Radiation-Induced Defects in Coo-And Nio-Doped Fluoride-Phosphate Glasses

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Radiation-induced Defects in CoO- and NiO-doped Fluoride-Phosphate


Article in Glass Science and Technology -Frankfurt am Main- · August 2013


18 273

2 authors:

Doris Möncke Doris Ehrt

Alfred University Friedrich Schiller University Jena


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Original Paper
Radiation-induced defects in CoO- and NiO-doped fluoride-
phosphate glasses
Doris Möncke and Doris Ehrt
Otto-Schott-Institut für Glaschemie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (Germany)

Irradiation-induced defect formation is a common phenomenon in glasses. The influence of the two polyvalent ions cobalt and
nickel was studied in several model glasses, two of those were fluoride-phosphate glasses. These studies were done in order to
contribute to the ongoing research on solarization. Dopants and impurities may influence the intensity of intrinsic defects and may
cause the evolution of additional extrinsic defects. Sample plates of high-purity glasses, undoped and doped with CoO and NiO,
were irradiated by UV lamps and X-rays. The formed defect centers displayed absorption bands in the UV-VIS range, which were
recorded by absorption spectroscopy. As many defect centers are paramagnetic, EPR spectra of the irradiated samples were taken.
The newly found optical bands and EPR signals evolving in the irradiated glasses are in part characteristic of intrinsic defects,
which are different types of electron and hole centers connected with phosphate groups. The other signals arise from extrinsic
2+ 2+ +
defects, which are caused by the two dopant ions. C o is photooxidized to ( C o ) , and replaces some of the intrinsic hole centers
2+ 2+ -
(POHC), while N i is photoreduced to ( N i ) .

S t r a h l u n g s i n d u z i e r t e D e f e k t b i l d u n g i nC o O - u n d N i O - d o t i e r t e n Fluorid-Phosphatgläsern

Bei der Solarisation beziehungsweise der strahlungsinduzierten Defektbildung handelt es sich um ein bekanntes Phänomen, das in
unterschiedlichem Maße in verschiedenen Gläsern auftritt. Um zur weiteren Aufklärung der Solarisation beizutragen, wurde, unter
anderem in Fluorid-Phosphatgläsern (FP), der Einfluß der polyvalenten Ionen Cobalt und Nickel auf die Defektbildung untersucht.
Dotierungen wie auch Verunreinigungen beeinflussen die Intensitäten der intrinsischen Defekte und verursachen zusätzlich die
Bildung neuer Defekte. Probenplättchen hochreiner undotierter und mit CoO und NiO dotierter FP-Gläser wurden UV-Lampen
und Röntgenstrahlung ausgesetzt. Da strahlungsinduzierte Defektzentren Absorptionsbanden im UV-VIS-Bereich bilden, wurde der
Verlauf der Solarisation mit der optischen Absorptionsspektroskopie verfolgt. Außerdem wurden EPR-Spektren der bestrahlten
Proben aufgenommen, da viele der gebildeten Defekte paramagnetisch sind.
Ein Teil der optischen Banden und EPR-Signale konnte intrinsischen Defekten zugeordnet werden, die an den Phosphatgruppen
auftreten und aus unterschiedlichen Elektronen- und Lochzentren (EC und HC) bestehen. Zusätzlich treten extrinsische Defekte
2 + 2+ +
auf, die auf die beiden Dotierungen zurückgeführt werden können. C o wird zu ( C o ) photooxidiert und ersetzt als Lochzentrum
2+ 2+ -
einen Teil der intrinsischen POHC, andererseits wird N i zu ( N i ) photoreduziert.

1. Introduction Cobalt- and nickel-doped glasses are used as optical

filters. They show high transmission from 250 to
Radiation-induced defects in glasses deserve more atten­ 400 nm. At the same time the absorption between 450
tion due to the intensified applications of stronger lamps and 700 nm is very strong. Cobalt and nickel are poly­
and lasers, working at increasingly shorter wavelengths. valent as well as polycoordinated ions. These ions are
Solarization describes the effect of decreased trans­ hardly ever seen in glasses in any other oxidation state
mission in the UV and VIS due to color centers gener­ than + 2 . In this state, the coordination is either tetra­
ated by irradiation. These color centers, or defects, e- hedral (T ) or octahedral (O ), strongly depending upon
d h

volve when the irradiated light suffices to ionize the glass the glass matrix. The differently coordinated ions show
and they consist of electron centers (EC) and hole cen­ distinctive spectra and subsequently colors, leading to
ters (HC) [1]. Defects can further be divided in intrinsic their use as structure indicators [2].
defects, which arise from the glass matrix itself, and ex­
trinsic defects, which are caused by dopants or impurit­
The optical basicity (Λ) of the glass is a measure of
the electron donor power of the glass matrix [3 to 6]. Λ
is proportional to the electron density on the oxide and
2 + 2 +
can be correlated to the coordination of C o and N i
Received 30 August 2000, revised manuscript 15 December 2000. [7]. In more acidic glasses the ions show ionic-bonded

Glastech. Ber. Glass Sei. Technol. 74 (2001) No. 3 65

Doris Möncke; Doris Ehrt:

phate sites. The kinetics of formation and recovery of

the radiation-induced defects in F P glasses irradiated
with lamps and lasers have been intensively studied. The
numerous induced intrinsic defects were characterized
by EPR and optical spectroscopy [12 to 14]. Based on
these former results on solarization in undoped glasses,
the aim of this work is to investigate in two F P glasses
the influence of the dopants NiO and C o O on the
characterized defects and the formation of any new de­
fect centers.
Figure 1. Schemata of the structural model of fluoride-phos­
phate glasses (fluoroaluminate-type) [8].

2. Experimental procedures
octahedral coordination, while covalent-bonded tetra­
hedral coordination prevails in high-basicity glasses. Table 1 states the compositions and some characteristic
data of several model glasses studied. The F P glasses
Fluoride melts of the fluoroaluminate type are were melted in an electric furnace at 1000°C, in Pt-cru-
atypical glass forming systems. Their strong ionic bond­ cibles with educts to yield 100 g glass. They were cooled
ing character results in very low melting viscosities 0
in graphite molds from 500 C to room temperature with
- 2
О?= 1 0 dPa s, at melting temperatures o f t f = 1000 °C). a cooling rate of about 30 K/h. Additionally these
This viscosity is comparable to that of water at room glasses were melted under reducing conditions. 30 g
temperature. Doping small amounts of phosphates dras­ charges were remelted in carbon crucibles in a graphite
tically increases the glass forming abilities of the melts furnace under a flowing argon atmosphere. Table 1
which have otherwise a great tendency to devitrify dur­ states, for comparison, the compositions and optical ba­
ing cooling. The structure model of fluoride-phosphate sicities of other model glasses studied. The phosphate
glass (FP) can be described as chains of Al(F O) —O5 6 n
glasses were melted at 1350 C in SiO crucibles. The

bonded with mono- and diphosphate groups and cations glasses were melted as undoped base glasses, further
(figure 1). It was found by Raman and N M R spec­ doped with 0.3 mol% CoO or NiO, respectively, and also
troscopy that mono-phosphate groups dominate in FP4 with 0.15 mol% both CoO and NiO. Only high-purity
and diphosphates in FP20 glass types [8]. FP glasses reagents were used for melting, so that the iron content
have been commercially melted and, due to their special of the glasses is as low as 5 to 10 ppm.
optical properties, are attractive candidates for appli­
cation in high-performance optics and laser technology Polished samples, 1 and 2 mm thick, were irradiated
[9]. The intrinsic absorption in the UV region arises with high-pressure mercury lamps and X-rays. Of the
from electron transitions in the band gap. Fluoroalumin­ two lamps utilized one was an H O K lamp, the other one
ate glasses with low phosphate contents have a wide a weaker 1 kW HgXe broad band lamp, working in a
band gap, which is comparable to that of pure silica sun simulator from ORIEL. Table 2 states the param­
glass or the fluoride single crystal C a F . The band gap
eters of the irradiation sources. Irradiation by lamp
becomes smaller with increasing phosphate content [1]. lasted up to 100 h to ensure that the defect formation
reached a saturation level. For X-rays the irradiation
The effect of different radiation sources was investi­ lasted 16 h. The lamps continuously emit a wide spec­
gated in several model glasses. The glasses range from trum from the UV to NIR. The spectral power density
the acidic fluoride-phosphates over phosphates to high- 2
of both lamps was about 1500 W/m below 280 nm. This
basicity (boro-)silicates (table 1). Hardly any solarization part of the spectrum causes most of the solarization
is seen in the more acidic glasses, especially when relative damage. The XeHg lamp works at slightly higher wave­
weak lamp irradiation is applied. Of all the studied lengths (>230 nm) than the H O K lamp (> 190 nm) and
glasses, only the phosphate glass shows significant in­ thus gives rise to less solarization. Irradiation by the
trinsic defects. In comparison, the undoped (boro-)sili- H O K lamp was applied by SCHOTT GLAS in Mainz
cate glasses are quite stable against solarization. How­ (Germany). For X-ray irradiation the sample plates were
2 +
ever, the (boro-)silicate glasses doped with C o and subjected to a Cu cathode radiation of 10 kW at a dis­
2 +
N i in tetrahedral coordination give very strong effects tance of 80 cm. For all samples the optical spectra were
[10]. These extrinsic defects could be ascribed to the taken right after the irradiation process. And all, but the
2 + 2 + 2 + +
photooxidation of C o and N i forming ( C o ) and samples irradiated with the HOK lamp, were analyzed
2+ 1
(Ni )" " [1 l].The high-basicity glass matrix stabilizes the by EPR spectroscopy within the next days. As the
higher oxidation states in these glasses. samples show a rapid defect recovery and the defects are
very small, no significant EPR signals could be observed
Phosphate-bonded defects are more stable than F-
in the glasses irradiated with the H O K lamp when ana­
bonded defects. Therefore, radiation-induced defects
lyzed later at the university of Jena.
formed in F P glasses are connected primarily to phos-

66 Glastech. Ber. Glass Sei. Technol. 74 (2001) No. 3

Radiation-induced defects in CoO- and NiO-doped fluoride-phosphate glasses

Table 1. C o m p o s i t i o n (in m o l % ) a n d characteristics of t h e m o d e l glasses s t u d i e d


4 SrIPOa) 2 20 S r ( P 0 ) 3 2
100 S r ( P O j ) 2 74 SiO 2 74 S i O 2 74 S i O 2

AlF , 3 AlF , 3 21 B O
2 3 10 C a O 10 B O 2 3

MgF , MgF , 4 Na O 16 N a O 16 N a O
96- 2
80· 2 2 2 2

SrF , 2 SrF , 2 1 Al O 2 3

CaF 2 CaF 2

Л (Лръ) »
0.35 (0.34) 0.38 (0.48) 0.46 (0.47) 0.48 0.579 0.53
XFe in p p m 10 10 8 5 5 6
3 +
Fe in p p m 6 6 5
T in Ct 440 480 515 442 532 553
"e 1.43 1.50 1.56 1.47 1.52 1.51
Q in g / c m 3
3.46 3.51 3.15 2.18 2.48 2.45
coordination O h o h o h O h T d T d

violet violet violet violet blue blue

color* ( ¾
amber amber amber yellow-green brown violet
solarization less p r o n o u n c e d less p r o n o u n c e d less p r o n o u n c e d less p r o n o u n c e d very s t r o n g very s t r o n g

2 +
'> M e d i u m t h e o r e t i c a l o p t i c a l basicity values a c c o r d i n g t o Duffy [3 t o 6], in b r a c k e t s e x p e r i m e n t a l v a l u e s for t h e P b indicator ion
a s f o u n d by Seeber [25].
2 )
N i O o r C o O w e r e d o p e d in c o n c e n t r a t i o n s of 0.3 m o l % , respectively.

Table 2. I r r a d i a t i o n sources

source range spectral p e r f o r m a n c e i r r a d i a t i o n t i m e in h

XeHg lamp UV-NIR / : 1500 W / m 2

λ: 230 t o 2 8 0 n m u p t o 100
H O K lamp UV-NIR I:
1500 W / m A: 190 t o 2 8 0 n m u p t o 100
X-ray C u c a t h o d e : 10 k W (50 к V, 2 0 0 m A ) u p t o 16

I = s p e c t r a l p o w e r density,
λ = w a v e l e n g t h of t h e b a n d m a x i m u m (error ± 5 n m ) .

UV-VIS-NIR spectra were used to characterize the ν == 9.78 GHz at room temperature. Band separation of
glasses and to observe the development of irradiation-in­ the spectra was accomplished on the computer with cus­
duced defects. A double beam spectrophotometer (UV- tomary auxiliary software. The resolved Gaussian bands
3102, Shimadzu) was employed, recording the extinction were correlated with the defect centers detected by EPR
E = Ig {I Il) (error < 1 %), which was later standardized to
0 and thermal recovery measurements.
a nominal path length (d) of 1 cm. The induced extinction,
or change of optical density, AE/d, caused by the ir­
radiation is used to describe the intensity of the defects
formed. The bands of the evolving electron centers are
usually found near the UV edge. In this range the dopants 3. Results and discussion
absorb strongly too, complicating the evaluation of the Co 2 +
and N i 2 +
in F P glasses are octahedrally coordi­
optical bands. Therefore, a second independent analytical nated. The optical spectra of the glasses can be seen in
method, the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spec­ figures 2a and b. Absorption of the CoO-doped glasses
troscopy (EPR), was applied. For better comparison the is smaller for the more acidic FP4 than for the FP20. As
glasses were also analyzed with the addition of the spin no differences were observed in NiO-doped glasses, this
standard dpph (l,l-diphenyl-2-piterylhydrozyl). Al­ change of absorption might be caused by a slightly
2 + 2 +
though C o and N i compounds are known to be suc­ higher T content in the case of C o . Because of differ­
2 +

2 + 2 +
cessfully investigated by EPR, C o and N i in glass give ent symmetries (presence/absence of an inversion center)
no significant EPR signals and could only be detected at the molar extinction coefficient is about 100 times higher
extremely low temperatures [15]. EPR spectroscopy per­ for T than for O coordination [16]. The two ions have
d h

mits the detection of paramagnetic EC and HC in different energetic preferences for the different coordi­
the glasses at room temperature without interferences 2 +
nations. N i strongly favors the O form over T , but h d

from the two dopants [10]. The EPR spectrometer used 2 +

C o shows no such distinction. The shoulder at 250 nm
(ESP 300 E, Bruker), worked with a frequency band of is caused by the charge-transfer (CT) transition of F e , 3 +

Glastech. Ber. Glass Sei. Technol. 74 (2001) No. 3 67

Doris Möncke; Doris Ehrt:

Figure 3. Induced optical spectra of FP20 glasses after 100 h

XeHg lamp irradiation; curve 1: undoped base glass, curve 2:
doped with NiO, curve 3: doped with CoO and NiO, curve 4:
doped with CoO.

irradiation. This solarization is due to the formation of

Figures 2a and b. Optical spectra of the preirradiated FP intrinsic EC and H C in the network. The weak lamp
glasses, a) FP20, b) FP4. Undoped base glass ( ), doped
irradiation does not lead to significant solarization in
with CoO ( ), doped with NiO ( ).
the FP4 glasses, although a weak increase of absorption
might be observed for the doped glasses. The latter is
more pronounced when the stronger H O K lamp is ap­
while the absorption edge is dominated by the CT tran­ plied, but further evaluation would hardly exceed the er­
sition of the dopants. ror margins. Solarization is stronger in the FP20 system.
This can be expected, as phosphate-bonded defects seem
Two general observations could be made regarding to be more stable than F-bonded, and FP20 offers more
the solarization observed in the glasses. The main differ­ phosphate sites than does FP4. Irradiation with the
ence in the induced optical spectra of the normal- and XeHg lamp leads, especially in the CoO-doped FP20, to
the reduced-melted glasses is due to the photooxidation notable defects (figure 3). As the signal-noise ratio is still
2 + 2+ 1
of F e to (Fe )" ". A strong absorption at 250 nm arises very bad, no band separation was attempted. Defects in
from the CT transition of the oxidized iron (see in detail the H O K lamp irradiated FP20 samples are at least
Ehrt et al. [8]). Next to the photooxidation of iron twice the magnitude of those in samples irradiated by
hardly any changes in the solarization were found when the weaker lamp. Form and magnitude of these undoped
normal- and reduced-melted glasses containing the same base glass defects resemble the known intrinsic defects
dopant were compared. This was expected, as the differ­ in F P glasses and have been characterized by optical and
ent melting conditions do not influence the oxidation EPR spectroscopy (table 3). Figures 4a to с show the
state of cobalt or nickel, nor their coordination. Solariz­ band separation for the defects of the FP20 glasses
ation in glasses simultaneously doped with CoO an NiO based on parameters for undoped glass according to
can be explained by the combination of the defects Ebeling [12 and 13]. The three bands of the phosphate-
found in each of the monodoped glasses. Further dis­ bonded H C (POHC) lie at longer wavelengths; those of
cussion will therefore concentrate on the undoped and the corresponding EC near the UV
monodoped glasses melted under normal conditions.
The intensity of the bands of the defects in the NiO-
doped glass is of the same magnitude as in the base
glass. Band separation shows that the magnitude of the
3.1 Radiation by lamp P O H C band is comparable with the band in the un­
doped glass, though the band of the oxygen-attached
No induced defects were observed after XeHg lamp ir­ O H C is increased by a factor of three. The intensity of
radiation of the undoped F P glasses melted under nor­ the P O E C band is increased by a factor of two. This

mal conditions. F P glasses are extremely resistant, while band and the other bands of EC at shorter wavelengths
pure phosphate glasses are easily solarized by UV lamp are overlapped by the UV edge of the colored glasses,

68 Glastech. Ber. Glass Sei. Technol. 74 (2001) No. 3

Radiation-induced defects in CoO- and NiO-doped fluoride-phosphate glasses

T a b l e 3. P a r a m a g n e t i c c o n s t a n t s a n d o p t i c a l a b s o r p t i o n of r a d i a t i o n - i n d u c e d defects in p h o s p h a t e glasses b a s e d o n E b e l i n g [12

a n d 13]

defect type EPR parameters 3

optical absorption * 4

λ in n m E ' in e V W in e V

3> 3 1
W = half a m p l i t u d e w i d t h of t h e line; A iiso) = (isotrope) hyperfine splitting d u e t o P , t h e d i s t a n c e (in m T ) b e t w e e n t w o lines;
g = t h e m i d d l e value b e t w e e n g values of b o t h lines of a d o u b l e t : g
m = Oj + g )/2.
m i d 1 2

4 )
λ = wavelength o f t h e b a n d m a x i m u m (error ± 5 n m ) ; E' = e n e r g y of t h e b a n d m a x i m u m ; W = h a l f a m p l i t u d e w i d t h of t h e
b a n d ( e r r o r ± (0.03 t o 0.07) eV).
5 )
F o r m a n d e v o l u t i o n o f this c e n t e r a r e n o t yet satisfactorily e x p l a i n e d .
6 )
O x y g e n - r e l a t e d center of u n k n o w n s t r u c t u r e .
7 )
P a r a m e t e r s of t h e extrinsic defects o b s e r v e d in t h i s study.

making further evaluation difficult. The fit of the optical 2 +

Photooxidation of C o has been established before
spectra needs an additional band at 350 nm, a band cor­ in high-basicity glasses, where the CT transition of T d
related in the literature with N i [17]. 2 + +
( C o ) dominates the optical spectra [10]. Photoreduc­
tion of polyvalent ions, though less common, has for
For cobalt, the spectra are more distinct. The magni­
example been observed in silicate glasses for iron [19].
tude of the defects is about ten times as high as in the
Nickel has a lower redox potential than cobalt, and the
other glasses. For the fit no bands of intrinsic H C such
acidic glasses do not stabilize the oxidized form in the
as P O H C or O H C were needed: only two new bands at
3 + way the silicates do. This might explain why NiO-doped
300 and 450 nm. The optical spectra of octahedral C o
glass shows the opposite effect of CoO-doped glass.
is described in the additional literature with two bands
2 + +
between 300 and 500 nm [18]. The formed ( C o ) re­
places the P O H C and the additional increase of H C is
covered by a subsequent increase of the known EC, sited
at the glass matrix. 3.2 Radiation by X-rays

The EPR spectra (not shown) are not very different UV irradiation has been compared to striking one key
from those of unirradiated samples as most of the cen­ of a piano and X-ray irradiation to the fall of the same
ters have already recovered by the time of analysis, only piano down a staircase [20]. The high-energy X-ray ir­
hints of the POHC signals are found in the undoped and radiation will excite all kinds of possible effects, while
NiO-doped glasses. No POHC signals were found for lamp irradiation excites only a well defined number of
CoO-doped glasses and thus even these slim results defects. Therefore, extrapolation from X-ray to long-
agree well with the interpretation of the optical spectra. term UV-lamp solarization is not advisable. The results

Glastech. Ber. Glass Sei. Technol. 74 (2001) No. 3 69

Doris M ö n c k e ; Doris Ehrt:

2 + +
the X-ray induced ( C o ) bands is about 40 times
higher than after H O K lamp irradiation.

The EPR spectra of the NiO-doped glasses show that

the POHC concentration remains constant, but the EC
decrease slightly. Additionally two new signals are found
on the higher g side between g ~ 2.0 and 2.4. These
signals are superimposed on the known intrinsic EC sig­
nals and are also found in the glasses doped with CoO
2 + -
and NiO. The signals of the ( N i ) E C is weaker for
the glasses doped with both ions which contain only

The fit of the optical spectra as before includes the

additional band at 350 nm. This band is smaller in the
glasses doped with both ions than in those only doped
with NiO. Compared to the other glasses the intensity
of the OHC band is significantly higher for the NiO-
doped glasses. The experimental optical data thus sup­
2 + -
ports the reading as photoreduction O f N i to ( N i ) . 2 +

2 + 2 +
Even though C o and N i in glasses do not dis­
play a signal in the EPR spectra at room temperature,
+ 9 1
N i as d , or inverse d , species seems to exhibit its own
signal. However, the EPR data on N i in the literature
is not as easily applicable to glasses as the optical data.
Generally signals connected to N i were found on the
low field side with g values between 2.0 to 2.5 [21 to
23]. The g values exhibit anisotropicity depending on the
ligands, the coordination of nickel, the temperature of
the measurement, or the orientation of the crystal if the
F i g u r e s 4 a t o с. I n d u c e d o p t i c a l s p e c t r a i n c l u d i n g b a n d s i m u ­ ion is embedded in one. Glasses are normally isotropic
l a t i o n of F P 2 0 after 100 h H O K l a m p i r r a d i a t i o n ; a ) u n d o p e d
and this leads, together with different degrees of distor­
b a s e glass, b ) N i O - d o p e d a n d c) C o O - d o p e d . P O H C ( ),
OHC ( ), P O E C ( ), P O E C ( 2 +
), ( C o ) + H C
tion within the glass, to a broadening of the signals. This
2 4

2 +
( = ) , ( N i ) " E C (/////). wide structural range causes a broadening of the signal
and might be one reason why, at room temperature,
2 + 2 +
C o and N i show no visible signals in glasses [15, 22
2 +
and 23]. Another explanation for the absence of a C o
2 +
and N i signal might arise from a tetragonal or trig­
of the X-ray irradiation should be discussed nevertheless,
onal distortion of their complexes, leading to low-lying
as only this method gave significant defects for both
excited states instead of the normally found degeneracy
F P glasses.
of octahedral complexes. The low-lying excited state re­
When X-ray irradiation is studied the magnitude of sults from minimal quenching of orbital motion and
the defects is for both glasses far beyond the error mar­ gives rise to exceedingly short relaxation times and large
gins. Figure 5 displays the induced optical spectra of the spectral anisotropies. The latter causes the particularly
strong solarization in the F P glasses. The EPR spectra smear out of the spectra observed in glasses, while the
are as intense and show a strong resemblance for the short relaxation times lead to the enormous line widths
differently doped and undoped glasses (figures 7 and 8). at practical laboratory temperatures [24]. (When preir-
Figure 6 gives an example for the characteristic form of radiated CoO-doped model glasses were analyzed at
the EPR signals found in undoped phosphate glasses temperatures between 4 and 77 K, a broad signal was
and states also the parameters attributed to the different found at g values between 4 and 7.)
defects according to Ebeling [12]. The high similarity +

with the spectra of the fluoride-phosphate glasses illus­ Most spectra of N i in the literature at least have
trates the fundamental role of phosphate groups in the two strong unsymmetrical signals in common, which are
defect formation of F P glasses. centered around g = 2.0 (±0.1) and g = 2.3 (±0.2). The
signals found in the NiO-doped F P glasses at g = 2.26
The EPR spectra show for CoO-doped glasses a superimposed on the PO EC signal and at g = 2.10 4

sharp decline of the P O H C and a small increase in the pinned between the PO EC, and the POHC signal agree

EC signals. The optical spectra for the CoO-doped glass well with the literature data of N i , considering the dif­ +

can as before be fitted by adding two new bands at 300 ferent analytical circumstances. It was surprising that in
and 450 nm and reduced P O H C bands. The intensity of +
this study the N i signal can be found at room tempera-

70 G l a s t e c h . Ber. G l a s s Sei. T e c h n o l . 7 4 (2001) N o . 3

Radiation-induced defects in CoO- and NiO-doped fluoride-phosphate glasses

F i g u r e 5. I n d u c e d o p t i c a l s p e c t r a i n c l u d i n g b a n d s i m u l a t i o n of X - r a y i r r a d i a t e d d o p e d a n d u n d o p e d F P 2 0 (left) a n d F P 4 (right).
R e p r e s e n t a t i v e b a n d s o f typical i n d u c e d defects have b e e n specially labeled; P O H C ( ), O H C ( ), P O E C (
2 ), P O E C

2 + + 2 +
( ), P O E C (
3 ), ( C o ) H C ( = ) , ( N i ) - E C (/////).

ture, although compounds analyzed in the references 4. Conclusion

only display a signal when the spectra were taken below
160 K. One explanation might be a longer life time of Solarization is influenced mostly by the chosen ir­
2 + -
the ( N i ) spezies in the acidic F P glasses compared to radiation source. As expected, the high-energy X-rays in­
the frozen organometallic complexes or crystals de­ duce intense and distinct defects. The magnitude of these
scribed in the literature. Together with the results of the defects is at least 100 times higher than after lamp
optical spectroscopy the EPR data confirm that the in­ irradiation. While solarization by X-rays is of similar
2 +
fluence of N i on the solarization in F P glasses is due magnitude for all undoped and doped glasses, lamp
2 + 2 + -
to the photoreduction O f N i to ( N i ) . irradiation results in transmission losses which highly

Glastech. Ber. Glass Sei. Technol. 74 (2001) No. 3 71

Doris Möncke; Doris Ehrt:

F i g u r e 8. E P R s p e c t r a o f d o p e d a n d u n d o p e d F P 4 i r r a d i a t e d
16 h by X - r a y s , d p p h - s t a n d a r d i z e d : s p e c t r a d o m i n a t e d by t h e
P O H C signal (left), m a g n i f i e d p a r t of t h e E C signals ( r i g h t ) .
F i g u r e 6. E x a m p l e of E P R signals f o u n d in u n d o p e d X - r a y ir­
r a d i a t e d p h o s p h a t e glasses a c c o r d i n g t o E b e l i n g [12]. T h e A iso

values of t h e intrinsic defects a r e labeled a s stated in table 3:

P O E C (126 m T ) , P O E C (86 m T ) , P O E C (27 m T ) , P O H C
4 3 2

(4 m T ) .
XeHg lamp, a spectrum including shorter wavelengths
of higher energy and causes, especially in the FP20 glass,
significant solarization.
As before mentioned the dopants influence the ex­
tent of solarization, especially when low-energy radi­
2 +
ation is applied. C o is easily photooxidized to
2+ 1
(Co )" ". The optical spectra are characterized by two
bands of similar magnitude at 300 and 450 nm. The ex­
2+ 1
trinsic (Co )" " H C is more easily formed than the in­
2+ 1
trinsic P O H C (Co )" " not only replaces the latter, but
it is also formed in greater numbers. The additional
charge is covered by an increase of the known intrinsic
phosphate-bonded EC.
2 + 2 +
Ni is less easily photoionized than C o . Com­
pared to the undoped base glass no significant increase
of solarization is observed after lamp irradiation. Only
after X-ray irradiation does the magnitude of solariz­
ation in NiO-doped glass equal that of CoO-doped
2 + 2 +
glasses. In contrast to C o , N i is photoreduced to
2 + -
( N i ) . The optical spectra show an additional band at
350 nm, which compares well with the literature data of
N i . The EPR spectra also reveal additional signals at
2 + 2 +
g = 2.26 and g = 2.10. Although C o and N i show
F i g u r e 7. E P R s p e c t r a of d o p e d a n d u n d o p e d F P 2 0 i r r a d i a t e d no visible EPR signals at room temperature in glass, N i +

16 h b y X-rays, d p p h - s t a n d a r d i z e d : s p e c t r a d o m i n a t e d by t h e 9 1

P O H C signal (left), magnified p a r t of t h e E C signals (right).

as d , or inverse d , species displays its own signals.

Phosphate-bonded defects are assumed to be more

stable than F-bonded defects. As expected, FP20 with
its higher phosphate content is more prone to solariz­
depend on the glass matrix and the dopants. The XeHg ation than FP4. After lamp irradiation only the CoO-
lamp hardly leads to any defects. Weak defects are found doped glasses show significant defects. These defects
only in CoO-doped glasses, they do not exceed the error were more pronounced in FP20 than in FP4. The cobalt-
2 + +
margins. The H O K lamp emits, when compared to the connected defects arise from photooxidation to ( C o ) ,

72 Glastech. Ber. Glass Sei. Technol. 74 (2001) No. 3

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E u r o p e a n Society of G l a s s Science a n d T e c h n o l o g y ( E S G ) , • 03O1PO03

Address of the authors:

D. Möncke, D. Ehrt
Otto-Schott-Institut für G l a s c h e m i e
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Fraunhofer Straße 6
D-07743 Jena

Glastech. Ber. Glass Sei. Technol. 74 (2001) No. 3 73

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