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we qrymatiandlritir ts Unit: LANGUAGE can answer questions on a reading passage content. Can make up logically and grammatically correct sentences using the words, Divides the text into structures (introduction, main part, and conclusion) Determine the main idea in the text he/she listens to. Determine the logical order between the components the text. Determines the main idea in the text. Express his/her ideas in the given topic in written form, Students do the exercises constantly due to the applications. Separates the content of the listened text into pieces 5 grade 6" grade 7 grade 8" grade Students distinguish the words and word expressions according to their grammatical and semantical characteristics. Students choose the main facts and events in the text and group them Uses the punctuation marks in simple sentences, Expresses his.her attitude/opinions to the requests. Explains grammatical and semantical features of words and expressions. Writes sentences of various constructions correctly. @) Listening tasks 9" grade Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-4. QEYD: Mitoafig audiofayl 2023/9_unit_1.mp3 linking yerlogdirilmisdir. QR kodu skan etmakla mitvafi i irilmis ko iq audiofayl yerlasdiritmi sehifaya birbasa keca bilarsiniz, : Qiymotlondirma tapsiniqlar, 2, What is the passage mainly about? pede B) the dead language C) the alphabet of each language Dee ee aaeus eee B) the same languages of the world eects plete the sentence according to Sees cording to the passage a Rae econ eraee i B) the problems of alphabets and rules. )iterentscqnomic an polical problems.) the pla! problems 2000 yes 4 Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FAL 4.1, The languages which are spoken. nowadays are alive, Ay True B) False 4.2. All the languages in the world are the same. Ayre B) False 4.3. People communicate with each other through alphabets A) True B) False ae eer 4.4. Today English is a global language of travel, business, culture ete: A) True B) False Read the short texts and answer questions 5-7. You're in a library. Everybody, including yourself is trying to work. A man in the comer is. shouting and laughing, even though there is a "Quiet Please” sign on the wall Choose the correct variant ‘A) Aman in the corner is trying to keep calm. B) There is no warning sign on the wall of the library, €) The man in the library doesn't follow the “Quiet Please” sign on the wall. D) Everybody in the library is trying to make much noise. E) The man continues shouting and laughing because nobody wants to keep quiet. 5. The language center provides professional, general and business language learning options in 10 languages. It also provides translation services. Choose the correct variant. A) The language center offers both teaching and translating services, B) Only teaching languages are offered in the language center. 0 languages are offered by the language centre, ) Only translating services in 1 : the lan, D) The language center offers neither translating nor learning options. B) Only general language learning options in 10 languages are provided. Dear John, I'am grateful to you for the reading ar ey will be useful in our courses next semester. ind listening passages which you have sent. ‘Ideeply appreciate your kind assistance, pe pcssowe cd crue’, suecttons from 8.12 w to the Turkic language family. Its alphabet ig ich literary traditions. The earliest literature yt at aig century. (existed in the 16%) Azerbaijani in its earlier anal was used primarily for writing epic and lyric poetry, ae i iirial documents and scientific research (gy Sr dictionaries of the old Azerbaijani language Were compiled and grammat Thougs the eetacied (done) in the Middle Ages, the scientiie works, eta eapapers and magazines began £0 SPPSAS the 194 century. The frst newspaper “Akinchr TAS Averbaijani language ‘vas published by Hasan bey Zardabi in Baica between 1875 and 1877 ‘At that time foreigners displayed a great interest in this language and some of them Pere iizsrriag stAmong them) were Russian poets heron °y and Bestuzhev-Marlinsk saontoy even translated the Azerbaijani fairy tale “Ashia Qarib” into Russian, 8, Choose the false statement according to the passage 'A) Not any Azerbaijani fairy tales were translated into the foreign language. B) The Azerbaijani language possesses rich literary traclitions, €) The appearance of newspapers and magazines dates back to the nineteenth century D) Lermontov, who translated “Ashiq Qarib’, was Russian, F) Bestuzhev-Marlinski was interested in learning Azerbaijani ©, What is the passage mainly about? ‘A) the languages in the Turkic language family 'B) the Turkic language family C) the language used only in scientific works D) the newspaper in the Azerbaijani language ) the language with rich literary traditions 10, Choose the correct answer to the question. Where was the Azerbaijani language first used? 1. in epic poetry 2. in official documents _ 3. in the i 4. in scientific research 5. in lyric poetry i eee ‘A24 — B)24,5 -C)1S D)3,4 5) 3,45 ‘11, Complete the sentence according to pe aerate, the passage. iy 13, Choose the wamakes his AyEvery | 14, Choose the students A) The, 15. Choose th There is A) no 16. Choose t Andrew ¢ Nee 17. Choose ‘Some pe A) wher® 18, Choos The how A) big ¢ 19, Choos The w 1, hov A) 2,3 20. Cho« His s A) ve 21. Che a INGILIS DILI | DX sini Answer the questions from 13 to 25, 13, Choose the correct variant. _umakes his or her own decisions, A)Every B) Some ©) Everyone D) Something ——_B) No i area ool 14. Choose the correct variant, +» students are going to study... English five hours a day; 4) The, B)The, the C) A, an D)_,the —_E) The, an 15. Choose the correct variant, There is ... at the door. Can you go anc! open it? A)no B) nobody C) anything —_D) some _E) somebody 16. Choose the correct variant. Andrew Camegie was born in... Scotland in ...1835. A)_,_ B)the,an C) the, the) the, a, the 17. Choose the correct variant. Some people like strong tea, ... others don't A)whereas —B) and C) because D)so B)if 18, Choose the correct variant. The house isn’t ... for us. A) big enough B) enough big C) bigtoo_D) too bigger _E) too much big 19. Choose the correct variant. The windows are open, ... itis cold outside. . howeve 2: i. 4. but. | aie aie) s4 34 D)1L2 52,4 20. Choose the correct variant. Bilik qiymatlandirilir 93, Choose the antonyms of the undertined word, Fights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure. Mverprveds @rrcjected GS. verified 4. refused A) 23 B)1,3 ©) 1,2 D) 2,4 £) 3,4 24. Choose the line of derivative nouns. A) diplomacy, existence, hesitation B) shadow, development, power ©) effort, innovation, rainfall D) decree, applicant, earthquake B) advertisement, oilfield, success 25. Choose the synonyms of the underlined word. The two situations are quite different. Lentirely 2.too 3. completely 4. obviously 26. Look at the pictures. Make up a story according to the pictures in the given order. Write at least 35 words. SS Unit: 5™ grade 6" grade 7” grade 8! grade 9” grade 2 AS ARNON =: Unit: sf grade Can answer questions on a reading passage content Can make up logically and grammatically correct sentences using the words 6" grade 7” grade Divides the text into structures (introduction, main part, and conclusion). Determine the main idea in the text he/she listens to. Determine the logical order between the components the text. Determines the main idea inthe text. Express his/her ideas in the given topic in written form. 8" grade Students do the exercises constantly due to the applications, Separates the content of the listened text into pieces. Students distinguish the words and word expressions according to their grammatical and semantical characteristics. Students choose the main facts and events inthe text and group them. Uses the punctuation marks in simple sentences. 9S grade Expresses his.her attitude/opinions to the requests. Explains grammatical and semantical features of words and expressions. Writes sentences of various constructions correctly Bilik qiymatlondirilir is mainly about. B) children’s education \ The passage 7 “aes pare Se’ a D) the advantages of small families ) financial proble: ; 5) the lack of love and attention 2. Complete the sentence according to the passage. Inthe past the family had less money but family members 1, formed a stronger relationship. 2. were miserable 3, supported and helped each other. 4, were never happy. A1,2 B13 1,4 D)3,4 E) 2,4 3, Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage. What was the major benefit of having a big family? 1. Parents in big families treated their children equally. 2. People shared their problems with each other. 3. Family members never solved the problems together. 4. The family often lived in poverty. A)3,4 B)2,3 1,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,4 4. Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. 4.1. Both parents in big families had an opportunity to work and earn their living A) True B) False 4.2. Though the family lived a hard life, its members could fo: trong relationship. rm a strong . 4.3. People were miserable when they were surrounded by thei tives, ; their relatives. 4.4. In big families chil ive in nity wher fecber big ies children. beatae to live in a comm where every member was equal. : Read the short texts and answer questions 5-7. 5. “Delay$ and cancellations are 10 your service” Possible because of snow. Please check timetable for updates ace tells passengers that... services may chang: fe trirtiecter asia ons B) the next train is delayed. E) there won't be any cancellations, “tt the ‘rains have been cancelled “y Read the passage and answer questions from 8-12 occupies a unique position in our life juals, such a8 parents, grandparents and children who are nha ey ee oe moe peel uruai sone are linked by birth or blood a the economic side, the family provides food, shelter, clothi i : , , clothing, and physical security for vaeetar athe magia eating on ri cy of life themselves. On the social side, the family may serve to promote order and scnilite ofmnin society as a whole, aa en, We learn how to socialize from our families and this develops our int ¢ z : a eve intellect. It provides emotional and psychological security, particularly through the warmth love and campasionshir. Familie always believe in us when the whole world doubts us. When we are eee , they are the first ones to che is a true blessi pais of cana cheer us up. It is a true blessing to have a Many studies show that people who live and stay with their families te pees tv y ir families tend to be happier 8 Choose the false statement. A) To have a positive family beside us is a real blessing, B) The family hardly ever provides food, shelter, clothing. ©) Socializing from our families develops our intellect. D) A family is mainly formed of parents, grandparents and children. £) A family has a proper position in our life. 9. The passage is mainly about A) a unique position B) physical security C) basic necessities D) family members B) the definition of a family 10. Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage. What do many studies show? A) People who live with their families are more fortunate. B) People who live alone are happier than others. ©) People who stay away their families feel lucky. D) When we are down and out of control, family members avoid to cheer us up. E) Families tend to be happier when they are isolated from others. U1. Complete the sentence according to the passage Our family members cheer us up when A) we are down and out of control B) we feel much happier C we are in psychological security D) the whole world believes us are provided with emotional support assage? ont - 2023 ilk qtymenienciri uestions from 13 to 25. i Answer the q 13, Choose the correct variant: He is my friend's -- i 1, cousin 2, uncle } 4. nephew 5, neighbour 6, aunt A) 1,3,5,6 B) 2,3,4 ©) 1,2,4,5 D) 2,3 E) 1,46 14, Choose the correct pronoun. Nancy liked the style of the dress, but she didn’t like ... colour. A) their B) her c) hers. D) its E) his 15. Choose the line of countable nouns. B) farm, honey, meal A) fear, news, mistake ) branch, face, arrow E) dress, patience, luggage D) tour, flour, ice 16. Choose the correct variant. Twant to know the truth. You ... tie to me. 1. shouldn't 2. mustn't 3. can 4. have to 5. need A)1,2,5 B)2,4 C)3,4 D)1,2 £)1,3,5 17. Choose the correct variant. Nothing could make Sarah... her mind. A) change B) to change ©) changed D) changes B) changing ) 18. Choose the correct variant. Whereis the prize ... your son got last month? Lthat 2.what = 3.who = 4.- 5. which A135 B)14,5 —€)3,4,5 D23 B12 19. Choose the correct tense form. {ok wit inform me as soon as he. - Some news, a1 22 23 shoose the correct variant, .¢ ‘nis exhibition will attract a lot of visitors, Alot of visitors are attracted. B) This exhibition will be attracted a lot of visit. G)Alot of visitors would be attracted. D) A lot of visitors have been alteacteh nn f) Alot of visitors will be attracted. 2, Choose the correct prepositions, London was unexpected, Ajat B)- C) on D) into E) to 23, Match the words wiht their definitions. 1, silence a. the ability to do something well 2, skill b. complete lack of noise 3. sky ¢. the space above the earth A)1-b,2-03-¢ B) 1-a,2-b3-¢ C) 1-c,2-b,3-a_D) 1-a2-,3-b__E) 1-€,2-a,3-b 24, Choose the antonyms to the word “poor”. 1. natural 2. wealthy 3. solid 4. rich 5. penniless A135 B) 13,4 0345 p24 5) 1,2 25, Which pairs are synonyms? 1. assembly ~ meeting 2. ankle ~ anger 3. aid— help 4, stranger - foreigner 5. century - month 5. Look at the pictures. Make up a story according to the pictures in the given order. Write at least 35 words. Unit: TY AND CHALLENGES passage content. 3 SOCIE swer questions on a reading, p logically and grammatically 10 structures (introduction, main Determine the main idea in the text he/she listens to ler between the components the text, an an forrect sentences using the wor 5 grade can make Divides the text int part, and conclusion), 6" grade 7! grade Determine the logical ord Determines the main idea in the text. lopic in written form. Express his/her ideas in the giv’ Students do the exercises constantly due to the applications, istened text into pieces. 8" grade Separates the content of the Students distinguish the words and word expressions according to their grammatical and semantical characteristics Students choose the main facts and events in the text and group thern. Uses the punctuation marks in simple senten 9" grade Expresses his,her attitude/opinions to the reques Explains grammatical and semantical features of words and expressions, Writes sentences of varlous constructions correctly. @) Listening tasks Listen to the pasaaye and answer questions 1-4, QEYD: Miioafig audiofayl; . sks eign, Idren.UNICEF ensures 5 FF vfeation working for children ne the leading organiser ing protected than any other organisation 7 ft h v Cs ted, educated : Dee Deegan aipiprotect caren ean CI else. It works in ove" SE Tt tof improve the lives of children globally. im ‘countries help p ‘Choose the correct variant A) No children were educated by UNICEF. me B) No other organization protects children as wisi ¢) all organizations work for children except UNICE] D) UNICEF works in few countries: ) UNICEF has no influence on laws to protect children. Read the passage and answer questions 8 60 12. after the 1* World War, with the adoption of the cognition of Children's Rights continue 1 {the Child put children’s rights on the in the world, adopted by the Unite Children's Rights were recognized Declaration of Geneva, in 1924. The process of rec thanks to the UNO. The convention on the Rights 0} world agenda. It is the most widely ratified treaty Nations General Assembly on November 20, 1989. Children's rights are human rights. They protect the child as a human being. All children hhave the same right to develop their potential - all children, in all situations, all the time everywhere, Children's Rights are constituted by fundamental guarantees and essential eee eae ce) life, the non-discrimination principle, the right to dignity through protection of physical and mental integrity, protection against slavery, i Eeeeen of nis grity, protection against slavery, torture kidnapping Children's Rights take into account the necessity of development of the chi Paice eS 5 e child. So, the cae ip to be helped and supported and must be protected against labour exploitation 8. Choose the false statement. A) Children’s rights take into consideration the : n requiments of the children. B) ce rights were recognised when the 1* World War ss Se ae S} & rch have to be supported against ill-treatment. cg 2 pene have different rights to improve thier potential. }) Children don't have to be used in labour exploitation, i 9. piaat is the passage mainly about? res ae B) The ratified treaty of the UNO Papers es D) is eo Een ood wa ) The adoption of the declaration of slavery and ill treatme" | completeness and addict? eee ers ec meneting epee 12 HO elo the ecomnition of Chldstne Re 1 hee fights protec esental umas ioe 2 asa. mustn't have the same right. eect everybody's duty t0 defend children, Answer the questions from 13 to 25. 15, choose the adjectives. dreadful 2. poverty 3. consequence 4. rapid 5. safety 6.ordinary fe meer245° | C23 | Dass | Basa rf 14. Choose the correct variant 1 d __. knowledge is a dangerous thing. 5 A)Alot B) Very alittle C) Much D) Little E) Only little a 15, Change the sentence into the PassiveVoice. S, i Somebody rang the doorbell. h A) The doorbell was rung. B) The doorbell is rung z C) The doorbell was rang. D) The doorbell has been rung. £) Someone was rung the doorbell. e 16, Choose the correct variant. Food aid to the poorest countries ... meet their immediate needs. can 2.should 3. cannot_—_4.doesn't have to A14 B)2,4 34 D)1,2 E13 17.Choose the correct variant. Unfortunately, in some countries the homeless ..... in the streets. Llives 2. are living 3. live 4, doesn’t have to live A) 2,3 B) 2,4 coj14 D) 1,2 E)4 18, Choose the correct variant. The children of today ..... anew set of challenges. Larefacing 2. face 3. has faced 4. faced Al4 B24 ic) 1,2) DLS 15. Choose the correct variant. The childre topic... is interesting to them. BOM PO E)34 ilik qiymatlandiritir synonym of the underlined word jobs for the jobless. St 21. Choose the ‘The goverment always tries to create J A) the sick B) the homeless C) the deaf D) the unemployed £) the poor 22. Match the words to their definitions. 1. to concern a. to fill someone with confidence ) I 2. to inspire b. to worry someone 3. to deny ¢. to say that somethingis not true eye QEYD: } abitur 23, Choose the correct conjunction. rai .. charitable organisations... all people should support the needy in our society, QR ko A) Bither ... nor B) Neither ... nor ©) Both ...or D) Not only... but also) So... that coral 24, Choose the correct variant. cee Why A) Be A) month's salary B) hour's flight one h's s ©) sheeps’ D) geese’ hair E) years’ harvest Ne aay Be : D) Ki 5) W afew... 25. Choose the correct pairs of antonyms. 2. Com, 1. rapid - slow 2. = . poverty — wealth 3. deny ~ agree Spec 4. consequence - result 5. needs ~ income By B) y 26. Look at the pictures. Make up a i Cee eerie eae eiarimggacer 0 Pictures in the given order. By y 3. Wha Ay tt B)d Ch Dc E)p SUMMATIVE TASKS FOR THE FIRST HALF-YEAR (UNITS 1-3) @) Listening tasks usten to the passage and answer questions 1-4, QEYD: Mitoafig audiofay! linkin yerlasdirilmisdir. QR kodu skan etmakla mitvafig audiofayl yerlasdiriimis sohifaya birbasa keca bilarsiniz. 1, Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage. Why is it important to learn foreign language? A) Because it helps people have few friends. B) As people need it only while travelling, C) In today’s world knowing a foreign language is beneficial. 'D) Knowing foreign languages you can learn your own culture. ) Without knowing any foreign languages you can get a higher level. 2. Complete the sentence according to the passage. Speaking a foreign language . A) you can hardly express yourself well B) you will achieve nothing ©) it may be difficult to learn another culture D) you can interact with people more easily E) you can never improve your language skills 3. What is the passage mainly about? A) the benefit of learning foreign languages B) the different lifestyles of the people in the world C) how to make friends in today’s world D) different people with different culture E) people living in different parts of the world 4. Describe whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. 4.1. Misunderstanding is the result of language skills. Ge oie awl p) Palas y questions 5-7. a week's touring holiday. They wp, and its history. Can you tell me ans! vel around ~ car, bike or coach: 5, Dear Jack ‘Some of mu like to travel around an ‘some of the places they cou Thanks, David ; ‘the correct variant. at ‘David wants to take his friends to Jack's place by car, B) David's friends want to travel around Jack's place by bike. ©) Jack invites David's friends to his local area. D) Jack wants to know something about David's place i B} David's aim is to inform his friends about the place where they can spend a week’s holiday it 1 ‘ends are visiting your area soon fo Jrenand learn about your local area Id visit? What's the best way to trai 6. Volunteers Needed! Weare the National Diabetes Organization and we are organizing a camp for diabetic children Weneed volunteers to work with us during the camp. Volunteers’ responsibilities will be: Teaching children about diabetes Playing games with them Also they should speak several languages as it’s an international camp Choose the correct variant A) A person is being looked for the best paid job. B) The diabetic children must speak two or more languages ©) Volunteers knowing several languages are needed to work with diabetic children. D) The Organization is going to organize a camp only for local children. E) Volunteers will teach children foreign languages as it’s an international camp 7. Dear Mary and John. This is a short note to thank you for the great time you have given me. Ihave seen so much of your lovely city, you have looked after me so well, but most of all you have made me become one of your family, With love to you both from your friend Greta Choose the correct variant. A) Greta was glad to be alone in a lovely city. B) Mary thanks Greta for her hospitality. ©) Mary and John had a great time at Greta’s. D) Greta thanked Mary and John for the best care. E) Mary expresses her gratitude to Greta for the wonderful time. i Read the passage and answer the questions 9 - 13, fowadays old people and their grandchildren usually li n liv t > too much, Some peste sey that it i natural, while Se ea aa Spend more together, In modern society there families leunder the sme et It god or bat? — senior but their parents usually work too much. 0! ded we somebody to take care of, They become 0% psychological health improves to kids. At the same tim t the false statement. a, choose (0 jmilies grandparents and grandchil In mo! grandchildren live under bya and young People can exchange ther life expenienen te SAM TOOL xd when children receive much attention from thei He together. ee th : DP Sowadays communication between old and young people ta ee pnsitalrea: Pe is mainly about 9:1) the relationships between different generations, ) old people's physical and psychological health, ¢) the disadvantages of living under the same roof pj how to use a mobile phone or a computer, 5) passing knowledge, experience and skills to kids, se the correct answer to the question accor assage Be tehlaren teach their Generar seine aoe Ghaldren can teach them 4) how to respect other people B) how to improve psychological health ) how to make conflict D) how to use a computer and a mobile phone B) how to improve knowledge and skills 11, Complete the sentence according to the passage. In modem families most people prefer ... 1. tollive under the same roof. 2, to communicate too little. spend much time together. 4. to live separately. 42,4 B)1,2 12, Which statements are true according to the passage? 1 Its easier for people to understand each other if they live together. 2. Some families live in small flats where there is no room for grandparents. 5. Today parents are able to pay much attention to their children. 4. Grandparents are eager to give their grandchildren love and support. Answer the questions from 13 to 25. 13. Choose the correct variant. Martin wanted to get ... information about the history of the castle. 3, several 4. alot of 1,2 D)2,4 1,4 Passive Voice iis li 3,4 D)1,3 E14 Choose the correct variant. 15, Che « we B) should eon it p) mustn't — FP) needn't A) rect variant. _.. first written in 1515. E) will 16. Choose the €0% re’s most famous art wo €) have been D) are rk, Utopia, Aywas _B) were 17. Choose the correct variant. , the children ... the forest. By the time the sun ... C) has left, will leave |A)had set, left _B) set, had left D) set, left F) sets, will leave 18. Choose the correct variant The telephone is at the center of innovative technologies .. information. A)who —_B) what ©) when D) that E) whose 19. Choose the correct variant. Welll face ... if we don't use the energy sources ... - 1, problems, carefully 2, famine, inaccurately 3. difficulties, properly 4. troubles, widely A)1,3 B)2,4 ©)1,2 D)2,3 E)1,4 20. Choose the antonym of the underlined word. Do most people take or ignore advice? A)keep B)help C) agree D)hold _ E) give 21. Choose the correct variant. New York Times is... internat ‘ tional daily n . A)_,an,the BY The, an, _ negra acti in D)_, an, _ E) The, ,_ ) The, a, the 22, Match the words to thei their definti 1. to strive ations, ~ ©o something ng children ... be to develop their self« . may alter fo Mdeng New York. be to develop their self-eg variant fb) needn't iden, en the whole idea of educa! children ne whole idea of educating r roe iden B mustn't 16. Choose the correct variant 2 ‘Thomas More’s most famous art pork, Utopta, «first written in 1515 B) will Aywas BY were 17, Choose the correct variant. the children ... the forest. ) has left, will leave ) have been D) are By the time the sun. ‘Ayhad set, left B) set, had left D) set, left £) sets, will leave 18. Choose the correct variant. ‘The telephone is at the center of inn information. Enyjerto) 1B) what: C) when, ovative technologies ... may alter forever how we re Tey D) that E) whose 19. Choose the correet variant. Well face .. ifrwe don't use the energy sources 1, problems, carefully 2. famine, inaccurately 3. difficulties, properly 4. troubles, widely A1,3 B24 C)1,2 D235 £)1,4 20. Choose the antonym of the underlined word. Do most people take or ignore advice? A) keep B)help C) agree D) hold E) give 21, Choose the correct variant. .o New York Times is... international da ee is 'y newspaper published in a a . New York. D)_,an,_ E) The, _,_ peu 9g. choose tP 1, What @) 2. How we 3. What w 4. How ay1,3 24. Choose ' are sig A) How 25. Choose 1. enbar 2. detive 3. share 4. conn 5. trans 26. Look ¢ at lea je the correct sentence, ieritee sl eae departmental A How well furnished apartment is! 3 What well furnished apartment is it! $:ow well furnished the apartment js! et o14 D)3,4 se the correct variant, 3. cho 24. Choos “are sign languages beautiful? ‘AyHow —B) Who C) Which D) What 95, Choose the correct pairs of synonyms, 1, enhance ~ increase 2, deliver ~ collect 3, share - divide 4, connect ~ disconnect 5. transmit - transfer 26, Look at at least 35 words. E)1,2 E) Why the pictures. Make up a story according to the pictures in the given order. Write Unit: s™ grade 6" grade 7” grade 8" grade 9" grade INSPIRE YOUR LIFE can answer questions on a reading passage ¢ p logically and grammatically correct sentences using the words content Can make uf tures (Introduction, main part, and conclusion) Divides the text into struct he listens to. Determine the main idea in the text he/s! Determine the logical order between the components the text Determines the main idea in the text. Express his/her ideas in the given topic in written form. Students do the exercises constantly due to the applications. Separates the content of the listened text into pieces: Students distinguish the words and word expressions according to their ‘grammatical and semantical characteristics. Students choose the main facts and events in the text and group them. Uses the punctuation marks in simple sentences. Expresses his.her attitude/opinions to the requests. Explains grammatical and semantical features of words and expressions. Writes sentences of various constructions correctly. @) Listening tasks Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-4, se the correct answer to the question according to th 10 the 1.0000 van unproductive activities affect a person's ifes can bring happiness and satisfaction ay They CAF jead to missed opportunities, Passage an eh ean increase productivity. oye ean reduce stress level Dy ff bave no impact on person's life, complet te sentence secoring tothe pastage pour personal lives, time spent with loved ones or having hobbies can bring us and missed opportunities _B) increased stress level ti! ; i i s levels fappiness and satisfaction a 4 unproductive activities ) negative thoughts 5. Whatis the passage mainly about? Wihevalue oftime 3) unprocluctive activities ¢)meeting deadlines D) achieving goals F) desired life-goals 4, Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. 4.1. Once time is lost, we can always get it back. AyTrue B) False 42, Productivity can be increased through effective time management A) True B) False 43. Itis necessary to organize our tasks in order to use time wisely. A) True B) False 44, [tis important to focus on activities that distract us from our goals. A) True B) False Read the short texts and answer the questions 5-7. . tis our first anniversary. We are celebrating the first year of bringing you unique, creative and fun products. Choose the correct variant. A)The shop starts selling creative products. ‘ B) New products will be sold in the shop after the anniversary: 0) The shop offering products, celebrates its anniversary D)The shop offers unique products to celebrate its anniversary. ) They celebrate their second anniversary in the shop. There clubs in Austratia and Igo to a surfing club oer esdays Eee peach and learn how to surf: Can you surf swith our exclusive sale campaign! Enjoy ex affordable price. Don't miss out on yp ‘unforgettable memories with us) amusement park? musement park Perea ruserertanment atc es ind friends to mak campaign at the Come and jain the fu 7 des, delicious food, bring vo Sees < ‘of the exclusive G} To reduce the number of rides available ce the park less exciting ” Tomas te ark more ard fr wstor® Read the passage and ‘ation is crucial for personal and professional growth. The + the opportunities we have for a better future ‘Knowledge and skills to succeed in thei, ‘answer the questions 8 to 12. It's a well-known fact that educ more time we spent on education, the greate Education provides individuals with the necessary chosen careers and in life. the benefita of education are numerous, It improves critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills. It also enhances creativity, communication, and cooperation Shills which are essential in today’s world. Furthermore, education creates opportunities for career advancement, higher salaries, and a better standard of living, Tnvesting time and effort into education will be beneficial in the long term. Those who focus on education and continue to learn throughout their lives, are more likely to achieve success and reach their full potential. Whether it’s getting a degree, attending workshops, or reading books, every effort towards education is a step towards a better future. i In conclusion, the time spent on education is never wasted, It's an investment in oneself that Bays vantage in personal growth and career advancement. So, make education a pronty ee Education gives us knowledge to be successful i B) Education is not a long-term investment. pa ‘C) Education creates opportunities for career advancement. eo = 3 iedicationlmpcoves aera ‘education. aoe! B) the time spent ‘ FJachicring eenctscducation —C) decision-making ski B 14.0 A) 15.¢ moaoUPeF 16. 17. jements are tre according to the passage> a Wie towards education is a waste of time and effort 1. dav gon improves problem-solving skills, 2, Baucal ng a degree can lead to a successful career, ficial for personal growth, & Baucation 18 bene Answer the questions from 13 to 25, noose the correct prepositions, se judge paid alot... attention ... the fact that the child was unhappy .. home. Bot oC) ith, at | “Dj sbout, ofc B) of, to, at 14 choose the synonym of the underlined word, thereis some evidence that longer class periods may be beneficial Aybarmful B) ordinary) useful D) inspiring B) reliable 15, Change the sentence into the Passive Voice ‘The police found no evidence to arrest the thief A)The evidence was found to arrest the thief. BB) No evidence is found to arrest the thief. (The police wasn't found the evidence to arrest the thief, Dj Any evidence isn't found to arrest the thief. B) No evidence was found to arrest the thief. 16. Choose the correct variant. You ... go to the hospital tomorrow or you will be much worse. A) must to C)ought Dj haveto BE) can't B) don't have to 17. Choose the correct variant. «« makes you change your lifestyle? 2.Who 3.What 4. Whose 5. Why B)1,3,5 02,4 D145 B12 be the correct variant. children were playing in the park when it ... to rain. ~ Bilik giymatlandirilir | marKezt - 2023 finitions. 20, Match the words to their defiitiaecept allow or officially agree to something 1, to suggest £. to give an idea to other people 2. to wind uP ¢. to end something . 3. to approve p)1-b;2-03-8 C)1-a2-¢53-b A) 1- a 2-bi B)1-c;2-b;3-a D)1-b;2-a3-¢ rect variant. 1 of computer keyboards in... America. ‘A)the, the B)-,- C)-,the —_D) the, - E)a,- 22. Choose the correct variant. Helen is the manager ... all her employees praised for her communication skills ‘A)whose B)what C)whom —-D) which_—E) why 23. Choose the correct variant. The scientist ... his theory, so he looks ... 1, proved, disappointed _2, failed in, satisfied 3. proved, proud 4. failed in, upset Ay1,2 B)2,3 O14 D) 3,4 E)1,3 24. Choose the correct variant. «of the students has ... own individual character. A)Bach, his B) Every, her) Each, it's) All, their 25. Choose the correct pairs of antonyms. 1. deny ~ confirm 3. commit ~ approve E) Both, them 2. convey = carry 4. emerge - disappear 26. Look at the pictures. M: y atleast 35 words, '* “WP ® 'OFY According to the pictures in the given order. Wit ee 76 a SPREADING NEWS Can answer questions on a reading pass ae 240 content, staes Can make up logically and grammatically correct sentences using the words no Divides the textinto structures (introduction main pa, and cndusion Paate Determine the main idea inthe text he/she listens to, Determine the logical order between the components the tox Determines the main idea inthe tet Express his/her ideas inthe given topic in writen form, Re. Students do the exercises constantly due to the applications Separates the content ofthe listened textinto pieces Students cstingush the words and word expression acording to their grammatical and semantical characterises, Students choose the main facts and events in the text and group them, Uses the punctuation mark in simple sentences, le Expresses his her attitude/opinions to the requests, Explains grammatical and semantical features of words and expressions. Writes sentences of various constructions correctly, @) Listening tasks Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-4. QEYD: Mitoafiq audiofayl : linking yerlasdirilmisdir. QR kodu skan etmakla mitvafig audiofayl yerlasdirilmis ‘shifaya birbasa keco bilarsiniz. ' Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passag What is the role of reading neverer aie a le to other people. .bulary skills. spot the whole wor sentence according t ispapers is already 2, Complete the ew ‘A good habit of reading N° {A) related only to entertainment B) useless in the whole world ) a part of the modern fe 1B) not beneficial for improving yout knowledge B) the way of helping other people +3, What is the passage mainly about? IA) the benefits of reading newspapers B) a great sense of educational value ©) how to relate to other people D) the habit of talking about current B) the ways of learning about your county 4, Decide whether the statements are TRUE or 4.1. Reading daily newspapers, we gain nece: FALSE. ssary skills A) True 'B) False Ayre Peet cary toiniorm people of what is happening in the world today, A) True B) False 4.3. People can enhance their knowledge by reading daily newspapers. A) True B) False 4.4. The main role of newspapers is carrying the news of the world. B) False A) True Read the short texts and answer questions 5-7. 5. Fitness Summer Camp ‘Do you need to get fitin a short periad of time? Do you have the experience of exercising but ‘want to learn even more? Come and join our fitness summer ar ss summer camp. It will be a great experience ar me focng in ever and knowing much more about healthy lifestules Pioripailesliived is ‘coming to the Fitness summer camp. jtness Summer Camp and take the adv: come ; n antage of it. ae, ee hie ae. es work in the camp as an experienced employee. ye! assistants wanted M ooking for someone in August 10 assist our Kfeguards, pro ea ties and observe swimmers, Write tothe Lifeguard Mean ge esi during ence and qualifications are and stating the reasons why you ite suri oat Our erage correct varia eos uaifcations nor experience is required A) Neompetent swimmer and a skilful observer is needed 8) Pye manager tries to let people know about the beach activities One rd Manager is looking for a person to replace him, he Lie need to state the reasons p) There is no nes ‘easons why applicants consider themselves suitable for the job Read the passage and answer questions 8 to 12, ssion today has become an integral part of every ho levi So ee a pet eee communication. It provides both sound and picture at the same time. Television ‘an important place in our life. Millions of people all over the world watch television for entertainment, news and views, gathering knowledge, knowing information etc Nowadays it is very popular to all classes of people. % Mass communication has become an essential ingredient in the modern dynamic society. ‘the current TV has become even much more efficient as a result of the ability to broadcast information to all corners of the planet. This ensures that news reaches people in real time. 7V presents educational programmes for the watchers who benefit from these programmes. Chidren can learn important values about themselves and life from various programmes. Television also allows individuals to learn various cultures as it employs people from iierent cultures within their programmes, Due to the modern technology even rural ‘anilies have access to television. 8 Choose the false statement. A) Entertainment programmmes dominate on television. By Television is watched by millions of people today. (0) Watching TV, children can enrich their outlook. D)Today people can easily get any information about the world. £) The role of television in people's life is great. S What is the passage mainly about? 1 improve children’s life in today’s world. fention that can fulfil everybody's need in society: technologies and their advantages. of people all over the world. forelg individually. oa Bilik qiymatiandirilir > EE: \ sl . ke i e passage. ete the sentence according 1° the passags 11. Comp! ‘Due to modern technology «- ed in far and near areas more programmes ple in full time ication E) 1,3 1. TV can be watch 2 it is impossible to watch 3. all the news is delivered to peol 3 BV has become only the source of ed! Ay1,4 B) 2,4 ci,2 D34 12. Which statements are true according to 1. One of the most important inventions of the world is TV. 2. eis impossible to supply picture and sound at the same time. 3. People of different cultures appear within programmi*™ + Therele of mass communication in the modern society is not felt. ‘Answer the questions from 13 to 25. with the noun in the Possessive Case. sumers of chocolate. ach them. the passage? 13, Choose the correct sentence 'A) The Swiss are the world’s largest cons' B) Yesterdays’ storm was too strong for any boat to appro: ) The childrens’ party was cancelled because so many were on holiday. D) These princess’ diamonds were worth five million pounds. E) Both boy's toys have been broken by their friends. 14. Choose the correct variant. The Ivory Coast is... independent republic which lies on... Gulf of Guinea. Ajathe B)a,- ° D)an, the —_E) -, the 15. Choose the correct variant. You have made ... progress in this field since last year. Ajafew B)much —C)onlly little. _D) many E) alot 16. Choose the correct variant. A large part of public services ... provided locally. Ajare B) have been C) will Djis E) 17. Choose the correct variant. ig ole experience for me to go to Africa. pects B) much exciting ©) z exciting E) amuch exciting ESXi) 18. Choose the correct variant, Ana./her German relatives ives before she ... to Brazil, A) visited, had gone D) will B) visits, will paree pas Visited, had gone ©) had visited, went words to their definitions, @ a large, notice: b eable degree . poet, 1, useful or goes, syeeees WELL | AX SINIT —_— 30, Choose the antonym of the underlined word The workers accomplished the task in less than ten minutes Ajappreciated —-B) gaveup —Chrealized —_D) verified _E) succeed ive Voice. 21. Change the sentence into the Pa: We had visited the Grand Canyon by the time we left the United States. A) The Grand Canyon has been visited by the time we left the United States. B) The Grand Canyon was visited by the time we left the United States. ¢) The Grand Canyon had been visited by the time we left the United States. D) The Grand Canyon is visited by the time we left the United States. E) The Grand Canyon was been visited before we left the United States. 22. Choose the correct variant People ... to sign various documents before they start new work Ajhad BB) can C) should ——_D) have E) must 23. Choose the correct variant. The old man wanted the boy ... him cross the way. A)tohelp B)helping C) helped —_D) help E) has helped 24. Choose the correct variant. . causes social problems in the world? A)Why —_B) When C) Which. D) What E) How 25. Choose the correct variants. Jane's father's poor health ... her alot. 1. concerns 2. inspires 26. Look at the pictures. Make up a story according to the pictures in the given order. Write at least 35 words. 3. troubles 4, abuses Ss grade 6" grade 7” grade 8" grade 9" grade VALUES Can answer questions on a reading passage content. Can make up logically and grammatically correct sentences using the words. Divides the text into structures (introduction, main part, and conclusion) Determine the main idea in the text he/she listens to. Determine the logical order between the components the text. Determines the main idea in the text. Express his/her ideas in the given topic in written form. Students do the exercises constantly due to the applications. Separates the content of the listened text into pieces. Students distinguish the words and word expressions according to their grammatical and semantical characteristics. ‘Students choose the main facts and events in the text and group them. Uses the punctuation marks in simple sentences. Expresses his.her attitude/opinions to the requests. Explains grammatical and semantical features of words and expressions. Writes sentences of various constructions correctly. /mp3/english_9_2023/9_unit_6.mp3 2 1 What is the passage mainly about? ‘A) sweet memories B) hardships and failure C) life without friend p)the value of friendship —_F) patience and understanding 2, Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage Why do people need a true friend? 1, to leave alone each other 2, to support each other 3, to share everything together 4. to hurt each other Al,2 B)2,3 ©) 2,4 D)1,3 £)3,4 3, Complete the sentence according to the passage. Honesty is the key factor A) to maintain the friendship B) to be impatient C) to share sadness D) to misunderstand each other £) to disturb each other 4. Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. 4.1. Friendship is an important thing for a happy life. A) True B) False 4.2. Chatting with a friend takes out your problems. A) True B) False 4.3. A real friend always leaves you during happiness and failure. A)True B) False 4.4. A true friend always wants you to be sad. A) True B) False Read short texts and answer the questions 5-7. 5. MrBrown works in an organization which wants to make people’s life better. They help ‘people who are poor, hungry, in natural disasters or in trouble, They need people who want to work with them as volunteers. Proereetectariaa 1 organization wants to raise money { poor. needed to work at the organization as a volunteer. a 5 ape, age 15-19 10 worm as waters 3 looking for yound PEP” 1 dood with people. bee Sepals 9 for Hye responsible, good with peop their ca) ant i Choose the correct vari 3 sible young, peop! cn ge Ca Oe cafes e for B) A ot of young pore or Sesto have worked as Waiters before ) Beach Side Cafe pee Ie work at Beach Side Cafe 1D) Young people are [0% ‘ le very well. 5 The young who work at café, behave PeoP Read the passage and answer the questions 8-12. 5 rte “noo i » and importance of being a truthful 14.6 ‘ the best policy” means the value and ip | ro is Free y univcrsolly accepted sayings. Honesty is the most appreciated character yape that a person can have. We learn to be honest by watching parents, teachers ang jn people around us. A) 12 ‘i s S ith. If people Every human being must learn to be honest. Honesty means truth. If people want w 3, honest, they must lea to speak the truth in life. Moreover, a person will develop a 15. Char moral character, leam good behavior, maintain to control behaviour, follow the rules inteligenty You c Honesty helps in the development of moral strong characters. If you are honest, you yz A) Je ‘not be afraid of anything. The health will improve, and the mind will be at peace. The perso, C) Je ae Person ) ‘will complete all tasks on the correct time. An honest person will avoid lying, stealing ang E) Je other dishonest acts. Speaking the truth needs a lot of courage. Honesty is the sin q De 1 10 strength and gives us long term of benefits, but dishonesty is the sign of cowardliness. 8, Choose the false statement. 1, Honest people always have feeling of feat. 2. Ifyou are honest, your health will be better. 3. Honest people avoid telling a lie. 4. Ifyou are honest, people never trust you. Pe Eee C4 Dp 2,3 E)1,3 2 rae the assess about? rl B) completing tasks : i as : D)improving health _£) developing moral characte) ie Meaning of truth 10. Choose the correct answer to the questi What does honesty develope“ *4°P According to the passage. A)aweak behaviour B) a strong i ©) a weak will D) telling i ) doing things on the incorrect i theit Denetits Answer the question from 19 ¢, 0 25, nine words (0 their definitions, t ot Bironoyicumepere ee a, bs the belief that someone is good «7208, bY somebody Pe ¢. the ability to stay calm ‘and honest and will not harm p,2-a, 3 Byte, oe arpa BL, as pose tne correct variant ri neo" has got ... motivation, he or she will soon make progr ess. g.much 3. little 4. \ saty alotof 5, lotso! 128 B) 3,4 0) 3,4,5 D) 1,2,3 E) aae ssciange the sentence into the Passive Voie Youean wear jeans in this office. Jeans are worn. in this office. B) Jeans can be wear in this Avcans can be worn in this office. 1D) Jeans can worn in this, obs p).Jeans were worn in this office 6 Choose the correct modal verb. Ju. promise anything, but Pl do what lean. Neat -B) can ©) am able to D) will be able EB) was able 17, Choose the correct tense form. We... the local events, when the teacher ... the classroom. A)had discussed, enters B) were discussing, entered D) discuss, had entered C) have discussed, entered Ej were discussing, enters 18. Choose the correct conjunction word. His best movie ... won several awards, was about the life of a famous actress. A)who B) whom C) which D) when E) where '9. Choose the correct variant. There ... alot of gold rings in this shop. ‘ 5, was 4, will D234 148 22. Choose the correct variant. 9, that boy's dream 4. this deer’s tracks 1 ths nets eam that woman's NES, He 5 5) 1,4,5 4) ta3 2245 0) 3.45 D) 13,4 3, Choose the correct variant My sisters... today, because she has @ prize. 1. joyful, won —_2. sad, lost 3, upset, won 4 ae ne A12 B)1,3 c)3,4 p14 ) 24, Choose the correct variant. This girl is afraid of ... in the dark. A)to walk — B) to walking ©) walking D) is walking E) walked 25. Choose the correct pairs of antonyms. 1. rightful - wrong 2. essential ~ necessary 4. to respond - to reply _ 5. essential - unimportant 3. to spread ~ to broaden e given order. Write 26. Look at the pictures. Make up a story accord pi ccordin e ng to the pictures in the SUMMATIVE TASKS FOR THE SECOND HALF-YEAR (UNITS 4-6) @) Listening tasks Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-4, QEYD: Mitvafiq audiojiay! linkina yerlosdirilmisdir. QR kodu skan etmakla mitvafiq audiofayl yerlasdirilmis sohifaya birbasa keca bilarsiniz What is the passage mainly about? A) respect and hospitality B) the hospitality of the nobleman C) a great poet D) the food for a great poet E) the court of the king Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage. What did Saadi decide to do? A) to teach a lesson to the nobleman B) to offer the nobleman delicious food C) to put on a lovely suit D) to spend a night at nobleman’s house E) to go to the court of the king s Complete the sentence according to the passage. The nobleman behaved Sheikh Saadi simply, as - A) the poet put on an attractive suit Sadi was a great poet for the nobleman 5 knew Sheikh Sadi pete gan ou that, we have orga rm you On this festival on the nize a technical festival shnical festit UL. ate about the technical festival ne “or participating in the festival fe of the technical festival a f. vone t0 OT to attend a tec tng to recommend you MrSmith. He wae working with this perld he proved his ability. [have always valued his good qualitie {find Mr Smith easy to work. Choose the correct variant. A) Mr. Red agreed to work with Mr Smith. © Mr. Smith was offered as a good worker. 5) Mr. Red refused to work with Mr. Smith. . Hi, everyone! You know, we are always improvin He g our services. For this reason, we y Hau can weimprove our senices? Please, reply this question! eaten OE A) The wish of the company i ist B) The company looks ee ee Atari seca, ec the services, OE could make their services better. wveryone could help them to ache them to improve their servic suggested different meth Se ethods on this challenge. Read the B) Mr Red valued Mr Smith’ D) Mr-Red approved the qualities ets Mr Sig

? pavront vari in eapy then ohoone tt hr ee : ihe aan! Aw 1) ake! 6) notieed =D) aA 0, Chore the earree es onjunetive ware The mans. Let at the atpor! waa Very ibe i whieh 2. whore 3 whe d aM e345 DD a9 Ah? BAS 91. Choose the correct fense fF many Lalande les af GAY Wy) pnsle 6, ed W144 4, isn, Bismapyrg I the level af the sea Lorine, will disappear — 2, Fase, disappem 3, vines, wih Ainppen? Aaa WA oa a4 W) 1,4 22, Choose the antonym of the underlined word Pruit juice oan be harmful to children’s feet A)dangerons —-B) dreadful) benefivial 1D) uselews — ©) agrniighe 29, Choose the correct interrogative word ox Was this poem written by? ©) Which D) Whose B) Mow A) When 8) Who 24, Choose the correet variant The ss thing is being ,.. to change everything, 1, worst, helpless. Ala BAS 2, best, helpful 1,2 D)3,4 25, Choose the correct pairs of synonyms, 1, prohibit ~ forbid 4, improvement ~ destruction ok at the pic thor ae Make up a story according to the pictures in the given order wee 3, worst, helptal 2, publish ~ produce 5, relinble = trusted 4.4 rs W) 2,4 serene 3, eesbhich ~ destsyy aNGUAGE variant A rect variant. seer, progragames i English 2, anew job abroad 3. geod information era 5 informat ee B25 O14 DLs £3.45 2, Which of the following are correct? 1. an important teleconferences 2. quite modern broadcasts 3. the only opportunity 4, a good progress 5. difficult language A)2,4 B)1,5 C)1,2 D3,4 — £) 2,3 the world. Lsome 2. several 3. allittle 4-litde 5. afew A125 B45 its D234 £3.45 the 6, Choose the correct forms = Would you like ... f; Yes, | even want .. A) to speak, to take Beee ©) speak, take D) to mea B) speaking, taking 7. Choose the correct preposi tio both sentences, mdr 1, We often watch foreign films. ie original. z io 2, Jane has made great progress ian learning Spanish. vi Ajin B) with Cat als D) to E) on D)2,! 8. Which interrogative sentences are correct? 1. Who didn’t spoke French fluent? 2. Who can speak French fluently? 3. Who can't speak French fluent? 4. Who does speak French fluent)? 5. Who speaks French fluently? e 9. Which of the given words are clostit meaning? 1. modern 2. contemporary 3. widespread 4. mysterious 5. major 10. Match the words to their definite 1. to attach 2. to broadcast 3. to confirm . to find a mistake in something qouns in the Possessive Case a 7 ernational telephone call was srs pret Lee Whites 3 my fiends tbe White's ite’s sien B)3,5 ©) 1,2,5 Bits 2 8)314 wnich of the following are correct? 2 Wilsons’ computer 2 the Wilsons’ computer 3, language barrier 4} language barriers 5, a language barrier aus. 3145 D245 81,5 C) 2,3 4. Which of the following are correct? _. ofthese teenagers study in a private school 1. Some 2. Somebody 3. One 4. All 5. Bvery 42,5 B)2,3 03,5 £)1,4 c)4,5 * Choose the correct variant. There are ... French words in the English language. Antile 8) little O)many Djalot much ©. Choose the co; rect fo Mr. Ford made his acne mee opportunity ... a A) to lool Yo ganesh outside the class B) to look, usis ©) ook, use D) look, to use E) looking, to use 7. Choose the correct both sentences, Aiea 1. Diplomats use English as a means ... communication, 2. English is an official language ... more than 60 countries. A) into. B) on ©) at. D) of E) with 8. Which interrogative sentences are correct? 1. What the article deals with? 2. What does the article deal with? 3, What do the articles deal with? 4. What the article deal with? 5. What problems does this article deal with? 9. Which of the given words are close in meaning? 1. to attach 2, to add 3, to confirm 4. to dispatch 5, to belong 10. Match the words to their definitions. 1, a barrier 2, amyth 3. a diplomat a. an official repres ting a country pilikiqiymationairnr Choose the correct forms of th, Lots of people begin ... English, gy 0th yee difficult to define the exact numb! ‘ Je... it. ol mmpound nouns: peop! be Ii chwose te ce toothpaste A) speaking, jspete ing, prea cea ete pape sai B) gymnasium, exp een €) barsier, identity, ae a cee D) sightseeing, textbool F) anniversary, conference, tr B) speak, to speak adition 7. Choose the correct preposition for both sentences. 1, Whistling is a ws 2, Which of the following are correct? 1. an European country y of communicating i forum ¥ c era acc rite veal West Agia 4. global language sett : NBs Bhs C)24 2. 'm pleased ... my new job abroad, Dis 3,4 Ato —-B)of C)- D)with —_£) from 3, Which pronouns are correct? , They gave ... the opportunity to watch a 8, Which interrogative sentences are foreign film. correct? lus 1. By whom a language barrier was 2. his ‘experienced? oe 2. Who a language barrier was . = experienced by? if 3. Who experienced a language barrier? 8. BS 9.0)20.3118 4. Who was a language barrier D)1,3,4 £) 2,3 experienced by? 4. Which words can be used in the given 5. Who was experienced a language evteier barrier? .. circumstances didn’t permit me to make an international phone call. 9. Which of the given words are 1. Too many synonymous with each other? 2. Many 1. to focus 3. Much 2. to concentrate 4. Alittle 3, to contribute i A Ae 4. to confirm i 14 B)2,3 i iBiels ) 3,5 5. to take risks 10. Match the words with close meanits® L.widespread a. major 2. important b, equal 3. attractive c, charming d. mutual e. global ne correct variant, in learning French. ‘ollowing are correct? 4 sich te with friends 1 a find a job in abroad ; focontribute in a project 4. to confirm something 1,2 aos gia pis 12,3 e ¥ 4, Which pronouns are correct? rules. 1, Bach 2. Bvery 3, Both 4, Somebody 5.All AL2 B)2,3 045 D)1,4 22,5 4 Choose the correct variant. Haven't you got ... time to listen to ish programmes? 5, were the correct tense forms. sail our work and now we ... to 4n English film in the original. done, want __ student should focus on the grammar 6. Which of the fo oe Correct? Mr. Fisher , 1. Wanted, read 2. asked, to read 3. let, to read 4. made, read A) 2,4 B)1,4 5 D143 B23 et . Choose the correct preposition for both sentences, 1, Lattend courses students, 2. You should look up... the unknown words in a dictionary, A) with B) at C) for D) in E) on intermediate 8. Which interrogative sentences are correct? 1, Which radio stations broadcast in English? 2. How many radio stations do broadcast in English? 3. Do these radio stations broadcast in English? 4, Which radio stations do broadcast in English? 5. Which of these radio stations broadeast{(s) in English? 9. Which pairs are synonyms? 1, to adopt - to receive 2. a barrier - an obstacle 3. to share - to grow 4, to converse ~ to overcome the words with close meanings. 10. Match 1, opportunity a. coast A a b, chance ‘ ©, approve 3, confirm Teranuage barrier between nation: have worked out an automatic tohich can solve this problem. Its “memory is filed with a two-language dictionary and it is able to read one language and type in ‘another. Of course, such translators are not ‘$0 good as human translators, but they help us greatly in our work, studies and ‘communication. ic translator 1. The passage is mainly about ... A) how to improve your memory B) mastering foreign languages ©) publishing a book D) solving the problem of the language barrier ) human translators 2. Choose the correct variant. 1. Scientists have solved the problems of >, in language bare, o ee : ee tnt iter from ‘two-language dicti Ape ripeateee ee ere cute 4, Which question has no ans passage? A) Why was an autom: invented? B) What can an automatic tr C) What does the “memory* aaa ap automatic translator consist D) Which translators are better,” automatic or human? E) When was an automatic tran, invented? a "WET in th Ati trangaty Which word in the passage has the meaning, “to find a way of dealing wig, problem”? a A) publish B) break down ¢) fill D) solve E) type a FAMILY veriant a the correct variant. 1, choose were given ... different rights by Ceconrention on the Rights of the Child B) alot ch he D) many pjalitde 1 choose the correct variant, To tucky to have ... part-time job and get. money fa. Bythe,a —C)-, the pjaa El - 4 Choose the correct pronouns. child must be protected from ... cruelty. A) Some B) Every ()Somebody _D) Everybody B) Both 4. Choose the correct degrees of the adjectives. Our life is ... nowadays, it’s ... than it was not long ago. A) more stressful, much stressful B) much stressful, stressful O stressful, more stressful D) amore stressful, stressful B astressful, much more stressful ‘Which of the following tense forms are correct? 's Day ... in 1925, and now AY countries .. it Byhng Poclaimed, are celebrated been proclaimed, celebrate : will celebrate celebrated ©. Choose the correct variant, Schools should develop skills and prepare them A) -, for B) at, with C)-, at D) for, to F) in, for children’s adult life 7. Choose the line of compound nouns. A) baseball, generation, bathroom B) grandparents, sickness, treasure C) specialist, neighbourhood, activity D) headline, newsreader, grandchildren E) motorbike, teenager, environment 8. Choose the correct modal verbs. ‘The Government ... provide children with. medical care and children ... have access to information concerning their life. 1. mustn't, shouldn't 2, must, ought to 3. ought to, must 4, must, should 5, ought, should 0, Choose the antonyms to the word “to forbid”. 1. to prohibit 2. to protect 3. to allow 4, to permit 5, to develop 10. Match the words with close meanings. 1. to protect 10 develop 2. to join b.torelax , to connec 3.tosupply © a 1,3 pL,25 E34 the correct variant, a Chece children ... right ‘The Convention gives. to... life and protection. 8) the, -, the 3, Choose the correct pronouns. «children are protected from dangerous work which can harm ... health. A) Every, they B) All, their ©) Each, their D) All, they B) Every, their 4 Choose the correct vartant, ‘eae LYS short of time, you lifestyle” @RBeS in your Ajalot B) much = Dalitue 6. Choose the correct Ifyou are old enough, Pty responsible ... what yao toy A) at B) in 3) eit sa D)on — E) for . 7. Choose the correct varign specialists think that yout should be given ... freedgs! Pe A) more B) many C) afew D) a lot B) few 8. Which interrogative senten, correct? 1. What rights does the Convento, proclaim? 2. How much rights does the Cony, proclaim? : Ce an es the Convention proclaim children’s rights? 5. What rights the Convention proclaims? 9. Which pairs are antonyms? 1, violence - kindness 2. harm — damage 3. sickness ~ health 4. rule ~ govern 5. expense - fee 10. Match the words to their demi” 1. subculture 2. ban 3. approach @. an official prohibition a b. movement nearer to somebol! somethi ©. a feeling of pleasure _ jg 007 d wap of people having th = varia! cho! 3. th 2.8 3. 5° 4, te a) 1 p)} alondicme taps tat correct variant, the noose © utes’ lunchtime 1 tty ae ‘demonstration 2.00 ‘nildrens’ activities 3 some“ rs’ medical care arenes 13 C13. 4 pose the correct variant. Piienyears time hundred peace-loving countries 7 gorld’s population vid B46) 23 pi2 B24 3 Choose the correct variant. Doappliances make our life ...? 4)much complicated B)acomplicated C)less complicated Dja more complicated Bjaless complicated 4 Choose the correct pronoun. ifyour children can’t give up bad habits «You should help them. A\yourselves B) yourself Qthemselves _‘D) ourselves 2) himself 5 Choose the correct tense form. Our life will be even more stressful if we --t0 slow down. Crnteam B) shan’t learn have learned) don't learn 4) willlearn ‘Choose the correct preposition for the given sentences. Scientist is obsessed ... the idea of a 7. Which quantifiers given sentence? The UN is going to adopt . Gare correct for the Tee Projects on. palieynPlementation of "peace-loving 1. much 2. many 3.alot 4, alittle 5. several A)2,5 B)1,5 €)3,4 D)2,4-£E) 1,3 8. Which interrogative sentences are correct? When did the UN adopt the Convention on the Rights of the Child? 2. When the UN adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child? When was the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted? . Why did the UN adopt the Convention on the Rights of the Child? 5. When the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted? iS > 9. Which pairs are synonyms? 1. gang ~ band 2. rule - manage 3. create - reduce 4, interfere - proclaim 5, realize - respect 10, Match the words with the same meanings. s 1. clever a. wise 2, miserable. Soe angelic c icy 4. peaceful e, holy variant D ariant. s.choose the correct °CTT" me in theit id ys people sper Ne of traffic jams. 1, too much 2, afew 3, too little ae 5, alot 15 B)2,3 @)ihe) D)4,5 53,4 2. Choose the correct variant. government should create ... sport clubs for ... young people. A) The, a, the B) The, -, - OA-a D) Ava, the E) -, the, the 3. Choose the correct variant. ‘Though we have a lot of machines saving our time, our life doesn't become ... than earlier. A) much relaxed B) a more relaxed C) the most relaxed D) relaxed E) more relaxed 4. Choose the correct pronoun for both ‘ misunderstanding between, People, ~- of You should be avoid conflicts, . ive to of B) everyone Glevery annem? EES" a 6. Choose the correct prepositig, both sentences. for 1. [don't like people to interfere private life + Ry 2, Children mustn't be treated A) of B) at CO) 4 D)about —_—E) with 7, Choose the correct variant, We are against ... expenses, 1. too many 2, very much 3. alittle 4. a lot of A)2,4 B) 1,2 ©)3,4 D) 1, 4 E) 2,3 8. Which interrogative sentences are correctP 1. When will be given all children good medical care? 2. When will all children be given good medical care? 3. When will good medical care be given to all children? 4. When all children will be given good medical care? - When good medical care will be give to all children? - Which pairs are synonyms? 1. proclaim ~ declare 2. simple ~ complicated 8. slow down ~ delay 4. chop off - lean $. ruin ~ rule

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