Doa Pujian

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Our Father who is enthroned in the kingdom of

heaven, praise be to You, the almighty God who
overshadows all people on this earth. Father, thank
you for the breath of life that You gave so that this
morning we can gather again at this place without
lacking anything. Praise be to You, Lord God, who is
all-loving, who never ceases to give us abundant
blessings. Praise be to You, Lord God, the most
glorious, for you are the only one who deserves to be
praised and worshipped.

Bapa Kami yg bertahta dalam kerajaan sorga, terpujilah Engkau Allah

yg maha besar yg menaungi seluruh umat di bumi ini. Bapa
terimakasih atas nafas kehidupan yg Kau berikan sehingga pagi ini
kami dpt kembali berkumpul di tempat ini tnpa kurang satu apapun.
Terpujilah Engkau Tuhan Allah yg maha kasih yg tak henti hentinya
memberikan berkat yg berlimpah pada kami. Terpujilah Engkau
Tuhan Allah yg maha mulia karna engkau sajalah yg patut di puji dan

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