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Hi yeng,

This is your secret admirer. I don’t know if you understand english or not but you
can use google translate you know. I don’t know how to write in chinese for you. I
just want to tell you that i like you since last years because of you , i like to
go to school just to see your face. Everything i see you my heart beating so fast.
Even tho i tell you that i like you , i know that I can’t have you in my life and i
hate it so much . I wish I can tell you face to face . I guess my chance to try you
is gone now after one of your friend or my senior tell me that you have a
girlfriend but i wish you and your girlfriend long last . You might wonder why I
don’t use my handwriting because it’s ugly so I’m afraid that you won’t understand
my handwriting so i use the laptop. I can just admire you for the far. Even tho we
in a crowd of many’s people my eyes will always find you. Thank you for being my
energy to be in school. Thank you for being my crush . I really wish you are mine
but you not .My heart calls your name but your heart doesn’t calls my name. Thank
you again

From your secret admirer.

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