Group Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy For Schizophre

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Group cognitive-behavioural therapy for schizophrenia - Randomised

controlled trial

Article in The British journal of psychiatry: the journal of mental science · January 2007
DOI: 10.1192/bjp.bp.106.021386 · Source: PubMed


125 962

7 authors, including:

Christine Barrowclough Gillian Haddock

The University of Manchester The University of Manchester


Fiona Lobban Steven Jones

Lancaster University Lancaster University


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B R I T I S H J O U R N A L O F P S YC H I AT RY ( 2 0 0 6 ) , 1 8 9 , 5 2 7 ^ 5 3 2 . d o i : 1 0 . 11 9 2 / b j p . b p . 1 0 6 . 0 2 1 3 8 6


Group cognitive ^ behavioural therapy evaluation of the maintenance of the mask

was performed, efforts were made to main-
tain masking, including locating research
for schizophrenia and therapy staff in separate offices, pro-
viding separate locations for assessment
Randomised controlled trial and therapy notes, and reminding partici-
pants not to disclose their group allocation.
Ethical agreement for the study was ob-
tained from local research ethics commit-
tees. Inclusion criteria were:
Background The efficacy of Meta-analytic reviews (Pilling et al,
al, 2002;
cognitive ^ behavioural therapy for Tarrier & Wykes, 2004; Zimmerman et (a) diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaf-
al, 2005) support the efficacy of cognitive– fective disorder verified by case note
schizophrenia is established, butthere is
behavioural therapy (CBT) delivered review, using a checklist for DSM–IV
less evidence for a group format. on a one-to-one basis for people with (American Psychiatric Association,
persistent positive psychotic symptoms. 1994) criteria;
Aims To evaluate the effectiveness of
Accordingly, recommendations for UK
group cognitive ^ behavioural therapy for (b) substance misuse and learning disability
treatment guidelines suggest that CBT
not identified as the primary problem;
schizophrenia. should be available for people with schizo-
phrenia (Kendall et al,
al, 2003). A group for- (c) age 18–55 years;
Method In all,113 people with mat for CBT has been used successfully for
persistent positive symptoms of a number of disorders (Morrison, 2001), (d) persistent and clinically significant posi-
pilot studies for group CBT for schizo- tive symptoms, i.e. having either item
schizophrenia were assigned to receive
phrenia have reported encouraging results P3 (hallucinatory behaviour) or item
group cognitive ^ behavioural therapy or P1 (delusions) from the positive sub-
(Gledhill et al,
al, 1998; Wykes et al,
al, 1999),
treatment as usual.The primary outcome and a recent randomised
randomised controlled trial scale of the Positive and Negative
was positive symptom improvement on of group CBT for people hearing voices Syndrome Scales (PANSS; Kay et al, al,
1987) scored 4 (moderate) or above,
the Positive and Negative Syndrome reported improvements in hallucinations
with the symptom having been present
Scales. Secondary outcome measures when therapists were experienced (Wykes
at this level for at least 50% of the
et al,
al, 2005). Seeing that demand for
included symptoms, functioning, relapses, last 2 months;
CBT for psychosis is likely to outstrip
hopelessness and self-esteem. the availability of trained therapists (Jones (e) at least 1 month of stabilisation if the
et al,
al, 2005), a group approach might be a patient had experienced a symptom
Results There were no significant
useful way of increasing access. Hence, exacerbation in the last 6 months (i.e.
differences between the cognitive ^ the aim of this study was to evaluate at least 1 month since discharge after
behavioural therapy and treatment as the effectiveness of group CBT for schizo- an acute admission; no change in
usual on measures of symptoms or phrenia in individuals with persistent psychotropic medication prescribed in
positive symptoms. the last 4 weeks);
functioning or relapse, but group
cognitive ^ behavioural therapy treatment (f) informed consent from the patient.
resulted in reductions in feelings of METHOD
hopelessness and in low self-esteem. Recruitment and randomisation
Design Potential participants were identified from
Conclusions Although group A two-group randomised design was databases in the five participating National
cognitive ^ behavioural therapy may not followed. The experimental group received Health Service (NHS) mental health trust
be the optimum treatment method for group CBT in addition to standard care, sites, and consenting patients were assessed
and the control group received standard for symptom criteria. Recruitment, ran-
reducing hallucinations and delusions, it
care alone (treatment as usual). Standard domisation and the running of groups were
may have important benefits, including psychiatric care in the UK is based on the staggered. Within each site, sufficient parti-
feeling less negative about oneself and less care programme approach to case manage- cipants to form one CBT group and an
hopeless for the future. ment, and includes maintenance anti- equal number for the control condition
psychotic medication, out-patient and (approximately 12 people) were identified.
Declaration of interest None. community follow-up, and access to com- They were then allocated to the two condi-
Funding detailed in Acknowledgements. munity-based rehabilitative activities such tions using a programme operated by an
as day centres and drop-in centres. Assess- individual independent of the research
ments were conducted by independent team, following the minimisation method
assessors who were masked to allocation of stratification (Pocock, 1983) for chroni-
of participants. Although no formal city (3 years or less v. greater than 3 years).


Intervention session by both therapists and participants The intraclass correlations were: r¼0.96
The group intervention ran for 6 months, independently, to assess whether key ele- (symptoms) and r¼0.87
0.87 (disability).
with 18 sessions covering the following ments of the CBT protocol were adhered
themes: to. These elements included agenda-setting,
Secondary self-report
session structure, therapist–patient colla-
session 1, introduction to the CBT outcome measures
boration, focus on patient cognitions and
approach to psychosis; These were the Social Functioning Scale
behaviours, homework-setting and review.
session 2, what is CBT? Independently completed checklists (SFS; Birchwood et al,
al, 1990); the Hospital
from all therapists and participants present Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS;
session 3, identification of patient
were collected on random session dates (20 Zigmond & Snaith, 1983); the Beck
problems (delusional beliefs and voices
for participants and 25 for therapists). Hopelessness Scale (BHS; Beck, 1974);
were the main focus);
Interrater reliability was high; there was and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE;
session 4, formulating problems in Rosenberg, 1965).
terms of thoughts, feelings and behav- 92.57% participant agreement and
iours; 96.33% therapist agreement. As regards
the patient ratings of treatment fidelity, Relapse and readmission
session 5, negative thinking patterns
in 164 checklists the percentage of full- Finally, two methods of assessing the fre-
and thought monitoring;
adherence scores ranged from 77.4% to quency and duration of relapse and re-
sessions 6, 7 and 8, thought challen- 94.5%. For the therapist ratings of treat- admission to hospital in the 6 months
ging; ment adherence 233 checklists were com- after the treatment period ended (12
sessions 9, 10 and 11, behavioural stra- pleted. Across all completed checklists, the months’ follow-up) were measured using
tegies: experiments and action plans; percentage rated as fully adherent ranged definitions from a previous trial (Barrow-
from 86.3% to 94.4%. Hence the check- clough et al,
al, 1999). These were the number
sessions 12 and 13, stress, arousal and
medication; lists indicated that participants and thera- and duration of hospital admissions identi-
pists themselves considered they had fied from hospital record systems, and the
sessions 14 and 15, staying-well plans; adhered very closely to the protocol. number and duration of exacerbations of
session 16, emergency staying-well
symptoms lasting longer than 2 weeks and
requiring a change in patient management
Primary outcome measure
sessions 17 and 18, follow-up and revi- (increased observation or medication
sion. This was improvement in positive symp- change made by clinical team as assessed
toms as measured by the positive symptom from hospital case notes). Where symptom
Sessions lasted 2 hours including
sub-scale of the PANSS. Interrater reliabil- exacerbation preceded admission to
breaks, and followed a detailed plan and
ity was assessed on this clinician-rated hospital, only one relapse was recorded.
timetable contained in the therapy manual
assessment by computing interclass correla- Interrater reliability for the number and
(a copy of which can be obtained from
tion coefficients for the rating of eight duration of exacerbations was checked by
the first author). The session plan included
videotaped interviews before starting the comparing ratings for ten randomly
setting the day’s agenda, introducing the
trial by the five assessors in this study, selected participants. No differences were
main topic, reviewing homework, applying
and the ratings from gold-standard assess- found between the two independent asses-
the topic to individuals’ own experiences,
ments by four research psychiatrists exter- sors for these variables.
problem formulations in small groups, dis-
nal to the study. Averaged over the five
cussion and comparison of group members’
assessors, the interclass correlation coeffi-
experiences, setting homework and eliciting Strategy for statistical analyses
cients for the PANSS sub-scales were: posi-
feedback on the session.
tive, 0.84; negative, 0.88; general, 0.71; To minimise the number of missing cases,
and total symptoms, 0.91. During the separate cross-sectional analyses were per-
Treatment quality and adherence study, random reliability checks were made formed to examine the treatment effects
Two therapists conducted each session, and on ten interviews for each assessor, and for each outcome measure at 6 months
at least one therapist per group had training average interclass correlation coefficients (post-treatment) and 12 months (follow-
in CBT meeting the British Association of were: positive, 0.85; negative, 0.84; general, up). A linear random effects model adjusted
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 0.91; and total symptoms, 0.78. for the outcome measure at baseline, to-
accreditation standards, plus experience in gether with age, gender and time since on-
using CBT with people with psychosis. All set. Since treatment administered in a
therapists were provided with an initial Secondary outcome measures group can create dependencies among ob-
training programme, and supervision Secondary interviewer-rated outcome mea- servations that violate the independence of
sessions occurred monthly. Independent sures included the negative, general and observations assumption of statistical tests
assessment of treatment adherence from total PANSS scores, and the Global Assess- (Baldwin et al,
al, 2005), the model included
audiotaped sessions was not possible be- ment of Functioning (GAF; American a random effect to account for the
cause of problems in obtaining consent for Psychiatric Association, 1987) using the between-group variation, analogous to that
taping from all group participants. An al- two-scale scores (0–100) of symptoms and used in cluster randomised trials (Roberts
ternative measure of treatment adherence disability. Reliability of the interviewers & Roberts, 2005). As noted above, within
(available from the first author) was de- for the latter was assessed using a sub- each participating NHS trust patients were
vised; checklists were completed at each sample of 40 participants and two raters. randomised in blocks of approximately

52 8

12, to permit patients from one locality to CBT group and 46 (82%) of the treatment-
form a CBT group and an equal number as-usual group.
to experience the control condition. There- The mean number of group CBT
fore the analyses also included a random ef- sessions attended was 10.4 (s.d.¼6.5).
(s.d. 6.5).
fect for block to prevent between-block Using a cut-off for attendance of at least 6
variation (due to unknown factors peculiar sessions, 41 (72%) of the CBT group could
to that group of patients) inflating the be- be classed as attenders; 34 (60%) attended
tween-treatment arm variation. From the 12 or more sessions. All analyses were
estimates of the variance of random effects, reported on an intention-to-treat basis,
intracluster correlation coefficients were whereby all participants who agreed to
calculated as a measure of the lack of inde- assessment were included.
pendence resulting from patients being
treated in groups. These coefficients would Sample characteristics
take on a value of zero if there was no
Of the total study sample, 82 (72.6%) were
intragroup correlation, and one if there
men; the mean age of the participants was
was complete concordance in outcome for
38.83 years (s.d.¼8.6);
(s.d. 8.6); the mean illness
members of the same group, for all groups.
duration was 13.67 years (s.d.¼7.99);
(s.d. 7.99); 73
A longitudinal model was also fitted to
participants were single (64.6%), 19
the 6- and 12-month data combined. As
(16.8%) married or cohabiting and 21 Fig. 1 Flow of participants through the study. CBT,
well as the baseline covariates, this included
(18.6%) separated or divorced; 48 cognitive ^behavioural therapy; TAU, treatment as
time point (6 or 12 months), treatment
(42.5%) lived alone, 24 (21.2%) lived with usual.
(group CBT or treatment as usual), and a
a relative or caregiver, 33 (29.2%) lived in
time–treatment interaction as well as ran- symptoms scores where results were of
a supported hostel or flat and 7 (6.2%)
dom effects for participants and therapy borderline significance (P(P¼0.054).
0.054). From
lived in unsupported hostel or other accom-
group. In these analyses, a significant examination of Table 1, it can be seen that
modation. The majority of participants
time–treatment interaction effect would be the group CBT treatment effect for PANSS
(101, 89.1%) were diagnosed with schizo-
interpreted as change in the treatment effect negative symptom scores changed from a
phrenia and 12 (10.9%) had a diagnosis
from 6 to 12 months. If there was no inter- very slight detrimental effect at 6 months
of schizoaffective disorder. The mean IQ
action, the main effect of treatment would to a larger beneficial, but still non-signifi-
score estimated from the National Adult
indicate that the treatment effects of group cant, effect at 12 months. When models
Reading Test (NART; Russell et al, al, 2000)
CBT and treatment as usual were similar at were fitted without an interaction term,
scores for the sample was 105.2
6 and 12 months. there was evidence of a significant effect
(s.d. 11.5). There were no differences
To facilitate comparison between in favour of the group treatment in the
between groups on any of the demographic
measures and other trials, standardised pooled estimate for BHS (P (P¼0.028)
0.028) and
variables assessed.
treatment effects were computed by RSE (P(P¼0.027),
0.027), but not for other measures.
dividing the treatment effect by the pooled As regards relapse outcomes, data on
baseline standard deviations for the group Outcomes relapse were gathered for 110 of the origi-
CBT and treatment as usual. Finally, Table 1 gives the summary statistics for the nal 113 participants in the study – 1 patient
relapse outcomes were analysed using a outcome measures, estimates of the treat- in the treatment-as-usual group died and
survival model. ment effects from the cross-sectional ana- notes were missing for two in the CBT
lyses, and the intercluster correlation group. At the end of the 12-month follow-
RESULTS coefficients for the effects of the groups. up period, 18 members of the CBT group
For most outcome measures there was little had had at least one relapse (32.7%) com-
Participant recruitment evidence of similarity in outcome due to pared with 15 (27.3%) in the treatment-
and follow-up group membership. There was no evidence (w2¼0.82,
as-usual group (w 0.82, P¼0.365).
Of 127 people who consented to being of a treatment effect of group CBT as com- There were no differences between the
screened for eligibility, 113 (89%) fulfilled pared with treatment as usual either at two groups in terms of number of days in
inclusion criteria and were recruited into completion of treatment or at 1-year fol- hospital (CBT median¼0,
median 0, range¼0–181;
range 0–181;
the study; ten CBT groups were conducted low-up for the PANSS positive sub-scale, treatment-as-usual median¼0,
median 0, range¼0–88;
range 0–88;
(Fig. 1). nor other PANSS component or total z¼0.14,
0.14, P¼0.887),
0.887), number of days in
Of the 113 participants, 57 were scores. Similarly, group CBT did not exacerbation (CBT median¼0,
median 0, range¼0–
range 0–
allocated to group CBT and 56 to treatment appear to affect outcome for SFS total, 188; treatment-as-usual median¼0,
median 0,
as usual. At the end of treatment (6-month HADS or the GAF symptom or disability range¼0–212;
range 0–212; z¼0.34,
0.34, P¼0.737)
0.737) and the
assessment), 99 (88%) participants com- scores. However, there was improvement total number of days in relapse (CBT
pleted the primary outcome measure in the BHS and RSE scores in favour of median¼0,
median 0, range¼0–188;
range 0–188; treatment-as-
(PANSS). These included 54 (95%) of the the group treatment at the 12-month time usual median¼0,
median 0, range¼0–212;
range 0–212; z¼0.20,0.20,
CBT group and 45 (80%) of the treatment- point. P¼0.844).
0.844). Time until relapse or admission
as-usual group. At follow-up (12 months), In the longitudinal analyses, there was was analysed using a Cox proportional
97 (86%) participants completed the no evidence of a time–treatment interaction hazard model. Robust standard errors were
PANSS. These included 52 (91%) of the except for the variable PANSS negative used to adjust for any clustering associated

52 9

able 1 Summary outcome data with estimates of treatment effects

Treatment as usual Group CBT Treatment (95% CI) P Standardised ICC

effect1 treatment group
Mean (s.d.) n Mean (s.d.) n

Baseline 17.68 (3.68) 56 17.19 (4.18) 57 0.297 (71.634 to 2.228) 0.724 0.075 0.000
6 months 16.20 (4.34) 45 16.04 (5.00) 54 1.566 (70.785 to 3.917) 0.130 0.397 0.182
12 months pooled 15.30 (4.24) 46 16.50 (4.88) 52 0.777 (70.700 to 2.255) 0.296 0.197 0.000

Baseline 15.05 (4.78) 56 13.16 (3.64) 57 0.848 (71.164 to 2.860) 0.336 0.200 0.000
6 months 13.31 (5.22) 45 13.00 (4.81) 54 71.448 (73.680 to 0.784) 0.141 70.341 0.097
12 months pooled3 12.82 (5.23) 45 10.71 (3.82) 52 70.2173 (71.814 to 1.380) 0.786 70.051 0.060

Baseline 33.39 (8.25) 56 31.25 (6.79) 57 71.688 (74.906 to 1.570) 0.240 70.221 0.000
6 months 32.13 (9.43) 45 28.72 (7.53) 54 70.477 (74.553 to 3.600) 0.788 70.063 0.222
12 months pooled 29.13 (7.72) 46 27.69 (7.31) 52 71.211 (73.576 to 1.154) 0.309 70.160 0.000

Baseline 66.02 (13.86) 56 61.61 (11.27) 57 70.441 (76.075 to 5.194) 0.858 70.035 0.000
6 months 61.44 (15.83) 45 57.78 (13.15) 54 0.189 (77.160 to 7.538) 0.953 0.015 0.257
12 months pooled 56.96 (14.08) 45 54.87 (13.07) 52 70.335 (74.590 to 3.919) 0.875 70.027 0.008
Baseline 109.42 (22.44) 52 111.69 (24.01) 52 71.804 (710.406 to 6.798) 0.631 70.078 0.000
6 months 113.73 (28.00) 41 111.52 (21.74) 48 4.120 (74.340 to 12.580) 0.267 0.177 0.055
12 months pooled 112.23 (24.14) 43 116.44 (27.02) 50 1.514 (74.658 to 7.686) 0.625 0.065 0.015

Baseline 18.32 (7.24) 50 18.83 (7.48) 54 70.655 (73.586 to 2.276) 0.609 70.089 0.000
6 months 17.25 (7.58) 40 16.72 (7.04) 50 70.730 (73.021 to 1.561) 0.466 70.099 0.000
12 months pooled 18.49 (6.72) 43 16.82 (6.73) 51 70.799 (72.669 to 1.072) 0.396 70.108 0.000

Baseline 8.46 (5.23) 50 8.44 (5.79) 52 71.440 (73.487 to 0.607) 0.111 70.261 0.020
6 months 8.51 (5.46) 39 7.02 (5.3) 52 71.715 (73.661 to 0.231) 0.047 70.311 0.000
12 months pooled 8.77 (5.83) 43 6.61 (4.75) 51 71.620 (73.061 to 70.179) 0.028 70.293 0.000

Baseline 24.04 (5.06) 51 23.91 (4.88) 53 71.228 (73.065 to 0.609) 0.129 70.247 0.000
6 months 24.2 (5.25) 40 22.53 (4.65) 51 71.640 (73.396 to 0.116) 0.036 70.330 0.081
12 months pooled 24.33 (3.87) 43 22.2 (4.84) 51 71.510 (72.837 to 70.183) 0.027 70.304 0.000

Baseline 28.84 (5.71) 56 28.25 (5.07) 57 1.915 (74.443 to 8.273) 0.491 0.355 0.000
6 months 33.73 (13.85) 45 36.6 (16.01) 53 73.460 (711.396 to 4.476) 0.319 70.641 0.171
12 months pooled 38.35 (16.32) 46 35.23 (14.79) 52 70.237 (75.315 to 4.842) 0.926 70.044 0.044
Baseline 37.27 (7.46) 56 35.75 (11.94) 57 71.320 (75.378 to 2.738) 0.457 70.132 0.099
6 months 39.98 (7.68) 45 38.11 (10.54) 54 71.422 (76.224 to 3.380) 0.498 70.143 0.000
12 months pooled 40.74 (11.02) 46 39.04 (10.61) 52 71.683 (74.807 to 1.441) 0.285 70.169 0.000

CBT, cognitive ^behavioural therapy; ICC, intercluster correlation coefficient; PANSS, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scales; SFS, Social Functioning Scale; HADS, Hospital Anxiety
and Depression Scale; BHS, Beck Hopelessness Scale; RSE, Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale; GAF, Global Assessment of Functioning.
1. Adjusted for baseline age, gender and time since onset.
2. Treatment effect divided by baseline variance.
3. Pooled estimate not given because there was some evidence (P (P¼0.055) time6treatment interaction.
0.055) of a time6

53 0

with therapy group. Table 2 gives the Table 2 Hospital admissions and relapse
relative risk for admission and relapse for
the group CBT participants as compared Admissions and relapses Treatment as usual Group CBT Relative risk P
with those in treatment as usual. There was
(95% CI)
no difference between groups, although the n Mean (s.d.) n Mean (s.d.)
relatively low relapse rates meant that this number of days number of days
comparison had low power to detect statisti-
cal difference. Time in hospital 1.54 (0.61^4.07) 0.33
Group total 55 5.1 (15.1) 55 11.9 (36.7)
DISCUSSION Subgroup readmitted 9 31.0 (25.1) 12 54.7 (63.7)
Time relapsed 1.27 (0.61^2.71) 0.50
The central hypothesis of the study – that Group total 55 17.5 (41.8) 55 26.9 (53.7)
group CBT would produce significant posi- Subgroup relapsed 15 64.3 (59.4) 18 82.3 (65.8)
tive psychotic symptom improvement com-
CBT, cognitive ^behavioural therapy.
pared with treatment as usual – was not
supported by the findings. However,
although there were no significant differ- a better outcome. However, although that was available at the time the study was
ences between the two groups on measures attendance at the group treatment was planned. However, it falls short of the 70
of symptoms or functioning or relapse, quite good, with 60% attending at least people per group recommended in the cur-
members of the CBT group did report a two-thirds of the sessions, the total amount rent revision (Jones et al,
al, 2005). Seeing that
reduction in feelings of hopelessness and of therapy for some participants may have in this study most of the intraclass correla-
low self-esteem. For the latter outcomes, been inadequate. tion coefficients for patients being treated
modest effect sizes of approximately 0.3 Did the sample population differ from in groups were very small, the sample size
were found for the follow-up period. that of previous trials? Like several key pre- was close to that recommended for main-
Why did group CBT fail to improve vious trials (e.g. Kuipers et al,
al, 1997; Tarrier taining 80% power for treatment in such
psychotic symptom outcomes? Is the et al,
al, 1998) we included only out-patients groups (recommended n¼128 128 for 5 mem-
study’s failure to match such outcomes for who were persistently treatment resistant, bers per group, where intraclass correlation
individually treated patients in previous and all our inclusion criteria were in line coefficient¼0.00,
coefficient 0.00, Baldwin et al,
al, 2005).
studies due to methodological differences with those of previous studies. Our sample
was slightly older than the mean age for the Interpretation of outcome
or weaknesses? Or are factors inherent in
six trials reported by Pilling et al (2002) for group CBT for psychosis
the group format not conducive to reducing
psychotic symptoms? (38.8 years v. 33.9 years) and contained Previous published studies of group CBT
more men (72.6% v. 60.4%) although for schizophrenia reporting positive symp-
there are no indications that these differ- tom improvements (Gledhill et al, al, 1998;
Methodological issues ences would have been meaningful in terms Wykes et al,
al, 1999) have had small sample
Were the therapists inadequately trained? of outcomes. sizes, did not have control groups or
The recent randomised controlled trial of Was the study methodologically rigor- masked assessment and failed to take ac-
group CBT for individuals who hear voices ous in terms of measuring outcomes? All count of the potential lack of independence
(Wykes et al,
al, 2005) concluded that halluci- the assessors were trained to a reliable in outcomes of group-treated patients that
nations were not reduced unless therapy standard at the start, and their reliability can increase type 1 errors dramatically
was conducted by expert therapists. In the was monitored throughout the study, so (Baldwin et al,al, 2005). The results of the
current trial, it seems unlikely that failure there are no indications that assessment of study reported here are consistent with the
to replicate good outcome could be ac- outcome was not methodologically rigor- recently published randomised controlled
counted for in terms of inferior quality of ous. Breaks in masking were not assessed trial of group CBT for people who hear
therapy. A number of the therapists had but there is no evidence of bias in favour voices (Wykes et al,al, 2005). In that study,
worked on previous CBT trials for psycho- of the CBT groups since only self-report there was no impact on auditory hallucina-
sis that had had good symptom outcomes; assessments showed superior outcomes for tions. There were promising results for
high standards for training and supervision such therapy. Differences in the delivery secondary outcomes, with a borderline
were adhered to; and measures of treatment and take-up of standard care, including significant advantage to the members of
fidelity indicated that there were no signifi- medication adherence, were not measured, the CBT group for self-esteem and a signif-
cant deviations from the treatment protocol. although the method of randomisation icant improvement in social functioning.
Did the therapy protocol deviate from within each hospital site would most likely Wykes et al (2005) point out that one
that of other CBT and psychosis studies? have reduced the possibility of between- clear disadvantage of group work for
The therapy protocol followed in our trial group differences. people with complex problems is that it
met all the inclusion criteria for CBT Was the sample size adequate? With an lacks the flexibility to respond to diverse
suggested by the Pilling et al (2002) meta- initial 113 participants and relatively little problem presentations, and they suggest
analytic review. With a total of 18 2-hour attrition, the study was adequately powered that group CBT for psychosis might be
sessions over a 6-month period, it also fell to test for differences in terms of improve- more effective if there were homogeneity
within the longer-term treatments which ment in positive symptoms suggested by of symptom experience. However, in their
the review suggests may be associated with the version of the Cochrane Library review study, even when the group focused on

5 31

the common experience of hearing voices,
hallucinations were not reduced (although
School of Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester, UK; RON SIDDLE, PhD, Manchester Mental Health
there was some indication that participants & Social CareTrust,
CareTrust, Manchester, UK; CHRIS ROBERTS, School of Epidemiology and Health Science, University
treated by more expert therapists fared of Manchester, UK; LYNSEY GREGG, MSc, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester, UK
Participants in our study were surveyed Correspondence: Professor Christine Barrowclough, School of Psychological Sciences, Rutherford
as to the advantages and disadvantages of House, Manchester Science Park, Lloyd Street North, Manchester M15 6SZ,UK. Email:
the groups. Overall, feedback from atten-
dees was very positive, and can be sum- (First received: 4 January 2006, final revision 7 July 2006, accepted 1 August 2006)
marised in terms of the opportunity to
share difficulties in a supportive context.
Negative feedback focused on two sets of
issues: factors that would lead to a problem
in group dynamics, such as participants
The study was funded by the National Health Morrison, N. (2001) Group cognitive therapy:
being dissimilar in terms of age or gender, Service Executive North West Research and Devel- treatment of choice or suboptimal option?
and factors which might be seen as interfer- opment Funding and from Pennine Care NHS Trust Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy,
Psychotherapy, 29,
ing with new learning, such as disruptions 311^332.
Research & Development monies.
from agitated patients and inconsistent or
Pilling, S., Bebbington, P., Kuipers, E., et al (2002)
poor attendance by some members. These Psychological treatments in schizophrenia: I Meta-
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Group cognitive−behavioural therapy for schizophrenia:
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BJP 2006, 189:527-532.
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