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pOviaT IMTAHAN MARKOZi - 20: silik givmetiandinillr = Unit: LANGUAGE Can answer questions on a reading passage content. Can make up logically and grammatically correct sentences using the words, Divides the text into structures (introduction, main part, and conclusion). Determine the main idea in the text he/she listens to. Determine the logical order between the components the text. a Determines the main idea in the text. Express his/her ideas in the given topic in written form. Students do the exercises constantly due to the applications. ‘Separates the content of the listened text into pieces. Students distinguish the words and word expressions according to their grammatical and semantical characteristics. S™ grade 6 grade 7 grade 8" grade Students choose the main facts and events in the text and group them. Uses the punctuation marks in simple sentences. Expresses his.her attitude/opinions to the requests. Explains grammatical and semantical features of words and expressions. s Writes sentences of various constructions correctly. @) Listening tasks 9" grade Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-4, QEYD: Mitvafiq audiofay! 9 2023/9_unit_1.mp3 ei, ae aoe | _Tinkinia yerlasdivilmiigdir. Kodi skan etmakla mitoafig audiofay i s iyl yerlasitrilm 2 birbasa keca bilarsiniz, : i question according to the assape w it does every language reflect? : e 2, What is the passage mainly about? ‘A) world languages C) the alphabet of each language B) the dead languages B) the same languages of the woria >) (¢ Jansuage of travel 3, Complete the sentence according to the pa: People can solve a A) the problems of dead languages C) different economic and political problems. f) the identical economic problems. B) the problems of alphabets and rules. D) the political problems 2000 years ago | 4, Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. 4,1, The languages which are spoken nowadays are alive. A) True B) False 4,2, All the languages in the world are the same. A) True B) False 4.3, People communicate with each other through alphabets. A)True B) False 3 4.4. Today English is a global language of travel, business, culture ete. A) True B) False Read the short texts and answer questions 5-7. 5. You're in a library. Everybody, including yourself, is trying to work. A man in the comer is shouting and laughing, even though there is a “Quiet Please” sign on the wall. Choose the correct variant. A) Aman in the corner is trying to keep calm. : B) There is no warning sign on the wall of the library. ©) The man in the library doesn’t follow the “Quiet Please” sign on the wall. D) Everybody in the library is trying te make much noise. 5) The man continues shouting and laughing because nobody wants to keep quiet. ‘The language center provides professional, general and business language learning options in 10 languages. It also provides translation services. Choose the correct variant. 6 t A)‘The language center offers both teaching and translating services. B) Only teaching languages are offered in the language center C) Only translating services in 10 languages are offered by the language centre. _D) The language center offers neither translating nor Jearning options. 'E) Only general language learning options in 10 languages are P . acing and listening passages which you have sent. 7 Dear John, Lam. grateful to yout for the re h you ha They a de in our courses next semester. I deeply appreciate your kind assistance. ‘send Ann reading and listening passages. te help. grateful to Ann for het BPP hich John sent were useless, les Were compiled and grammatical ee and magazines began to appear in the 19% cepts steatite works, textbooks, ek ijani language was published by Hasan bey Zadabi in Bate eee OPeT Akinchi’ in etalt that time foreigners displayed a great interest in this ta Bg oe 1877 Started learning it. Among them were Russian poets Lermontoy ant bese ne montov even translated the Azerbaijani fairy tale “Ashiq Qari’ into Ruane Mes 8. Choose the false statement according to the passage. A) Not any Azerbaijani fairy tales were translated into the foreign language. B) The Azerbaijani language possesses rich literary traditions. C) The appearance of newspapers and magazines dates back to the nineteenth century, D) Lermontov, who translated “Ashiq Qarib”, was Russian. E) Bestuzhev-Marlinski was interested in learning Azerbaijani, 9, What is the passage mainly about? ‘A) the languages in the Turkic language family B) the Turkic language family C) the language used only in scientific works D) the newspaper in the Azerbaijani language _£) the language with rich literary traditions jose the correct answer to the question. Pcie the jani language first used? é aes > inofficialdocuments 3. in the dictionaries i ic poetry Se Das E345 used to ¢! wnaries and to do research. ‘never used in publishing newspapers. cted foreigners’ attention. in official documents. cia DLs Hse i ? are true according to the passage elated to Turkic language family. 15. 16 Y Answer the questions from 13 to 25. 13, Choose the correct variant, _amakes his or her own decisions. ayEvery B) Some C) Everyone D)Something —_E) No 44. Choose the correct variant j _. students are going to study ... English five hours a day. A)The, B)The, the C) A, an D) _, the E) The, an 15, Choose the correct variant. ‘There is... at the door. Can you go and open it? ‘A)no B)nobody C) anything —D) some __E) somebody 16. Choose the correct variant. Andrew Camegie was born in... Scotland in ... 1835. A)_,— B)the,an C)the,the Djthe, = EJ a, the shoose the correct variant, ‘Some people like strong tea, ... others don’t. Bee C) because Djso Bit B) enough big C) big too —_—D) too bigger _E) too much big it is cold outside. 3.60 4. but 03,4 D) 1,2 2,4 C)much ——-D) toomuch _—E) very €)toconvey D)toconfirm _) to assume eee people and events , or of being known DOVLAT IMTAHAN MaRKazi - 2023 Bilik qiymatlandltrlir 23. Choose the antonyms of the underlined word Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure. l.approved 2. rejected 3. verified 4. refused A) 2,3 B) 1,3 1,2 D) 2,4 £) 3,4 24. Choose the line of derivative nouns. A) diplomacy, existence, hesitation B) shadow, development, power €) effort, innovation, rainfall D) decree, applicant, earthquake E) advertisement, oilfield, success 25. Choose the synonyms of the underlined word. The two situations are quite different. Lentirely 2.too 3. completely 4. obviously 06. Look at the pictures, Make up a story according to the pictures in the given order. Write at least 35 words. sex ‘Qiymetlondirms tapsinqlant fae : ig INGILS Diti | 1X sinif y Unit: FAMILY sh grade Can answer questions on a reading passage content. Can make up logically and grammatically correct sentences using the words. Gh grade Divides the text into structures (introduction, main part, and conclusion}. 7" grade Determine the main idea in the text he/she listens to. Determine the logical order between the components the text. Determines the main idea in the text. Express his/her ideas in the given topic in written form. 8" grade Students do the exercises constantly due to the applications. Separates the content of the listened text into pieces. Students distinguish the words and word expressions according to their grammatical and semantical characteristics. Students choose the main facts and events in the text and group them. Uses the punctuation marks in simple sentences. 9! grade Expresses his.her attitude/opinions to the requests. Explains grammatical and semantical features of words and expressions. Writes sentences of various constructions correctly. © Listening tasks \ Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-4. QEYD: Mitvafiq audiofayl 4 2023/9_unit_2.mp3 linkina yerlasdirilmisair. QR kodu skan etmakla mitoafig auciofay! yerlasdirilmis schifaya birbasa keca bilarsiniz. 1, The passage is mainly about ... . A) the benefits of large families B) children’s education C) financial problems D) the advantages of small families E) the lack of love and attention 2. Complete the sentence according to the passage. In the past the family had tess money but family members ... 1. formed a stronger relationship 2. were miserable 3. supported and helped each other, 4. were never happy. A1,2 B13). C4 D)3,4 E)2,4 3. Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage. What was the major benefit of having a big family? 1. Parents in big families treated their children equally. 2. People shared their problems with each other 3. Family members never solved the problems together. 4. The family often lived in poverty. A) 3,4 B) 2,3 o1.4 D)1,2 E) 2,4 4. Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. 4.1. Both parents in big families had an opportunity to work and earn their living. A) True B) False 4.2. Though the family lived a hard life, its members could form a strong relationship. A) True B) False 4.3. People were miserable when they were surrounded by their relatives. A) True B) False 4.4. In big families children learned to live in a community where every member was equal. A) True B) False Read the short texts and answer questions 5-7. 5. “Delays and cancellations are possible because of snow. Please check timetable for updates to your service.”. The notice tells passengers that... : A) train services may change. B) the next train is delayed C) it will snow soon. D) all the trains have been cancelled. F) there won't be any cancellations. 6. “When ticket-office is closed, please use ticket machine. Passengers travelling without a ticket may receive a fine. sign tells sengers... 4 ae : "find the ticket office. B) to buy a ticket before travelling. C) that the ticket machine is not working. D) to travel without a ticket. ‘®) to buy a ticket only in the ticket office. ¢ Aiymetiondirma tapsinglari i a INGiLis Diti | x sinit Read the passage and answer questions from 8-12. A family occupies a unique position in our life and the society in which we live. It is a ol erent poems aa live together under the same roof. It consists of two or more individuals, Parents, grandparents and childré y bil et ee oa children who are linked by birth or blood. __ On the economic side, the family provides food, shelter, clothing, and physical security for ie ae or si non Bey. be too young or too old to provide for the basic necessities of life elves. social side, the family may te ili oe eis ea Chales ly may serve to promote order and stability ‘We learn how to socialize from our families and this develo i i e 2 pS our intellect. It provides emotional and psychological security, particularly through the warmth, love, and pone ene ae believe in us when the whole world doubts us. When we are iown and out of control, they are the first ones to cheer us up. It is a true blessing to has positive family by our side. . fee as Many studies show that people who live and stay with their families tend to be happier than the ones living alone. 8. Choose the false statement. A) To have a positive family beside us is a real blessing B) The family hardly ever provides food, shelter, clothing. ©) Socializing from our families develops our intellect. D) A family is mainly formed of parents, grandparents and children. 5) A family has a proper position in our life. 9. The passage is mainly about . A) aunique position B) physical security ©) basic necessities D) family members E) the definition of a family 10, Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage. What do many studies show? ‘A) People who live with their families are more fortunate B) People who live alone are happier Sae People ‘their es feel lucky. >) When’ eel out of control, family members avoid tb cheer us up. E) Families tend to be happier when they are isolated froth others. 11. Complete the sentence according to the passage. Our family members cheer us up when down and out of control ‘ __B) we feel much happier : C) we are in psychological security D) the whole world believes us » are provided with emotional support i i ? true according to the passage’ statements are ee ee tore, family isn't an advantage. ely in different houses. is sere: ho live separate! 3 = ole aoe Se wind stability within society as a whole and companionship. pOVLET IMTAHAN MORKAZI - 2023 = N Answer the questions from 13 to 25. 13. Choose the correct variant. Heis my friend's ... 1, cousin 2. uncle 3. niece 4, nephew _ 5: neighbour 6. aunt A) 13,56 B) 234 0) 1,2,4,5 D)2,3 E) 14,6 14. Choose the correct pronoun. Nancy liked the style of the dress, but she didn’t like ... colour. A) their B) her ©) hers Dj its E) his 15. Choose the line of countable nouns. $ A) fear, news, mistake B) farm, honey, meal C) branch, face, arrow D) tour, flour, ice E) dress, patience, luggage 16. Choose the correct variant. Twant to know the truth. You ... lie to me. 1. shouldn't 2. mustn't 3. can 4. have to 5. need A)1,2,5 B)2,4 C)3,4 D)1,2 £)1,3,5 17. Choose the correct. variant. Nothing could make Sarah... her mind. A) change B) to change C) changed D) changes E) changing 18. Choose the correct variant. Whereis the prize... your son got last month? 1. that 2. what 3. who a=, 5. which A135 B145 ©)3,4,5 D) 2,3 B) 1,2 19. Choose the correct tense form. Nick will inform me as soon as he ... some news. A) heard B) will hear C) hears D) won't hear —_F) had heard 20. Make up a sentence. 1. you 2, what 3. are documents _5. looking 6. for A) 2, 4,3, 1, 5,6 B) 4, 3, 1,5,6,2 C)2,1,3,5,6,4 D)6, 2, 1,3,5,4 E) 4,6, 2, 1,3, 5 1, Choose the correct variant. This exhibition will attract a tot of visitors. A) Alot of visitors are attracted. B) This exhibition will be attracted a lot of visitors. €) A lot of visitors would be attracted. _D) A lot of visitors have been attracted. F) A lot of visitors will be attracted. 2. Choose the correct prepositions. Nick’s visit ... London was unexpected. Ayat B)- Chon Djinto ~— Eto 23. Match the words wiht their definitions 1, silence a, the ability to do something well 2, skill b. complete lack of noise 3. sky ¢. the space above the earth b,2-a3-¢ B)1-a,2-b,3-c C)1-¢,2-b,3-a DD) 1-a,2 bE) 1-c2-a3-b - 4. Choose the antonyms to the word “poor”. : 2. wealthy 3. solid nniless 0) 3,4,5 D) 2,4 B12 .s. Make up a story according to the pictures in the given order. BAVA Boles pévLeT: imTAHAN MARKOZE - 2023 5s” grade 6" grade 7” grade 8" grade 9 grade pee 1. What is the passage mainly about? Boma mo pilikigiymiotianam, SOCIETY AND CHALLENGES Can answer questions on @ reading passage content. ally correct sentences using the words. can make up logically and grammatic roduction, main part, and conclusion). Divides the text into structures Determine the main idea in the text he/she listens to. Determine the logical order between the components the text. Determines the main idea in the text. Express his/her ideas in the given topic in written form. Students do the exercises constantly duc to the applications. Separates the content of the listened text into pieces. students distinguish the words and word expressions according to their ‘grammatical and semantical characteristics. Students choose the main facts and events in the text and group them. Uses the punctuation marks in simple sentences. Expresses his her attitude/opinions to the requests. Explains grammatical and semantical features of words and expressions. Writes sentences of various constructions correctly help poor children ©) how to raise money B) how to educate poor children poverty around the world D) charitable people's necessities Bu 2. Complete the sentence according to the passage. While donating... ‘A) you educate poor children B) you save all children in the world C) you encourage poor children. 1D) you encourage other people too B) you make children rich 3. Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage. What should we do for poor children to have better future? ‘A) Only small monthly donation makes their future better B) We should raise money or donate goods to charity. ) Not encouraging other people help them. _D) Clothes and food should improve thier future. __ E) Education is the only way to improve thier life. fest sxc Baste! Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. rc B) False here are hardly any poor children in the world. B) False -a little amount of money helps poor children. B) False re is only one way to help poor children. __-B) True Read the short texts and answer questions 5-8. n children living in poverty in India than the populations of the UK and ny pices children live without clean water. Millions of them never go to school. ’s poor are illiterate. orrect variant. for all Indian children. have clean water. oor children live in India. ‘children in India. able to participate in recreation activities. Being poor you are not trip or to a birthday party. You have no chance to pay These are all costs of being poor Lack of money is the main you need. mais =e for the poor family. creative activities. is leading organisation working for children.UNICEF ensures more of the Z Seater ee ese iieaied and protected than any other organisation. It has sere ove to influence laws to help protect children than anyone else. li works in over 199 countries helping to improve the lives of children globally. Choose the correct variant. A) No children were educated by UNICEF. B) No other organization protects children as UNICEF. ¢) All organizations work for children except UNICEF. D) UNICEF works in. few countries. B) UNICEF has no influence on laws to protect children. Read the passage and answer questions 8 to 12. Children's Rights were recognized after the 1* World War, with the adoption of the Declaration of Geneva, in 1924. The process of recognition of Children's Rights continued thanks to the UNO. The convention on the Rights of the Child put children's rights on the world agenda. It is the most widely ratified treaty in the world, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on November 20, 1989. Children's rights are human rights. They protect the child as a human being. All children have the same right to develop their potential - all children, in all situations, all the time, everywhere. Children's Rights are constituted by fundamental guarantees and essential human rights: the right to life, the non-discrimination principle, the right to dignity through protection of physical and mental integrity, protection against slavery, torture kidnapping and bad treatment. Children's Rights take into account the necessity of development of the child. So, the children have to be helped and supported and must be protected against labour exploitation, Kidnapping and ill-treatment. 8. Choose the false statement. ‘A) Children’s rights take into consideration the requiments of the children. B) Children’s rights were recognised when the 1% World War was over. ©) Children have to be supported against ill-treatment. D) All childern have different rights to improve thier potential. E) Children don’t have to be used in labour exploitation. 9, What is the passage mainly about? A) Children’s kidnapping B) The ratified treaty of the UNO hhildren’s Rights D) The adoption of the declaration ) Children’s Rights before the War é 0086 ‘the correct answer to the question according to the passage. are the main principles of children’s nights? right to life and non-discrimination. jour explotation and discrimination of torture and slavery B) protection of slavery and ill treatment D) physical completeness and addiction has no answer in the passage? UNO founded? B) What do Children’s Rights protect children from? D) When was the declaration adopted? pos poms 12, Which statements are true according to the passage? 1, The UNO helped the recognition of Children’s Rights. 2. Children’s Rights protect essential human rights. 3. All children mustn't have the same right. 4, It’s not everybody's duty to defend children. Answer the questions from 13 to 25. 13, Choose the adjectives. 1. dreadful 2. poverty 3. consequence 4, rapid 5. safety 6.ordinary Ay14,6 B) 2,46 C)1,2,3 D) 4,5,6 E) 2,3,4 14. Choose the correct variant. ... knowledge is a dangerous thing. A) Alot B) Very a little C) Much D) Little E) Only little . Change the sentence into the PassiveVoice. Somebody rang the doorbell. 4) The doorbell was rung. B) The doorbell is rung. ) The doorbell was rang. D) The doorbell has been rung. gC) ibe doc! ‘Someone was rung the doorbell. mediate needs. 4,doesn’t have to c) 3,4 D) 1,2 E)1,3 ... in the streets. 4, doesn’t have to live D) 12 E)4 it. ‘some countries the homeless 3. live anew set of challenges. faced 4. faced D) 1,3 E) 3,4 21. Choose the synonym of the underlined word. ‘The government always tries to create jobs for the jobless. A) the sick B)the homeless _—C) the deaf D) the unemployed E) the poor 22. Match the words to their definitions. 1. to concern. a, to fill someone with confidence b. to worry someone c. to say that somethings not true C) 1-¢;2-b;3-a 23. Choose the correct conjunction. +» charitable organisations... all people should support the needy in our society. A) Bither ... nor B) Neither ... nor C) Both ...or D) Not only... but also _E) So... that. 24. Choose the correct variant. afew... A) month’s salary B) hour's flight C) sheeps’ wool D) geese’ hair E) years’ harvest 25. Choose the correct pairs of antonyms. 1. rapid — slow 2. poverty — wealth 3. deny ~ agree 4. consequence - result 5. needs ~ income 26. Look at the pictures, Make up a story according to the pictures in the given order. Write at least 35 words. 8 CONNEC ONS Db ‘Qiymatlandirma tapsinglart a INGILis DiLt | 1x sinit SUMMATIVE TASKS FOR THE FIRST HALF-YEAR (UNITS 1-3) @) Listening tasks Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-4. QEYD: Miivafig audiofay! 2023/9_sum_1.mp3 linkina yerlasdivilmisdir. OR kodu skan etmakla mitvafiq audiofayl yerlasdiritmis sohifaya birbasa keco bilarsiniz. 1. Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage, Why is it important to learn foreign language? A) Because it helps people have few friends. B) As people need it only while travelling. _ C) In today’s world knowing a foreign language is beneficial. ‘D) Knowing foreign languages you can learn your own culture. ) Without Inowing any forcign languages you can get a higher level. "2, Complete the sentence according to the passage, ‘Speaking a foreign language... - _ A)you can hardly express yourself well B) you will achieve nothing may be difficult to learn another culture can interact with people more easily n never improve your language skills ‘is the passage mainly about? . benefit of learning foreign languages different lifestyles of the people in the world ‘make friends in today’s world with different culture different parts of the world ers | Describe whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE, 4.1. Misunderstanding is the result of language siaills, cL i B) False veryone can get along with different people : —_~B) False res always opens a new avenue before you. B) False ag 1 don’t need. any foreign. False due to foreign language. languages to contact with people Read the short texts and answer the questions 5-7. a! ‘ Berry {friends are visiting your area soon for a week's touring holiday. They wouig ike to travel around and learn about your local area and its history. Can you tell me abou: ‘some of the places they could visit? What's the best way to travel around - car, bike or coach? Thanks, David Choose the correct variant. A) David wants to take his friends to Jack’s place by car. B) David’s friends want to travel around Jack’s place by bike. €) Jack invites David’s friends to his local area. D) Jack wants to know something about David’s place ) David's aim is to inform his friends about the place where they can spend a week's holiday. 6. Volunteers Needed! We are the National Diabetes Organization and we are organizing a camp for diabetic children. We need volunteers to work with us during the camp. Volunteers’ responsibilities will be: » Teaching children about diabetes + Playing games writh them Also they should speak several languages as it’s an international camp Choose the correct variant. A) A person is being looked for the best paid job. B) The diabetic children must speak two or more languages C) Volunteers knowing several languages are needed to work with diabetic children. D) The Organization is going to organize a camp only for local children. B) Volunteers will teach children foreign languages as it’s an international camp. 7. Dear Mary and John. This is a short note to thank you for the great time you have given me, Ihave seen so much of your lovely city, you have looked after me so well, but most of all you have made me become one of your family. With love fo you both from your friend Greta Choose the correct variant. A) Greta was glad to be alone in a lovely city. B) Mary thanks Greta for her hospitality. ©) Mary and John had a great time at Greta's 1D) Greta thanked Mary and John for the best care. E) Mary expresses her gratitude to Greta for the wonderful time. 8, Choose the false statement. A) In most families grandparents and B) Old and young people can exch: C) It’s good when children receive D) Old people don't feel lonely whe grandchildren live under the same roof. ‘ange their life experience if they live together. much attention from their parents. len they live together with their grandchildren. E) Nowadays communication between old and young people is limited. 9. The passage is mainly about ... A) the relationships between different generations. B) old people's physical and psychological health. C) the disadvantages of living under the same roof, D) how to use a mobile phone or a computer. E) passing knowledge, experience and skills to kids. 10. Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage What can children teach their grandparents? pe Z Children can teach them . A) how to respect other people B) how to improve psychological health C) how to make conflict D) how to use a computer and a mobile phone E) how to improve knowledge and skills 11. Complete the sentence according to the passage. In modern families most people prefer ... 1, to live under the same roof. 2. to communicate too little. 3. to spend much time together. ; 4. to live separately. A) 2,4 B) 1,2 Cc) 3,4 D1,3 E) 1,4 12. Which statements are true according to the passage? 1. It's easier for people to understand each other if they live together. 2. Some families live in small flats where there is no room for grandparents. 3. Today parents are able to pay much attention to their children. 4, Grandparents are eager to give their grandchildren love and support. Answer the questions from 13 to 25. : Bi: orrect variant. Se eee information about the history of the castle. 2. much. 3. several 4, alot of B) 1,3 C12 D) 2,4 E) 1,4 "14. Change the sentence into the Passive Voice _ You should pay a litile attention to answer the questions. |A) A little attention should paid to answer the questions Ree said ai ‘ion to answer the questions ‘ou should be paid a little atten’ Feo _ ©) Allittle attention should be paid to an: ‘question. attention must be paid ; paid. iio 15. Choose the correct variant. be to develop their self-confidence. In my opinion, the whole idea of educating children A)can‘t B)should —_C) ought D) mustn't £) needn't 23. 16. Choose the correct variant. Thomas More’s most famous art work, Utopia, ... first written in 1515. A) was B) were C) have been D) are E) will 17. Choose the correct variant. iA By the time the sun ..., the children ... the forest. ‘Ayhad set, left _B) set, had left C) has left, will leave D) set, left E) sets, will leave 18. Choose the correct variant. 25 ‘The telephone is at the center of innovative technologies ... may alter forever how we receive information. A) who —_B) what C) when D) that E) whose 19. Choose the correct variant. Well face... if we don’t use the energy sources ... - 26 1, problems, carefully 2. famine, inaccurately 3. difficulties, properly 4, troubles, widely A)1,3 B)2,4 C)1,2 D)2,3 £)1,4 20. Choose the antonym of the underlined word. ‘Do most people take or ignore advice? ‘A)keep B)help C)agree D)hold EF) give 21. Choose the correct variant. ... New York Times is ... international daily newspaper published in ... New York. A) _, an, the B) The, an, _ ©) The, a, the D) an, _ E)The, _,_ 22. Match the words to their definitions. pei a. to sleep for a short time 0 prove b. to try very hard to do something to take anap ©. to show that something is right B) 1-¢; 2-b; 3-a C) Lb; 2a 30 23. Choose the correct sentence. 1, What a well furnished apartment it is! 2. How well furnished apartment is! 3. What well furnished apartment is it! 4, How well furnished the apartment is! A1,3 B) 2,4 cy1.4 D)3,4 24. Choose the correct variant. .. are sign languages beautiful? A)How —_B) Who ¢)Which —_D) What 25. Choose the correct pairs of synonyms. 1, enhance - increase 2, deliver - collect 3. share - divide 4. connect — disconnect 5. transmit - transfer E)1,2 5) Why 26. Look at the pictures. Make up a story according to the pictures in the given order. Write at least 35 words. Unit: INSPIRE YOUR LIFE s® grade 6" grade 7” grade 8” grade 9" grade ding passage content. sstions on 2 real Can answer que: up logicaly and grammatically correct sentences using the yy n mal «the text into structures (introduction, main part, and conclu) Cal Divides Determine the main idea in the text he/she listens to. Determine the logical order between the components the text Determines the main idea in the text. Express his/her ideas in the given topic in written form. Students do the exercises constantly due to the applications Separates the content of the listened text into pieces. Students distinguish the words and word expressions according to thelr grammatical and semantical characteristics. Students choose the main facts and events in the text and group then. Uses the punctuation marks in simple sentences. Expresses his.her attitude/opinions to the requests. Explains grammatical and semantical features of words and expressions Writes sentences of various constructions correctly. @) Listening tasks Usten to the passage QEYD: Mitvafig audiofi QR kodu skan ctmokig SAhifoya birbasa ke yl P3/englis| Yerlasdirilmisai. audi Fa 2 blosing FY verlosdivitmis and answer questions 1- h_9 2023/9 uni mitvafig 1 Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage How can unproductive activities affect a person's life? A) They can bring happiness and satisfaction. B) They can lead to missed opportunities. C) They can increase productivity. D) They can reduce stress levels. E) They have no impact on a person's life 2. Complete the sentence according to the passage. In our personal lives, time spent with loved ones or having hobbies can bring us .. A) regret and missed opportunities B) increased stress levels C) happiness and satisfaction D) negative thoughts E) unproductive activities 3. What is the passage mainly about? A) the value of time B) unproductive activities C) meeting deadlines _D) achieving goals E) desired life-goals 4. Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. 4.1, Once time is lost, we can always get it back. A) True B) False 4.9, Productivity can be increased through effective time management. _ A) True B) False 3. It is necessary to organize our tasks in order to use time wisely. A) True B) False 4. It is important to focus on activities that distract us from our goals. A) True B) False Read the short texts and answer the questions 5-7. in products. ose the correct variant. ne se 3e shop starts selling creative pr . |B) New products will be sold in the shop after the anniversary. () The shop offering products, celebrates its anniversary. hop offers unique products to celebrate is anniversary. hey celebrate their second anniversary # ‘the shop. There are lots of after-s' d a oT We go to a bea Siert to Australia to surf together. ‘Sabrina can surf in Australia. dents learned surfing. 5 Tes our first anniversary. We are celebrating the first year of bringing you unique, creative in Australia and I'go to a surfing club after CoO ee each and learn how to surf. Can you surf 7. Come and join the fun at our amusement park with our exclusive sale campaign! Enjoy exciting rides, delicious food, and endless entertainment at an affordable price. Don't miss out on this limited time offer, bring your family and friends to make unforgettable memories with us! What is the aim of the exclusive sale campaign at the amusement park? A) To increase prices for visitors B) To limit the number of visitors C) To reduce the number of rides available. D) To make the park less exciting B) To make the park more affordable for visitors 13. Ch Read the passage and answer the questions 8 to 12. ma It’s a well-known fact that education is crucial for personal and professional growth. The ae more time we spent on education, the greater the opportunities we have for a better future. as Education provides individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in their The chosen careers and in life. ‘The benefits of education are numerous. It improves critical thinking, problem-solving, Ma and decision-making skills. It also enhances creativity, communication, and cooperation hills, which are essential in today's world, Furthermore, education creates opportunities for BSI CH career advancement, higher salaries, and a better standard of living, ay the long term. Those who Investing time and effort into education will be beneficial in are more likely to achieve aT focus on education and continue to learn throughout their lives, success and reach their full potential. Whether it’s getting a degree, attending workshops, or B)N reading books, every effort towards education is a step towards a better future. o 1 In conclusion, the time spent on education is never wasted. It's an investment in oneself that 4 i pays advantage in personal growth and career advancement. So, make education a priority for a brighter future. 16. Ch 8, Choose the false statement. we A) Education gives us knowledge to be successful in life. Ayn B) Education is not a long-term investment. C) Education creates opportunities for career advancement. 17. Ch D) Critical thinking is enhanced by education. E) Education improves creativity. al 1 wy brat is the passage mainly about? A)2 a better future B) the time spent on education | ion-making skills D) career advancement _£) achieving success pecs ean ma 18. Ch (0. Choose th ‘ ' ae ‘10. Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage. At Which skill is enhanced by education? D)s __ A)higher salaries B) better st % _D) career advancement Fl eee eine hore ao ca A)T ‘11. Complete the sentence according BYE to A beter future is possible with . ne PRSS88e- “1 i i B) attending workshops D) less creativity 12, Which statements are true according to the passage 2? 1, Any step towards education is a waste of time and effort 2. Education improves problem-solving skills, 3. Only getting a degree can lead to a successful career 4, Education is beneficial for personal growth. ‘ Answer the questions from 13 to 25. 13. Choose the correct prepositions. The judge paid a lot... attention ... the fact that the child was unhappy ... home. A)-,at,at B)offto,-C)-, with, at_—_D) about, of, - E) of, to, at 14. Choose the synonym of the underlined word. There is some evidence that longer class periods may be beneficial. Ayharmful B) ordinary —_C) useful D) inspiring E) reliable 15. Change the sentence into the Passive Voice. ‘The police found no evidence to arrest the thief. A) The evidence was found to arrest the thief. B) No evidence is found to arrest the thief. C) The police wasn't found the evidence to arrest the thief. ‘D) Any evidence isn’t found to arrest the thief. B) No evidence was found to arrest the thief. 16. Choose the correct variant. You ... go to the hospital tomorrow or you will be much worse. B)don'thave to C)ought ‘Dj haveto—_E) can’t se the correct variant. k [change your lifestyle? 3.What _ 4.Whose —_5. Why Cc) 2,4 p1,4,5 £)1,2 B) will start C) started B) has started ce with the noun in the Possessive case. werect sentence a ther Harold’s nor Richard's first child was born last week. prise party at Johns’ .s to their definitions. ae Me oe ts i to accept , allow or officially agree to something 2. to wind up b. to give an idea to other people 3. to approve c, to end something A)1-a2-b;3-¢ By1-b2-G3-a 1-9 2-63-b D)1-b;2-a3-c 5) 1-oj2-b 21. Choose the correct variant. It was ... largest producer of computer keyboards in... America. ‘Ajthe,the B)-- C]-,the Dj the,-" EJ a, - 22. Choose the correct variant. Helen is the manager ... all her employees praised for her communication skills. ‘A)whose B) what © C) whom =D) which_—_E) why 23. Choose the correct variant. The scientist ... his theory, so he looks ... 1. proved, disappointed 2. failed in, satisfied 3. proved, proud 4. failed in, upset A)1,2 B) 2,3 o1,4 D) 3,4 51,3 24. Choose the correct variant. ... of the students has ... own individual character. A)Eech, his -B) Every, her C) Each, it's) All, their £) Both, them 25. Choose the correct pairs of antonyms. 1. deny ~ confirm 2. convey - carry 3. commit-approve 4. emerge ~ disappear 26. Look at the pictures. Make up a story according to the pictures it st it Look a the picture pictures in the given order. Write Qiymatiendirma tapsinglar: INGiLis DiLi | 1X sinif 2 Unit: SPREADING NEWS st grade Can answer questions on a reading passage content. Can make up logically and grammatically correct sentences using the words. Divides the text into structures (introduction, main part, and conclusion) Determine the main idea in the text he/she listens to. 6" grade 7” grade Determine the logical order between the components the text. Determines the main idea in the text. Express his/her ideas in the given topic in written form. ‘Students do the exercises constantly due to the applications. ‘Separates the content of the listened text into pieces. 8" grade Students distinguish the words and word expressions according to their grammatical and semantical characteristics. ‘Students choose the main facts and events in the text and group them. Uses the punctuation marks in simple sentences. Expresses his.her attitude/opinions to the requests. Explains grammatical and semantical features of words and expressions. Writes sentences of various constructions correctly. ‘OM grade @) Listening tasks Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-4. QEYD: Mitoafiq audiofayl : | linkina yerlasdirilmisdir. QR kodu skan etmakla mitoafiq avidiofayl yerlagdirilis ‘sohifayo birbasa keca bilorsiniz. i i as! Be Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage Wh i sin our life? ‘What is the role of reading newspapers in our Wena ee knowledge and easily relate to other people B can inno a rn aut nem wm | We can hardly get gener ee is life. It affects our outlook negatively on they carry no news. :) We waste our time reading newsP’ cn rore ee YY 2. Complete the sentence according to the passage. A good habit of reading newspapers is already « A) related only to entertainment B) useless in the whole world C) a part of the modern life D) not beneficial for improving your knowledge E) the way of helping other people 3. What is the passage mainly about? A) the benefits of reading newspapers B) a great sense of educational value C) how to relate to other people D) the habit of talking about current events E) the ways of learning about your country 4. Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. 4.1. Reading daily newspapers, we gain necessary skills. A) True B) False 4.2. Itis not easy to inform people of what is happening in the world today. A) True B) False 4:5. People can enhance their knowledge by reading daily newspapers. A) True B) False 4-4. The main role of newspapers is carrying the news of the world. A) True B) False Read the short texts and answer questions 5-7, 5, Fitness Summer Camp Do you need to get fit in a short peri and you'll return home feeling Choose the correct variant. A) You will feel tired of coming to the Fitness summer camp. B) You can come to Fitness Summer Camp and take the advantage of it. . Central School of Enalish ome and Study English at our school! Two-tWeek courses for all levels. _ Highly qualified, experienced teachers, Reasonable prices. Detailed social programme, 100se the correct variant. ‘school offers courses for learning fluent English ) school invites experienced teachers to work in the courses ly highly experienced students can attend the school ‘Prices depend on the levels of the students ‘iymatiandirma tapsinglart __ INGiLis Dit | 1X sinif 7. Lifeguard assistants wanted We are looking for someone in Augu: st to beach activities and observe sivi assist our lifeguards, provide supervision during 1 : mmers. Write to the Lifeguard Manager, saying what lence ai ene A experience and qualifications are and stating the reasons why you are suitable for eee A) Neither qualifications nor experience is required. B) A competent swimmer and a skilful observer is needed, C) The manager tries to let people know about the beach activities D) The Lifeguard Manager is looking for a person to replace him E Raine no need to state the reasons why applicants consider themselves suitable for Read the passage and answer questions 8 to 12. Television today has become an integral part of every household. Television is a good and healthy source of both entertainment and education, Television is a powerful medium of mass communication. It provides both sound and picture at the same time. Television occupies an important place in our life. Millions of people all over the world watch television daily for entertainment, news and views, gathering knowledge, knowing information etc. Nowadays it is very popular to all classes of people. Mass communication has become an essential ingredient in the modern dynamic society. The current TV has become even much more efficient as a result of the ability to broadcast information to all corners of the planet, This ensures that news reaches people in real time. TV presents educational programmes for the watchers who benefit from these programmes. Children can learn important values about themselves and life from various programmes. Television also allows individuals to learn various cultures as it employs people from different cultures within their programmes. Due to the modern technology even rural families have access to television. 8. Choose the false statement. a A) Entertainment programmmes dominate on television. B) Television is watched by millions of people tod C) Watching TV, children can enrich their outlool D) Today people can easily get any information about the world. E) The role of television in people's life is great. 9. What isthe passage mainly abou? How to improve children’s life in today’s world. 3) he ewes ‘that can fulfil everybody's need in society. C) Modern technologies and their advantages. D) The life of millions of people alll over the. a ae E) The ways of learning foreign languages ividually- 10. What do millions of people watch TV for? 1. for pleasure VALUES S™ grade 6" grade 7” grade 8 grade 9" grade qi Listening tasks Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-4. QEYD: Miivnfiq audiofay! 6. linkina yerlasdirilmigair. QR kodu skan etmakla mit sohifaya birbasa keea bilars Can answer questions on a reading passage content. Determine the main idea in the text he/she listens to. Determine the logical order between the components the text. Determines the main idea in the text. Express his/her ideas in the given topic in written form. ‘Students do the exercises constantly due to the applications. Separates the content of the listened text into pieces. Uses the punctuation marks in simple sentences. Expresses his her attitude/opinions to the requests. Writes sentences of various constructions correctly. ‘afiq auudiofayl yerlasdirilmig siniz. Can make up logically and grammatically correct sentences using the words. Divides the text into structures (introduction, main part, and conclusion) Students distinguish the words and word expressions according to their grammatical and semantical characteristics. ‘Students choose the main facts and events in the text and group them Explains grammatical and semantical features of words and expressions. 1, What is the passage mainly about? A) sweet memories B) hardshi f ee é Pieces eenehe eee, pe cod dallare C) life without friend E) patience and understanding 2, Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage. Why do people need a true friend? 1, to leave alone each other 2. to support each other 3, to share everything together 4, to hurt each other Ay oP By 2y6) 02,4 D) 1,3 E)3,4 3. Complete the sentence according to the passage. Honesty is the key factor ... . A) to maintain the friendship B) to be impatient C) to share sadness D) to misunderstand each other E) to disturb each other 4, Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. 4.1. Friendship is an important thing for a happy life. k A) True B) False [ 4.2. Chatting with a friend takes out your problems. A) True B) False 4.3. Areal friend always leaves you during happiness and failure. A) True B) False 4.4. Atrue friend always wants you to be sad. A) True B) False Read short texts and answer the questions 5-7. ‘Mr-Brown organization which wants to make people's life better. They help Pepe Unie peor Radary, mn natural disasters orin trouble, They need people who “want to work with them as volunteers. thoose the correct variant. i siaes tae Oe The organization wants to raise mé : By People ‘are needed to work at the organization as a volunteer. ‘A lot of volunteers join the charity organization. ‘The organization needs moncy to help needy people, |The poor want the organization to help them. have a very healthy life. Ieat a lot of fruit and get a lot of ins, and we often go walking. tlo, my name is Jack. Ithink 1 air. We tive near the mountai ¢ 15-19 to work as waiters and waitres, good with. people. i ng peop 4 is looking for you ge i Bee ae ‘people should be responsible, peir cafe: Choose the correct variant. fe Café found res |) Beach Sid sponsible young people: 3 i job at cafes. ople are looking for ajo! aoe B) Alot of young ors people who have worked 98 a Young people are looked for to work af Beach Side C 3) The nung who work at café, behave people Very Read the passage and answer the questions 8-12. value and importance of being a truthful person, Honesty is the most appreciated characteristics by watching parents, teachers and othe “Honesty is the best policy” means the is one of the universally accepted sayings. that a person can have. We learn to be honest people around us. Every human being must learn to be honest. Honesty means truth. If people want to be honest, they must lear to speak the truth in life. Moreover, a person will develop @ strong moral character, learn good behavior, maintain to control behaviour, follow the rules intelligently Honesty helps in the development of moral strong characters. If you are honest, you will not be afraid of anything. The health will improve, and the mind will be at peace. The person will complete all tasks on the correct time. An honest person will avoid lying, stealing and other dishonest acts. Speaking the truth needs a lot of courage. Honesty is the sign of strength and gives us long term of benefits, but dishonesty is the sign of cowardliness. 8. Choose the false statement. 1. Honest people always have feeling of fear. 2. Ifyou are honest, your health will be better. 3. Honest people avoid telling a lie. 4. Ifyou are honest, people never trust you. A)12 B)3,4 per D)2,3 £) 1,3 9. What is the passage about? A) the best policy B) completing tasks ©) the meaning of truth Dj improving health _E) developing moral characters 10. Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage. yi does honesty develop? A)aweak behaviour —_B) a strong character C) a weak will D) telling lies for their benefits £) doing things on the incorrect time Complete the sentence according to the pas: Parents and teachers are the people... Beane 1. who we learn to be honest fir thers Who teach ra (eRe honest from 2. who learn to be honest from o B)2,3 O13 See pane Snes people 18. 19 20 Answer the question from 13 to 25. 13. Match the words to their definitions. jeuse a, money or property that is : given to you body 2. legacy b, the belief that someone is good cae will not harm 3, patience c. the ability to stay calm % es A) 1+, 2-2, 3-¢ B) 1-a, 2-b, 3-¢ Dy C) 1c, 2-a, 3-b E) l-a, 2-c, 3-b ee 14, Choose the correct variant. Ifa person has got ... motivation, he or she will soon make progress. l.many 2. much 3. little 4.alotof 5, lots of A)12,5 B)3,4 €)3,4,5 D) 1,2,3 F) 24,5 15. Change the sentence into the Passive Voice. You can wear jeans in this office. A) Jeans are worn in this office B) Jeans can be wear in this office. C) Jeans can be worn in this office. _D) Jeans can worn in this office E) Jeans were worn in this office. 16. Choose the correct modal verb. I... promise anything, but I'll do what Ican. Ajcant —_B) can C) am able to D) will be able E) was able 17. Choose the correct tense form. We... the local evenis, when the teacher ... the classroom. _ A) had discussed, enters B) were discussing, entered ‘D) discuss, had entered C) have discussed, entered E) were discussing, enters 18. Choose the correct conjunction word. His best movie ... won several awards, was about the life ofa famous actress. A)who —-B) whom C) which —-D) when) where 19. Choose the correct variant. i . a lot of gold rings in this shop. ‘ 5. 2. are 3. have been ee B) 1,2,3 45 D) 2,3,4 4, ... center of our town. D)an, the — F) a~ ord. health. TID) legacy) courage 22, Choose the correct variant. 1. this men’s decisions 2, that boy's dream 4. this deer’s tracks 3. this children’s team 5. that woman's rings A)1,2,3 B)2,4,5 c) 34,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 14,5 23. Choose the correct variant. My sister is ... today, because she has ... @ prize. yi 1. joyful, won 2. sad, lost 3. upset, won 4. glad, lost ) A1,2 ~~ B)1,3 34 D1,4 £) 2,4 ston to 24. Choose the correct variant. en This girl is afraid of .. in the dark. QEYD: Mi A)to walk — B) to walking C) walking ——_D) is walking E) walked abituri linkina 25, Choose the correct pairs of antonyms. 1. rightful - wrong 2. essential ~ necessary 3. to spread - to broad 4. to respond —toreply 5. essential - unimportant e ae 26. Look at the pictures, Make uy atleast 35 words. ip a story according to the pictures in the given order. Write 3 1. What is 2 A) resp Dj the 2. Choose What ¢ Aytot B) too C) tor D) tos E) tog 43.5 SUMMATIVE TASKS FOR THE SECOND HALF-YEAR (UNITS 4-6) i) Listening tasks \ Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-4. QEYD: Milvafig audiofayl linkina yerlosdirilmisdir. OR kodu skan etmaklo mitvafig audiofayl yerlasdirilmis sohfaa birbasa Keca bilarsiniz. 1, What is the passage mainly about? A) respect and hospitality B) the hospitality of the nobleman C) a great poet D) the food for a great poet E) the court of the king Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage. What did Saadi decide to do? A) to teach a lesson to the nobleman B) to offer the nobleman delicious food C) to put on a lovely suit D) to spend a night at nobleman’s house B) to go to the court of the king 3. Complete the sentence according to the passage. “The nobleman. behaved Sheikh Saadi simply, a8 ++ A) the poet put on an attractive suit B) Saadi was a great poet for the nobleman. nobleman knew Sheikh Sadi poet had worn a simple suit " ) the nobleman didn't want to respect Saadi whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE, Saadi put the food into his ‘pocket. & B) Fe u ‘alse The nobleman showed Saadi respec db: B) False decied to teach them a lesson. ¢ during his first visit.

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