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Leadership, as I understand it, is not a static role but a dynamic journey of self-discovery

and growth. My leadership style, at its core, combines elements of transformational and

democratic leadership. I find inspiration in motivating others with a clear vision while also

valuing collaboration and inclusivity during decision-making. This essay unfolds a detailed

leadership development plan, addressing the development goal, specific actions, and success

factors aimed at enhancing my leadership capabilities.

My Leadership Style

In my leadership journey, I have gravitated towards a blend of transformational and

democratic leadership. Transformational leadership involves inspiring and motivating

individuals by creating a shared vision for the future. This style empowers team members to

reach beyond their capacities, fostering personal and professional growth. Simultaneously, I

embrace democratic leadership, valuing collaboration and input from team members in decision-

making processes. This participative approach creates a sense of ownership and commitment,

which is crucial for achieving shared goals.

Development Goal

Recognizing the strengths of my current leadership style, I aim to evolve into a more

versatile leader capable of seamlessly integrating elements from various leadership styles

(Saputra & Mahaputra, 2022). This adaptive approach seeks to enhance my effectiveness across

diverse challenges and scenarios. The development goal, therefore, revolves around achieving a
leadership style that combines the strengths of transformational, transactional, and charismatic

leadership, allowing me to respond adeptly to varying contexts and team dynamics.

Development Actions

1. Self-Reflection and Assessment:

 A fundamental step in this development plan involves a comprehensive self-

assessment. I will delve into the specific strengths and weaknesses associated with

transformational, transactional, and charismatic leadership styles.

 Seeking feedback from peers, mentors, and team members will provide a holistic

understanding of how my leadership style impacts others and identify areas for improvement.

2. Educational Pursuits:

 Continuous learning is crucial for leadership development (Elkhwesky et al.,

2022). I will engage in exploring literature on various leadership styles, attending workshops,

and enrolling in relevant courses.

 This educational pursuit aims to develop a solid theoretical foundation, allowing

me to understand the nuances and applications of different leadership approaches.

3. Mentorship and Networking:

 Learning from those who have excelled in diverse leadership styles is invaluable.

I will actively seek mentorship from leaders who demonstrate proficiency in various approaches,

gaining practical insights into effective leadership.

 Establishing connections within a network of leaders will facilitate the exchange

of ideas and experiences related to leadership versatility.

4. Practical Application:

 Theoretical knowledge must be complemented by real-world application.

Actively applying diverse leadership styles in various situations will be a cornerstone of this

development plan.

 I will experiment with transactional leadership in scenarios requiring clear

directives and adopt charismatic leadership when rallying a team around a specific goal.

Documenting and analyzing outcomes will guide iterative refinement.

5. Feedback Loop:

 Establishing a consistent feedback loop with team members and colleagues is

essential (Specchia et al., 2021). Open communication channels will be fostered to receive

constructive criticism and insights on the effectiveness of applied leadership styles.

 Utilizing feedback as a tool for iterative refinement, I will continuously enhance

my leadership approaches, ensuring adaptability and continuous improvement.

Development Success Factors

1. Adaptability:

 Success in this development plan will be measured by the ability to seamlessly

switch between leadership styles based on the context and needs of the team.
 Evaluating adaptability through real-world scenarios, I will note the effectiveness

of different approaches in diverse situations, ensuring a balanced and contextually relevant

leadership style.

2. Effective Communication:

 Improvements in communication skills will be assessed, gauging the ability to

convey expectations, goals, and vision tailored to the chosen leadership style.

 Utilizing feedback mechanisms, I will identify areas for communication

enhancement, measure progress over time, and ensure that my messages resonate effectively

with the team.

3. Impactful Decision-Making:

 Success in this area will be measured by the development of a nuanced decision-

making process aligned with the selected leadership style.

 Evaluating the impact of decision-making on team dynamics, I will consider the

overall cohesion and effectiveness of the team as indicators of successful leadership.

4. Team Morale and Productivity:

 The ultimate measure of success lies in observing increased team morale and

productivity resulting from applying appropriate leadership styles.

 Monitoring team dynamics, collaboration, and overall satisfaction will serve as

indicators of the positive impact of diversified leadership approaches on the team's overall


In conclusion, my leadership journey is an ongoing process of self-discovery and growth.

By recognizing the strengths of my current leadership style and setting a clear development goal,

this plan aims to make me a more versatile and impactful leader. The outlined actions and

success factors provide a roadmap for continuous improvement, emphasizing adaptability,

effective communication, impactful decision-making, and enhanced team dynamics. As I embark

on this transformative journey, I am confident that this plan will significantly contribute to my

professional growth and leadership effectiveness.


Elkhwesky, Z., Salem, I. E., Ramkissoon, H., & Castañeda-García, J. A. (2022). A systematic

and critical review of leadership styles in contemporary hospitality: a roadmap and a call

for future research. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality

Management, 34(5), 1925-1958.

Saputra, F., & Mahaputra, M. R. (2022). Effect of job satisfaction, employee loyalty and

employee commitment on leadership style (human resource literature study). Dinasti

International Journal of Management Science, 3(4), 762-772.

Specchia, M. L., Cozzolino, M. R., Carini, E., Di Pilla, A., Galletti, C., Ricciardi, W., &

Damiani, G. (2021). Leadership styles and nurses’ job satisfaction. Results of a

systematic review. International journal of environmental research and public

health, 18(4), 1552.

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