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Nama : Ani Yulia / 051812237

Daerah UT : UPBJJ Yogyakarta

Diskusi 1 – Bahasa Inggris

1. Formal language is usually used for professional purposes, both orally and in writing. In oral form,
formal language is used at official events such as work meetings, talking to colleagues, job interviews,
and the like. Whereas in written form, we often encounter formal language in academic writing,
business reports, emails, and the like. This language is bound by provisions that must be followed,
A. Grammar
B. Slangs, Colloqualism, and Contraction is not allowed
C. Avoid first person pronouns

Informal language is flexible, because there are no specific rules for its use. usually used in
conversations between friends and family. The characteristics of informal language, namely the use
of idiomatics, colloqualism, slangs, and verb abbreviation.

Formal and informal language is very important for us to learn, because by being aware of the
differences between the two, we can use the right expressions in the right situations.

2. These two sentences are different. Sentence A uses informal language, as can be seen from the
simple structure of the sentence and the abbreviation of words. While sentence B is formal language,
seen from the complex word arrangement and seems polite. This sentence shows professionalism in
writing and reading.

3. The difference between slangs and colloquialism

a. Slangs :
- Informal use of language by certain groups of people, specifically teenagers etc
- Vocabulary is created by users, thus it is most likely to change with time
- Used by certain groups such as teenagers
- Example : Dude, Fishy

b. Colloqualism :
- Informal language used by people in daily speech
- Vocabulary may last longer
- Used by ordinary people in their daily speech
- Example : Y’all, Gotcha

Sumber referensi :
BMP MKWI14201/Modul 1

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