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Name: NBE3U

Section 3: Bethune Action Plan

Now that you have learned about the status of your chosen Call to Action and the work
that is underway, you will develop an action plan for the Bethune community!

1. Explore the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Reconciling Plans website.
a) Review the 6 Actions of Reconciling (we have engaged in the first four actions in
this course, but now it is up to you to take on the fifth: Take Action!)
b) Find the Sample Plans related to your own Call to Action. Focus on the "Take
Action" step in particular for some ideas!

2. Reflect on the question for Section 3: What can we (the Bethune community) do in
order to act on this particular Call to Action and to contribute towards

3. Use the outline below to plan your Call to Action! You can edit the template to suit
your own needs.

Remember, your plan should be:

● Thoroughly developed (have you taken into account all parts of the template?)
● Specific to the Bethune community (have you taken into account the unique
strengths of our community as well as the challenges?)
● Actionable (is this something that can realistically be done?)

4. Share your action plan through in a written, audio or video format!

*You can use point form
Introduce Strategies (You must have at least one and no more than three):

The Bethune community can contribute towards this Call to Action by…
1. Preparing students who want to become civil servants ahead by providing resources and incorporating
it into the curriculum of courses that they may take.
a. Clubs that relate to fields of:
i. law and law enforcement
ii. Social workers
iii. Teachers
- These clubs can organise field trips and activities relating to their fields and teching about
the indigenous side of it, this could be organising a trip to meet with indigenous
communities or an indigenous individual with expertise in their respective field.
Name: NBE3U

b. Unit relating to indigenous history, and cultural competency in courses such as

i. HSE4M1 (Equity and Social Justice: From Theory to Practice)
ii. CLU3M1 (Understanding Canadian Law)
iii. CLN4U1 (Canadian and International Law)
iv. HSP3U1 (Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology)

c. Workshops teaching about cultural competency and about indigenous

i. Would be of interest to many students as cultural competency is not just important for
jobs working in or with the government
- Social workers
- Doctors & Nurses

Who will Who will Date to Date to Resources Potential Predi

lead or participate? begin complete required (venue, challenges cted
facilitate? staff, tech, $, etc.) outc

Strategy 1 Students Students Sept. N/A - Teacher to - Clubs do

(part a) Teachers 2024 host not exist
- Classroom yet
space - Organizin
- $ g
may be
hard for

Strategy 1 Teachers Teachers & Sept. N/A - Staff - If it’s

(part b) students 2024 througho
ut the
ard it
may take
lots of
- If it’s just
will have
to spend
Name: NBE3U

unit for it
- may risk
it being

Strategy 1 Teachers & Students Sept. N/A - $ - It may be

(part c) Workshop 2024 - Staff hard to
organizers - Booked find
space in individual
commons/ s to
caf come
over to
to teach


What do you hope to achieve through this plan? How will this support the Call to Action?

Some of the main criticisms of the government are its snail pace at taking action and the attitude of
institutions working within it. What I’m hoping to achieve with this plan is a future generation of civil servants
who actually understand and care about the issues indigenous peoples are struggling with and create policies
that help them. The end goal is that it’ll lead to future calls to action being completed faster and repairing
relations between Canadians and Indigenous peoples.


How will this strategy help you to achieve your goal?

The goal is to prepare students ahead of time and expose them to these topics. In a way, this is a form of
cultural competency training for the students interested in working with the government. It’ll create a new
generation of civil servants who know and understand indigenous history better and can start making amends
with indigenous communities, as well as create a better relationship through proper policies and respect.
Name: NBE3U


Why is this action plan well suited for the Bethune community?

Friday, May 24: Planning period
Monday, May 27th: Writing or recording period (library)
Action plan is due by 9am on Tuesday. May 28th

The action plan will be evaluated as an Application mark using the rubric below.
The evaluation will be based on the plan, a conference with the teacher and the
final submission.

A Transfers Transfers Transfers Transfers Transfers

Transfer of knowledge with knowledge with knowledge with knowledge with a knowledge with
knowledge to limited some considerable high degree of outstanding
new contexts effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness.
Action plan Action plan is Action plan is well Action plan is Action plan is fully
/20 requires more somewhat developed and thoroughly developed and
development or developed and suited for the developed and uniquely suited
practical somewhat suited Bethune very well suited for the Bethune
application (too for the Bethune community: for the Bethune community:
vague or community. Plan specific and community: specific, detailed,
unactionable for is sometimes mostly actionable. specific, detailed actionable and
the Bethune vague or and actionable. innovative.
community) unactionable.

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