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Jesmar C. Lobo

1. The study of the processes and conditions of the Law Enforcement pillar that is also called
“police in action.”
A. Police Management
B. Police Organization
C. Organizational Structure
D. Police Administration

2. What is the specific and measurable ways of accomplishing of goals of any organization?
A. Philosophy
B. Objective
C. Mission
D. Vision

3. What principle is intended that decision-making should remain within the authority of the
commanding officer and never referred upward or downward in the organizational structure?
A. Delegation by result
B. Authority level
C. Absolute responsibility
D. Parity and responsibility

4. The reason behind on why every group of personnel must have only one supervisor.
A. To protect the personnel
B. To ensure command of the group
C. To avoid confusion of authority
D. To protect the supervisor

5. In this form of authority, personnel do not give orders but they offer advice. Frequently, this
advice is based on a high level of expertise but the advice carries no formal requirement for
A. Democracy
B. Functional
C. Line
D. Staff

6. Those who are charged with the actual fulfillment of the agency’s mission are ________
a. Staff
b. Supervision
c. Management
d. Line

7. To improve delegation, the following must be done, EXCEPT:

a. establish objectives and standards
b. count the number of supervisors
c. require complete work
d. define authority and responsibility

8. What PRINCIPLE is intended that decision-making should remain within the authority of the
commanding officers and never referred upward or downward in the organizational structure?
A. Delegation by result
B. Authority responsibility – authority level principle
C. Absolute responsibility
D. Parity and responsibility

9. An officer who has the more senior rank/higher in a group or team.

a. Sworn Officer
b. Commanding Officer
c. Superior Officer
d. Ranking Officer

Keyword: More Senior Rank

10. For patrol purposes, what is the geographical subdivision of a municipality or city?
A. Bureau
B. Section
C. District
D. Department

11. The police organization can be structured to attain effective, efficient and economical police
service. Following are the organic units that form part of the components, EXCEPT:
A. Operational Unit
B. Auxiliary Unit
C. Service Unit
D. Administrative Unit

Note: OAS

12. What type of organization when all operations and administrative functions is the scalar
chain of authority.
A. Line
B. Functional
C. Staff
D. Line and staff

13. Which of the following is related to the principle of span of control when the tasks are
divided among the police personnel by one over-all supervisor present at all times?
A. Command responsibility
B. Unity of command
C. Delegation of authority
D. Police management

14. When there is only one supervisor, one plan for a group of personnel assigned to an activity
with a common objective or goal, there is _________.
A. Chain of order
B. Unity of command
C. Chain of command
D. Unity of direction

Keyword: One supervisor and a one plan

15. Because of the pyramid shaped with a single line structure of the police force,
commissioned and non-commissioned officers do not have equal authorities and
responsibilities. This referring to ____.
A. Chain of command
B. Command of responsibility
C. Hierarchy
D. Span of control

16. The operational supervision and control over the PNP assigned at cities and municipalities
is a power of the:
A. Congress
B. Department of Interior and Local Government
C. Local Government Executives
D. National Police Commission

Note: OpSuC

17. It articulates the function, objective/ goals and the philosophies of any organization in a
written form. This refers to _________.
A. Philosophy
B. Vision
C. Attitude
D. Mission

Keyword: Function

18. In any organization like the PNP, the number of subordinates that one superior can
supervise tends to ____.
A. Increase when tasks are properly delegated
B. Decrease when the duties of the subordinates increase
C. Increase when tasks of subordinates increase
D. Increase as the level of supervision progresses, there is difficulty and complexity of task

Note: The more dumadami ang task, the more din na dumadami ang tao.

19. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the delegation of authority?
A. It is closely related to span of control
B. The delegation of authority is continued to the lowest level of execution
C. The authority and responsibility is given to the heads of smaller units
D. Authority given to individual non-commission personnel

Note: Authory always comes from the commission personnel.

20. Who serves as ex-officio of the National Police Commission?

A. AFP Chief
B. DILG secretary
C. Chief PNP
D. NBI director

Note: Always answer for the highest ex-officio kasi hindi naman nakaindicate.
Ex-officio Member is the Chief PNP.

21. A police officer with a supervisory responsibility over the police officers of lower ranks is a
A. Manager
B. Boss
C. Superior
D. Commander
22. What law was created when PNP was under a reorganized Department of Interior and
Local Government?
A. RA 6975
B. RA 11131
C. RA 8551
D. RA 9708

23. How many deputes are assigned to the chief PNP to assist him in the performance of duties
and responsibilities?
A. Five
B. Three
C. Two
D. Four

24. What will happen to a police officer who, after a given time period fails to satisfy a
continuing specific requirement for employment with the PNP?
A. Separated from the service if he is below 50 years of age and has served in government for
less than 20 years
B. Retired if he is from the age of 50 and above and has served the government for at least 20
years without prejudice in either case to the payment of benefits he may be entitled to under
existing laws
C. Dismissed from the service if he is either below or above 50 years of age and rendered less
that 20 years service
D. Both A or B

25. The appointment of Police Inspectors up to Police Superintendent is vested in the;

A. Chief, PNP
B. President
C. Civil Service Commission

26. Which of the following functions of DPRM is NOT included?

A. Disbursement of funds for security
B. Provide protection to the chief PNP
C. Provides information regarding personnel matters
D. Assigning officers to traffic

27. What DIVISION provide technical assistance to all PNP units in the evaluation of the
intelligence in their respective personnel?
B. Supply
C. Data
D. Records

28. In the City of Davao, who is the highest police ranking official?
A. Chief Superintendent
B. City Director – Chartered City – Rank: Police Colonel
C. Chief of police
D. Regional director

Note: Davao is a chartered city.

29. In the City of Makati, the highest police official is the ___________.
A. Police Superintendent
B. Police Director
C. Chief of Police – Police Major – kasama na din dito sa COP sa Municipal Police Station
D. Chief for Operation

Note: District Director – Police Lieutenant Colonel

30. When a citizen decides to complain against a police office because of any abuse of
authority, he must file his complaint to what office?
C. Court of Appeals

Keyword: Citizen’s Complaints

31. Decisions from the PLEB involving demotion or dismissal from the service are appealable
a. Court of Appeals
b. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)

32. When a citizen decides to complain against a police office because of any abuse of
authority, he must file his complaint to what office?
C. Court of Appeals

33. When is the operational supervision and control powers conferred to mayors by the
NAPOLCOM is suspended and temporarily given to the COMELEC?
a. 30 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
b. 60 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
c. 90 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
d. 180 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections

34. Benefits derived by a PNP officer qualified for early retirement.

a. two ranks higher
b. one rank higher
c. his present rank
d. one year gratuity

35. Insubordination is an administrative infraction referred to as

a. Citizens complaint
b. Grave misconduct
c. Breach of internal discipline
d. One of them

36. When the utilization of the elements of the PNP for the purpose of preservation of lives ,
the protection of properties, the enforcement of laws and maintaining peace and order, all of
these refers to ________.
A. Assignment
B. Deployment – orderly and physical movement of elements or units of the PNP
C. Duties and responsibilities
D. Employment

37. When PLT Jesus De Mesa was temporary denied of his privilege of performing his police
duties, what penalty was rendered by the chief of police resulting from an offense repeatedly
committed in violation of rules and regulation?
A. Dismissal
B. Suspension
C. Reprimand
D. Restriction

Note: Temporary denied

38. Disciplinary authority where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges,

restriction to specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for
a period of not less than sixteen (16) days but not exceeding thirty (30) days.
a. Chief of Police
b. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
c. City or Municipal Mayors
d. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)

39. Formulates plans and policies on the career development of PNP members; formulates
doctrines pertaining to organization, administration and operations of PNP; and determines
training requirements of the PNP personnel and units and formulates training programs and
directives for the purpose.
A. Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
B. Directorate for Investigation & Detective Management
C. Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Management
D. Directorate for Plans

Note: Career Development and Training

40. Any loss or impairment to the normal functions to the mental and physical faculties of any
PNP member is called ________. (1000 stars)
A. Injury
B. Disability
C. Accident
D. Sickness

41. What is the law that established the Council of National Defense, forerunner of
Department of National Defense?
A.Executive Order number 2 series of 1935
B. Executive Order number 3 series of 1935
C. Executive Order number 230 series of 1939
D. Executive Order number 94 series off 1947

42. What is the parent agency of the Bureau of Immigration?


43. The function of PCG, designed to help prevent or minimize unnecessary loss of lives and
properties at sea

44. The ____ acts as the principal law agency (EO No. 292) and legal counsel of the

45. Responsible for the efficient and effective law enforcement of all the provisions on any
dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical as provided in RA 9165.

46. PDEA highest rank is

A. Director General
B. Secretary
C. Undersecretary
d. Chief, PDEA

47. It is an agency of a community or government that is responsible for enforcing the law,
maintaining public order, and preventing and detecting crime.
A. Police
B. Law Enforcement Agency
D. Law enforcer

Keyword: Mas specific ang police

48. The word “police” was derived from the Greek word Politeia which means
A. Government of the City
B. Condition of the state or government
C. City State
D. Officer de la Paix

49. The PNP is considered servants of the community who depends for the effectiveness of
their functions upon the express wishes of the people. This is in adherence with the:
a. Continental Theory
b. Home Rule Theory
c. New Concept
d. Old Concept

50. Which global threat to law enforcement brought about by globalization, created
opportunity for global professional criminals which can only be addressed through?
A. High technical security installations on ports of entries and exist
B. Rigid transborder security
C. Transbording policies
D. Transnational professional network and cooperation
Note: Threat brought by Globalization – it will addressed through network and cooperation.

51. This type of society has not only codified laws but also laws that prescribe good behavior
and a specialized police system and principle based system of punishment, being followed by
England and the US:
A. Bureaucratic society
B. Urban-industrial society
C. Post-modern society
D. Folk-communal society
E. Urban-commercial society

Keyword: Prescribe good behavior

52. The type of police and criminal justice system are distinguished by a strong adversarial
system where lawyers interpret and judges are bound by precedent.
A. Civil law systems
B. Common law systems
C. Socialist system
D. Islamic system

Keyword: Strong Adversarial System

53. The theory of comparative policing that sees problem as society is becoming too complex.
A. Deprivation theory
B. Demographic theory
C. Modernization theory
D. Opportunity theory
E. Theory of anomie and synomie

54. In the PNP the highest rank is Director General, in the Indonesian National Police the
highest is:
A. Police General
B. Police Grand Commissioner
C. Police Commissioner General
D. Police Brigadier General

55. The equivalent rank of Chief PNP in the Royal Thailand Police.
A. Police Commissioner
B. Police General – same lang sila ng highest rank sa Indonesia
C. Policeman Constable
D. Police Lieutenant General

56. All except one uses a centralized system of policing.

A. Israel
B. France
C. United States – Decentralized, England is a centralized country as well.
D. Philippines

Note: Maraming police force

57. The police force in Thailand is known as


58. In the Philippines the PNP is under NAPOLCOM, Japan National Police is under the:
A. National Police Agency
B. Public Safety Bureau
C. National Public Safety Commission
D. Police Administrative Bureau

Note: Ang police nila ay NPA – National Police Agency.

59. These are residential police box in Japan is usually staffed by a single officer . It is typically
located outside of urban districts in villages and is operated by one community officer, who
resides with his family in this police facility.
A. Sokoiya
B. Chuzaisho
C. Koban
D. Kobun

Note: Ang keyword staffed by a single officer. Rural siya (Outside of Urban Districts)
Pag Koban, Urban, staffed by 3-4 officers.

60. Riot police in Japan whose criteria for selection is their physical strength, command of the
martial arts and ability to cope in stressful situation is called:
A. Bushido
B. Ninja
C. Samurai
D. Kidotai

61. What is the minimum rank of Indonesia National Police?

A. PO1
B. Junsa
C. Police Constable
D. 2nd bhayangkara

62. The present Police Force of the Republic of Singapore.

A. Republic of Singapore Police Force
B. Singapore Federal Police
C. Singapore Police Force
D. Singapore National Police

Hint: SPF

63. The Philippines has PNP; the Hong Kong has ________________.
A. Royal Hong Kong Police Force
B. Hong Kong National Police
C. Federal Police of Hong Kong
D. Hong Kong Police

64. At the INTERPOL, each member country has its own National Central Bureau (NCB). In the
Philippines, which of the following is the chairman of the NCB Manila?
A. NBI Director
B. Sec. of DOJ
C. Chief PNP
D. The President
65. At the INTERPOL, the Executive Committee, composed of the President, VPs and Delegates
are mandated to meet ___ in a year prior to the General Assembly.
A. 3 times
B. 2 times
C. 5 times
D. Every month

Note: March, July and immediately before the General Assembly.

66. What provides all over the world a common platform wherein different countries can
share crucial information regarding international crimes and wanted criminals? (1000 stars)
A. Global police communication service
C. International court of justice
D. International police service

Note: Primary purpose of this organization is exchange of information with the use of I-24/7.

67. This center is created by virtue of Executive Order No. 62 to establish a shared database
among concerned agencies for information on criminals, methodologies, arrests and
convictions on transnational crime.
A. Philippine National Police (PNP)
B. National Commission on Anti Hijacking (NACAH)
C. Philippine Center on Transnational Crimes (PCTC)
D. International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO)

68. This is a package of transnational flows of people, production, investment, information,

ideas and authority.
A. Manufacturing
B. Globalization
C. Internationalization
D. Transnational

69. What notice is being applied to help locate missing persons including children, or to help
people to identify themselves.
A. Blue notices
B. Green notices
C. Red notices
D. Yellow notices

Note: Missing

70. The researcher communicates with foreign researcher for his research. Which method is
appropriate for that research?
A. Communication method
B. Safari method
C. Collaborative method
D. Collective method

Note: Pag Safari, visit ka sa another country.

71. The following are principles of Robert Peel; which is not included? (1000 stars)
A. Police officers are considered as public officials
B. Prevent crimes and disturbance/disorders are the basic mission
C. The direction of the police must be toward their duties
D. Police performance depends on the approval of the public

Note: 9 Principles

72. According to Amnesty international, what is the ASEAN country confirmed executed drug
A. Brunei
B. Singapore
C. Philippines
D. Malaysia

73. When poor person commits a crime, the government goes to work analyzing the family,
education and employment needs of everyone in that poor person’s family. It is referring to?
A. Congo Police
B. Egypt Police
C. Ireland Police
D. Switzerland Police

Note: Switzerland is one of the country that has a low crime rates.

74. This is a very broad category, encompassing everything from illegal immigration to
international prostitution, slavery, and child pornography.
A. Flow of people
B. Migration
C. Human trafficking
D. Sex slavery

75. The Present Interpol was officially created as the International Criminal Police Commission
in what year?
A. 1913
B. 1923
C. 1933
D. 1943

76. It is a special higher police in Japan which is equivalent to the FBI, combining both criminal
investigation and counter- espionage functions.
A. Toku
B. Tokko
C. Tocko
D. Tokuo

77. It is the Interpol's supreme governing body. It meets annually to take all important
decisions related to policy, resources, working methods, finances, activities and programmes.
A. General Assembly
B. Executive Committee
C. General Secretariat
D. National Central Bureaus

78. Elected by the General Assembly, It is headed by the President of the Interpol. It provides
guidance and direction to the Organization and oversees the implementation of decisions made
at the annual General Assembly.
A. General Assembly
B. Executive Committee – 13 members
C. General Secretariat
D. National Central Bureaus

79. Interpol has how many member countries?

A. 180
B. 185
C. 190
D. 195

Note: Pag UN – 193

80. Police officers in the Philippines is generally regarded as.

A. Public servants
B. State servants
C. Peace officers
D. Public Safety Officers – protect lives and properties

81. Singapore police has strength of more than eleven thousands personnel who prevent, deter
and prevent crime to ensure the safety and security, what is highest police force? (1000 stars)
A. Commissioner of police
B. Police general
C. General commissioner
D. Police commissioner

82. Following countries advocated the home rule theory except

B. Japan
C. Great Britain
D. Italy – Continental theory, kabilang na dito ang France at Spain

83. This is the broad police mandate to keep the peace or otherwise prevent behavior which
might disturb others.
A. Peace and order
B. Order maintenance
C. Law enforcement
D. Criminal apprehension

84. What is the police force in Malaysia which is uniformed national and federal and a
centralized organization, headed by an Inspector-General of Police?
A. Royal Malaysia Police - RMP
B. Malaysia Integrated Police
C. Malaysia Police Force
D. Malaysia National Poli

85. The objectives of this organization includes maintenance of international peace and
security, promote human rights, foster social and economic development, protect the
environment, and provide humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed
d. UN
APCO – Association of Public Safety Communications Official

86. What does ASEANAPOL stands for?

a. Association of Asian Police
b. Association of South East Asian Police
c. ASEAN Chief of Police
d. Asia Pacific Association Police

87. In 1981, the first formal meeting of The Chiefs of ASEAN Police was attended by 5 original
member countries.
These are:
I. Malaysia
II. Indonesia
III. Brunei
IV. Philippines
V. Singapore
VI. Thailand

A. I, II, III, IV and V

B. I, II, IV, V and VI
C. I, III, IV, V, VI
D. II, III, IV, V and VI


88. Also known as “Continental Justice or Romano-Germanic Justice”

A. Islamic System
B. Common Law System (Anglo-American Justice)
C. Socialist System (Marxist-Leninist System)
D. Civil Law System

89. UNCTOC means:

a. Unites Nation Center on Transnational Organized Crime
b. Unknown and Not Constitutionally Transparent On Countries
c. United Nation Crime Through Organized Convention
d. United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime

90. A type of court system where the accused is innocent until proven guilty.
a. Adversarial
b. Inquisitorial
c. Mixed
d. none of these

Note: Some reference called it ACCUSATORIAL.

91. In Viet Nam, what is the police force where undergraduate courses are provided for the
police cadets in a 4-year training program in order to be members?
A. Security Forces of Viet Nam
B. Viet Nam Security Forces
C. The People's Security Forces or People’s Public Security Force
D. Viet Nam National Police
92. Which of the following is consisting of work to be accomplished by management and relate
them to attain organizational objectives? (1000 stars)
A. Controlling
B. Coordinating
C. Planning
D. Organizing

Keyword: Work to be accomplished (Something talking with the future to attain goals and

93. In simple sense, it is an act of deciding in advance on what is to be done and how it is to be
accomplished; it is in essence, preparations for action.
A. Operations
B. Management
C. Planning
D. administration

94. Which of the following actions that deals with possible problems that may arise and trying
to discuss possible and available course of actions?
A. Casing
B. Planning
C. Investigation
D. Organizing

95. Which of the following criteria is necessary in obtaining an EFFECTIVE operational plan?
A. Identification of unseen scenarios that are possible to happen
B. Need for an increased logistics
C. More available space for conference
D. More man power

96. The planning process generally consists of five (5) steps in sequential order. Which is the first
a. Formulation of the details of the plan
b. Gathering and analysis of the data
c. Setting up planning objectives
d. Recognition of the need to plan

Hint: ReForm

97. This particular procedure calls for the recognition of the predicament and comprehending
all the history and record then seek for possible solutions for the dilemma . This statement is
pertaining to what step of planning:
A. Collecting of facts
B. Analyzing facts
C. Clarifying the problem
D. Developing alternative plan

Note: Understanding of the record and its possible solutions.

98. What is the next planning step after the need to plan is recognized?
a. Evaluate alternatives
b. Execute the plan
c. Formulate the objectives - ReForm
d. Gather and analyze data
99. These are procedures in coping with specific situations at known locations and plans for
dealing with an attack against buildings, special community events and other street affairs is
A. Policy plan
B. Tactical plan
C. Operational plan
D. Extra office plan

Note: Coping with specific situation

100. Line units such as the patrol section or investigation section in police stations prepare
their work programs which are called;
a. Budgets
b. Management plan
c. Operational plan
d. Tactical plan

101. Which of the following PLANS that concerns to the processes and techniques as well as the
operating modes of planning? (1000 stars)
A. Operational
B. Procedural
C. Tactical
D. Strategic

Note: Operating modes (General)

102. What type of planning that determines guidelines and strategies for law enforcement
that provides control for such activities and involves procedures and policies?
A. Incremental
B. Radical
C. Operational
D. Transactive

103. Select the type of plan that maps out in advance all activities of the organization in a
formal group to achieve the desired objective or goals
A. Tactical
B. Management
C. Operational
D. Procedural

Note: Maps out in advance all activities

104. What is the detailed plan used to show a clear picture on how members of the
organization will contribute in order to achieve the objectives/goals?
A. Contingency
B. Operational
C. Tactical
D. Transactive

105. Which of the following plans can map out in advance all operations involved in the
organization management of personnel, materials and in the procurement financial resources.
A. Tactical
B. Management
C. Operational
D. Procedural

106. In planning the budget of an operating unit of the policy agency, logically, what is the
FIRST step to put into consideration?
A. Forecast of workload
B. Request for a bigger budget
C. Prioritize the activities to be acted upon
D. Forecasting of personnel allowances

Note: Iprioritize mo ang mga activities na gagawin para hindi masayang ang budget

107. If you are a police officer of the investigation department and you are encountered a day-
to-day operation problem, what solution do you and your department needs?
a. None of these
b. Operation program
c. Standard operating seminar
d. Regular operating program

108. This type of plan is intended to guide PNP members on routine and field operations and
some special operations.
A. Extra Departmental plan
B. Tactical Plan
C. Operational Plan
D. Policy or procedural plan

Note: Guide PNP members

109. These are procedural plans that involve coordinated action on activity of several office in
which it should be established separately
A. Office procedure – walang ganito na procedural plans
B. Headquarter procedure
C. Field procedure
D. Special operating procedure

Note: Activity of several office

110. The procedures that relate to reporting, raids, arrests, investigates crimes are examples
A. Office
B. Special operating
C. Field
D. Police special

Note: Reporting, raids, arrest

111. It relates to plans, which determine quantity and quality efforts and accomplishments. It
refers to the process of determining the contribution on efforts that can make or provide with
allocated resources.
a. Strategic planning
b. Intermediate or medium planning
c. Operational planning
d. Police planning
Note: Determine quantity and quality efforts

112. What plan is designed to take future possible event into consideration?
A. Synoptic
B. Tactical
C. Strategic
D. Contingency

113. Anti-Illegal Drugs Master Plan

a. Master Plan Sandigan-Milenyo
b. Master Plan Sandugo
c. Master Plan Banat
d. Master Plan Sang-ingat

114. It refers to the Anti – Crime Master Plan of PNP.

A. Master Plan Sandigan Milenyo
B. Master Plan Sandugo
C. Master Plan Banat
D. Master Plan Saklolo

115. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) Strategic Plan against Organized Crime
a. Oplan Salikop
b. Oplan Jumbo - Aviation
c. LOI Pagpapala
d. Oplan Bantay Dalampasigan

116. The following are the three broad goals of the police organization, EXCEPT:
A. To protect lives and properties
B. To insure public safety
C. To maintain peace and order
D. To arrest suspected criminal

117. Which of the following DOCTRINES is governing planning, organizing, and employment of
PNP force in the accomplishment of basic security mission in maintaining peace and order?
A. Complimentary
B. Fundamental
C. Operational
D. Functional

Keyword: Basic security mission in maintaining peace and order

118. A doctrine that provides guidance for specialized activities of the PNP in the broad field of
interest such as personnel, intelligence operation, logistics, planning etc.
A. Operational
B. Functional
C. Ethical
D. Fundamental

Keyword: Specialized

119. Which of the following types of planning determine the vision for the future and identify
goals and objectives?
A. Strategic
B. Tactical
C. Contingency – take future possible event into consideration
D. Synoptic

Keyword: Vision (Long-range)

120. What type of plan is a series of preliminary decisions on framework which in turn guides
subsequent decisions that generate the nature and direction of an organization?
A. Procedural
B. Strategic
C. Operational
D. Police

Note: It talks about vision (What is the DIRECTION of our organization)

121. What type of planning that involved breaking down long term strategic plan into a specific
short-term plan?
A. Contingency
B. Synoptic
C. Tactical
D. Transactive

122. It provides for the organizations objectives. It provides the various actions. Hence,
policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the organization are based on the statement of
a. Discipline
b. Cooperation or Coordination
c. Authority
d. Doctrine

123. In order to have a good and effective operational plan in a police organization, which is
the most important characteristic? (1000 stars)
A. The supervisor is the only responsible
B. The implementers have all the details
C. Senior officers must know the objectives
D. Logistics must be available ahead of time

Note: Kailangan ang lahat ng detalye ng plano ay alam ng mga nag-iimplement.

124. What type of planning when plans are applied in the same manner of implementation
and maintain a current level of accomplishment to achieve its objectives/goals?
A. Strategic
B. Operational
C. Programmatic
D. Synoptic

Note: Applied in the same manner to maintain a level of accomplishment

125. Include service of warrant of arrest, implementation of search warrant, enforcement of

visitorial powers of the Chiefs of Police, and other anti-criminality operations.
A. Law Enforcement Operations
B. Internal Security Operations – maintenance of peace and order
C. Public Safety Operations – protection of lives and properties
D. All of these
Note: Service of warrant of arrest, implementation of search warrant

126. The following are basic requirements in conducting police operations, except:
a. With unmarked police vehicle;
b. Led by a Police Commissioned Officer (PCO) or the most senior Police Non-Commissioned
Officer (PNCO) in the absence or unavailability of a PCO; and
c. With personnel in prescribed police uniform except for covert operatives when serving
warrant of arrest provided personnel in uniform shall be present during the arrest
d. With the use of Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) and/or Alternative Recording Devices (ARDs)
during the conduct of searches and arrests.

127. The following are circumstances that constitutes valid warrantless search and seizure,
A. incidental to lawful arrest
B. plain view doctrine
C. consented search
D. inflagrante delicto

Note: Inflagrante delicto is a valid warrantless arrest.

128. Checkpoint, roadblock and civil disturbance management operations are classified as –
A. Special police operations
B. Law enforcement operations
C. Police operations
D. Internal security operations

129. Ocular inspection by the RTC judge of city/province shall be done within how many hours
after the confiscation of the dangerous drugs?
A. 72 hours
B. 24 hours
C.48 hours
D. 36 hours

130. Is a linear- progressive decision-making process which displays the array of police
reasonable responses commensurate to the level of suspect/law offender’s resistance to
effect compliance, arrest and other law enforcement actions.
A. Force Continuum
B. Lethal Approach
C. Force Continum
D. Maximum Tolerance

131. Coastal Law enforcement approach which it promotes voluntary compliance with the
requirements of the law without going to the court.
a. Soft/Positive Approach
b. Hard/Negative Approach
c. Medium Approach
d. None of these

132. Which of the following refers to technical means used by the police officers for the
effectiveness and efficient performance of their mission or assignment?
A. Police telecommunication
B. Police communication
C. Radio communication – mas specific
D. Organizational communication

133. Considering crime prevention between levels of criminal behavior. Which of the following
intervention must NOT be implemented?
A. Saving less fortunate
B. Do not change the environment
C. Organizing the community
D. Change the environment

134. It is also known as grid data. It provides a representation of the world as a surface divided
up into a regular grid array, or cells.
A. Raster Data
B. Vector Data – individual points indicate as physical location of the world
C. Attribute Data
D. Point Data

Note: Nakagrid

135. Is any type of data that directly or indirectly references a specific geographical area or
A. Geodata – composed of spatial data and attribute data
B. Spatial data
C. Attribute data – information appended in tabular format to spatial features
D. Vector data – individual points stored as coordinate pairs that indicate a physical location in
the world

Note: It show you the geographical area lor location.

136. Which of the following is the main reason for a personnel security investigation?
A. To suspend or terminate undesirable employees
B. Prelude assignment to sensitive positions for those who are facing security risks
C. To check the loyalty of employees to the organization
D. To determine the reputation of the employees

137. What is the exposure and teaching of employees on security and its relation to their
A. Indoctrination
B. Training
C. Education
D. Inspection

138. The president and the consultant of a corporation were invited to be the speakers for the
opening of another company. What type of security was provided?
A. Special
B. Operational
C. Personal
D. Critical

139. Manila Peninsula is a 5-star hotel in the city of Makati, one of the security used is the
deployment of guard forces in order to provide protection to their guests and facilities. This
kind of security is considered as _______.
A. Human – it is a barrier
B. Industrial – a form of physical security involving industrial plans and business enterprises
C. Physical
D. Personnel

140. Common weakness for a sentry dog when used as an animal barrier.
a. Ability to check identity
b. Keen sense of smell and hearing
c. Incorruptible
d. Loyalty

141. A house like structures above the perimeter barrier which increases the range of
a. Top guard
b. Wire Fence
c. Towers
d. Security lighting

142. In providing security to an industrial complex, what is the first line of physical defense?
A. Window barrier
B. Communication gadgets
C. Perimeter
D. Security guard housing

Note: Perimeter fences/barriers

143. What is the line protection adjacent to the protected area and passing through the points
of possible entry such doors, windows, skylight, and other points of access
A. Line barriers
B. Inside barriers
C. Physical barriers
D. Outside barrier

144. If utility opening such as air intakes, sewers, and exhaust tunnels have a cross section of
ninety-six inches or more, as a security consultant what should be the appropriate
a. It should be protected by filters and bar grills
b. It should be closed immediately to avoid entry of persons with petit physique
c. It should be manned with an armed guard at all times
d. should be place on it to detect movements

145. Involve the installation of physical barriers, security lighting, use of vaults, locks and
a. Active measures
b. Passive measures – security education and investigation
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

Note: Pag Passive Measures, pertains to security education and investigation. Fear of being

146. Those that will deter man from committing such act of fear of being caught , charge in
court or get dismissed
a. Active measures
b. Passive measures
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

147. What part of security measures which informs at once or immediately the authority
about intrusion in an establishment?
A. Alarm
B. Tactical notice
C. Signal
D. Fast notice

148. Is a visual or audible signaling device, which initiates conditions of associated circuits.
a. Alarm
b. Barrier
c. Protective Alarm
d. Annunciator

Note: Signaling system that activates the alarm

149. A type of protective alarm system where the protective alarm located outside the
A. Local Alarm system
B. Central Station System
C. Auxiliary System
D. Proprietary

Note: Control Station is located outside the installation

150. A system of alarm which required pressure on both side of the device and therefore the
probability of accidental alarm is reduce.
A. Foot button
B. Double Squeeze buttons
C. Foot Rail activation
D. Microwave device

151. Change key, sub master key, grand master key, which group should they belong
A. Key control
B. Keying system
C. Types of locking device
D. Type of key locks

152. A cubicle in a building constructed a little lighter than a vault but of bigger size to
accommodate limited people to work on the records inside
a. Vault room
b. Restricted area
c. File room
d. Exclusion area

153. Key to a single lock within a master keyed system.

a. Change key
b. Sub-master key – open all lock within a particular area or grouping
c. Master key – capable of opening series of locks, less number of locks than grand master key
d. Grand master key – open everything in a system

154. There are many types of electronic and electric protective devices available for security
buildings, storehouses and compounds. One of the following is true.
a. Electronic/ electric devices eliminated human guards
b. Each building or compound requires particular electronic/electrical protective devices
c. Types of alarms needed can best be given by the dealers of said devices
d. Electronic/ electric devices provide total protection for the place to be safeguarded

155. A stationary luminary lighting devised in a way that its light beam is directed towards the
a. Controlled Illumination
b. Movable Lighting – portable lighting, manually operated
c. Stationary Luminary
d. Glare-projection Type

156. What SYSTEM is designed for personnel movement and control whereby identifications
are issued to personnel upon entering an installation?
A. Badge
B. I.D. card
C. Pass
D. Control

Note: Other reference, badge daw ang sagot pero ang tamang sagot ay pass based sa libro ni Sir

157. In which the badge or pass coded for authorization to enter specific areas issued to an
employees who keeps it in the possession until his authorization is change or until he
A. Single Pass
B. Pass exchange system
C. Visitors pass system
D. Multiple Pass System

158. Is an administrative determination that an individual is eligible from a security

standpoint for access to classified matter of a specific category.
a. Security Clearance
b. Access
c. Document Security
d. Compartmentation

159. Term given to the requirement that the dissemination of classified matters be limited
strictly to those persons whose official duties require knowledge thereof.
a. Need to know
b. Dissemination
c. Classification
d. Tagging

160. Refers to the grant of access to classified matter only to properly cleared persons when
such classified information is required in the performance of their official duties.
a. Security Clearance
b. Access
c. Document Security
d. Compartmentation

161. It is the granting of access to classified document of information.

A. Stake out
B. Cover
C. Compartmentation
D. Document access

162. What type of INFORMATION that calls for an utmost protection and unauthorized
revelation will cause extreme damage to a nation politically, economically and military?
A. Confidential
B. Top secret
C. Restricted
D. Secret

163. What type of document that is inaccessible to the public such as health information?
A. Top secret
B. Secret
C. Personal
D. Confidential

Note: Cause embarrassment

164. What are documents or records which are irreplaceable or any reproduction do not have
the same value as the originals?
A. Secured
B. Vital
C. Important
D. Useful

165. A grant given by the government to an inventor, conveying and securing to him the
exclusive rights to make, use and sell his invention.
a. Patent
b. Intellectual property
c. Ownership
d. Proprietary

166. What is the capability of a prospective agent to obtain any required information for the
intelligence organization?
A. Infiltration
B. Penetration
C. Deception
D. Access

Note: Most important consideration when we are hiring agent.

167. How do you consider the areas which are subject to a very special security control?
A. Hazardous
B. Controlled
C. Restricted
D. Private

168. When you transform coded messages and making them plain text, you are performing
A. Recording
B. Decrypting
C. Encrypting
D. Coding
169. What term is applied to a device or system that in the event of failure of a component the
incapacity will be signaled?
A. Doppler effect
B. Peterman
C. Duress code
D. Fail safe

170. Which of the following is a practical test of a plan or any activity to determine its
effectiveness and also an operational readiness exercise?
A. Run through
B. Fire drill
C. Dry run
D. Controlling

171. Type of code system so that security personnel or any employee when forced by armed
men intending to enter an installation can five alarm by the use of certain words.
a. Duress Code
b. Coded Code
c. List Code
d. Secret Code

172. Which of the following is a breach of the security system and the subsequent loss of
compromise of defense information, company secrets or damage to personnel? (1000 stars)
A. Security barrier
B. Hazard
C. Security risk
D. Sabotage

Keyword: Breach of the security system

178. What is the condition when the security is conductive to breach of the protection system
which may compromise information, company secrets or damage to property, personnel and
A. Security hazard
B. Survey
C. Security survey
D. Lack of security

179. Which type of security risk loss event that include bribery, kickbacks, industrial sabotage
and unfair competition?
A. Terrorism
B. Conflicts of interest
C. Industrial disaster
D. Civil disturbances

Note: Unfair Competition

180. What kind of event is considered as risk loss that includes explosions, fire and sabotage?
A. Terrorism
B. Conflicts of interest
C. Industrial disaster
D. Civil disturbances
181. Pilferage means theft, sabotage is the malicious disruption of plant operations, vandalism
relates to destruction of company property and espionage is about covert gathering of
information. These are collectively known in security as what?
a. Natural Hazards
b. Occupational Hazard
c. Man-made Hazards
d. Operational Hazards

Note: Gawa ng tao

182. Can natural hazards be prevented by security force of a plant?

A. Yes, by monitoring warning from the weather bureau
B. No, it is an act of God and nobody can prevents it
C. No, but its effects which can cause damage to life and property
D. Yes, by proper planning and constant drill

Note: We can’t prevent natural hazards but we can minimize its disastrous effects.

183. Which of the following is deliberate action of an organization through subversion,

obstruction, disruption, or destruction against an adversary?
A. Surveillance
B. Deception
C. Interrogation
D. Sabotage

184. What do you call the person who engages in sabotage, always concealing his identity
because of the consequences of his actions?
A. Saboteur
B. Saboture
C. Sabotier
D. Sabuteur

185. How is one classified if he steals primarily because of irresistible urge due to unexpected
opportunity and little chance of detection?
A. Systematic pilferer
B. Ordinary pilferer
C. Casual pilferer
D. Unusual pilferer

186. The susceptibility of the plant or establishment to damage, loss, or disruption of operation
due to various hazard.
A. Relative vulnerability
B. Relative criticality of operations
C. Relative humidity
D. Relative security

187. The importance of the firm or installation with reference to the national economy
a. relative vulnerability
b. relative necessity
c. relative criticality
d. relative security
188. Which of the following is a fact-finding probe to determine a plant’s adequacy and
deficiency in all aspects is called ________.
A. Security survey
B. Security education
C. Security guidance
D. Security awareness program

189. What should be undertaken by a Security Officer before he can prepare a comprehensive
security program for his industrial plan?
A. Security conference
B. Security survey
C. Security check
D. Security education

190. Is the process of conducting physical examination to determine compliance with

establishment security policies and procedures?
A. Security Education
B. Security Inspection
C. Security Planning
D. Security Survey

191. In security survey, who is NOT involved in crime prevention, but creates a situation that
defer crime?
A. Manager
B. Investigator
C. Surveyor
D. Personnel

192. What security force is maintained and operated by a corporation used for its own which is
responsible to facilities and personnel?
A. Government security agency
B. Private detective agency
C. Private detective unit
D. Company security unit

193. The maximum number of private security personnel that a PSA/CGF/PDA may employ
shall be:
a. 500
b. 1500
c. 1000
d. 2000

194. A Private Security Agency who is applying for regular license to operate must have a
minimum of:
a. 100 Guards
b. 500 Guards
c. 200 Guards
d. 1000 Guards

Note: Pag CGF and PDA minimum of 30

195. All EXCEPT one are the line leadership staff:

A. Detachment Commander
B. Chief Inspector
C. Post-in-Charge
D. Security Supervisor 1

196. What is the required capital investment for organization of private security agency?
A. P 500,000 – minimum bank deposit
B. P 1,000,000
C. P 100,000
D. D. P 50,000

Note: Bank Deposit – 500,000

197. How many number of firearms ammunition is a private security guard allowed to have in
his or her possession.
a. Fifty (50) rounds per firearm
b. Twenty-five (25) rounds per firearm
c. Seventy (70) rounds per firearm
d. one-hundred (100) rounds per firearm

Note: Agecy – 50 rounds per firearm

198. What is required for security guards to undergo authorized training unit for a certain
period of time?
A. Pre-licensing course
B. Security supervisory course
C. Security officer training course
D. Re-training course

199. What is the minimum age in order to qualify for the issuance of a security guard license
in order to exercise the profession? (1000 stars)
A. 21
B. 18
C. 16
D. 25

200. The basic load of ammunition per unit of the duly licensed firearms shall not exceed
A. 25 loads
B. 50 loads
C. 30 loads
D. 40 loads

Note: Pag security guard is 25 rounds.

201. Document issued by the Chief, Philippine National Police or his duly authorized
representative, authorizing a person to engage in employing security guard or detective , or a
juridical person to establish, engage, direct, manage or operate an individual or a private
detective agency or private security agency/company security force.
a. Security Guard License
b. Security Agency License
c. License to Operate
d. Business Permit

202. A written order/schedule issued by a superior officer usually the private security
agency/branch manager or operations officer assigning the performance of private
security/detective service duties.
a. General Duty Order
b. Duty General Order
c. Duty Detail Order - DDO
d. Guard Detail Order

203. PADPAO stands for:

A. Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators, Inc.
B. Philippine Alliance of Detective and Protective Agency Operators, Inc.
C. Philippine Association of Detective and Protector Agency Operators, Inc.
D. Philippine Agencies of Detective and Protective Associations Operators, Inc.

204. Who exercises the power to remove, for cause, license issued to security guards. What
unit of PNP handles the processing and issuances of license for private security personnel ?

205. The following are the basis for the confiscation of firearms, except.
a. When the firearm is actually being used in the commission of a crime
b. When the firearm has just been used in the commission of a crime
c. When the firearm being carried by the security guard is unlicensed or a firearm is not
authorized by law and regulation for his use.
d. When the confiscation of the firearm is directed by the order of the prosecutor

206. What is a structured lesson designed to give people the knowledge and skills to perform
a task?
A. Evaluation
B. Supervision
C. Training
D. Coaching

207. This managerial concept is important for employing different types of people and
performing different activities such as training, growth, evaluation, compensation, welfare etc.
A. Controlling
B. Organizing
C. Planning
D. Staffing

Note: Employing different types of people

208. This maintains an understanding of the situation and ensures proper implementation of
plans and involves giving guidance and reviewing the performance of a job.
A. Supervision
B. Monitoring
C. Planning
D. Organization

209. Employees obeying and respecting the rules and regulations which governs the
organization are manifesting this managerial concept.
a. Discipline
b. Authority
c. Unity of Command
d. Respect
Keyword: Obeying

210. An approach in decision-making when people will point to a "gut feeling" or "hunch" as
the cause for a choice, reflecting that explanation is not accessible through conscious thought.
A. Rational
B. Intuitive
C. Analytical
D. Random

211. Leaders let their team members make decisions, solve problems, and get their work done
without having to worry about their every move being obsessively watched by the leader.
a. Democratic
b. Autocratic
c. Bureaucratic
d. Laissez-Faire

212. With this style of leadership, there is a specified collection of boxes to check to be a true
leader. Also means “by-the-book.”
a. Democratic
b. Autocratic
c. Bureaucratic
d. Laissez-Faire

213. What do you call a set of principles relating to the roles of planning, coordinating,
directing and regulating and the implementation of those principles in the efficient use of
physical, financial human and information capital to achieve organizational objectives?
A. Administration
B. Management
C. Decision-making
D. Leadership

214. They include all levels of management between the supervisory level and the top level of
the organization. These managers may be called functional managers, plant heads, and project
A. first line managers
B. middle level managers
C. top managers
D. last managers

215. A ___________ leader gives people a little direction to help them tap into their ability to
achieve all that they're capable of.
A. Coaching
B. Laissez-faire
C. Democratic
D. Affiliative

216. Which of the following statement is conclusive?

a. Leaders must be influenced
b. Leaders are influencers
c. Leaders must influence and should be influenced
d. Leaders can be influenced

Note: Dahil ikaw ang leader, ikaw ang nag influence hindi ikaw ang iniinfluence.
217. What is the other term for first line managers?
a. Superiors
b. Supervisors
c. Leaders
d. Boss

218. Different people expect different leadership styles. The basic starting point is to have a
clear understanding of human nature such as needs, feelings and motivation. This is a factor
concerning _________.
A. Leader
B. Followers
C. Supervisors
D. Top Management

219. This refers to the administrative activities of coordinating, controlling and directing police
resources, activities and personnel.
a. Police administration
b. Police management
b. Police supervision
d. Police direction

Keyword: Resources

220. In the following statements below which is NOT true?

A. Patrol officers are assigned to work alone.
B. Police supervisor work along hours.
C. Police supervisors are busy members in a department.
D. Police officers work most of the time with others.

221. Every PNP personnel receives this recognition after completing 20 years of honorable and
faithful service ________.
A. Medalya ng Katapatan
B. Medalya ng Paglilingkod – nakaabot ka na ng 20 years
C. Medalya ng Katapangan
D. Medalya ng Papuri

222. When you go to PNP in Crame, what is meant by R1?

A. Regional Records Management
B. Records Management
C. Personnel Management
D. Regional Personnel and Records Management

223. What is the process in the PNP application processing system that removes undesirable
and unqualified applicants?
A. Appraisal
B. Recruitment
C. Training
D. Selection

Keyword: Removes unqualified applicants

224. Defines the nation as an association of people who identify themselves as belonging to the
nation, who have equal and shared political rights, and allegiance to similar political
procedures. (1000 stars)
a. Civic Nationalism
b. Creole Nationalism
c. Nativist Nationalism
d. Ethnic Nationalism

225. __________ nationalism (or civil nationalism) is the form in which the state derives
political legitimacy from the active participation of its citizenry, from the degree to which it
represents the will of the people.
a. Ethnic
b. Civic
c. State
d. Expansionist

Keyword: political legitimacy

226. __________ Nationalism is a variant of civic nationalism, often combined with ethnic
a. Ethnic
b. Civic
c. Expansionist
d. State

Note: Combination ng civic and ethnic = State.

227. The word __________ is a noun that means "devoted love, support, and defense of one's
country; national loyalty.”
a. patriotism
b. patriotic
c. national pride
d. any of the above

228. Is the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with
other citizens who share the same sentiment.
a. Patriotism
b. Patriotic
c. National pride – specific yung tanong
d. Any of the above

229. __________ through its protectionist beliefs, is the polar opposite of globalism.
a. Patriotism
b. Patriotic
c. National pride
d. Nationalism

Note: Kabaliktaran ng Gobalism = Nationalism

230. __________ probably the most popular among the grounds adduced for patriotic duty.
a. Patriotism
b. Cosmopolitans
c. Patriot
d. Gratitude
231. Shall mean the part of the flag outside the hoist or length.
a. Festoon
b. Flag
c. Fly
d. Feast

232. Shall mean places of hilarity marked by or providing boisterous merriment or recreation;
a. Official Residences
b. Institute
c. Places of Fidelity
d. Places of Frivolity

233. The flag shall be flown on merchant ships of Philippine registry of more than ______ gross
tons and on all naval vessels.
a. 1000
d. 10000

234. Section 1 of Art. II of 1987 Constitution states that the Philippines is a _________State.
A. Democratic and Sovereign
B. Democratic and Republican
C. Republican and Sovereign
D. All of the above

235. Civilian authority is, at all times, _______the military.

A. Supreme always
B. Supreme over
C. Supreme above
D. Nota

236. These guiding principles dictate conduct and can assist individuals to know the
distinction between right and wrong.
A. Filipino values
B. Core values
C. Values orientation – influence work or social relationships
D. Nationalism and patriotism

237. It is in the Filipino value of going out of the way to help, without being asked , i.e.,
unsolicited help.
A. Pakikiramay
B. Pakikisama
C. Bayanihan
D. Galang

238. This contributing factors for character formation influences one’s personality and social
a. Family
b. School
c. Home
d. Culture
239. What government agency is mandated to issue rules and regulations for the proper
conduct of the flag ceremony?
A. National Historical Commission
B. Office of the President
C. Department of National Defense
D. Flag and Heraldry Commission

240. The Philippines __________ war as an instrument of national policy, adopts the generally
accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land.
A. renounces
B. rejects
C. supports
D. condemns

241. This is an ideology and movement define by promoting the interests of a particular nation
with the aim of acquiring and maintaining sovereignty.
a. Leadership
b. Allegiance
c. Patriotism
d. Nationalism

Keyword: Maintaining sovereignty (Gusto mo freedom)

242. To be a Filipino nationalist, it implies a heartfelt dedication for the love, care, and
preservation of the Philippines and –
A. everything that is identified with it
B. its territory and the inhabitants
C. its sovereignty and the government
D. all things that represent and symbolize the country

243. Religious nationalism pertains to the –

A. relationship of nationalism to a particular religious belief, church, or affiliation
B. politicization of religion and the converse influence of religion on politics
C. shared religion that contribute to a sense of national unity
D. a common bond among the citizens of the nation influence of religion on politics

244. When displayed with another flag, the Philippine flag shall be on the ____ of the other
A. right
B. back
C. left
D. front

245. The BLUE color of the Philippine Flag represents –

A. Purity and peace (White)
B. High political purpose and ideals
C. Courage, bravery, heroism and willingness to shed blood in defense of the Country (Red)
D. Peace

246. All government offices and educational institutions shall henceforth observe the flagraising
ceremony every Monday morning and the flag lowering ceremony every –
A. Friday afternoon
B. end of work
C. afternoon
D. Friday, 5:00 P.M

247. How many deputies are assigned to the chief PNP to assist him in the performance of
duties and responsibilities?
a. Five
b. Three
c. Two
d. Four

248. What plan prepares what to accomplish by special divisions of the PNP of each of the
proper rank?
a. Tactical
b. Operational
c. Procedural
d. Extra office

249. The modern approach in crime control which deals with apprehension, investigation,
trial, correction and punishment of criminal.
a. Crime Control
b. Crime Suppression
c. Crime Prevention
d. Crime Intervention

250. The organization structure is effective if it is structured to aid the accomplishment of the
organization objectives with the minimum cost. What is referred to this?
a. Principle of Balance
b. Principle of Unity of Objective
c. Principle of Absoluteness of Responsibility
d. Principle of Organizational Efficiency

251. Under this principle, the Chief Executive directly controls 2 to 10 subordinates, who then
control 2-10 subordinates each and so on until the bottom of the organization is reached.
a. Scalar chain
b. Unity of command
c. Command responsibility
d. Span of control – galing sa taas hanggang sa pinakamababa, may nagcocontrol na superior

252. How long will be the extension of tenure of the Chief, PNP if extended?
A. Not more than 1 year
B. Not less than 2 years
C. More than 1 year
D. None of them

253. Which of the following was NOT created by virtue of RA 8551?

a. PLEB - 6975
b. Waiver program
c. Internal Affairs Service
d. Minimum qualifications for PNP Initial Appointment

254. Governors and mayors, upon having been elected and having qualified as such, are
automatically deputized as representatives of the:
a. City or municipality
c. Civil Service commission
d. Philippine National Police

255. What law exempts individuals from taking Civil Service Professional examination when they
already passed the bar examination or board examination?
a. RA NO. 1080
b. PD NO. 907
c. RA NO. 6506
d. RA NO. 7160

256. One of the criteria for promotion which refers to the overall length of service in the
present rank.
A. Government service record
B. Time-in-grade
C. Period of permanency in the rank
D. Length of service in the PNP

Length of Service – kabuohan na oras na ikaw ay nasa serbisyo simula nang ikaw ay nag take-

257. Under this principle, each group reports to an individual who is part of a supervisory
group that answers to a higher supervisor and so on until a group of administrators report to
the chief executive.
A. Unity of Command
B. Scalar Principle – unbroken chain of units from top to bottom, flow of authority
c. Span of Control
d. Aggregation principle

258. The institution of criminal action or complaint against a police officer shall be _____.
A. A ground for dismissal
B. Not qualified for promotion
C. Automatically Dismiss
D. Not a bar to promotion

259. In Makati police headquarter, there are about 2,000 police officers for the entire city and
being supervised by the Chief of Police. What principle as applied by the COP in handling the
A. Command responsibility
B. Delegation of authority
C. Chain of command
D. Span of control

260. What is the term that describes personnel of the police department who have oath and
possess the power to arrest?
A. Police Officer
B. Sworn Officers
C. Pulis
D. Law Enforcement Officer

261. In law enforcement organization, “Superior Officer” is the one who:

A. have supervisory responsibilities over officers of lower rank.
B. is in command of the department, a bureau, a division, an area, or a district.
C. has the more senior rank in a team or group.
D. has command over a team of law enforcement officers
262. Which are performed by line officers?
i. Carrying out the major purposes of the police department.
ii. Delivering the services provided by the department.
iii. Dealing directly with the department’s clientele.
iv. Making final decisions with respect to the activities they perform.

a. i, ii, iii, iv
b. i, ii, iii
c. ii, iv
d. I, iii, iv

263. Law enforcement officers who perform staff functions are typically assigned to planning,
research, legal advice, budgeting, and educational services. They tend to be:
i. Highly specialized.
ii. Involved in an advisory capacity
iii. Attached from the public - DETACHED
iv. Not directly responsible for the decisions made by department executive.

A. i, ii, iii, iv
b. i, ii, iii
c. ii, iv
d. i, ii, iv

264. Which element of organization is used when the Head of Office assigned his/her
particular personnel to particular tasks?
a. Assignment
b. Deployment
c. Delegation
d. Specialization

265. In law enforcement organization, the following will be considered specialization:

I. Undercover works
II. Crime scene operations
III. Patrol work XXXXX
IV. Drug reaction
V. SWAT operations

A. I, II, III, IV, V

B. I, II, IV, V
C. I, III, V

266. Which element of law enforcement organization that represents formal relationship
among superiors and subordinates?
A. Hierarchy
B. Unity of command
C. Authority
D. Span of control

267. Hierarchy in law enforcement organization can be visualized as a ladder, with each rung (or
rank) representing a higher or lower level of authority. Which is NOT one of the characteristics
of hierarchy?
A. Each rank or position on a hierarchical ladder has specific rights.
B. Each rank or position on a hierarchical ladder owes specific duties to the positions above and
below it.
C. Any particular position of the ladder is expected to direct and control the activities of the
D. Any particular position of the ladder must obey the directions and instructions received from
equal ranks.

268. Which statement is FALSE about authority roles in the law enforcement organization?
A. It must be viewed in terms of prescribed roles rather than of individuals.
B. A particular position within an organization carries the same authority regardless of who
occupies that position.
C. While the personality of the occupant may change the style or manner in which authority is
exercise, it should increase or decrease the basic obligations of the occupant toward those in
subordinate positions.
D. Position within an organization carries different authority depending upon the qualification
of person who occupies the position.

269. Organization may be defined as an arranging personnel and functions in a systematic

manner designed to accommodate stated goals and objectives in the most ________ manner
A. effective
B. excellent
C. efficient
D. economical

270. PEMS De Juan gives PCPL De Deos an order. For PEMS De Juan to effectively hold PCPL De
Deos responsible for properly executing the order, PEMS De Juan must engage in some form
A. Organization
B. Supervision
B. Control
D. Planning

271. In______, lines of authority and responsibility is made as definite and direct as possible
so that responsibility may properly fixed and duplication avoided. Thus, every member in the
force knows where he fits in the pattern, to whom he is responsible and who is responsible to
A. Delineation of Responsibility
B. Span of control
C. Division of work – apportioning of works or tasks among the various units or groups
D. Chain of command

272. It depicts the unbroken flow of command from the top to the bottom of the
organizational hierarchy. What is it?
A. Chain of command
B. Span of control
C. Unity of command
D. Hierarchy of authority

273. It is well established administrative principle that a plan should be developed only when
clear need for the plan exists. Where in the typical police agency does this recognition of need
usually takes place?
A. Mainly at upper levels of the department
B. Only at the middle levels of the department
C. Mainly at the lower levels of the department
D. At any level of the department – kahit saang level needed ang pagdevelop ng mga plans

274. Under the principle of unity of command, each individual, unit or situation must be
under the immediate ________ of one person only.
A. supervision
B. control
C. management
D. watch

275. Personnel management as a management function is delegated to a department or a unit

in the organization called personnel department which performs:
A. Staff function
B. Operational function
C. Line function
D. Support service function

276. What type of organizational structure that personnel from functional areas such as patrol,
detectives support services, etc. to specific projects (task forces), crime specific problems
and/or internal security are assigned or deployed?
A. Functional
B. Line and staff
C. Matrix
D. Linear

277. An act of structuring a work group into components in order to establish workable
channels of intra-group communication in the performance of an assigned tasks.
A. Organizing
B. Staffing
C. Planning
D. Coordinating

278. What do you mean by a mechanical method of indicating the relationships that exists
among the various workers, work groups, and functions within an organization.
A. Organizational Structure – systematic arrangement
B. Organization Model
C. Organizational Chart – illustration, graphic view, mechanical means of depicting the
organizational structure
D. Structure

279. In __________ type of organization line and staff structure are modified by the delegation
of management authority to personnel outside the normal span of control.
A. Matrix
B. Linear
C. Functional
D. Line

280. Arranging personnel and functions in a systematic manner designed to accommodate

stated goals and objectives in the most efficient manner possible is known as –
A. Organization
B. Structure
C. Staff work
D. Organizing
281. It requires that each lower level in the organization is supervised by a higher level.
A. Likert scale
B. Scalar chain
C. Unity of command
D. Principle of hierarchy

282. Police authority of Manila International Airport Authority now Ninoy Aquino
International Airport is exercised by the –
A. Airport Police Department - APD
B. PNP Aviation Security Group
C. Philippine Air Force
D. Civil Aviation Authority Of The Philippines

283. The Philippine Coast Guard is an armed and__________ service tasked primarily with
enforcing laws within Philippine waters, conducting maritime security operations, safeguarding
life and property at sea, and protecting marine environment and resources.
A. uniformed
B. regimented
C. civilian
D. public

284. Which statement is TRUE?

A. In the principle of delineation of responsibility, lines of authority and responsibility should be
made as indefinite and indirect so that responsibility may not be fixed.
B. A line or chain of superiors from top to bottom is known as unity of command.
C. Span of control refers to the extent of direction, coordination and control over immediate
D. The span of control of a supervisor over personnel or units shall be more than what he can
effectively direct and coordinate.

285. In US, the sheriff for each county is chosen through

A. referendum
B. election
C. appointment by governor
D. elimination

286. The head of PNP has a rank of Police General. What is the highest rank in Hong Kong?
A. Police Chief
B. Commissioner general
B. Police Inspector general
D. Commissioner

287. Which police organization applies the “iron fist, velvet glove" in the enforcement of law?
A. Switzerland Police
B. Japan Police
C. Ireland Police
D. Egypt Police

288. The oldest police agency in France;

A. Police Nationale
B. Gendarmerie
C. Police Judiciare
D. Surete
289. It is in charge of research statistics and the investigation of nationality important and
international cases in Japan.
a. Traffic Bureau
b. Criminal Investigation Bureau
c. Security Bureau
d. Regional Public Safety Bureau

290. At the Interpol, what is the independent body whose mandate is threefold—to ensure that
the processing of personal information by Interpol complies with the Organization’s regulations;
to advice INTERPOL on any project, operation, set of rules or other matter involving the
processing of personal information and to process requests concerning the information
contained in INTERPOL’s file.
A. Intelligence Bureau
B. Internal Security Bureau
C. Commission for Control of INTERPOL’s Files

291. The tenure of Interpol President is for a period of…

A. 4 years
B. 1 year
C. 3 years
D. 6 years

292. What year is known as the birth year of INTERPOL?

A. 1923
B. 1924
C. 1925
D. 1932

293. Praetorian guard was introduced by the people of…

A. Ancient Egypt
B. Ancient Rome
C. Ancient Greece
D. Babylonians

294. The Japanese police officers are commonly known as:

A. Kempetai
B. Keishi
C. Koban
D. Kakokeshei

295. In the history of Patrol, the first recorded organized police that utilized dog patrol was the
so called:
A. Vigiles
B. Jacobians
C. Ancient police
D. Medjays

296. What type of police system which is distinguished by a strong inquisitorial system where
less right is granted to the accused, and the written law is taken as gospel and subject to little
a. Common law system
b. Civil law system
c. Socialist system
d. Islamic system

Strong adversarial system – common law system

297. NATO is an acronym which means…

A. National Treaty Organization
B. National Atlantic Treaty Organization
C. National Aquatic Technological Organization
D. National Academy for Training and Organizing

298. The focus of the Interpol as an organization are the following, except:
A. Maintain law enforcement regardless of the race or religion.
B. To protect minorities against the dominant groups
C. To combat crimes and transnational crimes.
D. Answer not given.

299. What terrorist group which has an ideology of “egalitarianism” or “equality”.

B. Abu Sayyaf
D. EC 15

300. In the history of Patrol in the US, the first daytime and paid police service was organized
A. Boston
B. New York
C. San Francisco
D. Philadelphia

301. The police strategy in the Philippines that was patterned from the Koban System of
A. One PNP
B. Integrated Patrol System
C. Community Oriented Policing
D. None of the foregoing

302. The type and form of government in Northern Asia (Russia) consist of composite system
which includes federal state, semi-presidential and republic. Which type of government is
characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions united by a central
a. Republic State
b. Federal State
c. Semi-presidential state
d. Presidential state

303. The word Jemaah Islamiyah also means…

A. Islamic Leaders
B. Religious Revolutionaries
C. Islamic Congregation
D. The Lamb of God

304. In USA, what state are among the first to hire women and minorities as police officer.
A. Massachusetts
B. California – Los Angeles
C. New York
D. Washington

305. The first president of the Interpol.

A. Oskar Dressler
B. Jolly R. Bugarin
C. Johann Schober
D. Aberdeen Scotland

306. Which contemporaneous approach in policing that uses early detection of crime trends to
allow police to be proactive?
A. Community
B. Intelligence-led
C. Problem-solving
D. Evidence-based

307. Which legal system that is known as Continental justice?

A. Civil Law
B. Islamic law
C. Common law
D. Socialist law

308. The membership of a country to the United Nations (UN) is decided by the __________ as
recommended by the Security Council.
A. International Court of Justice
B. General Assembly
C. Secretariat
D. Economic and Social Council

309. The primary focus of homeland security policing model is:

A. Serious crimes
B. Crimes against property
C. Terrorism
D. Violent crimes

310. Because of the federated nature of its political system where local communities assert their
right to home rule, policing system in the US is essentially:
A. Centralized
B. Integrated
C. Decentralized
D. Fragmented

311. It is the power of UN Security Council consists of provisional measures to prevent a

conflict from worsening, and may involve the deployment of PEACEKEEPING and/or OBSERVER
A. Preventive Action
B. Peacekeeping
C. Enforcement Action
D. Peace building

312. Considered as the most powerful branch of the United Nations is the:
A. General Assembly
B. Secretariat
C. Security Council
D. Economic and Social CounciL

313. The General Headquarters of the United Nations is in –

A. Vienna, Austria
B. New York City - Manhattan
C. Lyon, France
D. Netherlands (ICC)

314. This organ of the United Nations is located in Hague, Netherlands that resolves
contentious matters among member states. Which of these?
A. General Assembly
B. Security Council
C. United Nations Judicial Body
D. International Court of Justice

315. Policing plays an increasingly role in the UN peacekeeping and this looks set to grow in the
years ahead, especially as the international community seeks to develop the rule of law and
reform security institutions in States recovering from conflict. This is what we called:
A. International policing
B. Cooperative policing
C. Transnational policing
D. Global policing

316. What notice is issued in order to locate, identify or obtain information on a person of
interest in a criminal investigation?
A. Green
B. Red
C. Blue
D. Yellow

317. It is issued to warn of an event, a person, an object or a process representing an

imminent threat and danger to persons or property. What is it?
A. Black Notice
B. Green Notice
C. Purple Notice
D. Orange Notice

318. INTERPOL notice issued to provide information on modus operandi, objects, devices and
concealment methods used by criminals is –
A. Green
B. Black
C. Purple
D. Interpol–United Nations Security Council Special Notice

319. The designated contact point of the members of the INTERPOL is –

A. International Central Bureaus
B. National Central Bureaus
C. Integrated Central Bureaus
D. Interpol Member Bureaus

320. It refers to the actions taken by a police agency to fulfill a legal mandate of which the end
result is maintenance of order and keeping the peace.
A. Law enforcement
B. Police action
C. Community policing
D. Policing

321. PADPAO stands for:

a. Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators, Inc.
b. Philippine Alliance of Detective and Protective Agency Operators, Inc.
c. Philippine Association of Detective and Protector Agency Operators, Inc.
d. Philippine Agencies of Detective and Protective Associations Operators, Inc.

322. The surety bond required to Security Agency employing a number of 200-499 security
guards is _________________.
a. 50 thousand pesos
b. 150 thousand pesos
c. 100 thousand pesos
d. 200 thousand pesos

323. Which does NOT describe security hardware and system designers and planners?
a. Security professional who specializes the design of security systems
b. Security professional who operates and maintains security facilities and equipment
c. Security professional who combines security software and hardware to address security
requirements of a facility
d. Security professional who and the trains others in the operation and maintenance of security

324. The basic load of ammunition per unit of a duly licensed firearm shall not
a. 20 loads
b. 30 loads
c. 25 loads
d. 50 loads

325. It is the exposure and teaching of employees on security and its relevance to their work.
a. Security education
b. Security indoctrination
c. Security training – structured lesson design
d. Security awareness

326. A person’s suitability to be given a security clearance is determined through a process

a. security training
b. security education
c. security promotion
d. security investigation

327. In the industrial setting, what is the MOST common type of human hazard?
a. sabotage
b. pilferage
c. shoplifting
d. espionage

328. They are also referred to as the BLUE ARMY.

a. SAF
b. Government Security Guard
c. Private Security Guard
d. Philippine Army

329. This system consists of ringing up a visual or audible alarm near the object to be
a. Central Station System
b. Proprietary system
c. Local Alarm
d. Auxiliary Alarm

330. A Private Security Agency who is applying for regular license to operate must possess at
least 70 licensed firearms and a minimum of:
A. 100 Guards – 30 Licensed Firearms
B. 150 Guards
C. 200 Guards
D. 1000 Guards

331. A dialogue between the survey team and management officials before security survey is
a. Security survey
b. Special survey
c. Entrance conference
d. Exit conference

332. A restricted area containing materials or operation of security interest.

a. Restricted area
b. Exclusion area
c. Controlled area
d. Coverage factor

333. Republic Act No. 11917 which lapse into law on July 30, 2022 pertains to –
A. The Private Security Services Industry Act
B. The Private Security Agency Law
C. The Security Guard and Private Detective Act of 2022
D. The Philippine Criminology Profession Act of 2018

334. The following are principles of Physical Security; EXCEPT:

A. There is no impenetrable barrier
B. Each installation is same as the other
C. Defense is depth – barrier after barrier
D. Surreptitious and non-surreptitious entry

335. Clear zone of ____ must be established between the perimeter barrier and structure
within the protected areas.
A.20 feet or more
B. 30 feet or more
B. 40 feet or more
D. 50 feet or more

336. What principle of security states that, “One security system cannot stand alone”?
a. Safety
b. Protection
C. Security
D. Defense is depth
337. It is under physical security which provides sufficient illumination to areas during hours of
A. Protective lighting
B. Standby Lighting
C. Emergency Lighting – used in times of power failure
D. Moveable Lighting

338. The minimum age requirement for Security Manager or Operator of a security agency is:
a. 18 but not more than 50 yrs. Old
b. 21 yrs. Old
c. 30 yrs. Old
D. 25 yrs. Old

339. The normal weight of a safe is at least:

a. 500 lbs.
b. 750 lbs.
c. 1000 lbs.
d. 600 lbs.

340. License to Operate (LTO) is a License Certificate document which is issued by authorizing a
person to engage in employing security guard or detective, or a juridical person to establish,
engage, direct, manage or operate a private detective agency.
a. Secretary of DILG
b. Security and Exchange Commission
c. Chief PNP
d. President

341. Clear Zone of must be established between the perimeter barrier and structure outside
the protected areas.
a. 20 feet or more
b. 40 feet or more
c. 30 feet or more
d. 50 feet or more – inside

342. The highest rank in security agency organizational structure:

A. Security Executive Director
B. Chief Security Director
c. Security Staff Director
d. Detachment Director

343. Bobby is a security guard. After his tour of duty, what shall he do with his firearm?
a. Return the Firearm for safekeeping in the company’s Vault.
b. Turnover to the next security guard on duty.
c. Bring home the firearms for easy responses.
d. Deposit the Firearm inside the drawer of the guards table.

344. A mechanism for keeping a door fastened.

a. Lock
b. Padlock
c. Code Operated
d. Card Operated

345. This is the sum total of all physical protection employed or installed to secure assets.
a. Personnel security
b. Personnel investigation
c. Physical security
d. Industrial security

346. This type of police plan according to range, and which has a life span of three years or
A. Short term
B. Long term
C. Medium term
D. Strategic plan

347. Are those plans relating to standard operating procedures, and are useful as guide to
personnel, these plans must be reviewed from time to time to increase operational efficiency.
A. Tactical plan
B. Procedural plan
C. Operational plan
D. Auxiliary plan

348. A plan to be effectively carried out must be accepted by person concerned at the
appropriate level of the plans development, and that is:
A. evaluation of the plan
B. selling the plan
C. execution of the plan
D. selecting alternatives

349. The three criteria that is used to test the solution stated in a plan are: acceptability;
suitability; and:
A. possibility
B. Adaptability
C. Feasibility
D. Flexibility

350. What is the first step in planning?

a. Analyzing the facts (4)
b. Clarifying the problem (2)
c. Frame of reference
d. Collecting all pertinent facts (3)

351. It articulates the function, objectives/goals and the philosophies of any organization in a
written form. This refers to:
a. Philosophy
b. Vision
c. Attitude
d. Mission

352. What is the “frisk” or external feeling of the outer garments of an individual for weapons
a. Pat down search
b. Spot check
c. Accosting
d. Frisking

353. During police intervention operations, the duty to issue a warning is not absolute before
he could use force against an offender.
A. Correct
B. Partially Correct
C. Wrong
D. Partially Wrong

354. In a pat down search, police officer must:

A. conduct a thorough search of the pocket of the suspect.
B. not place his hand inside the pocket of the suspect.
C. open the bag of the suspect to ensure that no weapons has been concealed.
D. handcuff the suspect.

355. Which of the following is best suited for the word “stealth (patago)” in the types of patrol.
a. Motorcycle patrol
b. Canine patrol
c. Foot patrol
d. Automobile patrol

356. What type of patrol has the combined advantage of mobility and stealth.
a. Bicycle
b. Mobile
c. Foot
d. Plainclothes

357. Which of the following is not one of the advantages of mobile patrol?
A. It maintains better personal contact with citizens and develops police community relations
B. Provides the officer with needed protection, during inclement weather and enables him to
carry other equipment.
C. Faster response to public calls.
D. Covers a wider area.

358. The following describe “patrol”, except:

a. Patrol is the innovator of police department in crime prevention.
b. Patrol force serves as the nucleus of police department.
c. Brain of the police organization - intelligence
d. Basic law enforcement method.

359. What is the deployment of patrol personnel in their respective Area of Responsibility
(AOR) with definite objectives?
a. Proactive patrol
b. preventive patrol
c. reactive patrol
d. foot patrol

360. This patrol method utilizes disguise, deception and lying in wait rather than upon high
visibility patrol techniques.
A. High visibility
B. Low visibility
C. Directed patrol
D. Decoy patrol – employs bait or distracter

361. What patrol organization that conducts continuous naval patrol, sea control amphibious
A. PNP Maritime Group
B. Philippine Navy
C. Patrol Function - backbone
D. Intelligence – brain

362. Walkie-Talkies, slang term for the two-way radio systems, are designed for home and
police radios. Today, it isknown as two-way hand held radio (HHR) or radio transceiver. Who
developed the said radio?
A. Nokia
B. Motorola
C. Samsung
D. Walkaton

363. If a patrol officer needs to respond to a crime incident faster but undetected, then the
best patrol method that he should employ is:
A. Bicycle patrol
B. Motorcycle patrol
C. Automobile patrol
D. Foot patrol

364. In police communications 10-74 means:

A. Caution
B. Fire Alarm
C. Acknowledgement
D. Negative

365. During night time patrol be prepare to use your flashlight and it should be held on the
A. Left Hand
B. Right Hand
C. Strong Hand
D. Weak hand

366. This type of crime mapping allows the crime analyst to display several values within a
particular variable at the same time (e.g., variable = crime, values = robbery, assault, and rape).
A. Graduated Mapping
B. Chart Mapping
C. Density Mapping
D. Interactive Crime Mapping

367. It is a violent confusion in a crowd. Once a mob started to become violent , it becomes a
A. Crowd
B. Riot
C. Tumultuous
D. Mob

368. In here, all persons who are at scene should be advised to leave the area, thereby
reducing the number of potential anti-police combatants.
A. Dispersal
B. Containment
C. Prevention of entry or re-entry
D. All of the above

369. This management theory entails that good salary and incentives must be given to workers
to ensure their hard work, innovative action and goodwill. This management theory was
introduced by Frederick Taylor.
A. Administrative theory
B. Scientific management
C. Bureaucratic model
D. Theory X and Theory Y

370. The group of management theories which emphasize the importance of interaction and
cooperation among employees in enhancing productivity called.
A. System theory
B. Administrative principle
C. Behavioral theory
D. Scientific management – procedures with pay

371. The Bloodline of every organization.

A. Men
B. Materials
C. Method
D. Money

372. It is the proper supervision which includes investigation of complains and suitable
disciplinary measures applied when needed.
a. Controlling
b. Appraisal
c. Attention
d. Training

373. It refers to the omission of some act which ought to be performed.

A. Unfeasance
B. Misfeasance
C. Nonfeasance
D. Malfeasance

374. Maximum period wherein a police officer may be suspended from service by the Chief
PNP when it comes to Internal Discipline.
A. 180 days
B. 90 days
C. 60 days
D. 30 days

375. When can a PNP member may be summarily dismissed from the service?
A. She/he is a recidivist
B. She/he has a lot of complainants
C. The charge is a minor offense
D. She/he is a commissioned officer.

376. It refers to the performance of act that ought not to be done.

A. feasance
B. misfeasance
C. malfeasance
D. nonfeasance

377. What is the nature of proceedings in administrative case against a PNP personnel?
A. Summary
B. Just and speedy
C. Substantial evidence
D. Due process of law

378. The filing of a complaint, either criminal or administrative involving the same cause of
action filed in two or more different courts or quasi-judicial bodies.
A. Exclusive jurisdiction
B. Forum shopping
C. Administrative Case
D. Criminal Case

379. An art of getting people to comprehend and believe in the vision set for the organization
and to work with others to achieve goals is known as:
A. management
B. directing
C. Administration
D. Leadership

380. In management the manager __________ or directs people/resources in a group

according to principles or values that have been established.
A. controls
B. supervises
C. uses
D. spearhead

381. Which statement is FALSE about law enforcement leadership?

A. It should go above and beyond for nuisance complaints, because it is part of the job.
B. To be truly effective, there is a need to instill a change in the mind set of the agency.
C. Personnel are reflection of leadership hence personnel development is of the utmost
D. The transition towards being a leader or to a manager is based in part on unconscious

382. Democratic leadership is one of the most effective leadership styles because –
A. it allows lower-level employees to exercise authority
B. all members of the team are given an authority to decide
C. it provides opportunity to other members of the team to contribute
D. it will train lower-level personnel to become leaders

383. In a meeting, the division chief gives his/her subordinates a few decision-related options.
They then open a discussion about each option, by which the former took his/her thoughts
and feedback into consideration. What leadership style was used?
A. Strategic
B. Transformational
C. Democratic
D. Transactional

384. In _____________ leadership subordinates are neither considered nor consulted prior to
a direction, and are expected to adhere to the decision at a time and pace stipulated by the
head of office.
A. Laissez-faire
B. Autocratic
C. Transformational
D. Coach-style
385. Leaders who use ___________leadership style is commonly effective because he/she
accepts the burden of executive interests while ensuring that current working conditions
remain stable for everyone else.
A. Strategic
B. Bureaucratic
C. Transactional
D. Autocratic

386. Strategic leadership is a desirable leadership style in many organizations because –

A. strategic thinking supports multiple types of employees.
B. leaders who operate this way can set a dangerous precedent
C. it can support the best direction for the organization really is
D. it helps establish roles and responsibilities for each employee

387. Mr. Soriano listed basic set of tasks and goals that his subordinates will complete for every
week, month, year until the end of his four- year term of office. Consequently, he constantly
push his subordinates outside of their comfort zone or capability . What leadership style does
Mr. Soriano use?
A. Transformational
B. Transactional
C. Autocratic
D. Coach-style

388. To motivate his men to exert utmost effort to serve and protect the public, PCOL Vargas
actively and consistently gives awards and incentives to his men for every good work they
have accomplished. PCOL Vargas used ___________ leadership style.
A. Transformational
B. Laissez-faire
C. Transactional
D. Coach style

389. Decision-making involves the following process. Which are the correct steps in making
sound decisions?
A. Gather information, identify the decision, identify alternatives, choose among alternatives,
weigh the evidence, take action and review the decision
B. Identify the decision, identify alternatives, choose among alternatives, gather information,
weigh the evidence, take action and review the decision
C. Identify the decision, gather information, identify alternatives, weigh the evidence, choose
among alternatives, take action and review the decision
D. Identify the decision, weigh the evidence, identify alternatives, choose among alternatives,
gather information, take action and review the decision

390. What step of decision-making process that involves evaluating for feasibility, acceptability
and desirability the decision to know which alternative is best?
A. Identifying alternatives
B. Taking action
C. Weighing evidence
D. Choosing among alternatives

391. What step in the decision-making process that the decision-maker identify what
resources are required and gaining support from employees and stakeholders?
A. Action
B. Reviewing decision
C. Choosing alternatives
D. Execution

392. What leadership style is used when a leader focuses on identifying and nurturing the
individual strengths of each member on his or her team?
A. Bureaucratic
B. Individualized
C. Coach-style
D. Personalized

393. What attribute of a leader that enable him/her to step up and move things in the right
direction despite of problems or conflicts?
A. Empathy
B. Bravery
C. Valor
D. Courage

394. It refers to the sincerity, obedience, respect of authority and observance of rules and
regulations of the organization. What is being defined?
A. Order
B. Esprit d’ corps
C. Camaraderie
D. Discipline

395. Getting the required and expected results from followers can be achieved through
_______________, a leadership attribute often not utilized properly as well as a natural talent
frequently taken for granted.
A. active listening
B. attention to detail
C. charisma
D. meticulousness

396. A leader plays three roles: interpersonal, informational and decisional. Which is NOT
classified as informational role?
A. Seeking information regarding the issues that are affecting the organization
B. Developing and maintaining a network outside the office for information and assistance.
C. Receiving any important information from internal or external sources
D. Representing the organization and providing information about the organization to outsiders

397. Team spirit or espirit de’ corps pertains to the harmony in the work groups and mutual
understanding among the members which can be achieved through the unity of command. To
inculcate espirit de’ corps in the organization, the following are the steps that the head of office
should be undertaken, EXCEPT.
A. There should be proper coordination of work at all levels
B. Subordinates should be encouraged to develop very formal relations among themselves.
C. Efforts should be made to create enthusiasm and keenness among subordinates so that they
can work to the maximum ability.
D. Efficient employees should be rewarded and those who are not up to the mark should be
given a chance to improve their performance.

398. What managerial principle that organizational authority is concentrated of at the top
A. Specialization
B. Centralization
C. Autocratic
D. Unitary

399. Which theory of community policing that rests on the empowerment of a new level of
social organization to generate work for the police, namely, groups, neighborhoods,
communities, businesses, civic groups, and so forth?
A. Democratic
B. Social Structure
C. Community relations
D. Police Public Relation

400. According to Sir Robert Peel, the police must be stable, efficient, and organized along:
A. Military lines
B. Civilian character
C. Government institutions
D. National in scope

401. It refers to the movement that tends to promote the interests of a group of people with
the aim of gaining and maintaining the self-governance over its homeland to create a nation
A. Nationalism
B. Sovereignty
C. Patriotism
D. Independence

402. An aggressive radical form of nationalism or ethnic nationalism that incorporates

autonomous, heightened ethnic consciousness and patriotic sentiments with atavistic fears
and hatreds focused on foreign peoples, framing a belief in recovery of formerly owned
territories through militaristic means. What type of nationalism is described?
A. Romantic
B. True nationalism
C. Expansionist
D. Hostile nationalism

403. What form of nationalism is compatible with values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and
individual rights?
A. Liberal
B. Emancipated
C. Democratic – walang ganito
D. Republican

404. The equilateral triangle of the Philippine Flag represents:

A. Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao
B. Equality
C. Katipunan, Kataas-taasan, Kagalang-galangan, Katipunan ng Bayan
D. Masonic emblem

4055. How should the Philippine National Anthem be rendered?

A. In accordance with the musical arrangement and composition of Jose Rizal
B. In accordance with the musical arrangement and composition of Levi Celerio
C. In accordance with the musical arrangement and composition of Noel Cabangon
D. In accordance with the musical arrangement and composition of Julian Felipe

406. The BLUE color of the Philippine Flag represents:

A. purity and peace
B. high political purpose and ideals
C. courage, bravery, heroism and willingness to shed blood in defense of the Country
D. peace

407. EXCEPT one, the following are State policies enshrined in the 1987 Constitution.
A. Promotion of social justice in all phases of national development
B. Guarantee and full respect for human rights
C. Unity of Church and State
D. Independent foreign policy

408. Nationalism which is based on ethnic and culture but the nation is itself a cluster of
related ethnic groups and cultures is known as:
A. diaspora
B. left-wing
C. pan-nationalism
D. liberation

409. If there is a line of other flags, the Philippine flag shall be in the ______ of the line.
A. right
B. middle
C. front
D. back

410. When carried in a parade with flags which are not national flags, the Philippine flag shall
be in ____ of the center of the line.
A. right
B. middle
C. front
D. back

411. The 1987 Constitution provides that the Armed Forces of the Philippines is the –
A. defender of the government and the people
B. protector of the people and the State
C. protector of the citizen and guardian of national territory
D. armed and uniformed service of the government mandated to defend the country

412. Which social institution that is considered by the Philippine State as inviolable social
institution that need to be protected?
A. Family
B. School
C. Marriage
D. Church

413. According to the 1987 Constitution, what is the prime duty of the Government?
A. To serve and protect the people
B. To provide employment to the people
C. To ensure that the needs of the citizens are attended to
D. To defend Philippine sovereignty

414. When the Philippine Flag is hung vertically, the equilateral triangle is on the top. Where is
the blue part positioned?
A. To the right of the viewer facing the flag
B. To the left of the speaker on stage
C. To the left of the viewer facing the flag
D. Any position as long as it does not touch the ground

415. The waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the Philippine archipelago,
form part of its –
A. territorial sea
B. territory
C. exclusive economic zone
D. internal waters

416. The national anthem was proclaimed by _____on June12, 1898

a. Emilio Aguinaldo
b. Gregorio del pilar
c. General luna
d. Mrs. Marcela Marino Agoncillo

417. The paramount interest of one’s country override any moral consideration with which
they might come into conflict.
A. Robust patriotism
B. Extreme patriotism
C. Moderate patriotis
D. Deflated patriotism

418. There are important benefits we have received from our country; we are bound to show
gratitude for them, and that the appropriate way to do so is to show special concern for the
well-being of the country and patriots.
A. Robust patriotism
B. Extreme patriotism
C. Moderate patriotism
D. Deflated patriotism

419. It describes the range of political ideologies that support and seek to achieve social
equality and egalitarianism (equal) often in opposition to social hierarchy.
a. Left-wing nationalism
b. Civic nationalism
c. Left wing politics
d. Nota

420. An Act Prescribing The Code Of The National Flag, Anthem, Motto, Coat-of-arms And
Other Heraldic Items And Devices Of The Philippines

421. UNESCO means

a. United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization.
b. United Nations Environmental, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
c. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
d. United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

422. The Philippines has had a total of ____constitutions since the Proclamation of
Independence on June 12, 1898.
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8

423. It is often called the freedom constitution.

a. 1973 constitution
b. 1986 Constitution
c. 1987 constitution
d. 1989 constitution

424. When displayed in a semi-circle of flags with other countries or house flags, the National
Flag should be at the:
a. Front
b. Center
c. Rear
d. Anywhere

425. Is the process by which norms and expectations in relation to gender are learned by
women and men.
a. Socialization
b. Gender socialization
c. Gender stereotype
d. Gender inequality

426. A form of prejudgment, bias or limitation given to roles and expectations of males and
females. These may affect the gender equality and inequality in the society.
a. Socialization
b. Gender socialization
c. Gender stereotype
d. Gender inequality

427. A family composed of a grandparent, a brother, his sister, and her children.
a. Matrifocal Family
b. Conjugal Family / Nuclear Family / Single Family
c. Monogamous Family
d. Avuncular family

428. It is seen in the patriotism of duty, but it does not necessarily result in it; one can truly
love his country and yet be a coward, just as one can theoretically fulfill a patriotic duty and yet
feel apathetic about the country's welfare.
a. Patriotism of Duty
b. Patriotism of Manners
c. Patriotism of Affection
d. Personal Patriotism

429. It makes a child a confident, positive person, parents should avoid being too
authoritative, trying to discipline excessively, criticizing the child, discouraging him, comparing
him with others, and being partial.
a. Parental Influence
b. Home environment
c. School Environment
d. Culture

430. It is the trait displayed by every Filipino, characterized by heart-warming generosity and
friendliness exhibited to newcomers and natives alike.
a. Respect
b. Filial Piety
c. Helpfulness
d. Hospitality

431. What is the meaning of SIR?

a. Smooth intrapersonal relationship
b. Smooth interpersonal relationship
c. Smart interpersonal relationship
d. Sincere interpersonal reaction

432. Under Executive Order No. 292, instituting the "Administrative Code of 1987",
“Department" refers to an executive department created by law, While “Office” refers to
A. any of the various units of the Government, including a department, bureau, office,
instrumentality, or government-owned or controlled corporations, or a local government or a
distinct unit
B. any principal subdivision or unit of any department
C. any major functional unit of a department or bureau including regional offices
D. the entire machinery of the central government

433. In a typical law enforcement organization, auxiliary functions involve the –

A. delivery of services provided by the organization
B. “backbone” of the police department
C. logistical operations of the department – training, communications, jailing, maintenance,
record keeping, motor vehicles, and similar operations
D. direct dealing with the department’s clientele

444. The word “POLICE” originated from the Greek word POLITEIA, which means:
A. An agency charged to enforce the law
B. A person who enforces the law
C. A government of a city
D. Internal organization or regulation of a State

445. The new height requirement for female and male applicants in the tri-bureaus:
A. 1.57 Meter and 1.52 Meter
B. 1.52 Meter and 1.57 Meter
C. 1.62 Meter and 1.57 Meter
D. 1.57 Meter and 1.62 Meter

446. One of its duties and functions is to enforce regulations in accordance with all relevant
maritime international conventions, treaties or instruments and national laws for the
promotion of safety of life, property at sea within the maritime jurisdiction of the Philippines
and conduct port state control implementation:
A. Philippine Navy
B. Philippine Coast Guard
C. Bureau of Immigration

447. During the Spanish occupation in the Philippines, a group of men were assigned to
safeguard and maintain peace and order on all major ports and rivers. This group is known as
A. Horohan
B. Cuadrilleros
C. Cuerpo De Carabineros De Seguridad Pública
D. Guardia Civil

448. In the Command Group of the Philippine National Police hierarchy, the one who shall
support the highest ranking official when it comes to management of all personnel shall be
known as the
A. Chief of Police
B. Three Star General of the Philippine National Police
C. Deputy Director for Administration
D. Deputy Director for Operation

449. Any PNP member designated to any key position whose rank is lower than that which is
required for such a position is termed as “Promotion by _______________.
A. Regular
B. Special
C. Virtue of Exhibited Acts
D. Virtue of Position

450. The position title of the head of the Philippine Coast Guard:
A. Director
B. Coast Guard Admiral
C. Commandant
D. Commissioner

451. By virtue of this law, the first national police organization was established.
A. Act No. 70 – Metropolitan Police of Manila
B. Act No. 175 – Insular Constabulary
C. Act No. 255 – Insular into Philippine Constabulary
D. Act No. 183 – Manila Police Department

452. If you were designated as the Chief of Police Regional Office 1, your rank corresponding to
the qualification shall be:
A. Police Major General
B. Police Lieutenant Colonel
C. Police Brigadier General
D. Police Colonel

453. The PNP shall exercise the general powers to conduct arrest, search, seizure, and ascertain
the guilt of criminals in accordance with the Constitution and pertinent laws. The statement is
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Yes

454. This is the part where the PNP is making sure that all candidates who have the highest
potential for developing into good members of the agency will be the one who will be chosen
to enter.
A. Recruitment Process – attracting/encourage
B. Placement Process – training/orientation
C. Selection Process – screening/choosing
D. Appointment Process – designation/assignment

455. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

A. Recruitment is the process of attracting candidates who have minimum qualifications to be
eligible for selection.
B. The process of screening out or eliminating undesirable applicants who do not meet the
organization’s criteria refers to screening
C. Recruitment is the part where the PNP will singleout applicants who possess the required
qualification and eligibility.
D. Selection is the phase where the PNP will ascertain whether candidates are fit for being a
police officer.

456. The Modern Police Concept measures the effectiveness and efficiency of the police in the
absence of crime. This means the following, EXCEPT:
A. People in the community are safe anytime of the day and night
B. Booming business in the locality
C. People in the community are not afraid to wear jewelries
D. Police are always processing persons of interest

457. This agency of the government is the one tasked for policy coordination and shall exercise
administrative control and operational supervision over the PNP.

458. All of the following are members of the People’s Law Enforcement Board, EXCEPT:
A. Three (3) members chosen by the Peace and Order Council from among the respected
members of the community
B. Any barangay captain of the city/municipality concerned chosen by the association of
barangay captains
C. Any member of the Sangguniang Panglunsod
D. Local Peace and Order Council

459. An Act Providing for the Rank Classification in the Philippine National Police, Amending
for the Purpose Section 28 of Republic Act No. 6975, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the
"Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990"
A. RA 6975
B. RA 8551
C. RA 11279 – Act Transferring NPTI and PNPA from PPSC to PNP
D. RA 11200

460. The Head of the Philippine National Police (PNP) shall have the rank of:
A. Chief, PNP
B. Four-Star General
C. Sir Chief
D. Police General

461. Crime control means:

A. Elimination or reduction of the desire to commit crime which must be coordinated very
closely with other agencies or sectors of society such as the members of the criminal justice
B. Neutralization of criminal activity which depend upon the proper enforcement of the
provisions of the Revised Penal Code and Special Laws governing criminal acts
C. Enforcement of rules and regulations and ordinances all aimed at achieving a desired uniform
standard of activity among members of society
D. Police visibility to eliminate desire, opportunity and instruments of crime

462. Which of the following is NOT one of the general objectives of the police?
A. To ensure that there is an order in the community
B. To protect the lives and limbs of every member of the community
C. To arrest the criminals and bring them to prison
D. To protect the properties of the citizenry and render appropriate assistance to other
government office concerned

463. Which of the following is NOT a factor in determining police applicants’ aptitude to join
the police service?
A. Likability and affability
B. Congeniality and sex appeal
C. Outside interest and conversational ability
D. No disagreeable mannerism

464. The PNP national operational support unit that provides security to high ranking
government officials, foreign dignitaries, VIP’s, and other persons requiring security?
A. Police Security and Protection Group
B. Civil Security Group
C. Intelligence Group
D. Aviation Security Group

465. Under RA 8551, PNP shall reserve _______________ percent of its annual recruitment
training and education quota for women?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20

466. When a male PNP applicant is 1.57m in height, is he qualified to proceed with the
application process?
A. No, because he did not meet the minimum qualification pursuant to RA 6975 as amended by
RA 8551
B. Yes, because he can apply for a height waiver considering that he is a member of the
indigenous community
C. No, because he has no eligibility
D. Yes

467. Any uniformed member of the PNP who has exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and
gallantry at the risk of his/her life above and beyond the call of duty, shall be promoted to the
next higher rank: Provided, That such acts shall be validated by the Commission based on
established criteria. This is referred to as ____.
A. Medalya ng Kagitingan
B. Regular Promotion
C. Special Promotion
D. Posthumous promotion

468. Chief of Police Bart Tolina was ambushed by the members of NPA while driving a car. PCMS
Manny Buaya was designated to become a Chief of Police in his town. After 6 continuous
months of occupying the same, what will happen to PCMS Manny Buaya?
A. Demotion by virtue of position
B. optional retirement
C. Promotion by virtue of position
D. dismissed from the service
469. Romer Garcia is a PCO assigned in the PNP-DIDM at Camp Crame, Quezon City. Part of his
uniform is a rank insignia of 2 silver sampaguita clusters. What is the counterpart of this rank in
the AFP?
A. Captain
B. Major General
C. Lieutenant Colonel
D. Colonel

470. What is the institution of learning tasks for the training, human resource development
and continuing education of all personnel of the tri-bureau under the DILG?
A. Philippine National Police Academy
B. National Police College
C. Philippine National Training Center
D. Philippine Public Safety College

471. The National Bureau of Investigation Reorganization and Modernization Act of 2017
A. RA 10175 – Anti- Cybercrime Law
B. RA 11200 – Rank Classification
C. RA 11279 – PPSC to PNP
D. RA 10867

472. After finding probable cause for the case of plunder filed against him, Director General
Jose Portia is preventively suspended by the Ombudsman. Who among the following shall
temporarily replace him as officer in charge of the PNP?
A. P/LtGen. Pedro Santillan, the chief of the directorial staff – 4th in Command
B. P/MGen. Necasio Dela Fuente who was recently designated as deputy chief for
administration – 2nd in Command
C. P/LtGen. Jefferson Terrado, the deputy chief for operation – 3rd in Command
D. P/BGen. Donato Fuentes, the NCR Director

473. On November 13, 1936 this agency saw its inception upon approval of Commonwealth
Act No. 181 by the legislature as under the Department of Justice.

474. PBGen. Mama Otlum was designated by the Chief, PNP as head of the Police Regional
Office of Region 1. What will be his position title?
A. Director
B. Commander
C. Regional Director
D. Regional Chief

475. The NAPOLCOM is to the PNP, the ________ is to the PDEA

A. Office of the President

476. Who shall be the chairman of the NAPOLCOM?

B. DILG Undersecretary for Peace and Order
C. DILG Secretary
D. PNP General

477. This branch handles judicial matters of the UN.

A. Security Council
B. International Court of Justice
C. Secretary General
D. UN Judicial Court

478. A policing strategy that addresses crime by assigning police resources to areas where
crimes are more highly concentrated:
A. Community Oriented Policing System
B. Hot-Spot Policing
C. Third Party Policing
D. Neighborhood Policing

479. An international agreement concluded between states in written form and sworn by
international law, whether embodied in a single instrument or in two or more instruments and
whatever its particular designation.
A. Extradition Treaty
B. Treaty
C. Memorandum of Agreement
D. Memorandum of Undertaking

480. This system usually exists in English speaking countries of the world where there is strong
adversarial system and rely upon oral system of evidence in which the public trial is a main focal
A. Common Law System
B. Civil Law System - inquisitorial
C. Socialist System – rehabilitation
D. Islamic System

481. The INTERPOL headquarters was initially located in:

A. Vienna, Austria
B. New York City, USA – Headquarters of UN
C. London, England
D. Lyon, France – currently

482. It provides warnings and criminal intelligence about persons who have committed
criminal offenses and are likely to repeat these crimes in other countries
A. Red – wanted, arrest and extradition
B. Blue – Information about POI
C. Green – criminal activity/history
D. Orange – imminent threat/danger

483. The INTERPOL was established in what year?

A. 1920
B. 1921
C. 1923
D. 1933

484. The term referring to the then Japanese Military Police was:
A. Kamikaze
B. Kempeitai
C. Harakiri
D. Samurai

485. Organized 1946, this is known as the police force of Indonesia.


486. If the Police General is to the Philippine National Police, the Commissioner-General is to
what police force?
A. National Police Agency of Japan
B. Royal Canadian Mounted Police
C. POLRI of Indonesia
D. People’s Armed Police of China – pwede pero mas piliin ang nauna, kung meron na wag ka na
maghanap pa ng iba

487. An operation launch by the Philippine National Police- Special Action Force Commandos
that led to the killing of the international terrorist Zulkifli bin Hir at the Mamasapano,
A. Oplan Wolverine
B. Oplan Terminator
C. Oplan Neptune Spear
D. Oplan Exodus

488. The process of creating transnational markets, politics, and legal systems in an effort to
form and sustain a global economy.
A. Transnationalization
B. Comparative Police System
C. Interpenetration of States
D. Globalization

489. What shall be the lowest rank in the National Police Agency (Japan).
A. Police Officer - Junsa
B. Constable
C. Cadet
D. Kobun

490. One of the following is NOT included in the official languages of the United Nations.
A. Spanish
B. American
C. Russian
D. Chinese

SCARFE – Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, French, English

491. All of the following are true about transnational crimes, EXCEPT one:
A. It is committed in more than one state
B. It is committed in one state but a substantial part of its preparation, planning, direction or
control takes place in the same state
C. It is committed in one State but involves an organized criminal group that engages in
criminal activities in more than one State
D. It is committed in one State but has substantial effects in another State
492. A method of comparative research wherein the researcher visits and learns the policing
system of different countries.
A. Migration method
B. Safari method – visit and learn
C. Collaborative method – communicate and learn
D. Transnational method

493. All are member entities of ASEANAPOL, EXCEPT:

A. Singapore Police Force
B. Royal Malaysia Police
C. Royal Brunei Police Force
D. People’s Armed Police – China

494. A person at the NAIA Terminal 3 was arrested along with a sachet of marijuana hidden
under the sole of his shoe. What INTERPOL notice must be used by the authorities to inform
other states with this type of concealment method?
A. INTERPOL Blue Notice
B. INTERPOL Green Notice
C. INTERPOL Purple Notice – concealment method, modus operandi
D. INTERPOL Orange Notice

495. An international police organization that facilitates cross-border police cooperation and
support to prevent and combat international crime.
A. Philippine Center on Transnational Crime (PCTC)
B. International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)
C. International Association of the Chief of Police (IACP)
D. None of the above

496. This term refer to the rapid development of the western culture that ultimately affects
other cultures in the world as brought by intellectual and technological advances, in which
some crimes occurring in other countries are attributed:
A. Globalization
B. Industrialization
C. Development
D. Migration

497. The highest rank in the Philippine National Police (PNP) is Director General, while Royal
Malaysian Police’ (RMP) highest rank is Inspector General of Police. Lowest rank of the PNP is
called Police Officer I, while RMP’ is called Constable. Japan’s National Police Agency’s highest
and lowest rank is
A. Commissioner General – Police Officer
B. Commissioner of Police – Constable
C. General Superintendent – Officer
D. Police General – Policeman/Constable

498. When the researcher communicates with a foreign researcher to learn the different
policing systems of the country, it is a method which is referred to as what?
A. Communicative method
B. Safari method
C. Collaborative method
D. Cooperative method

499. The policing strategy in the Philippines that was patterned from the Koban System of
Japan is:
A. Integrated Patrol System
B. One PNP
C. Community Oriented Policing System
D. None of them

500. A style of policing which emphasizes on helping the community, as opposed to enforcing
the law.
A. Enforcement
B. Service – serving/helping the community
C. Watchman – using informal means to resolve disputes
D. Legalistic – use of arrest and law enforcement

501. Refers to a system where police administrations and operations are independent from one
state to another. It is more applicable to countries with federal government.
A. Decentralized Law Enforcement
B. Centralized Policing System
C. Federal Law Enforcement
D. American Policing System

502. Commonly referred to as the “Gardaí” which means “Guardian” or "the Guards", under
the supervision of the Minister of Defense. Its headquarters are in Dublin's Phoenix Park.
A. Australian Police
B. Singapore Police
C. Japanese Police
D. Irish Police

503. The UN Security Council is composed of how many permanent members?

A. 15
B. 5
C. 10
D. 3

1. USA
2. UK
3. Russia
4. France
5. China

504. In relation to the previous question, who among the following is NOT a permanent
member of the UN Security Council?
B. Canada
C. Russia
D. France

505. Known as 1-24-7 is

A. INTERPOL Red Notice Project
B. INTERPOL Global Communication System
C. 1-24-7 Expansion Program
D. inter-Agency Coordination

506. Core functions (Primary) of the INTERPOL EXCEPT ONE.

A. To secure global police communication services
B. Operational data services and database
C. Arrest of member country’s notorious fugitives
D. Operational police support services

507. What is the functional relationship between the Executive Director of the PCTC and the
Chief of the PNP?
A. Subordinate and superior
B. Coordination and cooperation
C. Communication and subordination
D. None of them

508. Which of the following are NOT members of ASEANAPOL?

A. Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia and Laos
B. Malaysia, Myanmar and Philippines
C. China, Japan, Taiwan and Hongkong
D. Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam

509. What is the law that defines and penalizes crime of terrorism in the Philippines.
A. Act No. 3815
B. RA 9372 – Human Security Act
C. RA 10175
D. RA 9208 – Trafficking in Person

510. The current president of the INTERPOL is_______.

A. António Guterres – Secretary General of United Nations
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Ban Ki Moon
D. Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi

511. This is the protection resulting from the application of various measures that safeguards
cash and assets which are in storage, in transit and during transactions.
A. Policy
B. Bank Security
C. Regulation
D. None of the Above

512. The highest scoring dog for security work is:

A. German Shepherd
B. Chihuahua
C. Pitbull
D. Doberman Pinscher

513. This is a system used in big installations whereby keys can open different groups of locks.
A. Master Keying System
B. License to Exercise Profession
C. Person
D. None of the Above

514. Shall mean any document issued by the Director General of the Philippine National Police
or his duly authorized representative recognizing a person to be qualified to perform his
duties as private security or training personnel.
A. Government Security Personnel
B. Private Security Personnel
C. License to Exercise Profession
D. None of the Above

515. This is the process of conducting an exhaustive physical examination and thorough
inspection of a facility’s operation system and procedures.
A. Security Guard Force
B. Duty Detail Order
C. Security Survey
D. Security Cabinet

516. Known as “The Private Security Services Industry Act” which lapsed into law and repealed
RA 5487.
A. RA 5487
B. RA 6975
C. RA 11131
D. RA 11917

517. This is a protective line surrounding but somewhat removed from a protected area such
as a fence.
A. Inside perimeter
B. Physical Barrier
C. Outside perimeter
D. None of the above

518. What is the main role of the PNP personnel as stated in NAPOLCOM Memo Circular 94-
010 during eviction and demolition of squatter’s dwelling?
A. Assure the safety of the landowner
B. Give security assistance to the demolition/eviction activities
C. Prevent of looting of priorities
D. Participate in the physical eviction of squatter dwellers

519. It is a mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic device designed to prevent entry into
a building, room, container or hiding place.
A. Padlock
B. Lock
C. Peterman
D. None of the Above

520. The following are the grounds for the cancellation of security guard license, EXCEPT.
A. Assisting or protecting criminals during on or off duty status
B. Providing confidential information to unauthorized person
C. Posted security guard found drunk or drinking intoxicating liquor
D. Rendering duty without firearms

521. Company X is experiencing substantial loss because of the involvement of its personnel in
various industrial problems such as disaffection, disloyalty, espionage and pilferage. It also
appeared that they hired key officials not suited to their positions. What aspect of security did
Company X went wrong?
A. Personnel security
B. Personal security
C. Personnel identification
D. Lack of Background Investigation

522. A header or top guard can be best described as –

A. Added protection consists of strands of barbed wire extending outward from the top of the
fence at a forty five degree angle
B. Used primarily in emergencies when fence, gate or building entrance is no longer secure
C. Constructed as a physical and psychological deterrent to intruders
D. Unobstructed view both for security officers inside the perimeter and for private or public
patrol cars passing on the outside

523. An office under the Chief of the PNP charged with the supervision, direction and control
of all security agencies in the Republic.
A. Philippine National Police – Supervisory Office for Security Investigation Agencies
B. Philippine Constabulary Integrated national Police Supervisory Unit Security Investigation
C. Philippine National Police - Civil Security Group
D. Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operations, Inc.

524. Is tasked with directing the work and observing the behavioral performance of the guard
under his unit.
A. Security Cabinet
B. Security Supervisor
C. Assets Protection Program
D. Security Planning

525. This refers to the additional overhang of barbed wire, placed on vertical perimeter fences
facing upward and outward at 45 degrees.
A. Overhang
B. Top guard
C. Hangover
D. Tower guard

526. Security survey is an indispensable process in the adoption of security measures. Its
sequence of action are the following, EXCEPT –
A. Examine and analyze the sight and organization
B. Ascertain the organization current security status and determine the level of protection
C. Make recommendation
D. Check whether the recommendation followed – security inspection

527. The thorough, comprehensive and complete investigation of all or some of the
circumstances or aspects of a person’s life refers to:
A. Background investigation
B. Partial background investigation
C. Complete background investigation
D. National and local agency check

528. Perimeter can be physically controlled by the following, EXCEPT:

A. Fences, gates and locks
B. Locks, lighting, alarms and surveillance systems
C. Signs, dogs and security guards
D. Adequate security measures, policies and programs

529. At all three lines of defense, perimeter, exterior and interior, certain basic equipment can
add considerable security. Which of the following should be EXCLUDED?
A. Guards
B. Locks
C. Lights
D. Alarms

530. Validity of License to Exercise Security Profession (LESP) pursuant to Sec. 13 of RA 11917.
A. 3 years
B. 5 years
C. 8 years
D. 10 years

531. In Security Management Staff, as the Chief Security Officer, he is responsible for the entire
operation and administration/management of the security agency.
A. Security Director
B. Security Executive Director
C. Security Staff Director
D. Security Staff Director for Training

532. Jose R. Reyes, a retired Police Brigadier General of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and
his fellow retired PNP officers are planning to establish a security guard and private detective
agency in Manila. In what office of the government does their agency be registered?
A. Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
B. Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators, Inc. (PADPAO)
C. Philippine National Police, Supervisory Office for Security and Investigative Agencies (PNP-
D. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

533. Which of the following is NOT one of the qualifications for a security officer?
A. Filipino citizen and physically and mentally fit
B. Baccalaureate degree holder
C. Undergo basic military course or public safety basic recruit course
D. Finished security officer training course

534. Before one can engage in employing security guards or detectives for the purpose of
posting to a prospective client, he must secure first a___
A. Duty Detail Order
B. License to Operate
C. License to Exercise a Profession
D. Mission Order

535. A non-stock organization formed in 1958 which crafted the bill of what is known today as
the “Private Security Agency Law”

536. The required type of training while applying for a new security guard license is:
A. Re-Training Course
B. Pre-Licensing Training
C. Security Officers Course
D. Specialized Training

537. Which of the following is considered as the second line of defense in crime fighting?
A. Crime prevention – 1st
B. Proactive measures
C. Crime suppression – 2nd
D. Crime investigation – 3rd

538. Republic Act No. 8551 provides for the reorganization of the Philippine National Police.
Which of the following is NOT a guiding policy in the preparation of a reorganization plan?
A. Enhancement of community and service orientation to the police
B. Maintenance of a civilian and national police force
C. Attainment of efficiency and effectiveness
D. Adaptation of military command structures

539. As a patrol officer, which of the following is NOT included in the purpose of Preliminary
A. To determine what, if any, crime has been committed.
B. To determine whether the local police have jurisdiction.
C. To prosecute the suspect
D. To attempt the immediate apprehension of the suspect/perpetrator

540. P/EMS Cardo Dalisay is tasked by his superior to conduct patrol with Sales street to
Evangelista street every 30 minutes, but P/EMS Dalisay isn’t complying with what his superior
has tasked him to do. Because of this, crimes in the said streets have become rampant. What
particular objective of patrol isn’t done with the said scenario?
A. Crime Prevention
B. Crime Suppression
C. Crime Control
D. Preliminary Investigation

541. The proper elements before a police may “frisk” another were 1st announced in the
American case of ___.
A. Terry vs Ohio
B. Miranda vs Arizona – rights of a suspect
C. Roe vs Wade – allowed abortion
D. Mapp vs Ohio – fruit of poisonous tree

542. May be defined as those that relate to staffing, equipping, supplying and organizing.
A. Tactical Plan
B. Operational Plan
C. Extra Departmental
D. Management Plan

543. Patrolman De Jesus, one night while patrolling along the street of Di-Manakawan saw Mr.
Inocensio carrying a black bag standing in front of a certain establishment. Patrolman De Jesus
was alarmed of the presence of Mr. Inocensio, he decided to approach Mr. Inocensio and asked
the latter of his purpose. A is exercising his authority to conduct:
a. Pat Down Search
b. Maximum Tolerance
c. Accosting/Spot Check
d. Stop and Frisk

544. Patrol shifts divide the 24-hour period into three 8-hour shifts. Which is called the dog
A. 3:00 AM to 11:00 AM
B. 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM
C. All of the shifts
D. 7:00 AM to 3:00 AM
1. 7am – 3pm – watch shift
2. 3pm – 11 pm – swing watch shift
3. 11pm – 7am – dog watch shift

545. This model is especially appropriate for police agencies as it is based on a problem-
oriented approach to planning relies heavily on the problem identification and analysis:
A. Advocacy Planning
B. Synoptic Planning
C. Incremental Planning
D. Transactive Planning

546. What does Art. III, Sec. 1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution states?
a. “Any person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the right to be
informed of his right to remain silent and to have competent and independent counsel
preferably of his own choice. If the person cannot afford the services of counsel, he must be
provided with one. These rights cannot be waived except in writing and in the presence of
b. “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall
any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.”
c. “No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall be enacted.”
d. “No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself.”

547. Which of the following choices does NOT refer to planning?

A. Deciding in advance what to do, how to do, and who is to do it.
B. It is the interpersonal aspect of managing by which subordinates are led to understand and
contribute effectively and efficiently to the attainment of objectives.
C. It is the process of developing a method or procedure of an arrangement of parts intended to
facilitate the attainment of the defined objectives.
D. It is the intellectual process, conscious determination of courses of action, basing decisions
on purpose, facts and considered estimates.

548. Planning is one of the basic and primary functions of a police administrator. Which of the
following choices refer to planning?
A. The process of combining all aspects of the public safety activity and the realistic anticipation
of future problems, the analysis of strategy and the correlation of strategy to detail.
B. A process done in structuring a work group into components in order to establish workable
channels of intra-group communication in the performance of an assigned task or tasks.
C. An act ordering, commanding, instructing, and superintending the subordinates.
D. Process of making harmonious adjustment to give things and actions their proper
proportions and relationships

549. The patrol method that is characterized by speed and mobility and considered as least
expensive as it utilizes lesser number of men and covers a wider area in a short period of time,
while offering protection to patrol officers, refers to:
A. Bicycle patrol
B. Automobile patrol
C. Motorcycle patrol
D. Marine patrol

550. Which of the following is NOT a primary police function?

A. Execution of court orders
B. Patrol
C. Crime prevention
D. Criminal investigation

551. The division of units into shifts or watches is organized by _________.

A. Level of Authority
B. Function
C. Time
D. Place

552. A uniformed patrol officer’s work is generally judged by –

A. his ability to keep his beat from crimes and minor offenses
B. when all of the residents are happy of him
C. his knowledge of all problems in the community
D. his ability to solve crimes occurred in his beat

553. While on automobile patrol, police officers should do the following: No. 1 Do not get out
of the car. Just observe the surroundings particularly persons, things, situations and conditions;
No. 2 Whatever patrol pattern is used, do it in a regular and predictable manner.
A. Statement No. 1 is correct while statement No. 2 is wrong
B. Statement No. 1 is wrong while statement no. 2 is correct
C. Statements No. 1 and 2 are both correct
D. Statements No. 1 and 2 are both wrong

554. This type of patrol will enable the patrol officer to closely observe persons and things in
his beat and would maintain better personal contact with citizens and develop police
community relations.
A. Bicycle Patrol
B. Motorcycle Patrol
C. Canine (K-9) Assisted Patrol
D. Foot Patrol

555. Policy or procedural plans pertains to –

I. Procedures utilized and officially adopted as the standard methods of action followed by all
members of the department under specified circumstances, regardless of the functional unit to
which the member may be confronted.
II. Plans that determine the routines of police activities
III. Plans that are restricted to methods of action to be taken at the designated location and
under specific situations.
IV. Emergency type plans that can be put into effect on the sudden occurrence of a condition
requiring their use

A. I and II only
B. III and IV only
C. I, II and III only
D. I, I, III and IV

556. Which of the following are the attributes of operational plans?

I. It guides members in routine and field operations and in some special operations in
accordance with some procedures.
II. A plan for the operations of special divisions like patrol, traffic, vice, and juvenile delinquency
III. A plan where you can find the accomplishment of the purpose of patrol, crime prevention,
traffic, vice, etc,
IV. A plan of day to day or year-around activities of a police
A. I and II are true
B. III and IV are true
C. I, II, III and IV are all true
D. I, II, III and IV are all false

557. A large or disorderly crowd which is bent on riotous or destructive action is known as –
A. mob
B. crowd
C. casual
D. psychological crowd

558. A list of individual liberties, freedom and rights which are guaranteed and protected under
Article III of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
A. Rights
B. Human Rights
C. Bill of Rights
D. Rights of the suspect

559. In pursuant to Article III, Section 12 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Any person under
investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the right to be informed of his right to
remain silent and to have competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice. If
the person cannot afford the services of counsel, he must attend the trial without one. These
rights cannot be waived except in writing and in the presence of counsel.
A. True
B. False
C. Correct
D. Agreed

560. In this kind of surveillance, the subject is aware that he is being followed; wherein the
subject is a material witness and must be protected from harm or other undesirable influences.
A. Close Tail
B. Casing
C. Rough Tail
D. Roping

561. Mr. Police Officer, as a general rule, can you arrest a person with a warrant of arrest?
A. No, because that would be a violation of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article III, Section
B. Yes, by means of In Flagrante Delicto or Caught in the act
C. No, because you must have a warrant of arrest to apprehend a suspect.
D. Yes

562. The PNP Chief is the only person in command of the entire PNP organization. As such,
even the President of the Philippines cannot just give command to the PNP, if such command
will not pass through the PNP Chief, for him to disseminate it further to the other members of
the organization. This principle of police organization refers to:
A. Command Responsibility
B. Unity of command
C. Span of control
D. Scalar chain

563. This theory assumes that the traits of leadership are intrinsic. That simply means that great
leaders are born, they are not made.
A. Differential Association Theory
B. Great Man Theory
C. Trait Theory
D. Psychoanalytic Theory

564. These leaders live by a people-first mindset and believe that when team members feel
personally and professionally fulfilled, they’re more effective and more likely to produce great
work regularly.
A. Servant Leadership
B. Coaching Leadership
C. Visionary Leadership
D. Autocratic Leadership

565. Which of the following is not true about the traits of leadership?
A. leadership must be earned
B. the leader must win and respect the liking of his people
C. that the work is accomplished mainly through the effort of the leader as the supervisor
D. leaders are responsible for the output of others

566. On the Philippine flag, the sun with the eight rays represents the provinces that revolted
against Spain. Which of the following provinces is NOT included in the list?
A. Manila
B. Bulacan
C. Panay
D. Cavite

567. It is the symbol of Philippine independence.

A. Philippine Eagle
B. Philippine Flag
C. Philippine Gem
D. National Anthem

568. Pursuant to Section 14 of the Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines, a flag worn out
through wear and tear shall be thrown away and should NOT be burned.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Sometimes

569. She was given the task of making the first Filipino Flag.
A. Tandang Sora
B. Melchora Aquino
C. Junta Patriotica – a group of Filipino in Hong Kong, helped designed the flag
D. Marcela De Agoncillo

570. Republic Act No. 6975 provides that on the average nationwide, the manning levels of the
PNP shall be approximately in accordance with a police to population ratio of;
a. one (1) policeman for every seven hundred (700) population
b. one (1) policeman for every one thousand five hundred (1500) population
c. one (1) policeman for every five hundred (500) population
d. one (1) policeman for every one thousand (1000) population

571. The power or authority to interpret the law.

A. Legislative Power – draft/make law
B. Judicial Power
C. Executive Power – execute/implement/enforce
D. Police Power

572. The singing and playing of the Philippine national anthem are governed by RA 8491. The
title of the Philippine National Anthem is __________.
A. Bayang Magiliw
B. Lupang Hinirang
C. Perlas ng Silangan
D. Ang Bayan Ko

573. Filipinos have a selfish, self-serving attitude that generates feelings of envy and jealousy
which results in crab mentality.
A. Kanya-kanya Syndrome
B. Ningas Kugon – lack of persistent perseverance
C. Bahala Attitude
D. Extreme Personalism

574. An Act to Include in the Curricula of all Public and Private Schools, Colleges and
Universities Courses on the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly His Novels Noli
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo,
A. RA 1425
B. RA 1455
C. RA 1452
D. RA 1422

575. All, EXCEPT ONE, are leadership principles:

A. Be technically and tactically proficient
B. Keep your subordinates informed
C. Set the example
D. Work as one man only

576. The fiscal plan is a ___________ in terms of expenditure requirements.

A. Tactical plan
B. Financial
C. Administrative
D. Control plan

577. Direction that is provided on a one-on-one basis is called?

A. Administration
B. Management
C. Supervision
D. Organization

578. This leadership style can be effective for humanitarian organizations, nonprofits, and
teams that need to create diversity, inclusion, and morale.
A. Laissez-faire
B. Situational
C. Transactional
D. Servant – humanitarian means volunteer, helping

579. This leadership style can be effective when working with highly experienced and
confident employees.
A. Laissez-faire
B. Situational
C. Transactional
D. Servant

580. In this theory, the people have no share or little participation with the duties or
connection with the police organization.
A. Old concept
B. Continental theory
C. Home rule theory
D. modern concept

581. This leadership style can be effective for teams who are motivated by rewards.
A. Laissez-faire
B. Situational
C. Transactional
D. Transformational

582. In police organization, the function that carry out the major purposes of the organization,
delivering the services and dealing directly with the public is:
A. Line Function
B. Staff Function
C. Auxiliary Function
D. Administrative

583. Also called the authoritarian style of leadership, this type of leader is someone who is
focused almost entirely on results and efficiency. They often make decisions alone or with a
small, trusted group and expect employees to do exactly what they’re asked.
A. Coaching Leadership
B. Visionary Leadership
C. Servant Leadership
D. Autocratic Leadership

584. Someone who can quickly recognize their team members’ strengths, weaknesses and
motivations to help each individual improve. This type of leader often assists team members in
setting smart goals and then provides regular feedback with challenging projects to promote
A. Coaching Leadership
B. Visionary Leadership
C. Servant Leadership
D. Autocratic Leadership

585. They have powerful ability to drive progress and usher in periods of change by inspiring
employees and earning trust for new ideas. A visionary leader is also able to establish a strong
organizational bond.
A. Coaching Leadership
B. Visionary Leadership
C. Servant Leadership
D. Autocratic Leadership

586. A leadership style which can be simply describe as “by the book”:
A. Servant Leader
B. Coaching Leader
C. Bureaucratic Leadership
D. Laissez-Faire / Free-Rein Leadership
587. The following are acts prohibited under RA 8491, EXCEPT:
A. To wear the flag in whole or in part as a costume or uniform
B. To add any word, figure, mark, picture, design, drawings, advertisements, or imprint of any
nature on the flag
C. To stand in attention while facing the flag on the singing of the National Anthem
D. To display the flag in front of buildings or offices occupied by aliens

588. All offices, agencies and instrumentalities of government, business establishments,

institutions of learning and private homes are enjoined to display the Philippine flag during the
National Flag Day from the period of________.
A. May 12 to June 12
B. May 28 to June 12
C. May 15 to June 12
D. May 30 to June 12

589. He is the Philippine National Hero.

A. Jose P. Rizal
B. Andres Bonifacio
C. Lapu-Lapu
D. Emilio Aguinaldo

590. Personnel management's functions are concerned with promoting and enhancing the
development of work effectiveness and advancement of human resources in the organization
through proper planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling activities related
to the following, EXCEPT –
A. recruitment and selection of employees
B. directing or commanding employees
C. development or training of employees
D. motivation and compensation of employees

591. The blue stripe on our flag signifies bravery, patriotism, and the willingness of the Filipinos
to sacrifice their lives to defend their country, while the red stripe represents peace, truth,
justice, and universality.
A. The statement is correct
B. The statement is erroneous
C. The statement is error-free
D. The statement is veracious

592. Which among the following dates is the commemoration of the demise (Death) of Jose
A. June 12
B. August 26
C. November 30
D. December 30

593. Who among the following refers to a group of people or organization entrusted with the
job of protecting somebody or something, especially a building or institution, against crime?
a. Security Officers
b. Protectors
c. Security Managers
d. Guards

594. These are conditions or acts that may cause damage to property, injury, or loss of life.
a. Hazards
b. Risks
c. Danger
d. Warning

595. What law gives the PNP the responsibilities in the supervision, control and training, and
operations of security agencies and in the issuance of license to operate and the license to
practice the security profession?
A. RA 8551
B. RA 6975
C. RA 8553
D. RA 5487

596. The state or quality of being secured or free from fear on danger is referred to as
A. Liberty
B. Security
c. Protection
D. Dangerless

597. All are three major divisions of security, except:

A. Physical Security
B. Document and Information Security
C. Personnel Security
D. Communication Security

598. The term denotes “earnest or constant application to work or business,” or a “special
branch of productive work, or the capital or workers employed in it is referred to as –
A. Industry
B. Industrial Security
C. Security
D. Manufacturing Firm

599. This is defined as pertaining to or engaged in industry.

A. Industries
B. Industrial Security
C. Industrial
D. Factories

600. This term means the skillful use of means to accomplish a purpose.
A. Administration
B. Enterprises
C. Operation
D. Management

601. This could be defined as the skillful handling of the security and safety measures of
business enterprises and industrial establishments.
A. Security Operations
B. Industrial Security Management
C. Security Administration
D. Security Enterprises

602. There are two security measures usually undertaken: the active and passive measures.
Which of these is not an active measure?
A. Security Education
B. Security Lightings
C. Physical Barriers
D. Safes and Vaults

603. In the field of industrial security, various types of security are applied depending on the
a. Time and Season
B. Installation and the Security Needs
C. People and Environment
D. Financial Capabilities of the Installation

604. What will be the consequences to the business enterprises, if the hazards surrounding
their personnel, properties, and operation are not eliminated or controlled?
A. Their productivity is restrained
B. Their productivity is progressive
C. Their will be tranquility of operation
D. They contribute to national economy

605. The term may mean security measures applied to business industries.
A. Industrial Security
B. Company Security Force
C. Security Agency
D. Security Business

606. The following are the principles which necessitates the establishment of physical
measures to deny unauthorized access or intrusion, except:
A. Enemy Agents Must Access
B. There is Impenetrable Barrier – there is no impenetrable barrier
C. Surreptitious versus Non-Surreptitious Entry
D. Each Installation is Different

607. What is the level of security where the system designed to impede unauthorized external
activity such as simple intrusion to armed attack?
A. Minimum – simple intrusion to armed attack (1)
B. Medium – conspiracy to commit sabotage (3)
C. Low Level – small retail store, storage warehouses (2)
D. High Level – most unauthorized external and internal activities (4)

Maximum Level – sophisticated alarm system (5)

608. It is a medium of structure which defines the physical limits of an installations or area to
restrict or impede access thereto.
A. Perimeter Barrier
B. Limiting Barrier
C. Fences
D. Restrictive Barrier

609. Perimeter barrier openings include the following except:

A. Gates and Doors
B. Sidewalk Elevators
C. Windows
D. Septic Tank Opening

610. These are independent structures designed to control physical and visual access between
outside areas.
A. Fences
B. Walls
C. Perimeter Barriers
D. Grills or bars

611. A type of protective lighting being used in prisons and correctional institutions to
illuminate walls and outside barriers.
A. Glare Projection Type
B. Continuous Lighting
C. Controlled Lighting – focused on certain objects than the background
D. Standby Lighting – reserve or standby use

612. What is the alarm transmission system where as many as 15 alarm transmitters may send
alarm to a single receiving panel at the central station over the same time and each alarm has
a distinct code?
A. Direct Wire Systems
B. Multiplex System
C. Circuit Party Systems
D. Digital Communicator

613. This is widely used to detect glass breakage in show windows, doors and transom
(casement). When the glass cracks and breaks the foil, it interrupts the low-voltage electrical
circuit and activates the alarm.
A. Wooden Screens
B. Glass break detectors
C. Metallic foil (window tape)
D. Window screens

614. What are the mechanical devices of supplying water which can be manual or motor-
A. Fire Hydrant
B. Fire Truck
C. Fire Plug
D. Fire Pump

615. These are Galvanized Iron (GI) steel or plastic pipes located inside a building from the
lowest to the top floor with water under pressure for use in case of fire.
A. Standpipe
B. Vertical Pipes
C. Fire Hydrant
D. Water Pipes

616. These detectors trigger an alarm ahead of the heat-actuated device or detector.
A. Fire Detectors
B. Flame Detectors
C. Heat Detectors
D. Smoke Detectors

617. The simplest form of lock is the –

A. Ward Lock – oldest type of lock
B. Cylinder Lock
C. Yale Lock
D. Combination Lock
618. Which of these types of lock can be opened and closed remotely by electronic means?
A. Electrical Lock
B. Magnetic Lock
C. Combination Lock
D. Coded Lock

619. The issuance of a key to open main entrance gate and office is called –
A. Coded Lock
B. Key Control
C. Mason Keying
D. Master Key

620. A system used in big installations whereby keys can open a group or groups of locks is
known as –
A. Mason Keying
B. Master Keying System
C. Master Key System
D. Pass Key – used to operate an inexpensive lock by moving it in keyhole

621. What is the standard height of a file room?

A. 10 feet
B. 12 feet
C. 14 feet
D. 16 feet

622. What metallic container is used for the safekeeping of documents or small items in an
office or installation?
A. Safe
B. Vault
C. File Box
D. File Room

623. Line of protection adjacent to protected and passing through points and possible entry
into the area.
A. Inside Perimeter
B. External Perimeter
C. Outside Perimeter
D. Exterior Perimeter

624. Concertina wire fence is considered as –

A. Temporary Fencing
B. Permanent Fencing
C. Least Permanent Fencing
D. None of these

625. Additional protective measures normally provided at main perimeter entrances to secure
areas located out-of-doors, and manned by guards on full-time basis.
A. Tower Guards
B. Guard Control Stations
C. Sidewalk Elevators
D. Central Station System
626. A type pf lighting equipment which can be used to accommodate most outdoor security
lighting needs, including the illumination of boundaries, fences, and buildings and for the
emphasis of vital areas or particular buildings.
A. Search Lights
B. Fresnel Lights
C. Streetlights
D. Floodlights

627. A kind of alarm wherein a visible or an invisible beam emitted and when this is disturbed
or when an intruder breaks contact with the beam, it will activate the alarm .
A. Metallic Foil
B. Vibration Detection Device
C. Photoelectric or Electric Eye Device
D. Laser Beam Alarm

628. Those devices installed to help detect fires or detect anything that causes fire such as
smoke or unusual rising of temperature.
A. Fire Detectors
B. Smoke Detectors
C. Fire Alarms
D. Heat Detectors

629. This is a firefighting equipment which can be portable or in a cart that is used to put out
fire depending on the contents to extinguish certain types of fire as Class A to D.
A. Portable hand extingushers
B. Hand fire extinguishers
C. Movable fire extinguisher
D. None of these

630. The most common form of cylinder lock used in the home is the so called
A. Yale lock
B. Night latch
C. Pin tumbler lock
D. Magnetic lock

631. What should be the standard weight of a safe?

A. 650 lbs
B. 750 lbs
C. 450 lbs
D. 550 lbs

632. A combination mechanism which uses numbers, letters or other symbols as a reference
point which enable an operator to align them manually.
A. Padlock
B. Card-Operated Lock
C. Combination Lock
D. Code-Operated Lock

633. A private security agency should have a minimum of ___ licensed private security under
its employ before regular license shall be granted.
A. 30
B. 200
C. 1000
D. 60
634. Company guard force or private detective agency shall have a minimum of ___ licensed
private security personnel under its employ before a regular license shall be granted.
A. 30
B. 200
C. 1000
D. 60

635. The application for renewal of license to operate shall filed at least ___ days before expiry
date of license to operate.
A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 120 days
D. 180 days

636. What is the validity of a license to operate?

A. 2 years – 5 years sa bagong batas
B. 4 years
C. 6 years
D. 1 year

637. How many pieces of licensed firearms a PSA with 100 guards must initially procure?
A. 70 – regular licensed (200 guards)
B. 15
C. 20
D. 30

638. Which of the following should not be issued to a private security guard under normal
A. Cal. 45
B. Cal. 38
C. Magnum .22
D. 12 Gauge Shotgun
E. None of these

639. The number of rounds of ammunition assigned per unit of per firearm should not exceed
A. 25 – for every security guards
B. 30
C. 40
D. 50

640. Which of the following is not a line leadership staff?

A. Detachment Commander
B. Chief Inspector
C. Inspector
D. Post-in-charge

641. The dominant or identifying color for company security force is –

A. Fast navy blue
B. White – government security unit
C. Light Gray
D. Light Blue – internal guards for PSA or white

642. The set of uniform used for ceremonial purposes only referred to as –
A. Gala uniform
B. Service Uniform
C. Field Uniform
D. Specialized Uniform

643. Name cloth shall consist of embroidered navy blue block-lettered surname and initials of
the first and middle names on-
A. Yellow background with blue borderline
B. White background with black borderline
C. Yellow background with black borderline
D. Blue background with yellow borderline

644. Required equipment and paraphernalia for both male and female security guards are the
following, except –
A. Black leather belt for pistol and night stick
B. Holster, black leather for pistol, night stick and handheld radio
C. First aid armband
D. Pocket book with writing pen

645. Like the AFP and the PNP, security officers and personnel too are distinguished by means
of ranks ands
A. Designation
B. Insignia
C. Position
D. Uniforms

646. Who is not part of the security management staff?

A. Security Director
B. Security Executive Director
C. Security Staff Director
D. Security Supervisor 3

647. The structure of the PSA, CSF, and GSU follows a -

A. Staff Model
B. Military Model
C. Line Model
D. Vertical line staff model

648. What type of license is issued after complying licensing requirements by a person who
wants to engage in security management?
A. Regular License to Operate
B. Temporary License to Operate
C. Regular License to Exercise Profession
D. Temporary License to Exercise Profession

649. A Security Consultant who possess all qualifications is –

A. Optional
B. Case to case basis
C. Mandatory
D. Compulsory

650. Perform duties within the firm or establishment whom he or his agency has a contract
for security services is a
A. Jurisdictional Power
B. General Power
C. Territorial Power
D. AOR Power

651. This is done by requiring the visitor to explain the cause delay of his arrival and departure.
A. Visitor entrances
B. Delaying Tactics
C. Time-traveled
D. Interrogation

652. No packages shall be authorized to be brought inside the industrial installation, offices and
work area without proper –
A. Disposal order
B. Authority
C. Documentation
D. Inspection

653. As part of the identification and admittance procedure, what should be done on privately
owned vehicle of visitors?
A. Registered
B. Inspected
C. Searched
D. Flagged down

654. Security Education Program to be effective must have –

A. The support and personnel on the reasons
B. Sufficient financial support
C. Systematic program
D. Regularity In implementation

655. What is the act of changing the assigned classification from classified information or
A. Upgrading
B. Reclassifying
C. Compartmentation
D. Declassify

656. Information or material in any for or of any nature, the safeguarding of which is necessary
in the interest of security and which is classified for such purpose by the responsible classifying
A. Classified Information
B. Patents
C. Trade Secrets
D. Classified Matter

657. This is a test to determine if the sudden rise in temperature will not cause the safe to
A. Fire Endurance Test
B. Fire and Impact Test
C. Explosion Hazard Test
D. None of these

658. These include records that are liable records of which reproduction does not have the
same value as the original records needed to recover cash to replace buildings, equipment, raw
materials, finished products and records needed to avoid delay in restoration of production,
sales and services.
A. Vital Records - irreplaceable
B. Useful Records
C. Important Records
D. Non-essential Records

659. Which of the following is not a procedure or scheme in visitors’ movement control?
A. Visitors’ logbook
B. Escort
C. Photograph - pinagbabawal
D. Frisking

660. A situation which takes place through the loss of security which results from unauthorized
persons obtaining knowledge of classified matters.
A. Risk
B. Declassify
C. Compromise
D. Security Hazard

661. What is the category of commercial record safes designed for fire protection?
A. Class 1
B. Class 2 – robbery and burglary protection
C. Class 3 – meet specifications for safeguarding classified materials
D. Class 4

662. In the area of protection of sensitive materials and information, which of the following is
synonymous to secret or confidential?
A. Sensitive
B. Top Secret
C. Classified
D. Hidden

663. It pertains to anything used with exclusive legal right or anything used, manufactured, or
sold by a person or company with an exclusive property right, for example a patent or
A. Copyright
B. Proprietary
C. Patented
D. Intellectual right

664. The potential damage or loss of an asset is referred to as.

A. Risk
B. Vulnerability
C. Loss
D. Liabilities

665. An individual, group, organization, or government that conducts activities detrimental to

the individual, private or government entity is known as –
A. Enemy
B. Enemy Agent
C. Competitor
D. Adversary
666. What is the action taken or the physical security used to reduce or eliminate one or more
A. Physical Security
B. Countermeasures
C. Security Measures
D. Security Barriers

667. This is done through compartmentation or decentralization to limit the impact (criticality)
of the potential loss.
A. Compartmentation
B. Risk Self-assumption
C. Risk Reduction
D. Risk Spreading

668. These are common causes of indiscretion. Anyone who is truly interested in his job finds
it difficult not to talk and write about it.
A. Faith
B. Enthusiasm and Pride
C. Conceit
D. Ignorance

669. It refers to an act or condition affecting the safe operation of a facility.

A. Security Hazards
B. Exposure to danger
C. Hazards
D. Dangerous

670. What is the term referring to the chance or likelihood that a loss will take place?
A. Possibility
B. Criticality
C. Probability
D. Hazard

671. This is done by availing of property and life insurances.

A. Risk Transfer
B. Risk Spreading
C. Risk Management
D. Countermeasures

672. A conference or dialogue between the survey team and management officials of a plant
before security survey is conducted.
A. Preliminary Conference
B. Exit Conference
C. Survey Conference
D. Entrance Conference

673. Who performs security audit and survey?

A. The security manager or operator
B. The Chief Inspector
C. Qualified Security Experts
D. Any security officer

674. This is a check how well existing security measures and regulations are being carried out
within a detachment or establishment.
A. Security Survey
B. Security Audit
C. Security Inspection
D. Security Assessment

675. Which of the following means the collection, processing, collation, interpretation,
evaluation and dissemination of information, with reference to national security?
a. Police intelligence
b. Line intelligence
c. Intelligence
d. Military intelligence

676. When a chief of any police unit was formally informed of an unlawful act of his
subordinates but failed to do something like an investigation or confronting the erring officer in
order to prevent the occurrence of the same, he can be held liable under the doctrine of
a. Public Accountability
b. Gross Subordination
c. Gross negligence
d. Command responsibility

677. Which management functions below include hiring, firing and training of personnel?
A. Staffing
B. Organizing
C. Directing
D. Planning

678. What plan includes every procedures that will be utilized and officially adopted as the
standard methods of action to be followed by all members of the department under specified
circumstances, regardless of the functional unit to which the member may be confronted?
a. Policy Plans – tinatawag din na procedural plan
b. Operational Plans
c. Tactical Plan
d. Extra- Office Plans

679. The hierarchy (vertical)of an organization which defines an unbroken chain of units from
top to bottom describing clearly the flow of authority is called?
a. Unity of Command
b. Span of Control
c. Delegation of Authority
d. Scalar Principle

680. In accordance with RA 8551, what is the authorized minimum strength of the PNP?
a. 1: 1500
b. not less than 1:1000 – pag may minimum na word, 1:1000 na kaagad
c. 1:500
d. 1: 800

681. Daniella forwarded her information to the police through telephone with the hope that her
identity cannot be identified by the offenders and even by the police officers. She would be
considered as _______.
a. A voluntary informant
b. A criminal informant
c. Confidential informant
d. An anonymous informant

682. How much monthly retirement pay of an active police officer can receive after serving
twenty years based on his basic pay and longevity?
A. 0.7
B. 0.8
C. 0.25
D. 0.5 or 0.50

Monthly retirement benefits or pay shall be 50% of the base pay and longevity pay of the
retired grade in case of 20 years active service.

683. What will happened to any active member of the PNP who shall go on absence without
official leave (AWOL) for a continuous thirty days?
A. Suspended
B. Reprimand
C. Restricted custody
D. Dismissed

684. Local Chief Executives are given certain powers in the administration of PNP personnel in
their respective jurisdiction. An example of this power is the USE of PNP personnel to protect
the lives and properties under his dominion as well as the use of the same in the enforcement
of laws and maintenance of peace and order in his community.
a. Recruitment
b. Deployment
c. Engagement
d. Employment

685. The administrative control and supervision over the PNP is a power of;
c. Congress
d. Mayors

686. Which of the following requirements under the waiver program, a member of the cultural
minority is NOT automatically entitled to base on RA 8551?
a. Age
b. Height
c. Weight
d. a and c

687. What PLAN prepares what to accomplish by special divisions of the PNP of each of the
police rank?
A. Tactical
B. Procedural
C. Operational
D. Extra office

688. This person is considered as the United Nations most prominent officer and also known as
the United Nations foremost representative.
a. Director General
b. Inspector General
c. Secretary General
d. General Manager

689. In what aspects of police work does the recruits shall have to undergo before obtaining
permanent appointment to the PNP?
a. Investigation, intelligence and traffic
b. Patrol, traffic and investigation(TIP)
c. Patrol and investigation
d. Field and staff works

690. Its objective is to survey the situation and condition of the boundaries of police officer’s
AOR at the start of the eight (8) hour tour of duty.
a. clockwise pattern
b. counterclockwise pattern - end of the shift
c. zigzag pattern
d. crisscross pattern

691. Local alarm set-up which is dependent on the chance that someone will notice and call
the alarm.
a. Central Station System
b. Local Alarm by Chance System
c. Local Alarm System
d. Proprietary System

692. Done by patrolling the streets within the perimeter of the beats with a definite target
location where the patrol officer knows his presence is necessary.
a. zigzag or freewheeling
b. crosswise
c. clockwise
d. counterclockwise

693. Strictly rules-based with a preference for order and a sometimes military-like approach.
In such organizations, the leader exerts full control over the team and subordinates are
expected to simply follow and obey, not to offer feedback or contribute ideas.
a. Authoritative
b. Democratic
c. Charismatic
d. Free Rein

694. What refers to the disciplining authority vested to Local Chief Executives like Mayors?
a. Internal Disciplinary Mechanism
b. External Disciplinary Mechanism
c. Concurrent Disciplinary Mechanism
d. Summary Disciplinary Proceeding

695. The time it takes for the police to reach the crime scene after being dispatched.
a. Reaction time
b. Recorded time
c. Real time
d. Response time

696. Who among the following has the power to summarily dismiss a uniformed PNP
a. National Police Commission
b. PNP Regional Directors
c. Chief, PNP
d. Any of them

Mnemonics: NCR

697. In order to maintain peace and order, safety of the Philippine territorial waters, coastal
areas, ports and harbors, the PNP operational support unit is known as _________.
a. Philippine Port Authority
b. Philippine Coastguard
c. PNP-Maritime Group

698. In problem oriented policing, it uses SARA model, which means


699. How many number of security personnel must be maintained by a Private Security Agency
in order for it to secure a regular License to Operate (LTO) coming from the Philippine National
Police Civil Security Group or PNP CSG.
a. Minimum of 50 and maximum of 500
b. Minimum of 200 and maximum of 1000
c. Minimum of 30 and maximum of 1000
d. Minimum of 100 and maximum of 500

700. What kind of appointment is given to PNP applicants who possess the Upgraded General
Qualifications as member of the Philippine National Police?
a. Permanent
b. Temporary
c. Probationary
d. Optional

701. What is the most utilized patrol method in conducting rounds in a sector?
a. Foot
b. Bicycle
c. Motorcycle
d. Mobile

702. Which of the following is a characteristic of effective plan?

A. Give police department a clear direction
B. Increase personnel involvement
C. Clearly define objectives and goals
D. Contain a degree of flexibility for the unforeseen

703. What is considered as the “HEART” of the police records system.

a. Case Records
b. Arrest and Booking Records
c. Identification Records
d. Administrative Records
704. What is the “program” given to employees of an installation by lecture and other means
pertaining to measures and safeguards to be taken to protect the interest of the installation
from loss, damage, sabotage, pilferage, and other criminal acts?
a. Security Survey
b. Security Education
c. Security Planning
d. Security Inspection

705. In PNP, The Medal of Valor (Medalya ng Kagitingan) is given to deserved PNP Personnel
and awarded by _____.
a. President
b. Chief PNP
c. DILG Secretary
d. Chairman CSC

706. What planning approach argues the rationality of the other planning approaches are
useless and therefore difficult and inherently bad ? Also, it claims that problems are best
handled one at a time.
a. Synoptic Planning - rational comprehensive planning approach/problem oriented/most
b. Incremental Planning – small steps approach/plan w/in a plan
c. Transactive Planning - face to face/interaction/dialogue
d. Radical Planning - reformative/changes

Advocacy Planning - equal representation/negative side effects

707. Who is the personnel in the police department in charge with receiving and transmitting
a. Receiver
b. Transmitter
c. Responder
d. Dispatcher

708. What is the primary law enforcement agency of Japan?

a. National Police Agency
b. Japan Police Force
c. Japanese Police Agency
d. National Public Safety Commission

709. Which of the following are the three (3) aspects of police visibility?
a. Proper, adequate and timely police response
b. Physical presence of the police, proper patrolling scheme and response time
c. Mobile, integrated and widespread
d. foot patrol, mobile patrol and specialized patrol scheme.

710. This is composed of civilian representatives from the different sectors of society which
serves as the chief accepting agency for any citizen’s complaint against any officer or member
of the Philippine National Police.
a. National Police Commission
b. Dept. of the Interior & Local Government
c. National Appellate Board
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board

711. The Flow of Authority describe as ____________.

a. Scalar Principle
b. Line Staff Principle
c. Command
d. Functional

712. Rate that describes the number of arrests made by law enforcement agencies per 100,000
total population or per 100,000 population considered to be at risk for arrest.
a. Crime Rate
b. Clearance Rate -bilang ng mga krimen na naresolba
c. Arrest Rate
d. Crime Volume

713. It is the process of developing methods or procedure or an arrangement of parts intended

to facilitate the accomplishment of an objective.
a. Management
b. Budgeting
c. Functioning
d. Planning

714. Republic Act 6975 is otherwise known as_____.

a. Department of Interior & Local Government Act of 1990
b. Department of the Interior & Local Government Act of 1990
c. Department of Interior & the Local Government Act of 1990
d. Department of the Interior & the Local Government Act of 1990

715. Describes the number of crimes reported to law enforcement agencies per 100,000 total
a. Crime Volume
b. Crime Rate
c. Crime Index
d. Crime Mapping

716. Dr. Atencio decided to have his house renovated, he asked his contractor to use steel for
the gate and windows, good quality locks for the doors and grills for the windows in order to
prevent unauthorized entry, what type of security Dr. Atencio is considering?
A. Personal
B. Physical
C. Document
D. Personnel

717. The patrol officers are deployed in their respective areas of responsibilities or AOR with
prescribed objectives and verifiable tasks. They are anticipating crime to happen. What type of
patrol is this?
a. Pro-active Patrol
b. Reactive Patrol
c. Active Patrol
d. Passive Patrol

718. A police organizational structure used by the PNP at present particularly at the central
office is called _____.
A. Functional
B. Line
C. Line and Staff
D. Line and Functional
719. One of the old theories or beliefs in Police Service regarding who the police should serve is
that Police Officers are the servant of the state or government. Meaning, it is at the will of the
state or government that the police officers get their power and authority from. This is what
police service theory?
a. Home Rule Theory
b. Old Policing Concept
c. Modern Policing Concept
d. Continental Theory – servant of higher authorities

720. VIP Security, Armored Car and Aviation Security are what kind of security training
a. Pre-licensing
b. Refresher
c. Specialized
d. Supervisory

721. To deny outsiders from visual access in a certain facility what must be constructed.
A. Full view fence - nagproprovide ng visual access
B. Solid fence
C. Chain link fence
D. Multiple fences

722. High Visibility Patrol means Patrol Officers in Uniform and Patrol Vehicles are seen
heavily on the streets. High visibility patrol is also referred to as what?
a. Police Patrol
b. Police Detective Beat Patrol
c. Police Beat Patrol
d. Police Presence Patrol

723. What is the official record in every police station where they write all the incidents on a
daily basis?
A. Daily record
B. Activity report
C. Police blotter
D. Daily incident

724. Security Operations Master Plan?

a. Master Plan Sandigan-Milenyo
b. Master Plan Sandugo
c. Master Plan Banat
d. Master Plan Sang-ingat – may operation kaya mag-ingat haha

725. For Kidnapping cases forecasted in Mandaluyong, the Chief of police and his men are in
closed door meeting on how to apprehend the Mastermind. What activity is ongoing inside the
office of the chief of police?
a. Planning
b. Investigation
c. Follow up
d. Celebration

726. What is the product created through the process of planning, directing, collecting,
collating, and analyzing data, for dissemination as usable information that typically assesses
events, locations of adversaries, to allow the appropriate deployment of resources to reach a
desired outcome?
a. Police Intelligence
b. Intelligence Report
c. Intelligence
d. Strategic Intelligence

727. In Indonesia, they have the Indonesian National Police or the INP. The agency is headed
by an official known as?
a. Inspector General
b. Jenderal Polisi
c. Commissioner of Police
d. Director General

728. General Category of Intelligence, the operational value of which cannot be readily
ascertained. They are not practical and requires build - up. It is intelligence that usually deals
with identifying the “intention” of the subject of intelligence effort and mostly employed in
the formulation of policy and military plans.
a. Order of battle intelligence
b. Line/tactical intelligence
c. Strategic intelligence
d. Counter-intelligence

729. The Metropolitan Police Force now known as the Metropolitan Police Service was
organized by none other than the “Father of Modern Policing” himself Sir Robert Peel through
the enactment of what law?
a. Statute of 1295
b. Legis Henrici
c. Metropolitan Police Act of 1829
d. Police Act of 1966

730. What do you call the process through which processed information is obtained and
produced, so that it can later be made available to users?
a. Processing cycle
b. Intelligence cycle
c. Evaluation
d. Dissemination

731. What patrol activity is concerned with responding to calls of community residents such as
local disturbances due to juveniles involved in rioting?
a. Routine Patrolling
b. Inspectional Service
c. Called for Service
d. none of them

732. This type of plan is intended to guide PNP members on routine and field operations and
some special operations.
A. Extra Departmental plan
B. Tactical Plan
C. Operational Plan
D. Policy or procedural plan

733. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a. Police managers work mostly with other people.
b. Police managers work long hours.
c. Police managers spend more time in working alone by himself.
d. Police managers are busy people.

734. This is a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individual, group or organization to
influence or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations.
a. Leadership
b. Humility
c. Decision Making
d. Service

735. Structures above the perimeter barriers where guards can watch the protected area in a
vantage point.
a. Top guard
b. Guard tower
c. Perimeter fence
d. Chain link wall

736. The complete awareness by a person of his surroundings which are achieved through
maximum employment of the senses; and the technique of factually reporting one’s own
observations or the sensory experience recounted by others.
a. Observation and Description
b. Casing
c. Elicitation
d. Surveillance

737. Which of the following is a step when the information is transformed from raw facts to
intelligence data?
a. Processing
b. Collection
c. Evaluation
d. Dissemination

738. What do you call the person who is highly skilled in converting messages from clear to
unintelligible forms by the use of codes and ciphers?
a. Cryptographer
b. Coding
c. Crypto Analyst
d. Decoding

739. It deals with procedures that have been outlined and officially adopted by all members of
the unit under specified circumstances.
A. Procedural Plan
B. Tactical Plan
C. Operational Plan
D. Extra – Departmental Plan

740. Another form of specialized patrol is used in cities where waterways have been kept as
one of their major thoroughfares.
a. Boat patrol
b. River patrol
c. Marine patrol
d. Sea patrol
741. A _________ is a list created for organized crime groups with the end view of effecting
their arrest or eliminating their criminal activities.
a. Wanted List
b. Access List
c. Watch List
d. Target List

742. A preliminary type of course taken by existing security guards or first timers who wants to
engage in the security industry as a security officer.
a. Basic Security Guard Course - 150 hrs
b. Security Officer Training Course - 300 hrs
c. Security Supervisory Course
d. Refresher Training Course - 48 hrs

743. In each prefecture in Tokyo Japan there are several police stations that serve as the
principal operational unit of the police which is sub-divided into police boxes. Which one is
known as the residential police box?
a. Koban
b. Chuzaisho
c. Ching Chang Su
d. Kobun

744. The Police Provincial Office in Leyte, there are about 600 police officers and it is
supervised by the Provincial Director. What principle can the Provincial Director employ in
handling the group?
a. Span of control
b. Command responsibility
c. Strict authority
d. Unity of command

745. The objectives of this organization includes maintenance of international peace and
security, promote human rights, foster social and economic development, protect the
environment, and provide humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed
d. UN

746. A geographical subdivision of a large city each composed of designated?

a. route
b. sector
c. district
d. area

747. They are concerned with the specific purpose and conclude when an objective is
accomplished or a problem is solved.
A. Standing Plan
B. Functional Plan
C. Time Specific Plan

748. The United Nations Security Council is composed of several member countries. How
many is it TOTAL and how many are considered PERMANENT?
a. 15 and 10
b. 15 and 5
c. 5 and 10
d. 5 and 15

749. Local Chief Executives are given certain powers in the administration of PNP personnel in
their respective jurisdiction. This means that a mayor can systematically move PNP personnel
assigned to his locality. He has discretion as to who goes where and who heads who in his area
of responsibility.
a. Recruitment
b. Deployment
c. Engagement
d. Employment

750. The objectives of low-visibility patrol is no longer crime prevention but crime repression.
a. true
b. false
c. maybe
d. don’t know

751. Choose the official who serves as the ex-officio member of the National Police
a. Chief, PNP
b. NBI Director
c. DILG Secretary
d. AFP Chief

752. What type of plans are developed for specific situations like catastrophes and other
significant events? Also known as Emergency Plans.
a. Procedural
b. Tactical
c. Operational
d. Administrative

753. Type of communication network involving the exchange of information among police
precincts or between a precinct and its headquarters.
a. Operational
b. Tactical
c. Administrative
d. Procedural

754. This is the act of removing police personnel either through retirement or separation from
service depending on the circumstances of the personnel to be removed.
a. Resignation
b. Termination
c. Attrition
d. Promotion

755. The IAS can investigate cases filed against PNP members through complaints or MOTU
PROPIO and also provide documents or recommendations as regards to the promotion of the
members of the PNP or the assignment of PNP personnel to any key position. The Internal
Affairs Service is headed by the ____________ as is the PNP is headed by the C, PNP?
a. Inspector General
b. Major General
Brigadier General
d. Lieutenant General

756. Which of the following statement is NOT included in the principle of Robert Peel?
A. Police officers are considered public officials
B. The basic mission is to prevent crimes and disorders
C. The police must direct their actions towards their functions
D. The performance of the police on their duties depends on public approval

757. What refers to a supervisor or manager who has a number of subordinates that directly
report to him/her?
A. Unity of command
B. Span of control
C. Hierarchy
D. Chain of command

758. Established to enforce circulation control measure, laws, orders and regulations , and
when there is a need to arrest a criminal or fugitive from justice .
a. Dragnet Operation
b. Oplan Sita
c. Street Interrogation
d. Police Checkpoint

759. What is the standard height for chain link fences excluding the top guard? It is also the
accepted height for protective fences.
a. 6 feet
b. 7 feet
c. 8 feet - including
d. 10 feet

760. During an intelligence operation, Agent Santos is able to penetrate the target with the use
of deception, a cover story or with the help of an agent in place. Agent Santos was able to
successfully conduct a _____________?
a. Espionage effort
b. Sabotage work
c. Surveillance operation
d. Infiltration activity

761. He was the very first chief of the Philippine Constabulary. He is now recognized as the
“Father of Philippine Constabulary”
a. Brig. Gen. Rafael T. Crame -1st Filipino Chief of the Phil. Constabulary
b. Brig. Gen. Henry T. Allen
c. Col. Antonio Torres - 1st Filipino Chief of MPD
d. PDG Cesar Nazareno -1st C,PNP

762. Which of the following is the MOST important characteristics of a good and effective
operational plan?
A. Details of the plan are known to all implementations
B. Allocation of funds is presented
C. Objectives and goals are presented
D. It is possible that the plan is feasible

763. Intelligence information which is primarily long range in nature and with little immediate
operational value.
a. Military Intellence
b. Police intelligence
c. Line intelligence
d. Strategic intelligence

764. This kind of intelligence covers the activity devoted in destroying the effectiveness of
hostile foreign activities and to protect the information against espionage, subversion and
a. Police intelligence
b. Line intelligence
c. Counter intelligence
d. Public safety intelligence

765. This may be described as anything be it an act or situation, which may lead in the
compromise of information, loss or destruction of life and property or the disturbance of the
smooth operation of a certain plant or installation.
a. Natural Hazard
b. Man-made Hazard
c. Security Hazard
d. Occupational Hazard

766. The first step in the information processing cycle. This is where raw information is written
into some material.
a. Integration
b. Encoding
c. Recording
d. Evaluation

767. In the Philippines, what is the premiere institution for future police officials?
A. Philippine National Police Academy
B. Philippine Public Safety College
C. National Police Academy
D. Development Academy of the Philippines

768. Determines the significance of the information in relation to what is already known . It
involves analysis and integration.
a. Analysis
b. Interpretation
c. Integration
d. Evaluation

769. The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) consist of one (1) Secretary,
two (2) Undersecretaries and how many Assistant Secretaries?
a. One Asst. Secretary for the DILG Secretary and one each for the two Undersecretaries.
b. Two (2) Assistant Secretaries, one for peace and order and one for local government.
c. There are three (3) Assistant Secretaries under the reorganized DILG.
d. As many as the DILG Secretary deems necessary.

770. Deliberately planned and systematic use of symbols chiefly through suggestions and
related psychological techniques with the view of altering and controlling opinions, ideas and
values and ultimately changing overt actions along predetermined lines.
a. Espionage
b. Counter-intelligence
c. Propaganda
d. Intelligence

771. Like the United Nations, the INTERPOL has a General Secretariat which operates on a 24
hour basis and has regional offices around the world. Where is the main office located?
a. Brussels, Germany
b. Manhattan, New York
c. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
d. Lyon, France

General Secretariat → I-24-7

772. Usually one who is already close or who has access to the target. This agent is usually
a. Infiltration place
b. Double agent
c. Penetration agent
d. Sleeper agent

773. A type of plan which serves as a guideline for police officers to follow like Standard
Operating Procedures in the conduct of raids and arrests.
a. Procedural
b. Tactical
c. Administrative
d. Extra-Departmental

774. The art and science of making, devising, venting or protecting codes and cipher.
a. Cryptography
b. Crypto-analysis
c. Cryptogram
d. Cryptograph

775. This concerns one or more aspects of human activity which should be known in advance
in order to determine our future actions.
a. Information
b. Procurement
c. Line intelligence
d. Intelligence

776. The DILG Secretary also serves as the Ex-Officio Chairman of what agency?
a. National Police Commission
b. Philippine National Police
c. Philippine Public Safety College
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board

777. Critical appraisal of an item of information to determine its pertinence, reliability and
a. Analysis – shifting and isolating the elements
b. Interpretation – establishing the meaning and significance
c. Integration – combining the elements
d. Evaluation

778. Where was the very FIRST policing organization created?

A. Egypt - medjay
B. Spain
C. Greece
D. Rome

779. SPO2 Renato Hupolito, joined the Philippine National Police on July 5, 2002. Nevertheless,
he want to pursue his career as embalmer, he decided to file an optional retirement so that he
could enjoy benefits of the gratifying PNP which he served with extreme commitment and
loyalty. When does He can retire?
A. June 5, 2022 -> kulang ng isang buwan kaya hindi pwede
B. July 5, 2058 -> na overdose
C. July 5, 2021 -> kulang ng isang taon
D. August 10, 2023 -> Best Answer

780. This agency was formerly known as OSS or Office of Strategic Services. It is charged with
gathering, correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence affecting national security of
the United States of America.
a. FBI
c. DEA
d. CIA

781. The current CDS or the Chief of the Directorial Staff head is Lt. Gen. Dionardo Carlos. As
the CDS chief he has how many staff directorates under his purview?
a. Ten (10)
b. Eleven (11)
c. Twelve (12)
d. Twenty (20)

782. SOSIA stands for what?

a. Security Office for Security Investigation Agencies
b. Supervisory Office for Security and Investigation Agencies
c. Security guards Office for Supervision and Intelligence Agency
d. Supervisory Officer of Security and Investigation Agency

783. Member countries of the INTERPOL maintains an office staffed by highly trained national
law enforcement officers, which serves as the lifeblood of INTERPOL, contributing to its criminal
databases and cooperating together on cross-border investigations, operations and arrests
a. National Central Bureaus
b. The Executive Committee
c. The General Assembly
d. The General Secretariat

784. Basic Security Guard Course and Security Officers Course are examples of this type of
security guard training.
a. Pre-licensing Training
b. Refresher Training
c. Specialized Training
d. Supervisory Training

785. The procuring of information pertaining to the security of the state and the activities of
those hostile to the state.
a. Police Intelligence
b. Military Intelligence
c. Covert Intelligence
d. Strategic Intelligence

786. The Crime Laboratory Group provides scientific and technical services. The Crime
Laboratory Group is what kind of support unit?
a. Administrative Support Unit
b. Technical Support Unit
c. Scientific Support Unit
d. Operational Support Unit

787. A person who forsakes and betrays his own country for another country.
a. Defector
b. Defector in Place
c. Traitor
d. Treason

788. Transforming plain text into coded messages or cipher to avoid compromise of
information even if intercepted by the enemy.
a. Decrypt
b. Encrypt
c. Convert
d. Translate

789. Frederick the Great called this spy as __________ because these are ordinary people
pushed to do spy work. They were not given a choice but to follow or suffer punishment.
a. common spies - ordinary people
b. double spies - double agent
c. spies of consequence
d. forced spies

790. The PROCEDURES that relate to reporting, raids, arrests, and investments crimes are
examples of ________.
a. Field
b. Police special
c. Office
d. Special operating

791. Refers to the penetration of an agent to the target through deception, cover story or with
the help of a defector in place it may also be achieved with the use of mechanical devices.
a. espionage
b. sabotage
c. surveillance
d. infiltration

792. This is Israel’s intelligence agency responsible for gathering intelligence and secret
operations concerned with national security and counter-terrorism.
b. CIA
c. KGB

793. Intelligence document describing the identity, strength, command structure and
disposition of the enemy.
a. Duty Detail Order
b. Order of Battle
c. Mission Order
d. Court Order

794. In the police organization, this is necessary for SPECIALIZATION. What is this functional unit
that we are referring to?
a. Bureau
b. Division
c. Section
d. Unit

795. This refers to the conglomeration of the different intelligence units or agencies in the
a. Intelligence Community
b. Intelligence Network
c. Intelligence Group
d. Intelligence Departments

796. Known as Napoleon’s eye, he conducted counter intelligence against spies, who utilized
deceit and blackmail to gain information.
a. Schulmeister
b. None of these
c. Steiber
d. Edward I

797. The supervision and control of trainings and operations of security agencies is under the
office of:

798. Another term used to refer to Counter-Intelligence which means to protect your own
intelligence information from attacks.
a. Counter-Insurgency
b. Counter-Strike
c. Counter-Measure
d. Counter-Intelligence – Negative Intelligence

799. What type of SECURITY is when an architect assumed the owners of quality steel for the
perimeter wall, steel doors will be used for the main entrance to prevent an unauthorized
A. Natural
B. Safe barrier
C. Plain
D. Physical

800. What term is applied to a device or system that in the event of failure of a component the
incapacity will be signaled?
A. Doppler effect
B. Peterman
C. Duress code
D. Fail safe
801. A type of protective alarm system where the protective alarm located outside the
A. Local Alarm system
B. Central Station System
C. Auxiliary System
D. Proprietary

802. In terms of appointment of personnel, the appointment of Police Inspectors to Police

Superintendent is given by whom?
a. COA
b. Chief, PNP

803. Uniformed personnel of the PNP shall be entitled to a longevity pay of how many percent
of their basic monthly salary for every five (5) years of service?
a. 5 percent
b. 6 percent
c. 8 percent
d. 10 percent

804. The doctrine that imposes commensurate accountability to one who is vested with
management and leadership functions.
a. Command Accountability
b. Command Responsibility
c. Command Authority
d. Command Availability

805. Process of inquiry into the character, reputation, discretion, integrity, morals and loyalty
of an individual to determine his suitability for appointment or access to classified matter.
a. Partial Background Investigation or PBI
b. Background Investigation or BI
c. Complete Background Investigation or CBI
d. Personnel Security Investigation or PSI

806. If a record is classified as a Permanent Type of record then it means that it should be kept
for how many number of years?
a. less than 5 years
b. for 5 years
c. less than 10 years
d. for 10 years

807. This law extended for 5 years the reglamentary period for complying with the minimum
educational qualification for appointment to the Philippine National Police.
a. R.A. 8551
b. R.A. 6975
c. R.A. 9165
d. R.A. 9708

808. The prescribed ratio of firearm to security guard that a PSA must adhere to.
a. 1:1
b. 1:2
c. 2:1
d. 2:2
809. An examination taken by the in-service police officers as part of the mandatory
requirements for promotion.
a. Police Entrance Examination
b. Police Promotional Examination
c. Police Mandatory Examination
d. Police Professional Examination

810. When you become a part of a separate unit having clear objectives and specific task. Ex.
a. Specialization
b. Unity of command
c. Span of control
d. Delegation of authority

811. The task of providing competent men to do the job and choosing the right men for the
right job. It involves good selection and processing of reliable and well-trained personnel.
a. Planning
b. Controlling
c. Organizing
d. Staffing

812. The Law that regulates the operation and supervision of security and private detective
agencies in the Philippines prohibits an agreement of merger with any person or group of
persons for the purpose of organizing a branch, unit or subsidiary under separate control and
ownership. This refers to what?
a. Merger System
b. Partnership System
c. Kabit System
d. Dual Ownership System

813. Total Permanent Physical Disability refers to any impairment of the body which renders
PNP member indefinitely incapable of substantially performing the mandated duties and
functions of his positions. If this happens he or she is given how many percent of his or her
salary as pension?
a. 30 percent
b. 50 percent
c. 80 percent
d. 100 percent

814. These are wide beam units, used to extend the illumination in long, horizontal strips to
protect the approaches to the perimeter barrier; it projected a narrow, horizontal and from 15
to 30 degrees in the vertical plane
A. Fresnel Lights - spotlight
B. Floodlights
C. Street Lights
D. Search lights

FLOODLIGHTS - projects light in a concentrated beam. Best used in boundaries, building or

fences. Otherwise known as reflectorized.

815. In Japan, actual police functions are performed by prefectural law enforcement. These
prefects are under the control of the National Police Agency. The NPA is headed by the?
a. Inspector General
b. Director General
c. Police Commissioner
d. Commissioner General

816. Promotion granted to police officers who have exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and
gallantry at the risk of his/her life above and beyond the call of duty.
a. regular promotion
b. posthumous promotion
c. meritorious promotion
d. exemplary promotion

817. The process of attracting candidates who have minimum qualifications to be eligible for
selection procedure. It is the process of searching the candidates for employment and
stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.
a. Selection
b. Application
c. Recruitment
d. Staffing

818. Under section 40 of R.A. 6975 an officer or a non-officer may retire provided he has
rendered a required number of satisfactory service with the approval of the NAPOLCOM.
a. Mandatory retirement
b. Compulsory retirement
c. Optional retirement
d. Early retirement

819. What is the importance of the installation in relation to national economy and security?
A. Relative necessity
B. Relative vulnerability
C. Relative secure
D. Relative criticality

820. The process of screening out or eliminating undesirable applicants who do not meet the
organization’s criteria.
a. Selection
b. Application
c. Recruitment
d. Staffing

821. Warning signs conspicuously placed in large areas where protective walls or fences are
a. protection in depth
b. sign and notice
c. clear zone
d. perimeter barrier

822. The process shall determine their reputation and possible involvement in any
questionable or criminal activities or violent incidents.
a. Psychiatric/Psychological Examination
b. Complete Physical/Medical Examination
c. Character and Background Investigation
d. Final Committee Interview
823. The number of years required for a police officer to hold a certain rank before he can be
promoted to the next higher rank. An example would be the 2 years waiting period of a Police
Officer 1 to become a Police Officer 2.
a. time in rank
b. time in position
c. time in service
d. time in grade

824. The president and the consultant of a corporation were invited to be the speakers for the
opening of another company, what type of security was provided?
A. Special
B. Personal
C. Operational
D. Critical

825. This is possible if the PNP personnel have already rendered at least 10 years of
continuous service, is not scheduled separation or retirement, has no pending administrative or
criminal case and has 3 more years of remaining in the service before reaching the compulsory
retirement age.
a. Mandatory retirement
b. Compulsory retirement
c. Optional retirement
d. Early retirement

826. The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization to promote international co-
operation. It was established on October 24, 1945 after World War II in order to prevent
another war. Where is the headquarters of UN currently located?
a. Lyon, France
b. Brussels, Belgium
c. Geneva, Switzerland
d. Manhattan, New York

827. He is known as the “Father of Modern Policing in the United States of America”.
a. Sir Robert Peel
b. Judge John Fielding
c. O.W. Wilson
d. August Vollmer

828. A PNP personnel dismissed from service after rendering at least twenty (20) years of
active service will be considered?
a. Retired
b. Separated
c. Resigned
d. Attrited

829. It refers to a protection against any type of crime to safeguard life and assets by various
methods and device.
a. Physical Security
b. Operational Security
c. Perimeter Security
d. Security

830. Any physical structure whether natural or man-made capable of restricting, deterring or
delaying illegal or unauthorized access.
a. Perimeter Fences
b. Moveable Barrier
c. Wire Fences
d. Barrier

831. The color of folder for Non-Uniformed Personnel or NUP’s. Following the PNP Personnel
File or PPF.
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Green
d. Yellow

832. Security involving the background checks of individuals commensurate with the security
requirements of their work.
a. Personal Security
b. Personnel Security
c. Background Investigation
d. Intelligence

833. Wire fencing can be barbed wire, chain link or concertina. Chain link are for ______.
a. Solid structure
b. Permanent structure
c. Least permanent structure
d. Semi- permanent structure

834. Barbed wire fences standard wire is twisted, double strand, 12-gauge wire with 4 point
barbs spaces in an equal part. Barbed wire fencing should not be less than ___ high excluding
the top guard.
a. 8 feet
b. 7 feet
c. 9 feet
d. 6 feet

835. Check made on an individual usually seeking employment through the subject’s record in
the police files, educational institutions, places of residence and previous employer.
a. Character Investigation or CI
b. Complete Background Investigation or CBI
c. Background Investigation or BI – specific yung tanong, walang sinabing complete
d. Personnel Security Investigation or PSI – para to sa access sa restricted matter

836. The process by which an individual police officer who is recruited into the service receives
formal instruction on the job for special and defined purpose and performs actual job functions
with periodic appraisal on his performance and progress.
a. Field Training Program
b. Basic Recruit Training
c. Departmental Training Program
d. In-service Training Program

837. This area is used for storage of high value cargo and classified documents. It is under
surveillance at all times and access is strictly limited.
a. Restricted
b. Controlled
c. Limited
d. Excluded
Controlled Areas – those areas access is restricted as to entrance or movement by all but
authorized personnel and vehicles.

Limited Areas – those within the controlled area where a greater degree of security is

838. An act or condition, which results in a situation conducive to a breach of the protection
system, or that, could result to loss.
a. Hazards
b. Natural Hazards
c. Human Hazards
d. Security Hazards

839. This type of filing system is used if we want to file our records based on sequential date
a. Alphabetical
b. Encyclopedic
c. Chronological
d. Geographical

840. The impression created in the minds of law-abiding citizens and would be criminals that
the police are always available to respond to any situation at a moment’s notice.
a. Police Patrol
b. Police Image
c. Police Activities
d. Police Omnipresence

841. When an officer reaches the required time and grade and possesses all the mandatory
and other consideration in promotion and the applicant is in the zone of consideration, he or
she may apply for what kind of promotion?
a. Promotion by virtue of position
b. Meritorious Promotion
c. Regular Promotion
d. Posthumous Promotion

842. What does ASEANAPOL stands for?

a. Association of Asian Police
b. Association of South East Asian Police
c. ASEAN Chiefs of Police
d. Asia Pacific Region Association of Police

843. A disciplinary mechanism of the PNP for simple cases of misconduct, insubordination and
a. Internal Disciplinary Mechanism
b. External Disciplinary Mechanism
c. Concurrent Disciplinary Mechanism
d. Summary Disciplinary Proceeding

844. A practical and inexpensive alarm system locally installed and immediately sounds an
audio or visual alarm.
a. Central Station System
b. Local Alarm by Chance System
c. Local Alarm System
d. Proprietary System

845. The United Nations uses the following languages in its intergovernmental meetings and
documents. EXCEPT?
a. Russian
b. French
c. Spanish
d. British

846. When information of intelligence value are obtained through direct intercommunication in
which one or more parties is unaware of the specific purpose of the observation?
a. Casing
b. Surveillance
c. Shadowing
d. Elicitation

847. This is the exact order waivers are prioritized if the number of qualified applicants fall
below the annual quota.
a. age, height, weight
b. height, age, weight
c. weight, age, height
d. weight, height, age

848. A lock which is commonly installed in safe deposit boxes and is deemed pick proof since it
is operated by utilizing combinations by means of a dial.
A. Lever locks - easiest way to open the lock
B. Padlock - portable and detachable lock
C. Combination lock - manipulation
D. Code operated locks

849. What type of gaseous discharge lamp emits a blue-green color?

A. Sodium vapor lamp
B. Mercury vapor lamp
C. Incandescent lamp
D. Quartz lamp

850. It serves as the basis for an analysis of offenses and the methods by which they are
committed. It is the heart of any police records system.
a. Case Records
b. Arrest and Booking Records
c. Administrative Records
d. Identification Records

851. In this type of organization there are channels of authority and responsibility flowing in
two different directions. Authority flows downward from the highest official to the lowest
official and responsibility flows upward from the lowest to the highest position .
a. Line Organization
b. Functional Organization
c. Staff Organization
d. Line and Staff Organization

852. It is the foundation record of the police department. It reflects all information regarding
complaints and reports received by the police from citizens and other agencies or actions
taken by the police.
a. Investigative Reports
b. Technical Reports
c. Miscellaneous Reports
d. Complaint Sheet

853. What type of surveillance when the subject remains on sight, never to lose the contact
against all odds?
a. Open surveillance
b. Direct surveillance
c. Loose surveillance
d. Close surveillance

854. This is defined as the upward movement from one rank classification to another carrying
with it an increase in salary and added responsibility.
a. Promotion
b. Attrition
c. Lateral Entry
d. Vertical Movement

855. The members of the patrol team shall form and assemble at the Police unit headquarters
at least _____ before the start of their shift for accounting, inspection and briefing.
a. 1 hour
b. 45 minutes
c. 30 minutes
d. 15 minutes

856. Refers to the information whether in its original form or otherwise including documents ,
signatures, seals, texts, images, sounds, speeches or data compiled, recorded or stored.
a. Record
b. File
c. Data
d. Duplicate

857. This is headed by the Inspectorate General and can investigate cases filed against PNP
members through complaints or motu propio and provide documents or recommendations as
regards to the promotion of the members of the PNP or the assignment of PNP personnel to
any key position.
a. National Police Commission
b. Internal Affairs Service
c. National Appellate Board
d. Regional Appellate Board

858. The nerve center that links the components of the Integrated Patrol System through
different communication systems.
a. Tactical Operation Center
b. Radio Broadcasting Center
c. Operational Support Center
d. Patrol Control Center

859. Component of the Police Integrated Patrol System pertaining to BPATs, other force
multipliers, non-government organizations, and civilian volunteer groups.
a. Fixed Components
b. Patrol Components
c. Auxiliary Components
d. Supplementary Components

860. What is the security force maintained and operated by any private company or
corporation for its own security requirements?

861. The organization’s main goal is to enhance police professionalism in the Asian region and
promote friendship amongst member countries.
d. None of them

862. What is an aggressive effort in acquiring information that is either available or

a. Penetration
b. Recording
c. Casing
d. Procurement

863. What type of controlled area requires highest degree of security?

A. Limited
B. Restricted
C. Special
D. Exclusive

● RESTRICTED AREA - It refers to an area in which personnel or vehicles are controlled for
reasons of security.

● LIMITED AREA - It is a restricted area in which lesser degree of control is required than in an
exclusion area but which the security interest would be compromised by uncontrolled

864. What is an act an organization and “systematic conspiracy” to overthrow a duly

constituted government like the Philippine government?
a. Sedition
b. Subversion
c. Penetration
d. Infiltration

865. The team SPO1 Elda was assigned to secure the Palarong Pambasa events, peace and
order must be provided for the welfare of the participants and all the people present, what
classification of plan must be applied by the team?
a. Management
b. Operational
c. Tactical
d. Extra-departmental

866. Which of the following does NOT belong to the basic informant recruitment?
a. Selection
b. Evaluation
c. Approach
d. Investigation

Testing kasama din dito.

867. Which of the following is considered as the order of authority in the PNP organization?
a. Hierarchy
b. Chain of command
c. Span of control
d. Unity of command

868. This approach is applied when it concludes a comprehensive and long range planning that
are not only too difficult but inherently bad or wrong.
a. Effective
b. Radical
c. Synoptic
d. Incremental

869. Which of the following objectives of police personnel management is not included?
a. To improve benefit claims of police personnel.
b. To procure personnel with inappropriate police eligibility and qualification.
c. To maintain the authorized strength of the PNP.
d. All of these

870. What country during the 13th century that developed the system of rural enforcement?
A. England
B. Greece
D. Egypt

871. The patrol strategy which employs bait or distracter to in order to catch criminals is
known as:
A. High visibility patrol
B. Low visibility patrol
C. Target Oriented patrol
D. Decoy patrol

872. It articulates the rationale for the existence of the organization, the most powerful
underlying influence in law enforcement, affecting the performance, conduct and
performance of the organization and the members as well.
a. Goal
b. Philosophy
c. Mission
d. Objectives

873. What do you call the process after gathering information and you try to organize the “raw”
and make them useful, grouping the similar data in order to be more accessible when the time
comes that you will be needing them?
a. Organizing
b. Selection
c. Collection
d. Collation
874. As a dispatcher, you are tasked to follow certain courses of action that may be reflected
on the duty manual, this refers to ______.
a. Tactical plan
b. Headquarters procedures
c. Tactical procedures
d. Field procedures

875. These are forms of communicated knowledge which serve as the bloodline of police
a. Research
b. Information
c. Statistics
d. Reports

876. What is the examination or exploration of specific area in order to gather information,
particularly the strength and the positioning of the enemy?
a. Penetration
b. Reconnaissance
c. Casing
d. Shadowing

877. This is an activity which is intended to build an organization against the enemy to ensure
loyalty among the members through stringent background investigation. (1000 stars)
a. All of these
b. Police background investigation
c. Police Counter-intelligence
d. Infiltration activity

878. It is a police function which serves as the backbone of the police service. In all types of
police stations, there is a specific unit assigned to undertake this function in view of its
a. vice control
b. traffic enforcement
c. criminal investigation
d. patrol

879. In the fight of patrol division to prevent crime, the division should be able to eliminate
the existence of opportunity, which is their primary concern, and this is being realized by
means of;
A. Patrol
B. Police visibility
C. Presence in the area
D. Performance of function

880. Barangay Tanod is included in what component of Integrated Patrol System?

a. Fixed Component
b. Auxiliary Component
c. Secondary Component
d. Patrol Component

881. What is the feeling of a criminal that push him to commit a crime specially when there is
an absence of a police officer to stop him?
A. Desire
B. Opportunity
C. Instrumentalities
D. Criminal tendency

882. Because of financial problem, people's tendency is to perpetuate a crime. What refers to
the intense feeling of committing a crime?
A. Instrumentality
B. Interest
C. Opportunity
D. Motive

883. Which of the following is NOT true when it comes to being a good and effective leader?
a. The leader must be a good example to his/her subordinates.
b. The tasks is concentrated to the leader as the supervisor.
c. He is responsible for the output of his men.
d. He must win the respect of his subordinates.

884. When the evaluation rating provided by the police officer is A-4 which means that the
information is ____.
a. Completely from reliable source and possibly true.
b. Usually from reliable source and possibly true.
c. Possibly true and from fairly reliable source.
d. Completely from reliable source and doubtfully true

885. The new chief of police assigned in Manila Police, in order to achieve the administrative
planning, he must develop what type of plans?
a. Management
b. Operational
c. Special
d. Policy and procedural

886. When one considers all the police functions, police personnel assigned to patrol is the
MOST ________.
a. Exhausted
b. Visible
c. Effective
d. Hardworking

887. What is the CLEARANCE issued by the PNP to determine if the applicant has not
committed any violation or crime?
C. Police
D. Barangay

888. What process is being applied when the information is determined the pertinence to the
operation, the accuracy and whether the source of the information is reliable?
a. Selection
b. Evaluation
c. Investigation
d. Casing

889. What refers to when a leader takes hands-off passive approach in dealing with his
subordinates? (1000 stars)
a. Autocratic
b. Democratic
c. Charismatic
d. Free-rein

890. When a citizen decides to complain against a police officer because of any abuse of
authority, he must file his complaint to what office?
b. Court of Appeals

891. The first step a good dispatcher must take when he receive a felony-in-process call
through telephone or direct alarm signal is to _________.
a. clear the air for emergency broadcast.
b. inform the investigator to proceed to the location.
c. send augmentation forces
d. assign an officer to record the incident.

892. What is an important examination that is given to all applicants to the Philippine National
Police which is included in the selection process that focus on mental health condition?
a. Physical
b. Psychiatric
c. Psychological
d. Conduct

893. What evaluation process is conducted to all PNP applicants that focuses on his/her
particularly the impact of his reflection to other people?
a. Oral interview
b. Psychological
c. Psychiatric
d. Medical

894. Which of the following is considered as the essence of police function? (1000 stars)
a. Investigation
b. Crime suppression
c. Patrol
d. Interrogation

895. What patrol organization that is responsible to protect our airports against offensive and
terrorists acts?
A. PNP Airline Force
C. Air Group
D. PNP Air Group

896. The ASENAPOL CONFERENCE shall be held annually on a rotational basis amongst
member countries. The Conference will be attended by the Chiefs of Police. Which one should
not supposed to attend?
a. Indonesia
b. Cambodia
c. Myanmar
d. Timor-Leste
897. When was the latest amendment of the implementing rules and regulations of Private
Security Agency?
a. October 9, 1990
b. October 4, 1999
c. October 9, 1994
d. October 9, 1998

898. Refers to the actual restraint of armed persons following a high-risk stop.
A. Dragnet Operation
B. Hasty Checkpoint
C. High-Risk Arrest
D. High Risk Stop

899. Bicycle patrol has the combined advantage of _______ since they can be operated very
quietly and without attracting attention.
a. reduced speed and greater area covered
b. mobility and stealth
c. mobility and wide area coverage
d. shorter travel time and faster response

1000. Why is it possible to control the crime volume in areas where patrol personnel are
present meaning people can SEE them?
A. Investigating
B. Inspecting
C. Observing
D. Visibility

1001. This is a patrol program designed to ensure law abiding citizens, feeling of security but the
reaction for would be violators.
a. Double-officer patrol
b. Single officer patrol
c. Low visibility patrol
d. High visibility patrol

1002. Under RA 8551, the PNP function/s as far as insurgency is concerned is/are
A. Information gathering
B. Standby to be called upon by the President to support the Army
C. Fight hand in hand with the army against the NPA and MILF
D. A and B are true

1003. In providing security to an industrial complex, what is the first line of physical defense?
A. Window barrier
B. Communication gadgets
C. Perimeter
D. Security guard housing

1004. What refers to the technical METHOD used by patrol officers for effective and
performance of their mission?
A. Communication
B. Reporting
C. Assessment
D. Collation
1005. When are security guards deputized by the PNP Chief or local mayor to have police
authority within their assigned area of responsibility?
A. When there is an employee’s strike
B. When the company is in retrenchment
C. During times of emergency
D. When there is a crime committed inside the establishment

1006. It is designed against threat vehicle or car bomb and normally installed permanently at
the perimeter of the facility. It has no moving parts.
A. Passive barrier
B. Active barrier
C. Structural barrier
D. Perimeter barrier

1007. Which of the following is the MOST important factor in formulating an effective patrol
A. Rank of the Chief of patrol
B. Adequacy of resources of the police station
C. Training of the station commander
D. Salary of the police personnel

1008. What method of PATROL using a well-equipped vehicle that provides faster response,
wider in scope and provides element of surprise when crime is in progress?
A. Sky
B. Motorcycle
C. Foot
D. Mobile

1009. As a General Rule, High powered firearms are not allowed to possess except when there
is an upsurge of lawlessness and criminality as determined by proper authority, but shall not
exceed of the total number of security guards.
A. 50%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 10%

1010. The vault door should be made of steel at least in thickness?

A. 12 inches
B. 9 inches
C. 6 inches
D. 20 feet or more

1011. The following allowed to display high-powered firearms during police checkpoint.
A. Security Sub Team;
B. Pursuing Sub Team;
C. Spotter;
D. Team Leader; and
E. Arresting Sub Team.

A. A and B – sa bagong POP only the forward/rear security members

B. B and E
C. A, B, and E
D. A, B, C, D, and E
1012. It is usually used for traffic, surveillance, parades and special events.
a. Random Foot Patrol
b. Moving Foot Patrol
c. Fixed Foot Patrol
d. Line Beat Patrol

1013. The patrol strategy which brings the police and the people together in a cooperative
manner in order to prevent crime:
a. Integrated Patrol
b. Reactive patrol
c. Team policing
d. Proactive patrol

1014. Private security agencies have to be registered with the:

A. SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission
D. PNP, SOSIA - (PNP SAGSD old name)

1015. What is the duration of the Basic Security Guard Course?

A. 150 Hours or pre licensing course
B. 48 Hours - security supervisory course at retraining course
C. 72 Hours - kapag nakahuli ka ng terorista
D. 300 Hours

1016. What type of alarm is best suited for doors and windows?
A. Photoelectric – electric eye device
B. Audio detection
C. Metallic foil
D. Vibration Alarm

1017. A type of protective alarm system where the central station located outside the
installation. When the alarm is sounded, it will notifies the police and other agency.
A. Local Alarm system
B. Central Station System
c. Auxiliary System
d. Proprietary

1018. What is the deployment of officer in a community area or locality to prevent and deter
A. Consolidated
B. Group
C. Team
D. Beat

1019. What type of patrol STRATEGIES in which the officers involve themselves in design and
implementation of activities based on analysis of community problems?
A. Directed
B. Aggressive
C. Active
D. Interactive

1020. Chain link fences must be constructed in material including the top guard?
A. Seven feet - excluding
B. Eight feet
C. Six feet
D. Five feet

1021. What is the principle of intelligence that the collected information must be essential
and pertinent to the case under investigation? This refers?
A. Collation
B. Selection
C. Analyzing
D. Casing

1022. When an agent requires or involve the use of scientific devices in order to enhance the
accuracy of data gathering, this is referring to what type of SURVEILANCE?
A. Open
B. Mechanical
C. Close
D. Technical

1023. When information is forwarded by an informant through telephone with hope that his
message is hidden, this refers to what type of agent?
A. Anonymous
B. Double
C. Confidential
D. Voluntary

1024. Radio communication is ideal for giving and receiving order, what is meant by "ABORT"?"
A. Understood
B. Stay put
C. Stand by
D. Abandon the mission

1025. In intelligence, what is the determination of the performance of the gathered data to
the operations reliability of the source and the accuracy?
A. Collation
B. Selection
C. Collection
D. Evaluation

1026. Mr. John Sy-Chan a suspected drug dealer is under surveillance, which of the following
objectives is NOT included to this assignment?
A. To know the where abouts of the suspect
B. Obtaining confession/acceptance
C. To know who are the contacts
D. To acquire all available evidence

1027. What type of AGENT when he managed to return to his unit from enemy?
A. Penetrating
B. Counter
C. Overt
D. Secret

1028. What refers to when you survey or inspect an area, place or building in order to rule or
find out their suitability for a particular purpose?
A. Casing
B. Assess
C. Follow-up
D. Shadowing

1029. Vaults are storage devices which are usually designed to be at least ___ fire resistant.
A. 3 hours
B. 6 hours - 4-6 hrs.
C. 24 hours
D. 12 hours

1030. What is the acquisition of information from a person or group that does not disclose the
intent of the interview conversation?
A. Undercover
B. Roping
C. Casing
D. Elicitation

1031. The maximum number of firearms allowed to possess by a PSA should not exceed by
____ units.
A. 30
B. 500
C. 70
D. 1000

1032. What is the stage in which the collected information is subjected to review to determine
its significance?
A. Research
B. Collation
C. Analysis
D. Interrogation

1033. When the patrol supervisor say "DO YOU READ ME?" what is the message he is asking?
A. If they reach the area of concern
B. If he can read properly
C. Is mission finished?
D. Is it understood?

1034. Security Clearance is a certification by a responsible authority that the person described
is cleared to access and classify matters at appropriate levels. Interim clearance will remain
valid for a period of from the date of issuance.
A. 1 year
B. 4 years
C. 2 years
D. 5 years - final clearance

1035. The tenure of a security guard is:

A. Six Months
B. Co-terminus with the service contract
C. Two years
D. Contractual

1036. Every registered PSA are mandatory to give surety bond which shall answer for any valid
and legal claims against such agency filed by aggrieved party. How much is the Surety bond of
PSA with 500-799 guards.
A. 50, 000 – 1-199 SG
B. 100, 000 – 200-499 SG
C. 150, 000
D. 200, 000 – 800 – 1000 SG

1037. What type of investigation involves all aspect and details about the circumstances of a
A. Partial background investigation
B. Complete background investigation
C. Personnel security investigation
D. National agency check

1038. Which of the following kinds of INTELLIGENCE whose objective is to protect information
against espionage, materials and installation against sabotage, and personnel against
A. Strategic
B. Military
C. Counter
D. National

1039. The extension period for a license to operate issued upon a PSA that lacks the required
minimum number of guards is:
A. 1 month
B. 6 months
C. 2 years
D. 1 year

1040. Which of the following types of lock is generally used in car doors?
A. Warded lock - oldest type of lock – mga Egyptians ang kauna-unahang gumamit – skeleton
key ang ginamit nila
B. Lever lock
C. Disc tumbler lock = or wafer lock
D. Combination lock

1041. It refers to an associate of the subject who follows him to detect surveillance.
A. Convoy
B. Decoy
C. Subject
D. Surveillant

1042. What has the highest degree of INFORMATION, which is most the time coded and the
highest protection from an unauthorized disclosure can cause damage to national security of
a nation?
A. Confidential
B. Restricted
C. Secret
D. Top secret

1043. The unobstructed area maintained on both sides of a perimeter barrier on the exterior
and interior parallel area to afford better observation of the installation refers to:
A. Clear zone
B. Complimentary zone
C. Open zone
D. Free zone
1044. Can natural hazards be prevented by security force of a plant?
A. Yes, by monitoring warning from the weather bureau
B. No, it is an act of God and nobody can prevents it
C. No, but its effects which can cause damage to life and property
D. Yes, by proper planning and constant drills

1045. What are the intelligence activities focusing on current problems for case development?
A. Micro-intelligence
B. On-going
C. Macro
D. Ideal

1046. How many Police Regional Offices that compose the Philippine National Police?
a. 20
b. 22
c. 17
d. 18

1047. In Vietnam, what is the police force where undergraduate courses are provided for the
police cadets in a 4-year training program in order to be members?
A. Security Forces of Viet Nam
B. Viet Nam Security Forces
C. The People's Security Forces or People’s Public Security Force
D. Viet Nam National Police

1048. Baguio City maintains a police force with a total manpower of 2000 officers and men.
How many PLEB must be established?
a. Two (2)
b. Three (3)
c. Four (4)
d. Five (5)

1049. During Civil Disturbances, what may be utilized when demonstrators become unruly and
aggressive forcing troops to fall back to their third positions?
A. Tear Gas
B. Water Cannon- second position
C. Truncheon – first position – fleashy parts
D. Shield - first position

1050. It is a method whereby policemen on patrol may interview within the bounds of law
suspicious personalities at random in order to serve as a deterrent to those intended to
commit a crime.
A. Street questioning
B. On-the-spot questioning
C. Interval questioning
D. Interrogatory questioning

1051. In the shoulder loop of police officer “Y”, embroidered are 3 silver sampaguita clusters,
what then is the rank of “Y”?
A. Police Major
B. Brigadier General
C. Police Captain
D. Police Colonel
1052. A PNP member charged for grave felonies punishable by 6 years 1 day or more is put
under preventive suspension for how many days?
A. 30 days - PD
B. 90 days
C. 60 days – RD
D. 180 days – CHIEF PNP

1053. This is also known as character building by which an individual develops his stable
pattern of functioning, thinking and feeling as a result of his interaction biologically and
a. Character Development
b. Character
c. Character Formation
d. Good Character

1054. It refers to all habitual ways of feeling and reacting of a person which distinguish one
from another.
a. Character development
b. Character
c. Character formation
d. Good character

1055. This contributing factors for character formation influences one’s personality and social
a. Family
c. School
b. Home
d. Culture

1056. This contributing factors for character formation is the cradle of human character and
personality that contribute to the formation of the child.
a. Family
b. School
c. Home
d. Culture

1057. There are five factors that determine character or personality traits, which is not
a. Openness
b. Extraversion
c. Conscientiousness
d. Nueroticism
e. Covetous (matakaw)
f. Agreeableness

1058. This is a personality trait which means being kind, sympathetic and happy to help.
a. Openness
b. Extraversion
c. Conscientiousness
d. Agreeableness

Openness – appreciation for a variety of experiences.

Conscientiousness – planning ahead rather than being spontaneous
Nueroticism – vulnerable and easy to become a victim

1059. A type of characters which only becomes bad when it’s over and turns a person to
become unpredictable.
a. Superstitious character
b. Covetous character
c. Self-realized character
d. Anti-social character

1060. There are six pillars of character, which is not included?

a. Respect
b. Responsibility
c. Humane
d. Trustworthiness
e. Caring
f. Citizenship

1061. This is a civic virtues and duties that prescribe how we ought to behave as part of the
a. Respect
b. Responsibility
c. Humane
d. Trustworthiness
e. Caring
f. Citizenship

1062. Are those who acts according to their beliefs with consistency.
a. Honesty
b. Reliability
c. Integrity
d. Loyalty

1063. A person who is admired and trusted because of his being a straightforward.
a. Honesty
b. Reliability
c. Integrity
d. Loyalty

Reliability – a person who always keep their promises and undertake it as special moral duties.
Loyalty – an expectation of allegiance, fidelity and devotion.

1064. Which of the three dimensions of honesty present the facts to the best of our
a. Truthfulness
b. Sincerity
c. Integrity
d. Integrity

1065. Which of the three dimensions of honesty is an act of being genuine without trickery or
a. Truthfulness
b. Sincerity
c. Candor
d. Integrity
Candor – being frank and volunteer information that another person needs to know.

1066. This is any philosophy that considers personality the supreme value and the key to the
measuring of reality.
a. Familiarism
b. Personalism
c. Particularism
d. all of the above

1067. It is the subordination of the personal interests and prerogatives of an individual to the
values and demands of the family.
a. Familiarism
b. Personalism
c. Particularism
d. all of the above

1068. This is a traits underscoring Filipino values with the exclusive attachment to the interests
of one group, class, sect, etc. (1000 stars)
a. Familiarism
b. Personalism
c. Particularism
d. all of the above

1069. This is an ideology and movement define by promoting the interests of a particular nation
with the aim of acquiring and maintaining sovereignty.
a. Leadership
b. Patriotism
c. Allegiance
d. Nationalism

1070. This is a sense of love, dedication and attachment to a country and an alliance with
other people who share the same impression.
a. Leadership
b. Patriotism
c. Allegiance
d. Nationalism

1071. This nationalism refers to the active involvement and the wills of the individual to
contribute to the state’s maintenance and strength. (1000 stars)
a. Romantic nationalism
b. Cultural nationalism
c. Ethnic nationalism
d. Civic nationalism

1072. This nationalism refers contributes to a sense of domestic unity and a mutual bond
between the nation’s people.
a. Stateless nationalism
b. Cultural nationalism
c. Diaspora nationalism
d. Religious nationalism

1073. It involves the concept of a shared culture and shared language to promote domestic
group family and social life.
a. Romantic nationalism
b. Cultural nationalism
c. Ethnic nationalism
d. Civic nationalism

1074. It is otherwise known as organic and identity nationalism which is based on historical
ethnic culture.
a. Romantic nationalism
b. Cultural nationalism
c. Ethnic nationalism
d. Civic nationalism

Cultural nationalism – defined as a variety of non-civil or ethnic nationalism just like the
Diaspora nationalism – is an ethnic population residing outside their traditional homelands.
Stateless nationalism – those ethnic or cultural minorities within a nation state aiming for

1075. This patriotism includes fidelity to one’s nation through material acts just like military
a. Patriotism of affection
b. Patriotism of manners
c. Patriotism of duty
d. Patriotism of values

1076. This is customs patriotism can be performed by placing one’s hand over the heart during
national anthem.
a. Patriotism of affection
b. Patriotism of manners
c. Patriotism of duty
d. Patriotism of values

Patriotism of affection – the patriotism of the heart about one’s internal desire for his country’s

1077. It means doing everything we can, to get of what we dream not only for ourselves but
also for our family and loved ones.
a. Stable
b. Thankful
c. Courteous
d. Enthusiastic
e. Self-sacrificing

1078. This means being adjusted and learned to be powerful in moments of need and in
difficult circumstances that life throws at us even in times of disaster.
a. Stable
b. Thankful
c. Courteous
d. Enthusiastic
e. Self-sacrificing

1079. It means police draw their collective and individual power of approach to always accept
difficult duties, and they are ready to speak out against temptation, anomalies, corruption
and exploitation and stand firm.
a. Courage
b. Integrity
c. Empowerment
d. Excellence

1080. It is the legal principle that a person’s nationality at birth is determined by the place of
a. Affinity
b. Consanguinity
c. Jus Soli
d. Jus Sanguinis

Jus Sanguinis – is the legal principle that at birth an individual acquires the nationality of her
parents by blood.
Affinity - is a family group of people recognized by marriage.
Consanguinity - This is a family group of people recognized by birth

1081. This family occurs commonly where women have the resources to rear their children by
themselves or where men are more mobile than women.
a. Patriarchal family
b. Immediate family
c. Matrifocal family
d. Extended family

1082. A polygamous family when a woman is married to more than one husband at a time.
a. Polyamory
b. Polygamy
c. Polyandry
d. Fraternal Ployandry

1083. This is a polygamous family if marriage includes husbands and wives, group or conjoint
a. Polyamory
b. Polygamy
c. Polyandry
d. Fraternal Polyandry

Polygamy – a man is married to more than one wife at a time.

Fraternal Polyandry – where two or more brothers are married to the same wife.

1084. It simply means that people direct their children’s attention to gender appropriate
a. Manipulation
b. Canalization
c. Activity exposure
d. Verbal appellation

1085. This means telling children what they are and what is expected of them.
a. Manipulation
b. Canalization
c. Activity exposure
d. Verbal appellation

Manipulation – means that people handle girls and boys differently as infants.
Activity exposure – familiarizing children to their gender appropriate tasks.

1086. Which areas of socialization which are likely to influence the person’s beliefs and
a. School
b. Peer groups
c. Family
d. Media

1087. This is the general ways of acquiring citizenship by birth because of blood relationship
or place of birth.
a. Voluntary method
b. By naturalization
c. Involuntary method
d. By repatriation

1088. The grounds for reacquiring lost Philippine citizenship affected by merely taking the
necessary oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines and registering the same in the
proper civil registry.
a. Voluntary method
b. By naturalization
c. Involuntary method
d. By repatriation

1089. Who among the following is not a Filipino citizen?

a. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of the 1987 Constitution
b. Those whose fathers and mothers are citizen of the Philippines
c. Those born before January 17, 1973 of Filipino mothers who elect Filipino citizenship upon
reaching the age of majority.
d. Those who are born in the Philippines

1090. What is the effect of marriage of a Filipino citizen to an alien or foreigner?

a. It does not automatically lose his or her Filipino citizenship
b. Became a foreigner if he or she was granted by a foreign country
c. He or she would not possess dual citizenship
d. All of the above

1091. This is a certain level of leadership status given to them but it must be earned, can
connect with people emotionally and make others feel important.
a. Resilience
b. Delegation
c. Influence
d. empathy

1092. This means inspiring their team on their exhibited behavior, life outlook, and attitude in
any given situation.
a. Humility
b. Positivity
c. Influence
d. Resilience

1093. This is the act of setting the organizational direction, making new ideas, ensuring team
members know the bottom line, and understand the goals and the mission of the organization.
a. Mission
b. Purposes
c. Vision
d. Function

1094. This leadership create a vision based on identified needs and guide their teams toward
that unified goal through inspiration and motivation.
a. Transformational leadership
b. Coach-style leadership – nurturing the strength of every members
c. Transactional leadership
d. Bureaucratic Leadership

1095. This is the process of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values,
preferences and beliefs of the decision-maker.
a. Problem solving
b. Decision making
c. Decision making theory
d. Decision making process

1096. This is usually defined as a sequence of activities involving stages of problem

recognition, search for information, definition of alternatives and the selection of an actor of
one from two or more alternatives consistent with the ranked preferences.
a. Problem solving
b. Decision making
c. Decision making theory
d. Decision making process

1097. This is the process of directing and facilitating the work of people organized in formal
groups in order to achieve objectives.
a. Administration
b. Supervision
c. Management
d. Direction

1098. It is an organizational process concerned with the implementation of objectives and

plans and internal operating efficiency.
a. Administration
b. Supervision
c. management
d. direction

1099. It is the process involved in ensuring strict compliance, proper obedience of laws and
related statutes.
a. Police Administration
b. Police Supervision
c. Police Management
d. Police Direction

1100. This involves the determination and allocation of the men and women as well as the
resource of an organization to achieve pre-determined goals or objectives of the organization
a. Planning
b. Controlling
c. Organizing
d. Staffing
1101. Strategic leadership is a desirable leadership style in many organizations because –
A. strategic thinking supports multiple types of employees.
B. leaders who operate this way can set a dangerous precedent
C. it can support the best direction for the organization really is
D. it helps establish roles and responsibilities for each employee

1102. Growth-minded organization highly encouraged transformational leadership style

because can risk losing sight of everyone's individual learning curves.
B. subordinates receive the right coaching
C. It helps establish roles and responsibilities for each employee.
D. It motivates employees to see what they are capable of

1103. Which management function is considered as the life-spark of the organization?

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Staffing
D. Directing

1104. This is a “bahala na” or “come what may” attitude tendency to surrender the future to
luck and leaving everything to God.
a. Fatalism
b. Ningas cogon
c. Procrastination
d. Crab mentality

1105. This a trait of being good only at the start and become too lazy to finish it.
a. Fatalism
b. Ningas cogon
c. Procrastination - Mañana habit or an attitude of causing delays
d. Crab mentality

1106. What is the process applied by the agent Alonzo when he collect all the gathered
information, separate or group all the useful from those vital to the operation ?
a. Selection
b. Collection
c. Organizing
d. Collation

1107. In patrol operation, which of the following functions is NOT included?

a. Response to citizen’s call for police assistance
b. Crime prevention
c. Crime investigation
d. Suppression of crimes

1108. Which of the following appointments is given to police applicants with the upgrade
general qualifications to be members of the police organization?
A. Permanent
B. Temporary
C. Optional
D. Compulsory

1109. What plan that organize community agencies and community groups for cooperative
efforts with the police office?
A. Management
B. Tactical
C. Extra departmental
D. Operational

1110. What is the new concept of police strategy wherein the community groups for
cooperative efforts with the police office?
A. Police evaluation
B. Team policing
C. Community trust
D. Police teamwork

1111. Which of the following whose main function is solely in human resources of an
A. Personnel management
B. Planning
C. Administration
D. Budget

1112. The first detective branch in 1842 was established by _____?

A. New York Police
B. England Police
C. US Metropolitan Police
D. London Metropolitan Police

1113. In order to determine the supervisor’s span of control, which of the following has to be
taken into consideration?
A. The number of cases to work on with the supervisors.
B. He has the knowledge of the number or subordinates who will directly report to him/her
C. The objectives and goals to be accomplished.
D. The total number of supervisors to handle a group.

1114. What is the new rank for a 2-star general? (1000 stars)
A. Police Lieutenant General
B. Police Brigadier General
C. Police General
D. Police Major General

1115. In order to avoid confusion for the subordinates, how many supervisors must be
assigned to a particular mission?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Several

1116. In what planning wherein the approach is usually associated with defending the interest
of the weak, the poor or politically impotent?
A. Transactive
B. Advocacy
C. Radical
D. Incremental

1117. What is simply a visualization tool that is used to display raw geographic data and
output form analysis which is done through GIS?
A. Speculation
B. Statistics
C. Mapping
D. Forecasting

1118. The crime prevention model in crime mapping describes different levels of activity which
one is not included?
A. Quaternary
B. Secondary - The secondary level aims to transform people, usually those at high risk of being
involved in criminal activity.
C. Primary - Primary crime prevention aims to eliminate a problem before it occurs
D. Tertiary

1119. What is the most common method for displaying geographical pattern of crime?
A. Thematic mapping
B. Predictive mapping
C. Point mapping
D. Grid mapping

1120. Which of the following refers to physical barriers that are constructed by men for the
purpose of delaying any entry of an intruder?
A. Artificial
B. Energy
C. Natural
D. Structural

1121. What is the privilege or permission to allow the entry to specific area or the use of
A. Protection
B. Controlling
C. Rights
D. Access

1122. What are the total past and present written actions, conduct or performance of a
A. Achievement
B. File
C. Personal
D. Record

1123. What record is the heart of any police record system based on the analysis of offense and
methods they are committed?
a. Complaint file
b. Blotter
c. Case file
d. Crime lists

1124. What unit of PNP is the lead office that administers the retirement and separation
benefits of PNP personnel and uplifts the morale and welfare of PNP retirees?
A. Police retirement and benefit service
B. Police retirement and benefit administration office
C. PNP administration for retirement and benefits service
D. PNP Retirement and Benefits Administration Service
1125. During a shooting incident, what is the meaning of “10-52” when a police officer calls his
A. Ambulance needed
B. Arrrived at scene
C. Over and out
D. Disregard

1126. Who was the emperor of Rome that created one of the earliest organized form of
a. Tiberlus
b. Claudius
c. Aulus
d. Augustus – Vigiles

1127. The history proves that the first line of defense against threats to national security of a
nation is _____.
A. Investigation
B. Intelligence
C. Patrol
D. Interrogation

1128. What is not a basic applicable principle in police intelligence operation?

A. Requires foresight
B. Flexible
C. They are dependent - interdependent
D. Must always be available

1129. What is an organized process of intelligence by which information is gathered assessed

and distributed to fulfill the goals of intelligence functions?
A. Dissemination
B. Development
C. Regulated
D. Cycle – Intelligence Cycle

1130. Which of the following is not a principle of intelligence?

A. Timeliness
B. Continuity
C. Proximity
D. Flexibility

1131. What is the most prevalent and economical method of patrol used in the police which is
modern and well-equipped patrol officers who can cover considerable area and can patrol
A. Marine
B. Motorcycle
C. Foot
D. Automobile

1132. Which pattern below is done by patrolling within the perimeter of the beat at particular
location where the presence of patrol officers is necessary?
A. Free-wheeling - Zigzag
B. Straight
C. Counter clockwise
D. Clockwise
1133. What do you call the manner of extending police power to observe and collect
information a person or property?
A. Recording
B. Interrogation
C. Investigation
D. Data Gathering

1134. What is considered as a person, place, property, organization or object that is being
a. Informer
b. Subject
c. Informant
D. Suspect

1135. What type of informant that provides information freely and willing to be a witness?
a. Confidential
b. Voluntary
c. Anonymous
d. Open

1136. What type of intelligence is required by the commander to provide for planning, tactical
and administrative operation encounter insurgency?
a. Counter
b. Strategic – capabilities and vulnerabilities of a foreign nation
c. Overt
d. Line – Tactical

1137. When you give misleading and confusing statements to suspects to enable him to give
information essential for the operation, which of the following is being used?
A. Intimidation
B. Sabotage
C. Infiltration
D. Deception

1138. What is referred to surveillance of a building, place or area to determine the suitability
for intelligence use or vulnerability in an intelligence operation?
A. Reconnaisance – applied to military purposes
B. Roping
C. Elicitation
D. Casing

1139. What is the element of national security when the ability of the people meets and covers
their essential needs with dignity?
A. Economic
B. Community
C. Environmental
D. Personal

1140. What division of the PNP optimizes the utilization the personnel resources both
uniformed and non-uniformed?

1141. What system is used to enable law enforcement agencies to store, retrieve or retain
information pertaining to police information?
A. Police Record Application
B. Police Record Management
C. Police Record Filing
D. Police Record Manual

1142. Who has the power to impose disciplinary of dismissal from the service?
A. PNP Chief
B. Trial Judge
C. Mayor
D. NAPOLCOM Commissioner

1143. Which of the following DOCTRINES is governing planning, organizing, and employment of
PNP force in the accomplishment of basic security mission in maintaining peace and order?
A. Complimentary
B. Fundamental
C. Operational
D. Functional

1144. What is record is prepared by a police officer when there is an arrest stating when and
where the crime was committed?
A. Investigation Report - findings and action taken by the investigating officer
B. Crime Record
C. Incident Report
D. Police Record

1145. What is the exploration or examination of an area to gather information about the
strength and positioning of the enemy?
A. Intelligence
B. Surveillance
C. Casing
D. Reconnaissance

1146. It is in the Filipino value of going out of the way to help, without being asked, i.e.,
unsolicited help.
A. Pakikiramay
B. Pakikisama
C. Bayanihan
D. Galang

1147. These are the major courses of action that the organization plans to take in order to
achieve its objectives.
A. Procedures
B. Strategies
C. Plans
D. Objectives

1148. What is the traditional map used in Crime Mapping?

A. Big
B. Small
C. Digital
D. Round

1149. The "bahala na" attitude is the outcome of the _____when the tasks are left undone.
a. Mañana Habit
b. Fatalism
c. Crab Mentality
d. Hypocrisy

Answer: United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

1151. The problem solving process called SARA consists of four stages. What stages is
identification of existence of the problem?
a. Scanning
b. Analysis – Pinpoint the cause of the problem
c. Response
d. Assessment

1152. What does corporal rank in the AFP equivalent to the new rank of PNP Classification?
a. Sergeant
b. Staff Sergeant
c. Police Corporal
d. Master Sergeant

1053. One of the following does not belong to the Nine principles of policing by Sir Robert
a. To prevent crime and disorder, as an alternative to their repression by military force and
severity of legal punishment.
b. To recognize always that the test of police efficiency is the number of arrest and disorder,
and the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them.
c. To recognize always that the extent to which the cooperation of the public can be secured
diminishes proportionately the necessity of the use of physical force and compulsion for
achieving police objectives.
d. To recognize always that the power of the police to fulfill their functions and duties is
dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behavior, and on their ability to
secure and maintain public respect.

1054. A system of barriers placed between the potential intruder and the objects/matter to
be protected. (1000 stars)
a. Physical Security – ingat sa tanong na ito kasi walang nakalagay na type of security
b. Barrier
c. Perimeter Barrier
d. Security

1055. What does S.O.P means?

a. Standard Operational Procedure
b. Standard Operating Procedures
c. Standard Operation Plan
d. Standard Operating plan

1056. Procedures intended to be used in all situations of all kinds shall be outlined as guide to
a. Special Operating Procedure
b. Field Procedure – ingat sa tanong kasi dati di nadugtongan ng men in the field.
c. Headquarters Procedures
d. Tactical Plan

1057. It is a cover which includes the legitimacy to live and work in a particular country.
a. Cover for status
b. Cover for action - a cover for the non-official cover which includes the aliases or identities
which allows operations to be carried out
c. Cover agent
d. Alliances

1058. A type of planning in which the police must be prepared for almost everything, police
are expected to response in all sort of emergencies from violent weather, riots to plane crash .
a. Strategic Plan
b. Operational Plan
c. Procedural Plan
d. Contingency Plan

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