1. Take out allthe smaller cubes which have at least one red surface and fx a cuboid keeping the surfaces ofthe cuboid red. Now what is the maximum possible volume of the cuboid? Solution ‘Constraint 1 The number of cubes with atleast one red faces 5* ~ (5 ~ 2)* more than 98, ‘Constraint 2:1 the dimensions ofthe cube are-r — y ~ =. + y + = < 15, This because the total engt of the edges is simply (z+ y+ 2) and both have 8 coenets, co simply divide by 4 to get 5-45-45 = 15, ‘Constraint 3: The ‘sde" cubes, which ae in ruber. This aleady factors in the edges and corners 125 — 27 = 98. Therefore, the volume ofthe cube cannot “The corners of he cuboid ae not a constant. (you think a cuboid can have more than & corners, then you have ne business messing wth this ‘page. you do, you are ether very bad at mathematic, ood enough to contemplate alternate geometries in 0 or eazy) [AS x 5 x 5 cube would obviously be impossible. 124 would be the next composite number, butts highest prime factoris 81. Anyway, its more ‘than 98.98 ise would do, similty de to it's edges. 97 also wouldnt do, Note that 8 x 4x 3 = 06 satisfies Constant 1 and 844.43 = 15 satisfies Constrain 2 Constain 3s clearly satisfied as well So Problem Call Zig telephone number dy dds ~ dyads memorable ifthe prefs sequence dad is exactly the same as ether ofthe sequences duds oF dada (possibly both). Assuring that each d canbe ay ofthe ten decimal digs 0,1, 2,...,9,the number of diferent memorable telephone numbers is (A) 19,810 (B) 19,910 (©) 19,990 (D) 20,000 (F) 20,100 Solution A Inthis problem, we only need to consider the digits Uidsdadr. Each possibilty of Tiddadr gives 2 possiblities for T;dads, which are Aydads = dada and dydads = dededr withthe exception ofthe case of dy = ds = de = dr, which only gives one sequence. After accounting for overcountin, the answers (10 x 10 x 10 x 10) x 2— 10 = 19990 =| Solution B Let represent the set of telephone numbers with dad = dade (of which there are 1000 possibilities fr dads and 10 ford), and 2 ‘those such that dad = ddedz, Then AB (the telephone numbers that belong to both and #)is the set of telephone numbers such that dy dy dds = dof which there are 10 possibile, By the Principle of Inclusion Exclusion, [4+1B1-[AnB| 1000104-1000.10—10 = 19990 = (C) Problem Professor Gamble buys lottery ticket, which requires that he pick sik different integers from 1 through 46, inclusive. He chooses his numbers 0 thatthe sum ofthe base-en logarithms of his sx numbers isan integer. so happens thatthe integers on the winning ticket have the same property— the sum of the baseten logarithms an integer. Whats the probability that Professor Gamble hols the winning ticket? (Ay1/5 (B)1/4 (1/3 (D)1/2_— (BH). Solution ‘The product ofthe numbers has to be a power of 10 inorder to have an integer base ten logarithm. Thus al of the numbers must be in the form 25" Listing out such numbers fom 1 to 46, wefind 1, 2,4, 5,8, 10, 16, 20,25, 32, 40 are the only such numbers. Immediately it should be noticed that there area larger numberof powers of 2 than of 5. Since @ number inte frm of 10 must have the same numberof 2s and sin its factorization, we requie larger powers of 5 than we do of 2. To see this, foreach number subtract the power of 5 from the power of 2. This yields O,1,2,—1,3,0,4, 1, -2, 5,2, and indeed the only non-positive terms are 0,0, —1, ~2. Since there are only two zr05, the largest ‘umber that Professor Gamble could have picked would be 2. ‘Thus Gamble picks numbers which 2 + 1 +040 + 1 + 2 with the first four having already been determined tobe {25, 5,1, 10). The choices forthe | include {2, 20} and the choices forthe? include (4, 40}. Together these give four possible tickets, which makes Professor ‘Gamble probability 1/4 (B) Problem The Fibonacci sequence 1, 1,2,3,5,8, 13,21, starts with to Ts, nd each term afterwards isthe sum ofits two predecessors. Which one ‘ofthe ten git isthe ast to appear inthe units postion of a number in the Fibonacci sequence? Ao @)4 (6 M7 E> Solution Note that any iis other than the units gt wll not affect the answer. Soto make computation quicker, we can just look at the Fibonacci sequence in mod 10: 1,1,2,3,5,8,3,1,4,5,9, 4,3, 7,0,7,7,4,1,5,6, ‘The last dig to appear inthe unite postion of a number in the Fibonacci sequence ie 6 > Problem Points, S and T are vertices ofan equilateral triangle, and points X, Y and Z are midpoint of ts sides. How many noncongruent triangles ‘can be drawn using any three ofthese six points as vertices? At a2 [Ss wa cH 20 Solution 1 (Complementary Counting) ‘Ther are 6 points inthe figure and 3 of them are needed to form atrangl, so there are (;) = 20s pnts Howe terete ena corr tangs oa ot nb ar cae 1 Tange congnt to A/RST Tee obo oy of hese: RST tel case 2 Tange congruent SY Z Terre ofthewe ASYZ,ARXY, ATX Z and AXYZ ase 3 Tange congruent 5/05 Thre ae Softee: ARSX, ATSN, ASTY, ARTY, ARSZ, and ARTZ cae 4 Tango congrnt to ASYX Thre ae aga of have ASYX,ASZN, TY Z,ATYX, ARX Zand ARYZ Hower we a thee. we acount en 1+ 4+ 6-6 = 1 ofthe 20 peel tpt. We ee tha he remain tiple dst cvenorm tinge they ae SY R RXT, nd TZ. Ad hese te the tot ele oral the possible tps 2 we seth here ae crt poeshte mn conquntnn-degmene engl] Solution 2 (Brute Force) We cand sseworkin ths problee te soliton above butt wo tke 00 mich i. sed, we seta we can pt his equa de tangle to woes by croping an tude rom the top veer ofthe big tang, Using the smal ingle we wrt have fo wary about toa rneded cases can eat terete dienes intel and contin ths wh hele equate! ange ot anoweris3-+1 = [4] viichie[D] -FIREDRAGONMATHI6 Solution 3 (Elimination) "Notice that 20s obviously too high (There are only 20 ways to choose 3 ofthe points to frm a wiangle ora linen total) and you can count 4 istinetwiangles quick: OX, ARYT, ARY Z, ARST- So the answeris|(D) 4 Problem Using the letters 4, AF, 0, 5, and U, we can form fveeter "words. these "words" ate aranged in alphabetical order, then the word” USAMO cccupies postion (Az (Bs (CdD) (E16 Solution 1 ‘There are 4-4" words" begining with each ofthe frst four letters alphabetically. From there, there are! 3 with U as the frst etter and each ofthe rst tree letters alphabetically After thatthe next word! is USAMO, hence our answeris 4-4! 43-31-41 =[115 = (D) Solution 2 Let A= 1, M = 2,0 = 3,5 = 4.and U 5. Then couming backwards, 54321, 54312, 54231, 54213, 54132, 54123, eo the answer ie 115 > (D) Problem Tina randomly selecte two dstint numbers from the set {1,2,8, 4,5}, and Sergio randomly selets @ number from the set (1,2, 10}. Whats the probably that Sergi's number is lager than the sum ofthe two numbers chosen by Tina? (a) 2/5 (B) 9/20 (C)1/2_—(D) 11/20 (B) 24/25 Solution Solution 1 ‘This is not too bad using casework. Tina gets sum of 3: This happens in only one way (1,2) and Sergio can choose @ number from 4 o 10, inclusive. There are 7 ways that Sergio gets a desirable number here Tina gets a sum of 4 This once agin happens in only one way (1, 3). Sergio can choose a number rom 5 to 10, so 6 ways her. Tina gets a sum of S:Thiscan happenin two ways (1,4 and (2,3) Sergio can choose a number from 610 10, 02-5 Tina gets 9 sum of 6:Two ways here (1,5) and (2,4) Sergio can choose a number from 7010, s02-4 = Shere. Tina gets 9 sum of 7: Two ways hee (2,5) and (3,4). Sergio can choose from 8 010.50 2-3 = Gways here ‘Tina gets a sum of 8: Ony one way possible (3,5). Sergio chooses 9010, 302 ways here Tin gets a sum of 9: Only one way (1,5). Sergio must choose 10, 0 1 way 0 ways here. urbe 10 ways, sothere ae 10- 10 = 100 ways nal ince 2, = am 7 pour answer Solution 2 We invoke some symmetry Let denote Tinals sum, and let S denote Sergi's umber. Observe that, fori = 2,3,...,10, Pr(T = i) = Pr(T = 12). ITs sui hen te probbty tht Sergi bers ger tan Ts suis“ rh he probaly ie a 10-i Papas>7)=Sopqr =i) x ai Using the symmetry observation, we can also write the above sum as , 10 -2 P= Soper = 12-1) x 9 = pr =a) x 2 ‘where the last equality follows as we reversed the indices of the sum (by replacing 12 — i with), Thus, adding the two equivalent expressions for P, wehave 20 Soper =o (Wot?) =Dpur=axd syopar =) ee Solution 3 We have 5 cases, if Tina choose 1,2, 3,4, 5 Tha uber of way of choosing 2s rom 6 are () Case 1: Tina chooses 1. Inthis case, since the numbers are distinct, Tina can choose (1,2), (1,3), (1,4),0r (1,5). If Tina chooses 1 and 2 which sum to 3, Sergio only has 10 Since the sum of the combined numbers increases by 1 everytime for this specific case, Sergio has 1 less choice everytime. T+64544 i 7 choices, Therefore, the probability ofthis is. Ifyou do this over and over again you il ee that youhave THO+5+A) ¢(T+ 54443) 40454342) 4+ 5444341) 4434241) _ 80 A ¢ + pert seoed ) + D 2 4 spay But since we overcounted by 2 (e.g. (1,2) and (2, 1)) we need to divide by 2. 4 Thus our answers = + Solution 4 ‘Assume Sergio chooses fom 2,3, .... 10 The probably of Tina geting a sum of G +2 anda sum of 6 ~ 2, where x <4, are equal dve to symmetry. The probablity of Sergio choosing numbers highe/lower than 6+ 2" i equal to him choosing numbers lower/higher than 6 — 2. Therefore over ll of Tina's sums the probabilty of Sergio choosing a number higher i equal to the probability of choosing a number lower. (9-0/2 4 ‘The probability that they get the same value is 1/9, so the probability of Sergio getting a higher number is =5 Ser vhen choosing ! so the bitty is 4 2 o> =|(a) 7 gio never wins when ct 19 | so the probability is 5 ptt N70 =| i oF Solution 5 (Brute Force) Liat cae $€ [10] andyoug FOOL EEHASEERLS LD [gy -mariboyasa Solution 6 (Easy expected value solution) The expected value of Tnais 1+ 2+3-+4+5 9 6, and tnere are vies grater than Tina (7,89, 10) out of 1. The probabil s 4 sneer Problem How many different integers can be expressed as the sum of three distinct members ofthe set {1 4,7, 10, 13,16, 19}? (1 BIG (C2 (D3 (35. Solution 1 ‘Subtracting 10 rom each number inthe st, and viding the results by 3, we obtain the set {—3, ~2,—1,0,1,2,3}. Mis easy o see that we an get any integer between ~6 and 8 inclusive asthe sum of three elements frm this set for he total o[(A) 13 integers. Solution 2 ‘The set isan arithmetic sequence of numbers each I more than a mutpl of 3. Thus the sum of any three numbers willbe a multiple of 3. All the multiples ofS from 1+ 4.47 = 1210 13 4 16 + 19 = 48are possible, totaling to[ (A)13 integers, Problem Four distinc circles are drawn ina plane. What is the maximum number of points where at leat two ofthe circles intersect? ws @9 OW MR |b Solution 1 ’ Pry gates ot ie ect ($) = Bp ise tse 2 12, We can construct such a station as below, so the answer is[(D) 12 Itersections is 6 Solution 2 Because apairor icles can intersect at most? times the rst circle can intersect the second at? points the third can intersect the fst two at 4 point, andthe fourth can intersect he first thre at points This means that our answeris 2-44 4-6 —|(D) 12 Solution 3 Pick crle any cele: 4 ways Then, pick any other ctle 3 ways, For each ofthese cles, there willbe 2 intersections for atotal of 4 # 3+ 2 2h Hove! etn wn i anno wre wean Problem Juan rolls foie regula octahecal dle marked with the numbers 1 through 8. Then Amal role afar sixeided dle. What ie the probability thatthe rodct ofthe two cli is a multiple of 3? 1 z 2 7 OF OF ws oF © Solution 1 (On both ice, only the faces with the numbers 3,6 are divisible by 3. Let P(a) = 2 be the probability that Juan alia ora 6, and 1 + snat Amal does. By the Principe of Inclusion Exclusion, PO=5=3 P(aud) 1 370 ‘Alternatively, the probability that Juan rolls a multiple of 1 (3 Solution 2 1 ate pei at nots ro at esi = 2 i ta F Thus iityis $y A 3 Thus the total probablityis 5 + ‘The probability that neither Juan nor Amal ols a multiple of is sing complementary courting, the probability that atleast one to doesis1 = 5 = 5 > (C). Solution 2 ‘The probably that neither Juan nor Amel oll @ multiple of = sing complementary counting, the probabity that atleast one = é fat doesis = 5 = 5 = (C) Solution 3 ‘The product wil bea multiple of3 if and only iat least one ofthe two rolls is a3 or a6. The probability that Juan rolls 3 or 6 is 2/ probability that Juan does nt rll 3 or 6, but Amal does is (3/4)(1/3} 3ie 1/4.The 1/4. Thus, the probability thatthe product ofthe rolls isa multiple of B Problem Letthe set S 4,3, 21,2). Susan makes alist a follows: foreach twotement subset ofS, she writes on her ist the greater of ‘the sets two elements. Fin the sum of the numbers on thelist Solution (Order the numbers inthe set from greatest to least to reduce enor: {34, 21, 1 clement subsets, once with each other number. + 34 willbe the greater number in 7 subsets + 21 willbe the greater number in 6 subsets + 13 willbe the greater number in 5 subsets. ' Swill the greater number in 4 subsets. + 5 willbe the greater number in 3 subsets. Bw the greater number in? subsets, + 2wilbe the greater number in 1 subsets. + willbe the greater number in 0 subsets Therefore the desired oumio H- 7421-64 19-54 8-445-348-2421410 2,1} -Each element ofthe set will appear in 7 two- Solution “Thinking ofthis problem algorithmically, one can ‘sort the array to give 1,2,8,5,8,13, 21,34 "Now notice that wen we consider dtferent pairs, we are only going to fate one element and lookat thea ofthe next elements inthe ary, basicaly the whole j = 1+ 1 shebang. Then, we see thatf we set the sum of the whole ray tox, we get out answer tobe (1) + (2-38) + (2-6) (2-11) + (219) + (82) + (2-58) = Ta-125 Finding 7th and wesetatitis equal 609: 00 — 125 Problem Patio select si cookies from a tray containing only chocolate chip, ostmeal, nd peanut butter cookies. There ae atleast sx of each ofthese ‘vee kinds of cookies onthe tray. How many ferent assortments of six cookies canbe selected? (A)22 (B25 (C27 (DB HI Solution 1 Let the ordered triplet (1, uy =) represent the assortment of + chocolate chip cookies, y oatmeal cookies, and : peanut buter cookies Using casework: at selects 0 chocolate chip cookies: Pat needs to select 6 ~ 0 = 6 more cookies that are either oatmeal or peanut butter. ‘The assortments are: {(0, 6,0}; (0,5, 1): (0,4, 2); (0, 3,3); (0,2, 4); (0, 1,5): (0,0,6)} —> 7 assortments Pat selects 1 chocolate chip cookie: Pat needs to select 6 — 1 = The assortments are: {(1, 5,00); (1, 4, 1); (1,3, 2); (1, 2,3); (1, 1,4); (1,0, 5)} + Gassortments. Pat selects 2 chocolate chip cookies: Pat needs to select 6 — 2 = The assortments are: {(2, 4,0); (2, 3, 1); (2,2, 2); (2, 1,3); (2,0, 4)} + 5 assortments. Pat selects 3 chocolate chip cookies: Pat needs to select 6 — 3 The assortments are: {(3, 3, 0); (3, 2, 1); (3, 1,2); (3, 0,3)} — 4 assortments. Pat selects 4 chocolate chip cookies: Pat needs to select 6 — 4 = 2 more cookies that are either oatmeal or peanut butter. The assortments are: {(4, 2,0); (4, 1, 1); (4,0, 2)} + 3.assortments. more cookies that are either oatmeal or peanut butter. more cookies that are either oatmeal or peanut butter. more cookies that are either oatmeal or peanut butter. Pat selects 6 chocolate chip cookies: Pat needs to select 6 ~ 6 = O more cookes that are either oatmeal or peanut bute. ‘The only assortment is: {(6,0,0)} —> 1 assortment The total number of assortments of cookies that canbe colectedis7+6-4+54+44+3+424+1=28 = [(D) 28 “Theres a much faster way todo casework. Case 1:1 type of cookie-3 ways Case 2:2 types of cookies -3 waysto choose the 2 types of cookies, and 5 ways to choose how of each there ae 1 and 52 and 43 and 34 and 250nd1 345 = IScasesforcase2 Case 3:3 types of cookies - quick examination shows us thatthe only ways to use al three cookies ae the following: 41, 1:ths gives us 312111 = 3 ways 3,2, 1: this gives ue 3 = 6 ways 2, 2,2: this gives us 1 way total of 10 cases for this case 10+15#3= 28 total Solution 2 Ris given thatitis possible to select at least 6 ofeach, Therefore, we can make a bijection to the number of ways to divide the sx choices ito tree categories, since it is assumed that their order is unimportant. Using the ball and ums/sticks and stones/stars and bars formula, the ctr) = Solution 3 ‘Suppose the si cookies tobe chosen are the stars, as we attempt to implement stars and bars. We take two dividers, and place them between the cookies, such thatthe six cookes are splitinto 3 groups, where the groups are the number of chocolate chip, catmea, and peanut butter ‘cookies, and each group can have O First, assume thatthe two dividers cannot go in between the same two cookies. By stars and bars, thee are a Final since the two dvders can be together, we must add those cases where the two dividers arin the same space between cookies. There ‘are 7 spaces, and hence 7 cases. (0) 28 (ur final answer is 21 Solution 4(Alcumus Solution 1) ‘The numbers of the three types of cookies must have a sum of six. Possible sets of whole numbers whose sum is six are 0,0,6; 0, 1,5; 0,2,4; 0,3,3; 1,1,45 1,2,3; and 2,2,2. Every ordering of each of these sets determines a different assortment of cookies. There are 3 orders for each of the sets 0,0,6; 0,3,3; and 11,4. ‘There are 6 orders for each of the sets 0,1,55 0,2,4; and 1,2,3. ‘There is only one order for 2, 2, 2. Therefore the total number of assortments of six cookies is 3-3 + 3-641 = 28, Solution 5(Alcumus Solution 2) ‘Also known as the ball-an-n technique. Construct eight sot, sx to place the cookes in and two to vide the cookies by type. Let the number ‘of chocolate chip cookies be the numberof slots tothe lf ofthe st vider, the number of oatmeal cookies be the number of slots between ‘the two dividers, and the number of peanut butter cookies be the numberof slots tothe right ofthe second divider. For example, UI | 11 [1 represents tre chocolate chip cookies, two oatmeal cookies and one peanut buter cookie. Tere ae () = [BE] ways toplace the two tiers tera 78 way to eet cookie. Cheap Solution 6 Meet nvr nition ache) vine aa nt i ong tt ae choices we see[28] Solution 7 (NOTE: Variation of other solutions) Let a, b, ¢ be the number of cookies that we have for each type respectively. Hence: a+b+c=6. Via stars and bars, the number of solutions is simply (8) = 28. Problem Alarge oullatra tangle ts constructed by using toothpicks to create rows of small equilateral triangles. For example, inthe igure, we have 3 rows of small congruent equilateral triangles, with 5 smal tianges inthe base row. How many toothpicks would be needed to construct large equilateral triangle the base row of te triangle consists of 2008 small equilateral triangles? J\ LA LX/X/\ (A) 1,004,004 (B) 1,005,006 (C) 1,507,509 (D) 3,015,018 (B) 6,021, 018 Solution 1 There are 14345 +. + 2003 = 1002 = 1004004 small equilateral triangles. Each small equilateral triangle needs 3 toothpicks to make it But, each toothpick that isnt one ofthe 1002 - 3 = 3006 toothpicks on the outside ofthe large equilateral triangle is aside for 2 small equilateral triangles, 110040004 - 3 — 3006, a Therefore the total numberof toothpicks is 1504503 + 3006 = [(C) 1, 607, 509] ~dolphin7 So, the number of toothpicks on the inside of the large equilateral triangle is 504503 Solution 2 ‘We just need to count upward facing tiangles because if we exclude the downwar-facing viangles, we wot be overcountng any toothpicks “The first row of triangles has 1 upwardfacng wiangle, the second row has 2 upwardfacing triangles the third row has 3 upwara-facing wrangles, ‘and 0 on having » upiarcfacing triangles inthe n'*row. The last row with 2003 small tangles has 1002 unwardfacing rangle. By Gause's 1002 % 1003 ‘formula, the number ofthe upward facing tangles inthe entice tiangle ae now meaning thatthe numberof toothpicks are 1002 x 1003 3 - we 8 aoa wie Verdier 208 ocean ih ft ney Te et 1002 x 1008s 6, andhas aunt digit o after being civded by 2. Then this is multiplied by 3,now the final number ending with 9. Ths eaves ‘only one answer choice possible, which is Solution 3 Test out some fewer cases frst. When there is just 1 equilateral triangle in the base, you need 3 toothpicks. When there are 3 equilateral triangles inthe base you need 9 toothpicks nal, When there are 5 equilateral triangles in the base, you need 18 toothpicks nal When there are 7 equilateral viangles inthe base, youneed 30 toothpicks inal ‘Taking the fritecifferences, we get 6,9, 12.1 forms a linear equations. This means the criginal numbers (3,9, 18, 30) form a quacratic. Letthe quadratic be y = aar* + br + ewhere y = 2 + equilateral triangles in base ~ 1 ‘Then, we have the following points: (1,3), (2,9), (3,18), (4,30). We can plug these values into y = ax? + b+, ivng atb+e=3datb+e= 9,904 3540 = 18, 5,¢= 0.80, Sa? +152, y For ou problem, we need it when there are 2008 equilateral ranges in the base. For the quadratic, the corresponding =-value would be 2003-4 1 2 = 1002. $0, our answer i simply: 1.5 + 1002" + 1.5 + 1002 Problem How many 15-letter arrangements of 5 As, 5 BS, and 5 C's have no Ain the frst 5 letters, no BS inthe nex 5 letters, and no C's inthe last 5 letters? Solution ‘Toe aneweri[(A) Note thatthe first fv eters must be Bs or C's, the nex fve letters must be C's or As, and the last ive letters must be As or Bs. there are Bis inthe rt five letter, then there must be 5 — C8 inthe iret five letter, 20 there must be & Cs and'5 — k Aa inthe net five letters and b Als ‘and 5 ~ f'n the lative letters. Therefore the number ofeach letter in each group of fie is determined completely by the number of Bin tniatinn ethno dept (2) tert 2) emt wats-s04 net tnames (') ‘Solution 2 (Answer Choices) ee pre eelencirlrien ‘Answer choice Cs eliminated due tothe fact that not every combination Is counted for in "18. We can show tis ina very simple way: Wall C's are used inthe frst S letters ofthe arrangements, then the next letters must be Aé, as B's are not allowed according tothe question. Therefore, theres only one option for these Setters, showing a case not accounted for in 2". “Answer choice Ds eliminated because although it finds the amount of possible arrangements ignores the restriction ofthe question (AS ‘cannot be inthe rst 5 letters 83 nthe second §, et). Therefore, the only remaining answer choice is Problem Let be the set of permutations af the sequence 1,2, 3,45 for which the frst term isnot 1. permutation is chosen randomly from S.The probability that the eecond term is 2, in lowest terms, i a/b, What is +2 5 @6 On Me E19 Solution ‘There are «choices for he fist element of S, and foreach of these choices there are 4! ways to arrange the remaining elements Ifthe second ‘element must be 2, then there are only 3 choices fo the fst element and 3! ways to arange the remaining elements. Hence the answer is Ba Is Tal 6 ~ 16 anda +b Solution 2 Thea che atheist edt Lethe chet atte est Soe ann sir sete hibecoes e scat stnttont Shon + 1619-5 (8) Problem (Coin is fipped tree times and coin B is fipped four times. Whats the probably thatthe number of heads obtained from fipping the two {air coin i the eame? o% o% of o% w}

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