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A career as a computational chemical engineer

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Professor Arthi Jayaraman from covered common concepts from various engi-
the University of Delaware talks to neering disciplines. For example, we took,
Nature Chemical Engineering about among other physical sciences, courses on
computer programming, thermodynamics,
her path to becoming a chemical
engineering graphics and energy conversion.
engineer, focus on modeling
Then, in my third and fourth years, I learned
and simulations, and thoughts about concepts specific to chemical engi-
on bridging computational and neering via the core and elective courses in
experimental research. my department. In all these courses, I found
immense satisfaction whenever I got to com-
Can you tell us about your background and bine computational methods to solve chemi-
introduction to chemical engineering? cal engineering problems. By the end of my
I was born in Madras (or Chennai) in India, undergraduate work, I knew for certain that I
and grew up in a middle-class family with my wanted to carry on with higher education that
father, mother and elder sister. My mother combined computing and chemical engineer-
and my sister have been my role models and ing. Naturally, I gravitated towards my doc-
cheering squad from my early years to my cur- toral thesis involving molecular modeling and
rent profession, but it is my late father who simulations applied to chemical engineering
gets the credit for introducing me to chemi- problems.
cal engineering at a young age. Growing up, on me. Around the same time, I remember hav-
my father, whose job involved implementing ing engaging conversations with my sister’s Can you tell us about your group’s current
process control instrumentation in cement husband, who enthusiastically shared with me research thrusts?
factories, showed me how factories producing about his chosen discipline — chemical engi- My research group develops and uses com-
chemicals, materials and formulations used neering — and, specifically, about his area of putational methods — molecular modeling,
electronics and computers to maintain desired research in polymer science. simulations, theory and machine learning — to
plant conditions. I have memories of my father I share all this only to say that my brother-in- improve polymer design for desired applica-
(then in his early 50s) coming home from work law and my sister passionately describing their tions and to create deeper fundamental under-
excited about how he was implementing new day-to-day activities as a researcher in chemi- standing into why a polymer-based material
computer hardware and software to automate cal engineering and chemistry, respectively, functions the way it does in any application. To
process control instrumentation in the factory solidified my own career goals. master the art of molecular modeling, simula-
he was working in. I clearly remember the spar- Long story short, how I became a chemical tions and theory requires strong foundational
kle in his eyes as he explained all these (then) engineer and interested in research was the knowledge of statistical thermodynamics — a
innovative ideas that kept him feeling young direct result of conscious and unconscious core chemical engineering subject.
and energetic at work. It was through my father positive influences from extraordinary teach- The types of problems we have applied
that I had my first positive introduction to an ers, my elder sister and her husband, and the these computational methods to include:
important sub-field of chemical engineering — immense commitment and unwavering sup- (1) designing polymer-grafted particles for
process control and optimization — and the port I got from my mother and father so that I target dispersion or aggregation of particles
role of computers in chemical engineering. could pursue my educational and professional in polymer nanocomposites; (2) linking poly-
dreams. Having support from family and/or mer chain architecture to the structure and
What motivated you to eventually lead role models is so important for young, aspiring phase behavior of these polymers in solutions,
your own research group in chemical individuals so they too can realize their true blends and neat films; (3) designing new pol-
engineering? potential and convert their dreams into reality. ymers that can be sustainable alternates to
When I was in high school, my sister, who was commodity plastics; (4) understanding how
a chemistry PhD student at Princeton, shared What led you to your current specialization composition and design of peptide-based
the exciting news of her first peer-reviewed within chemical engineering? polymers and/or biocompatible synthetic
publication — a first-author paper in Science. I As a chemical engineering undergraduate in polymers impact the phase transition(s) and
did not appreciate the monumental nature of the Birla Institute of Technology & Science structural arrangements within materials
her achievement then; in fact, I recall wonder- Pilani (BITS Pilani), India, one of the top- used in biomedical applications; (5) predict-
ing, naively, why is she so excited when we too ranked engineering programs in India, I had ing how chemical substitution in bioderived
Credit: Arthi Jayaraman

had our own school’s science magazines that the opportunity to take challenging (yet fun) polymers impacts their solubility in water and
we could publish in at any time. But the thrill courses alongside some of the most brilliant their structure in formulations, and as a result,
and excitement in her voice as she was telling people I have met in my life. In our first two their function in food and drug industry appli-
us this good news made a lasting impression years, we took interdisciplinary courses that cations; and (6) mimicking nature’s wonders in

nature chemical engineering Volume 1 | January 2024 | 16–17 | 16


biomimetic synthetic materials for achieving overcome one of the key barriers to success improves our creativity once we return to
desired optical and physical properties. in interdisciplinary environments where folks work; and (3) appreciate every win — big or
In general, computational methods are valu- come from different technical and cultural small — along the way. The journey towards
able in chemical engineering because they backgrounds. Once that language or cultural a solution to a problem is as important as the
enable predictions at various scales prior to barrier is crossed, collaborators can arrive at solution itself. As we all know, in most cases, we
doing ‘trial and error’ experiments and/or more holistic answers to questions than they learn many useful lessons along the way to the
provide underlying reasons that can explain would have with isolated approaches. destination. I have been training members in
experimental results. In my group, the compu- my group to celebrate every win along the way,
tations we do are at the molecular scale, rang- What advice do you have for early career small or big, so that they can appreciate what
ing from the atomic to the microscopic scale. researchers who are looking to expand they are learning and accomplishing during
More recently, my group has also been direct- their network of potential collaborators? their time on my team. This also helps us with
ing efforts towards innovative data-driven Early career researchers wishing to expand a better perspective and attitude when we face
approaches, motivated partly by the grand their network of potential collaborators a string of ‘losses’ (however you define a loss).
challenges of the Materials Genome Initia- should consider attending smaller topical con-
tive and the push for artificial intelligence for ferences (approximately 100–200 attendees) How has the discipline evolved since you
materials innovation, and partly by the needs that provide plenty of opportunities during first started your career? What guidance
presented by the problems we are tackling. meals and coffee breaks for scientists inter- do you give to a prospective student who is
ested in similar topics but with complemen- considering chemical engineering?
As a group focused on modeling, tary expertise to meet. Many of my fruitful Traditionally, chemical engineering can be
how important is collaboration with collaborations nucleated from exciting con- defined as a discipline that takes materials
experimentalists? versations that I had at such conferences. and chemical processes from the lab scale to
I think it is very important for computational To support these efforts, institutions (uni- industrial/plant scale. To effectively bridge
groups like mine to work closely with our experi- versities and conference organizers) should such varied scales, a chemical engineer needs
mentalist collaborators to make our modeling provide financial support to cover some or to consider the materials and energy balances,
work meaningful and valuable to the com- all of the travel costs for these researchers underlying thermodynamics, kinetics, trans-
munity. My group truly enjoys learning from to such conferences in their first few years. port (mass, heat and momentum) phenomena,
experimentalists the reality of their problem Conference organizers should also consider process economics, process design and pro-
(like parameters that influence their meas- ways they can support early career research- cess control. In my opinion, this traditional
urements that may need to be dialed into our ers who have young families so that they do definition of chemical engineering still holds
computations for realism) and the limitations not feel the need to choose between family today. However, in the past couple of dec-
in experiments (such as what may turn out as the and networking. ades, the breadth of chemical engineering has
best material in our simulation may be impos- grown with the addition or expansion of new
sible to make at a laboratory or plant scale). Can you share the guiding principles and/ areas like artificial intelligence and synthetic
Another added benefit of collaboration or core values of your research group? biology. My personal view of chemical engi-
between computational and experimental Here are the three main guiding principles neering is that it is a confluence of chemistry
groups is the identification of new problems of my group: (1) identify/develop/select the (including biochemistry), physics, computers
and their potential solutions using compu- appropriate computational approach needed and mathematics applied towards engineering
tations. This is how my group got interested to answer that scientific question at hand. I spanning the molecular to plant scales.
in developing machine learning models advise students in my group that their quest Chemical engineers solve all types of real-
and workflows for automating analyses of for perfection right from the get-go can some- life problems — be it ordinary everyday prob-
microscopy and scattering measurements. times hamper progress. So, in many cases, we lems (like making the next best formulation
This new research thrust in my group came may want to start with simpler (generic) mod- for personal care) or major global challenges
about naturally as we learned about the chal- els and then learn from comparison to experi- (such as developing drugs for various diseases
lenges with manual (and at times, subjective) ments what additional complexity we need to and pandemics and sustainable solutions for
interpretation of results from complex, time- bring into the model to make it appropriate for environmental issues). I am constantly seeing
consuming or high-throughput structural the problem at hand; (2) work hard and play solutions to these challenges stemming from
measurements in experiments. As we develop hard to balance work and life. Work–life bal- innovative work done by chemical engineers
these data-driven models and workflows, we ance is something I did not think about or even around the world. So, my advice to students
have also learned the importance of sharing appreciate when I was a student, postdoctoral considering chemical engineering is this: if
open-source codes on my lab github page for researcher and assistant professor (the first you truly enjoy learning new skills and want
experimentalists to adopt. stage in academic positions in the US system). to apply that broad skillset to solve some con-
Through many such wonderful collabora- This has finally changed for the better. Over temporary problems in the world to problems
tive experiences, we have learned a valuable the last ten years, I have become better at blending, to different extents, chemistry,
lesson that has become a guiding principle practicing this ‘work hard, play hard’ motto. I physics, computing, mathematics and biol-
for researchers in my lab: ‘Every collabora- strongly encourage my team members to take ogy, you should choose chemical engineering.
tion — the working style of the people and the regular breaks from work and enjoy vacations
problem being tackled — is unique’. Learning without thinking about work. I have found that Interviewed by Alessio Lavino
to speak the same language (that is, learning this disciplined practice of taking breaks not
each other’s terminology) is important to only makes us all happier in general, but also Published online: 11 January 2024

nature chemical engineering Volume 1 | January 2024 | 16–17 | 17

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