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Conservative Dentistry Department


Eslam mohamed 193021

The components that may cause allergic reaction in the dental

restorative material:
1) Mercury
2) Ni-Cr
3) Titanium
4) Zinc oxide Eugenol
5) calcium hydroxide
Some of glass ionomer components
8) SiO44-
9) Ca2+
10) Na+
11) F- ions
There are different kind of allergies like :
1) Allergy to material used in endodontic formaldehyde
2) Allergy to latex gloves
3) Allergy to root canal sealers and obturation material.
4) Allergy to local anesthesia.
5) Ledermix paste
6) Sodium hypochlorite
7) Allergy to impression materials.

How the companies try to overcome this problems by change in

the filling material components .

Mercury : this allergy may overcome by the factories by change the form of amalgam that
reach to clinics like produce the amalgam in form of capsules which the mercury amount is
suitable one hundred percent with other component on the capsule to avoid contamination
of the excess mercury on any surface in dental clinic due to mixing of the amalgam .

Glass ionomer : this allergy overcomes by the factories by produced the glass ionomer in
any form help to avoid inhalation of the HEMA vapor by the dentist and the patient until
the restoration fully setting . Use of the weak acids in filling material is very important to
avoid allergy to this acids like exchange the Phosphoric acid with Polyacid .

MMA in composite : overcome of this allergy may be done by produced composite with
very low concentration of MMA and was fully sitting in short time to avoid released of
MMA which released from the composite in first 24 hours .

Zno :use material eugenol free like zinc free eugenol.

Briefly the oral cavity is constantly exposed to sensitizing substances that cause
allergic reactions and contributes to rise in health care expenditures annually. The
practicing dentist should be aware about some of the allergies is documented to
known materials and there will be unkown ones but cannot be known until
proper history,clinical examination,and thus prevent allergic manifestations in
dental clinic.

Acutally there nothing perfect in this whole world.

I couldnot say some materials allergy free,because it maybe allergic to
different people by different way and different reactions by the hosts.
For the dentists : avoid the allergy from any filling material done by use suitable
material from the first of treatment plane and whine seen of any allergic reaction
the dentist should remove the restoration (cause of allergy) and restore the cavity
by another material .

Now can we found a restorative material allergy free one hundred percent ???

In dentistry we can mention to most suitable material according to each case and
use the restorative material which has low allergic risk .

Sometimes the case may be altered the treatment plane specially in restorative
material chose due to more than one factor like :

A. Esthetic requirements .
B. The incident force in restoration .
C. Type of cavity prepared .
D. Vitality of the teeth .
E. Duration of restoration (temporary or permenant) .

So the dentist should use all factors physical , mechanical , chemical

and his experience in chose the best restorative material which suits all

factors specially the allergic reaction may be induced .

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