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CHARACTER: __________________________________________

_____________________ 10 15 20
TASK DISCUSSION Does not parBcipate in ParBcipates but Valid and appropriate ParBcipates posiBvely in
group discussions. hesitates in group input in group project discussions.
Offers liKle input and discussions. Offers liKle discussions. Offers Offers insighVul and
makes no personal input and makes limited some insighVul opinions thoughVul opinions and
connecBons to the connecBons to the and makes connecBon makes important
project. Doesn’t ask project. Asks few to the project. Will connecBons to the
quesBons. No evidence quesBons. occasionally ask project.
of research. insighVul quesBons.
MEMBER ROLE Rarely completes role SomeBmes completes Completes role tasks Completes role tasks
tasks properly and not role tasks properly but independently and on independently and on
always on Bme. Tasks not always onBme. Bme. Tasks are Bme. Tasks are
are done with liKle or Tasks are done with thoughVully done with thoughVully done
no minimal great effort. shows extension of the
genuine effort. effort. acBvity.
RESEARCH Rarely completes SomeBmes has assigned Usually has assigned Has assigned research
assigned research on research completed on research completed on completed on schedule.
schedule. schedule. schedule.
ON TASK / FOLLOWS Off task the majority of SomeBmes follows the Follows direcBon and is Follows the discussion
DIRECTIONS the Bme and disrupBve direcBons but is off task off task occasionally. and task steps
to the group. Missing some of the Bme. Missing categories from consistently.All
categories from Missing categories from completed project. Not categories are
completed project. Not completed project. Not completely colored in. completed project.
colored in. completely colored in. Completely colored in.
RESPECT Usually chooses to Interrupts when others Usually respects the Respects the opinions
contradict or ignore the are contribuBng in an opinions of others and of others. Encourages
group in an aKempt to override demonstrates a and supports the ideas
uncooperaBve manner. with his/her ideas. willingness to and efforts of others in
parBcipate a
cooperaBvely. cooperaBve manner.

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