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ASME - GREEK SECTION, First Nat. Conf. on Recent Advances in Mech. Eng.

, September 17-20, 2001, Patras, Greece

Proceedings of First Nat. Conf. on Recent Advances in Mech. Eng.

September 17-20, 2001, Patras, Greece



Andronicos E. Filios
Michalis Gr. Vrachopoulos University of Patras, Department of Mechanical and
TEI Chalkidos, Department of Mechanical Engin.,
Aeronautical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics Lab.,
Nirvana 29, 111 45 Patisia, Athens, Hellas.
26500 Patras, Hellas.
Tel. & Fax: 01 8324020, e-mail:
Tel. & Fax: 061 997202, e-mail:

Dionisios P. Margaris Evgenios Fenekos

University of Patras, Department of Mechanical and University of Patras, Department of Mechanical and
Aeronautical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics Lab., Aeronautical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics Lab.,
26500 Patras, Hellas. 26500 Patras, Hellas.
Tel. & Fax: 061 997202, e-mail: Tel. & Fax: 061 997202, e-mail:

ABSTRACT consumption. The main characteristic of the above is the

The cooling effect of the greenery roof is investigated development of a suffocating climate in large cities, mainly in
through computer simulations. The mathematical modeling is summer with the corresponding increate of pollution
described by the one-dimensional non-steady state heat temperature reversion and creation of green house conditions.
conduction equation for a multi-layer plane walls without and It is a well-known fact that by evapotranspiration, large
with a green canopy. The proposed calculation model making amounts of solar radiation can be converted into latent heat that
use of temperature measurements on full-scale models, prevents the temperature rise. One way to increase
evaluates the cooling load as well as the energy benefit for the evapotranspiration surface area in big cities is to cover the
last floor of a building that is covered by a green canopy. ceiling of the buildings with vegetative greenery. Greenery
cover over a building has a cooling effect on the surroundings
KEYWORDS and also reduces the cooling load for inside the buildings.
Green roof, Cooling load, Computer simulation. Preliminary experiments showed rather large cooling effects of
rooftop greenery by Theodosiou et al [1], Evmorfopoulou et al
INTRODUCTION [2], Harazono and Ikeda [3], and Ishihara and Chou [4].
Environmental problems related to urban areas that Research on this subject was thoroughly reviewed by Meir
produce large amounts and many kinds of wastes are some of [5,7]. It was reported that in experimental measurements, the
the current research topics. In big cities, which are energy savings produced by the various coverings varied widely due to
intensive units, a vicious circle is established because waste weather and vegetation differences, but the results were not
heat from the air-conditioning units used to cool buildings quantitatively analyzed. Simulation models have not yet been
drives up the city temperature, which then requires larger developed to evaluate cooling requirements of buildings.
cooling load for buildings. Unfortunately, the almost worldwide In the present paper, the thermal behavior of the last floor
trend in building construction exhibits no provision of green of a building due to its cover with vegetative greenery is
roof. Based on the gathering of population in large cities, the investigated. In order to evaluate the green roof effect,
usual practice for built-up areas leads to a characteristic calculations are also conducted for an ordinary-bare roof. The
decrease of green, accrual of the average weight of the area simulations utilize published measurements [1,2] for both types
materials, development of strong solar energy reflections, of a full-scale roof. The measurements were conducted during a
decrease of oxygen production and carbon dioxide

ASME - GREEK SECTION, First Nat. Conf. on Recent Advances in Mech. Eng., September 17-20, 2001, Patras, Greece

period of two months, July and September of 1998, in

Thessaloniki. The conducted preliminary simulations take q&j =
[T j − T j+1 ] (4)
provision for the air-conditioning of the below space through
the specification of the indoor conditions that are Tdb = 26oC where kj is the thermal conductivity of the j-layer, Tj is the j-
and φ=50%.
layer’s mean temperature, Tj+1 is the (j+1)-layer’s mean
NOMENCLATURE temperature, Lj the thickness of the j-layer and q& the mean rate
a : Absorptivity
of heat flow.
c : Specific heat
The total rate of heat transferred across the top surface
ho : Heat transfer coefficient
would be
Ι(t) : Total solar radiation
k : Thermal conductivity [
q&= h o T o − T x n +1 ] (5)
q& : Heat flow rate where To and Tx n +1 the mean outdoor air temperatures and the
q& : Mean heat flow rate
top surface respectively.
Tdb : Dry bulb temperature The presence of a green canopy requires the replacement of
Τo(t) : Outdoor air dry bulb temperature the boundary condition provided by equ. (2). In that case the
Τ(t,x) : Temperature at the surface of a layer rate of heat flow across the green surface is
Mean temperature
Correction term for long-wave radiation
[ ]
q og ( t , x g ) = h og To ( t ) − To' ( t ) + aI( t ) − ε∆R (6)
ρ : Density where To´ ( t ) is the air temperature underneath of the leaves area.
φ : Relative humidity

The ceiling of a building with or without greenery cover
may be considered as a multi-layer plane walls that are in a
perfect thermal contact. The ordinary roof consists layers of
typical construction materials in contrary to the green roof
where additional layers are present along with the green canopy.
The latter is shown in Fig. 1. The volumetric heat balance in a
multi-layer plane walls is described by the one-dimensional
non-steady state heat conduction equation
∂T ∂  ∂T 
ρc = k  (1)
∂t ∂x  ∂x 
The solution of the above equation requires, a) the initial
temperature in the width of the plane, which is assumed
constant and b) the temperature in the boundaries in the time
domain. The top and bottom temperature is related to the heat Figure 1: Cross sectional view of the green roof
flow rate in the corresponding boundary, i.e. model.
q&o ( t , x n +1 ) = h o [To ( t ) − T ( t , x n +1 )]+ aI( t ) − ε∆R (2)
k The simulation model was applied in two full-scale roofs,
q&i ( t ,0) = 1 [Ti ( t ) − T ( t ,0)] (3) an ordinary roof and a green roof, which have been
experimentally studied [1,2] without any provision for air-
where ho is the total heat transfer coefficient by convection and conditioning of the last floor of the building. The studied
radiation at the top and bottom surfaces, Τ(t,xn+1) is the top experimental models are located in the top of two perfectly
surface temperature, Τi(t) and Το(t) is the indoor and outdoor alike buildings having the same orientation. The layout of each
temperature respectively, Ι(t) is the total solar radiation incident roof regarding the materials, the thickness of each layer and the
on the outdoor wall surface, a denotes the solar radiation corresponding thermal characteristics are shown in Table 1. In
absorptance of the top surface and εΔR is a correction term for Ref. 1, detailed information for the layout of the green canopy
long-wave radiation [7]. is provided. The layer of soil was covered mainly by turf and in
For standing oscillation condition and a period of 24 hours, perimeter by ivy for a thicker layer of plant vegetation.
the mean rate of heat flow in each layer is

ASME - GREEK SECTION, First Nat. Conf. on Recent Advances in Mech. Eng., September 17-20, 2001, Patras, Greece

Table 1: The layers and their thermal properties for the ordinary and the green roof.
Ordinary roof Green roof
k L/k k L/k
Layers L (m) L (m)
(W/mK) (m2K/W) (W/mK) (m2K/W)
1 Soil - - - 0,120 1,160 0,103
2 Filter holding soil - - - 0,003 0,300 0,010
3 Holystone - - - 0,060 0,500 0,120
4 Asphalt sail - - - 0,004 0,190 0,021
5 Asphalt film 0,007 0,190 0,037 0,007 0,190 0,037
6 Concrete aptitude 0,050 1,100 0,045 0,050 1,100 0,045
7 Insulation 0,050 0,041 1,220 0,050 0,041 1,220
8 Concrete 0,150 2,030 0,074 0,150 2,030 0,074
9 Plaster 0,015 0,870 0,017 0,015 0,870 0,017

Ordin ary roof
45 9
H eat flu x (W /m2 )
O ut door tempe rature Green ro of

Top surface t emp. for ordinary roof 6

40 Top surface t emp. for green roof 3

Temperatu re (oC )

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
30 T ime ( ho u rs )

Figure 3: Simulated heat flux through the roofs.

O rdinary roof
20 80 G reen roof
H eat Flow ( Watt)

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 70
T ime ( ho u r s)
Figure 2: Variation of the mean temperatures during a day in 50
Applying the boundary conditions stated by the simulation 40
model, the estimation of the heat flow in both experimental
models was performed. In the first exercise test case no air- 30
conditioning was accounted for the below floor. The second 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
exercise test case made provision for the air-conditioning of the
below floor setting Tdb= 26oC for the indoor temperature and T ime ( ho u rs)
φ=50% for the relative humidity. The values of the heat transfer
Figure 4: Heat flow rate for the concrete roof and the green
coefficients incorporated in equs. (4) and (5) for the two roof when the below floor is air conditioned at Tdb=26oC.
examined roofs are ho=44,04 W/m2K and hog=1,35 W/m2K.
The conducted temperature measurements allowed the ordinary and the green roof respectively are shown along with
calculation of the resulted heat flow rates, i.e. q&o ( t ,0) and the corresponding outdoor temperature. From the calculated
q&og ( t ,0) in the top and bottom surfaces of both roofs. The heat flow rates the averaged daily heat flows rates, i.e.
mean temperature profiles for a summer month are shown in q&and q&og , were estimated. In Figure 3, the simulated heat
Fig. 2. The temperature patterns on the top surface of the

ASME - GREEK SECTION, First Nat. Conf. on Recent Advances in Mech. Eng., September 17-20, 2001, Patras, Greece

fluxes for the bare concrete roof and the green roof are shown. CONCLUSIONS
The calculated patterns verify that the heat flow for the concrete Beyond of the environmental and aesthetic aspects, the
surface is mostly from the outside to inside, in contrary to the design of vegetative greenery on the roof of building
soil surface where the negative sign of the heat flow indicates contributes due to the shadowing in the reduction of cooling
that always is from inside to outside. The air-conditioning loads during the summer. The experimental data on two full-
requirement of the underneath floor modifies the heat flow scale models have been used as freezed parameters for the
pattern as it is shown in Fig. 4. The differences of the heat flow conduction of computer simulations regarding the decrease of
rates in both examined test cases do provide a figure of the cooling loads of the underneath floor with and without air-
possible benefits in terms of the energy saving. The energy conditioning. The cooling loads reduction is reasonable during
saving is due to the decrease of the cooling loads of the below the rush hours and it is accompanied with an energy saving
floor due to the cooling effect of the green canopy. The equivalent to the 30%-35% of the roof loads of the last floor.
estimated percentage energy benefit due to reduction of the The predicted energy saving in conjunction to the reasonable
cooling loads applying the green roof concept are shown in environmental benefits plead in a wide scale adoption of the
Figs. 5 and 6. Figure 5 shows that the reduction of the cooling green roof concept. Designing green roof for reducing heat flux
loads in the non air-conditioned below floor results in a 50% through the roof in summer means the selection of plants with a
daily energy benefit. The required air-conditioning of the below large foliage development in order to warrant a low radiation
floor certainly reduces the expected energy benefit that is 22% transmission. Moreover it means the selection of light soils that
minimum to 35% maximum as it is shown in Fig. 6. reduce the thermal conductivity as well as weight. However, the
lack of experimental and simulated values in the considered
200 roof models during the wintertime does not allow the
E ner gy saving perc. ( %)

generalization, since the optimization of the green roof

150 performance just for summer seems to be inappropriate for the
opposite season of the year.
[1] Theodosiou, Th., Amiras, P., and Economidis, Gr., 1999,
50 "The contribution of the planted roof to the cooling of a
building", Proc. of the National Renewable Energy Congress
0 VI, Vol. A, 3-5 November, Volos, Hellas, pp. 137-144.
[2] Evmorfopoulou, E., Kalaitzidou, N., and Tourtoura, D.,
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
1999, "The influence of the different types of planted roofs in
Tim e (h o ur s)
the thermal behavior of a building", Proc. of the National
Figure 5: Energy benefit due to the reduction of the cooling Renewable Energy Congress VI, Vol. A, 3-5 November, Volos,
load of a non air-conditioned floor covered with a green roof. Hellas, pp. 145-151.
[3] Harazono, Y., and Ikeda, H., 1990, "The effect on an indoor
thermal environment with simple hydroponic cultivation on
45 rooftops", J. Agric. Met. Jpn 46, pp. 9–17.
[4] Ishihara, O., and Chou, S., 1992, "Experimental study on
Ener gy saving p ercen tage (% )

40 environmentally lightening effect of soil and lawn vegetation on

the roof", Proc. of Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Solar
35 Energy, pp. 255–258.
[5] Meier, A.K., 1990, "Measured cooling savings from
30 vegetative landscaping", Proc. American Council for an
Energy-Efficient Economy, Environment 4, pp. 133–143.
25 [6] Meier, A.K., 1991, "Strategic landscaping and air-
conditioning savings: literature review", Energy and Buildings
20 15–16, pp. 479–486.
[7] ASHRAE Fundamentals, 1985, American Society of
15 Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
Tim e ( ho u r s)

Figure 6: Energy benefit due to the reduction of the cooling

load of an air-conditioned floor covered with a green roof.

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